Metamorphosis of Jeremiah Long

By David Lee

Published on Apr 5, 2013


The Metamorphosis of Jeremiah Long, chapter 9


This story contains scenes of love and sexual interaction between males of similar age. If the reading or possessing this material is illegal in your country, state, province, county, municipality, etc., please leave this site immediately and do not proceed further. If you are under the legal age to read this, please do not do so.

The author retains the copyright, and any other rights, to this original story. You may not publish it or any part of it without explicit authorization from me.

Thanks and hugs to Tom and David (boxerdude) who edit for me so that there are fewer mistakes! They not only proof-read, but make other valuable suggestions.

A complete list of my stories may be found in the longer header before chapter 1, or on Nifty's homepage under the alphabetical listing of authors.

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David (

The Metamorphosis of Jeremiah Long, Chapter 9

"Hey, you never finished your story before we conked out," Davy said upon awakening.

"Yeah, some hot stud distracted me and wooed me to sleep before I got to tell you about my other grandpa and Mom."

"If he distracted you from your story, he should have played with your dick and gotten you off!"

"Can't he do that in the shower?" Jon grinned hopefully.

"He can, but we have to deliver the papers first."

They dressed hurriedly and didn't get to continue their conversation until they were in the midst of delivering the Daily Herald. Then, in bits and pieces, Davy learned that Jon's grandfather, Bill, had died when his dad was a freshman in college. It had been a terrible shock, but hadn't left them destitute because Melba was a vice president at AEGON and pulled down a salary well into the six-figures. While Todd hadn't suffered financially, he had felt bereft and had married right out of college in an attempt to fill the void.

It took practically the whole day for Davy to learn the rest. Because they played around in the shower and barely had time to eat breakfast, the final part of Jon's revelation would have to wait until afternoon when their tutoring session was over. Then it was delayed again because Davy's grandparents took them out for lunch on their way to shop for a vehicle of their own. They'd been using Brock's, but would be leaving for Wisconsin in a few days to look at some summer places with access to a lake.

While the boys would have enjoyed an afternoon of nude swimming, they felt they should go along so Davy would have more time with the grand `rents. Besides, looking around the showroom at new cars did have its appeal.

While Grandpa Hart was making up his mind on the exact vehicle he would purchase, Davy and Jon were admiring the sports cars on the lot. A salesman came out to give the boys a pitch, but left them alone after figuring out they were too young to be serious buyers. As they drooled over a late model Porsche, Jon finished telling Davy about his mother.

"Davy, I know you're gonna think I'm crazy when I'm through, but I swear this is true. You remember how I said it was like someone had called my name to wake me up when you got kidnapped? Well, I'm pretty sure it was my mom. I heard a voice saying, Jonny, get up. Time's a wasting and you have to go.' She usually called me Jonny' and no one else did. And, she used those same words often when she wanted me to hurry. I'm pretty sure she knew you were headed for trouble and wanted me to help you. I swear she urged me to stay on Rock Road when I'd lost sight of that SUV. It was like magic."

"Wow! Do you think she's watching over us?"

"Yeah, I really do. I've felt it a bit from time to time, even before I met you."

"Jeez, I hope she can't see EVERYTHING we do!"

"If she can, I'm sure she's fine with it. I mean, we all know sex is good and everyone does it, well almost everyone."

"Maybe God gives them some kind of glasses in heaven to block things they shouldn't see," Davy suggested, hopefully.

"Whatever, I'm not going to worry about it!" Jon exclaimed. "So, do you think I'm crazy?"

"Nope, I think you have an angel looking out for you and all the people you love."

Their tender kiss was interrupted by the beeping of the horn on Grandpa David's new charcoal metallic Sienna.

"Okay, you two, we have one more errand to run before we go home. It shouldn't take long." Grandpa David called to them. "Brent is going to swing by with your dad to pick up his car later. We're trying out the new one."

Both sliding doors rolled open as Grandpa touched of a couple of buttons and the boys climbed in on each side.

