The Most Difficult Contest

By Andrej Koymasky

Published on May 22, 2008


THE MOST DIFFICULT CONTEST by Andrej Koymasky (C) 2008 written on December 2, 1993 translated by the author English text kindly revised by Acam


"THE MOST DIFFICULT CONTEST" is a gay story, with some parts containing graphic scenes of sex between males. So, if in your land, religion, family, opinion and so on this is not good for you, it will be better not to read this story. But if you really want, or because YOU don't care, or because you think you really want to read it, please be my welcomed guest.

CHAPTER 12 - A new life

They made love all night long without hurrying. At first Robert was rather passive but gradually Jean Paul was able to awaken his desire so that the man started to take part too, letting himself go in the passion that he was feeling. When they reached together the peak of pleasure Robert relaxed in the arms of his lover and almost at once fell asleep. Jean Paul cuddled him for some time and, when he felt that his man was immersed in a deep sleep, switched on the lamp on the night table to look at him.

His man's body was certainly debilitated; it had lost his brilliant shape of the old times and now, even though he didn't show his fifty years he looked older than before, And yet Jean Paul thought he was beautiful simply because he was his man. He switched off the lamp, covered their bodies and lay down again to sleep.

The following morning Jean Paul awakened first. He very cautiously got up and quickly dressed and went out to buy some hot croissants at the nearby bakery. He came back home and made some coffee and cream and went upstairs with a tray and breakfast. Robert was still asleep. Then Jean Paul undressed, slipped under the eiderdown and kissed him gently until his man woke up.

"Jean Paul..." the man murmured almost stupefied to see the boy near him.

"Breakfast is ready love." the young man said to him, "Sit up so that we can eat it."

Robert sat up and Jean Paul put the tray on the eiderdown between them.

"You see... my pectorals... my abdominals... I got ugly didn't I?"

"No, my love. At least not more than me." he corrected himself with a smile.

They ate breakfast then Jean Paul put away the tray and lightly caressed Robert's chest.

"But we will get fit again now that we are together do you agree?"

"And what for?"

"You for me, and I for you, obviously." the young man answered him and bent to kiss one of his nipples.

"Jean Paul... I don't want your compassion..." the man murmured trying to withdraw.

"Don't you dare ever to talk such bullshit again!" Jean Paul said straightening up with his eyes shining severely. "Aren't you able to recognise desire any more my love? Why are you wounding me so?"

"Oh no... I don't want to wound you... not you." Robert moaned.

Jean Paul thought that Robert had the expression of a lost wounded puppy and blamed himself for having spoken so harshly to him. His lover was a man broken in pieces, he would have to rebuild him little by little.

"Don't you have to work, today?" Robert asked him.

"No, today I have my day off. We can spend all day together. Later we will go and get your things and fetch them all here."

"Yes, as you want. I will have to tell JŽr™me that I am leaving my room so that they can use it for somebody else."

"Yes, of course. That JŽr™me looked friendly and accepting. He knows about us two doesn't he?"

"Yes, he does. He helped me very much. If it wasn't for him I would now be a tramp and be sleeping under a bridge... He's a man who does good to everybody, he and his companions."

"I guessed it. How do they get a living?"

"With people's charity and with the help of volunteers and donations. They live as poorly as and amongst the poor... they are wonderful."

"Robert, don't you think it would be good to help them? A concrete way to thank them?"

"Yes, certainly."

"We will give them a part of our earnings and of our time. Do you agree?"

"Yes, that's good."

There was no enthusiasm in Robert's voice just acquiescence. Jean Paul told himself he had to find a way to make his man recover his ancient vigour and his old inner force.

After they ate lunch they went to Robert's little room to get his few belongings which they loaded in the taxi and then went to see JŽr™me. Robert gave him the key of the room and his new address. Before parting Jean Paul said to JŽr™me that if they needed a taxi he would offer them a free run every day and gave him the telephone number of the firm's office and his personal code.

