The Milking Parlour

By David Smith

Published on Nov 10, 2013



The Milking Parlour is sited on the Milk and Juice Farm for the purpose of milking male milk cows of their precious man-milk for sale throughout the world as a sauce for adding to meals and drinks, and for cooking.

Slaves who are kept for milking at the Farm have superb, gorgeous bodies and are well-hung with fine cocks and lush balls that are filled with high quality man-milk. They are trained for full sexual activity as required. They will be ready at all times of the day and night to serve as fuckers or fuckees, and for milking and juicing, and for all manner of contests and displays. Special diets ensure that they are constantly sexually aroused and ready for service.

The Milk Parlour is a low roofed building, long but narrow. Down one side are eight milking stalls, each measuring some three metres deep by three metres wide. Each stall is tiled on floor and walls. The divisions between each milking stall are of timber with upright and overhead beams – but the walls are infilled to a height of around half a metre – in this way the cows and Milkers in the stalls are able to see the other occupants clearly (this helps to arouse the milk cows in the stalls and assist the Milkers to keep abreast of the activity as well an enjoying watching the other participants, especially the hanging milk shafts and milk balls of the cows).

Down the centre of the building is an open passageway. The side of the Parlour opposite the milking stalls is occupied by a raised platform running the length of the building with a rail in front – this is the observation platform. In the centre – and immediately in front of the observation platform – is the display and punishment podium. Visitors and Masters may observe from the platform. The podium will be used to display a slave or milk cow for the enjoyment of the visitors – who would have access to the podium – and also houses a lashing post and straps hanging from bars above for the purpose of securing a slave or milk cow for punishment or display. A wide range of punishment implements are displayed on a rack adjacent to the podium – for all to see and use as appropriate. This facility would be used throughout the Milking Session – if there are insufficient slaves immediately available for punishment and display, further supplies will be summoned up.

Inside the main door of the milking parlour is an open metal cage – just long enough to contain eight milk cows and narrow enough to allow a milk cow of normal shoulder width to stand inside (this would mean that some cows would have to squeeze inside, which should not be of any concern for they are, after all, merely slaves). The rear door of the cage is mounted on runners so that as a milk cow is removed from the cage, the rear door is moved up to push the remaining milk cows forward. Throughout their time in the cage the milk cows would be squeezed one behind the other so that they are pushed firmly into the slave in front – cock and balls to butts. The arms of the cows would be raised with their wrists crossed and secured to their collars behind their necks. The sides of the cage would allow easy access for hands of Masters, Visitors, Milkers and others slaves (when directed) so that the milk cows in the cage could be bollocked, cocked, titted and pitted whilst they wait their turn to be led to the milking stalls. This would ensure that they remain aroused and provide Visitors, Masters and others the opportunity to enjoy the fine bodies of the milk cows – including their milk shafts and juicy milk bollocks, the shafts erect and the balls engorged, filled as they are with creamy, tangy, tasty milk.

The storeroom in the Milking Parlour would house a wide range of equipment necessary for the milking process. These would include glass milk collecting receptacles with open tops for the insertion of the milk cow cock or shaft. The milk containers would have marks to indicate quantities - milk is measured in spoonsful (different containers are used for juice with markings in litres and parts thereof – but more of this later). Smaller screw-top glass jars are used as milk containers – varying in size. The smaller jars would be for individual milk – each marked with a label with the name of the cow and date. These would be for onward sale – either locally or by mail. Larger containers would be used to store the milk of a number of cows – the latter being for sale for such use as cooking or as a relish. A refrigerator and a freezer is installed to keep the cow milk in pristine and fresh condition. (Remember the Farm Marketing slogan: "tangy and fresh – straight from the flesh"!) The store would also house spare punishment and training equipment – tit clamps, cock and ball straps, weights, lashes and so on.

Milking Sessions

Milking Sessions would last varying lengths of time, depending on the requirements of the parlour, the need for cow milk as determined by sales and pre-orders (some of which would be for the milk of specified cows) and the ability and experience of the milk cows. As a general rule each session would last for a minimum of four hours, with each milk cow being milked three times with an hour's interval between ejaculation for rest and recovery purposes. The milk cows would remain in their stalls throughout the four hour period and be on display and available for Masters and Visitors inspection at specified times. These inspections should be carried out regularly to ensure that the milk cow remains aroused – for the Milkers will be busy and will need help in retaining the arousal of all the cows. Apart from that, of course, both the Masters and the Visitors will enjoy playing with the milk cows' superb bodies - cocking, ballocking, titting and pitting them vigorously. For this reason Milkers should ensure that sufficient time is set aside for this purpose.

