The Mix Up

By Desert Rat

Published on Oct 17, 2022



I guess it all started as a result of a visit to Knickerbockers, which is the name of my gym. Knickerbockers wasn't directly involved but was just the starting point for a chain of events that changed my life in many ways.

My name is Scott Timlin and I'm an independent contractor who does consulting work in the marketing field. It was early Friday afternoon and I was about to leave for London for a presentation to a client. I'd been working until 10:00pm for the past ten days on the presentation so I hadn't been working out which I normally did three to four times a week on doctor's advice ever since I was diagnosed with extremely high blood pressure at 27 years of age. My week in London would mean almost three weeks without a badly needed workout. Knickerbockers was the only luxury in my life. Not just from the time stand point from the financial as well. It is a viciously expensive place that catered to busy executives. Not that my two person office would qualify me for executive status but I liked the place the moment I walked in two years ago and have never regretted the decision to become a member in spite of the expense. You see, early in life I set a goal for myself to be financially independent by the time I was 35. That meant being frugal in many areas if I was to achieve this. Knickerbockers membership cost more each month than I spent on my car payment.

It was Friday afternoon; I was at Knickerbockers preparing for my work out. I had almost two hours until my flight. I already had my boarding pass and with just a carry-on suit bag and my computer case, I didn't have to wait in line for check in and could proceed directly to the departure gate. I had already decided I was going to leave my car at the office and take a taxi to the airport. The work out went smoothly and felt good. I wordlessly accepted the rebuke from Stan, my trainer, for being away for so long. He said on my next visit, he would give me some exercises to do if circumstances made it TOTALLY impossible for me to come in. Once back at my locker, I rang for an attendant and ask him to call a taxi for me and I was off to the shower. As I stepped out, the towel attendant presented my heated towel and I felt good about myself.

My actual presentation would only be one or maybe two days but the rest of the week I was going to play tourist. It had been a while since I had been in Europe and the other times had always been for business reasons. I said I was frugal and wasn't about to spend the money if someone else was willing to! I dressed in my freshly pressed suit and as I exited the locker room into the lobby, an attendant met me with my bags and carried them to the door instructing me to wait and the receptionist would inform me when my cab had arrived. I still had an hour until my flight. I sat in one of the high back chairs and inhaled this privileged atmosphere like oxygen. Occasionally a member would be leaving and would nod at me on his way out. Yes, I felt like I had "arrived" by working out with board members of oil companies, movie producers and other studio executives, real estate tycoons and politicians. Not to mention the occasional Hollywood personality who hadn't made it big enough yet to make a personal trainer and home fitness center a life's necessity. I glanced at my watch several times while waiting and after about 20 minutes, I became concerned and asked the receptionist to call again. She did and said that all the cabs were busy, after all, it was Friday afternoon, but they were trying to dispatch one for me. She assured me that even if they failed, one of the attendants would drive me. I relaxed again feeling like some sovereign lord. Finally, she came over smiling at me and said a cab had arrived. I stepped out the door just in time to see another person jump in and the cab pull away. I groaned. I had just a little more than a half-hour until my flight. I was about to go inside and request an attendant's assistance when a cab pulled up stopping for traffic. I bolted to the door, flung it open and jumped in.

The lone occupant and the driver both tried to protest. I cut them off. "Look, I'm late for a plane and have to get to the airport. I don't care where you are going but I'll pay that fare and my own if you take me to the airport first."

"Hey buddy, you're in luck! That's where we're headed but it's up to my fare," the driver said.

I turned to the young man sitting beside me, he had a computer case open and had been doing something. My line of site didn't allow me to see what was on his screen but he quickly snapped it shut. I put on my most imploring look and said, "Please, this is very important and if you're going to the airport anyway, it won't be an inconvenience and I'll pay your fare. Please."

"That won't be necessary. I suppose it is okay," he said in a soft but deep voice.

"I can't tell you how much I appreciate this," I said settling into the seat. He zipped his computer case shut and sat it on the floor which was now crowded with my computer case and suit bag. He looked to be in his mid 20's and had closely cropped dark red hair. He had nice looks in a boyish sort of way that was emphasized by the spray of freckles across his nose and onto his cheeks. He was tall and had a large frame, probably over 200 pounds. It looked to be solid muscle since he was wearing a T-shirt that showed off a nice pair of pecs. He also had great looking biceps. Developing my biceps had recently become my priority and was now one of the first things I noticed about men. I dug my planner out of my suit bag and retrieving my cell phone out of my jacket pocket, put them in my computer case. Since I was going to work on the plane, I wanted all my stuff together. I returned my computer case to the floor.

"Are you returning from or going on a trip?' I asked deciding to make a little conversation with my benefactor and that was always a safe topic.

"Returning, I've been here on vacation. It was my first time to visit L.A. You?"

"Going. Business trip." I was about to ask him where he was from when the driver had to break hard and swerve to avoid hitting a car that had cut him off. The violent action caused us both to slide off the seat and our bags scattered.

"Asshole!" the drive yelled. "Better buckle up guys, the weirdoes are out today."

We settled back in our seat searching for the seat belts. We arrived at the airport with no further conversation: both of us had been unnerved by the near miss. At the International Departures Terminal, I grabbed my bags and started to jump out but forgot about the seat belt and it jerked me back making me loose my balance and falling against the other guy confirming his muscle mass. I got unfastened, threw a $50 bill at the driver, told him to keep the change from a $33 fare and jumped out throwing a hurried "Thanks" at my short time companion. I got lucky and security didn't give more than a passing glance at my PC case so I didn't have to open it and boot it to prove it was the genuine article. I sprinted to the gate with seconds to spare and sweating like a racehorse but still proud of the fact that I was hardly winded at all.

