The Mix Up

By Random -

Published on Jul 31, 2001


Disclaimer: I'm using N sync characters, but it should be clear that this is fiction. And relation to real people is purely coincidental. ______________________________________________________________________

The Mix Up

"I know how you feel about blind dates, but I think you and Justin would be great together. And at the very least you'd both have a laugh." said Fran.

"Fran!" Josh exclaimed " promised after the fiasco with Joey you'd drop the whole matchmaking thing."

"So...I made mistake there. Bad judgment call. This one's different. I know Dean, and he is such and angel. Josh, I know what you like, and I promise you you'll like him."

"You're not going to drop this are you?" said Josh already exasperated.

"No," Fran replied nonchalantly, with a small victory smile creeping across her face. She always did have a way of getting people to go along with her whims.

I excitement levels were peaking, and I was praying that he'd agree to it. I'd fancied him from the very day I saw his pert arse as he bent over (its not what you think!) and helped me pick up my papers. He ran into me and gave me a slight black eye, so I took ogling his arse as a consolation prize (as in to console myself, excuse the pun). I didn't plan on eavesdropping on their conversation, but I just so happened to be conveniently standing unseen behind a pillar, in listening distance.

Josh sighed. "What does he look like? I'm not going out with someone I do not find attractive. I don't care what everyone says, aesthetics matter, and," his face lit up with a small grin, "...I'm shallow!" he laughed.

My stomach hit the floor. I always did think he was good looking, but I suddenly noticed how gorgeous he was. He must have been about 5'11", don't ask me his weight, but in that fitted shirt, and form fitting trousers, he was built. Soft slightly messy dark brown hair, and the most piercing blue eyes I had ever seen, me legs were turning to jello.

"You must have seen his around. He lives down my corridor. Pretty tall, about 6'0", nice body, blond, blue eyes, really short hair, um...kinda looks like Ellen..."

His eyes widened, "Fra.."

"I'm kidding, I'm kidding. He's gorgeous, looks kinda like a Ryan Phillipe,"

"I think I know you you're talking about ... not exactly my type. You said you know what I you should know that I'm more partial to a David Boreanz look-alike, and someone shorter than me."

"Okay, looks aside, you both have so much in common, you..."

"Fran," he said. Placing his arms on her shoulder. "I know who you're talking about, and I don't find him attractive. I know you're both pretty close, so I will meet the guy, and with luck, we'll be friends. But I don't see anything else happening. So let's drop it."

"Oh," returned Fran flinging her hands in the air, " you are such a wet blanket, and a bore, but..."

"...but you love me anyways," he smiled.

It took a while for what I heard to register, and when it finally did, I felt numb. I was hurt, and for a second very tempted to march right up to him and tell him off. I mean who did he think he was...then reason set in. He was so good about it, he didn't slag me off, just honest...he didn't find me attractive, and that was it. I was gutted, but the way he said what he did made me fancy him ever more. I was still upset, so I decided to leave the party, head home, and wallow in self pity. I would have gotten away with it had I not knocked over the punch bowl, effectively soaking Josh in red liquid as he walked over to refill his glass.

I was mortified. Not only did he not find me remotely attractive, he would soon realise what a clumsy oaf I was.

"Oh my god...I'm soo sorry." I yelled out. Grabbing some napkins, I started to wipe the wet patch on his shirt. It was totally unconscious of course, but I did notice how firm his abs were. I suppose rather taken aback from the incident, he jumped back from me, and gave me an awkward look.

I think I should point out at this moment, that Fran is American and very vocal, which will explain why she was yelling a host of expletives at me...that is until she realised that I was me (is this making sense?).

"Justin!" she screamed. "I'm so sorry. I didn't realise it was you."

"It's cool."

"What happened?"

"I think its quite obvious what he did," said Josh without any humour in his voice.

I turned to him, completely red, and started to apologise profusely. Fran then burst in laughter, and within seconds so did the rest of us.

"Hey, I'm sorry man. Its no big deal, it'll dry." said Josh, "I sorta over-reacted,"

I was still really embarrassed, and grunted in reply. "I really should get going, and again I am so sorry. If you need the stuff dry-cleaned, I can do them for you."

