The Most Difficult Contest

By Andrej Koymasky

Published on Apr 16, 2008


THE MOST DIFFICULT CONTEST by Andrej Koymasky (C) 2008 written on December 2, 1993 translated by the author English text kindly revised by Acam


"THE MOST DIFFICULT CONTEST" is a gay story, with some parts containing graphic scenes of sex between males. So, if in your land, religion, family, opinion and so on this is not good for you, it will be better not to read this story. But if you really want, or because YOU don't care, or because you think you really want to read it, please be my welcomed guest.

CHAPTER 3 - Friends - lovers

The mansion at Les Andelys' was beautiful. Not a famous masterpiece of architecture, but a dignified elegant building. It had belonged to the French Sports Federation for forty years. Not a few champions had passed through it. The noble rooms of the mansion were still untouched and were used as official rooms. But in the rest of the building, the old servants' quarters, the coaches house, the storehouses, the stables and the interiors had been rebuilt and transformed into modern functional space.

From some points of view Les Andelys was more like a hotel than an aristocratic mansion or a training centre (ignoring the modern facilities in the park and the gyms built in the former stables). The tall wall that surrounded the park on three sides with the back of the house on the fourth provided the necessary privacy and seclusion for athletes in training.

During the Spring and Autumn camps the mansion came alive. Robert knew it like the back of his hand; he was at home there. He really liked Les Andelys and he enjoyed staying there.

His bedroom, his technical staff and the boys' rooms were all in the north-west wing of the mansion, on the third floor. He checked that all the boys had settled properly and told them to gather in the restaurant at 12:30. At 3:30 p.m. there was going to be a meeting in the video room. He went to his room and unpacked all his things and put them in the closet and drawers. Then he took off his formal clothes and put a track-suit on.

He heard Charle's laughter coming from the room nearest his own. Charles was sharing the room with RhŽmy the team's jester. RhŽmy had a great sense of humour. Serge, the nineteen years old Corsican who was really quiet shared a room with Alain. Robert's two champions, Claude and Jean Paul, were in the room opposite his. All the others were in rooms further down the corridor. He had let the boys choose rooms and who to share with - the whole team's morale would benefit from amicable sharing.

After the meal they met for the first meeting. Robert gave each of them a copy of the training program: both their own with the name of their particular specialist and the general one covering the whole team for the duration of the camp. Then he showed them round the buildings, the gymnasia and the equipment. Charles who was oldest and had been there last year commented on how much everything had been improved and new facilities implemented by comparison with last year and made the younger ones aware of it. The outstanding improvement was the laboratory for medical tests shining with the most up-to-date equipment.

They also visited the training facilities for the other sports, the pools and the trampolines for the divers, the gyms for the artistic athletics and so on. Then they were free until supper time and could learn their way about the place.

After supper they met again in the video room and Robert showed them some films of the performance of athletes who had got gold medals in their discipline recently. Some parts were shown in slow motion so that the boys could observe the most interesting details and the general technical strengths of each athlete.

Then the boys swarmed into the relaxation and games rooms. Alain and Thiery played chess. Serge and Eric played ping-pong. Others were watching the TV, chatting or reading. When it was bed time everyone went upstairs to their rooms in a disciplined way.

While he was undressing Claude said to Jean Paul "I'm used to sleeping naked. You don't mind, do you?"

"I've already seen you naked lots of times. How could it be a problem?" Jean Paul answered and he too began to undress but put on thin pyjamas and then got into bed.

"Let's go to sleep at once. Tomorrow will be a very busy day." Claude said.

"Yes OK. Good night." Jean Paul answered and switched off the light.

Jean Paul was just dropping off when he noticed a faint rhythmical noise from Claude's side of the room.

Jean Paul smiled and said quietly, "Remember that Robert said we shouldn't do it more than twice per week..."

His friend giggled but didn't stop.

Then Jean Paul asked, "Well, are you already missing your girlfriend?"