Once in my seat in Business Class, I accepted a glass of champagne from the attendant to help steady my nerves. He took my coat and stowed my two bags in the overhead. I sat down and breathed a long sigh of relief. That had been close. My presence wasn't actually required in London. My counterpart in the client's office could handle the presentation of my data if he had all my files. We had talked several times on the phone and I had been faxing and E-mailing some documents to him on a regular basis but the final report and the slide presentation was in my computer. For obvious reasons I held back with the complete data but his input along the way had been invaluable since he knew both his own company and their market far better than I did.

I only occasionally got to work outside the U.S. In this instance, my client was a small but prestigious chain of gourmet food stores that was opening a test store in the U.S. and wanted to know more about the demographics of several target cities. The work was actually easy since all I did was tap the work that had already been done by others and was readily available to anyone but I "packaged" it and came up with a damned impressive presentation.

But more than anything else, I think I was looking forward to unwinding for a few days. I found that Knickerbockers had made a slight change in me aside from the physical changes that were dramatic considering the shape I had been in. Stan stayed on me and monitored my progress weekly. But there were now some subtle attitude changes that came about slowly. Lately, I was thinking about hiring another guy to take some of the load off me and for the first time, I was thinking that maybe being totally independent wasn't such a hot shot idea if I wasn't enjoying it. I was even thinking about a new car and maybe even a full time girl friend.

Once the seat belt signs were off, I got up, stretched, and decide to at least review some of my data. I pulled my computer bag out of the overhead and opened it. The first thing that I notice was the flashing light telling me it was in stand by mode. That was odd, I didn't remember putting it is standby since that always wasted power. With a total of over ten hours flying time, plus the time for a brief stop in New York to pick up more passengers, I wanted to make sure I maximized the resource. Then my blood ran cold. This was not my computer. I looked again in the overhead thinking that maybe I had someone else's bag but my suit bag was up there and nothing else. I had inadvertently gotten the other guys computer case. They were identical Targus bags. I sat down with a thud still holding the open case and looking at the computer in disbelief.

What now, I thought. Although Ian had most of the raw data, I still needed my finished product for the presentation and it was on my computer. Even my back- up disks were in that case going God only knows where. The man had never said where he was going. Well, the solution seemed pretty simple, there was bound to be some form of personal ID in the bag. I first looked in the pocket that was intended for that. There was nothing. I searched every pocket and compartment. There was nothing but the PC, related peripherals, a couple of CD's and some manuals. Looking at it now, the computer case looked to be new and I wondered if maybe he had bought it during this trip. That certainly might explain why he hadn't yet put any sort of address anywhere. "Ahhhh!" I almost shouted, he would call the office! My bag had my office address and phone number. By now, he would undoubtedly know he had my computer and I had his. We could DHL them back to each other. I knew Nancy would already be gone but the answering machine would be on and I could pick up messages remotely. I was certain he had already called. I picked up the air phone and dialed the office. After four rings, the machine didn't pick up. It was set to pick up on three rings. I felt sweat trickle from my pits down my sides. Nancy forgot to set the machine. With me always working so late, we seldom set it but I had reminded her that since she also was taking the week off, to set the machine before she left. She wouldn't even be there come Monday. I'd call her at home and ask her to take care of it! I reached for my planner.... It was in MY computer case! Nancy was having trouble with her ex-husband so her number had recently been changed and was now unlisted.

Now my forehead was damp. Would I ever see my machine again? I tried to calm myself by telling myself his was a newer and better machine. He would want it back. I had my office address and number inside my computer case. My planner was in there also and even it was bound to have my home address on something and I was listed. However I didn't have an answering machine at home. Since we needed one for the office and I didn't have a personal life, mine went to the office. I rang for the attendant and requested a double scotch on the rocks. I zipped the bag up and sat it on the empty seat next to mine.

Now what? Okay, looking at the whole situation rationally, the guy WOULD want his back. I was positive of that. He had my office number and would call there but he would have no way of leaving a message or even knowing he was actually getting my office. He knew I was going out of town but I hadn't said for how long. But without my computer, there was no reason for me to continue this trip. I wondered if Ian could get a day or so delay to the presentation. I'd call him but his phone number was in my planner also. I remembered the fax number because it was so easy with it being 333-4444 and the city and country codes could be gotten from any phone book or operator. I'd send a fax explaining what had happened. I couldn't fax from here because I wasn't certain this guy had fax software and even if he did, it was already past quitting time in London. Regardless, I decided it would probably be a good idea to send the fax as soon as possible but I'd have to do it from New York and that meant getting off the plane and finding a fax machine. That was no problem since I was a member of several Executive Club Lounges.

Okay, I'd get off the plane and fax Ian but he wouldn't get the fax until Monday morning and that would be just before the presentation at 9:00am. I could, and would, E-mail him also. I knew his personal E-mail address, which we had exchanged, just in case, but even if he got the message, what could he do until Monday? I doubted he could call the people involved at home and inform them of the situation. No, nothing could be done on that end until Monday but even if I got back to L.A. tonight, there would be little that could be done to get me to London by Monday morning. I half heartedly thought about the British Airways Concord but dismissed it. At four times the cost of a comparable Business class seat, it was a frivolous idea. Knickerbockers was getting to me!

The attendant arrived with my drink and I took a couple of calming sips. There was no way around it; I had no option but to get off the plane and head back to L.A. While I was waiting for my plane back to L.A., I'd fax Ian and check to see if I could possibly get lucky (it didn't seem possible) and this guy have software for my Internet provider. I could log on as a guest and maybe he wouldn't even know I had used his machine. Once back in L.A, I could call forward the office number to my home and just wait. I'd pick up a new answering machine on the way home just to be on the safe side. Once I knew where he was from, I could fly to his city, bribe him into meeting me at the airport, make the switch and then fly on to London. It was a pretty simple plan and I doubted little could be done to fuck it up but the way I was feeling right now, I felt like I could fuck up a wet dream. I relaxed and settled back in my seat finishing the last of the scotch and ordering another one.

