The More Things Change

By stephen lowe

Published on Mar 9, 2010


This story contains graphic sexual scenes between males. If material of this nature offends you then you should not read this story. Additionally, if you are under 18 years of age in most states you are not allowed to read this story by law.

This story is purely a work of fiction. Any resemblance to person's living or dead, or to events that may have occurred, is purely coincidental.

The author claims all copyrights to this story and no duplication or publication of this story is allowed, except by the web sites to which it has been posted, without the consent of the author.

The More Things Change, Part 3

"I'm here," I said into my phone as the taxi pulled to the curb.

"Landon?" Cesar replied. "I thought you had dinner plans."

"I do," I said as I paid the driver. "I wanted to see you first."

"A lovely surprise. Please, come in."

I got out, walked through the gate, and mounted the short flight of stairs. Before I could fish my key out, Cesar had the door open and was pulling me inside. As the door shut behind me, he pulled me into one of those long, deep, passionate kisses that never failed to make me feel at home.

"How long before your date?" he asked when we came up for air.

I grimaced. "Hardly a date. I wish I could just skip it."

"That doesn't answer my question."

I checked my watch. "It's 6:30 now, so I've got an hour and a half."

"Good." He took me by the hand and led me to a couch in the living room. "You'll have a drink, relax, and then you'll be ready. What can I fix for you?"

"I'd better have a glass of wine. I already had two martinis with Jason."

"Any particular kind?"

"Surprise me."

He kissed me on the forehead. "I believe I'll do just that."

As he walked away toward the kitchen, I congratulated myself for the millionth time on finally getting it right. I had been in love with Cesar Cortez de Leon for seven years, and each day the feeling grew stronger. I had never met anyone as wise and kind and generous and loving as this magical spirit; and on top of everything else, he was my best buddy. I could say without reservation that Cesar was the greatest gift that life had ever given me.

The only disappointment that I felt in my relationship with Cesar was that he refused to live with me. I had done everything in my considerable power to persuade him, but the response was always negative. We rarely spent a night apart. He had keys to my house and I to his. To the important people in our lives, we had nearly ceased to be individuals; for the most part, we were either "LandonandCesar" or "CesarandLandon". Yet on the occasions when I renewed my invitation, his answer was always the same:

"Only when the time is right."

When, I would ask, will the time be right?

"You'll know."

No one can drive you crazier than the ones you love. Nevertheless, I wouldn't have traded him for anything in the world. At times like that evening, when my thoughts and feelings resembled scrambled eggs, Cesar had a gift for helping me see things clearly. I didn't think I could calmly endure the coming meeting without a dose of that clarity.

A kiss on the top of my head and a glass hovering at my shoulder caught my attention. As I took my first sip, I nearly choked. Cesar had come from behind the sofa and appeared before me wearing nothing but a black jockstrap.

I have never been able to adequately describe the animal and visceral physical reaction that I have always had to the sight of Cesar naked. The first time I saw his face, strongly and boldly carved as an Incan mask, framed by a cloud of jet black hair, I was immediately captivated. The night that I first saw him in all his glory, with firelight glowing on his honey-colored skin, I was finished. His smooth upper body was firmly and tightly muscled, without an ounce of fat or extra skin anywhere. His legs and ass, though, inspired worship. If you've ever seen the lower body of someone who's spent a large chunk of their life on horseback, you'll understand what I mean.

The jock, framing this magnificence perfectly, nearly made me blow a gasket. Cesar knew very well the effect that he had on me, and he took delight in watching my reaction. In the years that we'd been together, he'd supplemented his equestrian pursuits with weight training, and the results were devastating. None of the concerns that had been swirling around my brain stood a chance.

"Bless me," I said without thinking.

He smiled, straddled my lap, and began unbuttoning my shirt. "You told me to surprise you. I thought you looked like you needed an appetizer before dinner."

My hands slid along his powerful thighs of their own volition. "Can't I skip the restaurant and have the full meal here?"

He chuckled and slipped a finger inside my shirt, playing with my nipple. My stiff dick started pulsating uncontrollably. "You have to fulfill your obligations. However, If you inspire me, I might come up with something truly wonderful for dessert aftwerward."