They then went back home and put Robert's things in order. They hung the frame with the picture of Serge and Claude getting their Olympic medals on a wall and at either side of it hung the two medals: the gold one of Jean Paul's from the European championships and the bronze one of Claude's from the Olympiads.

"May I have a drink?" Robert asked.

"Love this is your house and everything that it contains is yours too. You don't have to ask my permission!"

"Do you have any alcohol?"

"Yes there is some there. But when those bottles are finished we will buy no more. We must resume our diet and avoid eating and drinking what is not good for us. Alright?"

"Yes alright but for the moment..."

"Well fix a drink for me too love." Jean Paul said with a conspiratorial smile.

That evening HervŽ called.

"Hi, HervŽ, how are you?"

"Fine thanks and you? Did you have a good Christmas?"

"A wonderful one. Yesterday I found my Robert. He is here now. We can live together at last."

"Ah, I understand... therefore it's over for us two right?"


"Well... I'm glad for you. I know how much you cared about that. But... we can at least see again each other, can't we?"

"Of course! I told you so, didn't I?"

"I would like to meet your Robert..."

"Yes, we will arrange for it sooner or later I promise you. Call me again every now and then. Let's stay in touch."

"Willingly. Won't he be jealous?"

"I don't think so..."

"Did you already tell him about me?"

"Not yet but I will."

"Maybe you don't need to tell him... everything. And if it were me I would certainly not tell him."

"No, I'll tell him... everything."

"Alright. See you soon then Jean Paul. I'll call you..."

Jean Paul didn't want to tell Robert about HervŽ yet. He wanted the man to feel more self-assured first and more certain about Jean Paul's love but then he would tell him everything because he didn't want to have any secrets from his lover.

They looked for a while at the TV and then decided to go upstairs to bed. This time Robert didn't ask him to switch off the light but Jean Paul felt that he was still ashamed of his body. He caressed him for a long time, to make him feel all his desire. He kissed, licked and titillated him, sucked and fondled him until he felt he was fully aroused. Then he offered himself to him.

"Take me my love... I want you all inside me!"

Robert leaned on him and took him almost with awe, with extreme delicacy almost as if he was handling something fragile and precious. Jean Paul welcomed the strong and hard stake of his man with extreme pleasure and moaned happily when the man started to move inside him with long and rhythmical movements. Jean Paul was enraptured.

"You are my man Robert! My god how much I like being taken by you! Feeling your virility inside me..." he said with a wide and bright smile.

He saw Robert smiling and felt him increasing his rhythm.

"Yes, Robert like that... Ah, how much did I miss you! Go on... go on... fill me!"

Robert seemed gradually more self-confident. His breath became shorter and his pushes stronger.

"Oh, Robert... like that... like that... stronger!" the young man moaned seized by a strong pleasure caressing and groping his lover's body.

"You like that?" the man asked shuddering.

"Incredibly, my love!"

"But later... I want to feel you inside me too."

"As you want my love..."

The man shuddered from head to toe and suddenly he reached a shaking orgasm emptying himself inside the throbbing channel of his boy.

"You were wonderful..." Jean Paul panted.

"But now... you take me please."

"Yes, of course."

"Go on push it all inside me." the man beseeched taking position.

Jean Paul took him and rode him for a long time until he too reached his orgasm and emptied himself in his lover. Then they lay down panting and embraced.

"That was great wasn't it?" Jean Paul murmured cuddling him.


"Better than yesterday night wasn't it?"

"Yes, much better..."

"And it will get more and more beautiful. I love you Robert."

"Thank you..."

"Thank you to you. I was feeling lost without you."

"I was too."

"But now... now everything will be different. We will build our life, a new life, you and I."

"A new life... but I'm fifty..."

"Well what about it? I'm twenty-three. Both together we have thirty-six and half each. A beautiful age isn't it?"

"It doesn't work that way..."