When the pilot announced we were about to touch down, I signaled the attendant and told him I would be getting off in New York. Since I had no checked baggage, there was no problem. Twenty minutes later I was standing in a deserted departure terminal. The last flight to L.A had already left and there wasn't going to be one until morning and with it being a Saturday, I knew it was going to be late in the morning. The lounges were all closed. Yup, I could fuck up a wet dream. I walked out to the sidewalk and hailed a cab knowing, but not caring, that I was about to be ripped off because of the hour. I told the cabby to take me to the nearest hotel. We were there in two minutes for which he charged me $25. I pulled out a twenty and a five out of my wallet and handed them to him saying nothing at the blatant overcharge. He held one bill in each hand looking back and forth at them. "What, no tip?" he said with disgusted surprise.

"A tip? I'll give you a tip! The tip of my dick and then some if you'll bend over," I said getting out of the cab and slamming the door in spite of the sign requesting it not be done. The driver sped off with a squeal of his tires. I went inside and requested a room. Since it was an airport hotel, it was almost empty on the weekend and had plenty of rooms. I scribbled out a quick note to Ian on the fax form. The cost would be billed to my room. Probably at $20 a page. I finally got to the room and set my suit bag down. I wanted to throw the offending computer case against the wall but after all, it was my fault. He hadn't handed me the case; I just grabbed one. Totally my fault. No use in taking it out on an innocent machine.

With all the sweating I had done, I knew I needed a shower but before doing that, I wanted another drink. I got a bucket of ice from the machine at the end of the hall. I stripped as I raided the mini bar of its outrageously priced booze. It was coming out of my pocket but I needed it. I was still feeling the ones from plane and their effect had been intensified by my being too upset to eat the meal. Now my stomach rumbled reminding me I hadn't eaten since breakfast.

Once I was clean and wearing a fresh pair of underwear, I decided to see if the computer had the software I need to send Ian an E-mail and ask him to call me at home tomorrow afternoon so we could make plans. It was still early Saturday morning in London. I woke the machine up and was greeted with a divided screen. One side had a letter or E-mail the machine's owner had been preparing and the other had a naked picture of a rather large blond man sporting an erection. The naked man was not the red head from the cab but in one lower corner was the hairy knee of a second person that looked like the hair had a red tint to it. There seemed no reason to speculate: these were obviously two gay men and I kind of thought there was a strong possibility there had been some sexual contact.

I glanced from looking at the man's crotch to the note. He had only had enough time to write a half dozen lines. My guess was that the cab had just picked him up at one of the downtown hotels when I barged in on him. The note started "Eric, my man-stud!" I didn't read any further. It was bad enough I had seen this much.

I suppose this would be a good time to tell you that aside from a jerk off buddy when I was a kid, I've never had sex with a man. My boyhood buddy, Sam and I had grown up together. We went through those boyhood curiosities and would examine our crotches and pits for those first few hairs and measure our pricks to see if they were growing yet. I was the first to cum but then he shot his first dribble a week or so later. As nature took it's coarse and we started to mature, the loads were increasing in volume and a mutual jerk off just seemed too messy and embarrassing to continue. We both keep jerking but wouldn't ever admit it to each other.

That was the extent of my sexual experience with another male. However, I'm not certain when it first set in but the thought of two men together having sex did not disgust me. It didn't turn me on either. It was just there. I knew there were many varieties of sexual expression some of which turned my stomach and some I was just neutral about. Gay sex was one of the neutral ones. It seemed to me that sex with another man was childhood innocents compared to some of the others!

The sex I had with women was okay. I didn't see fireworks or hear brass bands but I always came and more often than not, so did she. It was basically the same as when I jerked off which I routinely did once a week. You see, because of my life's objectives, a relationship had always been impossible. From time to time I sought out the company of a woman but it seemed like they were always clinging and trying to develop casual sex into a commitment for life. Occasionally, one would try to see more of me eventually giving up saying my work was both my wife and my lover and there wasn't room for another. Jerking off was actually as satisfying and less costly. I never fantasized while I stroked. I tried that and found that events within the fantasy would set off a stream of thoughts that would remind me of something I had forgotten about or needed to do and then I would have to stop and add it to my planner before I forgot. Then I'd have to start the fantasy all over. No, I usually just focused my attention on my knob and tried to keep a blank mind. It seemed to work but somehow, I thought I was missing something about the concept.

With a deep sigh, I pulled down the menu to find Windows Explorer so I could check for the required software. I got lucky and my service provider was preloaded. I again wondered if he would notice if I used it but decided he would undoubtedly know I had seen what I had seen. I mean, it wasn't as if I was snooping was it? I had a natural need to find out who he was and get back, as well as return, what was mistakenly switched by me.

I logged on as a guest and then sent Ian an E-mail telling him what had happened and asking him to call me. I gave him the hotel phone numbers if he got up early and my home phone number if he didn't. I sent the message and then decided to delete any temporary files to help cover my tracks. Maybe he wouldn't be savvy enough to know how to see if I had used the machine. To be on the safe side, I did a search for any files that had been modified or created since I got his machine by mistake. I looked at the clock on the task bar. It was set for the same time zone as California so maybe I got lucky for once and the guy was only going to San Francisco, after all, he was gay so maybe he was from the gay Mecca. But he had said it was his first time in L.A. and that wouldn't really make sense. I knew there was a heated rivalry between the cities but I couldn't see anyone being so snobbish as to never visit with the other city being so close.

