The Most Difficult Contest

By Andrej Koymasky

Published on Apr 8, 2008


THE MOST DIFFICULT CONTEST by Andrej Koymasky (C) 2008 written on December 2, 1993 translated by the author English text kindly revised by Acam


"THE MOST DIFFICULT CONTEST" is a gay story, with some parts containing graphic scenes of sex between males. So, if in your land, religion, family, opinion and so on this is not good for you, it will be better not to read this story. But if you really want, or because YOU don't care, or because you think you really want to read it, please be my welcomed guest.

CHAPTER 1 - A Challenge

Claude looked towards Robert and the coach gave him the thumbs up. He then ran-up, planted the pole and elegantly vaulted high without even brushing the crossbar. Then he landed on the mat with a perfect fall. His companions clapped. While he was walking back into line Jean Paul was walking to the start for his attempt and when they met they patted each other's shoulders to wish each other good luck.

Jean Paul lifted the pole, adjusted his stance, took a deep breath, looked towards Robert and when he signalled 'Go' concentrated, with a last deep breath and started the short run-up. He planted the pole and vaulted perfectly too, passing well over the crossbar with an elegant backflip and then landed on the thick mat without a sway or a stagger. Another burst of applause greeted his vault.

At this point only Claude and Jean Paul were left in the contest. Robert had the crossbar raised and the two boys went on with their training until Jean Paul knocked the crossbar off. Claude on the other hand vaulted over it without effort.

While they were showering Jean Paul congratulated Claude.

"You're clearly the best pole vaulter. I bet that you'll get the gold medal."

"Oh it's not certain. You are pretty good too. You mustn't judge by how we get on while training."

"We will both be in the national team anyway and I'm very glad of that." Jean Paul said.

They dried and went back to the others and Robert told them about the training schedule for the following day. They would run the 400 metres in the morning and in the afternoon they would practise throwing the javelin. The boys asked some questions and the coach answered them. Then everybody left to go home.

Robert asked Jan Paul to stay for a while as he had something to say.

"What's up Robert?" said Jean-Paul worriedly.

"Listen, you are one of the best athletes I have ever coached beyond any doubt. You are even better than Claude and yet you are performing less well than you could and this really gets me pissed off!"

"No I'm giving all I can. Claude has two years more experience than me... they count for something don't they?"

"No! You've a perfect body - way better than Claude's. Your body is capable of producing performances a class above this if you only make the effort. You are too easily satisfied; you are giving up too soon. Sport is a hard discipline not a pastime. You have the talent - use it!"

"You will drive me into the ground." The boy answered sourly.

"No! I want to see you with the gold medal round your neck."

"Claude will get it."

"I wouldn't be so sure about that. Claude is already giving of his best. The foreign athletes are strong competition and could easily deprive Claude of the gold. If you developed your talent fully nobody could ever take the gold from you. You have the mark of the true champion!" Robert said angrily.

Jean Paul looked at him with a frown. "You're asking too much of me Robert. You have got a fixation into your head..."

"You have got into your head the idea that you cannot try harder! Starting from tomorrow you will do all the exercises twice as many times as your mates as well as all the training exercises."

"You will overload me till I collapse; it won't make me win!"

"No, I just want to bring out the athlete that is in you. When I discovered you at your high school, I saw immediately what material you are made of!"

"You are never wrong? Never?"

"Not with you. I know my business. Remember I'll not let you go until I bring out your true ability. You have decathlon in your blood. You can be the greatest athlete in the world; I know you can. And I'll demonstrate it to you in spite of yourself."

"For fuck's sake leave me alone Robert!" Jean Paul said crossly.

"No. My job is to make you achieve your potential."

"Don't overdo it or I will simply quit."

"No, you will not quit. And I'll drive you as hard as I can. You can be sure of that!" Robert answered and stood up and walked to the door. Then he turned back and said to the boy as he was getting to his feet too "Tomorrow, punctual! And prepare to work like a slave! We will soon see what you are made of."

Jean Paul went outside, his face like thunder. Claude was waiting for him.

"Well then what did he have to tell you?"

"He's being a tyrant. He says I can do a lot better and he wants to put me under pressure and force me to try harder."

"I think that if Robert says so you can; he knows his business. He was once a great athlete; he won a row of medals. My Dad, who was his team-mate, admires Robert and thinks very highly of him."

"But I'm already trying my hardest!" Jean Paul angrily protested. He had hoped his friend would be more sympathetic.

"You think you're trying your hardest. But if Robert says you aren't... Maybe he's right and you should give him the benefit of the doubt."

They walked for a while in silence. They got into Claude's car and Claude drove Jean Paul home. As his family lived in Poitiers Jean Paul had lodgings with a family that had a spare room he could use. Robert had found the lodgings for him.

