The Morning After

By fawn embers

Published on Jan 3, 2004



Disclaimer: This is fiction. If you can't deal with erotica, then you should go visit someplace else. This story involves graphic encounters between men and women, men dressed as women, M-M-F Bisexual sex, and solo sex. If these things don't turn you on, then this story isn't for you.

Author's Note: Shameless Plugs and Other Stuff.

If you haven't read "Yet Another Halloween Story," stop and do so now. Not only is it a (warning, shameless plug) fabulous story, but this story begins exactly where it ends. So this story makes more "sense" if you read YAHS first. Thanks.

Prelude: Yes, I know that Halloween Stories are a dime a dozen. But this was my first experience in dressing in public. Chances are most people's first public outing is Halloween; since it is one of the few times of the year that public taboos are particularly loose. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this little story, and I'd love to hear your responses. You can email me at Don't be shy, but flamers will be deleted.

Chapter One: Out Of Darkness.

The darkness of the room surrounded me completely, engulfing me in warmth and comfort. In the quiet of my mind I knew something wasn't right, but I couldn't wrap my thoughts around it. Warmth, comfort and peace filled my senses. I drifted back into the bliss of sleep.

When next I stirred, the soft glow of sunlight peeked around the heavy curtains. The yellow glow flooded the room, bringing with it the harsh light of clarity. Comfort left me, and the heavy taste of last night's party coated my tongue. I shut my eyes to the pounding of an evening's drinks demanding attention.

As I struggled to shove the effects of the hangover into a remote closet of my brain, my senses began to wake. The first feeling to enter my abused body was the silky sensation of the sheets moving across my legs. Initially, I mistook this for the feeling of the satin sheets of my own bed; smiling at the extravagance I gave myself last Christmas.

Almost immediately I realized that the sheets weren't satin, and that the silky feeling came from the stockings on my legs. I smiled at the feeling of the garters, and lace panties I now felt. And relished in the constriction of the satin bra. It took me a second to put the whole tableau togetherÉ I was dressed in sexy feminine clothes, but I wasn't in my own bed.

Fear gripped my belly as I leapt out of bed. I didn't recognize the room. I didn't recognize the bed. I didn't recognize the man sleeping in the bed.

There is a man sleeping the bed! Oh my god, what is going on?

I jumped as the door to the room opened. In walked my best friend Donna, dressed a lot like me. Except she is female and was supposed to be wearing panties, garters, stockings and bras.

Donna saw the look of confusion and terror on my face. She rushed over to me and put her arms around me. "What's wrong, honey?"

Her caring reaction was not what I expected. I expected her to ridicule me for wearing the clothes I had on, humiliating me for being in bed with another man while dressed like a women. Instead, her obvious concern calmed me, and with that calming came new clarity. The events of the previous evening flooded my senses.

I remembered dressing as a French maid for the Halloween party at Linda's. I was in the guest bedroom at Linda's house. Donna, my best friend, had seduced me into bed with her and her boyfriend, Charlie. And I had enjoyed it. I felt so humiliated I couldn't help but to start crying.

As I broke down into Donna's arms, the door opened again and Linda entered. Would this humiliation ever end?

Linda took in the scene with the grace I've always associated with her. Wordlessly she joined Donna in our intimate embrace, murmuring words of comfort. I felt something silky slipped around my shoulders and noticed Donna tying the belt of a robe around my waist. Linda was slipping another robe over Donna's shoulders, and before I really understood what was happening, I was being escorted out of the bedroom.

As we walked through the house and to the kitchen, the only sounds were my occasional sob. Confusion swirled around me and I felt faint. The two women poured me into a chair at the kitchen table. Linda sat next to me, rubbing my hand and offering me a tissue as I destroyed the one someone had already slipped me. Donna started a kettle of water before running out of the kitchen. As I continued to cry, I heard Donna shuffle Charlie out the door.

When Donna returned, she poured each of us a cup of tea, then sat across from me. "Now that it's just us girls, we clearly need to talk," Donna said. "What's bothering you this morning sweetie?"

"Donna, isn't it obvious? He's distraught over what happened last night! What did happen, anyway?" Linda asked.