Then I hit on an idea, I wonder if he had registered the computer. There might be a file with a phone number if I could just find. If I knew where he was, I could fly directly there. I did more searches and failed to turn up anything. Even all the software was listed as "Pre-installed User" I speculated that he had just bought the unit since it was obviously new. All of the files were either six months old or older or they were saved within the past three days.

I was just about to power down when I saw a directory that was named 'Eric'. Remembering the blonde's name, I clicked on the directory and opened it up. There was about two dozen files. I could tell from the file extension that they were graphic and not text files. More pictures. I forced myself to shut down with out opening any of them.

The scotch had soothed my frazzled nerves but it was still too early for bed by L.A. time. I decide I needed to go to bed anyway since I would be up a lot earlier than I was used to consider the time differences. To do that would require a sleeping pill. My doctor had prescribed some very mild ones to help my irregular sleep patterns, which he also thought might have contributed to my elevated blood pressure. I only took them a couple of times a month. Taking this one was a mistake and helped hasten my downfall.

Having an empty stomach, the pill rapidly took effect and I went to sleep almost instantly once I turned in. I slept for an unknown amount of time before surfacing in a dream. I was lying on a bed in a room, a room I had never been in before, and a dark haired man was sucking my cock. All I could see was the top of his head and a vaguely recognizable profile of sorts. The expert suck was sending waves of pleasure through my body the intensity of which had to be a part of the dream for no oral sex that I had ever experienced had been so pleasurable. The tentacles of the intense sensation that snaked through my entire body were increasing with each swipe of this stranger's tongue on my sensitive knob. My cocksucker could feel my orgasm near so he slowed his pace. My body squirmed and he slowed more. Finally with a mighty groan I arched my back driving my cock to the hilt in his mouth. My cocksucker wrapped his muscular arms around my thighs and ground his mouth down on me. My spasms were violent and the orgasm seemed to last forever. Then my body went limp and my captor let go of my thighs allowing my prick to slip from his mouth as I fell back on the bed. For the first time, the man who had wrenched such a massive release out of me raised his head. I was looking into my own grinning face as I /he licked the cum up that was running down my/his chin. "Wanna taste..." I/he said but the words evaporated into reverberations as I woke up with a start.

I lay there seemingly not on the bed but floating above it, not daring to move. I was flat on my back, the covers were down around my thighs and my cock was straining at the front of my under shorts. The realism of the dream had been unsettling. I turned on the light and glanced around fully expecting to see my double crouched in a corner. I was alone. I pulled my cock out expecting it to be wet with cum and spit if not from actually having been sucked then by having experienced a wet dream. But it was dry as the proverbial bone. Hard as one too. I had sprouted wood and you could have driven nails with that fucker. I chuckled but it was a nervous laugh. I got up a little unsteadily. I felt lightheaded and my mouth was dry. It probably was a combination of the sleeping pill and the alcohol. I went in the bathroom to get a drink from the bathroom sink. The reflection of my body with my hard-on slung out to the side greeted me. This is not a foreign sight to me. I wake up in this state every morning and sometimes, my cock is sticking out either the waistband or one of the legs. But somehow, at that particular moment, the sight of it in this condition tantalized me.

Now, I'm not any more narcissistic than the next guy but in the past two years, my bod had undergone a metamorphosis and a lot of times, when I was naked, I was looking at the body of a stranger. I suppose you could say I had become a demi hunk. I still had a long ways to go before I could match the likes of the guy from the cab but I could more than hold my own with his friend, Eric and I knew my cock was bigger than Eric's was. I started back towards the bed but as I passed the computer, I suddenly felt drawn to it. I remembered all the photos in the directory and felt I had to see them. I knew I was invading a stranger's privacy but I had a need and besides, he would never know. Maybe I could let the power run down and say it had drained before I discovered it wasn't mine. But the power cord was in the case so that excuse wouldn't work. I still didn't know his name and decided to call him "Nameless"

With no second thoughts, I booted the machine and went to the directory. I opened the first file. A smiling picture of the naked Nameless came up on the screen. I had been correct. His body was very impressive but he was pretty sparse in the chest hair department. My own healthy growth would put his to shame but body hair was no substitute for his broad, thick chest. He had just a halo of reddish hair around each nipple and then a swath between his pecs. The hair ended just below his sternum and then continued at his navel before ending in a thick luxuriant red patch from which an erect and decidedly thick cock sprung up. I knew he was thicker than I was but I was possibly longer but the perspective was distorted due to his being so thick making him look shorter. Still, his body...

The second photo was of Eric sucking Nameless. I could tell Nameless was taking the picture just as I suspected Eric had taken the first one of Nameless. Nameless had caught Eric in mid-suck and Eric was about to swirl his tongue around Nameless' knob. I actually could feel it. I opened every photo and saw images of the men alone, usually sucking the other's cock or balls and then images of both men together either sixty-nineing or stroking each other. I didn't know who was taking the pictures of them together but suspected the camera had been propped up on a table or something and the timer allowed to do its trick. But the action in those looked staged and didn't hold the same appeal. My favorite was a picture of the two just kissing while holding each other with the head of their cocks touching. There was no faked action and the camera was just below their knees making their cocks look massive. I'd never tasted a cock before but I knew what it would taste like. Suddenly, I could see myself on my knees in front of them with both cocks in my mouth even thought I knew it would be physically impossible to take them both at once. But I was sucking for all I was worth. For some reason, this didn't shock or even surprise me.

