The Milker

By Blake Perry

Published on Apr 13, 2020


Disclaimer - This is a work of science fiction involving sex between two consenting adults. Any reference to actual events or people, living or dead, is a coincidence. Please do not read this story if you are a minor or live in a region where stories like this are illegal. If you would like to support nifty continue to provide LGBT erotica free of charge, consider making a donation at Enjoy!

I'm so sorry that it took me so long to continue this story. I'm hoping to have the next chapter up in a couple of weeks. Thanks for all of the emails.

Chapter 3: Best Friends Forever (Part 1)

I woke up at six this morning. It was a small miracle that I had slept at all between the constant screaming of the starving cunt between my legs and the psychological torment I'd been put through.

How had so much happened in one day? In one fucking day! Losing my virginity in a high school bathroom to an alien in disguise, discovering that it's my fate to basically be the biggest bottom in the universe, being in heat until I'd been fucked by enough aliens to make some kind of alien baby, and to top it all off being railed by an alien mascarading as my long lost father. It was too much. Who the fuck could come up with this?! I mean maybe a demented enough faggot with a lot of free time on his hands.

It wasn't all bad. Having the universe bestow you with a purpose of great importance was pretty cool, even if that purpose was to be a cosmic broodmare. I could just do with less of the gnawing cunt and getting fucked by my father.

As Ahmad's car pulled up to the curb I had to steel myself. Be cool. Let your theater skills pay off for once.

His white charger seemed somewhat different today. Cleaner and brighter than yesterday. It wasn't like Ahmad to clean his car. Maybe his mom had taken it by the car wash or made Ahmad do it. Why do you care? I thought. Maybe I was just being jumpy. My nerves were shot. Everything seemed upside down.

As I stood looking at his car he lowered his window.

"Get in, bitch."

Pull yourself together. It's just Ahmad. Don't be weird.

I took a deep breath and opened the door.

"Did you age a year or a century?" he asked.

"What?" I said.

"You're taking forever," he said. "Get in you old fart."

"Hey, I'm a young fart, middle aged on a bad day," I said.

It's just Ahmad. Act natural.

I sat down, adjusting my ass in the seat to try to quell its gnawing hunger. Of course nothing would shut it up. I mean except a dick.

"How are you this morning, sunshine?" he said, putting the car into drive and pressing down on the pedal.

"Natural," I said. Stupid! I said act natural, not say it! "I mean fine. Why? What's wrong?"

"Nothing," he said, "can't a friend inquire after another without the third degree?"

Inquire? That was a weird way for him to phrase that. But at least he isn't commenting on how weird I know I'm acting.

"Using your SAT Prep book, much?" I asked.

"Unequivocally," he said.

"Well, splendid," I said. "Mayhaps you'll procure a loftier mark on your evaluation of collegiate aptitude."

"I feel like British people would do really well on their SATs," he said.

"Movie British people, maybe," I said, "but have you heard actual British people talk? They're just as stupid as we are."

"I thought you liked British people," he said.

"I do," I said, "but I can like someone even when they're stupid. I like you, don't I?"

He laughed. "Touché. Well, on that note, happy birthday."

He handed me a red, rod-shaped, wrapped package with a big bow in the middle.

Another present. I still hadn't opened my dad's--well my fake alien dad's--gifts. I had thought about burning them, even lit a match, but then mom and grandma had come home, and I'd had to throw the match and the gifts behind the couch. I'd gone down in the middle of the night to collect them, but by then I was too horny to think about burning anything, so they were sitting in my room, under my bed, waiting for me to decide what to do with them.

I shook the gift, appearing interested, like normal people do. Ahmad always got me gag gifts, so it could be anything. Last year we'd gotten each other a matching leopard print g-string thong. Before that it was a wallet full of condoms. On my eighth birthday he'd given me a moose that pooped candy. It was amazing how our comedy had grown. Poop jokes to dick jokes, just like Freud theorized. Oh Freud, at least he wouldn't be weirded out by me fucking an alien impersonating my father.

Fucking hell! Stop thinking about that!!

"Well, aren't you going to open it?" he asked. "I did my research this year. Picked this out after peering through your browser history."

My browser history? Oh God, what kind of porn joke was he going for? A waffle painted blue? Pipe cleaners for fluting? A cup with pictures of two girls?

"I'm going to say fuck you in advance," I said, feeling a quiver in my cunt at the word fuck followed by a flashing image of Ahmad tossing his hair back while he railed me. The quiver turned into a quake so strong it turned my stomach.