"That's between Charlie, sweetie here, and me. No one else needs to know!" Donna said defiantly. I started to sob.

"Well, clearly you three went farther than our little maid thought you would." There was a dangerous edge to Linda's voice.

"I HAVE A NAME!" I screamed.

Both girls looked ashamed, and refused to look at each other. They turned to me, faces full of sympathy. Linda spoke first.

"Dear, we know. And we're sorry. It's just difficult to think of you in male terms right now."

I took the moment to take stock of myself, and couldn't deny the truth of Linda's statement. I was wearing nothing but feminine finery, and fairly provocative at that. While someone may have given me a robe, it was only long enough to offer the barest level of modesty. The garters of my garter belt were clearly visible sticking out from the bottom of the short, kimono style robe. The front was cut low enough that the center clasp of my satin bra was openly visible. I could feel the makeup, surely smeared, on my face. I imagined I looked like anything but a man.

In a tiny voice, I confessed. "Fawn. When I'm dressed like this, I call myself Fawn."

Linda smiled. Donna giggled. I felt more humiliated than before.

"I knew it. I knew it," Donna said. "When I watched you get ready yesterday, I knew you'd done this beforeÉ and often." This made me blush to my toes.

"Fawn, dearÉ don't worry about it." Linda assured me. "Donna and I have already talked about it, and we don't have a problem with your little hobby at all. We think it's great."

"We think it's sexier than hell, is what she means." Donna smirked.

"Well, if we're going to be crude about it, that's true. I can't deny that you are one sexy creature all dolled up like that." This time, it was Linda that blushed.

For some reason, that made me feel a little better.

"Well, I do it because it makes me feel sexy." I said.

"How long have you been dressing?" Donna asked.

"As long as I can remember. I used to steal clothes from my mom and sister." From there I went on to tell them about my history of dressing, always in secret until last night. How it became a sexual release in my teenage years, and a stress release in college and now in my career years. They listen intently, mostly in silence but occasionally with an understanding comment. They kept my teacup full and hot while I unloaded 20 years of cross-dressing onto the kitchen table. "Now I'm ruined. Everyone knows."

"No one knows, dear." Linda assured me. "No one except Donna, Charlie and me."

"Everyone at the party knows!"

"Honey, by the time we went upstairs, anyone left at the party was too drunk to remember. All they know is that for Halloween this year, you dressed as a woman." Donna claimed.

"I'm not so sure everyone knows that. Most people didn't even recognize you as anything but a woman. Everyone assumed you were a friend of Charlie's." Linda said.

"Well, what about Charlie?" I exclaimed. "What will he say?"

"Absolutely nothing, or else I'll spill the beans on his odd little habits." Donna said. "Honey, he's got kinks that make yours absolutely vanilla. Charlie knows how to keep his mouth shut."

"Look at it this way, Fawn." Linda started. "Your secret is still safe, only now you have a couple of friends to play dress up with. After all, you promised us last night that we could dress you up!"

I couldn't help but laugh. The girls were right; my secret was as safe as it could be.

"That's better honey, now let's go upstairs and fix you up!" Donna said.

"What? Now? I don't have any femme clothes here! Besides, I need to get to work." I protested.

"No, I've already called you in sick. I'm afraid you're stuck with us for the day." Linda claimed. And with that, they lead me back upstairs and into Linda's room.

"Strip!" Linda commanded, and before I had a chance to comply, the two women started pulling of the few clothes I had on. Donna pulled off the robe. Linda started undoing my garters and sliding my fishnets off while Linda unhooked my bra. Before I knew it, I was in just my panties.

With an evil grin, Linda slipped her hands inside my panties, pushing them down and freeing my cock. It sprang to attention, slapping up and bouncing off her hands. She grabbed hold of it, and stroked it a few times, smiling. I could only moan.

Linda led me into the bathroom, using my dick as a leash. She pushed me into the shower stall, and before I knew it had cranked up the cold water, causing my cock to shrivel instantly. Then she threw a bad of soap at me and told me to clean up. With a giggle, she closed the shower stall and walked out of the bathroom.