The last photo was of Eric alone. His cock was almost completely limp and it looked a little sticky. I assumed it had been taken after they had finished their sex. In this shot, it was evident Eric wasn't circumcised by the way the loose skin was bunched up around his cock head. Circumcision, now there was a topic I didn't think very many men ever thought about. To clip or not to clip? Others than the clipee always made the decision. I was clipped and wondered what it was like to be unclipped. Or for that matter, what I would even look like unclipped. I vaguely remembered seeing a picture of an unclipped cock when I was a kid. I didn't remember much about the guys I had known in high school. Trying to recall, they all seemed to be clipped. I saw very few naked men at the gym or at least only got quick glimpses. At the gym, the showers were in small tiled rooms with an area outside the shower stall that had a chest high partition allowing men privacy. Once dry, a man was free to either wrap a towel around himself or just walk to his locker naked. Most men did the towel routine. I wouldn't have bothered to but I knew I wasn't of the same social caliber as these men and mimicked what the other guys did hoping not to stand out. Once back at the lockers, a man had to more or less reveal his "stuff" as he dressed. I remember seeing a few of the guy's pricks. Yes, I checked other men out. Every man did, straight or gay, or at least those that didn't have severe sexual hang-ups. I laughed to myself. Did I have any sexual hang-ups? Here I was a man who considered himself to be straight and I was stroking my cock while thinking about sucking the cocks of two total strangers! To what other depths did my sexuality flow that I was still unaware of?

I continued looking at Eric as if I could tell more about him just from his looks. With his blondness, I wondered if perhaps he was from someplace in Scandinavia. I wondered how they had met or were they long time friends? I guess I'd never know. I started comparing more of my body to each of theirs. There was no question that Nameless had the best body. He wasn't overly muscled but had a very agreeable shape by anyone's standards. Eric was no slouch either. He was nicely defined in an average sort of way and quite a bit hairier but his cock, although it was as long, lacked Nameless' thickness. I stood up and slid my shorts off. I stood looking at my image in the mirror above the desk where the computer sat. I flexed my muscles. My prick stood up and way from my body. It twitched and I saw a reflection at the tip and realized I was dripping. That was something I seldom did. I took hold of myself and started stroking slowly; my eyes were glued on Eric's cock. I rocked unsteadily on my feet and my strokes took on a ragged quality as my body shuddered with each slow stroke. I knew I was almost there. I switched back to the picture of the two men kissing and sat back down on the chair slouching forward to where my ass was resting almost completely off the edge of the chair. It would be seconds now before I shot. I fantasized Nameless was kissing me and holding my prick in his tight fist.

My body shuddered one last time and a loud grunt escaped my lips but my eyes never drifted from the image of the men. My first jet hit me on the chin some splashing into my partially opened mouth. The next jet hit high on my chest followed by another and still another as my body jerk uncontrollably. Finally the last spasms subsided and I went limp. Well, not my prick exactly but my muscles wouldn't respond. I lay there squeezing myself. I looked at myself in the mirror and saw the man in my dream; cum was running down his chin. I licked it up got my first taste of cum.

I couldn't tell you how long I sat there. My prick was still in my fist but softening rapidly. I took one last look at the two men who had been a part of possibly my first adult sexual fantasy, blew them a kiss and padded off to clean up.

Freshly scrubbed, cock now soft and hanging down nuzzling my two hairy nuts, I powered down the computer, shut off the lights and went back to bed. I yawned loudly and realized I was about to pass out. I went to sleep with my hand on my balls pretending it was Nameless or Eric, I forget witch, but it was one of them.

The next morning, I awoke surprisingly early considering how little sleep I had gotten. I had to do a mental calculation as to what the local time was but figured I still had some time before my flight back to L.A. After taking a long piss, I powered the machine up and went surfing through the photos again to see if they held the same attraction to me in the light of day and with a, more or less, level head. They did and a half-hour later I popped my nuts again. Maybe not as violently as a few hours before but immensely satisfying.

I showered, dressed, gathered up my stuff and checked out of the hotel. I found out that the hotel had a shuttle service that would have picked me up if I had known of its existence thus saving me some money and frustration with the cab driver. I took that back to the airport.

I caught the first flight to L.A. and since I was flying into an earlier time zone, I landed at almost the exact hour I left New York. I took a cab to my office and got in the door just as my phone was ringing. My heart leapt thinking it was Nameless but it was only Ian.

"Mate, I've been trying to reach you everywhere!" he said with his usual joviality.

"I still haven't located my machine but I've got my files on the PC here so that won't hold me up. I just feel badly at having taken the guys computer like this."

Ian chuckled. "A bit of bad luck that. I'll take care of things on my end. You're in luck mate, Mondays are always bloody hell around our shop and I shouldn't imagine I'd have any problems with a postponement. Just ring me up when you know what flights you'll be on and I'll arrange transport."

Thanks buddy, I owe you. I'll take you out for a pint at your local when we have time. Bring the wife if you'd like."

"Sorry mate, single here. See you soon. Cheers," he said.

I sat there looking at the phone receiver now resting back in the cradle. I tried to picture what Ian looked like but came up with a blank. I knew we were about the same age. I assumed he was unclipped since he was European and wondered what his prick looked like both soft and hard.

I roused myself and knew what I was going to do. I had files to copy. Not the presentation ones either. I wanted those photos. Now, they had become part of my life. I didn't know why I felt that way. I knew I could get better erotic photos of equally as glorious looking men at the many adult bookstores that dotted the city. But these were flesh and blood to me and not just flat images. I started the procedure checking the new files to verify I had gotten the photos. My cock was hard within seconds. I got up and locked the door then undid my pants and lowered my shorts. My cock sprung up. I took my shirt and tie off. Then looking at myself, I decide I should take the slacks off as well. No use risking getting spots on them. Now, naked, I sat down and stroked myself as each image appeared on my computer screen.

Suddenly, the phone rang making me let go of my cock and jump up. I laughed at myself and took hold of my meat again wagging it at the phone before picking the receiver up. . "Good morning, Timlin and Associates." Okay so I knew the "associates" was a big lie but in the business world, the company name was almost as important as the product.

