The Morning I Sucked Cock

By Edward Bancroft

Published on Mar 15, 2004


You know that weird feeling when your dreams merge with reality just before you wake up? I emerged from a twisted nightmare about being tied to a wall, like the prisoner in the Wizard of Id cartoons, but it was a zoo, and everyone was looking at me. Naturally in my dream I was naked. I awoke to find myself spread-eagled in a strange position, and my best friend, shirtless, looking down at me, smiling. He'd had a t-shirt on when we went to sleep in his bed together, he always wore briefs and a t-shirt to bed. At home I had always slept in the nude for the last two years, since I turned 14 and discovered masturbation as a sport. But at his house, in his bed, I did him the courtesy of wearing underwear. I was tied, wrists and ankles, to the bedposts. Another one of his stupid practical jokes, I figured. But the covers were off, and I was fully exposed in all my morning glory, so it wasn't all that funny to me. "What the fuck is going on, Ken?" I asked. "I'm going to take advantage of you," he answered, with an evil grin on his face. Oh fuck. Ken's dad was out of town on business again, and his mom had decided to take his little sister and brother with her to visit Ken's grandmother. After a lot of convincing and promising that my mom would feed us, she agreed to let him stay home and let me stay over. We were 16. Last night we had checked in with my mom after the sun went down, and then skipped out for a little moonlight skinny dipping at the river. We'd been skinny dipping together for, well, forever, and our parents never knew. After a naked "moontan" on the floating dock, the only place far enough away from shore that the mosquitoes took a while to find us, we had swum in and gotten dressed and come back to his house. A few joints later, we were getting stupid and the talk, again, turned to sex. This time it was Karl's Falls. That's the waterfall downstream that you can swim under and sit under the water in peace, if not silence. Rumor was that a boy we only knew as Karl had been caught giving another boy a blowjob under there, so the story went that if you were swimming and Karl was there, don't go under the falls. Or do, if you wanted a blowjob. Poor Karl was completely ostracized over that, and was known as Karly. "Would you swim under the falls if Karly was there?" "Would you leave if you got under the falls and found Karly there?" "If Karl offered you a blowjob, would you take it?" "If you saw Karl giving someone a blowjob, would you watch?" And so on. We were pretty high when Ken brought out his hidden stash of porno novels and magazines, and we read the trashy stupid stories late into the night. About 2 a.m. we rolled into bed, high, horny and 16 years old. I guess I should have just gone to the bathroom and jerked off, but that would be admitting that I jerk off, and even though Ken knew I did, the fact is he didn't. Ken had never masturbated, but made up for that by getting laid on a regular basis. I, on the other hand, or maybe because of the other hand, was a 16 year old virgin. We'd shared his bed many times. Many sleep overs. Usually we wrestled around in our underwear till Ken's mom yelled at us to go to sleep. Ken said we'd better not wrestle tonight or else one of us would end up pregnant. We laughed. He said if I felt a poke in the middle of the night it was only him. I apologized for the wet dream I hadn't had yet. And then he said he was going to take advantage of me, and I said, "just tie me up so I can pretend I didn't want to!" And that's how we ended up in this position at 9:30 on a Saturday morning in July, 1975. "Fuck off, I'm not interested!" I said, embarrassed. "Something tells me otherwise," he answered, and put his hand on my erection. HE TOUCHED MY COCK. I jumped. No one had ever touched me there, even through my jockeys. I struggled to get free. I was angry. "It's my morning hard-on, everyone gets one, even you, you dickless wonder." Truth was, he was not exactly dickless. Kenji was an American of Japanese descent. He stood about 5'10", an inch taller than me. He was good looking, had a beautiful smile, and held some sort of master degree black belt in Karate. He had drilled under his grandfather every day since I could remember, and we had been best friends since we were 9. The results showed in his streamlined, muscular and almost hairless body. Wide at the chest and narrow at the waist, and all muscle. I had been in the shower room with a whole lot of guys, and anyone who says that all Japanese men are small is wrong, in every way, at least in Kenji's case. I'm blonde and on the