The Most Difficult Contest

By Andrej Koymasky

Published on May 14, 2008


THE MOST DIFFICULT CONTEST by Andrej Koymasky (C) 2008 written on December 2, 1993 translated by the author English text kindly revised by Acam


"THE MOST DIFFICULT CONTEST" is a gay story, with some parts containing graphic scenes of sex between males. So, if in your land, religion, family, opinion and so on this is not good for you, it will be better not to read this story. But if you really want, or because YOU don't care, or because you think you really want to read it, please be my welcomed guest.

CHAPTER 10 - A casual encounter

Jean Paul went to pick up HervŽ as they had agreed.

"Hi, Jean Paul! Is everything fine?"

"Yes, HervŽ. Did you have to wait long?"

"No, only twenty minutes."

"I had to take my last customer to the airport and so I'm rather late. I'm sorry."

"Don't worry I know you can't always be on time."

"Can you stay until tomorrow morning?"

"Yes, certainly. Do you have any news about your man?"

"No ... I'm afraid he isn't in Paris any more ..."

"Oh, even if he was still here... you could both go round for years without meeting."

"That's what I fear. And yet I am not going to give him up."

"Still in love, eh?" HervŽ asked with a smile.

"Yes, still in love."

They went upstairs to Jean Paul's apartment. They had known each other now for two months and HervŽ was like one of the family. While Jean Paul was changing HervŽ fixed a drink for both of them.

"How are your studies?" Jean Paul asked him.

"Fine. Some courses are really interesting, mainly the Composition one. I like Phonetics too. I thought I could speak French well - now I know better... I didn't even realise that for instance in French there are two ways of pronouncing the vowel A."

They chatted for a while sipping the drinks. HervŽ, while talking, started to stroke him. Jean Paul liked those long sweet preliminaries. The two young men were gradually exciting each other. Only when their excitement was fully awakened, between one kiss and a more and more intimate caress they went upstairs where they undressed each other and started to make love. HervŽ hadn't wanted to be paid since the night when they first met. They were just friends nowadays.

"HervŽ, you never told me how you came to realise you were gay..." Jean Paul said stroking the naked body of his friend.

"Oh, it wasn't anything special. I was twelve and we used to meet with some friends to wank together. To begin with we each wanked ourselves ... then each other... you know the usual thing amongst kids. But the others gradually started to talk more and more about girls and began to chase after them... But I noticed I was feeling more and more interested in and attracted by my mates - by the other boys instead even though I was paying lip service to the interest in girls.

"When I was fourteen a boy of sixteen living in the same block of flats as me gave me some mathematics lessons - I needed the help and he was very good at it. One day he just touched me between my legs. I let him do it and I got aroused at once. He then pulled out his hard prick. I stretched out a hand and felt it. He asked me if I liked it and I said yes. Then he told me that it was fun sucking it and suggested I try that. I did and realised that I liked it. He came into my mouth so I tasted it and it was anything but bad...

"Well then each time he helped me with my maths the occasion was enriched by a sexual interlude. He would be sitting on his chair; when I got bored so I slipped under the table kneeling between his legs, opened his fly, pulled it out and sucked it until he came. I really liked that a lot. Meanwhile I wanked myself and came into my handkerchief. Then I got back on my chair and the lesson continued as if nothing had happened. We didn't ever talk about it - we just did it. Anyway I got good marks in mathematics...

"The same summer when I was just fifteen my Mum took me to spend the holidays at my grand-parents house in Soigny, near the Yonne river. I used to cycle to a place on the river where there was a nice small sandy beach where one could swim. There I met an eighteen-years old boy from Soigny and we soon became friends. We began to go swimming together and then would fix the time for next day. He was a really handsome boy and I often looked at his tight fitting swimming suit and wanted to stroke it and lick it... but I didn't dare to try.

"He must have noticed my glances and understood what I was thinking because one day he said he was feeling like wanking and without waiting for a response lowered his swimming suit and started to stroke himself looking me straight in the eyes. He saw that my dick had awakened under my Speedo so he stretched out a hand and pulled it out. Then I was emboldened and touched his dick... for a while we just wanked each other. But then I bent down to suck him and he turned round a little to suck me. I really liked that a lot ... When he saw I was fully aroused, he wet a finger with his spit and started to tease my arse hole. I liked that too and he realised it, so he said he wanted to fuck my arse, and I said yes.

"I warned him that it was my first time so he prepared me carefully with his spit and then pushed it inside me very gently and slowly and so took my cherry. At first I felt some pain but said nothing. Then the pain got less and it was just an irritation... and by the end I was enjoying it very much and found the feelings were incredibly good. I liked feeling him on top of me and inside me - all over me ... So we got used to doing it almost every day. He showed me some black and white pictures with naked men fucking each other in twos and in threesomes. Some in the arse and some in the mouth...

