The Milk Man

By 11joma

Published on Oct 17, 2005


It was 5 am on the morning of January 1st. Kenneth couldn't sleep. He hadn't slept much these last few days. Rick had asked if he could stay and Kenneth agreed. That night, they talked about lots of stuff and Rick filled him in about Pete. Pete was a lawyer and he knew exactly what he did. That's why he bought that policeman who had to convince Kenneth to give him a blow job. "I knew it!" Kenneth thought. At midnight, Kenneth and Rick wished each other a happy New Year and sealed it with a kiss, very harmless. Then, they watched the fire works above the city. Rick began to rub Kenneth's private parts through his pants. It made Kenneth shiver.

"What do you want." Kenneth said with a bit of amusement in his voice.

"I want you to fuck me," Rick whispered, "I want your dick all the way up my ass. Fill me up with that juice of yours. Please do it.?"

Kenneth did't answer, he just let his hand slip in the back of Rick's pants and underwear, searching his way in with a finger. Rick relaxed with his ass cheeks, to get the finger deeper in. "No doubt about it", Kenneth thought, "He's mine also, and he will do what ever I want." Rick undressed himself and bent over to let Kenneth get in better. Another of Kenneth's fingers was shoved in. Rick moaned and began to get louder when Kenneth rimmed the boy. Meanwhile, as difficult as it was, he undressed himself too. He felt the boy was hard as a rock, just as he was. Kenneth collected drops of cum oozing from both cocks to feed them to Rick. The boy licked what was offered. Rick said to Kenneth he would do anything for him, if he just only fucked him.

Kenneth began to fuck Rick very slowly. He felt so aroused, his speed increased. Slapping the boy's ass and hearing him moaning, made Kenneth come. With a scream of pleasure he filled Rick's ass with his creamy juice. Rick was stroking himself and moaned as he did it. Kenneth guessed from the boys' voice he was coming too. With a plop he took out his softened dick, turned the boy around, got on his knees and took Rick's cock all the way down his throat, as deep as he could.

"Oh yes;" the boy cried, as his body shook and shot load after load into Kenneth's mouth. Kenneth was doing his best to swallow it all.

Kenneth didn't allow Rick to take a shower, but took him right to bed. He ordered Rick to lay with his back to him and filled the boy's ass with two fingers, stimulating his prostate. Rick was still horny, because his cock was very hard again. He wanted to know how far Rick would go. He collected his own cum in his hand, oozing from the boy's ass, mixed with Rick's ass juice. Kenneth put his hand in front of Rick. Rick immediately took Kenneth's hand and licked it all clean.

"More," he said and Kenneth fed him more, taking also care of Rick's hard on by giving him a blow job, ending in another enormous blast from Rick. Five minutes later, Rick was sleeping like a baby. "Yeah, he's mine indeed", Kenneth thought.

He was standing by the window, thinking about his plans. First of all, he had to send Rick out, to inquire about Glenn. Because Glenn would not only be his slave, but also be his lover. He felt in love with the boy and knew he was the one for the rest of his life. In due time, they would have a sort of ceremony, just like a wedding, because he and Glenn were made for each other forever.

Rick would also be his slave, but that would be all. He would pay him as an employee, his own private detective. If Rick could find where Glenn exactly was, and what the charges were, Pete could do something. He knew enough about Rick to force him to help. Not as a slave maybe, but as a willing object. Kenneth would do whatever was necessary to get Glenn out of there.

And then slave number three was called in. Doc Aaron would be hired as Glenn's personal medicine man. And Doc would also be on Kenneth's payroll.

Tomorrow was going to be the big day. Kenneth would be rich and could make all his dreams come true. "Tomorrow! Dam! It will be a happy birthday for me!! It's my birthday! I'm 21!" For the first time, as long as he could remember, he was happy. Most of his birthdays had been awful, alone without anybody coming to celebrate. Even when he was a child, it hurt. But now that would be over, He called the shots now.

A little moan from Rick broke brought him back to reality. He had to find a nice place soon. Not his grandfather's state, it had too many bad memories. No, something more suitable for his plans. A home for him and Glenn and a place for his Master/slave school, because that was his plan for the future. He would lord over a place where Masters and slaves could learn how to play their games, without getting hurt, or hurt somebody else. No place for people like Bill and his friends.

