Metamorphosis of Jeremiah Long

By David Lee

Published on Mar 21, 2013


The Metamorphosis of Jeremiah Long, chapter 7


This story contains scenes of love and sexual interaction between males of similar age. If the reading or possessing this material is illegal in your country, state, province, county, municipality, etc., please leave this site immediately and do not proceed further. If you are under the legal age to read this, please do not do so.

The author retains the copyright, and any other rights, to this original story. You may not publish it or any part of it without explicit authorization from me.

Thanks and hugs to Tom and David (boxerdude) who edit for me so that there are fewer mistakes! They not only proof-read, but make other valuable suggestions.

A complete list of my stories may be found in the longer header before chapter 1, or on Nifty's homepage under the alphabetical listing of authors.

Your donations to Nifty are appreciated to keep this a free site for us and for you.

David (

Chapter 7

"Hello boys, it's great to see you. " Dr. Erenberger greeted them.

"David, Jon tells me that you might like to take part in our `Rite 13' ceremony. I assume he's filled you in on what it is."

"Yes Sir, he told me it's kind of like a bar mitzvah for Christian kids to recognize that we're becoming adults and to show us that the whole church loves us and supports us as we go through our teen years."

"Jon, you did an admirable job in explaining it in a nutshell.

Most of the kids who participate will be taking catechism next year if they haven't already. Are you interested in doing that too, David?"

"I would like to if I may, Dr. Erenberger."

"David, please address me as Pastor Ted. I hope you'll come to know me as an accessible person who doesn't really like titles."

"Okay, Pastor Ted," Davy grinned nervously.

"You're welcome to join the class if that is your desire. Have you been baptized?"

"Yes, but I was dunked under by the man who's in jail on child pornography charges and I'm not sure it counts in the sight of God."

"As Presbyterians, we recognize baptisms from all other Christian churches. I personally believe God's power is strong enough to be channeled through imperfect, even defiled vessels, but I can see why you might question the authenticity of yours. I'll talk with the head of the Presbytery and see if it's permissible to re-baptize you. In this day and age we tend to do what brings comfort to our parishioners even if the men of old might have frowned upon it. If it's approved, would you like to have it done soon?"

"Yes, as soon as possible. I want to feel like I can fully participate in Rite 13. I know my dads will be pleased, but it's not really for them; it's for me. I believe in God and in Jesus as my savior, but I don't believe in all the strange stuff my old church did. What you preach about makes a lot more sense."

"Well thank you for the vote of confidence," Pastor Ted smiled. "You appear to be more perceptive than some of my long-time members. Some are afraid to give up old prejudices."

"Do you mean like accepting people of different races or with a different sexual orientation?" Davy asked, beginning to sense he could say anything to this man without being judged.

"Precisely, I'm sure it raises a few eyebrows when openly gay men or women are welcomed into our fellowship, but it shouldn't. We are all children of God and it's what GOD thinks about it that matters!"

"That's so cool!" Davy enthused. "My old minister railed against men who loved other men, and yet he sold videos of boys and men together. I've forgotten the word they use for people who claim to believe one way and do the opposite."

"I can think of some choice ones that aren't acceptable in polite company, but I suspect you mean `hypocrite' or something close to that."

"That's the word," Davy replied. "Dad says hypocrisy ranks up pretty close to plagiarism and bigotry."

"I'd have to agree. So, back to our earlier subject, will you be ready to be baptized this coming Sunday if it's approved? I'll send home a copy of the questions you'll be asked and the responses you'll make. If you have any second thoughts, you may email me between now and then."

"Thanks! I'll be ready."

"Dad, do you know anything about the Sunday night meals at church?" Davy asked as he sat with Brock and Brent in the living room of their apartment.

"Indeed I do. You probably wondered why Brent and I joined the minute we hit town. Norwood Presbyterian is widely known for helping those in need, and we wanted to be part of a church which puts its money where its mouth is, so to speak. They take Christ's message about loving your neighbor as yourself quite literally. Do you want to get involved?"

