The Monastery

By Jay Wize

Published on Mar 25, 2018



This story is a work of fiction and contains descriptions of explicit sexual acts between men.

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Copyright 2018, jaywizetoo, all rights reserved.

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I crossed myself as the cantor completed prayers for Vespers, then we all rose as one.

It had been a long day. Fridays usually were. I had helped in the garden outside for much of the day and marveled at how fertile the ground was. While we still required provisions from the nearest town, the bulk of our vegetables (and even some of our fruit) came from right behind us, in a clearing a short ways from the boulders that separated us from the mountain's vast face.

When I had finished, I was tired and famished. Also, filthy. The shower, even a lukewarm one, had been a welcome treat.

As we all shuffled out of the chapel, the Abbot stopped me in the hall. The others passed the two of us, as if they had not noticed our presence at all.

"I have a job for you, my son," he said. "A gentleman has just arrived; a guest of the monastery. He is the father of two of our brothers. They aren't often able to see him, but on occasion, he travels here to visit with them. He will be spending the weekend in our company. I would like you to see that he has whatever is required; food, drink, a place to store his bags, and privacy, which I am told he values above nearly everything else."

"Of course, Father Abbot," I answered. "I'll see that he has everything he needs."

"Good. Inform me if anything goes wrong, or if he needs something we do not have here. We can always send a brother to town in the truck. The man has donated heavily to our order, and I want him given every courtesy. Understood?"

"Yes, Father Abbot."

"Very well. You will find him in the sitting room off the main entrance. Go, now."

I hurried off to meet this man. It was relatively rare that we received guests who stayed more than a day or so. He must have donated quite a bit, to say nothing of his giving two sons to the service of Christ.


The entryway to the abbey church was elegant and polished. Since it was a relatively rare thing to entertain overnight guests (though we freshly received them for short day trips; Even in this world, the ecosystem of a fully functional monastery is a curiosity to most people).

My sandals made soft swishing noises on the gleaming hardwood as I approached. A man sat in one of the leather chairs near a low, stained glass window. He looked somewhat stern, but not altogether unfriendly.

I stopped just in front of him and smiled.

"Mr. Ellsworth?"

He looked up and nodded.

"My name is Brother Tarrant. I have been sent to welcome you to the Monastery of the Brothers of St. Bernard of Clairvaux."

He watched me give me short speech, then his eyes softened a bit.

"I've been here a few times, young man. Though I don't recall seeing you before. His eyes found mine and he held my gaze for a few seconds; but even within that short space, I felt warmth rising from my neck, and a slow blush climbing my cheeks.

He clearly noticed this, for his eyes narrowed and his polite smile widened noticeably.

"So, then. Would you assist me with my bag, brother Tarrant? I am looking forward to settling in and seeing my sons."

"Of course, sir," I answered, reaching down to lift the leather suitcase. It was heavy, but nothing I couldn't handle.

He rose from his seat and I got my first good look at him from top to bottom. He was a sturdy-looking man; heavy and solid, but not obese. His hair was steel grey, cut in an old style crew cut. His eyes were ice-blue, and incisive. He had a square jaw and a mustache the same color as his hair. Perhaps he had been in the military at some point when he was younger.

He was a tall man, and he walked with confidence. He wore a tweed jacket over a white oxford shirt, and khaki trousers. I supposed he might also have been a college professor, except his demeanor just didn't seem like that of an academic.

As we walked toward the dormitory, he looked over at me.

"How long have you been here, then?"

I shrugged, "About a year, I think. I cam here when I was sixteen. Well, more like I was left here. The brothers were kind enough to take me in. I had nowhere else to go."

"You're happy here, then?"

"I am, yes."

We made more small talk as we walked, and eventually found ourselves in front of the guest quarters, though they were really not much larger than the cells that the brothers themselves slept within.

I carried Mr. Ellsworth's suitcase into the room and laid it upon a stool that stood next to the writing desk situated beneath the window on the north wall.