"Why not? All we have is in common isn't it? That must apply to our ages too." Jean Paul said with a sly smile.

Robert shook his head but he too smiled.

The day after they both went back to work. Robert went to the toyshop in the nearby block by foot, and Jean Paul left with his taxi. During the day he called Jacques who asked him if he could call by his bank to talk about Robert.

They discussed how to help the man to rebuild his life. Jacques told Jean Paul the idea that Charles had had.

"Claude says he would like to tell the team mates about Robert... but he first wants your permission. He thinks that if Robert could get back into the sports world he would flourish again."

"But he has been fired..."

"Yes from official amateur sports. But if, for instance, I opened a private light athletics gym for him ... He could be the coach and the instructor and nobody could prevent him from doing it. Claude is sure that the boys in the team would give very good publicity to a gym managed by Robert."

"But after the scandal how many families would be ready to send their children to it?"

"Bah, people forget quickly. Moreover happily not everybody is so biased. I could officially open the gym in my son's name... He loves sports and one day that could provide him with a good job too. One day he will have to retire from active sport. I think that all the boys in the team will be more than happy to help Robert. What do you think of that?"

"It would be really fine. Robert would have a goal in his life again. And he could soon recover his physical shape. He would recover serenity, self-confidence..."

"And he could also earn good money. Tell him about Claude's idea and if he accepts I will start at once to look for a good gym to buy or a place where we could set up a new one. Tell him it is for Claude but that I'm ready to invest the needed sum only of it's he who manages it."

"You are a wonderful person mister Jacques."

"No, I just have an excellent nose for business. I know where it's worth while to invest my money."

"I could believe you if I didn't know how things really are. With me you had a loss; you absolutely didn't make a good investment."

"That's not true. You have already almost given me back all my money..."

"Yes, but without interest! If you had invested the same money in the ordinary way it would have given you a gain but as it was... you lost money with me."

"Well... a man can make an exception or two in his life. After all life has been generous to me. And if one is not ready to help a friend... it would be better to die at once. Or rather, one is already dead."

"Claude is lucky to have a father like you mister Jacques. And Robert and I to have a friend like you."

"I'm glad you consider me a friend. But then wouldn't it be appropriate for you to drop that 'mister'?" the man said with a smile.

When Jean Paul went back home he waited for Robert to come back and started to fix their supper.

While they were eating, Jean Paul dealt with the subject.

"You know Claude would like to open his own private light athletics gym to work in it..."

"It's a really good idea. It would mean that when he gives up active sports he would have a job he likes."

"His father is also ready to finance him."

"Very good."

"But he laid down a condition - he wants you to manage that gym and to organize all the sports activities and the training."

"I? No, I don't feel like it any more."

"That's a pity. Then Claude has to give up his dream... It's really a pity... he will be disappointed."

"But Claude can manage it by himself. He doesn't need me."

"No, I think that Jacques is right. Being an athlete is not enough to make a good coach. Moreover for the moment Claude has to go on training for the next championships; he wouldn't have enough time. You have experience - you are one of the best in the place..."

"I was. I was one of the best."

"You are! One cannot forget a lifetime's work in less than two years can one?"

"But you know what condition I am in..."

"You will soon recover. You only have to start training yourself again. You can do it here at home to begin with."

"No, Jean Paul..."

"Listen Robert. Do you remember when I got it into my head I couldn't do any better? You forced me to train and to develop all my power. And you succeeded. It's now up to me not to let you refuse."

"No, leave me in peace Jean Paul..."

"No, no, forget that idea. I can't leave you in peace. Even at the cost of fighting with you; even at the cost of making you hate me..." he said determinedly then he softened, "Will you hate me, Robert?"

"Hate you? I never could, never. But..."

"Well then, no buts! Instead we will start: now, at once."

"Just after having eaten it is not good..."

"No, I'm not thinking about exercises. But this..." he said and stood up and gathered all the bottles of liquor in the living room and all the beer cans in the fridge and opened them and emptied the lot into the sink.