"Right now we're going to purchase a new family phone plan at Verizon before we head to Wisconsin and it won't cost much to add you to it, Dave." Grandma explained.

"Since Jon's cell saved you from the kidnapper, I'm surprised Brock didn't go out and get you one immediately. I've cleared it with him and he's happy we're doing it. Besides, we can't let Jon's grandmother look more generous than we are!"

"You're not seriously concerned about keeping up with the Watsons, I hope," Davy frowned.

"No, I was teasing. You'll have to get used to that with our family. But, I do feel that we have a right to spoil you after not seeing you for so many years. Heaven knows we tried, but the presents we sent were always marked, `return to sender' and we gave up after a couple of years of having to pay the return postage."

"You sent presents?" Davy exclaimed in surprise.

"As I say, we tried. I thought the first one we sent, a train set, got through because it didn't come back."

"Was it one with wooden tracks?"

"Yes! You DID get it then!"

"Mom said it wasn't meant for me and she gave it to the Goodwill. I remember wishing it was for me because I had really wanted it."

"I can't believe she'd do that!" Grandma gasped.

"She lied to me a LOT! You don't know how happy I am to be out of that house. Of course it looks like she'll be spending time in jail and I should be free of her. I'm only beginning to realize how deprive I was as well as being brain-washed!"

Jon reached over to take Davy's hand. Since the grandparents knew they were boyfriends, there was no reason not to show Davy how much he cared.

With his grandparents in Wisconsin, Davy's life slowed down to its usual busyness. Actually, it didn't quite go back to the previous level because of adding karate lessons into the mix. Harrison was a tough, but understanding teacher. He told them from the beginning that he would be hard on them because it was possible their lives might someday depend on knowing self-defense. After hearing Harrison's own story, the boys were determined to take their training seriously.

They talked him into cooling off with them in the pool, but he said he wouldn't go skinny dipping unless Cade was there too. He didn't want his boyfriend to think he was doing anything improper. The boys were flattered that someone as hot as Cade might consider them to be a temptation.

On the second Sunday of August, Davy and Jon went to church in the late afternoon to help serve meals. Todd was going to host alone since Jim was on duty, but said there would be plenty of help because a new kid was working.

As they were getting out of Todd's car, a sexy looking guy in a hot red Mustang wheeled into the lot. The boys were impressed by the young stud and his ride. They quickly decided to get acquainted.

"Whoa, you've got a hot car!" Jon exclaimed as the guys got out.

"Yeah, whatever." The kid returned, walking toward the building.

"You feel like you're just been blown off?" Davy grinned.

"Yeah, but not like you do it," Jon giggled.

"Jon, leave the innuendo out here. This is church, you know," Todd cautioned.

"I will, but I think God probably enjoys plays on words. He's got a sense of humor or he wouldn't have made the duckbilled platypus!" Jon countered.

"Okay you win on that one, but still keep it clean, please." Todd grinned.

"Aye, aye, sir!"

"Jeez, you're an incorrigible smart-ass!"

"Like father, like son."

"Okay, I give up already!" Todd laughed.

They got into the kitchen in time to see the new guy red-faced and wearing a hairnet. Both boys thought it was funny and could barely keep from laughing out loud, but Jon decided to turn the other cheek, so to speak, and come to his aid.

"Dad, do you still have the extra baseball caps in the trunk?"

"Yup, am I reading your mind?"

"I hope so; I was thinking of showing mercy."

"Cool, here's the key."

Jon returned less than two minutes later wearing a big smile and carrying a cap with "Packers" emblazoned across it.

"Here, Dude. I think you'd be more comfortable in this unless it's not your team."

"Thanks! I'd rather wear a Jets cap than a hairnet and they suck! Hey, I'm sorry about before. I was in a pissy mood and you were trying to be nice. My name's Wyatt."

"I'm Jon and this is my buddy, Dave."

"It's nice to meet you guys."

"Thanks. It's good to see others volunteering their time too," Davy spoke up. "I've only done this once before, but Jon and his dad do it a lot. It really makes you realize how lucky you are when you see all the need around you. And it makes me feel like I'm doing something to love my neighbor and all that stuff."