Prior to the commencement of the milking session, the Milkers will move the milk cows from the cage to their individual stalls. Each Milker will be allocated two milk cows – to make maximum use of the eight stalls, four Milkers would be required. One Milker appointed for every Milking Session will act as Senior Milker with specific responsibilities – see later.

As each milk cow is removed from the cage, the Milker deputed to milk him will fix a leather leash to the milk cow's collar and parade him along the passageway for the Masters and Visitors viewing and enjoyment. The Milker will carry a short pony crop to use liberally on the butts of the milk cow – at least 50 swipes should be administered before the milk cow is finally led into the stall allocated. The Milker will ensure that the milk cow is displayed to maximum advantage. If a Master or Visitor wishes to do so, he may descend from the observation platform to inspect a milk cow more closely. During such inspections, the milk cow should be well cocked, ballocked, titted and pitted. The Milkers, too, will expect to have their bodies played with by the Masters and Visitors. Milkers will be experienced and will give much pleasure when they are cocked, ballocked, titted and pitted. They will, too, assist the Masters and Visitors in their handling of the milk cows to ensure that maximum advantage is taken to enjoy the cows' superb bodies and to give them plenty to enjoy. The Senior Milker may also have his body played with by Masters and Visitors at this stage – but not after this (which means that the Senior Milker will receive considerable body attention for his will be a body to be lusted after!)..

Once the milk cow is in the milking stall, he will be secured in preparation for milking in one of two ways. For the first, the milk cow will face the far wall of the stall and place his hands on the horizontal rail that is fixed there. Leaning forward, his legs will be placed in an ankle stretcher, ensuring that his legs are as wide apart as possible to give maximum access to the milk bollocks and cock. The ankle stretcher will be secured firmly to the sides of the milking stall. The milk cow's back should be horizontal to the floor – which may require the rail to be raised or lowered. This position allows the Milker easy access to the hanging cock and balls, and displays the cow's superb butts, back and thighs to maximum advantage making lashing the milk cow a pleasure and a joy for the Milker to carry out and for the Masters and Visitors to watch and enjoy.

The second method of securing the milk cow has the cow standing upright, with his back to the far wall – so that he is facing the observation platform, affording those on the platform a good clear view of the cow's fine body. The arms – as wide apart as possible - of the cow will be secured to a rail above his head – chains will be fitted to wrist straps and raised so that the cow is standing fully upright with his feet just – but only just – on the ground. The legs will be stretched wide apart with the ankle stretcher and again secured to the sides of the milking stall. The cow will be placed sufficiently forward in the stall to allow the Milker – and others, of course – to lash the cow's superb back, butts and thighs. The front of the cow will be displayed – allowing his chest and thighs to be lashed if appropriate. The cow's cock, bollocks, tits and pits will all be available for play.

To add variety for those observing the milking process, it is good practice for the Milkers to arrange things so that one cow is facing forwards and the cow in the next stall is facing backwards and so on.

When all the milk cows are prepared, the Masters and Visitors will be invited to undertake a full and close inspection of the milk cows. With eight cows, this could take up to half an hour or more – and the work should not be rushed. As a general rule, a maximum of four Visitors would be invited to attend a milking session and it would be expected that an equal number of Masters would be free to join them.

It would be made clear that once the milk cows are secured in their milking stalls that their cocks and ballocks may not be played with or touched by Masters or Visitors until a period of 15 minutes allocated immediately following the first, second and third milking. When the milking is completed, the Milker will summon a Slut Slave trained as a cocksucker – one of eight who will be in attendance. The Slut will suck out any remaining milk from the milk shaft – although the Milker will have made sure that there is little if any left in the shaft (as the cock is often known during milking) – for the milk cow's milk is a valuable commodity not to be wasted. The Slut will them lick the cock and balls, cleaning as he goes. The Slut will also lick any sweat from the cow's body – especially the cow's chest, tits and pits. The Milker will then hose down the cow with a cold power hose, directing the jet all over the cow's body but especially at his cock, bollocks, tits and pits. Ice cold water is always used to remind the cow that he is a lowly member of the Farm and unworthy of having hot water used – as this is costly. One effect of this will be to shrink the cow's cock – which will then have to be re-arounsed (a pleasurable activity and one to be relished and enjoyed - for the milk cows are superb specimens of their kind with well-defined chests and lightly muscled arms and legs that will bring great pleasure to those charged with re-arrousal). The 15 minutes of play for the Masters and Visitors will commence when the hosing is completed.

