The Missionary

By Dapper Hargrave

Published on May 6, 2005


The Missionary Part 2: A Return Visit By Dapper Hargrave

Note: This story is a continuation of my story, "The Missionary". The first story was told from the point of view of Alan, a gay man who deflowers a Mormon missionary. This story, told from the missionaries point of view, tells what happens next. I expect to write one more chapter on this story.

Since this story is told through from Elder Clark's point of view, there may be a few references in this story that will not make sense without a explanation. Here is a quick rundown:

The Missionaries are usually young men between the ages of 19-21 (although some young women and older people also serve) who talk to people about "The Church" (i.e.: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints; aka: "The Mormons" or the "LDS Church").

They travel in two's and are expected to always be with their assigned "companion", or another missionary, or at least with another worthy Church member of the same gender. Individual pairs of missionaries report to their district or zone leaders as well as to their Mission President and his assistants. While serving as a missionary, they are not allowed to date, to watch TV, listen to the radio, etc.

Homosexuality is considered a sin in the Church and can result in disfellowship or excommunication. Mormon's who have participated in certain temple ceremonies were a special kind of underwear to remind them of covenants they made there (these are called "garments").

I think that covers any points I felt might cause confusion. Feel free to write me with feedback on this story, it's predecessor, or (eventually) the final chapter. (See E-mail address above)

  • Dapper Hargrave

I watched as Alan closed the door on me. I was depressed. I was angry. I was terrified. What was I supposed to do now? I had always been attracted to men but had always told myself that it was just temptation, you know? I came on a mission sure that it would cure me of these feelings. Now, with Alan's come still dripping from my ass and running down my leg, it was hard to picture myself continuing on this path.

"Come on, Elder." Elder Davis called.

I turned and followed him back to where our bikes were parked. There had been no baptisms in our area for over a month and I knew that he must have been getting pressure from the zone leaders. I wondered, not for the first time, if it was my fault that we weren't having success. Maybe I just wasn't worthy to be a missionary.

"What did you say to him?" My companion asked.

"What do you mean?"

"What did you say to turn him off like that?"

I barely stopped myself from saying that I hadn't exactly turned him off. "I don't know. I was going through the first discussion and I guess he just... I don't know."

"Well, you should have woken me. I would have handled it."

"You're right, Elder."

"Can't believe I drifted off like that. We should head over to the Baker's. They were talking to me on Sunday about some friends who might be interested in the Church."

The last thing I wanted right now was to visit the Baker's and their five very loud kids. "I'm not feeling very well. Is it alright if we head back to the apartment?"

Elder Davis sighed. "I guess. I'm a still feeling sluggish anyway. We can make up for it tomorrow."

We climbed on our bikes. Riding that bike back to the apartment was torture on my sore ass, but I dealt with it long enough to get to the apartment. Once there I ran into the bathroom to clean myself up. I needed time to think. What should I do next? Contact the Mission President and tell him what I had done? That would mean excommunication. Should I try to hide it and rededicate myself to being a missionary? That didn't seem honest. I tried to pray but just felt frustrated and gave up. I needed time. I couldn't make this decision right now.

Elder Davis was in a foul mood and it was clear he blamed me for ruining what appeared to be a promising contact.

As for me, I couldn't wait for my companion to go to bed. The images of Alan that paraded in my mind kept me excited but I couldn't jack off until he was asleep. What would he say if he find out I masturbated? I laughed at myself - what would he say if he knew I was a pussy boy?

At last he fell asleep. I could hear him snoring quietly in the twin bed next to mine. I pulled down my garments, ignoring the guilt I felt for defiling them for the second time today, and began to stroke my cock.

Elder Davis stirred and I froze. I waited to make sure he was still asleep.

"Julie." He moaned.

I let myself relax with a sigh. He was having a wet dream about his old girlfriend - the one that had sent the Dear John letter a couple weeks ago. The moaning got me thinking though. It got me thinking about Elder Davis's dick. I thought about how it would look - Elder Davis was shy about being naked and I had never seen his cock. Was he hung like Alan? Was he circumsized like I was? In the showers after high school gym class the uncut dicks always fascinated me.

The more I thought about it, the more I wanted to see it. I had to be careful though. if Elder Davis caught me looking at him, I wouldn't know how to explain it. He would be furious with me. He would probably beat the tar out of me.

None of that mattered to my horny little mind -- and we all know which part of my body housed my mind at that moment. I carefully climbed out of my bed and crept next to his. He was still muttering but I could tell he was getting close.