"No I don't give a shit for her. And anyway we don't fuck..."

"Oh really?"

"No. Why, do you fuck with yours?"


"As I guessed..." Claude said.

"How did you guess?" Jean Paul asked with bated breath.

"Well... insight? I think you are just like me."

"Like you... how?" Jean Paul asked and realised he was getting excited.

"A man who is... self-sufficient." Claude giggled.

"But I really would like to have a good fuck." Jean Paul whispered.

"With whom? Your girlfriend?" his friend asked.

"Not necessarily..." Jean-Paul said doubtfully and began to stroke himself under the sheet.

He was looking towards Claude's bed but the room was pitch dark and he could see nothing. But the faint rhythmical noise hadn't stopped and it was unmistakable.

"Why don't you come here to keep me company?" Claude suggested quietly.

Jean Paul stiffened... he would have liked to go but something was holding him back.

"Come here, come on, Jean Paul." Claude pressed him. "With two of us it will be more fun than by ourselves..."

"It's... dangerous as you well know." Jean-Paul said doubtfully.

"I locked the door. Nobody will know. Come here, come on..."

Jean Paul got out of bed quickly dropped his pyjamas and felt his way across to his friend's bed, feeling in front of him so as not to bump into anything. He felt the edge of Claude's bed under his fingers and brushed against Claude's naked body and shivered.

"Come, come on..." Claude repeated holding Jean Paul's arm and pulling him closer in the darkness.

Jean Paul got on the bed and lay down half leaning against his friend's body. Each of them searched for the other's hard-on.

"Yes Jean-Paul I... I would like... to have sex with you properly not just wanking each other..."

"Yes..." Jean-Paul trembled as he answered.

He finally had the body of a man in his arms. He had found another person with the same desires and moreover he was a dear friend. In silence they fondled and explored each other in the darkness making each other more and more excited. At last he was in the arms of another man and of a handsome boy...

"Oh at last Jean Paul..." Claude murmured almost echoing Jean-Paul's thoughts and went on stroking him all over his body.

"I would never have guessed that you... that you had the same desires as me." Jean Paul murmured happily.

"I did. But was not sure."

"How did you guess? Is it at all obvious?"

"No it's not that. It was just a feeling. But I could easily have been wrong. I didn't dare to show it or to take the risk if you see what I mean?"

"But to night..."

"Wanking means nothing. Not even wanking with a friend."

"But you told me you wanted to have sex with me."

"If you didn't feel like it you would simply say no. Moreover you didn't just sit on the edge of my bed but lay down almost on top of me and I felt you were already aroused; you had a hard-on..."

"You took a risk anyway to night."

"Well... not a really big one. But tell me; do you have a boyfriend?"

"No not since I joined the national team I don't have a boyfriend any more. And you?"

"Nor have I either. I haven't had one for a year."

"Was he one of us?"

"No he was a high school mate. But more or less one year ago he fell for another boy so he left me."

"Were you in love with him?"

"No we just had sex together."

"Was he your first?"

"Of course not. He was my fourth. I had my first when I was fifteen. And that was a year after I had realised that I wanted to try it with a man or a boy. I met him at an amusement arcade. He was about twenty-five. He started to follow me about. I understood what he wanted from me and so I followed him home. And on the very first occasion he put it in my arse. He fucked me. But he did it gently and with consideration and so I enjoyed it."

"Are you always a bottom Claude?"

"No, but more a bottom than a top. And you?"

"Probably a bit more a top than a bottom."

"Well then we will fit nicely together. Do you like my arse?"

"Yes it's beautiful."

"Then go on, fuck me."

"I don't have any lubricant or condoms with me..."

"But I have. I carefully prepared for this camp with you."

"Were you that self-confident?"

"Not really but there's no harm in hoping... Do you like sucking it?"

"If it's a beautiful dick like yours yes I do like it."

"Me too. Can we start with a sixty-nine then?"