Robert! Jean Paul's whole life changed the day when Robert showed up at his high school gym and asked the P.E. teachers to show him their best and most versatile athletes. Jean Paul had always loved sport, mainly the track and field events and gymnastics. He vaulted on the horse and exercised on the parallel bars. He ran, jumped, and gave the best of himself while Robert evaluated him with close attention and keen eyes.

Jean Paul was fascinated by Robert - a famous forty five year old former-athlete who had so many victories and medals to his credit. When Robert told him he wanted to meet and talk to his parents his heart leaped. Robert discussed him with his parents and managed to persuade them to make an athlete of their son without much difficulty.

Robert gave Jean-Paul's P.E. teacher a training program for him which was to be followed until he left school. He would then take Jean Paul to Paris to train him, in order to bring him up to the standard where he could become a member of the national team. Jean Paul was thrilled and happy. He ran to see his friend RenŽ to tell him the news.

RenŽ was the owner of a clothes shop, "Le Chic", where Jean Paul used to buy his clothes. He was a man of thirty-two and was Jean Paul's secret lover. It had been RenŽ that had introduced the boy to homosexual love. They had met in the park. RenŽ had engaged him in conversation. Jean Paul had liked the man at once. When he learned that he owned a shop that specialised in teenagers' clothes, Jean-Paul had gone to see him at the shop and had started to buy almost all his clothes there.

And then one day when Jean Paul was sixteen RenŽ had joined him in the fitting cubicle and began to touch him intimately and had aroused him. RenŽ told the boy he wanted to make love to him and Jean Paul who was by then both excited and curious let him do that... and enjoyed it very much. It was only on their third encounter that Jean Paul let RenŽ take his virginity. And so RenŽ made him his secret boyfriend.

Jean Paul liked RenŽ. He was not in love with him but he always felt comfortable with him and liked having sex with him. Before he had become friends with RenŽ, Jean Paul had never felt attracted to girls but he hadn't been attracted to boys either. He had always thought that all gay people were effeminate, camp, shallow people, if not worse such as transvestites. He really didn't like that sort of people. But RenŽ was manly and what the man appreciated in Jean Paul was his blooming manliness.

So the boy understood that being gay was quite compatible with being manly and he wanted to be manly. At home RenŽ had some pornographic gay videos filled with handsome, athletic guys that Jean-Paul liked very much; after looking at them the two used to make love and copy what they had been watching on the TV screen.

So when Jean Paul went to tell RenŽ the good news RenŽ remarked "Well then, you're going to leave me."

"Well yes, I think I have to. You know how much I like athletics."

"I'll miss you."

"No way. You like young boys and anyway you would soon have thrown me over for another teenager."

"But I like you a lot."

"I noticed, you know, how you look at boys younger than me and mentally undress them. I'm getting older too fast for your taste."

"But you're still wonderfully desirable."

"Thank you. I like the way you make love to me a lot. I hope I find another lover when I'm in Paris. One as skilled as you are."

After the end of the school year when he passed the final exams brilliantly, Jean Paul moved to Paris at last. Robert, who had kept in touch with him, found him a room at the home of another former athlete, a man of forty-nine with three children one of whom was just a little older than Jean-Paul. This boy was boring and could only talk about girls.

But Jean Paul, on beginning his training with Robert gradually fell in love with his coach. He was not only attracted to him physically - he had seen him naked in the showers and he liked his lean firm body very much. Robert was in almost perfect shape - and Jean Paul was really smitten with him. But he knew that this love was hopeless. In fact Robert was happily married and had four children. The oldest was a girl of sixteen and the youngest a boy of five. His wife was beautiful and elegant. She was a former champion in artistic gymnastics too. She was a Swiss of German stock.

Jean Paul had done his best not to fall for Robert, but his best wasn't good enough and he just couldn't avoid it. He found Robert completely fascinating. Jean Paul had soon become friends with his colleagues in the decathlon team and especially with Claude who was the best of them. Robert had made Jean Paul take on a strict training schedule at once and Jean-Paul was responding willingly and with pleasure - this was his way to act out his love without confessing it or letting it show.

The sports world, although an exclusively male society, was strictly heterosexual. Everyone had a girlfriend, a fiancŽe or even a wife. Jean Paul was the only member of the team who didn't have a girl but he was the youngest so it wasn't remarked on...

It was precisely because he was in love with Robert that Jean Paul knew he was doing his best in training. He was upset at the man's suggestions that he wasn't trying his utmost. They were unfair suggestions. He was sure of that.

"He hates me! I love him and he hates me! What wrong did I do him? Nothing at all." that's what was in Jean-Paul's mind as he got ready to go downstairs for supper. At every meal he ate in his lodgings the land-lord carefully provided the right diet for an athlete.