I readjusted the water's temperature to a more comfortable level. I soaped up and washed my hair, getting last nights makeup, hairspray and sex sweat off my body. As I washed the shampoo out of my hair and off my eyes, I heard the door to the shower stall open. When I opened my eyes, Donna was standing in the stall with me, completely naked.

I stared at her gorgeous body, watching the water slide over her beautiful breasts and running toward the soft mound of blonde pubic hair. My dick stiffened as I watched water run through that downy soft hair and onto her perfect thighs.

"I thought you could use some help getting ready." Donna smiled.

I moved closer, pulling her into my arms. She pushed away, smiling, and grabbed some soap and a razor. She knelt down in front of me and started soaping up my left leg. She got as high as my knee, and started shaving. Then the right leg, carefully removing what little hair I had. She worked her way up my thighs, and then started shaving my own pubic hair. By the time she was finished with my groin, I was rock hard.

"Oh my, this will never do." Donna said, and took the head of my cock into her mouth, licking and swirling the dewy pre-cum off the tip. Her hands continued to soap up my ass, and just when I thought things might get interesting, she spun me around. "Spread'em" Donna barked.

I felt the razor roam across my ass, dipping occasionally into the crack. Like magic, my dick grew; this woman was driving me crazy! Donna stood behind me, running her razor over my shoulders, and then turning me around to shave my chest. Then she handed me the razor, telling me to shave my face. As I started, she knelt in front of me and took the tip of my dick in her mouth again. I nearly sliced off my nose.

Somehow I managed to finish my shave. As I dropped the razor, Donna removed her mouth from its torturous assault on the head of my manhood. She stood up and kissed me. I could taste my come on her tongue. Donna rubbed her crotch against my hardness, and it began to slip inside her warm canal.

Donna wrapped a leg around my waist, pulling me deeper into her love tunnel. I could feel the walls of her sweet pussy griping my rod. With a jerk, she forced me completely inside her and held me tight. She looked into my eyes, smiled, and I could feel the velvet walls of her cunt starting a slow, rhythmic massage of my hardness. It was the single most intense thing I have ever felt.

Donna held me tight while her internal muscles fucked me silly. Without ever moving her legs, it felt like she was pounding my maleness into her over and over again. As I rode this tantric ride, my knees grew week. All of my thought was put into prolonging the enjoyment and not cumming. It wasn't working. Much too soon I felt my orgasm rising out of my balls. I tried to warn Donna, but I'm not sure it came out as anything intelligible. Donna smiled, and the rhythm increased. I blew my load, pumping shot after shot of sweet cum deep inside Donna's golden pussy.

Almost as soon as I started to cum, I felt Donna go limp. I'm not sure if it was exhaustion or orgasm, but the effect on her body was about the same. With a hard thud, we landed against the wall of the shower. Donna mumbled something about finishing up, and pulled away. I felt my dick pop out of her pussy, and heard a loud moan escape her throat. She kissed me, and walked out of the shower on less than steady legs.

Stunned at that experience, I turned back to the shower and tried to regain my composure. That was amazing; no wonder Donna had men following her around like puppies. As my breathing returned too normal, I rinsed off and grabbed a towel.

I opened the door to the bedroom and saw Donna sprawled on the bed. I couldn't blame her, I felt the same way and I hadn't worked as hard as she had. But Donna wasn't alone, Linda was there, wearing nothing more than her sexy red bra and panties and had her head buried in Donna's snatch.

From across the room, I could hear Linda's tongue working against Donna's magical slash. Donna looked half asleep, half in bliss and completely unaware of me entering the room. Silently I moved over to the bed to watch. Linda worked her magic on Donna's cunt. I could tell a finger or possibly two, were buried deep inside Donna's pussy. Linda's tongue worked on the magical little nub at the top of Donna's lips. I stood, amazed. Here was my good friend Linda with her face buried in my best friend Donna's crotch. Even after Donna's magnificent display in the bathroom, my dick started to harden again.