gymnastics, cross country and track teams. I do OK in the size department, too. And chicks liked me back then, I was fairly cute. No Kenji, but not ugly either. And so Kenji made me a deal. His fingers drummed on my dick as he thought about it, and I could feel myself getting harder and hornier. My underwear had to be soaked by this time. "I'll untie you," he started, and I breathed a sigh of relief. "If," he interrupted, "you tell me you want me to." I started to speak but he brought his finger to my lips and whispered "shh". I could smell my own pre-cum and feel the dampness on my lips. It was all I could do to resist flicking my tongue out and tasting it. It was the single most erotic moment of my life. The truth was I hoped he wouldn't untie me. I can say that now. His finger still on my lips, he bent down so he was close to me and whispered in my ear. "I'll give you a moment to relax," he said. His cool breath on my ear was only making me harder. "Then I'll tell you what I have in mind, and if you don't want me to do it, just say so. But," he continued, "we'll let Mr. Happy here be the judge." He tapped my crotch, then got off the bed and moved over to the chair, picked up a filthy novel and started reading. His own hard-on was struggling to break free through the waistband at the top of his white briefs, and I had to look away or I'd never win the battle of the bulge in my own whities. I took a quick look at the knots in the ties he had used to bind me, and realized there was truly no escape. As he sat there getting hornier, I focused on the grossest thoughts I could to make my own cock soft again. I finally settled on thoughts of eating out my grandmother. Sorry. When I was sure I was ready, I told him so. He didn't even look up from his book and told me to give him a minute to finish the chapter. Finally he put the book down and got on to the bed beside me. I was well and truly dead by then, no life possible in my limpness, not after the traumatic fantasy I had put myself through. His very first words ended it, and the battle was lost. "First off," he whispered in my ear, "I wouldn't use my hands at all." His lips brushed against my ear as he spoke, and I was raging hard and ready to cum in my own shorts. Then he lay on his back and looked up at the ceiling beside me as he told me his plans. "I'd start here," and he put his finger on my neck, "and move down here." He trailed the back of his hand lightly down my chest. His knuckles grazed a nipple and he squeezed it gently. "Oh, I'd spend a lot of time here," he said. I couldn't help it, I moaned. He trailed his hand down my stomach, and then just as I thought he'd go for it, he skipped over my dick altogether and put his hand on my inner thigh. "I'd fucking suck you, and lick you, and kiss you down here like you were a fucking chick or something," he said. He was into it now. With his hand on my leg, he continued. "I'd suck your nuts, one at a time. And finally, after you begged for it, I'd suck your cock." He paused. "But only for a little while. Then I'd let you suck mine. You'd be begging me to let you," he predicted. Then up on one arm, looking at my flushed face, he asked me. "So what do you think of that, Jeff?" I couldn't even answer, I just looked at his eyes, pleading, begging him to do me, without saying a word. He put his hand on my cock. "I thought so." He laid on top of me, and our cocks rubbed together through our underwear. He bent down and I turned my head when I thought he might try to kiss me. He kissed my neck under my ear, then began his downwards journey. By the time he got to my nipples he had slid down so my cock was laying pressed between his muscular stomach and mine. He kept a gentle rocking motion as he licked and sucked my nipple. I tried to pull away as I looked up at the ceiling feeling stupid, but when he stopped and moved over to the other side, I involuntarily arched up to his mouth. He chuckled and got extremely turned on. He started to make his way down my stomach, sliding further off me until I felt the top of my dick hit him in the chin. Then he completely skipped over and went right to my thighs. It fucking tickled, but the laughing stopped and the room felt serious when he started to nuzzle my nuts through my underwear. I could feel his hot breath through the fabric, and he even flicked his tongue through the leg hole and lightly brushed my nutsack. And then, finally, he put his mouth on my cock, through my skivvies. He turned his head and gently took it in his teeth, and blew hot air on to it. I was in fucking heaven. But all too soon, it ended. Kenji got up on the bed, and straddled me at my waist. Sitting