The Monotones

Published on Apr 12, 2020



The Monotones

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have, comments send them to or

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Sometimes jokes get out of hand. I was in a choral group that sang hymns and religious songs for a megachurch in Charlotte N.C. We did mostly reworkings of Country & Western songs and hymns and "inspirational" songs. The Director, William Fairbanks had a knack to changing tunes enough to avoid copyright infringement.

I am Billy Fairbanks, a distant cousin of the director. I can pass for being a tenor, but I am best doing novelty songs with two other guys, Franklin, a true bass, and Roosevelt, a baritone and one of the few Black members of the group. We called the group the Monotones for obvious reasons. I am an okay singer, Franklin was great, and Roosevelt was Black. He was sort of the official Black man in the choir. Roosevelt was also talented, funny, clever and almost double jointed. We provided a welcome break from the "up with people" hymns. Let's just say our music was not going to replace Mozart or Bach in the musical repertoire.

I am an Elementary school music teacher. Our school did not teach music to the kids, but I helped an ancient Battle-Axe, Mrs. Don Toten, put on school pageants several times a year. I was there primarily because I was cheap. Franklin was a retired officer in a small bank, and Roosevelt was a florist.

My main job was taking care of my widowed mother. She was afflicted by an all but fatal case of hypochondria. She wasn't sick, but she was mean and surrendering to her obsessions was the easy way out. The Choir gave me a chance to get away.

Our choir had an out of town performance, and due to an error in motel reservations, our trio were sent to a room in another motel two miles from the rest the group. That night the three of us discovered we shared interests other than musical. We had dinner and a performance with the choir, and then we went to our room. The Church forgot to turn on the air conditioning, so it was hot as hell during the performance. The motel room was hot too. The air conditioning was lackluster.

We all needed a shower. Roosevelt stripped naked and went in the bath. When he returned it was my turn. I stripped in the bath, showered and then realized I had my clean clothes in the other room. Roosevelt and Franklin were both naked. When Franklin went to shower. It looked to me that his cock was partly hard.

"I guess the dress code is a bit informal," I remarked.

"I have only one change of underwear," Roosevelt explained. "I need to keep it clean for tomorrow. We're all boys here, we all have the same equipment."

I smiled. "I've been living with my Mom for too long. She would like it if I wore a white tie and tails to bed," I said. "This seems wild and crazy to me."

"Billy, let me assure you, you have nothing to be ashamed of in the baby making equipment front," Roosevelt said, "In my neighborhood, you would be described as being, "good for a White Boy."

"Are you sure about that?" I asked. Roosevelt just smiled. Franklin returned. He was naked and smiling. I had a feeling that he knew Roosevelt well. He went to turn on the TV, but it wasn't working. There was only the noise of the air conditioning unit for entertainment.

"It feels a little like when I was a little kid playing with my neighbor. "You show me yours and I'll show you mine" type play," I said.

"Did you play?" Roosevelt asked.

"Yeah. He was the only other kid in the neighborhood, and I am easily led." I replied.

"Did you move on to touching it?" Franklin asked.

"A few times," I said. He moved so I never saw him again."

"I had a friend like that," Franklin said. "Rupert and I did a lot more than touch. It was exciting. I knew I had cock but had no idea what you could with it."

"Did Rupert know what to do with it?" I asked.

"He sure did. He told me if I would suck his, he would suck mine." Franklin continued. "I licked his knob. I thought it would be scary and smelly, but it wasn't. Then he sucked mine and took the entire thing. I shot off for the first time. I thought I had done something wrong, but Rupert told me it was okay."

"Did you do it again?" I asked.

"I sure did, and I took a mouthful of what he called his high test!" Franklin continued. "I had one hell of a growth spurt right after that. I thought it was Rupert's high test that did it. Roosevelt told me he had a different experience."

"My Mom got sick and I had to stay with my Uncle Tom. He was probably thirty or so and he was a big man. I was in the upstairs bedroom one night when I heard some noise downstairs. I saw Tom and his best pal Spuds naked and going at it," Roosevelt explained. "At first I thought they were wresting naked. It looked like Uncle Tom was trying to get his cock into Spud's back side. I thought that would hurt, but it turned out Spuds liked it."