I watched with greed as Linda gnawed on Donna. I could hear a sloppy sound coming from the action when Linda looked up at me and smiled. She pulled her fingers from Donna's hole, and stuck the slime-coated fingers into her own mouth, licking them clean. Suddenly I realized that the slime was at least partially my own cum running out from deep inside Donna.

The pause caused Donna to look up. She smiled as she saw me. "Guess who I just learned is bi!" she smiled.

"I give up, who?" I asked.

"You two are out of control!" Linda exclaimed, and returned her fingers to Donna's snatch. With a smile, she went back to her licking, and Donna moaned and left me again.

It could have been seconds, or it could have been hours, but before long Donna started to orgasm and I suddenly realized the difference between a woman's fake orgasm and a real one. Donna flailed all over the bed, screaming. Her hands grabbed Linda's head, pushing it hard against her pelvic bone. Linda worked her tongue and fingers like mad, and Donna's entire body started shaking. It was amazing; I didn't think Donna would ever stop.

But then she did, and she begged Linda to stop. "I can't take anymoreÉ" she kept repeating. Linda smiled, and lifted her face out of Donna's pubic region. A soft pop sounded as Linda's fingers left the warmth of Donna's tunnel. Linda wiggled one of those slimy fingers at me, drawing me closer. As my face neared hers, she spread Donna's juices and my cum all over my lips, and started licking it off. She forced her tongue into my mouth, sharing the creamy goodness with me.

When Linda broke off our messy kiss, she smiled shyly. "Guess you guys know our secret. Steve and I are both bi. We've kept our playmates out of town so far."

"Not anymore, darling." Donna said, and sat up to plant a kiss on Linda's lips.

I watched these two sexy women make out for a few minutes. When they remembered I was in the room, they giggled. "Sorry," Donna said. "Guess we got carried away."

"That's okay," I said. "I was enjoying the show."

"The show is just starting, Fawn dear," Linda said. "It's time to dress you up. Steve's coming home tonight, and is looking forward to meeting the new Fawn."

"And Charlie wants another shot at you, so you better get ready, I think we're having a bona fide orgy tonight, and you're the star!"

For some reason, that made me very nervous. "Come on guys, I'm new to this. At least to people knowing about it, slow down!"

The two girls looked at each otherÉobviously embarrassed. "We're sorry, dear. You're right. We have to move at your pace." Donna said.

Linda stood up and hugged me, pressing her naked body against mine. "Come on, lets get dressed!"

Linda and Donna wrapped their bodies in the short silk kimonos from earlier. Then they attacked me with a vengeance, throwing dresses and outfits onto the bed, holding them in front of me, and talking rapidly about options.

"I think a corset is absolutely required." Linda finally said. "It will give him a much more defined shape."

Donna agreed, and Linda brought out a small box from deep in her closet. "Steve bought me this years ago. I used to wear it for him, but I think he'd forgotten about it." She opened the box, and pulled out a pretty dark red corset. They pulled the corset around me, and fitted it just under my breasts. Donna held the corset in place while Linda started pulling up the laces. I could feel the corset pulling tighter, pushing things into place and compressing my waist. At the same time, it seemed to push up, and suddenly I had much more noticeable breast and actual cleavage.

Then the panties came out, and a pair of dark maroon silk panties slipped on my legs and just under the panties. They felt wonderfully snug around my cock and balls. When I walked into the room, I was sure Donna's fucking would leave me soft for a week, but the snug, silky feel of those panties, and I started to feel my dick harden again.

Linda pulled out a pair of stocking that had a French lace pattern cut into them. She slid first one, and then the other, up my legs and clipped them to the garters on the corset. Donna then produced the tallest come-fuck-me pumps I'd ever seen. Perfectly dyed to match the corset. Once on, I couldn't believe how sexy my legs looked.

As I walked around the room, trying to learn the proper way to move without falling on your ass, the girls got into sexy outfits not too different from mine. Donna put on a bright blue long form bra and sexy matching lace panties in a boy brief style. She put on a pair of white stockings with black t-bar Mary Janes. The stockings even had little blue bows at the top.

Linda put on a pair of red thong panties and a kimono style top that looked like rubber, and barely came down past the curve of her ass. Bending over showed two glorious mounds of ass flesh. She put on a pair of ankle socks with lace around the hem and black high heeled sandals.