"Yes. Jon says he and his dad volunteer sometimes and I'd like to work with them."

"Is this an excuse to be with Jon or the real thing?"

"Can't it be both," Davy grinned. "You know it's not just to be with Jon because I can do that about anytime I want to."

"Yes, it is rare to have you to ourselves!" Brock teased. "Speaking of which, you guys will have to learn to sleep alone once school starts."


"I suspect that Todd would like to have his son to himself without another guy there some of the time, and because you'll have lots of homework and will need to do it without being distracted."

"But we study well together. Just ask Cade. He says we're an awesome learning team. Why couldn't we sleep some nights at our house and some at his? If I'm giving up my paper route I'll have more time for other things like homework anyway."

"Hmm... Have you thought about becoming a lawyer? You seem to be able to present a good case with supporting arguments right off the top of your head." Brock laughed.

"Does that mean I won?"

"It means the jury's still out, but you have a reasonable chance. I'll have to talk to Todd about the feasibility and logistics."

"We'll be living only about a block apart when you guys get the house! That should take care of the logistical part. We can ride our bikes together in good weather, and I'm sure one of you will drive us in bad. If we're sleeping in the same house it would save one of you the trip and gas, plus we can save on things like water when we share a shower."

"Jeez! I think you're already on your way to becoming a skilled attorney. Give it a rest, counselor; I promise I'll take it up with Todd!"

Davy and Jon were both up early on Sunday morning showering together at Jon's house after delivering papers. Brock and Brent would pick them up in plenty of time to meet with Dr. Erenberger before the service. Not only was Davy being baptized, but both would participate, along with several other young people, in the Rite 13 ceremony. Todd should be off from his night shift in time to make it to the service, although he might not have time to change out of uniform to do so.

The boys made breakfast together still in their underwear. Their excuse for being scantily clad, if indeed they needed one, was to keep from getting anything on their church outfits when they cooked, but in reality, they loved being as close to naked as possible. Their main reason for wearing anything now was to keep them from becoming too distracted to accomplish their task or perhaps get an uncomfortable burn from spattering bacon grease.

For a pair of young teenagers, they did a surprisingly good job of making breakfast. Growing up in single-parent homes, they had often been called upon to help in the kitchen. Those experiences had paid off. The bacon was crisp but not burned, and the pancakes were thin like they both preferred.

After eating and tidying up, they dressed and were waiting on the front step when Brock and Brent came to get them.

"You're punctual," Brent complimented the pair.

"Thanks," Davy grinned.

"How was the kitchen when you got done this morning?" Brock asked.

"Standing tall!" Jon answered. "It's ready for whatever culinary arts are performed next."

"Hmm... Not only are you efficient, but you have a good vocabulary. You seem to be swaying the jury."

"Huh?" Jon asked.

"He's talking about my litigation. I'm suing for the right to sleep with you during the school year!" Davy teased.

"I've been working on Dad, and he's cool with it." Jon said.

"I rest my case, Dad!"

During the opening hymn, Todd Watson walked down the side aisle to slip into the pew by his son. As expected, he was still in uniform. Jon was kind of glad because he was proud of what his father did for a living and he liked it when others knew.

The rite of baptism was administered before the sermon. Davy was a bit self-conscious standing at the front of the church with Brock and Brent as their pastor asked him the questions that are part of the ceremony of believer baptism. Despite his apprehension, he managed to answer in a clear voice which carried well in the Neo-Gothic sanctuary even without using a mike.

When he knelt by the font, he could still see Jon smiling lovingly at him and that made him suddenly feel less awkward and a lot more confident.

"David Brock Hart, you have made your confession of faith before God and this congregation. I now baptize you in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. My God's blessings rest upon you throughout your life from this day forth, amen."

Davy took Pastor Ted's offered hand and stood. They shook hands, and his dads both hugged him around the shoulders as they returned to join Jon and Todd in the pew.