Not that kind of fuck, asshole!

I unwrapped the paper to find an old Pringle's can. Pizza flavored. The fuck?

"Is this a fat joke?" I said.

He turned to me with a faint smile. "I mean, you could lose a few pounds, but that's not the gift. It's more of a makeshift sheath."

"You got me a sword?" I asked, incredulous.

"Look in the can," he said.

I turned the can over and took off the lid.

"Rubber?" I asked, poking at soft rubber that filled up the rim.

"Pull it out," he said. "I had to really jam it in there to fit. Not the first time I've had to jam something big into a tiny hole." He winked.

"Oh haha, you have a huge penis," I said, trying to get a hold of the rubber object I couldn't quite make out.

As I pulled my present out of the Pringle's can, I locked ahold of the rod shaped object that felt similar to something I'd held last night. Something that my butt had held onto multiple times yesterday. Shit!

"Another dildo?!" I shouted.

"Another?" he asked, cracking up.

"No!" Shit, what did I say?! "God damnit! I didn't mea-- I'm tired! My head hurts! I'm stressed about our anatomy test!"

Word vomit, a perfect distraction. Not. I'm going to die.

"Umm... okay," he said eyeing me incredulously. "Worried about yet another test?"

"Shut up!" I yelled, anger, shame and fear finally overpowering my heat.

He laughed so hard I worried we would crash. Fucking Aries.

"It's on the reproductive system," he said. "You should know that by now."

I stared at him in silent fury, and fear, and shame, and desire. God damnit I'd never had so many emotional extremes at once!

Damn this heat!

"It'll pass," he said, staring out at the road.

Had I thought that out loud?

"What?" I asked.

"I said, `you'll pass,'" he said.

Am I hearing things now, too? Am I going crazy?

This was only day two. How the fuck was I going to survive this?

"Do anything fun last night?" asked Ahmad. "Any good birthday presents? Other than mine that is?"

"Oh yours certainly takes the cake," I said, shaking the floppy dildo in my hand as my cunt growled and I thought about how my life had come to this.

"Did anything interesting happen last night?" he asked.

I had sex with an alien dressed as my father.

"Not really," I said.

"Mentiroso," he said with a lecherous grin.


"Working on your Spanish?" I said.

He nodded, his eyes drifting to my lap.

"And I can see you've been working on your fingering," he said.

I followed his eyes to see that one of my hands was now inches from my taint. Fuck! My cheeks burning crimson, I jerked my hand back as I listened to him cackle. How much worse could this get?

"We're here," he said, parking the car in the usual spot. "Now get to class, Mr. Fingers."

"Fuck you," I said, unable to think of anything else to say.

"We'll see," he said with a wink.

The rest of the morning was a blur, a stressful, surreal, horny blur. My mind kept jumping from sex scene to sex scene as I imagined almost every guy I saw plowing me. After feeling like I was about to go insane I stood up from my chair in first period to discover that there was something wet on my seat. It took me a while before I discovered that it had come from me. Great, now I was leaking. I ran to the bathroom where I stuffed my underwear full of toilet paper, shuddering as it touched my exposed asshole. Fucking hell, I needed cock, and bad.

I searched throughout the day hoping to find the lustful looks of the janitor from yesterday, but he was gone just like he'd said he'd be, and so it seemed were my chances for sex. By the time third period had come around, I felt on the verge of losing all composure. It took all of my resolve not to tackle the football players and ride them harder than an equestrian. The amount of clear, sticky liquid from my cunt was continuing to grow, and I was beginning to get looks for the number of times I was running to the bathroom. I could always say I had diarrhea or something, but I honestly didn't even trust myself enough to speak. Nothing I learned was absorbed. The only thing I could think about was finding something to fill my hole.

"Ready for the test?" Ahmad asked as I sat down in my anatomy class.

I looked over at him, fighting the urge to sit on his lap. As I opened my mouth, trying to formulate an answer to his question that wouldn't come out as a declaration of my need for cock, I saw an expression cross his face that I'd never seen before. It was like his eyes rolled back in his head as he took in a big sniff.

The teacher walked in and began going over the test instructions, so there was no time for me to talk to Ahmad, which I was kind of glad for. He kept staring at me and sniffing, which was unsettling. I wondered if the goo leaking from my ass had a smell that I hadn't picked up on. As I reached for my ass to readjust the toilet paper in my underwear, I caught Ahmad's eyes following my hand and pulled back. Only Ahmad's gaze continued to my ass. I hoped I wasn't leaking.