"Scott Timlin please," the soft deep voice said.

"This is Scott Timlin." I said nervously.

"Scott, This is Brad Bradfield. I believe your holding something that belongs to me." I let go of my prick and shot a suspicious look around the room. How did he know? I was silent.

"Hello? Are you there?"


"My computer?"

"Oh! Yes! The computer! Sorry, I didn't know what you were talking about. Yes I have it. Where are you? I'll bring it to you," I said like it was a matter of driving down the block.

"I live just outside of Las Vegas. I'm glad your business trip was a short one. I'm afraid I was very surprised when I opened the bag and found your computer instead of mine. I'd imagine you were as well."

"You have no idea!" I gave my prick a squeeze. Okay, give me a phone number and directions and I'll catch the first plane out. I'll call you from the airport when I land." He was going to home all afternoon so that would be okay with him. He gave me his phone number and directions, which I carefully wrote down and then repeated to make sure I got it right and then we hung up.

I finished copying the files from his machine and then the presentation files from my office machine onto floppies to take with me as a precaution. I went by my house and changed clothes into a pair of Dockers and a sports shirt. There was no sense in trying to get to London today. I'd send Ian an E-mail tonight after I got back and had my reservation for the next trip.

I drove to the airport instead of taking a taxi deciding at $20 a day for parking, it would still be cheaper than a cab and I fully expected to be back before night fall.

I'll admit I was nervous during the short flight. And even more nervous as I drove the rental car carefully following his direction to a new section of the rapidly growing city. I had rehearsed in my mind a dozen scenarios as to why I hadn't discovered what he was up to when I invaded his cab the day before. I had already restored his computer to what it had been like when I booted it. Both screens were tiled and looked about the same. I finally decide to say nothing but to just say I was sorry and hand it to him. I really didn't have to even turn the ignition off on the rental car but I did anyway. Now I was parked in his driveway. My heart was pounding. I had to force myself up the walk to the front door. Someone else's finger rang the bell. I was breathing deeply and licking my lips. The door opened.

Nameless/Brad was standing there in a pair of gym trunks and a tank top. His body was more beautiful in person. Being a red head, his body didn't tan deeply but he had a healthy glow that said he spent a fair amount of time in the sun. His long legs had a nice coating of hair that was bleached from the sun, as was some of the finer hair on the exposed portion of his chest. Peaking out between his pecs and biceps were a spray of pit hair that was the same russet color as the hair on his head. I shot a quick look at this crotch and was rewarded with seeing the outline of his thick cock and heavy ball sac hanging down one leg. Being in the presence of the actual body I had lusted after the night before made my pulse quicken. He led me inside. "How about a quick beer?" he asked in that same deep but now incredibly sexy voice.

"Uh, no thanks, I've got a plane to catch." I was tightly clutching the handle of his computer case with both hands as if that was the only thing that was holding me up. We stood there not speaking and looking at each other. Finally, he walked over to a table and got my case. As he walked back, I saw him naked and with a rock hard cock pointing to the heavens. I shook my head and blinked making the clothes reappear. He stood in front of me holding my bag out to me. I continued to just stare. He looked at me quizzically and reached for his case but I wouldn't let go. Now he had a concerned look on his face. I just stared dumbly. All of a sudden my mouth opened and bits and pieces of all of my scenarios came spilling out in a jumble of nonsense. I had to be talking faster than the speed of sound because he didn't seem to hear a word I was saying. Then I forced myself to shut up. He put his hand on my shoulder.

"You okay?" he asked. I nodded stupidly with rapid up and down movements of my head. He squeezed my shoulder as if looking for some reassurance. A low groan came out of my mouth and my knees began to buckle. His hand went to my waist to support me. Then he looked at me like he finally understood what was going on. He took the case from me. I surrendered it. His hand was back on my shoulder and then the other one was back on my waist, his eyes hypnotically holding mine. Our heads moved towards each other. Just as our lips were about to touch, I opened my mouth slightly and his tongue slid in. I don't know if the deep sigh was his or mine. Slowly, our bodies became pressed together. I felt something hard at my crotch and realized it wasn't him but me whose cock was already solid with desire.

From that moment on, it seemed as if time stood still and everything slowed down. The light in the room was too bright and noises were too loud. I could hear his heartbeat but maybe it was just the pounding of my own heart that I heard in my ears. As we held the kiss, his tongue retreated but mine never lost contact with his until it was safely sliding around inside his mouth. He backed off slightly and started expertly unbuttoning my shirt with one hand while the other snaked around my neck holding my head with our mouths locked together. Then my shirt was off. We broke the kiss long enough to pull the tank top off him. Now our bare muscles were pressed together. Brad's large hands kneaded my back muscles with strong movements that heightened the passion of our kisses.

Again with one hand, he loosened my belt and unzipped my fly but rather than wait for me to be naked, he slid his hand inside my shorts. My cock was like a wild animal and his hand was going to tame it. Brad wrapped his fist around me and squeezed me forcing a moan from my throat that was muffled by his tongue. With the first stroke of his fist on my pole, I felt a trickle of wetness and realized I was dripping already. I then became aware of his hard-on that was tenting his trunks in a vain attempt to move up to his belly. My hand found his cock and I rubbed it through the thin jersey fabric that hid it from view. Reaching inside, my hand finally came into contact with his warm prick. It seemed as if there was no way my fist would surround it due to it's thickness but I was surprised at just how right it felt to have it in my fist.

Brad broke the kiss and ran a hand over my chest. "I love hairy men," he said huskily and his fingertips rubbed my pec then finding their way to my nipple. He rubbed the now hard little nub with circular motions dragging my chest hair over the sensitive spot causing shivers to run down my spine.