Davy was filled with an emotion that he hadn't had when he'd been immersed in his old church. This time, it had been a conscious decision on his part instead of merely bowing to his mother's pressure. This time, he felt a connection with God. He was convinced that Iverson wasn't, and never had been, a servant of The Almighty.

The Rite 13 ritual took place after the sermon. Each young participant was introduced, and then their parents were invited to stand up with them. Dr. Erenberger led the parents and congregation through their vows to love and support the teens.

During the fellowship time after the service, various members took time to visit with the kids. It made them all feel like a real part of the church family. It was then that Jon saw Detective Rankin standing a few feet away. He hurried over to shake hands with the man who seemed hesitant to intrude.

"I'm glad you came," Jon assured him. "Will you come to brunch with us?"

"I'd be pleased to. Thanks for the invitation."

"Didn't Dad tell you you're welcome? Where are his manners?"

"He did mention it, but..."

"If you're going to be dating him, you'll have to show up to all the family events whether you want to or not!" Jon teased. "If you have serious intentions, you'll have to get well acquainted with me so you can ask my permission."

"Yes Sir!" James laughed. "Thanks for treating me like one of the family."

After living in the cramped apartment for a month, Brock and Brent were thrilled when they took possession of their new home. They had sold most of their larger household items when they left California, save a few favorite things, and had purchased new ones. Davy and Jon had accompanied them on one of their buying trips so Davy could pick out his bedroom furniture. He had opted for tasteful clean-lined pieces from among several choices that the store decorator recommended to complement what the men had chosen for the rest of the house.

In the afternoon of the day they took possession of the house, the men waited expectantly for the arrival of the delivery van. They promised to call Davy when it came so he could start to get his room settled. In the mean time, he and Jon had finished their tutoring session and were practicing swimming strokes under Cade's guidance in Jon's pool.

"Davy, I think you should try out for the team this year," Jon said as they sat drying off in the sun. "What do you think, Cade?"

"I'm with you. He has the right build for it, trim body and long arms, and he's improved greatly in a very short time."

"Seriously," Davy asked.

"Seriously," Cade answered. "You know what a hard-ass I am about your studies. I'm the same about sports. If I thought you couldn't cut it, I wouldn't encourage you. I'm not saying you're gonna set any district records your first year, but I am saying you won't be at the bottom of the heap either."

"Thanks! That's good enough for me. Being on the team will ensure being together as much as possible!"

"You guys are really becoming comfortable in your own skins," Cade said. "I wish all gay males could be like that."

"You seem to be," Davy observed. "It's not like you rub anyone's nose in it, but you don't deny it either."

"I'm glad you've noticed, because it's how I try to live. I'm not ashamed of who I am, but I'm not going out of my way to offend, unless it's someone who needs to be offended!"

A couple of weeks before moving In, Brock and Brent had sent out invitations for a 4th of July potluck picnic at their new place. They were providing brats, hot dogs, a vegan dish, and beverages, and asked their guests to bring a dish to share. Had there been a snag in getting possession on time, they kept Todd's house as a backup because they were planning it in conjunction with Jon and him. So the guest list included people from the police department as well as from Rockwell, church, and a couple of people associated with Davy's paper route like Ed Winters and Harry Hillman.

The response from prospective guests had been nearly unanimous and it looked like the party would be a great time to get better acquainted with a number of people in the community. Jon made sure that the families who were coming included those with kids his age so Davy could make a few friends before entering high school in the fall. It never hurt to have someone in your corner when entering into a new situation.

The boys also thought it would be nice to invite Cade because they'd become quite attached to him.

"I'd be happy to come if you're sure you want me," Cade said when they broached the subject.

"Of course we want you!" Davy enthused. "You're not just my tutor; you're our bud."

"Thanks. I really appreciate it because my other plans fell through and I'd be spending the day alone or stuck in the dorm with my redneck roommate who'll probably drink all afternoon and be loud and sloppy all night."