"Please take out your pencils and clear your desks. I'll be passing out the test now," said Ms. Phyllis. Ahmad always called her Syphilis. I hoped he'd give me syphilis. I mean, not really, but some raw boning was all I could really think about right now.

My backpack slid open as I pulled the outer zipper looking for a pencil, only to reveal the dildo Ahmad had given me that morning. Of course! Why hadn't I thought of it before? This would shut my cunt up. I pulled it as clandestinely as I could from my book bag, sneaking it down my pant leg and covering the base sticking out at my waist with my shirt.

As soon as I'd adjusted myself I stood up and made my way towards the door.

"Bryce," said my teacher, "where are you going?"

"I-I need to use the restroom," I spat out.

"Oh, well hurry back, you don't want to run out of time," she said with a look of concern. "Are you feeling alright?"

My ass is leaking, and all I can think about is getting fucked, but otherwise...

"I'm fine," I said, feeling myself beginning to sweat. I wasn't doing a very good job of showing it. "I just need to..."

Almost everyone in the class was looking at me now. Fucking hell I better not be leaking, and the dildo in my pants better be discreet.

"Go ahead, then," she said.

And go I went. I hurried down the vacant hall, making my way to the same bathroom I'd gone to yesterday near the band room. The last thing I wanted was for someone to hear an accidental moan as I plunged this dildo into my quivering quim. When I reached the bathroom door, seeing the phantom presence of the janitor in my mind's eye blocking my way through the doorway, I found it empty. The first thing I did was to knock out the door stop so that the door shut. Now if anybody came in after me I would have time to compose myself. I ran to the stall, closing it behind me and pushing the lever to lock it.

Reaching into my pants I pulled out the dildo. It was about eight or nine inches long, flesh colored, made to look and feel like an actual penis. I recognized it as the Jeff Stryker dildo, and thought to myself that I'd seen way too much porn. The toilet paper in my underwear was now fully soaked as a blast of liquid shot out of my love hole as I held the flesh like fake penis. I thought to myself that I should probably wash it off before I plug it into my sacred passage, but my cunt had other plans, and it was pretty much in control of me at this point. I dropped my pants, throwing the wet paper towels into the toilet behind me, which was still remarkably clean for a high school men's room, and lined the dildo up with my hole. As I pressed the head to my tight sphincter, I remembered that I'd probably need lube, and was just about to put the dildo back in my pants, defeated, when a squirt of liquid sprang from my butt. As some of it dripped down the dildo onto my hand, I realized what it was.

It's lube!

I was self-lubricating, just like a woman. It must have been the heat changing the normal functions of my ass into a vagina.

I pressed the tip into my hole and let out a moan. My hole started to spasm rhythmically, sucking more and more of the dildo inside of me. Incapable of waiting, and aware that I didn't have that long to sit here and play with myself, I shoved the rest of the nine inches into my snatch, plugging my hole full. Then I started to pull it out. In and out, working my sphincters, riding the waves of pleasure as my nerve endings were set on fire. I was moaning like the bitch in heat that I was, and I didn't care. I was finally feeling some relief. I don't know how long it was before I heard the door slam open and familiar footsteps resound off the tile floors of the men's room, but I knew that my arms and legs were exhausted while my pussy wasn't even beginning to be ready to finish.



Shit! How had he found me here? I jammed my fist into my mouth to keep from moaning as I yanked the dildo from my ass.

"You alright?" he asked. "You've been in here for a while."

"Yeah I'm fine," I sputtered. "I mean, I threw up, but I'm fine."

"Here, let me help you," he said.

"No, no, no," I said, pulling my pants up, forgetting about the toilet paper to keep my snatch from leaking. "I'll be fine. I'm coming out now."

I grabbed the door, opening it to see Ahmad with the same, half-crazed look on his face, taking in a deep whiff of something I couldn't smell, only this time he wasn't looking at me, but what I was still holding in my hand.


"You were using the dildo?" he asked with a confusing mix of shock and intrigue.

"I can explain!" I shouted.

But he didn't give me a chance to explain, because in that second Ahmad pinned me to the closed stall door and kissed me.

His lips were soft and warm, and while I was shocked and somewhat terrified by the sudden embrace and all that it could mean, my mind was wiped blank by lust. As he pulled up for breath I opened my eyes and my mind awakened.

