The Military Network

By Cooper Max

Published on May 1, 2016


Thank you all who wrote in to notify me about the discrepancy on the last story. Apologies for other oversight! Cooper can be reached at He enjoys both positive and negative feedback as well as just interacting with readers to get to know them better. For you bi / married guys out there, feel free to check out his site Also, please consider donating to nifty so erotic stories can continue to be posted for the world to see.

The Military Network Part 6

Colonel Jason Fenzel stared blankly at the white tombstone in front of him. No tears came to his eyes; he had already shed them all over the years. A cold gust of wind smashed over him forcing him to turn up his long, black trench coat.

Arlington National Cemetery was mostly empty that dreary morning. Jason was happy about this; it gave him plenty of opportunity to remember in peace, to talk to Joseph without being over heard.

Colonel Fenzel took out a picture from his pocket; it was he and Jason during their lieutenant years. The two had been platoon leaders together in the same company on their first assignments in the 82nd Airborne Division.

Those years of running up and down Ardennes Street, conducting field exercises in the pine forests of North Carolina and tearing up the military town of Fayetteville were some of Jason's favorite memories in his life. Jason and Joseph had been best friends, each trying to beat the other at everything from dating girls to leading their platoons. Jason had been Joseph's best man at his wedding and Joseph at been Jason's best man at his wedding too. The two were inseparable.

Colonel Fenzel's heart lurched as he thought back on his time with Joseph. What he wouldn't give to be able to talk to him one more time. To go fishing together or running together one more time. To hit the Carolina shoreline together one last time. He'd been gone for so many years now but Jason did not miss him any less.

Guiltily, Jason thought back to his most secret memories; memories that no one but he and Joseph knew about. The two had been best friends, inseparable but also so much more. When Jason gave his best man speech at Joseph's wedding, he felt like his heart would fall right out of his chest; he knew what it would be like for them now that they were both married; how things between them would change and sure enough they did. The last weekend they spent together in the mountains of Western North Carolina before Joseph's wedding was one of the most beautiful, intense memories Jason ever had and would ever have again. The profound sense of loss Jason had upon giving his best man's speech was only rivaled by the day he lost Joseph forever on that desert road in the Middle East.

Jason spoke quietly to Joe's tomb stone; telling him how the year had gone since had been here last; how the kids had grown. How Joe's own kids were doing and Joe's wife Tammy. He talked about his own wife Melissa and how he loved her but still had an enormous hole from losing Joe; even after all these years.

Jason talked and talked; pouring out everything until he heard the crunch of footsteps on the grass behind him. Startled, Colonel Fenzel looked over his shoulder.

"So sorry to disturb you. Truly." The man said kindly as he approached the tomb stone beside Colonel Fenzel.

The other man's eyes focused on the tomb beside Joseph's tomb stone. There was a long pause before Colonel Fenzel spoke up.

"No problem at all. You have every right to be here just like me." He said warmly to the man in a dark black suit with pale green eyes and blonde hair. Colonel Fenzel noticed the outline of a weapon on the man's hip and the shine of a gold badge on his waist caught his eye too.

Colonel Fenzel turned back to Joseph's tomb. He figured he would wrap up his yearly reunion and get on his way; best not to linger with the pain for too long.

"Battle buddy or one of your soldiers?" He heard man interject beside him softly.

Jason turned back to the man once more not sure what to say; he was surprised the man was asking at all.

"Uhh yeah, a good friend of mine. We served together." Colonel Fenzel replied reservedly not wanting to talk too much about Joseph with this complete stranger.

The man nodded his head. Jason felt obligated to ask a similar question back.

"And you? Battle buddy?" Jason stated.

The man gave Jason a quick smile that looked more like a wince of pain.

"No, no not at all. I'm very lucky that I never lost any of my buddies or soldiers." He stated almost with a look of guilt on his face. "No, this is the grave of my sister." He finished.

Jason looked at him pointedly wondering if he should ask any more questions but before he had time the think further about it the man spoke again.

"Sorry, I didn't introduce myself. My name is Mark. Mark Shultz." The man uttered as he took a few steps and extended his hand to Colonel Fenzel.

"Nice to meet you. Mark. I'm Jason Fenzel." He replied noticing the firmness of Mark's handshake.

"Well I should let you get back to paying your respects. I don't want to rude and interrupt. I should get going anyway." Jason echoed emptily.

"Oh no please don't let me chase you off. I didn't mean to interrupt. There's usually not anyone here when I come." Mark stammered.

The two stood in silence staring at their respective tomb stones for awhile.

"Iraq?" Mark asked Jason.

"No, Afghanistan. Early in the war." Jason replied without emotion.

"You?" He inquired back.

"Iraq. The Surge. Last few months of her tour." Mark muttered curtly.

"I'm sorry for your loss." Changing topics quickly, he continued "I couldn't help but notice your badge. Local PD?" Jason questioned.

Mark responded that he worked for the FBI. The two talked further for a few minutes. Colonel Fenzel thought it was nice to not be alone in the cemetery for a change. Ordinarily, he liked the peace by himself but this was a nice change too.

"Well it's getting late. I should probably get going myself here soon. I'm thinking a nice cold beer is in order after this; I'll get my sister's favorite kind." Mark stated.

"That's a great idea. I think I'll get myself a beer too." Jason replied genuinely liking the idea of drowning out today with a few beers.

"Crazy thought. You're welcome to join me if you'd like. I know a good place not too far away." Mark said confidently.

Colonel Fenzel sized him up one more time. He seemed nice enough Ð damn handsome too. Hell, it wouldn't hurt to have a round or two with good company.

"Yeah I'm in. I'll follow you in my car. Lead the way."

The two reached the bar in just a few minutes. Before long, they had downed two beers and were chatting away.

One hour stretched into two and then two into three. With a few beers along the way.

"Shit, look at the time. I guess we have more in common than I thought." Colonel Fenzel stated.

"Or we both just like to drink. You're ok too I guess." Mark commented sarcastically with a laugh.

Colonel Fenzel laughed.

"Ok, smart ass, well I'm going to split. Here's my card if you want to get a beer again sometime. It would be fun. Jason smiled widely at Mark.

Mark smiled back grabbing Jason's card.

"Yeah I'd like that. Here's my card." He retorted.

"Oooooooo special agent, eh? Real fancy." Colonel Fenzel laughed sarcastically.

"I don't want to hear it Mr. Full Bird Colonel. Probably think the eagle on your chest can get you anything you want." Mark replied with more laughter.

Colonel Fenzel looked right into Mark's eyes and paused. "Yeah, it usually does get me WHATEVER I want." He said coolly while reaching out and playfully grabbing and shaking Mark's shoulder. His hand lingered on Mark's shoulder an extra few seconds.

Mark looked pointedly back at Jason. Maybe he was imagining with all the beer. His mind was thinking quickly. He shifted uncomfortably in his seat and nervously, he stood.

"Yeah well if you don't call me you, you can definitely count on my call. Another beer would be nice." Mark said while not breaking eye contact with the Colonel.

"You're damn right it would be." The Colonel said as he moved towards the door.

"See ya soon" The Colonel heard Mark shout across the parking lot. The Colonel just waved.

I sure hope so!' Jason whispered under his breath fucking sexy.' He said turning the ignition.

------ To Be Continued ------

Next: Chapter 7

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