"Um, yeah, I guess," Wyatt answered, without elaborating.

Soon people were lining up to be served and Todd asked a blessing on the food. From then on, it was pretty busy for the next half hour. Finally it slowed enough to talk a little. Jon and Davy got enough conversation out of Wyatt to discover he would be starting his senior year at the same high school they'd be attending. Both boys thought it wouldn't hurt to know an upperclassman ahead of time.

Davy's grandparents called early in the week to say that they'd found an ideal spot on a small lake to live in during the summers. Since they were paying cash for it, the owner agreed to let them occupy it immediately. It was a fairly large property instead of a condo, but they could retain the services of the management company that handled affairs for the present owner so they could be as carefree as if they were in a condo without having to live by anyone else's rules.

The place had been part of a large farming and dairy operation in the past, but currently the arable land was rented out to other farmers. The original farm house had been carefully restored and was as livable as it was charming. It was located about a mile from the lake with a lane that led to a sort of bunkhouse which had served as quarters for farmhands. Further down the lane on the edge of beach, there stood a small cottage.

The coolest part was that they would own all of the property around the lake which would prevent its being developed into a tourist destination. There were only two small cabins at the other end which were leased to people who farmed nearby and weren't used a lot.

"It's like having our own personal paradise!" Gram exclaimed as she described it. "We want you to come up for a week before school starts if you can. Be sure to bring Jon along."

"Well, I guess that settles our vacation plans," Brock smiled. "We don't really get vacations days for a while since we've barely started working here, but we can take you boys up on a Friday night and spend a weekend and them come get you the weekend before you have to go to school. It will give you some time away, unless you don't want to be out in the boonies with Mom and Dad."

"It all sounds great to me," Davy enthused. "However, could we move it up a week because we have an orientation, freshman cookout, and a meeting with the coaching staff if we're going out for a sport? Um, I might want to shop for school clothes that last week too, if it's okay with you."

"I hadn't forgotten about the need for school clothes," Brock assured his son. "I trust Jon will be able to guide you on what you'll need to start the year. You might not want to buy everything until you find out what's in and what's not. I don't think Brent and I are up on high school styles these days, so I'll let you decide, but please don't wear pants that show off half of your underwear-clad butt! It may be cute, but it's really not how I'd like you to represent yourself."

"I won't be a sagger, Dad, I promise."

With the trip to Wisconsin and orientation week coming soon, Davy decided it was time to end his job delivering the newspaper. Harry was sorry to lose one of his most faithful carriers, but understood that Dave had a lot more on his plate than he had in the past. Starting high school and going out for swimming would be a big adjustment. Compounding that was going to public school for the first time in his life! Dave would be very busy.

Davy didn't want to leave the man in a lurch, so he phoned one of his old acquaintances from his former church whom he knew to be a responsible boy. Josiah Smith jumped at the chance to have a job in order to make a bit of spending money. They agreed to meet at the park since Josiah's parents would punish him if he talked to "that Long boy" who had stirred up trouble for their pastor and had essentially destroyed their church.

"I'm glad you called, Jeremiah." Josiah smiled.

"I'm glad you'd still talk to me." Davy replied. "I've made a lot of changes, including my name. I'm David or Dave now. And my middle name is Brock for my dad."

"You look a lot different too," Josiah said with a hint of envy.

"Do you like what you see?"

"Yeah, I like it a lot! I wish I could do the same. I'm making some changes too. Please introduce me to the paper distributer as "Joe" because I'm trying to get new people I meet to call me that. My father will punish me if he finds out, so I have to be careful around anyone he knows, like from church. He's afraid I'm gonna give them the kind of problems you gave your mother... Oops, sorry about that; I hope you're not gonna be mad."

"I'm not angry at all. I'm proud that I finally stood up to her and that so-called minister. I'm really happy I helped get the goods on him."

"My parents said it was all made up by you and that other boy."