Kenneth would open his own leather shop with a phone-line for help. Help for slaves who were hurt and badly abused. He would provide shelter and help them find a better Master. With his eyes closed, all those scenes flashed through his mind. And he would."Blast! Why can't I stop thinking about Glenn? Oh yeah, Glenn who gave me a blow job. Strange.!" He opened his eyes and saw Rick on his knees before him. The boy had woken up and had Kenneth's almost hard dick in his mouth. His eyes were begging and Kenneth only smiled and closed his eyes again to enjoy it. Kenneth's grunts told Rick he was doing the right thing. He pleasured Kenneth as he stroked his own cock following the rhythm of his sucking. Kenneth felt he was coming and shot his full load down Rick's throat. The boy tried to swallow as much he could but let he rest drip down Kenneth's feet. Rick himself finally shot with a loud moan. His hot load ended up at Kenneth's feet. Kenneth felt it. Rick threw himself down and started to lick it all off from Kenneth's feet, not leaving any drop. Kenneth enjoyed the feeling and when the boy stopped, he pulled him up and kissed him.

"Although I am not in love with you, you still are a hot boy," he said. "I have some work for you!"

"Anything you want!" Rick answered. Kenneth explained hat he wanted to do about Glenn.

"No problem." Rick said. "I'll take a shower and will be on my way. Don't worry about money. I have enough. I'll find your love," He went into the bathroom. Half an hour later, Rick was ready, gave Kenneth a kiss and said: "I'll be here tomorrow to go with you to the Attorney's Office. I can handle Pete and protect you."

"Thank you!" Kenneth said. "You never know what that idiot is up to."

Rick left and Kenneth got back to work on his plans, doing nothing else for the rest of the day, just planning and thinking. That night he had a restless sleep. He was up early. After a cup of coffee, he dressed and went out jogging. He was dirty and sweaty when he returned. He found Rick standing in front of the building. Kenneth opened the door and they went inside.

"Mmm, I love that smell of yours, may I.?" Rick said.

"Rick, stop," Kenneth replied. "Don't you think of anything else?"

Shyly looking, the boy smiled with a twinkle in his eyes,

"When I see you, my body yearns for you. I can't help it."

"Did you find anything about Glenn?"

"Yes I did. He is still in the hospital wing of the county jail, and you'll never guess!"

"Guess what?"

"Who is making sure he stays there, even if he is ok."



"Pete? Pete, my cousin!?"

"Yeah, your cousin Pete. I guess he is trying to make it up to you. Glenn is safe for the moment, but you must not wait too long. If he is transferred, it will be more difficult to get him out. I think Pete can hold him there for about another week."

"Ok, that's enough time to do something. Now, I need to wash up" He went to the bathroom.

"Make me some coffee please." He ordered Rick, who was following him. A little disappointed, Rick turned and walked back to the kitchen. "My, oh my! This is interesting!" Kenneth thought while he showered. The horny boy Rick entered his mind. Kenneth's meat was growing. For some reason he was rubbing his own crack and liked it. Carefully he shoved one finger in and found his prostate. "Mm... nice feeling." Then two fingers. He felt his ass getting wet and tasted some of his juice. "Not bad! Not bad at all!" He was so aroused, fucking himself with his fingers; he wanted more up his ass. He stepped out the shower, towelled quick and went to his bedroom. There, lying with his legs a little up, he called Rick. When the boy came in, he was surprised.

"You have to take me Rick, I want it, and I'm as horny as hell."

Rick didn't loose time. He jumped between Kenneth's legs and started to rim him while he undressed himself. Kenneth felt a wonderful sensation and pinched his nipples.

"Fuck me Rick! Do it now! I order you to fuck me!!"

Rick took position between Kenneth's legs and pushed his cock head against Kenneth's virgin ass. Kick pushed very slowly in. Kenneth grunted and moaned. Rick wasn't sure if it was from either pain or pleasure.

"Yeah boy! Fuck me! Let me feel you all the way in! I don't know why, but I want to feel that cock of yours in my ass."

With closed eyes and a pained face full of pleasure, Rick fucked him hard and fast. Kenneth's pain disappeared. He felt the burning of pleasure and excitement inside his body. He was stroking his own cock, something he hadn't done for a long time. He could feel Rick was working himself to a climax and he tried to keep up with him. As soon as he felt Rick's hot loads shooting up his ass, he blasted his own load off. A lot of his cum reached his face, where he tried to lick it off. Rick was not sure, but cleaned Kenneth's face with his tongue first and then rimmed his ass again.

"Oh yeah boy!" Kenneth moaned. "Eat me out! Mmm! what a feeling!"

A few minutes later, Kenneth pushed Rick away. The boy protested.

"We have to get ready; they will be waiting for us!"

"Let them wait, you're the boss now!"

"I know, but I`m so exited! I want to find out what I have inherited! We have to get a cab!"

"Don't worry, I have a car outside! I though you needed one, so I hired a Mercedes. Ok?"