As I watched him enter the room, I noticed he looked a little fatigued. I wasn't sure how long he had travelled to get here, but I imagined if the commute had been short, he would not bother staying overnight.

He sat down upon his bed and looked at me.

"Would you mind checking in in a couple of hours? I need to shower and get out of these," he gestured to his jacket and pants.

"Of course. I'll be back after our last service, Mr. Ellsworth."

"Thank you."

It was a dismissal.

I closed the door behind me and headed off to find the man's sons. It seemed odd to me that they hadn't come to greet their father and help him settle in themselves, but then, life in the monastery was filled with work and responsibility. Those did not end simply because one had a visitor.

Problem was, I had no real idea which two monks were his sons. In fact, I hadn't been aware that any of the monks were actually siblings.

I found the chamberlain after wandering around for a while. He was technically the man responsible for keeping track of... well, everything related to the monks; family information, room assignments, emergency contacts, cleaning, etc.

Of course, he was an old, old man, so many of his official duties fell to others (like me) better equipped to handle them.

He told me that brothers Wade and Warren were Ellsworth's sons. He described both of them to me, and I quickly recalled seeing them both before, though never together.

Wade was the younger brother at just twenty-one years of age. Warren was the older, at twenty-seven.

It had been an oddity, the chamberlain remarked, that two siblings from the same family should enter the ministry, let alone become postulants in the very same monastery. Their family must have been very devout indeed.

I was able to find Warren relatively quickly. He was in the kitchen completing clean-up for the night. I realized I had missed dinner while I was assisting Ellsworth. I could always get something from the larder a bit later, if I needed to.

I spent a few minutes talking to Warren. He seemed oddly relaxed, and mentioned that he would visit his father's quarters in a while.

I scurried off to find Wade, but wasn't about to locate him before I was forced to set off for the chapel for Compline, the final service of the day.

The prayers and chants seemed to fly by. I wanted to make certain Ellsworth had everything he needed, but deep down I was intrigued by the man. Perhaps it was just my natural curiosity about someone not already part of our cloistered community. I found myself wanting to learn more about him and his sons.

The candles in the wall sconces along the corridors had not yet been lit. That usually occurred just after Compline. But walking the halls in near darkness was one of my great pleasures. It was peaceful and quiet. I had never felt uneasy or frightened walking these halls.

As I approached Ellsworth's door, I slowed. I could see candlelight flickering from within, along the floor beneath the wooden slats, and around the closed door viewer.

I knocked softly. "Mr. Ellsworth?" I called.

"Come in," a deep voice responded.

I cracked the door and slid inside, closing it behind me. Even with candles lit, the room was dim.

His back was facing me as he sat in the desk chair facing the window.

"Sir, I..."

And I froze.

A hooded head bobbed slowly in the man's lap. He appeared to be wearing a pair of old-school pajamas, navy blue, and an open bathroom of the same color. The top buttoned up like a cardigan sweater, while the bottoms opened in front with buttons like a pair of boxer shorts.

I couldn't see what the monk in front of him had in his mouth, but I could hear soft sucking sounds from under the hood.

Ellsworth's eyes were half closed. He was clearly enjoying the attention. He reached down and rested a hand upon the hood between his legs, then he looked at me.

"I'm told you're pretty good at this too," he grinned, "want to give it a try?"

Even with all of the experiences I had had within these walls, the calm brazenness of his question surprised me. I looked into the blue depths for the space of a few seconds, then nodded.

Ellsworth leaned back in his chair, tapping the monk gently on his head.

"Let the man have a chance, son."

The other monk raised his head.

It was Wade.

I blinked. Then blinked again.

Wade chuckled. He was a handsome guy, clean-shaven, unlike many of the monks here. In fact, I would see a strong resemblance to his father, though his face was a little thinner, and his eyes were a rich, chocolate brown.

"You... Wade?" I stammered.

Ellsworth chuckled. "Never seen a boy go down on his dad's meat, I take it?"

