The Monastery

By Jay Wize

Published on Aug 1, 2018



This story is a work of fiction and contains descriptions of explicit sexual acts between men.

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Copyright 2018, jaywizetoo, all rights reserved.

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In my dream, I was being ravished by a huge, hulking man. I lay, face down in my bed, pinned beneath his massive torso and tree trunk thighs. His dense beard tickled my neck and back as he licked and nibbled and breathed hot air that smelled of whiskey across my sensitized skin.I could feel heat radiating from his body and soaking into mine. I could drown in it, I thought. He was buried deep inside me, and I could feel, without looking, the immense size of his cock.He wasn't thrusting, but I could feel his hips grinding against my ass, the arm-thick organ widening me, moving deep in my cuts as the giant gyrated and probed, trying to get as much of himself as possible up my tight hole.I was moaning like an animal into my pillow, drooling into the starched linen. The huge man growled into my ear, filthy words and obscenities filling my head and dizzying me with lust, punctuated by the swipes and plunges of his hot, wet tongue as he bred me.I was aware of my own bloated, throbbing shaft beneath me, and I sense I was close to cumming from that white-hot horse cock being dragged in and out of me, a few inches at a time. The wide helmet head rubbed at that secret place within me that made me squirm in ecstasy.My climax woke me, ripping through me like the funnel of a whirlwind. I cried out, but my voice was strangely muffled.I opened my eyes, for a moment disoriented, the room only sparsely lit by the moonlight that poured through my small window.I was not alone. Even as I came down from my nocturnal orgasm, I became aware of another man's heat and weight upon my back. For a moment, I wondered if I had awakened at all. Then, it sunk in.Someone had slipped into my cell and taken me in my sleep. A flash of anger passed over me, but was quickly smothered by a growing, perverted pleasure.As I squirmed underneath my quiet rapist, he became aware that I was awake. His once subtle movements quickened, as he no longer needed to worry about waking me, and his grip on my shoulders tightened. His strokes within me lengthened, making it clear to both of us that he intended to finish what he had started.As my vision adjusted to the darkness, I realized who it was upon me; Brother Barrett. I recognized the deep grunts and the cadence of his thrusts, and the width of his great cock pressing outwards on the stretched ring of my anus."Brother," I sighed, settling into the fuck now that I knew his identity."Brother," he growled back."You take me in my sleep...?" I pointed out the obvious."You are mine," he whispered simply. He was, as always a man of few words.I could feel myself growing hard again as he continued his relentless rutting. His thick dong drove deep into my guts, every vein and bulk parting me and willing me with that sweet contentment one can only experience when one is truly possessed by another."You want this," Barrett grunted in my ear.It was true, his entrance had not been an unwanted one."Yes, brother. My cell is open to you whenever you want me," I moaned as his beautiful rod worked its magic inside me."There are others," he answered. His voice was growing strained. I could tell he was getting close."Breed me, brother. Put your seed within me..."He lurched forward, his furry abdomen rubbing against my back as his hips quickened, his groin hammering the firm cheeks of my ass."You are mine," he repeated, his breath coming in gasps. With one final lunch, he filled me with his hot load. I had seen enough of them to know the size of his flood within me. He had the balls of a stallion, and his orgasms were legendary. Every pulse of that huge organ, I knew, meant more of him, more of his essence, became part of me. By this time, he had bred me so many times, we might practically be considered related.He collapsed over me, breathing heavily into my hair. I loved being underneath him. The fur upon his arms and chest warmed me. He wrapped himself around me like a wool blanket.I thought he might stay the night. He had done so before, but this night he rose silently, his cock sliding out of me, and departed, leaving me alone with my thoughts, and with my still-hard cock.Silence reigned for a time. I listened to the whispers and subtle groanings of the old church, the sounds of night birds and insects outside, and the light pressure of mountain breezes against the open windows.I was just starting to doze off again when the door creaked; the tiniest of sounds. I perceived that, once again, I was not alone.I felt a weight upon the bed, and heard the breathing of a man."So hot..." he whispered. "I strained to place his voice, his accent, anything that might identify him, but could not. He might have been any one of the brotherhood. I wondered how he had known I was here like this, exposed and randy. Perhaps he had been wandering past and had heard Brother Barrett having his way with me.I flushed with