"You're gay?" he asked. "Why didn't you tell me?"

Before I could even think to answer he was on me again, lips pressed against mine, tongue probing into my mouth. He tasted like cherry twizzlers and Diet Coke, and something else, something wholly male and raw.

In a rare moment of lucidity, I pushed him off of me.

"This can't be real," I said. "You're straight."

"I just made out with you dumbass," he said. "That's not what a straight guy would do."


He couldn't be gay, could he? We'd been friends since childhood. I'd have known, wouldn't I?

"Did I ever tell you I was straight?" he asked.


"But you always talk about straight porn," I said.

"So do you," he said.

That was true. I'd even watched a little when I was younger and still trying to convince myself that I was bi.

"But I just did that because everyone else did," I muttered.

"Me too," he said.

I still couldn't believe it. I'd had a crush on him for years. He was the reason I'd found out I was gay. He couldn't be gay, too. Life couldn't be that kind.

Then his lips were on mine again, his body crushing against me, and I set aside my disbelief. Even if it was too good to be true, I couldn't deny my senses, could I? He was here, kissing me, tongue probing my open mouth. I sunk into the feelings, running my hands through his curly hair, pulling him closer. It didn't matter if this was just a dream, I knew what I wanted to do.

"I've been wanting you for so long, Bryce," said Ahmad, running his lips down my neck, biting softly, tongueing my earlobe, causing me to moan and buck my hips as another squirt of lube dribbled out of my pussy.

"Oh Ahmad," I breathed. "Fuck me."

He laughed, pulling my hand to his crotch. As I ran my fingers up his cock I realized all of his jokes had been true. He was huge.

"You want it?" he asked.

"More than anything," I said, fighting the urge to throw him to the ground, wrestle that anaconda out of his gym shorts and ride him until the end of days.

"Let me see your ass, Bryce," he said.

I turned around, pushing my ass out so that he could get a good look. His hands were on me, massaging my cheeks, pulling and prodding.

"Fuck," he said. "If only I'd known I could have been shooting off into this. Years of masturbating. What a waste."

"How do you think I feel?" I said.

"Well no more," he said, thrusting his hips against me, grinding his cock into my ass. "You're my bitch now."


"Ahmad," I moaned. "Fuck me. Please. I can't tell you why, but I need it so badly. I can't take another minute without your cock in me."

"Woah, slow down Bryce," he said. "I don't want our first time to be in a high school bathroom."

"I lost my virginity in this bathroom," I blurted out. "It's not so bad."

"You had sex in this bathroom?"

Oh fuck. What had I just said? How was I going to tell him about what had happened to me, what was still happening to me? Would he want to date me if he knew I was some sort of alien sex toy? Would he want to date me at all? Fuck. So many questions. I'd just have to say as little as possible until I could get my story straight.

"When? With who?"

"Yesterday," I admitted. "With the hot janitor."

"Nice," he said. "Did he clean up afterwards?"

"Fuck you," I said. "He's a nice guy."

Well, a nice alien.

"So do you like this guy?"

I turned to face him, reluctant to pull my ass away from his crotch, but needing to look him in the eyes.

"It's not like that," I said. "He's gone now anyways."

"Doesn't he have a job here?" he asked.

"Not exactly," I said. "It's weird, and I don't want to get into it. Long story short, he fucked me on that sink, twice, and I'll probably never see him again. I would love it if you'd do the same. I mean the fucking part, not the leaving."

He laughed again, looking from me to the sink.

"It is tempting," he said.

"We can always do it here now," I said, fingers walking up his shirt, "and then again wherever and whenever and however many times you want."

He grabbed my hand bringing it up to his mouth to kiss. Who knew Ahmad would be such a gentleman. My underpants were soaking wet by this point.

"Come on," he said, pulling me to the door. "You've been in here for a while."

"Fuck!" I said. "I still have the test. I'm just so fucking horny. It's literally unworldly."

"We'll take care of that soon enough," he said.

If I'd had my wits about me I would have found it odd how confidently Ahmad walked me out of the bathroom. I would have found it even odder that he was able to get me out of class by just telling my teacher that I was sick and that he was going to drive me home. She seemed about to object at first, but then her eyes seemed to fade out, and she told me to feel better and walked back to her seat. As we walked to the parking lot, I remembered I had still yet to sign into study hall. Fuck it. I needed dick too much to worry about a potential detention. And this dick was attached to my closest friend. I just hoped I didn't stain his seat on the ride home.