"When summer was over and I had to go home he gave me a couple of those pictures - in one there was a boy giving a man a blowjob and in another there were the same two but the man was fucking the boy in the arse. I hid them between my things and took them home. There was one of my classmates that I liked a lot and who I thought might be game for a bit of sex... So I started to invite him to come to do his homework at my place. And once I told him I had some somewhat weird porno photos. He asked me to show them to him. I made him swear he wouldn't tell anybody and showed him the pictures.

"He said two things: that both the boy and the man were really handsome and that they looked as if they were really enjoying themselves doing those weird things... and it didn't take long before we were doing the same things. He was the first man I fucked in the arse but I was not the first to take him... We went on fucking for about one year and half. Once we did a threesome with a cousin of his who was about five years older than us. He worked as a decorator in Autun and it was he who had taken my classmate's cherry three years earlier.

"But one day my father found those two pictures so I confessed him that I was gay... and he just threw me out of the house. I was seventeen then. So I came to Paris to earn a living. I started to hustle so I was able to mix business with pleasure. I found a studio to rent. I started school again and got my high school certificate then I got a place in the university I desired... And here I am!"

"But do you like hustling?"

"I do as long as there is enough demand for me to be able to choose my johns."

"You're a really handsome boy. I'm sure you can choose your customers. It would be even easier if you just did some gym..."

"I've no time. I would like to but I've no time. But you wouldn't reject me as I am would you?"

"No not at all. I like you and I like making love with you very much."

"But you are still in love with your Robert..."

"Yes, that's true."

"When you will find him you will stop doing it with me, right?"

"Yes, that's true."

"But we can be friends, whether you find him or not can't we?"

"Why not! I really feel fine with you and not just in bed."

"Well, I want to go on enjoying your beautiful body as long as possible, besides enjoying your company out of bed."

"And I yours, HervŽ."

The two young men made love serenely and with great pleasure. Jean Paul was certainly not in love with HervŽ. His heart and mind were still devoted to his Robert, but being able to make love with HervŽ relieved him sexually and made him feel less lonely. Besides sometimes spending a night together, the two youths also occasionally met on Sundays and they sometimes invited Claude and Yan to spend the day with them.

Claude used to tell Jean Paul how their training was going and gave him news about the other athletes in the team. Now the Olympic games were almost on them. Jean Paul decided to buy a TV set to be able to follow the games. His taxi business was going well and he was able to repay the loan. Mister Berthier wouldn't take any interest on his money.

Claude and the other athletes left for the Olympic Games at last.

Jean Paul didn't know that there was another person who was glued to the small screen like him and who was following the events with similar feelings especially during the two days devoted to the decathlon - it was Robert.

Robert had a room now, though it was small and humble. It was in the porter's lodgings in the hallway of an old building. Robert was able to pay the rent thanks to the job that JŽr™me had found for him as a hand at a printing company. To have a bath he went to the Little Brother's place as his room didn't have one or a toilet. There was just a common toilet in the yard which was shared with some of the shops.

After the Olympic Games started Robert used to go to the Little Brothers place to look at the TV every evening.

JŽr™me asked him, "You like sport very much Robert, don't you?"

"Yes... once I used to be a sportsman myself"

"Oh, really? Which sport?"

"Don't you recognize me?"

"No... should I?"

"No, not necessarily. But I don't feel like talking about it."

"As you like Robert." JŽr™me quietly said.

And the two days devoted to the decathlon contests came. Robert had his heart in his mouth... He should have been there with his Jean Paul... He saw Claude's and Serge's events and they performed almost perfectly! And he felt moved when he saw that they both got a high score, a really high score... and he cried when Claude stepped on the podium in the third place and Serge in second. First was a boy from the U.S.A. - Jean Paul should have been in the first place and Serge in third ...

Just after the medal ceremony French television interviewed Serge and Claude.

"France is proud of you... What would you say to the French nation while they are still cheering your results?"

Serge said "Today Jean Paul Godefroy should have been here with us. He would certainly have won the gold medal and so should our coach Robert Chambret... We want to dedicate our silver and bronze to Jean Paul and Robert... and I hope they are looking at us now on the TV. You both are always in our hearts!"

Robert was now crying quietly. JŽr™me was sitting near him and looked at him furtively but said nothing. Robert dried his tears with the back of his hand.

He then said to JŽr™me "Their former coach... had the same name as me."

"Yes I noticed."

"He would have liked to be there with them..."

"I think so. Why he is not there?"

"Did you never hear about Robert Chambret and Jean Paul Godefroy's story?" Robert asked him.


"It was in all the newspapers..."

"I don't remember... I don't read the newspapers much."

"It was a huge scandal." Robert sadly said.

"A scandal?" JŽr™me asked.