Then it was on to make up. I was done up in heavy tart make up complete with a long auburn colored wig. Donna ended up in really stylish cover girl make-up with her natural long blond curls. Linda put on a style that made her look slightly oriental. With the dress and the page boy black wig, she looked like something out of anime.

The three off us looked downright smutty, in a knock-your-eyes-out, slap-your-momma kind of way. My dick pressed into the lovely satin of my panties, straining at the sight of the three gorgeous women in the room. I couldn't stop watching the three of us in the full length mirror of Linda's room. Slowly I slid my hand down to my panty covered cock, running my fingers along the hardening length of my shaft.

Linda noticed what I was doing and rushed over too my side. "Not now, cutie. We've got plenty of time for that later." She pulled my hand away and turned to Donna. "We better finish dressing this little tart before she gets her panties dirty."

Donna laughed and pulled out a cute little black leather mini, wrapping it around my waist. The skirt had enough flair to hide my stiffening cock, and the dark black leather looked amazing against the red corset. A white sheer blouse over the corset, and I looked the perfect street whore.

Donna slipped into a stunning blue club mini-dress. Cut outs along the side hid almost nothing. She then took Linda and I by the hand and led us downstairs. They sat in the dining room and had me prance around till I had my walk down pat. Linda officially announced it lunchtime, and Donna took me back upstairs. She sat me on the bed, and looked at me with a strangely serious look on her face.

"Fawn, honey. The boys will be here soon. If you're here when they arrive, we will have fun, I assure you. ButÉ how far are you willing to go when they arrive? And how much, uh, experience do you have?"

It dawned on me what she was asking, and I had to blush. I didn't have any, really. I'd used a butt plug once or twice, and I really enjoyed it. But that didn't mean I was ready for one of the guys to take me as a woman. Things are going a little to fast, and it must have shown on my face.

"Calm down, sweetie. We can work on this. We can make it clear to the guys that you aren't ready for that, or we can get you ready." Linda smiled.

"How will you get me ready?" I asked.

"There are ways. Is that what you want?" Linda asked hopefully.

"I don't know."

About then, Donna came into the bedroom with lunch, three nice salads and three diet cokes. We giggled our way through the meal, and I kept stealing glances at Linda, wondering how she'd get me ready. As we finished the meal, Donna looked at the clock. "We've only got a couple of hours! We've got to get this house clean before Steve comes home!"

We ran downstairs, the best we could on our high heels, and started picking up from the party. We rushed through it, but did a decent job. Two hours later, the house was clean, but the three of us need a shower. Hoping for another tantric sex ride, I was looking forward to more shower play. But the girls had something else in mind.

Clothes came off, and while I stared at Linda and Donna's magnificent bodies, they slipped a string bikini on me. I felt a little silly, the bikini didn't do much for making my body look femme, but they insisted. They slipped into their own bikini's, and the next thing I know were in the back yard taking a dip in the pool.

We had been splashing around in the cool waters for a few minutes when Linda slipped up behind me. "Donna told me you needed to get ready for tonight. Relax, this will help." And then I felt her hand slip into the back of my swimsuit, and her finger start probing my virgin ass.

"Relax, you'll enjoy it." Linda kept whispering in my ear. I felt her digit slip inside my canal. It felt different than anything I'd tried. She moved a single finger around inside me, and my own cock sprang to rock hard attention. She pushed another finger inside, stretching me wider. Then she guided me over to where Donna waited, sitting on the steps of the pool. Linda removed her fingers from my ass, and guided me down into Donna's lap.

I felt something hard pressing in my crack, and I realized that Donna must have a dildo down there. Donna whispered into my ear, "Charlie loves it when I use my strap on with him. Get ready for a ride." And with that she forced the plastic dong into my ass.

Waves washed away from us as Donna started bouncing me up and down her artificial shaft. It hurt like hell at first, and I started crying. Then it felt good, and then I couldn't imagine anything that could feel better.