I tugged his trunks down and then my pants followed and I impatiently kicked my shoes off while Brad pulled me to the floor. We rolled around holding and exploring each other's body with hands that couldn't be satisfied. We started out on our sides and for the first time I knew how good my cock felt pressing against another man's rigid meat as he ground his hips into mine while clutching my ass.

Then he nudged me over on my back and he was on top of me. Now it was my hands that squeezed his ass cheeks as he humped my crotch with his, smearing our pre- cum onto both our bellies. Our kisses continued with urgency until we had to break for a gulp of air. His mouth moved to my throat as he started sliding down my body kissing, licking and sucking as he went lower and lower until his mouth was on my overly stimulated nips. He sucked on them hungrily and I felt as if he had me on the brink of oblivion as he nibbled on them. I bucked and he gave out a short chuckle before moving lower continuing with his oral assault on my navel and then my bush. His cock dragged along my thigh leaving a trail of slick fluid along its path just as mine was doing along his torso as he slid lower. I raised my head just in time to see my prick disappear as he devoured me with one lunge.

I grunted from the feel of the warm wetness as he ground his mouth into my crotch hair before backing off and licking his way up to my knob. With a wet slurp, he gave it a polish and then dove back down again taking it to the hilt. He had sucked me less than a minute when I realized he was giving me better head than any woman I had ever had. He worked up to a pace that gave equal stimulation to all my meat and not just one spot. I soon realized I wasn't going to be able to hold off for very long. I didn't want to cum too soon and pulled him off me. "Getting close" I gasped. He nodded and spread my legs burying his face in my ball sac sucking my almost tight nuts. He was a master at that also. He seemed to know how much I could take and sucked them hard alternating between them instead of attempting both at once.

I pulled him into my arms pulling his mouth to mine a slid my tongue in tasting my cock and juices inside. It made me hungry for a taste of the real thing. While kissing him, he rolled over pulling me on top. Being a novice at man/man sex, I duplicated his earlier actions and soon had his quarter sized nipples in my mouth and now he was squirming from my sucking and nibbling.

I abandoned his nips and started down to his rod, which looked awesome from this vantagepoint. Now, my mouth was in his bush licking and chewing on the wild and thickly tangled russet growth. His cock was inches from my mouth. I moved around and he spread his legs to accommodate me. Wanting this moment to be etched in my mind forever, I took a moment to look at him. His large balls hung low almost reaching the carpet. His cock only seemed to be as wide as it was long. Starting inside his sac, the thick piss tube ran up his rod's length disappearing just before the deep "V" on the underside of the fat knob. His cock was probably about six inches long and indeed thick and I wanted all of those inches. His cock resisted being pulled upright but once it was, with my hand at the base buried in his soft crotch hair and no further preliminaries, I closed my mouth over the large knob and ran my tongue over the entire surface. It had a soft velvety texture to it and was liberally flavored with the steady flow of his pre-cum. I took more knowing that with his thickness and knob, that alone was almost a mouthful, I wouldn't be able to take it all the way in as he had done to me. I knew sucking was something I had no developed skills in. But what I lacked in skill, I made up for with enthusiasm as I sucked him steadily being rewarded with soft groans and deep sighs as my tongue sought out ever inch of soft skin surrounding his hard shaft and spongy knob.

He allowed me to suck for several minutes before pulling me upright and then, sitting up himself, he kissed me mingling the flavors of both our juices. Then he spun me around into a sixty-nine position and we dove back down on each other. I rubbed his thighs and as much ass as I could reach. Never in my life did I imagine I could heighten my arousal with just the feel of taught hairy skin encasing firm muscles. His sucking mouth threatened to bring me to the point of no return. The persistent tingle in my balls and at the base of my spine told me it was senseless to attempt to hold back any further. I increased my suction on his knob and he did like wise on mine. My body gave off one last shudder in advance of the first spasm that ripped through my body altering my conscious thoughts to a visual of my cum spewing in his mouth. I was so wrapped up in my own orgasm that the first salty taste of his squirt took me by surprise. The awareness of his orgasm being simultaneous to mine intensified my own feelings and physical response. I sucked harder as more and more cum shot out of his wildly jerking rod. Like in my dream, I felt like I was sucking my own balls dry. It didn't seem possible for a man to cum as much as he was jetting out. My mouth was almost already full to capacity with just him and I had to swallow over and over to keep from loosing the reward for my first cock suck.

As suddenly as it had hit, it was over. Cum still drizzled out and the flavor wasn't soon to be forgotten. We kept our mouths on each other licking now sensitive knobs with soft gentle swipes that still brought on sensations that bordered on pain but what wonderful pain.

I regretted it being over. Brad must have shared my thoughts because he spun around and straddled my thighs. His cock was still standing up. For a few seconds, I could see both of us together. A sight I can still remember. Then he lay on top of me kissing me slowly but deeply. The tastes of our cum were mingled. Our slick rods were again pressed together. I felt a knee move between my legs and then pushing my leg out and then his other knee did the same. He was raised up slightly and then lifted my legs to his shoulders. I knew instantly what was about to happen and I wanted it as badly as I had wanted his cock in my mouth. Now with me doubled over, I felt his fat knob pressing into my hole. I had no thoughts as to what his thickness would be doing to me. I wanted him. I wanted to do everything with no holds barred. I pushed back but my hole resisted. He pushed harder and still could not penetrate me. He broke the kiss. "Is this your first time?" I nodded and he grunted his reply. He reached under me and stroked his cock a few times and then probed me with a finger. It slid in easier. Once he was satisfied with that, he tried again. I felt my pucker open and then an intense pain. Only his mouth on mine kept me from crying out. He went deeper and as the huge knob cleared my muscle, the pain lessened to a manageable level. He backed off and slid in a little more. He repeated the in and out procedure until at last I felt his hips pressing against my ass and I knew he was all the way in. I was still uncomfortable but I had done it. Brad started rotating his hips and then with a shallow in and out rocking, he started working up to full thrusts. His fist found my cock, which had softened from the pain, but with patient manipulations, he had it responding and in no time was back to its full glory. Faster than I would have thought possible, the discomfort dissolved into the most intense pleasure imaginable. Of a different quality than the sucking but just as enjoyable.