I shook my head. "No, sir."

"He's loved doing that ever since he was in junior high. I used to come home every night and watch the evening news while he sucked me. He could do it for hours. Some nights he'd swallow this dick until it was bed time. Back then, we had to be more careful, though. His mom would go up to bed early, and he'd slide between my legs while I read the paper. Perfect way to end the day, if you ask me."

Wade smirked and blushed.

"Come on, then," Ellsworth gestured. "Get down there and take your turn. Been a while and I wanna feel lips wrapped around my piece all night. Wade... stand up, boy. Let me taste you a little while this one gets to work."

I sank to my knees before the older man. He began unbuttoning his top, exposing a grey-furred belly and chest. It looked like he had once been an athletic man, but now he had the musculature of a fifty-year-old, with big, meaty pecs that sagged ever so slightly, and belly that bore a natural bulge.

He rubbed a hand across his belly and across his pecs, pinching each nipple between his thumb and forefinger.

I stared for a moment, then looked down. His penis wasn't completely hard, but was thick and full, laying across his thigh, poking through the hole in his pajama bottoms. It was reddish and fat, with a large, blunt helmet of a head, and covered in veins. It was definitely a man's tool; the tool of a man who had used it and used it well.

I dipped my head and kissed the wide shaft. it was hot and silken against my lips.

"That's it, kiddo. Kiss daddy's cock and make it feel good." Ellsworth's hand found my neck and massaged softly, the signal unmistakable.

"Suck it, boy."

I slid him into my mouth. The thick organ was warm and spongy. It filled my mouth like a huge, floppy donkey cock. While he wasn't uncut, the skin was soft and loose. He pulled me further onto him and the bloated flesh pushed into my throat.

"Aww, fuck yes, kid. That mouth feels good. Work your tongue around it. You like the taste of my big cock, boy?"

I nodded, laving the underside of the shaft. I felt him flex his meat in my mouth, and tasted the dollop of thick, clear precum he squeezed out onto my tongue. It was salty and sweet; utterly male and powerful.

Now standing beside his father, Wade lifted his robe and slid completely out of it, letting it fall to the floor at his feet.

He was beautiful; thin and lithe, with a dusting of light brown fur upon his chest, and covering his legs, but little elsewhere. I noticed that while he had no beard, he did possess a small amount of scruff. Perhaps only what had grown since his last shave, whenever that had been.

His cock, slender, perhaps seven inches in length, angled up towards his rippled belly, jerking with his pulse.

He moved closer to the older man, taking his cock in hand and aiming it at his dad's mouth.

Ellsworth leaned over and opened his mouth, sticking out his tongue.

Wade seemed to know just what to do. In a slow, sensuous motion, he slide the leaking head of his manhood over his dad's lips, coating them in the slick fluid. Ellsworth's tongue moved to lick his lips, tasting his son upon them.

Wade leaned his head back, closing his eyes. "Suck me, daddy," he whispered, moving his hips forward and sliding himself past the wet lips, which closed around his shaft.

The fat cock swelled in my mouth and hardened fully as I bobbed and sucked. I was almost dizzy with lust watching a real father suck his own son's hard manhood.

The old man moaned as his boy fed him young, hard meat. None of us heard the door open. Our hearts were pounding in our ears, our senses filled with the taste of cock and the sounds of sucking an labored breath.

In the dimness of the candlelit room, I saw another robed figure step up behind Wade and wrap two cloth-covered arms around the young monk.

The hooded head sipped as the monk kissed Wade's neck. I saw the flash of a tongue and red lips upon the pale skin, and Wade shuddered with pleasure, a soft whimper escaping his lips.

"Brother," he whispered, almost in audibly, and he reached behind himself to squeeze the taller monk's cock through the dark material of his robe.

The robed monk breathed into the naked one's neck. "Oh yeah... you like my big cock, don't you, Wadey? It's bigger than dad's, isn't it, little brother?"

Wade nodded breathlessly.

