The Military Network

By Cooper Max

Published on May 15, 2016


The Military Network Part 7

Colonel Jason Fenzel's phone rang. Not recognizing the number, he answered with a confused voice.

"Hello?" He said in a questioning tone.

"Jason! Hey, it's Mark." The man on the other side of the line stated excitedly.

"MarkÉ"Colonel Fenzel's voice trailed off trying to put a name to a face.

"Mark Shultz from Arlington. The cemetery!" Jason answered with a bit of exasperation.

Putting the face to the name Jason smiled and replied, "Ahh! Mark. Sorry man! It's been a crazy few weeks. I meant to call you but didn't add you into my phone!"

"Here ya go forgetting about me and sheesh I thought I was a pretty memorable guy." Mark joked.

"You want to grab dinner later this week? I'd love to blow off some steam." Jason offered cautiously.

"I'm in! Text me the details. And put my damn number in your phone already!" Mark replied.

Jason hadn't had much time to think about Mark but now that he was on his mind, Colonel Fenzel was enjoying the memory. Mark was a handsome guy. Masculine. Tough. Not unlike Jason himself.

Colonel Fenzel hadn't picked up any vibes of interest from Mark. Hell, he didn't know if he'd pursue it even if he had received any vibes. Jason had the network for that kind of outlet. Avoiding putting himself out there was exactly the reason the Military Network had been formed in the first place although there hadn't been a meeting in a long time. Jason made a mental note to give Colonel Aaron Gorham a call to see when the next meeting would be set up. Colonel Fenzel felt his cock stir at the thought. He was horny thinking about Mark. It was long past time for him to have to guy time with his buddies.

"The kids don't want to talk to you, Matt! You've torn this family apart. They've seen enough of me crying every night." Major Matt Condley's wife screamed into the phone in a shrill, manic voice.

"God dammit. Let me talk to my kids. I want to hear it from them that they don't want to talk to me. For all I know, you're just saying that." Matt hollered back into the phone his patience fraying.

"No. We can decide this in court, Matt. The divorce papers are already signed. We'll figure out these arrangements at the custody hearing. You'll be lucky if you get any custody rights after the hell you put us through. The embarrassment. The shame. I can't look the kids in the face let alone my friends and family." Matt's wife spat into the phone.

"Christ almighty. How many times do I have to say I'm sorry? I'll see you in court then. If you think I'm going to sit by idle and not fight for custody you're mental." Matt declared as his patience boiled over. He was shouting at the top of his lungs.

The phone clicked and there was silence; a gut wrenching feeling cut through Matt. He knew he needed to do his best to stay calm if he had any chance of getting custody rights. He had to stay calm and try to keep things civil for the sake of the kids.

I have done enough damage to them already. I won't poison their mother's reputation to them like she is to me. Matt thought glumly to himself.

A sudden knock at the door pulled him from his thoughts. He sprinted to the door wondering who it could be. He wasn't expecting anyone. Probably one of his wife's relatives stopping by to tell him off again he thought to himself.

Matt swung the door open.

"Nate!" Matt spouted with complete surprise. "What brings you here? You're looking so much better!"

Matt hadn't seen Sergeant First Class Nate Atkinson since Matt had stopped by his house. He looked dramatically better than the last time he had seen him. The color had returned to his skin. He was showered. Fresh haircut. Clean-shaven.

"Hey man! Sorry I've been trying to call but your phone line has been busy for like an hour. I was in the area and wanted to stop in. Is this a bad time?" Nate asked.

"I was on the phone with the ex hence the busy signal. No it's not a bad time at all. Come on in." Matt affirmed feeling better than he had in quite awhile.

"The ex, you said? Yikes. How's that going? It's been awhile since you and I have talked." Nate questioned looking a bit embarrassed.

Matt went on to tell him how things had only gotten worse. His wife was being more vindictive and spiteful than Matt even imaged her being especially when it came to him seeing the kids.

"Ugh. I'm so sorry especially about the kids." Nate expressed with sincerity.

"It's sounds absolutely crazy but I'm happy she knows. I'm not the person she thought I was and I'm seeing she's definitely not the person I thought she was either. She has every right to be mad but she's taken this to a level I didn't think she was capable of. I'll figure something out. I just hope my relationship with my kids doesn't get skewered in the process. At least I can be who I am openly now." Matt uttered.

"Enough about me. You're the one recovering from the death of your wife. My problems are small compared to yours. How have you been? Matt inquired.

Nate explained how he'd started seeing a counselor. He'd gotten back into his exercise routine and getting out of the house. He was back at work full time and trying to keep himself occupied so his mind would stay in a healthy place.

"I sold the apartment. I couldn't be there anymore. Too many memories. If I'm going to move on, I need as many fresh starts as I can get." Nate mentioned.

"Good for you man! It sounds like you're in a good place all things considered." Matt answered.

Matt and Nate talked on for another hour before Nate excused himself.

"Listen, Aaron, you know I'm busy. You know I'm in command right now and have a new baby. I can't just drop everything to meet up." Captain Sam Kerry spouted angrily.

"Don't lecture me about the difficulties of balancing a career and family, Sam. Don't forget I've been exactly in your shoes. You make time for what matters to you." Colonel Aaron Gorham rebutted with an edge to his voice.

"You have plenty of people in The Network you could be meeting up with. You're the ringleader of a smorgasbord of cock. Why aren't you getting a hold of them? Sam retorted.

"They're not you." Aaron said quietly.

"Don't tell me you're getting feelings for me?" Sam protested with sarcasm in his voice.

"And don't you tell me that this is just some hot fuck session for you!" Aaron spat back.

The two stared at each other.

"I've been done this road before Aaron. It didn't work for me. I have a wife. She knows about this side of my life and tolerates it. I'm not leaving her. I have a kid and a career. If you're thinkingÉ"

Colonel Gorham cut him off, "ÉThinking what? Thinking that I'm going to leave my wife, kids and 20-year military career for you? Are you serious? Are you that full of yourself? I'm not sitting here with googly eyes madly in love with you. I do care about you. Sure. I was hoping this wasn't just going to be hot fuck sessions that tapered off into nothing." Aaron asserted.

Sam was at a loss for words.

"For fuck's sake. My point is, make some time for me. I'd appreciate it. I'm not going to drop to a knee and fucking propose to you. I'm not an idiot and I'm not na•ve. I'm been through this same thing too probably while you were still in diapers." Aaron stated bluntly.

Aaron didn't wait for a reply. He stood abruptly and left.

The fresh, cool evening air hit Aaron's face forcefully as he stormed out on Sam. He set off on a brisk walk towards the metro station; the soft yellow light of the street lamps lighting the peaceful, abandoned street.

Aaron's phone chirped. He glanced down to see he had a text message. He half thought it would be Sam.

  • Sent you an email. Your private email address. Respond ASAP. Ð Jason

Aaron hadn't heard from Colonel Jason Fenzel in awhile. Aaron figured he must be jonesing for another meet up of the network.

Sure enough, Aaron saw Jason's email asking when the next meeting would be and where.

Aaron replied to give him a few hours to make some calls.

Aaron started texting as he continued to walk towards the metro station. He dialed in a few numbers and slowly descended into the metro station on the escalator.

Hours later, before turning into bed, he shot Colonel Jason Fenzel a message.

`Next Saturday. 10am. The Westin in Georgetown Me. You. Sam. Matt. Hell we even roped in Nate. Will be inviting another friend. He's joined before but may not be interested.'

Aaron received a quick reply from Jason and Aaron headed to bed.

----- To Be Continued ----

Next: Chapter 8

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