Linda untied the sides of my bottoms, pulling them out of the way. She then showed me how wrong I was. She climbed onto my lap, and impaled herself of my hard cock. Linda fucked herself on my prick while Donna fucked my man-cunt. Within minutes, I came like a volcano.

Donna pushed me off her lap and told me to go upstairs and get dressed for the evening. "There are clothes waiting for you on the bed. We'll be up in a minute." Before I could get out of the pool, Linda and jumped on Donna's strap-on and road her like a rodeo. I watched for a second before heading upstairs.

On the bed I found three identical outfits. One had a wig with it, and I assumed that must be mine. I dashed into the bathroom to rinse off the pool water before putting on my latest outfit. I pulled on the cute white rumba panties, loving the feel of the ruffles across my ass. I slipped on the white stockings with the red bows at the top. I wrapped the micro short plaid school girl skirt around my waist and put on the push up lacy bra. I slipped into the white blouse, and tied it around me, just below the bra, showing off a good bit of toned midriff. I then slipped the pig tail wig on, and took a look in the mirror. I was the naughtiest schoolgirl I'd ever seen.

Instantly my shaft sprang to attention, tenting out the skirt and the panties. The short skirt pulled tight across my ass, lifting high enough to show the ruffles. That would never do, so I reached down and started to pull it out and wank it off. About then Linda and Donna came into the room. "My god," Linda said, "aren't you ever satisfied?" With a grin, she knelt down in front of me, and put her lips around my hardness. As her tongue did a magical dance around the tip of my cock, her fingers pushed back into my recently stretched hole. As I came in her hot mouth, her fingers pushed deep in my ass. Linda smiled up at me, and pulled my rapidly softening dick between my legs before pulling my panties up tight, holding it in place. She then leaned forward and kissed me, forcing my cum into my mouth.

"That should hold you for a while." Donna remarked. I turned to face her, and she was dressed just like me. Despite the milking, I felt my crotch twitch, she looked so hot. She strolled over to me, and stuck her tongue into my mouth. We swirled my cum around for a while, and then I felt Linda pulling us apart.

"Let's go downstairs. The men should be home soon." Linda led us down to the den, where we sat on the couch together and watched some TV. At least the two real girls did. I kept looking at their legs, and what tasty glimpses of their crotch as they would allow.

The doorbell rang, and Donna announced that would be Charlie. "You go answer it, Fawn. You'll knock him out." I sauntered through the house and opened the front door. Charlie looked at me in shocked silence. "Wow, you look great babe." He moved in faster than I expected and pulled me into his arms, kissing me. I kissed back, melting into his embrace. Through his suit, I could feel him getting hard. "I can't wait till you return to work," he said as we broke apart. "Lunch will never be the same!"

I smiled as I lead him through to the other girls. His eyes nearly popped when he noticed that we all dressed alike. "A dream come true" he announced. We quickly stripped him down to his boxers, and pushed him onto the couch. I ended up straddling him with Donna and Linda on either side. We kissed for what felt like hours, sometimes I was kissing Charlie, sometimes Donna, sometimes Linda. I could feel Charlie's cock growing under my ass, sliding through the ruffles of my panties.

I worked my way down between Charlie's legs. I pulled down the waistband on his boxers, freeing his long shaft. A quickly as I could, I put the lovely thing into my mouth, licking the sides, and along the length. With my hands, I wrapped the base of the monster and started pulling. My other hand grabbed his balls, and rolled them softly around. I felt his cock stiffen, and I pulled my mouth off, aiming his cum hole at my face. I wanked him faster and faster, pointing the end of his gun right at my mouth and looked up at him. He smiled down at me, and both girls looked on excitedly.

"Here you go!" Charlie called out, and his dick erupted, shooting jism across my face. It landed on my nose, covered my eyes, and dripped down my cheeks. Some tasty bits landed in my mouth and covered my lips. When he finally finished shooting, I had cum dripping from my chin, nose and cheeks.

"That is so hot" the three onlookers told me. Donna and Linda scampered down onto the floor next to me, and started to lick my face clean. Charlie stayed on the couch, slowly pulling on his softening member. From beside him, a voice boomed out, "Did I miss everything already."