Ellsworth let his younger son's cock pop from his mouth, looking up at his brother.

"You been keeping each other busy, boys? I imagine things get pretty slow here. Why don't you show me how you pass the time..."

"Yes, sir," the larger monk answered, pulling his robe over his head and tossing it aside, then running a hand lovingly over his brother's neck. "You heard the man..."

Ellsworth's cock hardened even further in my mouth as he watched, an almost animal sound rising from his throat.

Wade leaned down and took his older brother's cock into his mouth. The long shaft disappeared. Between the two, a pair of candles glowed from the wall behind, lending the pair an otherworldly nimbus.

The old man took Wade back in his mouth and continued sucking, as I continued swallowing his heavy cock.

Suddenly Ellsworth stood up from his chair, his wet meat popping out of my mouth.

The heavy organ hung down at a forty-five degree angle, swaying back and forth under its own weight as he moved.

"All right, boys. Assume the position," he said, his voice soft, but still exuding authority.

Wade turned and made his way over to the bed. It was a small one, really; just a twin-sized mattress, but at least it was a bed rather than the cots on which the monks typically slept; and a sturdy one, at that, with squat, thick wooden legs.

Wade crawled upon it onto his hands and knees. His perfect ass rose above the downward arch of his smooth back.

Ellsworth moved behind his son. "Did you get yourself ready for me, son?"

Wade nodded as his older brother took up a position in front of him.

"Suck me, Wade," Warren instructed.

I was so hard it was almost painful as I watch these men, a family, enjoy each other in this most intimate and taboo of ways.

Warren caressed Wade's head, guiding him back to his swollen cock. The thick head vanished again, and both monks moaned.

Ellsworth lined himself up with his son's ass and began to slide inside, wiggling his hips as inch after inch disappeared into the boy's tight hole.

"Ohh, that feels so fucking good, son. Aw, Jesus, your ass is tight. You've been saving this just for daddy, haven't you?"

Father and older son set up a slow, steady rhythm, pumping the younger monk's ass and throat, as if they were really one man in three bodies.

Ellsworth beckoned me over as he fucked, the cheeks of his furry ass flexing with each inward plunge. He muttered dirty words to his boys, encouraging them, seducing them as his big nuts swayed, lightly slapping Wade's smaller ones.

"Why don't you get under there and eat my ass," he said to me. "Nothing like breeding a tight hole while my own is stuffed with hot tongue."

I didn't need a second invitation. I pulled my robe over my head and tossed it away from me, moving behind the older man. I slid under him on my back, lapping at those big balls for a bit before locking my lips on his hole and sinking my tongue into his snug heat.

"Ahhh, fuck yes, boy. Eat daddy's hole." I almost came then and there. "Good boy, french kiss it. Show daddy you love that big asshole."

I tasted the fresh soapy scent from the showers, and the man's natural musk as I ate him out. As I did, it seemed I was transported back in time, and Ellsworth's asshole was my own father's instead.

I had never been intimate with my own father, but I had often fantasized about it, which had only further convinced me of my own unworthiness in my early teen years.

I sucked and licked deeply, jamming my squirming tongue in and out as the thick cock above my head penetrated Wade's tight, pale ass.

I scooted lower for a few moments, taking the younger monk's throbbing cock into my mouth as his dad fucked his upturned butt.

As Ellsworth's thrust quickened and increased in depth and power, the young monk's manhood pushed down into my throat, pinning me to the mattress as he fucked in time with his older brother and father.

I could hear him trying to moan with his mouth stuffed full of Warren's huge cock, driving his hips --and my head-- into the bedclothes.

I could sense all three men were getting close. Their movements were frenzied, desperate. They had been holding this in, it seemed, for a very long time.

Ellsworth was the first to finish. Above my head, Wade's asshole stretched obscenely around his dad's thick cock. The old man's ass cheeks flexed and jerked as he sprayed the boy's insides with incestuous cum.

