The Military Network

By Cooper Max

Published on Apr 18, 2016


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The Military Network Part 4

Nate Atkinson stared out blankly at the ocean. The waves rolled in with a rhythmic roar. The beach was deserted; it was just Nate and the sea gulls. Under different circumstances, this situation would have been peaceful, relaxing, rejuvenating even but Nate wasn't sure if he'd ever feel those feelings again. Estela would have loved to be here.

It had been a month since the accident. Nate got to the hospital in a fury but Estela had already been taken into surgery. Hours had passed. Doctors came and went with the occasional update; all saying the chances were 50-50. A drunk driver on her way home had struck Estela. The scene was brutal.

After what seemed like an eternity, the doctor came to Nate. He knew by the look on the doctor's face that the news wasn't good. Estela wounds had been too great. The doctors did everything they could but she had died on the operating table without him. He didn't even get to say good-bye.

Nate's insides melted. His mind exploded; up was down and down was up.

Nate spent two weeks shuttered in his apartment. He barely moved. He barely ate. His superiors had granted him the time he needed and he combined some of his use or lose days. He didn't know when he'd be able to return to work; to life.

The only time he left the house was for the funeral. After returning to the apartment, he couldn't stomach another second idling there; there was too reminder, too many memories. He packed a suitcase, purchased a ticket and headed off to clear his mind at the ocean; this was anything but a vacation.

Nate shut off his phone completely but before he did, hundred of messages came in of sympathy and support; many from the men within the network. Matt had reached out repeatedly offering his support. Nate didn't have the mental or physical energy to reply. He needed space.

He had no idea what was next. His body ached too much to think about the future.

Major Matt Condley couldn't believe when he heard the news. He barely knew Nate but he still couldn't believe that Nate's wife had been killed in an accident. From the short conversation the two had about her, Matt could tell she meant the world to him.

Of course, Matt reached out to Nate. He wasn't surprised that he didn't get a response. He imagined himself in Nate's situation; he couldn't contemplate how devastated he would be even despite the utter turmoil his own wife was putting him through at the moment.

Matt had hoped that things would cool off and there would be space for rational conversation with his wife. Unfortunately, she had no intentions of being cool or rational. She moved out like she had promised and had already begun the poisoning campaign of friends, family and worst yet, his kids, against him. Matt had many painful conversations with his own family about what had happened. Luckily, they were supporting him.

Matt knew it would be a long road ahead. The chances of reconciling his marriage were bleak. In some ways, Matt thought this might be for the best.

He knew his actions led to this but he didn't regret discovering his sexuality. He had hoped that he could make it work with his wife. He had read quite a few stories of married couples that made this kind of situation work; even with kids.

After the hateful and derogatory things that his wife had said to him though, Matt knew there would be a small chance to make it work with her. Matt had always known that his wife was a bit closed minded towards the LGBT community but he had no idea how much until he became the target. Matt wondered whether she was saying these things out of anger but the words came a bit too easy for her for Matt to think this was her just venting. He felt that maybe he didn't know her very well after all.

Matt had expected Captain Sam Kerry to be more supportive with everything going on but Sam had been a ghost lately. Sam had taken company command and had a baby on the way; he was feeling pressures he hadn't ever experienced before.

Matt knew how tough both those situations could be remembering his own experiences with both. Matt also knew that Sam and Colonel Aaron Gorham had been spending more time together. He wondered whether Sam was filling the very little free time he had with the Colonel; Matt wasn't sure how he'd feel if Sam was.

Maybe it was better to have Sam out of the picture for a while while he sorted through the wreckage of his marriage. Maybe Sam would just be one more complication to the whole puzzle that Matt didn't need.

Honestly, at this point, Matt wasn't sure whether his wife would try to take his career down; she was definitely angry enough. If Sam was around, his career could be at risk too. Matt wondered if she was stupid enough; he had to remind her a few times that his retirement and ability to support their children was tied to his steady military paycheck. Taking him down would be mutually assured destruction but Matt wasn't quite sure if his wife wasn't willing to do it just to spite him; what a mess.

Captain Sam Kerry looked up at Colonel Aaron Gorham's sweaty, hairy chest and smiled as the Colonel slowly slid in and out of Sam. Sam couldn't help thinking how much of a hunk this man was; tall, blond and his muscles well defined, he was a sight to look at. He aged well. Sam hoped he aged as well too.

The Colonel's thick cock hit Sam's prostate every time. What it lacked in length, it made up for in girth.

"You like that?'" The Colonel breathed heavily. "Yeah? Feel good?

"Fuck yeah Sir. You're in the right spot. Keep going!" Sam panted back .

The Colonel's wide smile almost made Sam explode his load right all over his own belly.