"Nope, Jon and I told the truth. There is also video evidence and the testimony of several others including the police and some minor criminals involved in child pornography."

"There's a rumor that you played with your penis on camera," Joe said wide-eyed. "Is it true?"

"I don't know where or how that rumor started. Whatever happened in the investigation is confidential and I can't comment, at least not until after the trial is over."

"Are you happy in your new life, or do you miss God?"

"I'm really happy and I don't miss God at all," Davy responded quickly, watching for Joe's expression.

"Oh Jeremiah, uh, David, I'm sorry you've gone over to the dark side!" Joe gasped.

"Joe, I don't miss God because he's alive and well in my heart and in my new church as well. No single church can contain him; he's too big for that! Just because I don't believe all the crap old Iverson pushed on us doesn't mean I don't believe in God."

"How do you know it's `crap' as you call it?"

"I checked things out on the Internet long before I knew he was a liar and a pervert. You can get on a lot of sites at the library and find the truth."

"I might do that," Joe said. "I can't accept everything I've been taught either."

"Cool! Now let's go meet Harry. He's a great guy; I know you're going to like working with him."

From the moment they heard the news about the grandparents' pending purchase, Davy and Jon started to plan what they'd take to the lake for clothes and toys. It would be fun to have kayaks and a ski boat, but they settled for a couple of inflatable boats and lifejackets because they knew the other items were too expensive. For clothing, they packed what swimwear they had, a few shorts, and some jeans, including a pair each that they'd cut off because of outgrowing them.

"Wow, Jon, you'd better be careful how you sit. Those are gonna show off your junk if you aren't." Davy grinned when his boyfriend modeled his pair.

"Let me take another inch or so off of yours so we'll be twins," Jon giggled.

After the second trimming, both boys stripped naked and put on their new "shorts." It became a bit difficult to zip them up as the boys began to get excited about how much they'd be showing.

Davy knelt down on his left knee and his semi-hard dick peeked into view with his foreskin pulling back to show off his pink head as it expanded.

"Shit that's hot!" Jon gasped.

"It feels really sexy and I could pee without needing to unzip!"

Jon knelt down in the same position with similar results, except for his lack of a full foreskin.

"I hope we'll have a chance to use these. We don't want to embarrass Gram, but we could still model them for one another in private," he grinned.

A few days before they were scheduled to drive to Wisconsin, Brock and Brent came home from the dealer Grandpa had used with a new red Toyota Highlander. It was roomy enough for long trips, but didn't make the guys look like they were driving a soccer-mom vehicle. They kept both of their other cars knowing that they wouldn't get much in trade from either of them and assuming one of those might serve as Davy's first one.

They departed for the lake on Friday afternoon as soon as Brent and Brock got home from work. It would be a several-hour drive, but they wanted to have as much time with Brock's parents as possible and the route they were taking looked like it wouldn't be a difficult one.

Having stopped for a short time to eat dinner, they arrived around 9:00. They had barely shut off the motor when Amanda and David came out to greet them. There were hugs all around and Gram ushered them into the large kitchen to offer them food before they went to bed. The boys ate heartily, but the adults held back fearing they might suffer from acid reflux if they ate too much before retiring.

"We'll bed you all down here in the house tonight, but you boys may want to sleep in the cottage at least some of the time. It's rather primitive, but very private and near the water. You might enjoy a moonlight swim in the buff," Grandpa smiled.

The boys turned a bit red at the suggestion, but grinned at the same time.

"David, don't embarrass them! Of course they'll want to go skinny dipping just like Brock always did when he got the chance. I promise NOT to invade your territory without due warning. Since you both have cell phones and the reception is good here, I can always give you a heads-up," Amanda laughed.

Within the hour, the new arrivals had their luggage in their rooms and had taken turns in the bathroom so they could make an early night of it.

Davy and Jon had been given the bedroom with a small balcony facing the front of the house. They slipped out on it naked in the light of a three-quarter moon. Davy sat down in one of the two resin chairs and Jon knelt in front of him, nuzzling his crotch.

"Down boy!" Davy snickered.