"You're learning quickly! Would you like to work for me? As private detective ...nd private chauffer?"

"Of course, I'd like that!" Rick said. "I will, as long I can be near you and maybe get fucked by you once a while," the boy smiled.

"Then that's a deal, lets seal it here and now," Kenneth said and kissed Rick, his tongue as deep as could in the boys mouth. Before Rick could collect his thoughts again, he found himself showering again. Kenneth went in and made Rick wash him. As son as they were ready they went down to the black Mercedes, parked a few yards away.

"When I get my hands on my money, this is what your first assignment will be. Go and buy us a new car. You may choose, as long as it is comfortable. Feel free. Now, let's get on to my appointment."

"Yes sir, I will."

"Oh, and Rick, when we are alone, just call me Kenneth, Sir for all other occasions."

"Yes sir, I mean Kenneth."

They drove in silence the rest of the way. Kenneth was sitting in the back when Rick stopped the car in front of the lawyer's office.

"Park the car and I will wait here for you. I want you with me when we go in."

"Ok Kenneth, I'll be right back!"

Rick returned and rang the doorbell. When the doorman opened the door, he said;

"Mr. Anderson is being expected!"

"Come in gentlemen and follow me."

They went through a long corridor, very familiar to Kenneth.

"Please, wait here." He told them, knocked on a door and went in.

"Let him in," they heard a voice saying aloud. The door opened again and they went in. Mr. Harfield-Smith, the attorney, was walking towards Kenneth.

"Ah, Mr. Anderson, welcome again, now in better conditions, I believe. Have a seat. Would you like something to drink?"

"No thank you." Kenneth answered with a cool voice. From the corner of his eye he saw something moving and when he looked he saw his Cousin Pete sitting against the wall. When their eyes met, Kenneth gave him and icy look and returned his attention to the front. "Your time has come!" He thought. He also noticed that Pete was surprised to see Rick with him.

"Dear Mr. Anderson, a cigar perhaps?"

"I don't smoke, it's a bad habit, but please go on, my time is expensive now"

"Oh yes, your heritage. First I want you to know, I had nothing against you, but the rules."

"Yes, yes, I know," Kenneth said annoyed, "go on with the will."

"The will, yes."

One could see he was nervous now and wanted to get it over and done quickly.

"I will not read everything again because we have already done it. just the part of your inheritance. Please hold on. In money you will become, after taxes, $1.7 billion and."

"How much?" Kenneth almost bolted. "$1.7 billion?"

"Yes Mr. Anderson, you didn't know about it?"

"No, I didn't!" throwing a dark look to Pete.

"That's not all! In stocks you have another $1 billion. Then of course 75% ownership of the milk factory. Furthermore, there is the estate of your grandfather, plus several houses and buildings here and in other cities. And of course one of the largest oil fields of the country. But with that money your grandfather sponsored many foundations and societies. You have to decide if that is going to continue any further. There is also the furniture in the estate, antiques, paintings, china porcelain and many art objects. Your grandfather had a collection of old cars, about 45 of them are in a special garage. They are all yours. And last but not least, the jewellery collection of your mother and grandmother, worth about $200 million."

"And Pete?" he asked, without turning towards his cousin.

"Your cousin becomes a fund of $10.000 each year, until he is 50."

"That's all?!"

"Yes, that's all! You are the heir! Not him!"

"Ok!" Kenneth thought. "Now I have you 'cousin'!"

"And eh., Mr. Harfield-Smith, I presume you will take care of everything for me?"

"Yes, yes, of course Mr. Anderson, I will if you like. It will be an honour for me."

"I like to talk in private with my cousin now! Do have you a room or an office where we can talk"

"Of course! Mr. Anderson. Right away! Follow me please!" and he went into the corridor to another room and opened the door

"You can talk here, undisturbed."

"Leave us!" Kenneth said. He already saw that Pete had followed them. The Attorney went out and shut the door behind him. Kenneth walked to the window and gazed outside for a minute, making Pete wait. When he turned around, he saw Pete's face sweating. "He is scared!" Kenneth thought. "I can smell his fear!" Kenneth smiled.

"So Pete, we meet again. But now I`m in command."

"Please Kenneth, let me explain.."

"Explain what? Why you hate me? Why you treated me like dirt? Why you wanted me to starve? What would you like to explain, "cousin" Pete?"

"Please Kenneth, give me five minutes and then you can do whatever you want with me! Just give me a chance!"

"Mm." Kenneth thought. ".and then you can do whatever you want with me." "Very interesting!" Kenneth thought, amusingly.

"Ok Pete, five minutes." Kenneth's voice had a sound of anger and impatience.

"I`m in love with you Kenneth!"


To be continued.

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