We went to my place since it was empty. Walking in I could barely hold back my lust, but then the door was closed, no nosy neighbors to see what was about to happen. In truth I attacked him, pinning him to the door, running my hand up his shirt to feel the patch of chest hair that had just started growing in. My kisses were deep and needy as I devoured him, moaning into his mouth. When he moaned back it was like a symphony. There was no sound greater.

He pushed back against me, guiding me over to the couch, all without breaking our kiss. Like an animal he hurled me into the cushions as another spurt of lube shot out of my pussy. He leapt on top of me, lips locking, tongues sliding, boners caressing. It had been so long since I'd even thought of my dick. The action behind had been so much more potent, but his dick, the dick of my closest friend, a dick I'd even consider marrying rubbing against mine was so erotic, so affirming that I knew I would cum just from this if he stayed there long enough. Luckily he had other things in mind.

"Bryce," he purred, "have you ever sucked a cock?"

"No," I told him, honestly. My only sexual encounters had been with aliens looking to breed my pussy, my mouth hadn't really mattered to them. "I'd love to try it, though, but I might not be any good."

He kissed me. "I don't care. It's you. That's all that matters."

Could hearts orgasm? Because mine just fucking did. I giggled like a Japanese school girl about to be banged by an octopus. I had never been so happy or horny. From the prodigious volume of fluid shooting out of my love canal--it wasn't just a fuckhole anymore!--the couch cushions would definitely need to be washed.

Still on top of me, kissing me deeply, he started to undress, sitting up as he stripped his shirt, flinging it to the far corner of the living room.

He was breathtaking. Curly black hair that was kept short, tan, olive skin, a lean and muscular body from practicing soccer nearly everyday since he was in preschool, just the faintest hint of stubble on his angular jaw, perfectly plump and kissable lips, jasper eyes that always shone with a devilish intensity, a gigantic, purple-headed majesty I had caught a glimpse of once when he was pulling a prank on me, not knowing that I'd masturbated to that mental image at least fifty times since, there was nothing of him that I would change.

You're beautiful, and I'm not just saying that because I've been secretly in love with you since the day we met and HOLY SHIT I DIDN'T JUST SAY ALL OF THAT OUT LOUD JUST NOW!

"I'm so sorry!" I said, starting to hyperventilate, my cheeks burning bright red. "I didn't mean... you're so hot... I MEAN it's so hot. Oh my God, what the fuck am I saying?! I'm so embarrassed! God, just shoot me now!"

"Shhh!" he said, pressing his finger to my lips. "If you say one more awkward thing I'm going to cum, and I'd rather plant my load in your perfect ass, so please, shut the fuck up."


"You like when I'm awkward?" I mumbled through his finger.

"Well I like you," he said, "and you're the most awkward person in the galaxy. So yeah, you being you is kind of my biggest turn on."

"Why?" I asked.

"Do you have no concept of your own self-worth?" he grumbled, scowling at me.

"Some days I think I'm a steaming pile of horse shit. Others, I think I'm Jesus Christ. Today I'm feeling more like hot garbage."

"The hottest garbage," he said with a smirk.

"Dear God I've never been more in love with you, and SWEET JESUS CAN I NOT HAVE A THOUGHT TO MYSELF?!"

"Shh!" he said, pinching my lips shut with those long, gorgeous fingers I wanted to see vanishing into my cunt. "Do you remember the first day we met?"

I nodded. How could I forget?

"Do you remember that you'd forgotten your lunch money at home, and they were going to give you regular milk when you wanted chocolate?"

"Which was a crime," I mumbled.

"So you decided to cry until the cafeteria ladies felt so badly for you that they gave you the chocolate milk for free. You wiped your eyes and came over to sit by me, and you told me that it was--"

"An effective tactical maneuver," we said together.

"I went home that day and told my mom that I'd met the smartest boy in my class, and that one day I was going to marry him," he said, leaning in closer until his eyes were right above mine. "What I'm trying to say is I've loved you since the day I met you, too."

I sniffled audibly as tears began to stream down my face.

"Are you crying?" he asked.

"No," I said, "you're crying."

"You are so fucking stupid..."

And then he kissed me, long and hard, just like the dick that was grinding against my thigh. As he moved down, sucking on my neck, I moaned.