"I am down and I hope you're not talking to your dick because he and I have plans."

"I'm good with that!" Davy agreed.

Not wanting to be only one on the receiving end, Davy convinced Jon to join him on the throw rug someone had placed in front of the chairs. In a few minutes they were nudging each other toward a powerful and very welcome pair of orgasms. Having been involved in fairly heavy petting in the back seat during the last hour of the drive when the light was fading in the western sky, their pumps didn't need a lot of priming.

When they came, they did their best to keep the noise down. The night was so quiet that they were sure any sound would travel for miles. The silence was broken occasionally by the call of a loon to its mate. Other than that, one could almost hear the corn growing.

Around 8:00 a.m. the boys awoke to the sound of the shower running in the bathroom across from their quarters. They assumed that Brock and Brent were up because the grandparents had their own suite on the main floor. Around the same time, they could smell coffee brewing. They were going to get cleaned up and dressed as soon as the bathroom was free.

After breakfast, Grandpa took them for a tour of the immediate area. He began with the fruit cellar near the kitchen door which was a safe place in the event of a tornado and then led them to the old bunkhouse. It consisted of a few small rooms partitioned off by thin walls of knotty pine boards nailed top and bottom with a stinger about four feet from the floor for additional stability. Some of the boards didn't fit snuggly and a few of the knots had long since fallen or been removed. It made the boys wonder if the guys who'd used it over the years peeked through to check each other out. Of course horny teens would think of that possibility.

There was a kind of main room with an old sofa, a table with benches and a little kitchenette at the end. Beyond the kitchenette was a small bathroom with a shower. It was fairly Spartan, but would have provided decent living quarters in the summer. The old potbelly stove in the main room was the only heat source and didn't make it look like a great place to spend the winter!

Last on their tour were two buildings past the woods and near the lake. The cottage appeared to be pretty comfortable, having a small bedroom at one end and a couple of bottle gas space heaters. The shower in the tiny bathroom looked big enough to hold two boys for sure.

Next to the cottage stood a boathouse. The boys' eyes widened as Grandpa David opened the overhead door.

"We haven't decided on what kind of boat to buy, but we got a toy for you to play on while you're here."

He was referring to a brand new Jet Ski that looked like an aquatic motorcycle. The boys beamed as they ran their hands over the glossy finish.

"When can we try it?" Davy asked.

"Did you wear your swimming trunks under your shorts like I suggested?"

"Yup!" they answered in chorus.

"Then we can start immediately. Take off your shorts, put on lifejackets and we'll begin. I'll go with both of you in turn to show you how to maneuver it safely. Who wants to be first?

"Davy should be first," Jon insisted. "Then you can take Brock and Brent. I'll be last."

"No you won't," Brock spoke up. "Brent and I are both experienced riders. We do want a few turns this weekend because you kids will have a whole week to play with it."

It didn't take long for the boys to pick up on how to operate the machine. Out on the lake on their own, Jon leaned up to Davy's ear and pronounced it a true crotch rocket! They giggled over that for some time, feeling the vibrations against their little butts.

The men and boys took turns enjoying the new plaything, making sure Grandpa had some riding time too. He kept holding back because he said he'd have plenty of chances yet before going south for the winter.

While Brock and Brent were out on it again, Grandpa David's phone rang announcing that lunch would be ready in 15 minutes. No one could believe the morning had passed, though all had worked up an appetite.

The men and boys played in the lake quite a bit in the afternoon as well. However, they spent some time on the porch of the little cottage to get out of the sun. Grandpa decided at one point that he needed a nap and curled up on the bed with a light afghan pulled over him.

It was then that Davy took the opportunity to talk to his dad about some things he didn't quite understand. He did it when they were checking out the small wooded area behind the cottage – far enough so Grandpa couldn't overhear them if he happened to awaken.

Brent and Jon went ahead a bit after Davy had mentioned he wanted to have a one on one conversation Brock.

"So, if your parents have enough money to pay cash for this place and another in the South, how come you had to struggle financially after the divorce? I would think they would've shared; they seem nice enough."