Then a thought struck Jean Paul in a flash "Unless... unless he has guessed I'm in love with him... maybe he realises I'm gay. And so he wants me to suffer for that reason. Maybe Robert hates gay people... I must be more careful. Yes, that must be it; that would explain his behaviour."

Then Jean Paul decided he had to get a girlfriend too, as a decoy... It wouldn't be difficult... Possibly a member of the girls' team. For instance Claire, the pretty seventeen-year old girl who seemed to like him. Everybody admired her for her beautiful body and her nice clean little face. Yes he ought to start courting her. Tomorrow he would give her a little present... Something that wouldn't imply too much. Something trivial but a bit more than passing good wishes.

When Jean Paul went to bed he felt the urge to masturbate but restrained himself. He remembered what Robert had said to them at the beginning of the year "... and above all boys, not more than a couple of times a week, whether you do it alone or have proper intercourse and this includes wet dreams. It's a question of your efficiency. No more than twice a week. That's a maximum do you understand?"

Jean Paul had decided to get his rocks off only on Wednesdays and Saturdays so he could not masturbate now. But he couldn't help thinking of Robert, his forbidden dream. Thinking of Robert's beautiful virile body made him strongly aroused. He really ought to find a lover but who? There surely was not anyone amongst his team mates who might do. Besides they all were straight. He would not dare to risk exposing himself far enough to try. Five years earlier another athlete called Charles had told him, somebody had been expelled from the team just because they had discovered he was gay. He had been caught in the toilets with the maintenance boy. The athlete had been expelled and the boy fired at once. Expelled! and the reason had been written into his Sports Federation medical file so that he could never be allowed to join a national team again, not even one of the regional teams.

Yes Jean Paul thought while he was falling asleep, he needed to be really careful and to get a girlfriend as a front.

He suddenly woke up again when a thought struck him - that possibly some of the other athletes had this problem too and they had a girl only as a front... It would have been interesting to discover if there were any of the team like that. Perhaps if there were, they might eventually become lovers. Possibly Charles. Or Alain... not bad at all, Alain... he had the most beautiful big dick of all of them - a real feast! He fell asleep again fancying what making love with Alain might be like.

The next day Jean Paul arrived at training on time.

And when he saw Robert in the distance he thought "He wants me to do twice as much as the others, the bastard! Well, I won't let him get me crying for mercy. He will have to leave me in peace sooner or later. I bet he will when he sees me courting Claire."

He greeted Robert almost coldly. Before going to change he dropped in on the girls' gym. He looked for Claire and gave her the small parcel he had prepared for her.

"What is it?" she asked as she took it.

"Nothing much. Just a little thing. I thought you would like it. See you later." Jean Paul said, and he quickly went back to the boy's section. Claude arrived at the same time and they went into the locker room together. Chatting, they went and changed and then Jean Paul went to see Robert.

"Well" the man said "start on the hurdles circuit until the others have all arrived."

"Alright." Jean Paul dryly answered.

He did just a few warming up exercises and he started. A yell from Robert stopped him.

"Jean Paul! Don't be an idiot! Before you start training you must warm up carefully for not less than a minute!"

The boy stopped and in a bad mood went back to the warming up exercises. In himself he knew perfectly well that Robert was right. The morning went by. At the end Jean Paul was much tired than his mates but he made it a matter of honour not to show it at all.

Claude approached him, "Either Robert was right or you are just pretending not to be tired." He whispered.

Jean Paul smiled but didn't answer. They went to lunch in the Sports Club mess.

"Menu C." Jean Paul said to the man at the servery.

"Yes beautiful I know your diet by heart." He answered handing Jean-Paul the tray.

While Jean Paul was looking around for a free place Claire waved to him from her table. He went to join her there.

She said "I kept a place for you JP. Would you like to join me?"

"Yes please; thank you."

"It was kind of you to give me that pen. It must have been quite expensive."

"Well no, I won it last year at my high school sports day."

"Well then that makes it worth double. Thanks a lot."

"Do you like it?"

"Yes it's really beautiful."

"Will you use it?"

"Of course and with pleasure."

While they were eating they chatted amicably.

Then Claire asked him "Before we go back to training do you feel like a short walk with me and a few friends?"


They went out of the mess and strolled under the trees on the lawn by the side of the boys gym.

"Where are you from Claire?"

"From Lille."

"I've never been to Lille. Is it a nice place?"

"I like it. And you? Where are you from? By your accent I would say from Poitou."

"Is it so obvious? My family is in Poitiers..."

"No, it's just that my literature teacher came from Poitou and she had a similar accent to yours. Anyway I like your accent." she said.