Because of the heat, he was only covered with a sheet. The street light outside our garden level apartment fell right on his bed and I could see his outline clearly. I had been raised in San Diego and after school would hang out on the beach. Elder Davis was from a farm in Idaho and had worked the farm with his father and brothers. It showed. He was muscled and toned - not the kind of tone you get from a gym but the kind from hard work.

He was sweating from the heat in the room and the heat of his loins and I found the smell intoxicating. I had never realized how sexy sweat could be until I tasted Alan's earlier in the afternoon. Now I was standing over my companion's sweaty and horny body. It only added to the excitement that came from the idea of being caught. My hard dick was still poking from the fly in my garments and I gave it a few tugs as I looked at him.

I slowly pulled back the sheet. In his sleep, my fellow missionary was rubbing himself gently against his mattress. His dick strained against the front of his garments but I couldn't really see it. I had to. I had gone to far not to see it.

Moving as slowly and as carefully as I could I reached into his fly and touched his hard dick with just the tip of my finger. He moaned beneath me but didn't stir.

I slid his cock out of the fly and got my first good look. His dick was smaller than mine, let alone Alan's, maybe six inches. The shaft was thin but with a very thick head (almost like a mushroom). I was disappointed that he was cut, but it was a very hot cock anyway.

I ran my fingers gently around the rim of the head. I dropped to my knees so I could get a better look. Elder Davis didn't seem to be much of a "pre-comer" but his meat throbbed in my hand. I wished I could taste it but didn't dare. I started jerking myself with one hand as I carefully, gently slid my hand up and down his shaft with the other.

It only took a minute for his cock to reach the point of no return and he shot his load over his sheets and my hand. A second or two later and I came all over the side of his bed.

I licked the come from my fingers -- salty yet sweet -- and wiped my come from the side of his bed with a towel. I covered his still sleeping form back with the sheet and headed back to my bed. Within minutes I drifted off into a very contented sleep.

When the alarm went off at 6:30 AM, however, it felt like the night had been to short. Grumbling under my breath, I got out of bed and headed for the shower. I stood in the shower letting the hot water run over my dick until I was hard. I would have jacked off again, but Elder Davis knocked on the door and told me to hurry up.

I had reached a decision. The simple fact was that, if I stayed a missionary, I would be a hypocrite. I had to end it. I had joined the L.D.S. Church when I was 16. Since that time I had looked forward to being a missionary. I had planned my life around the standard issue Mormon expectation (mission, marriage, babies, families are forever, etc.). Now I would be well and truly lost. I wasn't prepared to act on my decision yet, however, as a plan was forming in my mind.

As I left the bathroom, it seemed he was almost blushing. "I had the strangest dream last night..."

For a moment I couldn't breathe. "What?" I choked out.

He seemed to reconsider. "Oh it's nothing. Just a weird dream." He hurried into the bathroom and closed the door.

He didn't say anything else about it so I let the matter drop. After we did our scripture study and got breakfast, we headed out to do more tracting (that's going door to door trying to find someone willing to talk to us). Elder Davis was very methodical about his tracting so we started almost at the same point where we had left off with Alan. This was all going according to plan.

It was a weird morning. Maybe it was just that I was more aware of it than before but it seemed people were looking at me funny. Like the guy on the bike wearing nothing but a pair of loose red shorts (and, I was quite sure, nothing under them but his skin). He road past me as we were walking up to the next house. He look startled, slowed, then smiled and winked, and rode on. For a moment I thought he must know me but I dismissed the idea. I decided I was just being overly self conscious. It wasn't like anyone could know what had happened with Alan or that I was gay. I mean, we were pretty much in the gay neighborhood, but I think most people knew who we were.

About Noon, after who knows how many doors being slammed in our faces, Elder Davis said he had to go to the bathroom.

"Well, Alan doesn't live far from here." I suggested. "Maybe he wouldn't mind you using his bathroom."

Elder Davis wasn't too sure but we were nowhere near any public bathroom. And, I could tell, he really had to go. "Maybe if we go by, maybe I can get him to take the discussions." He sounded hopeful but not very confident.

My heart was pounding as we approached Alan's door. He had seemed pretty callous after he fucked me, but I was sure he liked me more than he let on. Would he be happy to see me? Would he even be home? I've never liked uncertainty. Perhaps that was what attracted me so much to the Church: they don't give you time to feel uncertain.

