The Military Network

By Cooper Max

Published on May 29, 2016


I can be reached at and respond to all emails both positive and negative.

The Military Network Part 9

The diner exploded in unbridled chaos. FBI agent Mark Shultz and Colonel Jason Fenzel had been drinking coffee and eating their sticky buns casually, happy to be catching up after a few days of no communication when suddenly two men burst into the diner screaming.

The men screamed at the patrons to get onto the ground, to keep quiet. FBI agent Mark Shultz shot Colonel Fenzel a knowing look; a reassuring look that said `be quiet and follow my lead.' Jason's heart beat increased as he realized Mark definitely had his side arm with him; the man was an FBI agent for God's sake and rarely went any where without it. Jason wondered what Mark was going to do. Mark signaled for Jason to follow him to the diner floor. Slowly, the two men descended as the robbers continued to scream and run around waving their weapons.

The diner filled with a cacophony of noise as plates smashed, children cried and people yelled out with fear and shock. The diner staff was visibly shaken and looked unsure of whether to hit the ground or stay put. As if reading their minds, the gunmen focused their attention on the staff forcing most to the ground but grabbing one elderly woman and pushing her towards the register.

Mark mouthed to Jason to stay down and stay still. Jason had been in scarier spots than this in Afghanistan and Iraq. Jason had narrowly escaped a few ambushes and more than his fair share of mortar fire.

`If I die in this diner at the hands of some petty thugs with everything I've already survived, I'm going to be pissed!' Jason thought to himself.

Measuredly, Mark's hand crept towards his waist; his side arm invisible from view beneath his dark black, well tailored suit. Jason held his breath; he knew Mark was an exceptionally capable FBI agent but that didn't mean an errant bullet couldn't make its way into Mark especially against two erratic thugs.

The men's behavior became more frenzied as they man handled the elderly diner waitress. The old lady handled the screaming and rough handling well; not a tear shed. She looked unshaken; iron clad. Jason couldn't believe her demeanor. He'd seen much younger, stronger and better-trained men in combat react worse.

The old lady was having difficulty with the register or at least seemed to be. Given her expression, Jason wondered whether she was deliberately stalling. Was there a panic button? Had someone already signaled the police?

Jason thought sardonically that it didn't matter if the police knew; there was an FBI agent already inside the diner, armed and ready to act. Mark's hand was inching closer to his side arm.

Suddenly, the elderly dinner patient swung her elbow back straight into the armed assailant behind her. The man, momentarily stunned and thrown off balance, stumbled a few steps backwards. Jason caught movement out of the corner of his eye as an elderly man stood and took aim with what looked like a revolver. The diner erupted in gun fire as the man let off two shots.

The struck assailant regained his composure and threw the elderly women violently to the ground as he took aim at the elderly man. The elderly man ducked behind a table after flipping it to provide protection for himself as the two robbers opened fire on him.

Mark had his own weapon in his hands. The two assailants were distracted as they exchanged fire with the surprisingly resilient elderly man behind the table. Diner patrons screamed as bullets shattered glass. Mark looked back at Jason signaling he was about to join the fray but as Mark was looking at Jason, Jason's facial expression changed dramatically. Alarmed, Mark called out to him, "Jason! Jason! What's wrong?"

Jason tried to respond but words wouldn't form in his mouth. Pain pulsated through his body after a fiery sensation had ripped through him. Jason struggled to call out to Mark but Mark's eyes flashed to the pool of blood forming around Jason's body. He didn't need the answer from Jason; he could see for himself. Mark crawled to him and started patting his body for the entrance wound. Within minutes, Mark had located the entrance wound in Jason's leg. Quickly, without thinking, Mark's muscle memory took over. He undid his belt and rapped it two inches about the wound and pulled tight. The bleeding started to slow. Jason's own training kicked in as, woozily, he applied pressured to his wound.

"I'm good here man. This is the best we can do for now. Get in the mix and end this before someone else gets hurt." Jason called out over the gunfire. The elderly man was giving these robbers hell.

Mark grabbed his weapon, waited for a lull in the firing, and sprung up partially concealed behind a counter. The robbers had all their focus on the elderly man in the other corner and didn't see Mark level his weapon at them. Four well-placed shots had the men on the ground, screaming in agony at their wounds.

Mark called out, "Someone call 911, we have multiple injuries. Let me make sure these guys are down for the count. No one move!"

Mark turned to the elderly man in the corner who had hesitantly raised his head from behind his cover.