"Yes. They were photographed in bed together while they were making love just imagine it... and they were chased away like two mangy dogs... That's why they cannot be there, today."

"Would Jean Paul really have won the gold medal?"

"Yes, he was way superior to that American. Yes, way superior."

"And what does this Jean Paul do now?"

"I don't know. Certainly not sport unhappily."

JŽr™me then gently asked him "Do you miss him very much?"

Robert looked at him thunderstruck but then saw that JŽr™me was looking at him with a compassionate and understanding expression. So he sadly nodded and said "That Robert Chambret is me... I was once their coach..."

"Yes, that's what I guessed Robert."

"And... don't you think I'm a pervert?"

"No, I don't think that. You are a man who has suffered... and you are a friend. All the rest doesn't concern me."

"You're a Catholic aren't you? A kind of a monk right?"


"Then don't you think that it is a mortal sin for a man to love another man?"

"It's not for me to judge others, Robert. And anyway I strongly believe that if it was love, real love, our Lord would understand it."

"I'm still in love with him, JŽr™me."

"Why don't you look for him?"

"I don't know where to look. Moreover... I feel ashamed."

"Your boys have dedicated their medals to you and offered them to you ... they love you. They would be glad to meet you both again, I am sure."

"No, I don't have the courage. No. I would die of shame if I let them see me so badly reduced."

"We should never feel ashamed in front of those who love us." JŽr™me told him with a smile.

It had done Robert good to open himself a bit to JŽr™me and to realise that that young man at least didn't judge him and continued to accept him exactly as before. The next day JŽr™me gave him a frame with a colour photo of Serge and Claude receiving their medals cut out from a magazine. Robert was grateful and put it by his bed. He would have liked to have Jean Paul's photo too. The only thing he took with him when his wife chased him from their house that he didn't sell even when he was in dire poverty was Jean Paul's present to him - the gold medal that he won at the European championships. He sometimes kissed that medal almost as if it was a sacred relic.

After Serge and Claude's declaration the media reprinted Robert and Jean Paul's story. But, this time it was without the scandal-mongering tones of the first time. And instead some papers were saying that it had been absurd to expel Robert and Jean Paul from the national team for something that ought to have been exclusively a private matter.

Serge and Claude got a written official censure by the Sports Federation of France because of their declaration during the interview on national TV. Claude decided to send a copy of it to the newspapers that had taken the view that the athletes had the right to freedom of expression and had criticised the Federation harshly. But that public battle gradually ceased.

Jean Paul was not recognized when he was at work, because clients seldom look carefully at the driver. Jean Paul also always wore a cap, to hide his beautiful hair, and mirrored sunglasses that hid his eyes. Robert was not recognized either as he now had a well-groomed beard and moustache and longer hair so he looked quite different.

But Jean Paul in the absurd hope that he might see Robert used to look carefully at everybody he met.

Autumn went by and winter was beginning. Since the days of the scandal one year and half had passed.

Robert went to a chemists shop to buy some drugs for the owner of the printing firm. Jean Paul had just left a customer close by and was putting the money in his wallet when he noticed Robert. He was not sure it was him... he saw him go into the chemist... he decided to wait till he came out to get a better look at him. His height and his gait seemed to be those of Robert but the face was different. Even though he thought a beard or a different hairstyle could change a face... He just might be his Robert.

He waited with his heart in his mouth. After a few minutes he saw him coming out. The man rubbed a finger on his nose in a gesture characteristic of Robert and Jean Paul didn't doubt it any more. He got out of his taxi and took off his cap and glasses and called "Robert!" and went towards him.

The man turned and looked at him... then ran away. Jean Paul dashed in pursuit calling him again but the traffic cost him some precious seconds and when he was finally able to cross the street Robert had disappeared. He looked for him all over but couldn't find him.

He then went to the chemist and described Robert and asked if they knew who he was or where he worked or lived. The chemist said it was the first time he had ever seen him and didn't have any idea who he could be.

Jean Paul went out into the street again feeling very downhearted - he was sure that that was Robert. His flight had confirmed it. But why did he run away? Where could he be now? Was he living in that neighbourhood? But above all why did he run away? Didn't he want to have anything to do with him any more? Did he blame Jean Paul for all that happened, for having lost everything? Wasn't he in love with him any more?

He went back to his taxi. He was feeling troubled and confused. But he was now determined more than ever to find his Robert. He wanted - he had to talk to him. He wanted to know and to understand what was going on. If Robert really didn't want to see him any more he should say it in person, clearly. Only then would he give him up and withdraw. But not without talking or without a struggle.

Jean Paul marked the position of the chemist on the map of the district. Then he added an arrow marking the direction Robert had taken when he had run away. He had to live or work in the area. But it would be useless to look for him now as Robert surely wouldn't show himself.

Jean Paul ended his shift and telephoned Claude.