excitement. I had grown to love being used this way, by any man, at any time.I felt warm hands caressing the muscular flesh of my buttocks, then parting them. The soft tickle of breath across my exposed hole sent shivers up my spine. I was still wet from Barrett's sizeable load, and I felt a momentary twinge of embarrassment, even shame, at bearing such obvious evidence of sodomy, until I felt lips upon my loosened pucker, then the warm, slippery delight of a squirming tongue.I let out a long breath and spread my legs to give the monk easier access to me. He took advantage of the opportunity and I felt him slide his tongue even deeper. Perhaps I was just tired, or sensitive, but his tongue felt like a cock inside me, stuffing me full of soft, wet flesh."Ohhh.." I moaned, despite myself. "God, yes. Tongue-fuck me, brother."He burrowed deeper. I felt the bristles of his beard against the inside of my cheeks. My eyes were clenched shut, else I would have noticed the presence of another in the room.I felt the soft flesh of a thick cock against my lips, the slickness of precum coating them as its owner slid himself into my mouth.I didn't brother to open my eyes. Instead, I reached up to explore the man's body. Like so many of the brothers here, his body was lightly furred, with a belly that swelled outward, and meaty pecs that sagged downward slightly.I caressed the warm flesh, ran my fingers lightly over large nipples, eliciting a soft moan from him. A fist curled in my hair and tightened. The cock sunk further into my mouth, and the monk began a slow, shallow fucking motion. It was as if he didn't want to cum, so much as to let me taste him and savor the smooth, veiny shaft against my tongue.For a time, the three of us fed upon each other, the room echoing softly with muffled moans and light gasps.I sensed the wetness of my own hole as the monk behind me rose and sunk his cock into me. His grunt of satisfaction kindled my desire and I arched my back, raising my ass to meet his deep plunge.The cock in my mouth swelled, then filled my cheeks with hot cum. I swallowed and swallowed, savoring the monk's essence. He had barely emptied his balls when he pulled out, leaving a trail of his semen upon my lips.He left without a word, but even as his footfalls faded, another shape took his place before me. His robe was already pulled up, and I was face to face with a bulging, furry belly and two huge pecs. They sagged under their own weight, unlike the ones of the last monk. They were more like breasts than muscles, the nipples large and protruding."Get up," the voice behind me ordered. His cock, wide and wickedly curved, filled me. I pushed myself up from my prone position on the stiff mattress and got to my knees."Look up, brother." I did so, and immediately saw it. A dark figure blocked the moonlight against the barred window. I saw the blackness of a robe against the figure's back and rear end, but his front, lean and muscled, was bare and pressed against the metal. Between two of the bars, a thick, throbbing cock jutted, its large head swollen and leaking."Suck him."I straightened fully and leaned forward; while the big-bellied monk on whose nipples I had been nursing slid between my legs and enveloped my hard cock in his hot, wet mouth.I opened wide and took the dark monk's cock deep into my mouth. I heard him groan, and the heavy meat between my lips jerked upward.The monk behind me plowed all the way into me, shoving my own cock down the threat of the man sucking me, and soon I felt the cool metal bars against my cheeks as the brother outside thrust himself forward. The massive organ rounded the corner of my throat and stretched halfway down my gullet, my lips stretched lewdly around the wrist-thick root of it. His pendulous balls, hanging low in their sack, covered my chin and bounced against my neck as he began fucking my throat in long, rhythmic plunges.I lost myself in the raw pleasure of the act for a time, letting all three men use me to their hearts' content. The wet sounds of sucking and hard, masculine cock driving deep into wanton, willing holes filled the room. I imagined that the Abbott would be pleased, knowing I was here tonight, fulfilling my purpose within these stone walls.The dark monk's thrusts into my mouth grew rougher, more rapid. His breathing came in ragged pants. Behind me, the monk breeding my ass continued his relentless fucking, and his curved cock battered my prostate, driving me closer and closer to the edge. I moved my ass backward in time with his thrusts, each movement back and forth sending my over-stimulated cock deep into the throat deep into the throat gulping at my groin.My climax took me like a surprise storm. I surrendered to the electric pleasure in my ass as the man took me with all of this strength.I opened my mouth as the orgasm washed over me, and I began to unload my balls into the greedy mouth sucking me. The dark monk grunted loudly and drove himself through the bars down my throat, and my lips smashed against the base of his angry rod as he began to cum. He reached through the bars and clenched my hair, holding my head tightly to them.I swallowed