"Good work, Sir! Cover my 6?" He asked emphatically.

The man responded, "I got your back. Get in there and finish them!"

Mark smiled at the man's enthusiasm. If this man wasn't a war vet or a retired police officer, Mark would be shocked. He looked forward to hearing the man's story after this was all sorted.

Methodically, weapon raised and ready, Mark approached the counter. The two men had dropped behind it after he shot them. They could have their weapons in their hands ready to fire. Mark grabbed a plate off of the nearest table as he got within 5 feet. He tossed it over the counter.


If the men were ready to fire, they would have unloaded on the plate as it crashed over the counter. Hesitantly, Mark peered over the counter, barely exposing his head. The two men lay writhing on the ground. Blood was smeared all across the tiled diner floor. Decisively, Mark jumped over the counter to seize the weapons at the men's sides before either decided to get brave again.

Sirens pierced the eerie silence that had encompassed the diner. The patrons began to stir nervously. Mark called out, "everyone clear out of this diner. If you're hurt see me here so I can get you medical help." Mark finished by asking the elderly man to scan the diner to see if anyone else was wounded.

Mark hurried back to Jason. He was pale and sweaty. Jason gave him a weak smile and grimaced as pain shot through him.

The elderly man limped over to the two of them and stated, "No other injuries. Thank God. Could have been so much worse."

"Sir, you're a hero! You did remarkably well for someone of your age." Mark practically yelled out.

"Hey, I'm no old geezer if that's what you're implying. I learned how to shoot in the war and never forgot. I've carried my revolver with me every day since I got back onto American soil all those years ago; knew it'd come in handy especially with the way this country is heading." The man said in an ornery tone.

"All the same, thank you sir. You'll have to give a statement to the police." Mark stated.

"No. Thank you. You're the one that took them out and good thing too. I was running out of bullets!" The man wheezed as he slumped into a chair, tiredly.

Mark smiled and Jason laughed through his pain. "Well, it's my job so don't thank me too much." Mark stated as he flashed his FBI badge.

"Well in that case, what the hell took you so long?" The man stated crankily.

The police swept into the diner, guns raised.

"We''ll get you to the hospital, Jason. Hang in there."

Major Matt Condley smiled across the table at Sergeant First Class Nathan Atkinson.

"And? What was the verdict?" Nate asking imploringly.

"Partial custody! I'll get to see my kids regularly! Her motion for full custody was denied!" Matt screamed happily.

"That's fantastic! I'm so happy for you, Matt!" Nate replied.

Matt went on to explain how his ex-wife had tried to have him declared unfit to be a father. How she dragged his name completely through the mud during the custody hearing and told the court every sordid detail she knew. She wanted to take the boys across the country and start over.

"Wow that woman has a lot of hate for you, doesn't she?" Nate asked sarcastically.

"Enough to power the earth." Matt replied.

Matt laughed harder and felt lighter than he had in months. He looked across the table at Nate drinking in how handsome he was. Despite his own loss, Nate had regrouped and was looking better than ever. Matt and Nate had been spending most of their time together now that Nate was living in the same area. The two had really leaned on each other for support. Nothing sexual had happened between the two of them since the last get together of the network.

Matt didn't want to impose or pressure Nate even though it'd be quite a few months since Nate's wife had passed away. Nate didn't want to push Mark with how stressed he was leading up to the trial. Somehow, sex just didn't come up when they were together.

"So, personal question for you. Have you considered starting to date again?" Mark asked Nate hesitantly.

"Yeah, I've thought about it. I don't know if it's the right time for me. I have a lot to figure out." Nate responded.

"How about you? Your divorce is finalized. You're a free man," Nate questioned.

"I'm ready. I'm ready to find the right person for me." Matt said confidently.

"Guy or girl?" Nate asked teasingly.

"I think my days of dating women are behind me." Matt stated smiling widely.

"What about you? Are you going to chase the ladies again?" Matt questioned.

"No. Those days are done for me too. No woman will ever be able to replace my wife. Besides, if I were being honest, it wouldn't be fair to date another woman. I'll never find a lady as understanding of my desires for men as my wife was." Nate replied.

The two men sat smiling across the table at each other.

"Hmmm. We're both single guys now and looking to date another guy. Who would have guessed?" Matt blurted, laughing nervously.

"Yeah, weird how life pans out." Nate said as he slid his hand across the table and gripped Matt's hand.

--- To be Continued ---

Next: Chapter 10

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