The Colonel leaned in and kissed him gently, stopping for a long pause each time he entered Sam fully.

His kisses were so delicate, so sweet, so passionate. This man knew that kissing took everything to the next level sexually.

He moved from Sam's lips to kiss and bite his neck; to nibble his ears. It all drove Sam wild.

"You're something else, you know that Captain?" The Colonel whispered leaning back so he could look in Sam's face. The Colonel continued his motion; slowly in, a long pause, and slowly out.

"Yeah? I'm not just another Captain to add to your bed post?" Sam said only half kidding.

"And I'm not just another field grade to add to yours?" The Colonel replied in a slightly more serious tone.

"Hey, we both have multiple things going. You're not my first field grade and I'm willing to wager that I'm not your first captain." Sam stated not backing down.

The Colonel continued his motion; slowly in, long pause, slowly out as they continued to talk.

"Sexy AND perceptive. I'm learning new things about you every day." The Colonel exclaimed airily.

"We're both having fun. No harm. No foul." Sam retorted sarcastically spreading his legs wider and thrusting himself forward onto the Colonel's cock.

The Colonel tilted his head in a surprised manner. He stared at Sam as if he was contemplating something. Smiling, he picked up his pace.

Sam wished he could grab the Colonel's bare ass but the Colonel hadn't bothered to take off his uniform pants. Hell, he didn't even bother to slide to his knees, he just pulled his thick cock through the opening; horniness will make a man do crazy things.

Sam grabbed the Colonel's uniformed ass and pulled him into himself.

"Let's see what you got, SIR." Sam teased.

The Colonel just grunted as he shifted to give himself more leverage; a serious look over coming his face. His thrusts got harder and harder.

It took every ounce of will power for Sam to not blow all over himself. He didn't even need to touch his own cock. The Colonel's thick dick was stroking his prostate with each thrust.

"You ready stud?" The Colonel stated with a grin.

Sam didn't respond he just spread his legs wider. The Colonel grabbed Sam's legs and leaned him back; Sam's hole was in the perfect position for pounding.

The Colonel heaved and grunted. He moaned and groaned. Sam reached out and grabbed both of the Colonel's nipples forcefully. This was the final straw. The Colonel bucked and thrust with all his might. With one deep, guttural groan the Colonel pushed all the way inside of him and stayed there; Sam knew he was blowing his load.

The Colonel looked down, smiling at Sam, panting.

"Hot damn Captain you've got one hell of an ass!" The Colonel reported.

Sam laughed as the Colonel pulled out of him.

"Listen, I don't usually do this but do you want to grab a bite to eat?" Colonel Aaron Gorham said putting his uniform top back on.

Sam paused.

"Hey if it's too awkward for you that's fine but if anyone recognizes us we can just say it's professional development. I'd like to get to know you better beyond the incredible sex. " Aaron Gorham stated.

"Hell, why not?" Sam replied.

The two headed off to Pret A Manager for something small and ducked into a back corner away from the crowd inside.

Sam thought it would be a bit awkward but it turned out that both had a lot in common.

"Really? You're interested in Urban Planning too? Get out of here. I never run into anyone interested in this." Colonel Gorham said excitedly.

"Yes! I kind of fell into it as an interest but now I'm obsessed." Sam replied in disbelief that the sexy man across from him was shared his interest.

"Confession time. I'm coming up on retirement soon. Both my kids are in college now. My wife is a professional with her own career. I'm thinking I may go back and get my masters in urban planning and do it as a second career!" Aaron remarked gleefully.

"That's awesome! But you're a big shot Colonel. You could take the masters degrees the Army paid for and your army experience and go make a big fat paycheck as a defense contractor if you wanted." Sam said.

"Yeah but where's the fun or creativity in that? I want to do something different. That makes an impact in a different way. I haven't even told my family yet." Aaron said.

"Good for you. You should do it!". Sam said.

The two went on to talk for over an hour.

"Shit! Look at the time. We should get going!" The Colonel said hurriedly.

"Yeah you're right. One more thing. When's the next network get together? It's been quite awhile." Sam inquired.

"As a matter of fact you're right. Everybody has been so busy. Let me reach out and see who is available and if anyone can host. Maybe we can rope some new folks in! I have this FBI buddy Ð ex Army - that's a mutual friend. Super masculine; very straight acting. If you asked him he'd say he's not gay or bi, he just likes to get his dick sucked and fuck a tight ass Ð one of THOSE types. He's fucking hot so I don't even care if he's a dick." The Colonel whispered.

Sam could feel his cock twitch.

"Let me know when and where!" He replied as the two stood to leave.

------ To Be Continued ----

Next: Chapter 5

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