The Milking Process

But I am jumping ahead! For the milking has yet to take place. Once the inspection has taken place the Masters and Visitors return to the observation platform where they will be joined by up to half-a-dozen Fucking Bugger Slaves who will be for use as the Masters and Visitors wish. As their name implies, they are slaves who are available for full sexual use – they may be cocked, bollocked, titted, pitted, fucked, lashed or used as the Master or Visitor desires which would include being fucked (something every Bugger enjoys and many live for). Each Bugger will have his own set of toys which may be used – tit clamps, cock and ball straps, weights to the tits and balls, whips and lashes. Masters will take part and will encourage Visitors to enjoy themselves with the Buggers. All Buggers are superb specimens. Some may have been milk cows. All have been trained to give sexual pleasure and service of the highest order. Indeed, they are all well-aware that failure in any aspect of service will be severely punished. This could result in their being downgraded to the role of Slut Slave, or lashed in public – the latter would mean that the Bugger be secured to the lashing post in the centre of the Farm, where he would remain for up to 36 hours; lashing would take place every hour and be administered by a Master Slave.

The Milking Session commences when the Senior Milker gives the signal. A Bugger is summoned to the punishment podium and strapped to the lashing post. The Senior Milker mounts the podium, takes a leather lashing strap in his hands, raises it above his head and lashes the butts of the Bugger on whose first cry the Milkers move in to commence the milking process. The Senior Milker continues to lash the Bugger for the pleasure of the Masters and Visitors - and of any milk cows who are watching from their stalls - administering up to 50 lashes as required, more if it is deemed to be a good idea and enjoyable to those observing..

The Senior Milker returns to the milking stalls to take overall responsibility. The Milkers start by giving their two milk cows in turn a firm bollocking. The balls are taken in one hand and squeezed, whilst the other hand is used to ravish the balls – one ball may be pinched, another flicked, a ball whip may be used to tease the bollocks as they are being worked. The Milker will spend two or three minutes with each of his cows and then move to the next – occasionally leaning into the other stall to lash the cow so that he remains alert and aware that the Milker is close at hand. The sounds of the cows being bollocked and lashed will be pleasurable to those on the observation platform.

After 15 minutes, the Senior Milker returns to the punishment podium with a different Bugger. On the first lash of the Bugger (which will be a firm and harsh lash to ensure that the Bugger cries out sufficiently loudly for all to hear - for the ballocking will cause the milk cows to moan with both pleasure and pain, something that the Masters, Visitors and slaves will all enjoy)) the Milkers will now move to cocking combined with ballocking. The Bugger will receive 50 lashes – or more if the Bugger requests or if a Master or Visitor asks for this - after which the Senior Milker returns to his duties – supervising the Milkers and where appropriate, assisting in the cocking and ballocking, or where the Senior Milker considers it expedient, lashing the milk cow, or titting or pitting him.

For the next 15 minutes the Milkers work hard at ballocking and cocking the cows. The cocks are worked firmly, the Milker's hand starting at the root of the cow's cock and moving to the prick or knob as it is sometimes called – although I prefer the prick, for this indicates the role that the tip of the cow's cock can perform if he is called upon to fuck, which is a duty and service for which a pony and milk cow is fully trained. At the same time as the cock is being worked, the Milker will also give the cow's balls a severe ballocking, kneading the juicy balls, taking each ball in turn to be squeezed, ravished and finger flicked. A cock and ball whip may be used – this adds to the fun as the cow will almost invariably cry out as the whip is used.

If at anytime a Master or Visitor wishes to use a Bugger, he may do so provided the Bugger is not needed for other duties as already stated. A Master or Visitor may wish to lash a slave for his pleasure – and a Bugger would be a good choice, as he would be for other sexual activity as desired by the Master.

Milking the Milk

The final 30 minutes of the first Milking Session will be in the hands – literally! - of the Milkers. The milk cows are fully aware that they may not cum or ejaculate until they are milked by the Milker. There will be some pre-cum – which may be licked by the Slut Slaves if it becomes too plentiful and is interfering with the milking process – but should a cow shoot cum before being milked, this is a severe disciplinary issue that would have to be tried in the Supreme Master's Court. The cow would be immediately removed from the Milking Parlour and placed in the Court Cells to await trial next morning. The sentence for this offence ranges from lashing (up to 100 lashes), public humiliation (on the Central Stage for a predetermined period of time, usually measured in days or even weeks), liquid punishment (cold water hosing, time in the juice bath or the public juice bowl) or other punishment as determined by the Supreme Master. However, the milk cows are trained to a high pitch and it is extremely unlikely that a cow would cum before he is milked by the Milker.

Milking will take place during the final 10 minutes of the Milking Session. The Senior Milker will announce that the Milking Ten has commenced. The Slut will kneel before the milk cow when the cow indicates to his Milker that he is close by calling out: "I am a Fucking Bastard Pony and Milk Cow and am close. Please, Master Milker, milk me". The cow will continue to call out this statement – loudly so that all may hear - until the Milker is ready to milk him. This may mean that the cow has to repeat the statement a number of times, whilst holding off cumming. The Milker may – if he wishes – delay moving to milk the cow – this adds fun to the session, specially if those observing are aware of what is happening! When the Milker is ready to milk, the Slut will hold the glass receptacle in such a position that the the cow's cock shoots all his milk into the receptacle.

