The Military Network

By Cooper Max

Published on Apr 17, 2016


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The Military Network Part 3

Sergeant First Class Nathan Atkinson closed the door gently behind him. His living room was dimly lit; the curtains to the Alexandria street below were drawn. Within seconds, Nate heard the heavy footsteps and scratches of his great dane skidding across the floor to greet him warmly. People always looked at him with surprised and judgmental expressions when he told them that he had a great dane and lived in an apartment.

What many people didn't realize was that great danes made great apartment dogs because of their docile nature despite their size. Nate bent down to give him attention. Nate laughed to himself thinking that people always told him he should just move to a house; that his dog deserved better, larger spaces. Nate loved his apartment, its central, walkable location, it's proximity to a metro station. No after years upon years of living in car dependent military towns, he was happy with where he was. Fatigue gripped Nate. The night with his fellow married men within the network had worn him out; he needed sleep.

"Honey, is that you?" Called out a soft, feminine voice from down the hall.

Nate stood and made his way towards his wife Estela's voice; anticipation mounting every step closer to his comfy, king sized bed.

"There you are. It's late! You must have had a really good session with your buddies." Estela said with a sly, knowing smirk on her face.

"Yeah this was a night to remember! 8 guys Ð nothing like I've ever seen before." Replied Nate grinning back at her.

"Wow. Ambitious. Anyone I'd like?" Inquired Estela.

"Absolutely. There's this guy named Matt that I hit it off with. Tall, athletic, red head. You'd like him as much as I do. We exchanged numbers before I left so I'm hoping to see him again soon." Nate stated enthusiastically.

"Mmmm. Sounds nice. Maybe I'll get to meet him too. Regardless, I'm glad you had fun tonight. " Estella commented in a low, sexy voice.

"It's getting late. I'm exhausted. Time to turn in." Replied Nate with a large smile on his face as he hopped into bed and clicked the lights off.

A week passed in the blink of an eye. Life in the beltway was always moving fast; months could zip by without notice if one wasn't careful.

Nate had been contemplating giving Matt a call. Matt had willingly and enthusiastically given Nate his number before the two had left but Nate was worried it might still be awkward to reach out. The two really didn't discuss the rules for reaching out to each other; Matt had a wife that Nate assumed had no idea.

Would Matt be interested in meeting one on one or was he only interested in meeting within a group for the network? Nate honestly didn't know him that well given they'd only talked briefly. Would Nate call for a hook up or would it be awkward to just get a beer and talk?

Nate wrestled with the decision for a few more days but as luck would have it, he wouldn't need to reach out at all.

"SFC Atkinson!" Boomed a deep voice from behind Nate.

Whirling around expecting to see one of his Pentagon colleagues, Nate was shocked to see Major Matthew Condley bounding toward him.

"Major Condley! What a surprise. What brings you all this way from OTSG (Office of The Surgeon General) in Falls Church?" Questioned Nate.

"All this way? It's less than 10 miles." Nate responded with a confused look.

"10 miles in DC is equivalent to 100 miles in other areas. You'll see." Nate laughed genuinely.

"Yeah, I guess you're right about that. I've gotten lucky with traffic so far. I had a meeting over here with J4. I'm happy I ran into you!" Matt responded. He lowered his voice significantly as he continued, "I've been meaning to call you."

Nate's stomach leaped. Matt was wearing his Army Service Uniform; well tailored, pressed and clean. He looked as handsome as ever.

"Yeah?" Nate stated cautiously.

"Yes! Maybe you want to grab a beer sometime. We haven't talked much. You seem like a cool guy that'd be good to get to know better. Unless of course meeting up would be too awkward. Maybe you only get together for the action." Matt whispered as the crowded corridor around them teemed with handsome military men bustling from one meeting to another. No one seemed to give them a second look.

"I've actually been meaning to give you a call for the same reason." Nate responded in a hushed, enthusiastic voice. Matt's face lit up.

"Alright then it's settled. If you're free tonight maybe we can meet at Old Ebbitt Grill for a drink and then walk around the National Mall." Remarked Matt.

Nate's eyebrows raised in surprise. A walk around the National Mall sounded great but he was surprised that Major Condley was suggesting it. The activity was almost date-like. Nate was used to secretive, quick meetings in hotels that were solely about the sex with other military guys; in and out. Sure there was some friendly chit-chat but no one was under the illusion that the direct purpose wasn't sex. This would be a nice change of pace!

"I'm in! Meet you there at 7." Nate blurted and then quickly lowered his voice.

Matt and Nate's evening went very well. The two only ended up staying in the bar for one drink. Old Ebbitt Grill, as usual, was packed with all sorts of government types and was incredibly loud. The environment wasn't conducive to getting to know each other Ð especially without being over heard.

The National Mall was quite the contrast from the bar; relatively quiet and peaceful; easy to have a normal conversation without prying ears. The Mall bristled with tourists, many of Asiatic decent, zealously taking photos with their selfie sticks and Iphones but none of seemed to give them any special attention. There was enough space to move comfortably.

Nate and Matt dived into each other's histories both sexual and non-sexual. Matt was fascinated with Nate's marital situation. He described how he doubted his own marital situation would ever work that way.

Nate was enamored with Matt's relationship with Sam. Matt felt guilty about talking about it so thoroughly but for some reason. Weirdly, he wanted to be up front with Nate. Matt confessed that Sam and he had feelings for each other and still met regularly. He divulged their long and tumultuous experiences, especially with Colonel Fenzel. Nate hung on every word.

"So where are you two now with everything?" Interjected Nate.