I looked up in shock, and there stood Steve. He smiled down at us, and pointed his finger at me. "Do you want some more?"

Dazed and full of lust, I crawled over to Steve. He opened his fly and pulled out his long hard cock. It was the largest staff I'd ever seen, a full 10 inches erect and looked like a fire hose. Not sure I could take it into my mouth, I tentatively licked the head a time or two. Without warning, Linda grabbed me by the hair and forced my face down on her husbands cock. I almost gagged as it went down my throat, but I managed to relax and let my tonsils grab it tight.

Steve started to fuck my face with slow movements. I held still, his willing bitch for the moment. Linda and Donna kissed on my neck and check, whispering encouragement and dirty little comments in my ears. I felt someone pull my short skirt up, and massage my ruffled ass. I concentrated on the cock in my mouth, but couldn't help notice when my panties got pulled down. Then I felt something pushing against my crack.

"Oh god, Charlie. Lick his ass," Donna moaned. Then I felt Charlie's Tongue enter my hole. Waves of pleasure washed over me, and I moaned around the dick in my mouth. That turned Steve on even more, and he bucked into my throat all the faster for it.

I felt Charlie's breath and tongue leave my anal passage, then felt something new. I moaned again as I knew I was about to be taken like a true woman. I felt the head of Charlie's cock push through my tender ass ring. Deeper it went, filling me up and making me whole. Charlie and Steve fucked me from both ends, and I rode the pleasure. A second, or a year, later Steve started to shake. "I'm cumming, I'm cumming!" he screamed, and I felt the baby gravy squirt down my throat. "Me too!" called out Charlie, and I felt a load dumped deep in my butt. I attempted to milk him the way Donna milked me earlier that day, and was rewarded with another load of cum.

Steve pulled his cock out of my mouth, with me attempting to clean it completely. Charlie did the same in my ass. Linda and Donna lay on the floor, each with their panties off, knees in the air, and fingers deep in their snatch. Charlie and Steve dove head first into the waiting bushes, licking and nibbling on their women. I felt a little left out, kneeling there with my knickers around my knees and my hard on tenting my skirt.

Linda looked over and breathlessly moaned "Do Steve like Charlie did you!"

Smiling, I pulled Steve's pants down, and probed his ass crack with my hard on. It slid into his well worn hole with ease, and I started to fuck my way to my own orgasm. The entire time, Linda watched my face, smiling. As I unload my sissy cock in Steve's ass, Linda orgasmed, screaming at me.

I collapsed on the floor, my now limp dick on my stomach, the short skirt pulled up high. My shirt looked a mess, my bra still tight on me. I couldn't believe that I'd just been fucked and in turn fucked a man.

Steve moved over to me and smiled. He kissed my cheek, and whispered in my ear. "Nice to meet you, Fawn." I smiled, and reached down to massage his cock. Even soft it felt like a baseball bat. As I rubbed it, I felt it grow in my hand. By the time it was hard again, it felt like I was rubbing someone's arm. "Do you want to feel this in you?" Steve whispered into my ear.

"Steve," Linda stopped him. "I don't know that Fawn is ready for this. You are more than most people can handle!"

At that moment I so loved Linda. Steve's cock scared me. My throat still hurt from his assault on my tonsils. Steve was disappointed, but understood. Linda offered him her pussy instead, and Steve pushed his bat into her snatch. Charlie and Donna started going at it Doggy style, and again I was feeling left out.

I looked over at Donna, and got a plan. I crawled under her, and put my face under her well banged slash. I started licking her pussy as Charlie plunged into her, his balls bouncing on my forehead. Donna took my limp sissy-cock into her mouth, and I grew hard almost immediately. Now it was Donna's turn for a double fuck.

But Charlie had other plans. He pulled his shaft out of her hole and feed it to me. He swapped between us over and over, then he pulled away from us both. "Get on the Couch, Donna. Now!" he commanded. Donna did, and he pulled her legs over his shoulders and pushed into her. He pumped maybe twice, then came deep inside her. I felt a little left out, but it happened so quick, I didn't know what to expect.