Milking is carried out by the Milker, who takes the cow's cock in both hands and moves up and down the hard cow milk cock. The balls may also be bollocked if this is considered appropriate by the Milker. The act of milking should be pleasurable to the Milker in the first place, to those observing in the second and finally to the cow – the pleasure of the Milker is paramount. This emphasises the fact that the cow is a slave and and the Milker is the dominant..

When the milking is complete to the Milker's satisfaction, the Milker will convey the milk in the glass receptacle to the storeroom where a Slut Slave will drain the milk into a single screw-topped jar, taking care to ensure that every drop of milk is drained. The container will be labelled and placed in a refrigerator to retain its freshness and flavour,

The process outlined above now takes place – which I will repeat for the sake of ease of reference. It is as follows and takes place when the Milker returns from the storeroom having safely deposited the creamy milk.

When the milking is completed, the Milker will summon a Slut Slave. The Slut will suck out any remaining milk – although the Milker will have made sure that there is little if any left in the cock – for the milk cow's milk is a valuable commodity not to be wasted. The Slut will then lick the cow's cock and balls, cleaning as he goes. The Slut will also lick any sweat from the cow's body – especially the cow's chest, tits and pits. The Milker will then hose down the cow with a cold power hose, directing the jet all over the cow's body but especially at his cock, bollocks, tits and pits. Ice cold water is always used to remind the cow that he is a lowly member of the Farm and unworthy of having hot water used – as this is costly. One effect of this will be to shrink the cow's cock – which will then have to be re-arounsed (a pleasurable activity and one to be relished and enjoyed - for the milk cows are superb specimens of their kind with well-defined chests and lightly muscled arms and legs, together with cocks and balls that are luscious, that will bring great pleasure to those charged with re-arrousal). The 15 minutes of play for the Masters and. Visitors will commence when the hosing is completed.

At the conclusion of the 15 minutes of play, the Milkers will instruct each of their milk cows to address the Masters and Visitors on the observation platform, thanking them for watching and inviting the Visitors to place their orders for jars of milk with the Sluts who are standing by. Orders will be delivered to the Visitors at the conclusion of the session.

If Visitors have questions for all the cows or individual cows, they will ask them – the cows will answer and if the answer requires further elaboration, this will be done by the Milker or Senior Milker.

The next three hours of the Milking Session continue very much on the lines of the first session. Milk output is measured in small spoonsful. The expectation is that a cow will milk between 8 and 10 spoonsful in the first milking, 6 to 8 in the second and 4 to 6 in the third. If a cow has milked to the maximum - or near to it - each time in the first three milkings, the Senior Milker may decide to go for a fourth milking. cow milk is such a valuable and sought after commodity that a fourth milking should go ahead if it is considered appropriate. The decision is made by the Milker who may discuss this with the milk cow – although this is not a requirement and the Milker may go ahead with the fourth milking without doing so.

When the Milking is finally at an end, the Senior Milker will announce the name of the milk cow who has milked the largest quantity of milk. That cow will be paraded for the Masters and Visitors to congratulate – they may feel his milk balls, cock, tits and pits as they do so. The cow with the lowest output will be put on Daily Report – which means that he will brought before the Supreme Master at the following morning's Supreme Masters' Court hearing. Whether or not he is punished will depend on the quantity of milk and other factors which the Supreme Master will take into account when sentencing.

Tastings will also be arranged if this is requested by a visitor. These would be carried out in the Tasting Room which forms part of the Milking Parlour. The milk cow whose milk is to be tasted will be taken to the tasting room by the Senior Milker and displayed on a podium in the centre of the Tasting Room. The visitor would enter the Room and be invited to inspect the cow – cocking, bollocking, titting, pitting him – licking his body and enjoying his fine physique. A small dish of the cow's milk would be available for the visitor to sample. If the visitor places an order, he would be invited to suck the cow's cock. If he wishes to do so, the visitor may book a private room in the main farmhouse for an over night stay, during which the milk cow whose milk the visitor is purchasing would be in attendance to carry out whatever the visitor may desire – fucking generally being the activity of choice although if a Visitor wishes, the cow may be lashed or have his tits played with or be ridden bareback. Complete sexual satisfaction is guaranteed. No additional charge would be made if an order is placed for a further supply of delicious cow milk. Prior to departing the next morning, the Visitor would be invited to take a feed of the cow's milk from the cow's milk shaft (known as direct from source) or, if he prefers, spooned up from a dish. The milk would, of course, be fresh from the cow and, therefore, a joy to the taste buds.

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