Elder Davis knocked. We waited. If he wasn't home, my plan was for nothing. Then I heard footsteps approaching the door. I trembled in anticipation. Finally the door opened and there was Alan! My heart literally fluttered. I felt like a little girl who's prom date just showed up.

"Hey Alan, we were in the neighborhood and I really need to use a bathroom." Elder Davis said. He was almost dancing by now. "I was wondering if I could use yours."

Alan frowned, but only considered for a second. "Sure, come on in."

He pointed the way and Elder Davis hurried through the kitchen and towards the bathroom. Once we were alone, Alan turned to me. The smirk on his face was like a slap. "So, you didn't tell him? You still trying to be a good little Mormon boy?"

"Actually, no." My voice was a bit harsher than I had intended. "I haven't told him, but I can't go on being a missionary. My heart isn't in it anymore. I just wanted to see you again."

"And I told you I'm not interested."

"I know. I still had to see you again. And I brought you a present that I think you'll want."

"What's that?"

"Elder Davis."

"Him? If he's gay he has no clue yet."

"So, you don't think you could get him into bed?"

"I didn't say that." Alan chuckled. "He wouldn't be the first so-called straight boy who's landed there."

"Well, I saw the way you looked at him as we were leaving yesterday. I brought him here, now lets see if you can get him to land in your bed."

"What's the catch?"

"No catch. Except I get to participate as well."

"Ok... just go along with whatever I do. It will be different with him that it was with you."

I nodded. We waited quietly and a moment later, Elder Davis returned. He didn't say anything about Alan's gay magazine in the bathroom so I assumed that Alan had put it away.

"Better?" Alan asked.

"Yes, thanks so much."

"No worries. I feel bad about yesterday. I kind of had something on my mind. Maybe you guys can stay for a bit and you can tell me more about your Church."

Elder Davis smiled. "Sounds great!" Alan sat down next to Elder Davis on the sofa while I sat in a chair.

Elder Davis pulled out his scriptures. "I feel bad about falling asleep yesterday. It was really rude of me."

"Nothing to worry about." Alan assured him.

"So, do you remember what Elder Clark talked about yesterday?"

"Why don't we just start at the beginning."

"Sure." And with that my companion started in on the first discussion. Alan sat back and seemed to pay attention.

A few minutes into the discussion, Alan put his hand on my companion's leg to get his attention. I noticed that he did not remove it. "So, you are saying Mormon's are Christians then?"

Elder Davis looked a bit nervous, but didn't say anything about the hand on his thigh. "Yes, that's right." He continued onto the next point of the presentation, but I noticed him glancing warily at the hand.

Alan asked several more questions. Each time, he would give the Idahoan's thigh a little squeeze to get his attention, but he never moved closer to his crotch. Elder Davis hurried through the presentation and I was afraid that Alan had overplayed our hand.

When he was done, my companion did not suggest we close with a prayer (as he usually did). Instead, he leaned back and looked at Alan, then he turned to me and his eyes pierced me like a drill.

"I have something to tell you two." He said. "I know what happened yesterday."

My jaw dropped. "You were faking being asleep?"

"No. But I heard a noise and it woke me up." He was blushing. "I wondered where you two had gone so I went into the kitchen. I heard the groaning from the bedroom and peeked in."

Alan sat back. "What did you see?"

"I saw you making love to Elder Clark."

"Fucking him." Alan corrected.

This was so not going according to plan. "Why didn't you say anything?" I blurted.

"I didn't know what to say. So when you guys finished I came back in here and pretended to still be sleeping." He just looked at me. He looked confused, and hurt, and (was it just my imagination?) curious. "Then when Elder Clark touched me while I was sleeping last night..."

It was my turn to blush. He knew? He must have woken up at some point.

"And I heard you talking when I was coming back from the bathroom a few minutes ago."

Oh god. This whole plan was totally in shambles. Elder Davis would leave and call the Mission President any minute now and I would never get to be with Alan again.

Alan was clearly surprised as well, but handled it better than I. "So. What did you think about what we were saying?"

The farm boy turned missionary just looked down. "I don't know. It's wrong, you know? The prophet says that homosexuality is wrong. But..."

I held my breath. Alan wasn't saying anything so neither did I.

Elder Davis still did not look up. "... but... It was weird to watch, but somehow... I don't know. I liked watching it."

Alan nodded. "You are curious." It was not a question.

"It's not like I'm gay or anything." Elder Davis said defensively. "I just keep seeing you guys togehter in my mind."