He ground his ass against me, and my command of English disappeared. He finished removing my shirt, then slid down to his knees to unfasten my khakis, taking his sweet time. A millenium later, When the zipper was finally open, my dick popped out at full attention.

"Mmmm, locked and loaded," he murmered before swallowing it in one gulp.

An interval followed during which I could muster no coherent thoughts, and I said many things in a language that I had only just invented. The feel of his mouth and throat around my dick was otherworldly. During my infrequent fits of irrationality, I found myself being jealous of the men on whom he had practiced to develop such shattering skill. In the moment, however, I could only feel profound gratitude that I was the beneficiary.

I can't say how he managed to get my shoes, socks, and pants off me without removing his mouth. The next thing i knew, I was naked, and he was straddling my thighs again. He took my dick and guided it to his hole, then slid down on me with maddening slowness. In frustration, I grabbed his waist and tried to force him all the way down; but those powerful thigh muscles effortlessly resisted.

"Patience, my love," he whispered in my ear as he squeezed me with his sphincter. He gently took my wrist and held my hands behind my head.

For the next thirty years (or maybe it was ten minutes), he raised and lowered himself on me with deliberate slowness, alternating between kissing me and whispering filthy things in my ear. What little command of Spanish I had was largely due to Cesar talking dirty to me in his native language, then repeating himself in English to be sure that I understood. He was shameless about using what he'd learned about me during sex to drive me utterly wild.

Eventually, he released my hands and put his around my neck, knowing full well what was coming next. I grabbed his ass, jammed him fully onto me, and slid off the sofa. He wrapped is legs around me as I lowered him to the floor on his back. Now it was my turn to torture him. I varied my strokes into him; sometimes deep, sometimes shallow. I went hard and soft, but kept the rhythm nice and steady. Soon he was sweating, moaning then crying out. He begged me to fuck him, to pound him senseless; but I was having none of it. I sucked on his tongue, nibbled on his throat, tweaked his bullet-hard nipples. He began thrashing, then crying out. Then, with one agonized wail, he came. It was only then that I let go, banging him relentlessly until my nuts and my brain exploded simultaneously. The world went fuzzy, and I pumped out what felt like a gallon of cum. Like the husk I was, I went limp and fell on top of him.

When my vision cleared, he was gently caressing my back. I lifted myself just enough for a passionate kiss, then rolled us both over so that he was sitting on top of me.

He smiled down at me. "How do you feel now?"

"Like I don't want to move from this spot for the rest of my life."

He kissed me again. "You say the sweetest things. Sadly, however, you have promises to keep."

"Was it really necessary to remind me?"

"Apparently so. You have that look on your face that you get when you're going to try to talk me into something."

"I was only thinking that a little soak in the hot tub would be just the thing to get me in the right frame of mind."

He shook his head. "A soak in the hot tub would lead to other things, and you would conveniently lose track of the time."

I put on my most innocent expression. "Nonsense. I only wanted to relax a little after such strenuous exercise."

"Well, then," he said, pulling himself off of me, "a hot shower will be perfect. I will wash your back, and you will control yourself."

I took the hand that he offered and hauled myself off the floor. "Why do you deny me these simple pleasures?"

"Because you're easily spoiled, and you become demanding. Somebody has to remind you that there are limits."

"Couldn't you remind me another time?"

For an answer, he walked toward the doorway. "Come along. You don't want to be late."

"Yes, I do. Please make me late."

He turned at the foot of the stairs and said severely, "You are an unruly child; and if you continue to misbehave, I will take away your privileges."

"You're mean."

"I'm strict, which you badly need. Now, come on." He shook his ass at me, then started up.

"Yes sir!" I dashed up behind him.

After much cajoling, he graciously allowed me to lift him off the floor, brace him against the wall, and take him under the spray of warm water. This time, I was rutting like wild stallion. I suppose these displays of dominance convinced me on some level that I wasn't completely putty in his hands. Then again, it could simply have been that he inflamed my senses. Whatever the case, doing him in the shower was always hot.

I poured some soap into my hand and began lathering his body. Without preamble, he said matter-of-factly, "So, you still desire him."