"Another effective tactical maneuver," I said, wiping my eyes.

He chuckled. "Shut up and suck my cock."

"Very effective indeed."

Climbing off of me, he came to stand by the couch, fingers hooking into his loose athletic shorts, leering at me like he was pulling a striptease as he lowered his pants, his long, thick cock springing up to hit a point well above his navel. Dear god, I had never seen anything more exquisite in my life. My jaw dropped, and my ass squelched. We might just need a new couch.

"How do you like it?" he said, shaking his gift from god in my face.

"Can I start a new religion?" I asked. "The Cult of Ahmad's Cock?"

He snickered. "So long as the worshippers get on their knees."

I scooted off of the couch, crawling on my hands and knees up to the holy rod.

"Thank you, cock God, or in this case cock Allah for giving unto me the most wondrous penis in the universe," I said, wringing my hands and looking to the heavens, or at least to my heaven.

"Cock Allah says the proper way to give thanks is to choke on it," he said, slapping my face with his hot rod. "Now open those pretty lips and let me cum inside."

I opened wide, like I'd seen those sluts in the pornos do, and waited for him to rub the tip against my bottom lip.

"So wet," he said. "Lick it, bitch."

My pants more lube than cloth now as spurt after spurt of slick liquid shot out of my pussy, I reached my tongue out to taste his head, running up the sensitive slit.

It tasted better than I'd expected, though I hadn't really known what a dick would taste like. I'd thought it would be bitter or even possibly gross like licking something rotten, but Ahmad's cock tasted like the rest of him, only magnified. The salt of his sweat made stronger by precum, the tangy flavor of his lips more pungent, the umami of his neck and earlobe meatier, and added to this something altogether male and raw, like a testosterone smoothie. It was better than chocolate, better than anything I'd tasted before, not because of any particular flavor or effect on the palette, but because it was him, and that's all that mattered.

"Fuck, Bryce," he cooed, running his fingers through my hair. "Your tongue feels so good on my cock."

"Your cock tastes so good," I said, taking another lick.

"Kiss it," he said, smacking his cock against my tongue. "Kiss the head like you'd kiss me."

He brought his cock down to reach my puckered lips. His beautiful dick with a pearl of clear precum was something I loved almost as much as the man it was attached to.

"Look up," he said. "I want to see your eyes."

His face, the look of concentration and lust set me afire. As the head reached my lips I gave it the tenderest, most loving of kisses.

"Fuck," he moaned. "Again."

This time I kissed more deeply, making out with his dick, taking the head in, snaking my tongue up and down the slit, sucking the precum from the spout like it was manna from heaven, and to me, it was. We both moaned as more of his cock slid into my mouth, my lips pursed tightly around the tasty flesh.

"Oh, Bryce," he keened, twisting his hands through my hair, massaging my skull, "you're so fucking sexy."

I was nothing next to him. To me he was godlike, so sexy, so funny, so sweet. Bringing him joy brought me joy, every bead of precum I drank from him was matched by my own cock. How had I gotten so lucky? Maybe it was God's way of repaying me for sending a bunch of rapacious aliens after my pussy. Did I even believe in God? Ahmad made me start to.

As his cock approached the entrance to my throat Ahmad reached down massaging my neck in a way that made my throat open wider. I wondered if he knew what he was doing, opening me like this, or if it was just a happy coincidence. I didn't have very long to think about it, though, as as soon as my throat had opened, he began to shove his cock down, tunneling into my esophagus.

I didn't know what exactly I expected to feel as he forced his cock down my throat, but it wasn't this. Pleasure untold, not quite as good as a dick in my cunt, but surprisingly quite close. I guess I had two pussies. With every inch his massive erection journeyed down my throat, stroking and pulling at the skin lining my oral fuckhole, it was like nerves I didn't know I had were lit on fire. What was causing it, I didn't know. I'd choked on a corn dog or two in my time, and it had never felt like this, this ecstatic fury that overwhelmed my other senses, even my survival instinct as I was not in the slightest bit concerned that I couldn't breathe. Perhaps it was psychological, any invasion by Ahmad stoking the flames of my lust, or perhaps it was yet another trait of being a milker, a glorified, self-conscious fuck machine. Regardless, it was incredible, and I didn't want it to ever stop. Fuck breathing, cock was better than air anyway, and lack of oxygen was kind of an aphrodisiac. I mean why else was choking such a big deal.