I noticed that Alan had moved closer to my fellow missionary. And his hand had moved closer to the cock that was, if not "erect", at least pretty hard. He reached out and ran his finger over the spot where the big head was clearly visible through Elder Davis's pants.

Leaning in, Alan whispered in my companion's ear. "It's ok to be curious, just relax." And he kissed his earlobe. "Just lean back and close your eyes. It's ok."

Watching Alan's hand work the farm boy's body, listening to the honeyed words he whispered, watching his lips delicately touch the cheek... it was like watching an artist at work. When something was too intimate and Elder Davis backed away, Alan didn't push it. He slowly relaxed the farm boy and undressed him.

I was hard just watching as the suit jacket slid from his shoulders, as the tie was loosened to make way for the lips caressing the neck then removed completely, as the buttons on the shirt were undone one by one and the shirt pushed away, as the garment top was pushed up exposing a chest with just a feathering of hair down the middle and a pair of small and inviting nipples. Alan's lips moved down from the neck and gently licked each nipple until it was clearly hard.

I watched my companion moan, his head tilted back, his eyes closed. I watched Alan's head sink lower to Elder Davis's stomache. The seducer slid his hands under the belt and I could see it connect with the now very hard dick still trapped by the slacks.

"Come with me." Alan whispered. He led Elder Davis through the kitchen and into the bedroom. I followed. Alan turned on a lamp by the bed. I noticed a second switch that he flicked but didn't think much about it. He lay down next to Elder Davis.

I stood in the corner, waiting for some sign that it was time to participate. I was desperate for Alan to use me like he had the day before but was hoping to be able to taste and feel the farm boy's mushroom dick as well.

Alan upzipped Elder Davis's fly and caressed the hard cock through the opening. He gently ran his tongue around the head of the cock and teased the piss slit. Taking the huge head in his mouth he slowly slid down the long shaft. I watched as inch after inch disappeared effortlessly into my dream man's mouth.

"That's so amazing." The Idaho boy moaned.

Elder Davis's dick was covered with Alan's spit and glistened. Alan gestured for me to take over sucking. I moved in without hesitation. Emotionally this was different than sucking Alan. After all, Elder Davis and I had been together almost ever minute of the day since I had become his companion. I knew him in ways his closest friends back home probably didn't. He was like an older brother to me and now his big mushroom head was making a bee-line for my throat.

The sensations of his cock were different as well. He didn't have the foreskin to play with, didn't seem to generate much pre-come, and the big head ran the risk of making me choke. But he was good.

Alan had sat up next to him and brought his lips to the farm boy's. At first Elder Davis let himself be kissed but then pulled away.

"We shouldn't do this." He said reluctantly.

"Do you want us to stop?"

"No." He whispered.

I kept sucking and Alan moved in and again kissed him. This time Elder Davis did not pull away. I couldn't see much from my angle but from what I could hear Alan's tongue had worked it's way into my companion's mouth. Elder Davis's tie and shirt was pulled off. I had to back off so the pants could be removed and Alan indicated that I should strip as well. I did quickly and threw my clothes into a pile on the floor. Elder Davis and I were now naked but Alan still dressed.

I returned to sucking the cock. It was lubing up a bit more and was good and hard as it finally made it's way into my throat. It took all the lessons that Alan had taught me the day before, but I didn't choke or gag despite the thickness of the head. It felt so good. God I loved sucking cock.

Alan had removed his shirt and somehow moved Elder Davis's head down to his nipples and my companion was hesitantly licking them. "Yeah that's right." Alan encouraged.

I noticed that Alan was gently rubbing Elder Davis's nipples as well. Alan's guiding hand moved the farm boy's head closer and closer to his crotch. Elder Davis licked his chest, then stomache, belly button, and finally reached the belt. Elder Davis did not look quite as relaxed as he had before and I wondered if he was about to panic.

He undid the belt. Alan was rubbing Elder Davis's shoulders and neck as the missionaries trembling hands opened the fly and pulled out the dick. He looked up at Alan for approval.

"Go ahead. You're just curious. It's ok." Alan whispered. "Everyone is curious once in a while."

Tentatively a tongue touched the tip of Alan's beautiful uncut cock. It sliped inside the foreskin which still covered the head of Alan's cock. "Yours is so different than mine."

"Yeah. You like it."

"It's different." Elder Davis put a little of the dick in his mouth and I could tell that Alan was getting harder and the head was starting to peek out of the foreskin. I knew that, by now, Alan would be leaking pre-come. I wondered if my companion loved it as much as I did.