"Dad didn't make his fortune until after that time, but they did offer me money. I didn't let them know how bad off I was. Call it pride or an attempt to be responsible for my own messes, I told them I was `finding myself'." That excuse was used a lot in those days to cover up lack of motivation or simply not having coping skills. Actually, it was a real time of self-reflection in some cases including my own. I hadn't come out to my family, and I still had internal issues with my orientation. So some of the time before I got into the engineering field, I really was doing a lot of soul-searching."

"I'm glad you found yourself and found me as well. I still have to pinch myself to believe I'm really me and not the nerdy looking `Jeremiah' I was last spring."

"I'll bet it's an adjustment for you in a lot of ways. You were always a smart, adorable boy in my eyes, but your new style makes you look really HOT, if I may use that term with my own son."

"Thanks, Dad. I remember thinking the same thing about you when I first saw you with your clothes off at Jon's. I wasn't having impure thoughts about you, but seeing you naked actually made me plump up." Davy blushed at his own admission.

"It's only natural at your age to react to anyone nude. Don't be embarrassed. In fact, I think it's cool you didn't regard me as an old fart!"

"Jon said the same thing about getting hard easily. He said even looking at animals' dicks can set a gay boy off."

"Jon is right-on. I remember seeing a video of horses mating that made my underwear sticky," Brock admitted.

"Man it's so-o-o cool being able to talk about stuff like this with my own dad. You're AWESOME!"

Their conversation was basically over and was brought to a close when Jon called them to see a turtle he'd found.

Brock and Brent left for home on Sunday after lunch because they wanted to be rested up for Monday. Davy grinned inwardly, suspecting they wanted playtime in private. He knew they got off on mild bondage and probably didn't feel comfortable engaging in it when they were guests in someone else's house.

The boys played a game of Monopoly with David and Amanda at the kitchen table after supper until around 9:00 when the grandparents retired to the living room to watch their favorite TV show. They suggested that since it was a rather warm evening, the guys might like to go for a swim. It didn't take any arm-twisting to hasten them to the lake again. Before they left, they threw towels around their necks and donned their scandalously short cutoffs which kept them boned for the entire walk to the beach.

Walking hand in hand in the moonlight was super, but things got even better when Jon undid Davy's shorts and knelt to kiss his dick. Davy did the same to Jon in return and they continued their walk with their stiffies leading the way.

"So, do you really want to swim?" Davy asked, the moonlight illuminating his grin.

"Sure, it's a good way to wash the cum off later," Jon suggested.

"What makes you think there'll be any to wash off?"

"It's been almost 48 hours since we did it last."

"There won't be much showing if we swallow it!"

"Good point!"

Davy and Jon laid their towels down on the sand which still felt warm from the day's heat. After making out for several minutes, Jon pulled Davy on top of him in the 69 position. They bathed each other's balls and dick until they were nearly beyond the point of no return. Then Davy stood up giving his hand to Jon to do the same.

"Why did you stop?" Jon complained. "I was nearly there."

"'Cause I want us to rub our bodies together until we squirt," Davy answered.

Jon was happy to participate. Clenching one another's firm buns, they began a process that would lead to bliss in short order. Their perspiration and natural lube smoothed the way. After a couple of minutes of gyrating and grunting, they spewed their seed between them. For a while, they remained in a tight embrace, holding each other up. When they separated they took turns lapping up the fruit of their loins. Then, hand in hand, they waded out into the water to wash off the rest.

Author's Notes: Sorry this is a bit later than I intended. I was out of town over Easter and returned home recently. Thanks to all who emailed. The list includes: Jim W, Ott H, Roger L, Walter Sz, Beast, JTR, Bill K, Bill T, Lisa T, Trish R, Walt S, Paul S, Jeff M, Vern, Justin C, Tom A, and Paul F. As always, I hope I didn't omit someone!

I've heard from Bill W and he seems to be doing better each day. Thanks for your thoughts on his behalf.


Next: Chapter 10

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