Wade's hips drove his young cock deep into my throat as he unloaded his own hot load directly into my belly.

Warren grunted next, filling his little brother's mouth with hot, salty semen. The younger monk gulped and swallowed eagerly.

"Now it's your turn," Ellsworth gasped, slightly winded and sliding himself out of his son's hole.

Wade rolled to the side, his cock springing free of my mouth, still hard and angry-looking.

"Boys," the old man said, "Show this young monk what it feels like when two brothers work together. Get on your hands and knees, kid," he ordered me. His voice wasn't particularly thick with authority, but I had no hesitation in obeying him.

I took my position, and no sooner had I done so than the old man got on his back and slide underneath me.

Warren got behind me and placed the head of his long, slick cock at the entrance to my ass, while Wade straddled his dad's head, facing me. The grin on his face told me he was enjoying this immensely.

Ellsworth moaned, raising his head to suck one of Wade's hanging balls into his mouth. As he did, he lifted his knees to either side of me, spreading them wide and exposing his hole to me. He wanted me to fuck him missionary style. Appropriate, I remember thinking.

"Put it inside me," he growled. "Fuck daddy's hole, son."

I thrust inside him, feeling his silken heat like a glove around my cock, milking it as the old man tightened his muscles.

"Oh, my god," I heard myself say. "You feel so fucking good, sir."

Warren pushed forward, and my ass widened to accept him. "Ahh, Jesus..."

He entered me fully, and all the world seemed to fill my ass. The force of it, drove my own cock balls-deep into his dad's hole. Warren leaned over me like a dog in rut. I felt his hot breath on my neck and his sweaty chest against my back. His teeth sank into my skin, gathering the muscle there between them and holding me in place as he bred me.

Wade's hand found my head and his cock slid past my lips until I could feel his balls against my chin.

The sensation was incredible. One monk with his cock buried in my throat; his brother deep in my ass, and their father beneath me, his hot hole wrapped around my throbbing manhood.

We moved together in the candlelight, the four of us as one, slick with sweat, pulsing shafts sliding in and out, plumbing depths in each willing hole, breathing, moaning, gasping...

I understood the connection between the three of them now; father, son and son; almost a trinity amongst themselves; almost a holy communion born of shared blood and lust.

Wade ground his ass on his father's face, grunting as the older man ate him out expertly, his own moans muffled by the monk's muscular buttocks.

With a strangled, almost feral cry, Warren drove his massive cock into me, driving me, in turn, to the hilt in his dad's milking ass. I felt the big cock pulsing and bucking inside my guts as the the bigger monk filled me with his scalding seed. He kept pumping, mindlessly, unable to stop pushing that hot cream deeper and deeper into me, as it ensuring that I would be with child from this fuck.

I too went over the edge, the blood rushing to my head as I filled the old man's hole with my own hot load. Ellsworth's 's cock erupted against my belly as we slid against each other, lost in orgasm, and my mouth suddenly filled with Wade's sweet cum; gush after gush of it from the gaping piss slit against my tongue. I drank greedily from him, his flow seemingly endless as he jerked and the muscles of his sweaty torso stood out in stark relief in the flickering light.

I can't remember how long the sensation of cumming lasted. It seemed to go on for minutes, each of us afraid to move, lest the sensations end. When the last of us was finally spent, we lay there, breathing heavily, listening to the bells far above tolling, tolling, tolling. By the time they had faded into silence, we were dozing, naked on the small bed.

I awoke a short time later, slipped back into my robe and blew out the candles one by one, until only the pale moonlight pouring through the window provided any illumination.

I closed the door behind me and made my way back to my own room, Warren's huge cumload already starting to leak from my used ass.

As always, none of those I passed paid me the slightest bit of attention. They were used to seeing me out and about late at night. It was one of my responsibilities, after all.

The monastery was, as it ever had been, a masquerade; a gathering of darkened hoods cloaking the desires of men, and the subtle blessings of their hearts and minds.

Sic erat pax.

Next: Chapter 6

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