"I'm glad we get you, but I guess I should feel bad that you didn't get to do what you wanted to." Davy continued.

"Remember that I said it was good you guys are comfortable with who you are?"

"Yup." Jon answered. "Are you dating someone who isn't?"

"You're very astute," Cade nodded. "Harrison was going to make this Independence Day HIS day of independence and come out to his family with me by his side, but he chickened out again. This is the second time he's backed out in the past six months, and I'm beginning to lose hope."

"In my humble opinion, you should give him another chance if you love him," Davy interjected. "He may be afraid his tuition money will be cut off right when he's so close to finishing his degree. He could end up with nothing to show for all his hard work."

"Yeah, I know. I told him I'd put him through his last semester if it happened. I want to be patient, but I really can't take hiding our relationship much longer. You're about the only ones I've confided in because I trust you, but I want to be able to share it with our friends at school. I know most of them would be happy for us."

"Hang in there, Man," Davy smiled. "If it's meant to be, it will happen."

"I hope you're right," Cade said with a sad smile.

After a cloudy morning, the 4th of July turned into a pleasant sunny day which, like Baby Bear's porridge, was neither too hot, nor too cold. The early afternoon was spent playing games and enjoying the pool. The big picnic feed wouldn't take place until around 6:00.

There was a mix of people at the party. The boys were mainly interested in the ones their own age which included several of those who had participated in the Rite 13 ceremony. Since all had been invited to bring swimwear, the pool was the main attraction for many of the younger set. The volleyball net which Brent had set up in the far corner of the back yard was mostly used by parents and other adults.

Cade wasn't sure where he fit in since he was kind of in between age-wise. However, Davy and Jon soon made him comfortable with being in the pool with the kids. Some of them would be high school seniors in the fall and weren't all that much younger than he was.

Two of the girls who fit into that age bracket lay sunning on the deck far enough from the edge of the pool to avoid getting their hair wet, but close enough to ogle the boys who were generally showing off in the water with their cannonball dives. While a few of the high school boys were interesting to look at, Cade turned out to be the one who got their attention.

The girls flirted with Cade, even though he didn't do anything to encourage them. Jon noticed what was transpiring and nudged Davy who had seen it too. They were trying to think of how they could intervene when Cade's iPhone saved them the trouble.

He read the text message with a frown and quickly responded. Then he came over to the boys with a worried look on his face.

"Bad news?" Jon asked.

"Yeah, I'm gonna have to go soon. Harrison found the balls to do what he promised and it didn't go well."

"Damn," Jon swore softly. "Where is he now?"

"He's on the way back to town and he's in such a state that I'm afraid he may not be safe behind the wheel."

"Tell him to come to our house," Davy suggested.

"But, he wasn't invited and..."

"He is now!" Davy cut him off. "He's gonna need support and he'll need to eat too. That can all be done here better than back in your dorm with your drunken roommate around."

"I'll call him to see if he'll agree," Cade said. "I'd text, but he's probably on the road by now and it's safer to talk on a phone because he can at least keep his eyes on the road."

Cade made the call. After a few seconds, he convinced Harrison to pull over in order to avoid being distracted. From Cade's side of the conversation, it was obvious to the boys that Harrison was very upset, but agreed he could pull himself together better at a party with strangers than in the dorm around a few people whom he really didn't get along with.

It was nearly an hour before Harrison made it to Davy's house. During that time, the boys did their best to distract Cade, but they were only moderately successful in so doing. When he wasn't pacing, Cade sat near the pool with a look of concern on his face. The girls who had previously been flirting with him evidently realized he was preoccupied with something important and left him alone.

Meantime a couple of thirteen-year-old girls from church, who weren't worried about messing up their short hairdos, got into the water and horsed around like guys, squirting jets of water through their hands and even swimming through the guys' legs trying to tip them off balance.

Willa Franklin and Jena Maxwell had been fast friends since kindergarten. Both had older brothers and had grown up feeling quite comfortable acting like tomboys. Their actions had a disarming effect on the boys because they didn't come off like the femmes fatale, which they certainly were not!