"Uncle Tom had to go way for two days on his job and Spuds stayed with me. I asked him what they had been doing. He said they were just having a little fun. I asked if he would show me. Spuds didn't want to, but eventually he said he would if I promised never to tell Uncle Tom," Roosevelt explained.

"How was it?" I asked.

"I was 14 and my cock had a growth spurt before my body caught up. I now know that Spuds was what I now call a size queen. He and I had a great time," Roosevelt explained. "When Uncle Tom went off, I met Spuds' pals. I loved that too, but not as much as they loved me."

"I've never done any of that," I said.

"I guess you have figured out that Roosevelt and I are pals. "Would you like to join us in some adult play?" Franklin asked.

Someone said yes and both Franklin and Roosevelt seemed to think it was me. Franklin sucked my cock as Roosevelt sucked him. I didn't know you could feel so much. I later sucked Franklin's cock as Roosevelt fucked him. Roosevelt had a big cock and I assumed it would hurt. Whatever it felt like, it wasn't pain. Franklin said he liked being double teamed.

After a while, Franklin asked if I would like to take Roosevelt's place in his ass. I said sure. I didn't have a clue what it would be like to shove a cock up a man's ass. It turned out that everything I thought about it was wrong. Franklin was on his back and had his legs on my shoulders. His anus opened easily. The sphincter was tighter, but when I played with Franklin's tits, his ass all but swallowed my cock.

I thought my cock would be entering a dark, dirty cave. His ass was tight, warm, smooth and welcoming. Every inch of his rectum was in contact with my cock. His sphincter firmly held me in, but the lube allowed me to thrust and probe. Franklin was not a passive bottom. He rotated and gyrated his hips to stimulate my cock. Roosevelt's cock was close enough to suck. I licked it and then tried to swallow his cockhead. The slit was oozing sweet stuff that I liked. I had been afraid it would be piss. His cock juice was lovely.

A beautiful sexual haze enveloped me. I suddenly realized an orgasm was seconds away. I couldn't figure out what to do. I let my cock make the decision. It was right for me and for Franklin. What I had considered to be sex was only a crayon scribble compared to the Mona Lisa or the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel. My sexual experiences were like a kazoo compared to a symphony orchestra. We didn't get much sleep that night.

A little later Roosevelt asked, "I guess you noticed that Franklin and I like man sex a lot?"

"I think I figured that out," I replied. "I guess you noticed that I liked it too?" I paused. "I'd like to do more, a lot more."

"We can help you with that," Franklin said. "It can get really intense. We can take it slow or fast."

"I think the faster the better. I want more," I said.

"Billy, I need to tell you something about men. You now know I'm gay. If you graded my gayness on a ten-point scale, I would register as a twelve. Franklin is a nine," Roosevelt said. "One of my little quirks is an urge to be the first to fuck a virgin ass. I love to give a guy's his first anal experience and watch him squirming on my cock. You need to keep that in mind," he explained.

"I don't know if I want that," I said.

"You've got to want it before I do it, but I have a feeling that's just a matter of time," Roosevelt replied. The conversation evolved into fornication, and we all had a good night. My ass was still virgin in the morning.

Life is strange and takes odd turns. My uncle, the director of the choir, William Fairbanks was arrested for sex with underage girls. That was bad, but when it turned out there were 42 confirmed victims and the D.A. referred to them as "the tip of the iceberg," it was worse. The choir vanished into thin air within 24 hours. I lost my job too. I was William's nephew, and the school wanted nothing to do with the bad publicity. I was shocked, but I understood. I could see a headline, "Elementary School Music Teacher is connected to Convicted Child Molester."

A week after the scandal broke Franklin called me as asked if I would meet with him at Roosevelts' house. "He's working on something." Franklin explained.