"That's a good question. Sam told his wife about his bisexual side awhile back. He didn't mention me specifically. Apparently, she took it well but there is still quite a bit of awkwardness and delicacy surrounding the situation. I definitely care about him but I'm never going to tell my wife. I have two kids and this could really make life difficult for all of us. There are a lot of extenuating circumstances." Matt reported.

Cautiously Nate asked, "How did you feel about his actions during the meet up the other night? He was a bit wild."

Matt paused, gathering his thoughts. "At first, I was kind of jealous and annoyed. I was a bit judgmental too about it but after we left I did a lot of thinking. We all have to express ourselves in the way that works for us. He and I aren't committed. Hell, we were both there for the same reason so how can I be pissed about it? He seems to be having a little fling with Colonel Gorham anyway. Fuck, look at me, I'm here with you so how can I be angry?" Matt expressed rhetorically.

Nate was enjoying every minute with Matt. He was well spoken and thoughtful with a seemingly very rational mind.

Matt, too, was having a great time. Nate asked some really good questions. Clearly, he had a sharp mind. Matt felt comfortable talking about his situations with Nate; he didn't feel judged.

"Well man, it's getting super late. We both have work tomorrow." Nate stated begrudgingly. "I've really enjoyed this."

"Me too! I think we could be good friends apart from the sexual situation." Matt replied hesitantly watching for Nate's reaction.

"I agree. We seem to have a lot in common." Nate exclaimed. "Let's do this again."

The two made their way toward the metro station together, chatting the whole way. Begrudgingly, the two got on separate trains and headed home.

Matt strolled into his house just before 11. To his surprise, the kids were still awake. His wife sat stoically on the couch.

"Kids, bed. Now." She said in a terse voice.

"What's up?" Matt said in a joking manner but the look his wife shot him was anything but comical.

"Do you think I'm stupid?" She stated in an icy voice.

Matt paused, grasping for words to say.

She continued, "I'm not an idiot, Matt. I'm not some oblivious house wife that is willing to hide from the truth."

Matt's mind raced. Shit. Shit. Shit he thought to himself.

"What are you talking about?" He shot at her testing the waters.

"You're going to play stupid? I know what you've been doing, Matt. I denied it for a long time; buried it in my mind. I thought surely my husband of all these years wouldn't betray my trust. I thought surely the father of my children wouldn't sabotage the life we had together. I can't go on like this. I won't go on like this." She seethed, her emotion building.

"Ummmmm." Matt blurted, completely baffled at what to say.

"I'm not going to be anyone's second option. I'm not a backup. I'm not the wife in reserve. I'm the main effort, Matt. You have two choices." She spat icily.

"Two choices?" He said, a terrible feeling building in his stomach.

"You can quit cheating on me Ð I can't believe you've been hooking up with men - and save this marriage or you can go on with your infidelity and destroy everything we've built." She remarked acidly.

He stared at her in silence for a long time.

"Really, you're not going to say anything? It that your answer, is it?" She breathed fire at him.

"It's not that simple. I never imagined I'd be here either. Up until a year ago I had no interest in men. Zero." He groaned with the weight of the situation hitting him.

"Are you gay? Is that it?" She whispered desperately, tears streaming down her face.

"Gay?" he said out loud searching his thoughts and feelings. "No I don't think that's it." He expressed quietly.

"You don't THINK!?" She seethed again.

"It's not that simple. I like both. I need both. I don't think I can quit." He reasoned with a flat tone.

"That's all the answer I need, Matt. I can't believe you. I can't believe what you've done to this family. You can sleep in the guest bedroom. I'm moving out with the kids tomorrow to my mom's place in Pennsylvania. I'll be filing for divorce." She stated stonily, storming off to the master bedroom.

Matt sat frozen on the couch; his mind numb. He didn't know what to think or feel. There was no sense in arguing about this right now. Maybe he could re-engage when the emotions weren't so raw. He wasn't going to let her take the kids permanently; to let her poison them against him like he was some kind of criminal leper.

Matt grabbed his keys. He went into the kids' bedroom, gave them a kiss good night and headed for the door. He needed time and space to process this.

Nate arrived home just after 11 in a great mood. The evening had gone much better than expected. He knew he wouldn't be coming home to any issues; he had told his wife exactly where he was and what he'd be doing.

To his surprise, his wife wasn't home. This was odd. She didn't mention that she'd be going out before. Maybe she had found some fun of her own! Nate couldn't begrudge her that; she deserved it. Nate hadn't been as attentive lately with being distracted by Matt and the group fun from before. Luckily, Estela understood and didn't take it personally.

Nate glanced at his phone. He hadn't checked it for the last few hours. Maybe there'd be a message from Estela.

Sure enough, there was a text. She was out with one of her girlfriends that was in town for the evening on business. She said not to wait up.

Nate headed for bed and drifted off to sleep quickly after a quick jack off session to the thought of Matt.

Nate was jostled from his sleep by the phone ringing. Groggily, he glanced at the clock. 2AM. He rolled over. Estela hadn't come home.

He rolled out of bed, still sleepy and scurried towards the phone on the dresser. He didn't recognize the number.

"Hello?" He answered in a confused, sleepy tone.

"Is this Mr. Nate Atkinson?" The woman on the other end of the line inquired.

"Yes, who is this?" Nate responded.

"This is Dr. Jackson from George Washington University Hospital. There has been an accident, you need to come here immediately." She stated.

"An accident? My wife?" He said, his panic starting to rise.

"Yes, sir. A serious one. You need to get here as quickly as possible." The reply came.

Nate bounded for his car keys and was out the door in minutes.

------ TO BE CONTINUED -----

Next: Chapter 4

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