"Fuck, Bryce," he groaned, biting his lip as he slid further and further down my throat until my nose was nuzzled in his teen bush. "I never knew anything could feel this good."

I didn't either. Between the smell of his sweaty bush, the taste of his spicy cock and the remnants of salty precum on my tongue, the pulsing of his powerful cock in my sensitive throat, the touch of his hands on my scalp, the vision of absolute pleasure beaming from his face, the face of a man I had loved for years in silence now loving me back, it was too much. I didn't know how I could even survive such a high.

"I'm gonna start fucking you now, babe," he said.

Awww! He called me babe!

"You want to swallow my sperm, get your belly all pregnant?" he said, stroking my hair.

"Mmmm hmmm," I mumbled.

"I thought so," he chuckled. "Try not to talk with your mouth full, baby."

I was on the verge of tears. He called me baby! We were practically Facebook official!

"I'm pulling out now, baby, so you better get some breaths in because it's going to be a rough ride," he said.

How I hadn't already cum in my pants I didn't know, although from how wet it was down there it would be hard to tell if I had or not.

As he pulled his cock out of my mouth I took a deep breath. "Am I really your baby now?"

"Yeah, babe," he said, rubbing my cheeks. "You'll always be my bottom bitch, and do you know what that makes me?"

Bottom bitch? It was like he was speaking to my quivering heart.

"My pimp?"

"No," he said with a devious smile. "I'm your daddy."

Oh God no.

I groaned.

"What's the matter, baby? You're such a hot bussy bitch," he said. "You need a daddy in your life, baby, somebody to knock you up, take care of that hot snatch. Don't you, girl?"

As traumatized as I was by even the word `daddy', I couldn't deny that his use of it was turning me on. I never pegged Ahmad for being such a dominant... well... daddy. He was usually so shy and quiet, but now he was dirty talking and confident. I guess some people were just like that, though, meek on the streets but a boss in the sheets. I certainly wasn't complaining. I could just use a little bit less of the daddy talk.

"I need you in my life," I admitted, kissing the head of his dick, hoping that he would just fuck my throat and forget about all of this daddy nonsense.

"Fuck you, bitch," he said, slapping my face with his cock. "Admit it. You need a daddy."

"Ahmad, don't," I pleaded.

"Admit it!"

Why wouldn't he let this go?

"No, I do," I said.

Damn it!

"I mean, I don't."

His devilish grin spelled it out plainly enough for my stupid, sex-adled, heat impaired brain to comprehend: I'd fucked up. He had me in checkmate. A reference to another game you can play with your dad--

Shut up, brain!!

"Don't look at me like that," I said.

"You said you do," he said.

"No, I didn't," I yelled because the truth needed to be said at a higher volume--God, I was so fucked!

"Yeah, you did," he said, advancing on me, dick swinging like a club.

"It was an accident!" Why was I even trying? He was going to win. He always did.

"A Freudian slip?" he offered.

"Why the hell did I ever tell you about Freud?"

"Admit it!"


I couldn't want this daddy shit. Or could I? Why had it been so easy for that alien to fuck me yesterday? It wasn't because I actually wanted to have sex with my father, I was almost certain about that, but there had been something about all of that daddy talk that had turned me on, that still turned me on, even though the shame of it was burning a hole in my brain.

He chuckled, batting his dick in his hand. "The lady doth protest too much, methinks."

"Not Shakespeare, too!" I cried. "How the hell do you know that line? You don't even read!"

He cracked a smile. "Come on, babe. You said it once," he had his hand on my cheek, his fat dick dancing mesmerizingly in front of my lips. "Say it again."

So maybe fucking a simulacrum of my father was taking it too far--ok, not maybe. Certainly. I was fucking traumatized. Jesus Christ, what the fuck was my life?!--but maybe just using the word daddy was... harmless? Fun, even? As irritating as he was being about it, and as stomach-churning as the recent memory of its associations was, maybe I would enjoy a--and I mean solely as a role-playing fantasy scenario, NOT anything to do with my real one!--but maybe I would enjoy a ... daddy.

"Fine," I glowered. "Maybe I do need a da--"

But before I could finish that damning sentence he'd shoved his cock in my mouth.

"I knew I'd get you to admit it, babe," he said proudly, pushing further into my throat as I gurgled in shock. "Now let daddy take care of you."

He rubbed the outside of my neck until my throat opened up, and then he was rubbing the inside with the tool that would someday make him a real daddy if my special pussy worked for people, too.