Roosevelt lived above his shop. I had never been there before and was shocked. My experience with flowers was mostly at funerals and on the altar. Roosevelt's flowers and arrangements were spectacular and imaginative. He did fancy weddings as well as corporate and institutional events. His shop was filled with the flower arrangements for a museum exhibit on Ancient Egypt's opening in the shop. They were wild, crazy and impressive. He lived upstairs in a beautiful apartment.

"There is a guy I know who had a proposition for me," Roosevelt said. He's a wealthy retired guy who has some side businesses that help fill his days. One is called POP Enterprises. He makes videos of gay men going at it. He like to capture first time experiences. That's a theme of many gay videos, but most of the time you can see that the virgin's ass has calluses from overuse."

"My friend told me he would pay handsomely if I could find a guy with a virgin ass and deflower him," Roosevelt explained.

"Are you looking at me?" I asked in an irritated voice and then added, "How much is handsomely?" That was supposed to be a firm no, but it didn't come out right.

"He mentioned "$3,000.00," Roosevelt said. "You can do it. It would be like asking Al Capone to pretend to be a gangster."

"What if someone I know saw me?" I asked.

"POP Enterprises has a limited distribution. It has a list of about fifty men. They are all very private, he paused. "By the way, if the you shoot off you would get another $3,000.00. You would get extra for eating cum as it shoots. My friend is generous." Roosevelt added.

I knew I should say no way, but I was up the creek. I owned a used car, but there was a car payment. My work at the school was only part time, and I wasn't eligible for unemployment. Mom's social security barely covered the monthly expenses. I told Roosevelt I would think about it. He and I knew that was a yes.

Two weeks later we were at a secluded house owned by a man who said his name was Martin, the owner of POP Enterprises. We went to a studio in a former carriage house where we met a photographer named Bannister and his light man Skyler, his helper Duddy and a video guy named Monty. Apparently, Bannister produced photographic portfolios of the action. Martin had two older men with him who he didn't introduce and who wore masks.

They were affable, pleasant and laid back. This wasn't like a movie. There was no plot and no acting. It was simply a record of a guy being fucked by a horse-hung man for the first time. I didn't have any lines to say. Some of Banister's photographs were on the wall. They were more impressive than I guessed. It took me a while to realize they were of sexual activities.

Martin was pleasant too. I asked him if he wanted a man as ordinary as me to be in the shoot.

"You are exactly what I want. My clientele is older, and they are regularly courted by handsome men who are after their money. Sexually aroused ordinary men turn them on," he explained. "Roosevelt has been in videos before. The older men love him."

"He is handsome," I said.

Martin laughed. "Many of my friends are having a problems with dim and diminishing eyesight. Roosevelt's cock is big enough for them to see!" he explained. "A black man is exotic for my customers. His pink cock head shows up well as does his piss slit. I assume you know about his impressive orgasms?" I nodded.

"Roosevelt told you about or fee structure?" Martin asked. I said yes.

"I know you are financially embarrassed. Sometimes things work out well and sometimes they don't. You will get paid regardless. Officially Roosevelt and Franklin are your co-stars. I hope you aren't shocked to realized that everyone here is partial to gay sex. All are tested and safe. If you get inspired to suck or fucked anyone here, let nature take its course. Let's just say, every hole is available and anything that spurts is edible," Martin explained as he walked over to talk with Banister.

"He's a bit of a character," I said to Franklin.

"He is a late bloomer. He's trying to make up for lost time," Franklin explained.

I was a little less nervous than I thought I would be, but when we stripped to get ready for the shoot, my reaction shocked me. Everyone stripped, not just the three of us. Roosevelt and my cocks were the largest and most admired, but I admit I was checking out the other men with great interest. It was sort of like what I thought a locker room would be like, except looking was okay. There was a little touching too.

I didn't know exactly what to do, but the photographer, Banister, was helpful, and Roosevelt did most of the work. I had visualized big cameras and canasters of film. It was all digital and silent. The guys named Skyler and Monte both told me they would like to give me a poke after Roosevelt did me. "Sometimes a soft landing on a hard cock really hits the spot," Monty explained.