As a result, Davy and Jon kind of forgot about Cade's problems as they enjoyed playing with the girls and the boys their age until they noticed him jump up to head for the driveway. Then they instinctively followed, hoping they might be able to help.

Despite his red, puffy eyes, Harrison Brooks was nothing short of stunning. He looked like a young Matt Damon, although not quite as well built. His first action upon stepping out of his car was to collapse into Cade's arms, sobbing.

Cade held him tightly in a kind of rocking motion while patting his back and speaking quietly. Pretty soon Harrison's tears were replaced by a slight smile as he gained strength from his lover's embrace.

"Look at it this way," Cade said. "Your expenses are already paid through the end of summer school and I'll be graduated by then. I can pick up subbing jobs while waiting for something to open up at the high school level. We'll find a little place we can afford to rent while you're finishing your last semester this fall. We'll be okay. I know I can borrow off my folks or Grandma if we get in a pinch. It's gonna work out and we'll be able to do it together without having to hide our love anymore."

"I know. I still have my part-time job and a few dollars in the bank. It's not the lack of money that hurts; it's the hateful things my family said when I came out to them. It was devastating!"

"Then don't dwell on them for now. Come on, the guys will show you where you can wash your face and freshen up. Oh, by the way, this is Dave, our hosts' son and his boyfriend, Jon."

"Hi," Harrison offered his hand. "I'm sorry you had to see me like this on first meeting."

"It's okay," Davy smiled. "My mother said a lot of hateful things to me when I chose to live with my dad. I know how much words can hurt."

"Thanks for understanding," Harrison sighed.

"Come, I'll show you where a bathroom is and I'll introduce you to our dads when you're feeling up to it," Davy said.

While Harrison was in the bathroom, Davy hurried out to snag his dad and run an idea past him. He figured he'd probably get what he wanted.

"Harrison, it's great to meet you," Brock enthused when Davy made the introductions. "I'm so pleased you could join our little gathering on short notice. Please come out and get acquainted. There's cheese, crackers, veggies, and dip on that table and you can quench your thirst with lemonade, iced tea, or beer, assuming the local gendarmes haven't drained the keg already."

"Thanks. I think I could use a brew or two to mellow me out, but I promise not to get sloppy. Did your son fill you in on what went down with my parents?"

"Not really, but he asked me to invite Cade and you to stay the night in our guest room if you'd like."

"That would be awesome!" Harrison exclaimed, showing more life than he had since before he had gone home to visit.

"Thanks! I don't know what to say," Cade shook his head. "You guys are really kind! I wish we had a way to repay you."

"You have done more than enough for Davy already, so your thank-you is sufficient. Now try to enjoy yourselves! Oh, here comes my husband."

Brent came bearing swim trunks which would fit Harrison and soon the two college boys were horsing around in the water with the teens. When they got out of the pool to lie in the sun, they held hands openly. The girls who'd been flirting with Cade felt a tad embarrassed. Not for the first time, girls lamented that all the cute guys were either taken or gay.

At 5:50, Brock rang a little bell to signal their guests that it was almost time to eat. People opened their coolers and baskets to set out what they'd brought to share. Soon the serving table was completely full and Brent went to retrieve a card table to hold the overflow of desserts.

Everyone found places to sit to enjoy their meal. No one went hungry and there was plenty left over.

The Mason-Hart home was situated on a hill overlooking the downtown with an unobstructed view from the deck. Therefore, it was an ideal site for viewing the fireworks display which was being staged on the island park in the middle of the river which ran through the heart of the city. From that distance, it would be a bit like watching it on a large screen TV, and would allow people a better view of the total display than if they'd been right beside it. And, there wasn't the hassle of being in a large crowd or finding a place to park.

When the sky became dark enough for the show to begin, everyone sat back and enjoyed it. Soon after it ended, the guests began to pack up their lawn chairs and dishes and go home, amid lots of expressions of thanks to their hosts.