They said goodbye and went back to their training. Besides the javelin throwing like his mates Jean-Paul also had to practice throwing the discus and putting the shot. By evening he was really tired and found it difficult not to show it. The shower relieved him a little and he stayed under it longer than usual. He used the time to enjoy looking discreetly at his mates' beautiful bodies. He thought that possibly the handsomest of all his mates was Eric... If only he could court him rather than Claire!

Eric was officially engaged and had already fixed his wedding day; the rumour was that his girlfriend was already pregnant. If that was true she would go to the altar with a big tummy...

As usual Claude took him home in his car. On the way he asked "Are you starting to court Claire?"

"She's very likeable." Jean Paul answered non-committal.

"She's also really pretty." Claude underlined with a sly smile; then added "You would be a nice couple, you and she."

"Well we will see." Jean Paul answered casually.

That evening he fell asleep immediately almost as his head touched the pillow.

The day after they had to practice the 1500 meters and the long jump. Robert made Jean Paul practice hurdles too and on the parallel bars. Jean Paul and Claire ate their meal together again but afterwards they went for a walk alone just the two of them. And that evening Jean Paul fell asleep at once again and slept like a log.

The week passed and Jean Paul went back home to his parents'. Unusually, instead of loafing around with his old friends he slept a lot. He had to get rid of all the tiredness he had accumulated over the previous week. Above all he wanted not to give Robert the satisfaction of seeing him collapse.

But that Saturday evening under the shower he masturbated calmly and for a long time thinking of Robert... and he realised he could not hate him because he loved him too much. He really must find a lover he thought while he was falling asleep and then he could probably set his mind and heart free of Robert, the forbidden fruit...

That Sunday while he was having a stroll he met RenŽ. "How are you old man?" he asked him.

"Fine. And you champion?"

"Tired. Do you have a new boy or are you still with the one you found to replace me?"

"Oh a new one. He's sixteen and he's as beautiful as an angel!"

"Always sixteen year old boys, eh and nothing but sixteen-year-old boys? Do I know him?"

"No he's a newcomer here in Poitiers. He comes from Angoulme. His mother is the new chemist. She has her shop near mine."

"And how did you hook him? In the changing room as you did with me?"

"No in the showers at the pool. He's the hottest boy I have ever had... It only took the gentlest brush against him in the shower to get him to bend down and gave me a blowjob! I had to stop him in case somebody came in. He had had a lover in Angoulme before meeting me. In bed he drives me crazy with pleasure... he's inexhaustible."

"Well then you plainly don't miss me or the other boy..." Jean Paul said laughing.

His friend smiled but didn't answer. Instead he asked, "And you? Still nobody?"

"Not on your life; nobody after you."

"It seems almost impossible. You are a really handsome boy."

"You're kind. But I don't even have time to look around. And so I'm short of a lover."

"Would you like me to introduce you to Patrick the boy I had just after you?"

"No he's too young."

"He's eighteen and is well built."

"And what use would that be? I could only see him once a week? And where? My house would be out of the question."

"Up at my place. I could let you use my bedroom on Sunday morning... I'd be glad to."

"No thank you. I like men older than me best - at least a few years older. A mature man would be even better. Like my coach for instance."

"How old is he?"


"That's old!"

"Bullshit! He's got a body that would make a lot of thirty year old men die of envy you included, no offence. He's a really splendid man. If he wasn't married I swear I would try to get off with him. He's one of the most fascinating and arousing men I ever saw."

"Do you like him that much?"

"If he just brushed against me in the showers I wouldn't hesitate to do as your boy did!" Jean Paul said forcefully and RenŽ laughed.

He took Jean Paul's arm and stopped him. "Look at the boy coming out of the CafŽ de Saint Malo. He's my boyfriend."

Jean Paul looked at the boy. "He really seems a little angel he's quite beautiful."

"And in bed he's a little devil..." RenŽ said giggling.

The boy from far smiled at RenŽ who responded by waving a hand.

"Aren't you going to go and talk to him?" Jean Paul asked.

"No he will come to my place in the afternoon. We have already arranged it."

"Do you show to him your porno videos too?"

"Yes of course. But unlike you he doesn't like the Cadinot videos. He prefers the American ones."

They chatted some more and then said good bye. Jean Paul still liked RenŽ and they had stayed good friends. Jean-Paul watched him as he walked away and wondered how many boys from Poitiers had already been through RenŽ's bed and how many more would go through it... before he would find a man of his own.

Jean Paul went home for lunch. In the afternoon he was going to take the train back to Paris - several hours of travel. Before he left he was going to have a good nap. He would have supper in Paris and then he would go to bed early. On Monday Robert must find him in perfect shape and as fresh as a daisy.


In my home page I've put some more of my stories. If someone wants to read them, the URL is

If you want to send me feed-back, or desire to help revising my English translations, so that I can put on-line more of my stories in English please e-mail at

Next: Chapter 2

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