Alan only got a few inches in before his prey began to choke on his meat. The farm boy backed off the dick but Alan was ready. There's something else you should try."

"What's that?"

Alan gestered for me to "assume the position." I moved to the edge of the bed and I got on my hands and knees with my ass in the air. He led my companion behind me. I heard the nightstand drawer open and then felt the vaseline being applied to me.

"Go ahead. He likes it."

"I don't know... this just seems weird." Despite his words, the big-headed dick against my ass was as hard as a rock.

"Please, Elder, do it. Please put it in me." I reached back and moved the cock to my oily hole.

I felt that big head at my door. And he wasn't gentle. He pushed in hard and my reluctant body had no choice but surrender. The big head pushed my ass open and sank into the hot depths. This guy had clearly learned everything he knew about sex from watching the animals go at it on the farm.

"Oh my.. oh yes." He moaned.

"Doesn't that feel good?" Alan was behind him, rubbing his chest, legs, and thighs while he pushed into me. "Give it to him rough. He likes that. Don't you, Elder Clark?"

I could only grunt and grit my teeth. The head of my companion's dick was wider than even Alan's big uncut prize. It stretched me and his thrusts knocked the breath out of me as he pounded forward. The truth, however, was that it felt fantastic. Elder Davis was pounding away and Alan was whispering in his ear. "Yeah, fuck him. Fuck him like an animal. He can tell you how good it feels."

"Yeah." I moaned encouragingly, my breath having finally returned. "You feel amazing. It's like you are part of me."

In the mirror over the dresser, I could see that Alan had pulled himself tightly against my fucker's back. Suddenly Elder Davis froze. At first I wasn't sure what had happened but it finally dawned on me that Alan's meat must be pressed against the other missionaries own tight hole.

"Just relax." Alan whispered to him. I could understand why Alan was so turned on by popping cherries. There was something incredibly erotic about watching as he made ready to break in his second hole in as many days. Determined to do my part, I began to side forward and back -- impaling myself on the hard cock inside me.

In the mirror, I could see Alan gently run his tongue along Elder Davis's ear. Elder Davis moaned.

Alan's reflection winked at me and whispered to my companion. "Yeah, just like that. Relax."

Elder Davis whimpered. His cock lost a little starch.

"Come on baby." Alan insisted. "Let me in."

I pushed back on Elder Davis, forcing his ass against Alan's hard cock. His squeel told me that we had succeeded and that Alan was inside him.

"Oh it hurts. Stop it hurts so much."

"Just relax, baby. It will be better in a second."

"No, it just hurts. Please..."

"It's ok, Elder." I said looking back at him. I squeezed my ass around his dick which throbbed in response. "It's worth it. I promise."

"Ugh." He just groaned.

Alan was starting to move inside him. Beginning that same long process I had gone through the day before. A little out to earn a push further in. I could tell that the farm boy wasn't enjoying it as much as I had. I redoubled my efforts with my ass and he seemed to respond. His cock was rock hard again and he resumed his hard punishing thrusts into me. When he pulled back to push in again he had to push himself further onto Alan's monster of a cock. He was torn between how good my ass felt and the pain of Alan's cock in his own ass. I guess my ass was pretty good because I won the war.

Elder Davis's dick began to swell. I could feel it straining to fill me.

"He's coming."

"Yeah... do it." Alan said as he rode the farm boy's ass in firm and steady strokes.

"Oh yeah... I'm going to do it." Elder Davis groaned. His dick exploded inside of me, firing wads of come up my ass like a machine gun.

"Keep working it." Alan ordered and I continued to ride my companions big dick.

"Oh. It's so sensitive." He tried to get me to stop, but I wasn't about to do that. To me this was an audition for the part I desperately wanted.

After a couple more minutes, Alan pulled him back and into his lap. The hard cock slid out of me -- and gravity pushed Alan's cock further up the "straight" boy's ass. I noticed, however, that it was my ass that Alan was staring at. As Elder Davis sat unmoving in his lap, my dream man reached out and caressed my ass. His finger teased my stretched ass lips and milked out a wad of cum.

"Let's try something here." Alan said, his eyes still fixated on my ass. He guided Elder Davis forward onto his hands and knees with his ass in the air -- the same position I was in. Alan took ahold of my cock and gave it a few tugs.

"You've earned something new." He said as motioned for me to stand up. He positioned me behind my companions trembling butt. "Go ahead. You've earned it." He said with another wink.