"Don't play stupid with me, Landon."


"Who else?"

A deep sigh escaped me. "What can I say? He's still a very attractive man. Plus, it's hard to look at him and not remember....certain things."

"You said that the sex was wonderful."

"So it was."

"And you did love him."

"More as a friend than a lover." I turned Cesar so that his back was toward me. "To be honest, I never really trusted him completely. God knows, I was no saint; but something about the way that Jason dealt with people bothered me. He was so...detached. As if he could sleep with someone one minute, see them mowed down by a bus the next minute, and shrug his shoulders and go look for the next conquest. Most people seemed to be little more than cardboard cutouts to him."

"Never you, though."

"No. Until everything went down, he gave me no reason to doubt that he honestly cared about me."

"Could it be that the reason why he was so callous with others was because he was in love with you?"

I grabbed the shampoo and soaped up his hair. "The thought has crossed my mind, but Ican't quite accept it. I mean, we lived together for four years. Not once, in all that time, did he ever indicate that he wanted anything more from me than friends with benefits."

After he'd rinsed himself, he took the soap and began to wash me. "That's a very strange thing. I don't think that I've ever heard of two people living together and having a sexual relationship for that long without any emotional commitment."

"Well," I countered, "I don't think that I've ever heard of two people having a sexual relationship and an emotional commitment for seven years without living together."

He looked me straight in the eyes and said, "Perhaps our situation will change soon."

The way that he said it didn't sound like an acceptance of my invitation. "Are you telling me that you want us to live together?"

"I'm telling you that I will accept whatever happens."

"I don't understand."

"I think that you understand better than you will admit."

I grabbed his shoulders to stop his movements and gave him a hard look. "Do you think that Jason is some sort of threat? That I'd throw you away for that shell of a human being?"

"I think that you and he have unfinished business, and I think that it goes deeper than the resolution of a relationship that went wrong."

I thought about that as he resumed soaping me. "Do you love me?"

"Of course I love you."

"Do you believe that I love you?"

"I have never doubted it."

"Then what does whatever 'business', as you say, that I may have with Jason have to do with us?"

He turned me away from him to do my back, then replied, "It's difficult to explain. You have this burden that you carry around with you. Part of it seems to be guilt, part of it resonsibility, and part of it other things that I don't understand. What I do understand is that this burden that you carry around with you is your true emotional commitment. Any other that you make comes second."

"Now you have me completely confused. You just told me that you don't doubt my love, then you tell me that I make an emotional commitment to you."

He motioned me to rinse off, then stepped out of the enclosure. "I didn't say that, Landon. I said that your commitment to me comes second." He continued as he dried off, "I won't live with you, Landon, because I realize that you need your freedom."

"Wait a minute. You're the one who insisted that we have an open relationship."

He rolled his eyes. "What I'm talking about has nothing to do with sex. I'm talking about the space that you apparently need to wrestle with those demons that you nurture inside your head."

I looked away and turned off the water. "What if you help quiet the demons in my head?"

"Then I'm glad I can help. I cannot, however, be the solution to the problem. You operate on the theory that, if I come to live with you, the final piece of the puzzle will be in place. We will then live happily ever after, and all of your troubles will disappear. That's not the case; and once you realize that, you'll become disillusioned with the supposedly perfect life you've constructed. Meanwhile, I will have turned my world upside-down to be a part of that perfect life; and when this illusion of yours falls apart, it will take more than your generosity for me to put my life back in order."

I stepped out and grabbed a towel. I dried myself off in silence.

"Now you're angry with me."

"No. I guess it's only natural for my current lover to compare notes with my ex."

"Landon, look at me."

I took a moment to calm down before complying.

"Do you actually think that, after seven years, I need Greg to tell me about you? And do you really know so little about either one of us to think that we would discuss you behind your back?"

I tried to stare him down, but I knew that he was right. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that."

"I'm actually glad that you did. I believe that it supports my point."

"Which is?"