At last only Brock and Brent, Todd and Jim, Cade and Harrison, and Jon and Davy were left. Todd and Jim walked to Todd's house shortly after, leaving Jim's car in the drive. Although both seemed sober enough, they feared their blood alcohol level might be too high to pass a sobriety test and they wouldn't risk it, even if it was only about a block. Being picked up for OWI would play hell with an officer's career.

"I'll show you where you can sleep," Brock said to Cade and Harrison. "I'm not rushing you off to bed, but you might like to at least see the setup. There's an ensuite three-quarter bath so you can have complete privacy."

"Thanks." Harrison expressed again. "If it's okay, once we've done that, I'd like to talk about what happened with my parents. I think I'll sleep better if I get some of it off of my mind."

"The floor is all yours," Brock smiled as they came back into the great room.

For the next half hour, Harrison related how the earlier part of his day had gone. He had convinced himself not to come out until December, but found he had to open his mouth when his father made disparaging remarks about Cade and demanded that he break off their friendship. That had put Harrison over the edge.

"I couldn't sit there and let him diss the guy I love! We've been friends since the first week of our freshman year, and I wouldn't have been able to stick it out here that first semester without Cade. We were going to room together starting our sophomore year, but my parents insisted I remain with Jack from home who was a `suitable' friend. He's a homophobic redneck who's about as bad as the guy Cade got stuck with this summer. Jack's presence kept us from being as close as we might have been, and I'm sure my parents wanted it that way. I was afraid to cross them and I don't know why Cade stood by me through it all. I've been a gutless wonder and still would be if my father hadn't started in on Cade."

"You stood up to him and defended me!" Cade complimented him. "Even though you knew it would cost you, you had the balls to stick by me. I love you!"

"Maybe you should take him to bed and show him how much you appreciate him," Davy suggested.

"David Brock Hart," Brock exclaimed. "You are a very naughty boy!"

"Hey, I'm just saying what everyone else is thinking!" Davy grinned innocently.

"He IS," Jon insisted. "And we all think you should take a nice hot shower and get everything squeaky clean before you go to bed. No telling what you might want to lick."

"Jonathan Todd Watson, you're as bad as Davy!" Brock laughed. "What would be a fitting punishment for the two of you? Maybe one of you could sleep in the basement on the futon."

"How `bout Davy and I give each other a spanking and call it even," Jon giggled.

"Sounds rather naughty to me," Brent spoke up. "But I think it would be fitting as long as you don't get carried away and hurt one another."

"Brent! Why are you aiding and abetting them in kinky behavior? Are you feeling horny?"

Instead of answering, Brent flashed his husband a cheeky grin and stuck out his tongue, wiggling it suggestively.

"Brent, watch your manners in front of these impressionable boys!"

"Don't fuss at Papa, you started it." Davy grinned.

"Thanks!" Brent said as he rose to embrace Davy.

"You don't need to thank me; all I did was tell the truth." Davy replied.

"Thanks for calling me `Papa'. It means a lot to me."

"That's cool. You ARE my other dad, after all."

The men and boys drifted off to their respective rooms soon after that. The sounds of three different showers running suggested that the three couples were going to express their love in some fashion or other. All of them would likely be wearing smiles at breakfast in the morning. Fortunately the new house had a large capacity water heater.

Author's notes: Thanks to all who emailed since last posting. The list includes: Jim W, Mendy D, Dylan W, Pearl W, Ott H, Bill K, Beast, John McD, Trish R, Vern, Tony w, Walt S, Paul R, Bobby C, Roger L, Paul F, Sean H, JJ, Bill McF, Harry T, and Mark.

I'm concerned about Bill W who had surgery recently. Please keep him in your thoughts and prayers. I've not heard from him in a week.

Thought many of you would like the link below. You may have heard about it already if you live in the US because it made the national news.


Next: Chapter 8

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