The Military Network

By Cooper Max

Published on Apr 3, 2016


-This is the continuation to The Officers' series here on Nifty that featured fictional characters based on real people Lieutenant Sam Kerry and Major Matt Condley. For other works by Cooper, see the Diplomacy and Lust' series in the Adult friend section. Cooper welcomes all comments at

The Military Network: Part 1

Major Matt Condley's heart pounded harder than it ever had in his life; every part of his body tingled with excitement. His cock was harder than he could ever remember it being.

Matt gave newly promoted Captain Sam Kerry a furtive glance out of the corner of his eye. Sam was sweating profusely, shaking his left leg up and down nervously. Matt smiled at Sam; he was always so damn cute when he was nervous.

The door to the conference room abruptly swung open and three gentlemen walked in. Matt and Sam shot to their feet to stand at attention.

"At ease, gentlemen," Colonel Fenzel stated curtly. "No need to be quite so formal here given the circumstances. The Colonel smirked arrogantly. "Though I do see you both came dressed well for this occasion in your Army Service Uniforms."

The Colonel moved closer to Matt and Sam looking closely at their uniforms.

"Ribbons are in order, uniforms are crisp and clean, shoes well shined," Colonel Jason Fenzel remarked quietly, "Well, well, well it looks like you two aren't complete oxygen thieves."

Matt sized up Colonel Fenzel as he stood close to him. . Matt had such negative memories of their previous encounters, aside from the time Matt had plowed the Colonel's ass with all his might, that he had forgotten many of the details on what he looked like.

The Colonel still exuded his arrogant, confident demeanor but Matt noticed more than he had before; The Colonel's slightly salted hair, his strong and square jawline, his jet black hair. The Colonel had put on weight but Matt could tell it wasn't fat. It looked like pure muscle. His thick frame was even thicker; no doubt from some insane crossfit routine. Matt wondered if the Colonel's rock hard ass could get any firmer than he remembered it.

"Have a seat gentlemen," The Colonel said coolly.

Sam and Matt sank professionally into their seats. The room grew quiet as Colonel Fenzel moved back around the conference table to have a seat.

"Welcome to DC, gentlemen. I trust you didn't have trouble getting through security here at the Pentagon. Impressive facility, isn't it? Enormous. Very secure. Just like this sound proof conference room. Plenty of eye candy walking these corridors too as I'm sure you saw on the way in . We've been expecting you. It feels like yesterday I was sitting talking to you both about this opportunity." Colonel Aaron Gorham said warmly with his wide, white smile. "Truly, I am very excited to have you guys on assignment here in the region." He finished his statement as he gave Captain Sam Kerry a very pointed stare. Sam felt the blood rush to his face. He hoped his blushing wasn't too noticeable.

Sam drank in the Colonel's features. He hadn't missed a day of remembering every detail of the Colonel's tall, athletic frame; his dark brown eyes and bright blond hair. Sam didn't think it was possible that the Colonel could have gotten more handsome since he'd seen him a few months back but Sam was wrong.

Matt looked quizzically at the other gentleman in the room. He'd never seen the man before. He didn't recognize the name on his uniform's nametag either. As if sensing Matt's question the man spoke up.

"You two must be wondering who I am. I'll save Colonel Fenzel and Gorham from having to introduce me, I'm Sergeant First Class (SFC) Nathan Atkinson." The man announced confidently.

As if sensing the question both men were thinking the man stated, "Yes, there are indeed enlisted soldiers Ð mostly senior enlisted - in this network of ours. We can't let you officers have all the fun; you officers already sit back while we enlisted do all the work." SFC Atkinson said jokingly but with a hint of sincerity cutting through his words. I'm here because I spearhead the enlisted side of this network and wanted to meet our newest inductees."

Matt held his breath as SFC Atkinson spoke. This man was breathtaking; the bluest eyes Matt had ever seen, short dark brown hair, covering his oddly symmetrical face. Matt was sure this man's face met the size proportions that scientists said were the most appealing; his face was just so easy to look at. His deep voice had an enthralling cadence to it; Matt detected a slight accent. Matt couldn't quite ascertain the man's background though. His skin tone was darker than the average Caucasian; was he Greek, Spanish? There was something exotic mixed in his lineage that Matt found incredibly appealing. Matt felt his pulse surge and his bulge almost break through his blue army service uniform pants.