"Fuck, baby," he said. "All of this dirty talk has me so close. I'm going to pound you now, baby. Fuck you full of my babies. By the time I'm done with you, you'll be carrying triplets."

I was rock hard and spurting precum like the fountains at the Bellagio. Meanwhile my pussy was practically a geizur. At this point both my pants and socks would need to be thrown away. If I kept this up we'd need new floors.

My nose was nestled in his pubes in moments. He had a rhythm, which was odd for somebody's first time, but hell, porn was for preteens nowadays. Sexual naivety was a trait lost on today's youth. Perhaps he was copying Jeff Stryker--vintage porn had its perks!

I could tell he was getting close by how fast and hard he fucked my skull, pulling out every so often to let me breathe, although I would have gladly suffocated just to give him pleasure. My Ahmad. My best friend. My dream boy. I was so happy. I couldn't contain it.

"I'm so close, baby," he moaned, grabbing onto my ears for leverage as he pummeled my face with the most delicious kebab I would ever taste.

We would be boyfriends now. Maybe one day we would even get married. I could see it now. A wedding on the beach, a home in LA. A baby boy that looked just like him. The thought of that baby, of making that had me so close I almost...

Oh fuck...

Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!

"I'M CUMMING!" I shouted, although what came out was closer to "Ah gahhhhiiii!"

Or at least that's what came out of my mouth. What came out of my massively erect boner was more semen than had shot through my downstairs head than ever before, and all of it hands-free. I'd never thought that that was possible outside of dreaming, but Ahmad was my dream come true, so maybe it wasn't any different. Most people only live their dreams when they're asleep, but mine was right here, fucking my face, repeating the same statement to me that I'd garbled to him. A sentence so sweet it was almost like `I love you'.

"Oh fuck! Oh Fuck! I'm cumming! Fuck! Fuck! Take my sperm, baby! Swallow daddy's seed!"

The first few shots went right down my throat, but then he pulled back so that just the head was resting in between my lips, sperming my tongue. Salty, tangy and warm, it was so much better than I'd ever anticipated, and getting to look up to see the joy and sexual thrill in his eyes as he completed in his baby, me, was better than a thousand diamond encrusted cherries on top. After several mouthfuls of cum, which I sucked eagerly from his mammoth spout, lapping at the tap for more, he pulled his cock from my grip, wiping the last of the white goodness onto my lips.

"Can I wear your cum as lip gloss everyday, daddy?" I asked him with puckered, glistening lips.

"Anything for my princess," he said.

He pulled me to my feet before pinning me with a wet, passionate kiss.

"Tasting me on you is so sexy," he purred.

"Tasting you is so sexy," I said. "I mean your cum was just exquisite. My compliments to the chef."

"You are so cheesy," he laughed.

"I'd eat your cheese everyday of the week. Can you make cheese out of semen? I suppose I'll have to find out. You know what, forget comedy! I'll just write cookbooks on gourmet cuisine with semen. I'll be the Ina Garten of cum! I may not be the first chef to scatter sperm in their entrees--Guy Fieri's got to be doing it, with how salty his food is--but I swear on Jesus's right nut I'll be the bes--"

"Shut up!" said Ahmad, clamping my lips closed, "or so help me I'm going to throw you to the floor and pound your ass like a mallard duck."

"My compliments to the chef, indeed," I mumbled.

"Oh my god," he groaned. "I'll fuck you so hard you won't be able to walk or talk straight for a week."

I grabbed his hand and brought it down to my waist. "A couple of things with that," I said. "One, talking straight is hard. I'm pretty sure I can't even do it now. Secondly, you do realize that that gives me no incentive whatsoever to stop talking. If anything it makes me want to talk even more--"

"Why do I love you so damn much?" he said, hands grasping my waist, pulling me closer.

I didn't know what to say to that, so I just smiled my cheesiest, most obnoxious, and completely involuntary smile, and leapt into his arms to cover every inch of his face with kisses. Holding up by the thighs, my hands hanging from around his neck, he smiled at me with the most perfect, breathtaking, completely natural smile and said, "Effective tactical maneuver?"

I was crying. He was perfect in every way, and he loved me. I was in love. Real, actual love.

"The most effective," I said, "but don't get cocky. Unless it's bukake, in which case yes 100%."

"You are so ridiculous," he said. "Now come here and give daddy a kiss."

For him, anything.

"Now come on, baby. Let's get you knocked up."

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