reflexively (or tried, anyway) as his hips jerked and spasmed and the thick shaft erupted with gush after gush of heavy cream directly into my belly. The monk behind me froze, utterly silent and still as big curved dick filled my guts with potent sperm.We stayed like that for what seemed an eternity, feeding each other, being fed, and inseminating one another as primitive man had been doing for thousands of generations.The dark monk reached down with his free hand and traced the sign of the cross on my forehead, then started to piss. I was nearly out of air, but the iron grip showed no sign of loosening. He was buried so far down my throat that I couldn't actually swallow. It was an odd sensation, feeling the hot liquid fill my belly, warming the sides of my throat as it gushed and splashed its way into me.After a moment, the flow of golden urine slowed to a trickle and the monk withdrew, squeezing small amounts of piss onto my tongue. I belched around the thick meat before it popped free of my lips.The monk grunted with satisfaction, traced another cross upon my forehead with the still damp tip of his cock, then shook it, slapping my face a few times to make sure he was completely dry, then turned and left, slipping his robe on over his beefy body as he faded into the darkness.The monk behind me withdrew slowly. He was still half hard, but clearly spent. He leaned forward, sliding his tongue up my back between my shoulder blades, then bit down gently but firmly, leaving light pink teeth marks on my neck.The monk sucking me also pulled away and the two of them disappeared through the door and into the dimness beyond, leaving me alone with my thoughts.I was worn out, cum leaking from my ass, my face covered in droplets of semen and piss, but lost in the utter pleasure of it all.I shut my eyes briefly, resting them, and when they opened once more, a tall figure filled the doorway to my room. His hood was pulled back and I recognized the handsome, bearded face.My lover had returned, for the second time this night. He was the closest of those I regarded as partners at the monastery, and easily the most jealous. He did not move; content to watch me, his face expressionless but for the deep furrowing of his brow; something I found immensely sexy.I was still. He clearly knew what had just transpired. I always knew he didn't enjoy this knowledge, but he had never demanded that it stop. He walked forward slowly, stopping a few feet from the bed, then gestured with his chin toward the small kneeling rail opposite the window, set out a ways from a wall sconce and a crucifix.I knew at once what he wanted, and got up off the bed, padding on bare feet to the rail. I bent over it, resting both of my palms against the stone wall, my legs spread wide. Of all of the positions I had assumed, this was his favorite, though I never really knew why.He moved quickly, roughly. He normally towered over me, but now, facing the wall, his moon-cast shadow dwarfed my own. I heard his rob hit the floor in a clump of dark, coarse material, and I felt a muscled arm encircle my belly, then he shoved himself into me without stopping.I gasped. Every time we were together, I seemed to forget his mammoth cock and how deeply it could penetrate my body.When his groin finally pressed against my spread ass cheeks, he growled in my ear."Remember, little brother," he had come to enjoy calling me that, "I am first to breed you every night. And I am last. Anything between has no meaning. You belong to me."He pulled back, at that, then thrust back in hard, jarring me."Say it," he ordered, withdrawing that huge snake inch by inch and stealing my breath along with it."I... I belong..." I stammered.He slammed himself in again, interrupting me."I belong to you, broth..."In he slammed again, silencing me. It was an exercise in dominance.Those were the last words spoken. He fucked me like an animal, huffing hot breath upon my neck and shoulders, biting, gathering mouthfuls of muscle as he held me in place and plowed into me faster and faster, the slapping of big, lean thighs against mine growing louder and more violent.With both of us were near the edge, he drove in deep, held himself there, and grabbed my hair, wrenching my head back and to the side. His lips crushed down upon mine and my mouth was filled with his hot, probing tongue as he pumped me full of his essence.We shared the same breath for the space of minute, each of us growing dizzy as we drew the same air from each other's lungs and into our own.With a sudden motion, he pulled his thick meat out of me, and it hung there between his legs, wet and throbbing and magnificent.Then he turned, picked up his robe and walked back through my door without so much as a glance back.I half walked, half crawled along the wall back to my bed and collapsed upon it. I had intended to close and lock the door, but lacked the strength to do it now. I hoped it would not prove an invitation for more debauchery this night, but if it did, I knew Brother Barrett would return to re-assert his ownership. The thought made me smile.I slept.Sic erat pax.* * *

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