"And now you go to the living room and write down a diet for both of us and a schedule of exercises for you and me. I want to start training again too, together with you."


"Don't get me angry... do what I said..."


The next day Jean Paul came back home carrying two beautiful identical tracksuits one for Robert and one for himself and they started to do some floor exercises - knees-bends, press-ups, twisting and flexing.

Jean Paul was well aware that to begin with Robert was only doing them because he had practically imposed it. But their bodies gradually started to loosen and Robert started to feel pleasure in doing the exercises. When they went to shower together before eating their lunch Robert had a tired but satisfied expression.

After a couple of weeks Jean Paul persuaded Robert to telephone to Jacques to tell him that he would accept his proposal. Claude and Jean Paul persuaded Robert to resign from his job as a deliveryman at the toyshop so Claude and Robert could start going round the town to find a suitable place to open the gym.

After about one month they found a one storey building in the yard of a building downtown, that could easily be adapted and equipped as a gym for athletics. Jacques bought it and Robert planned the equipment and machinery and a specialized firm started the work with Robert personally supervising.

Jean Paul was helping to transform his man with great satisfaction- a transformation that was not just physical but more importantly psychological. The two lovers were also keeping up their training together. In the late evening before going to bed they always did some jogging in the nearby park in spite of the cold weather. And when later they made love Robert was more and more full of energy and of passion.

In April the gym was ready and Robert was also ready to restart in style. For the opening they invited all the boys in the national decathlon team as well as their friends from other sports. Claude and Robert did the honours of the house. The boys gave a hearty welcome-back to Robert and Serge gave him his Olympic silver medal.

Each of the boys sent several friends to enrol in the Gym that they called "Olympia", so Robert and Claude started to work in it with success and Robert went on training himself so totally recovering his old shine.

Robert didn't forget the Little Brothers and once a week he went to spend half a day at their place. Together with JŽr™me he also organized some free courses of gentle gymnastics for the Little Brothers' beneficiaries.

At this point Jean Paul thought that the moment had come to tell Robert about HervŽ.

"Robert, I... during the year and half while I was searching for you I had not been able to stay... to avoid... having sex you see?"

"Well I can understand that you're young. I only managed to avoid it because nobody would have had sex with a tramp..."

"That way I met a boy - a nice likeable boy whose name is HervŽ..."

"And... do you miss him now?" Robert asked in alarm.

"Oh no, no, not at all! Now I have you and am not at all interested in anybody else. HervŽ has rung me up a few times. We haven't met any more, but we stayed in touch."

"Why didn't you meet any more?"

"Out of respect towards you. It was clear between him and me that I was interested only in you and that I only love you. If it doesn't bother you and if it isn't a problem for you I would like to meet him again., Of course it would just be as a friend without anything sexual. Of course..."

"If you still feel some desire for him..."

"No, no, if you think that might be true then I would rather not see him any more, and would ask him not to call me any more! Don't you believe me when I tell you that there cannot be anything sexual between him and me?"

"Of course I believe you. I know you are honest and sincere."

"And would it annoy you if we meet? HervŽ would be pleased to meet you... I told him so much about you..."

Robert smiled, "Alright. When would you like us to meet?"

"When you want."

"Then invite him for supper."

"Well, but first I have to tell you another thing. HervŽ is a university student but he earns a living... hustling."

"Did he have sex with you for money?" Robert asked. He was almost incredulous.

"No, for friendship except for the first time. He's a dear boy likeable and good-hearted..."

"If he's a friend of yours he must be as you say. Invite him for supper then."

"Really it isn't a problem for you?"

"No, I really think it won't be. Just as I never had a problem with your continued friendship with Claude although you used to make love with him before accepting my love. If HervŽ is a real friend for you I hope he will become friends with me too."

"Good I'll go to look for him and invite him for supper."