Brad was now fucking me fully and deeply. Each thrust was going in to the hilt and then he'd back off sliding out until he was almost completely withdrawn and then back in with a solid thud feeling his balls slapping my ass. His mouth was welded to mine and our deep gasps for air were made with tongues still in full contact. My cock was dripping steadily and his fist was sliding easily over the slick surface making wet sucking sounds as it cleared my knob. My hands were free to play with his body and I rubbed liberally over his shoulders, arms, chest and thighs. Our exertions were causing a light sweat to pop out on our chests and his back but it just seemed to add to the sensuality of the act.

I could tell his body was tensing and his thrusts gained in frequency and landed with harder contact. His fist started stroking me harder with a tighter grip and our breathing was getting deeper and more uneven with both of us choking out grunts and groans that echoed in my ears. Then Brad broke the kiss, "Oh god, I'm gonna cum.!" And he slammed home one last time throwing his head back with a shout. "Ahhhhhhummmmmmm!!" His fat knob sliding across my abused prostrate that last time must have set me off because I felt my body snap and my head raised off the floor and slammed back down with a bang on the carpeted floor. Cum jetted out of my pole splashing squarely on my face so once again I got to taste my own cum. The rest of my orgasm was a blur of intense vibrations ripping through my body until I was finally spent. My now extremely stretched pucker kept flexing down on his still twitching shaft milking the last of his cum out of him. He lowered his head and looked at me through half closed eyes. Sweat dripped off his face onto my chest and joined mine. Brad leaned forward and licked the cum off my face before sliding his tongue in my mouth for one last kiss before rolling apart.

Brad stretched out at an angle to me. His legs were over mine and cocked at the knees. I looked up and saw that massive pole now glistening with cum. I was in awe that it had been inside me. His sweat covered chest had a streak of cum on it that had to be mine. He was breathing as deeply as I was. I don't know if it was lack of sleep, physical exhaustion from the sex, the adrenaline rush or a combination of all of them but I blacked out on his floor, still naked and cum streaked and still hard.

I woke up to a warm wet sensation on my chest. My asshole felt like a truck had driven through it. Brad was kneeling beside me wiping the cum off my chest with a wash cloth. His cock was limp now but still looking formidable. I could see he had already washed himself. I raised my head up. He looked at me and then away. "You said something about having a plane to catch."

"I think I missed it."

"Look, I'm sorry, I don't usually pounce on guys like that."

I touched his thigh. "Hey, that's okay. I enjoyed it."

He continued cleaning me up. "Was it really your first time?"

"Yeah, all the way around, the first time."

"But you wanted it, right?" He sounded like he had some remorse but his voice was hopeful.

"Can't really say I was totally conscious of it but yes, I guess I did want it."

"Did it have anything to do with my computer?"

"Buddy, it had everything to do with your computer!"

"You saw?"

"I saw. Sorry, I wasn't snooping, I just needed to get mine back and was looking for a phone number or some way to contact you."

"No, it's okay."

"Is Eric a friend of yours."

"No, I just met him the afternoon those pictures were taken. He was in the electronics store buying a digital camera and I was buying the computer. He was a tourist from Denmark. The store was crowded and we couldn't get waited on but we both wanted what we were there to get so we rode it out. We started talking and it didn't take long before we knew we were interested in each other. He gave me a ride back to my hotel; I finally got the nerve to invite him up to my room. The rest is history. He had to fly home the next day. Then I met you the day after that." He gave me a slight smile and then looking away like he was embarrassed. "I'm... I'm glad I was your first," he said looking at my belly that he was scrupulously cleaning and seemed to attempting to scrub the hair off it.

I found his sudden shyness after such a dominant role he had taken to be endearing. I pulled him into my arms and kissed him gently on his mouth. "So am I."

"You know, if you want to, you could spend the night and then fly out in the morning. That is if you don't have someone waiting for you or something else to do."

"Brad, I'd love to spend the night with you."

So I did spend the night. We went out to a favorite restaurant of his for dinner. I found out a little about him and did find out he was a shy guy. Eric had been the aggressor and had to blatantly proposition him. It was Eric's idea to take the pictures, which Brad had found to be excitingly uninhibited and erotic.

Later, after we returned to his home and were snuggling in his bed, I also found out what it was like to fuck a man. And WHAT a man. As I drifted off to sleep in his arms, I wondered how he had gotten so skilled at sex if he was so shy but I guessed it just came naturally to him.

We held a long lingering kiss at his door before I left the following morning after sucking a load out of each other. I had a standing invitation to come back anytime. Driving to the airport I thought about my life. Things were definitely looking up. I didn't know for sure that I was through with women but with Brad, I had finally seen fireworks and heard brass bands. He succeeded in getting out of me the most intense orgasms I had ever had. This sex was more exciting for me because I could see more response than I had from any of my female sex partners. Also there was a roughness to it. Not violent or pain inducing but vigorous, forceful. We were taking what we wanted from each other and that in turn seemed to satisfy the other.

As I neared the airport, I thought Las Vegas wasn't all that far away and I had a lot of frequent flyer miles built up. No, I'd definitely be exploring more of this side of my personality. I hoped Brad would be part of the journey and something told me that Knickerbockers also might play a part!

The End

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