on my cock, both of us still not naked, he looked down at me, and I looked at his amazing body and huge bulge. "Untie me," I said. He looked surprised and disappointed, but he recognized the tone in my voice and leaned over me to do exactly what he was told. I guess he thought it was over. After he untied my first hand, he sat back on my cock again, and putting my hand on his chest, rubbed the blood back into my wrist. And then the other hand, the same routine as I rested my free hand on his thigh. When he was done, he started to climb off, but I stopped him. I reached forward to him, and put one hand right into the front of his underwear and grabbed me a handful of his balls. Full, big and hot. His erection lay against my inner arm as I massaged him. He rolled his eyes and moaned. With my other hand I tried to pull down his underwear, but he had to get off me and kicked them off himself. I kept massaging his nuts and admired my first view of another guy's erection. Kenji had a small ring of pubic hair at the base, and a long, circumcised dick with only a pearl of precum at the slit. I pulled him back on to me, then invited him up to my face. As he kneeled over my chest with his cock so close to my face, and by now I was stroking it, he started to moan. "Oh suck it, Jeff, please. Put it in your mouth." And I did. Of fuck, it was amazing. I couldn't get it all in at first, but I kept at it and finally I was able to get my nose to brush against his pubic hair. He rocked back and forth gently and I kept my hands on his hips to steady him. Occasionally I'd make a foray up his stomach or to his balls, but he'd start jerking around and I'd have to steady him again. When it looked like it was getting serious, with a steady rocking motion that could only lead to one conclusion that I wasn't quite ready for yet, I took a break. "Untie my legs," I ordered as I massaged my aching jaw. He turned around and straddled me again as he went to work on my ankles. This took a little longer because I had really tightened the knots with all my kicking, so I had plenty of time to gently tug on his hanging balls. When he got them both untied and started to come back for more of me, I held him in place by his ass. "Your turn," I told him. He nodded, and we adjusted positions on the bed so there was room to get face to crotch for both of us. He hooked his thumbs in my underwear and lifted them off and over my cock, and down, and off. And then, after taking a moment to assess the situation, he put his mouth on me, and I went into orbit. We rolled to our side trying to find a comfortable and simple way to pleasure each other, and eventually made it work, and got down to work. "Oh, let me cum in your mouth," he pleaded as he gasped for air, then went back to work on me. I stepped up the cocksucking in answer, and soon he was moaning and going at me with equal vigor. He came first, but only by about a second. The only warning came when he suddenly went tense, stopped moving, stopped sucking, then BAM!, the first shot was fired into my mouth. I swear I didn't even know what was happening at first, I didn't understand until he started fucking my mouth again, and the second shot filled my already full mouth. Well, that was enough to set me off, and I felt the first shot steaming its way up the length of my dick, and then out like a geyser through the slit. Kenji had taken his mouth off me and was jerking me as he gasped for air in the throes of his own orgasm, and my load took him squarely in the face. He hurried to get his mouth on me, but not before the second shot hit him again. We finished up limply pulsating the final drops as we stroked and coaxed the cum out of each other, and into our mouths. And laid there motionless for a while. He finally made his way around to see me and I laughed to see my own jism dripping from his face. He pretended to get mad and wiped his face on my stomach as I tried to resist. We wrestled around naked for awhile, then finally I grabbed his t-shirt from the bed beside us and gently wiped what was left off of his face.

That was the morning I gave and got my first blowjob. Kenji and I took care of each other's needs all the way through high school and even into college where we were roommates for 4 years. Both of us continued to date girls. We were each other's best man. And then he went off to his life of owning a Karate school, and I moved across the country with my wife and kids when a promotion became available.

Just last week the phone rang and it was Kenji. And that's what's got me thinking about all this.

Next: Chapter 2

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