"Yes please!"

Claude quickly spun round and the two young friends clicked greedily. They sucked each other for a while and enjoyed feelings they both had wanted for such a long time.

After a while Claude said, "Don't come in my mouth. I'd like you to come in my arse."

"And how would you like to come?"

"If it's not a problem I'd like to come in your mouth, but later. Is that alright?"

"Yes, certainly. I like you."

"I like you too, Jean Paul. If you knew how many times I have wanked thinking of you. Imagining that I was with you as we are now. And you? Who were you dreaming about?"

"Me? Of Robert..."

"Ah, he's a handsome man. To be honest I also dreamed of Eric and of Alain's nice cock..."

"Me too, sometimes. But I prefer Robert to any of the others."

"Do you like mature men?"

"Well yes, but... I like Robert in particular... that bastard."

"He's tough on you, isn't he?"

"Shit! He wants me dead!"

"No, he wants you to be a champion."

"He already has you for a champion Claude."

"Do you know that you've a really beautiful cock?"

"Alain's is bigger."

"But yours is more beautiful. Put it all inside me. Go on!" Claude murmured and started to prepare himself and his friend with gel.

Jean Paul guiding it with his hand gently and slowly pushed it inside and, without pausing, penetrated him down to the root of his cock.

"Do you like it?" he asked Claude quietly.

Claude answered in a whisper "Oh, yes, I love it!"

Then Jean Paul pulled his hard rod out almost totally from the warm tight channel of his friend then sank it in again but this time with only one determined stroke making his muscled friend under him moan.

"And how is it now?"

"Oh great!" Claude moaned tossing under him in ecstasy.

Jean Paul started to fuck him, giving strong hammer blow pushes while Claude moaned with pleasure.

"Oh yes... I knew... it would be... so good... with you..."

Finally Jean Paul achieved relief after almost two years of forced abstinence and Claude was comfortable with that.

"Oh Claude... I really... needed that!" Jean Paul panted and carried on pumping vigorously inside him.

"Me too... Me too..." moaned his friend tilting his pelvis to give the maximum sensation to his friend and to himself. He was overcome by the exquisite pleasure of the vigorous penetration which he had wanted for so long.

"Oh Claude... I'm about..." Jean Paul started to say but he couldn't complete the sentence before he poured all his cream inside his mate in an explosion of pleasure.

Claude pushed strongly back against him. Then Jean Paul slowly withdrew almost regretting it and tenderly stroking Claude's lovely firm buttocks that had just welcomed him so luxuriously and emitted a long, trembling sigh.

"Did you enjoy that my friend? Claude asked, turning under him.

"Enormously. You have a delightful arse."

"It's yours whenever you want it Jean Paul!" Claude said.

"No more than twice per week." Jean Paul said with a giggle.

"We could do it three times per week don't you think?"

"You're tempting me..." Jean-Paul answered and stroked his chest and sides. Then he lay down on his back "Come here on top of me Claude. And fuck me in my mouth so I can make you come too." He offered as he caressed Claude's beautiful, hard cock.

Claude didn't need to be told twice and got astride Jean-Paul with his knees against his armpits and pushed his pelvis towards his friend's head. Jean Paul guided his cock which was hot and hard as steel to his lips and took it in. Claude seized his head and started to thrust back and forth fucking Jean-Paul's mouth with gusto. Jean Paul sucked it and teased it moving his tongue inside his mouth.

"You are a champion at this sport too..." Claude panted moving faster.

Jean Paul was greedily savouring Claude's hot hard cock as Claude fed it to him quivering with rhythmic thrusting back and forth. He felt it shudder, tremble and become tense as the spasm began and at last he received the abundant libation his friend was offering, directly in his throat savouring spurt after spurt. Claude's body was shuddering intensely all over during that delightful orgasm.

"Oh Jean Paul... let's do it three times per week please!"

"I'm afraid that if we did Robert would realise that our efficiency was decreasing."