"That you'd rather lash out in frustration at circumstances than actually address the root causes of those circumstances." He came to me and placed his hands on either side of my head, gently turning it so that I faced him. "If you truly want me to be in your future, then you have to resolve the issues from your past. Obviously, Jason Katz is a very big issue. Therefore, if you deal with whatever he represents, you may find yourself letting go of a large part of that burden that I mentioned before."

I sighed. "You've waited seven years to say this to me?"

"Landon, until a few weeks ago, the only thing that I knew about you and Jason was that you lived and slept together in college. How could I connect that with what I learned about you through my own experience?"

I gathered him into my arms and gave him a long, slow kiss. "I love you, and you're a very wise man; but Couldn't you let me be win just once?"

"I wouldn't want you to get bored with me." He kissed me again, then swatted me on the ass. "Now, we should get dressed. We both have places to go."

"Ah yes, I forgot that it's your night at the center. Should I come back here, or do we meet at my place?"

"Why don't we go out tonight? Neither one of us has to be up early."

I grimaced. "I'll have to check with Greg to see where he's taking Jason. I have no desire to run into them."

"This is a big city full of interesting places. They shouldn't be that hard to avoid." He headed for the door. "Call me later and tell me where to meet you."

Twenty minutes later, I walked down the front stairs and hit the sidewalk. The walk to the restaurant was relatively short, but it would give me time to settle my thoughts. Between Jason and Cesar, I'd been given a lot to consider in a small amount of time; and my dinner would likely only add to the pile. It was a lovely evening, though; and the weather and the warm comfort of the sights of my city combined to put me in a much more tranquil frame of mind by the time I reached my destination.

The pretty lady at the host stand smiled as I approached. "Good evening, Mr. Curry. How have you been?"

"Just fine, Pamela. How about you?"

"Very well, thank you. We've missed you."

"I'm sorry I haven't been in, but life gets hectic sometimes, you know?"

"Trust me, I understand. Your table is ready. Would you like to sit down or wait for your guest here?"

"There's no need to wait," said a voice from behind me. "The guest is here."

I turned to face him. "Hello Neil."

"It's good to see you, Landon."

"I'm sure it is," I replied. Turning back to Pamela, I said, "We'll go to our table now."

"Right this way."

Neil and I followed her in silence. As requested, we'd been given a booth in a remote corner of the place. Once we were seated, Pamela gave us our menus, wished us a good meal, and vanished. From behind her, our server introduced himself, took our drink orders, then he too disappeared.

"You seem to have the staff here well trained," Neil said lightly.

"The owner is a friend. He knows that, when I ask for this table, I don't want people hovering."

"Should I take that as a compliment or a warning?"

"Take it however you like, Neil."

He sat back and narrowed his eyes. "This doesn't have to be unpleasant."

"It can't possibly be pleasant, either. I'm trying to adopt a neutral, businesslike demeanor."

"If this is neutral, I'd hate to see animus."

"Don't fuck with me, and you won't. I didn't want too see you, much less spend time with you. Whatever you want me to know, you could have shared from a distance. The greater, the better."

"I wanted to see you again. Is that so awful? I want you to believe that things really have changed."

"I'll believe it if you actually fulfill your part of our agreement. I still have my doubts about being involved in this whole thing."

"Then why are you helping?"

"Because someone whose judgment I trust said that I should. Otherwise, I'd probably have told you to go fuck yourself."

"Then you'll have to thank that person for me. I'm glad that we have the chance to make up for the past."

At that moment, the waiter arrived with our drinks. With difficulty, I controlled my temper as he set them before us. When I asked him to give us some time before we ordered, he immediately vanished.

"Let me remind you of something, Neil. 'We' don't have anything to make up for. You're the one that started the insanity. I just happened to be dumb enough to let myself get drawn into it. If I'd had any idea of the madness that would ensue, I'd have washed my hands of the both of you."

"For the umpteenth time, I'm sorry. I was a shit, and I continued to be a shit for a long time. If I hadn't been such a relentless asshole, Jason wouldn't have landed in this mess. I take all the blame, and I want to make things right. If I could do that without your help, I wouldn't have involved you." He took a long swig of his drink. "Have I groveled enough?"

I couldn't help laughing. "Just enough to make me think that there might be hope for you Katz boys after all."


Next: Chapter 4

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