"Well that's enough of the formalities. Shall we get down to business gentlemen? I do have a full time job here in this building to attend to," Colonel Fenzel interjected impatiently.

The others looked intently at him. Sam wished he could peak under the table to see if anyone was as hard as he was. Sam guessed that'd he would see quite a few other bulges under the table.

"As Colonel Gorham explained to you before, we have an invite-only network across the Department of Defense Ð Army, Navy, Marines, Air Force of married bisexual men. Hell, this network has even slowly grown to include other government agencies tooÐ FBI, Homeland, Coast Guard albeit in much smaller numbers. This network is obviously highly confidential. Some would say the idea is incredibly risky and foolish given what's at stake Ð careers, retirements, marriages, relationships with kids Ð but everyone in this network is here by choice for the opportunities offered. Those opportunities are unparalleled; discretion and most important: a wide and very appealing variety of similarly minded men. You could troll through craigslist, grindr, scruff and adam4adam for years and not find the selection of men that this network has so safely and discretely available to you."

Matt and Sam smiled widely as did SFC Atkinson and Colonel Gorham. A sense of excitement and sexual tension clung to the air.

"What's more," Colonel Fenzel continued, "is this network offers other conveniences not always so readily available."

"Like what?" Captain Sam Kerry interrupted.

"Well for starters, over the years a money pool has been collected. It's all voluntary of course. Safe places to meet are often very hard to come by for married men so over the years a voluntary fund has been started that others can tap into and discretely pull money from for motel/hotel rooms to meet with other men from the network."

"Oh wow," Matt said nodding his head appreciating how important this would be.

"Additionally, through our wonderful contacts within the Army Medical Department and Army Medical Service Corps, we have access to testing beyond the military's standard HIV test every two years. Those within the network that want higher level of assurances against HIV/STIs have greater access to discreet testing options." Colonel Fenzel remarked in a warmer tone.

"Yeah that's pretty important!" Sam muttered as guilt churned through him at all the unprotected times he and Matt and screwed around.

"Yes, you see over the years, the rewards have started to outpace the risks. With the right management and direction we've been able arrange a situation where married men can enjoy each other's company for sex and camaraderie while minimizing all the risks that plague our demographic." SFC Atkinson interrupted. "It's complex and a lot of work but WELL worth it!"

"Damn this is exciting. So what's the next step? How the hell do we move forward on this? If you can't tell, I'm a bit excited!" Matt declared standing up to expose his very erect pants; precum visibly staining the front.

"Well Major, as you can imagine discretion is important. As much as I'd like to have a go with you all right now, right here in this room, rash decisions are what would bring this network down. We didn't get this far by being impatient and impulsive." Colonel Gorham said; not taking his eyes off of Matt's package.

"So what then?" Matt replied with urgency in his voice.

"I'm happy to announce that we'll be having a get together this weekend. My wife is out of town on the West Coast with the kids for the next two weeks visiting her family. My place is about a 45 minute drive outside of DC in Virginia; rural with plenty of space, plenty of beer and a nice big hot tub. I'll be organizing an invite-only list Ð consider this your invitation. There will hopefully be about 8 of us total. Even 8 is ambitious and maybe a bit reckless but rarely do I get the opportunity to host with new members in town." Colonel Gorham stated; a mischievous look on his face.

Matt and Sam looked at each other with pure bliss in their eyes.

"That's all for now, gentlemen. Welcome and we look forward to seeing you this weekend at Colonel Gorham's house. He'll discretely send you directions during the week. SFC Atkinson will make sure you get out of the Pentagon without any issues." Colonel Fenzel said standing. No one in the room missed the bulge in Colonel Fenzel's pants. The other men stood as well; no one bothering to conceal the hardons fighting against their pants too.

----- To be Continued ----

Next: Chapter 2

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