"I don't think so. And if it really decreases we will do it just twice per week as he says. It's too good with you. If I had guessed it was going to be so great with you, I would have tried to get it on with you before now..."

"But now we have to sleep." Jean Paul said and sat up.

"Yes, what a pity you are right. But next time we will do it with the light on. Don't you agree?"

"Somebody might see it from outside and ask themselves why we are still awake so late."

"Just the small lamp... and screened..."

"We will see. Good night my friend."

"Good night lover."

Jean Paul went back to his bed. He felt about for his pyjamas, put them on and then lay down. He felt a lot better. Who knows why Robert said that having sex is debilitating? He really didn't feel that it was ... It had been lovely doing it with Claude. The future was really smiling at him now that he had found a boyfriend. Even though he would have preferred to have done it with Robert... But with him he would have liked making love not simply having a fuck. He would have loved to stroke him for a long time before and afterwards and kiss him and tell him sweet nothings... Then he told himself he had better be contented with Claude and that he shouldn't fantasize about impossible things. He fell asleep well satisfied.

The following morning Claude woke him up. His friend was naked and his member was erect, pointing up at forty-five degrees, It was glorious.

He looked at it then looked in his friend's eyes, "A lovely sight to wake up to." he said sleepily.

"As soon as he saw you he woke up too as you can see. Give him a good morning kiss. Go on!" Claude said with a sly glance.

"Yes but just a peck." Jean Paul said caressing it and depositing a little kiss on it. Then he got up.

They washed and put on their track-suits and went punctually downstairs for breakfast with their mates. And then the first training day started. Robert looked after both Jean Paul and Claude himself, and had entrusted the other boys to the other instructors. He had them grind away all morning long until it was lunch time.

In the afternoon they trained all together for the 100 meters on the flat. Jean Paul came first and some distance ahead of Claude who came second. Third was Serge.

That night when the two friends were in bed they chatted for a while in the dark. At first they talked about their training and about their mates but they ended talking about themselves. Jean Paul told him about RenŽ. Claude told him about his second man.

He was sixteen and half and was at the sea side with his family. They had rented a bungalow in a pine forest in Croatia. One afternoon, while he was walking amongst the pines some way off from the inhabited area, Claude saw a young man lying on a big stone sunbathing completely naked. He stopped to look at him taking advantage of the fact that the young man had his eyes closed and seemed not to have noticed him. But he was wrong. The young man was looking at him secretly and after a while he said something in Italian.

Claude blushed and answered, "I don't understand."

The young man sat up and asked him in almost perfect French, "Are you French?"


"Where from?"


"Ah, I work in Paris. Why don't you undress and come here to lie and sunbathe like me?" he said with a pleasant smile.

Claude accepted. The young man had looked at him while he was undressing.

"You have a nice body. How old are you?"

"Almost seventeen." Claude answered looking fascinated at the Italian's cock that was slowly becoming hard and raising up.

The young man noticing where he was looking asked him, "Do you like it?"

"Yes... It's beautiful..."

"You can touch it if you like."

Claude moved nearer and took it in his hands. Then the young man pushed Claude's head towards his groin. Claude accepted the silent request and greedily took it all in his mouth. After a short while he was on all fours, the young man kneeling behind him fucking his little arse with gusto. They had sex all the summer long (without skipping a single day) meeting in secret in the pine forest at that secluded place under the sun. When the holidays were over the young man gave Claude his telephone number.

In Paris they met again a few times in the young man's little room. He was a waiter. But gradually their relationship petered off and ceased mainly because their schedules didn't match but also because Claude had started to meet another man.

Claude was riding out of Paris on his motorbike. He saw a young man who was hitchhiking. He was handsome. So Claude stopped and gave him a ride. The young man sitting on the pillion behind him was holding on to Claude with his arms around his waist. After a while Claude felt his erection pushing against his arse. He responded by pushing back his pelvis to show his passenger he liked that. The young man lowered his hands to between Claude's legs and stroked his fly.