So Robert and HervŽ met and at once they found they liked each other. They started to invite him often, sometimes with Claude and Yan too. When Robert told him he had an athletic build HervŽ started to attend the Olympia Gym too. And here the youth met a boy called Simon who was two years younger. First they became friends, then lovers.

The two boys were very much in love, and HervŽ would have liked to stop hustling, but he was not able to find a job that allowed him to have enough free time to carry on his studies. When he confided his worry to his friends telling them he was afraid he would lose his Simon if he didn't succeed in giving up the hustling Robert offered him a job in the gym in the evenings as a secretary. So that way he could go on with his studies and earn enough to live. HervŽ accepted with gratitude.

Everything seemed to proceed smoothly when one evening an absolutely unexpected person showed up at the Olympia gym. It was the President of the French Sports Federation. The man asked to see Claude and Robert and without beating about the bush he told Claude that either he fired Robert immediately or he would organise a new scandal- a gym where the boys were entrusted to a well known homosexual!

Claude reacted harshly telling him that that was blackmail and that he could not understand why he was persecuting Robert so fiercely. But the man seemed inflexible. Claude shouted at him that he wouldn't be blackmailed and that he would put everything in the hands of his lawyers. They were discussing the matter more and more animatedly when they heard somebody knock at the door.

"Come in!" Claude said worriedly but almost grateful for the interruption.

HervŽ came in and looked at the three people in the office with a light smile on his lips and moved his forelock out of his eyes.

"Sorry to interrupt you but I was working in the office just behind that door and I couldn't help hearing your discussion."

The three men looked at him without a word waiting for him to continue. HervŽ went on smiling, and continued:

"I noticed a few minutes ago the man who came in and that made me curious... You didn't recognize me, did you?"

The President looked at him frowning and asked in a hard tone "Should I? This is the first time I put a foot in this place."

"And also the last one I can promise you." HervŽ said in an angelic tone.

"I don't understand..." the man started to say.

"Right. You would like to stir up a storm - create a scandal because mister Chambret manages this gym I've heard."

"I don't see how this..." the President started again to say.

"My dear sir, if you don't interrupt me, I'll explain it immediately. You don't remember me but I perfectly remember you... About two years ago one evening you drove past me in your car while I was having a walk. You invited me into your car and took me to your pied-ˆ-terre behind the church of Saint Denis du Saint Sacrement... I can't remember the name of the street... But I didn't suit you as I didn't have a cock big enough to satisfy your broken arse hole! I therefore introduced you to my friend Louis and I know that you are still paying him to fuck you in the arse. And he knows your address very well if we need it. And he will be ready to stand witness against you if I ask him..."

"That's a lie, a dirty lie!" the President exclaimed, turning pale.

"Oh no! Louis would be able to describe your pied-ˆ-terre in detail ... and also your arse my dear sir. Therefore, it would be best for you to go immediately out of that door and never show your dirty face here again. And indeed I advise you to start at once to give our gym some good publicity too if you don't want me to go to a certain magazine with my friend Louis and tell them everything about you. Yes, lets do it like that - if every month we don't get at least one boy you sent to enrol here bringing your visiting card then the next month I will go with Louis to that magazine to tell them everything..."

"But you can't..."

"Oh yes I can. And there are the other hustlers too who can witness that they saw you coming to collect Louis and bring him back... and we are very united amongst us especially against pieces of shit like you, sir. Now! Out of here! Immediately! And before the end of this month I want to have the first boy come here to enrol and he must show me your visiting card. I work here in the secretariat so I can check it... You can go now mister President..."

The man stood up pale as wax and went out hurriedly without uttering a word.

The three in the office burst into laughter and Robert hugged HervŽ "You deserve at least a kiss my boy!"

"Oh no please! Or else they might think that we all are faggots in here!" HervŽ answered laughing.


In my home page I've put some more of my stories. If someone wants to read them, the URL is

If you want to send me feed-back, or desire to help revising my English translations, so that I can put on-line more of my stories in English please e-mail at

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