"I saw him! I saw Robert!" he told him.

They talked for a while on the telephone. Then Claude invited him home, and Jean Paul went at once. He told his friend what had happened in detail and showed him the map of the place where the sighting happened.

"We will look for him. I will tell our mates and we will comb the whole neighbourhood..." Claude said. "We all want to find him."

"But if he sees us invading that place, he might run away again. I can't understand why he didn't want to meet me, why he ran away..."

"Who knows? We have no idea what he can have been through all long these months. How was he dressed?"

"He was wearing a brown overall and a green padded jacket."

"Like a workman?"

"Yes, he gave me that impression. And he now wears a beard and moustache and his hair is not short as he used to have it."

"But if we can't go there to search for him, what can we do?"

"I will look for him... Maybe he didn't notice I was driving a taxi. I will drive around the area and, who knows, I might see him again ..."

"If you see him again, don't call him, just try to follow where he goes..."

Robert, after that encounter, went back to the printing firm where he worked. But he didn't feel safe. Now that Jean Paul had recognized him, he would possibly look for him, he would comb those streets. He had to go away from there, he had to change his job.

That evening, when he finished work and went to take the bus to go back home, he continuously looked around fearing that Jean Paul could be there searching for him. He took the bus but, instead of going home, he got out mid way and caught another bus and went to the Little Brothers. He asked for JŽr™me.

"Oh, hi, Robert. May I offer you a coffee?"

"No, thank you, JŽr™me. I need to talk with you..."

"Come let's sit in the other room. Are there problems?"

"This afternoon I saw Jean Paul. He recognized me."

"Ah, and did you talk?"

"No. He called me but I ran away... and he didn't catch me. But I'm afraid he will search for me there... I would like to change my job... and leave that part of the city..."

"Why don't you want to meet him?"

"Because... because I feel ashamed. I'm not the Robert he knew any more ... I am now just a poor man."

"Are you sure? You are just a man who honestly earns his bread; what can you be ashamed of?"

"Oh... but... what do I have to offer him, now?"

"Your affection."

"Just that... I've nothing more."

"Don't you think that might be enough for him?"

"Oh, JŽr™me, I'm more than twice his age..."

"But this is... just as it was before, isn't it?"

"But before, at least, I used to take care of my body, of the way I looked. I had a beautiful home, nice clothes, money... a bright future..."

"Do you think he loved you just because of that?"

"Well, no, I don't think so, but... If he failed, he failed because of me... and he now could have earned the Olympic gold, be a champion, a national hero..."

"But it's he who called you today, didn't he? He wanted at least talk with you. Don't you think you owe him at least that?"

"I would not have the strength. I would not have the courage."

"Robert, in my opinion you are undervaluing yourself. Beyond anything that happened, you still are the man that you were. And anyway you cannot refuse him just because you fear rejection. If he didn't want to meet you, he would not have called you, he would have pretended not to have recognized you, don't you think?"

"Find another job for me, somewhere else, please..." Robert insisted.

"As you wish, my friend. Do you want me to call the printers to warn them that... that you cannot go any more?"

"I would be grateful. I'm sorry, JŽr™me, to cause you all this trouble ..."

"We are friends, aren't we?" the young man answered with a smile, then asked him, "But, be honest... you still are in love with him."

"Yes, sure. I think he's the only person in the world that I ever really loved."

"Well... I will look for another job for you. But in my opinion you are wrong to act as you are. You are wrong both for yourself and toward him."

"Even though it's a love... like my love?"

"If you had designs on kids, Robert, I would tell you that what you do is wrong. Or else, if it was a mercenary love... But if yours is real love, as I told you, only God, who is true Love, can judge it, not we humans. I know that officially it is not valued like that, but this is what I firmly believe."

"Even between two men?"

"Yes, Robert. Even between two men."

"You are an odd monk, you..."

"Well... I hope that the good Lord doesn't share your point of view about me." JŽr™me answered him with a warm smile.

About a week later, JŽr™me found a new job for Robert - as an errand man for a toyshop in the 12me, just one block away from Jean Paul's house. But neither Robert nor Jean Paul and even less JŽr™me, suspected they were so near. And they could not meet because Jean Paul never passed in front of that toy shop. on his journeys to work and back.

Meanwhile Jean Paul kept on looking for Robert around the chemist where he saw him, of course without success.

Christmas day came. Robert was invited to the Christmas lunch offered by the Little Brothers to all their beneficiaries. He wore the best clothes he had and went to their place carrying a small parcel with a present for another of the guests, as JŽr™me told him they used to do. Also the Little brothers had prepared several personalized gifts for each of the guests.


In my home page I've put some more of my stories. If someone wants to read them, the URL is

If you want to send me feed-back, or desire to help revising my English translations, so that I can put on-line more of my stories in English please e-mail at

Next: Chapter 11

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