Then Claude left the national road and turned on to a secondary road and then a dirt road. He stopped behind an abandoned farmstead. They went inside and had sex. Then before resuming the road they exchanged addresses promising to meet again in Paris. The young man was a policeman... and one of the vice squad! But the affair with the cop didn't last long because Claude who had just left high school met one of his former classmates in a gay disco. It was someone he never suspected was gay. So they became boyfriends. That had been his last boyfriend before he dared to try it on with Jean Paul.

"Aren't you interested in starting a steady relationship? In having a real boyfriend a lover?" Jean Paul asked him.

"No It can't last anyway. Sooner or later I will have to marry just like everybody else."

"Not I. I will never marry."

"I was thinking I could look for a lesbian girl and marry her just for the faade. That way I could have my men and she her women."

"No I would not even be interested in such a solution. I want a lover I can live with." Jean Paul affirmed.

"It will not be easy especially in the sporting world."

"It would be good enough if we could avoid scandal. And anyway we cannot be athletes forever can we? And after we retire we will be freer than now. I want to live with my lover when I find a steady one."

"You're a romantic!"

"Yes, I really think I am and I'm happy to be one."

The following day after individual training in the morning they spent the afternoon on the 100 metre hurdles and again Jean Paul was fastest Rhemy second and Claude third.

That night in their room the two friends made love together again. They had put a shirt over the bedside lamp so that they could see each other without the light showing obviously outside. That second time they made love longer and more calmly than the first time and Jean Paul enjoyed it more. Possibly also the fact they could see each other increased the pleasure of their union.

Afterwards Jean Paul asked him, "Which of the four you have had sex with before me did you like best?"

"The policeman." Claude confidently replied.

"But, if I'm not wrong, he's the one with whom you had the shortest relationship. How come?"

"Maybe because I liked him too much and I think he was falling in love with me but he was getting jealous... I didn't feel like being bound to anyone. But he was really skilled at making love. Perhaps that was because he was in the vice squad!" Claude was giggling.

The "camp" ran on as usual day after day. Jean Paul was starting to become aware that he was really getting extraordinary results - he had decidedly overcome his limitations. He looked at Robert now with deep respect and admiration... and his love for his coach further increased.

Also his relationship with Claude was going very well. They quietly made love ever other night with mutual satisfaction and without anybody having the least suspicion about what was going on between them. They gradually got to know each others bodies very well and so they got to make their unions really satisfying and delightful.

When the camp was coming to an end and they were getting ready to go back to Paris and to organise their travel for the European Championships, Jean Paul went to talk with Robert.

"It seems that you were right." he told him.

"I know." the man simply answered.

"You got me where you wanted me."

"I brought you where your ability could get you. And you can improve even more."

"Oh my god! Your aren't going to get me knackered every day as you just did for these last few months are you? I did nothing but train and sleep, sleep and train. I would like to have a little time for myself to relax and for amusement..."

"You'll get it don't worry if you will just follow my advice without losing your temper."

"I got the lesson Robert. I'll be a good boy from now on don't doubt it."

Robert gave him a smile and a nod and Jean Paul felt like melting with pleasure. He hadn't often had such a beautiful sweet smile.

When he went upstairs to his room he found Claude there.

"My god Claude. I'm madly in love with Robert! What can I do? That man totally bewitches me!"

"Well put him out of your mind. You would do better to forget him. He's irremediably straight and you know that very well!"

"I can't help it; I really can't help it. If I desired him just physically, it would be easy to forget him. But I'm really in love with him!"

"My poor friend!" Claude exclaimed shaking his head and closed his suitcase.


In my home page I've put some more of my stories. If someone wants to read them, the URL is

If you want to send me feed-back, or desire to help revising my English translations, so that I can put on-line more of my stories in English please e-mail at

Next: Chapter 4

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