"Relax man, it's not a big deal. By the way I'm Josh," he replied sticking his arm out.

"Justin," I managed to say casually, as reached my hand out to shake his. I felt a jolt run through my body when I skin met. For as long as I can remember, I had been waiting for the feeling of raw wanton sexual desire, coupled with the sensation of emotional want, and with just a handshake, it was all there. I never did believe in love at first sight, but with was different. Only major setback here was...he didn't feel the same way. Just my luck. What was a 2 second handshake felt like eternity, and as it should follow, he seemed unfazed, untouched by the whole thing. I know...I was just a handshake. And...yes and, he didn't remember me. He knocked me over, and he doesn't remember me. I guess that was my sign. With that I regained my composure.

"I am so glad you too have finally met. My two best friends, next to Claudia of course, and Maria, and..."

"We get you," we interjected in unison.

The more I was with him, the harder it was to stop myself from staring at him. I needed to get out of there.

"I really should get class tomorrow. I'll see you around then,"

"yeah, nice to meet you Justin,"

"Just, free tomorrow night?" asked Fran twirling her hair. She was up to something; she always twirls her hair when she's scheming.

"Uh...depends. I've got Kickboxing from 6-8, so anytime after 9pm should be cool."

"You kickbox?" asked his eyes lighting up again.

"That's what I said," I said dryly. I shouldn't have been so curt, but it was stopping me from throwing myself at him.

"Cool," Josh didn't seem to take notice of my ill-mannered temperament, so rather than apologise, I'd take the opportunity to being a little nicer.

"Are you interested in it?" I asked, this time forcing a smile. I was being nice for Fran's sake, and didn't really anticipate his response.

"Interested? Bloody hell, I've been trying to get myself into it for ages, just never made time. Do you think I could go with you tomorrow?" he asked eagerly.

I was clearly stunned, and the frown on my face made it even more apparent.

"If it's too much of a bother, don't worry about it," he continued. He looked stricken with disappointment.

Fran shot me a look, and seeing him so dejected did make me feel awful. On this one hand, here was a guy who really wanted some support, and on the other was me having to deal with a raging hard on which I was having immense difficulty hiding. What was I to do? Flashing my million pound smile, I said,

"It shouldn't be a problem. Just meet me outside the sports centre at about ten to six." I wasn't saying much, and intended to keep it that way.

His face lit up again, "if its too much trouble..."

"Its not," I replied still smiling.

"Great! I'll see you tomorrow then," he grabbed my hand again, to my surprise pulled me close into a hug.

You must be thinking...I should have been ecstatic, and I would have, if it wasn't for the stirring in my pants. What was I going to do, say??? Think? Just then, Lance, walked in, dressed in leather trousers and a skin tight black t shirt. If I couldn't hide the fact that I was excited from Josh, I'd make it appear that I was lusting after someone else, so I kept my eyes firmly locked on Lance even after the hug, to make him think I was hot for Lance.

After Lance was out of my eye line, I gave Fran a kiss, and quickly made my way out of the party. I needed some sleep.

"What did you think of Justin?"

"He's cool, and yeah I quite like him."

"Excellent. If you two won't go out, it'll be cool if you become good friends."

"Fran, I think I do like him," said Josh softly.

" I know, you said that,"

"No, I mean I think I like him"

"I thought you said..."

"Wrong guy,"

"Oh my god!! I am so setting you guys up now!!!!"

"I don't think he feels the same way though," said Josh bringing his gaze down to his feet.

"What makes you think so?" asked Fran arching her eye brows.

"You know when Lance walked in ...I saw him staring at him, and he um...didn't seem keen on me going kickboxing with him,"

"Um...don't fret. I'll speak to him tomorrow,"

"Fuck NO! Don't say anything!!"

"I won't tell him you fancy him. I'll just ask if he fancies Lance or anyone else. Don't worry, I'm an expert and a brilliant actress." She said flicking her hair back.

"I don't trust you. Remember the Joey incident?"

"It was a one-off. Relax and leave things to me."

to be continued?

So what did you think? Should I continue it? Or do you think it's a pile of wank?

Next: Chapter 2

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