There was an introductory spiel by Martin. "This video deals with a musical trio known as the Monotones. They recently discovered they share common sexual interest. They have been exploring these interests most successfully. One of the members has one unexplored area. By the end of this video, the exploration of that area will be complete. In order to provide closeups our camera men and technical staff may be visible. Without any further ado, I give you the Monotones!"

Our part of the drama was next. I was in the middle of the king-sized bed with Franklin on one side and Roosevelt on the other.

"We formed our group a while ago. We eventually discovered we shared common sexual tastes," Franklin said.

"We were originally a duo and then added a third man. He turned out to have the same interest, but was less experienced," Roosevelt added. "Today we are going to add to our new member's experiences with anal penetration. The technical term for this is fucking, but that can range from a quick poke to full penetration," Franklin said.

Roosevelt added, "The technical term for full penetration is fucking a guy to the moon! Are you ready?" he asked me.

I answered him by leaning over a sucking his semi-erect cock. I pushed back his foreskin exposing his pink cock head. I licked a blob of precum from his slit. As I did that, Franklin sucked my cock. My nervousness vanished as his tongue caressed my cock and I tasted more of Roosevelt's rich precum.

Thinking about this later I concluded that my erect cock combined with Roosevelt's oozing cock was enough to overrule my brains' resistance to intimacy and sexual engagement. The night before I worried about taking a huge cock up my ass. That worry vanished.

As I sucked, I remembered Martin's comment about Roosevelt's pink cock head. It was a pretty shade of pink. Anything in that delicate color couldn't possibly hurt. I lost track of time. Soon Franklin was lubricating my ass. A little later Roosevelt's cock was at my hole. He was well lubricated. His impressive cock was long, but not overly thick.

He had a large cock head, but it was bullet shaped, the prefect shape to enter my ass. Franklin had fed me his cock and I was enjoying his precum when it suddenly changed to semen. As I slurped that up, Roosevelt popped in past my sphincter and lodged his knob against my prostate.

Technically I knew I had a prostate, but I had no idea what it did. The sensation was overwhelming, enhanced by the taste of Franklin's drooling cock. Roosevelt and Franklin were experienced, and both knew what they were doing. I was the lucky recipient of their sexual skills.

Roosevelt continued to thrust deeper, but between each thrust he returned to my prostate to send shivers through my body. Franklin moved away after his orgasm, but there was an immediate replacement. I couldn't see who that was, but he was already dripping precum and the man's huge balls were draped over my face.

I realized Roosevelt's low hangers were touching my balls. His entire cock was now in me. I shivered in excitement. It was beautiful. For the next fifteen or so minutes I just reacted to sexual stimuli. I went with the flow depending on the encouragement of the cock in ass, lips sucking my cock and a cock dripping into my mouth. I didn't need to do anything other than gasp for air, shiver, twitch or moan. I don't think I consciously did anything.

I wasn't worried or concerned about anything. That came to an end when I shot off. Banister told me my orgasm was impressive and photogenic. I had no idea an orgasm could be photogenic. He also told me that Roosevelt had stretched my ass open, so his sperm drooled out of the hole when he pulled out.

"Is that a rarity?" I asked.

"Yes," he replied. "Our customers like to see a man take a load, but that is hidden from view when you fuck. They love seeing semen pouring out of a just used ass."

"You are into this," I said.

"It's a gift," he replied. We laughed.

As I got ready to go home, one of the masked men came over to me. "You gave a wonderful performance," he said. "I haven't been that turned on in years."

I thanked him for the comments. I told him wasn't an actor, but it had been good for me too.

"I couldn't fill you the way Roosevelt did, but I would like to try. Have a room upstairs.," he said. Martin was watching us. He was smiling. I wanted to keep Martin happy, so we went to the bedroom.

"I know this is tacky and crudely sexual, but I am so turned on," he said.

"I guess that was the objective of the video," I remarked. The man removed his mask and began sucking me. I had figured that my cock was well used and needed a rest. My cock had another opinion. Five minutes later he was in my ass. His cock was thick but nowhere near as long as Roosevelt's, but he essentially used my prostate as a punching bag. He and I shot off together.

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