Charlie pulled out, but held her legs in the air, her pussy upturned. "Fawn, do Donna. Cum, quickly!" he ordered, and I didn't need to be told again. I pumped into her sweet snatch, and deposited my own load of cum inside her. The whole time Charlie held up her legs. He pushed me away, and called Steve over. He pulled out of his wife, and put that massive man meat into Donna. "Fawn," Charlie called, "Make him cum quick!"

I knelt beneath him and started sucking on his balls. In less than a minute he squirted a load out of his hose, deep into Donna. Steve stood up, but Charlie put his hand on my neck and made me stay down there. "Roll over onto your back!" he ordered, and I did.

Then Charlie let Donna's legs go. She immediately squatted down on my face, and a river of cum, from the three of us, rushed out of her pussy and onto my face and tongue. My face was completely covered with cum.

After Donna rode my tongue to orgasm, I noticed my clothes were completely soaked with sweat and cum. "OkayÉ let's get cleaned up." Donna announced. She gathered up everyone's clothes and headed to the laundry. Linda took me, naked as a jaybird, upstairs to find something else to wear. Charlie and Steve lounged on the couch, naked.

Linda pushed me into the shower and climbed in with me. She washed me down, and herself, quizzing me. "So, how does it feel? Did you like it?"

I told her I loved it. It was the nastiest, most erotic thing that had ever happened to me. But that Steve scared the shit out of me, and I didn't want that in me. She assured me that my man-pussy would be reserved for Charlie. I confessed I couldn't wait for him to take me again.

Clean and out of the shower, Linda dressed me in a nice little baby doll nightie with matching panties. She put on a matching blue one to my green. Donna walked in wearing a matching red set. We went down to the den, and I couldn't believe what I saw.

Charlie sat on the couch with his legs spread wide. Between them knelt Steve, sucking on Charlie's cock. I felt a bit jealous, but also aroused. Donna and Linda smiled, then announced that we were going to bed. The three of us went back upstairs, and I guess we looked more inviting than what they were doing, because the two naked hunks followed us.

Donna and Linda got on either side of me, and we started kissing and stroking each other. The boys stood just inside the doorway of the bedroom, each slowly stroking their stiffies. Donna pulled of Linda's panties, and Linda did the same to Donna. For some reason, they left mine on. Maybe so Steve wouldn't get any ideas.

The three of us girls got on the bed, all of us on our hands and knees. Donna and Linda faced the headboard, but had me face the foot of the bed. Bent over like that, my face was between their cute asses. I didn't quiet know what was going on, but Charlie figured it out. He walked up behind Donna and stuffed his hard one in her pussy. He pumped a few times, then pulled out. He moved over to me, and feed me his lovely cock.

Steve figured out the game as I slurped on Charlie's stick. He filled up Donna's recently vacated hole, pumping away. When Charlie pulled away from me and entered Linda, Steve fed me his monster shaft. When Charlie returned to Donna, Steve moved on to Linda. I got to watch the two studs fuck the women. Then the switch occurred again.

Over and over I swallowed Charlie's and then Steve's cock. Always fresh from Donna's pussy. The girls came, rubbing their clits and moaning into pillows. It seemed to go on for hours. And my jaw started aching. Finally, Linda said no more, and fell forward on the bed. For a while, Steve and Charlie just swapped between Donna and I. Then even Donna fell to the bed, spent.

Charlie and Steve swapped out with me, but it wasn't enough. I pulled down my panties, and motioned Charlie behind me. He crawled over Donna, and pushed between my legs. I sucked on Steve until I felt Charlie enter me. Then I rocked between them. They stayed still, let me do all the work. I rocked back on Charlie, then forward and Steve entered my throat. My jaw hurt, so I just opened as wide as I could, and let Steve deep into my throat.

Just when I thought I would have to end this, Steve pulled out of my mouth. He stroked his shaft, and shot a load all over my face. Charlie then pulled out of my ass, and I turned around just in time to get another load of cum on my nose, lips and chin. Then I fell over onto the bed. Charlie snuggled in close, as did Steve. And we all feel asleep, one big mess of bodies.

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