Alan applied a coat of vaseline to my dick -- which was of course hard and throbbing. He led me to Elder Davis's asslips -- which were looking a little less than tight at the moment (I didn't even want to think how my own looked). At Alan's direction, I pushed into my first piece of ass. Oh god it felt good. It was tight like a vice, but slick and hot and yummy. The hairs around Elder Davis's hole gave a little texture to each thrust.

As I expected, I felt Alan's dick press itself against my opening. He waited. I pushed myself back onto his dick and sank down to the root. Elder Davis's come acted as lubricant.

"Oh you feel so good Alan. You just feel so good."

"So do you." He groaned back. "I love fucking a cumy ass."

"I love you, Alan." I meant it with all my heart.

"I love you too." He whispered back. He didn't mean it, I told myself, but I still loved to hear the words.

Neither the Idaho boy or Alan moved so I slide into the ass in front of me, then back to impale myself, then forward, and back. I felt like I was on fire from the tip of my dick to the lips of my asshole. I was getting close and the big uncut cock up my ass was pushing me over the border line. "I'm coming Elder Davis. I'm coming up your ass."

He just groaned. I reached around and felt his dick. Despite his whining, his dick was hard again. I gave it a few jerks before my own throbbing dick grabbed all of my attention. My whole body tightened and I shot my first wad of come up another guys ass. My ass muscles clamped down on Alan's meat and he joined me by sending a few waves up my hole as well. He pushed me forward and I lay on Elder Davis's back with Alan laying on mine. We lay like that for at least fifteen minutes. I was in heaven and it took me awhile to realize that my companion was crying.

"What have we done?" He whispered to me. "What have I done?"

I had no intention to be cruel, but found myself annoyed by him. "You got your ass fucked."

Alan gave me an amused look but said nothing.

"I'm not gay." My companion was begging me to agree with him.

I reached over and patted his round ass. "This cum dripping out of you says otherwise, Bryan." I had never called him by his first name before -- it had always been Elder as mission rules required. But it seemed silly all of a sudden to worry about rules like that now. Neither of us would be continuing our missions after what had happened in the last couple days.

Bryan sat up on the edge of the bed. "I'm going to be excommunicated. I'm going to lose my membership in the Church. This is going to humiliate my family."

Alan helped Bryan to his feet. Bryan picked up his discarded garments but did not put them on. "I can't wear these anymore. I'm not worthy."

"You need to go talk to the Mission President." I said.

Something in my tone sank through the guild and remorse that engulfed him. "You... you're not coming with me?"

"No." I said flatly. "Just tell the Mission President that I will contact my home bishop and resign my Church membership."

I turned to Alan. "I know what you said yesterday, but I have no place else to go..."

He sighed but gave me a little smile. "You can stay."

I wanted to dance around the room, but restrained myself. Instead I just threw my arms around his neck and whispered "I love you" again. He didn't say anything but hugged me and ran his hand down my back to my ass check. Both of our dicks throbbed in response.

"Should I still call you 'Elder'?" He asked.

"Just call me Scott. I'm not a missionary anymore."

My former missionary companion was clearly at a complete loss. He asked me twice more to come with him to meetin with the Mission President and repent. Finally he put his slacks and white shirt back on. Alan let him use the phone to call the zone leaders. In tears, he briefly explained what happened and they agreed to come pick him up right away.

We waited in an uncomfortable silence. When they finally arrived, the zone leaders wouldn't even approach the house. I walked him to the door but decided not to go meet them either. "Here." I said, handing Bryan my temple garments. "Take these to the Mission President. The zone leaders can mail my other clothes here. I don't care what happens to anything else I have in the apartment. My bike is here, so just leave it chained up when you take yours."

He just nodded.

I put my hand on Elder Davis's shoulder. "You will be excommunicated you know. Even if you can work your way back to the Church, even if you still get married, and even if you have a whole herd of children... you and I will always know you liked having a cock up your ass. We'll always know." He almost ran out the door.

I closed the door and turned to Alan. He was frowning. "So, 'Elder', Is this what you had planned when you showed up today?"

I shrugged. "Not precisely, but basically I guess. I just knew I wanted you. And I used him... I didn't mean to hurt him."

"Everyone uses everyone. That's what society is all about. You're just using me and I'm just using you."

"No." I insisted. "I love you."

"If you say so." He shook his head. "But it will never last."

******************************************************** Watch for Part 3: Endings (Coming soon) ********************************************************

Next: Chapter 3

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