Metamorphosis of Jeremiah Long

By David Lee

Published on Mar 15, 2013


The Metamorphosis of Jeremiah Long, chapter 6


This story contains scenes of love and sexual interaction between males of similar age. If the reading or possessing this material is illegal in your country, state, province, county, municipality, etc., please leave this site immediately and do not proceed further. If you are under the legal age to read this, please do not do so.

The author retains the copyright, and any other rights, to this original story. You may not publish it or any part of it without explicit authorization from me.

Thanks and hugs to Tom and David (boxerdude) who edit for me so that there are fewer mistakes! They not only proof-read, but make other valuable suggestions.

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David (

The Metamorphosis of Jeremiah/David, Chapter 6

For the next few days, Jon and David (as his first name would soon legally become) enjoyed life more than they could ever remember doing in the past. While living together at Jon's house, they shared the same routines of doing chores, eating, swimming, and showering as well as sleeping in the same bed every night, which, in turn, led to frequently sharing their bodies.

During the day, they often went for long stretches of time without wearing any clothes except when someone from outside the family was present or when they needed to go somewhere. It was an emancipation Davy had never known, and one that he enjoyed more and more.

But, there were also responsibilities. Davy had been allowed to keep his paper route for the rest of the summer as long as Jon and he did the deliveries together. Brock had given in to his pleading after Davy pointed out that he needed to face his fears and get back to a normal routine as quickly as possible. He couldn't let the experience keep him from carrying on as usual. Feeling that the boys would be safe when together and that no one from his old church would dare to attempt another kidnapping with all the scrutiny the place was under from the press as well as the police, Brock let Davy make the decision.

Truth be told, the church had very little power over anyone's life at present. It was unraveling more each day. With their one-time minister still in jail, there was no one left to take charge. Elder Markel might have been drafted into service had he not been facing a similar fate. Mavis's father could have taken a leadership role, but he and his wife were headed to a flock of like-minded people who were building their own compound on a small ranch in Texas. Others who couldn't afford to leave jobs and homes went around wringing their hands in despair and listening to TV preachers while deciding where to worship. No church in the area preached the "true" gospel and they felt rather alienated from society around them in general.

Elmer Markel had quickly gone from being a big tough guy to singing like a caged canary once he found out how long he could be incarcerated for the crimes he was being charged with. He claimed that Mavis Long had hired him to snatch her son so he could be taken to a facility in Missouri where he could be "cured of his gayness." He told the police the location of the check she'd written to him for his expenses. The investigation team found it on his desk along with a note from Mavis which seemed to confirm what he had alleged.

When confronted by the authorities, Mavis admitted she had been part of a scheme to put her son into a "boot camp" where he could be treated. She called it an "intervention" move on her part as a concerned parent. The district attorney called it "kidnapping" because she no longer had legal custody of him.

Eventually Markel broke down even further under intense questioning. Faced with statements Davy had made about what the man had threatened to do to him, he admitted that he and another man from the church had planned to make porno films using Jeremiah as their "star" before they delivered him to the treatment center. That drove one more nail into the lid of a case that was already very solid. The elder was able to shave a little time off of his sentence by testifying against the other man and by divulging the names of the men who were going to purchase and distribute the videos, but it didn't reduce his sentence enough to make it likely he'd be released from prison before he died there of old age.

To her great consternation, Mavis was also charged with kidnapping. It would take a few months of legal negotiations and a number of tentative deals. In the end, she would plead guilty to the lesser charge of child endangerment and would be sentenced to a year in prison with the possibility of parole after the first six months.

Reverend Iverson's case would not be tried until much later, pending the outcome of a change of venue motion. His lawyers claimed the media coverage in the local community had made it impossible for him to get a fair trial in the county.

If Davy had thought he would no longer have to study in the summer when his father got custody of him, he couldn't have been further off the mark. Brock had contacted the high school immediately after gaining custody to see what kind of background knowledge his son would need in order to succeed in public school and found that he was probably lacking in some areas. Having taught science in a neighboring system a number of years back, Brock had feared this would be the case. While he knew Jon and he could help Davy catch up, he felt it would be a wise move to hire a tutor.

Davy wasn't thrilled at the prospect of being tutored, but did realize he'd need to catch up – especially in science. Everything he'd learned in that discipline had been heavily filtered through the censorship of the church.

He also needed to be exposed to some of the more modern literature classics that his mother hadn't allowed him to read. Because he'd always been a curious boy, he had sneaked a few of those books from the library and had read them anyway. He loved to read, so it wouldn't be an arduous chore. He was especially eager to continue reading "The Kite Runner" because he'd not been able to keep it checked out long enough to finish the story.

One big tool for filling the gaps in his knowledge came in the form of his very own laptop. It was the first thing besides clothes and a new hair style that his dads had provided for him. Todd's house and Brock and Brent's apartment had wireless and their new house would as well. That meant Davy would have a new window into the big wide world on a full-time basis instead of having to use it on the sly in the public library. Not having to sneak around felt nearly as freeing as swimming nude.

In the beginning, the tutor was to come for two hours at least three times per week. The guy they hired turned out to be a personable young college dude who had completed his student teaching the past spring and would be graduating at the end of summer school. His rates were lower than those charged by the commercial tutoring companies, and he was eager to gain more experience through working one on one with a bright boy to help him reach his potential.

Cade Carstenson showed up at Brock and Brent's apartment about half an hour before they needed to leave for work. That gave them just enough time to finalize their agreement and wait for the boys to show up.

Davy and Jon were right on time, having jogged over. Much to his own surprise, Davy took to his new tutor immediately. He'd almost made up his mind that he wasn't going to like the person or the experience, but quickly made a mental turnabout.

With his athletic good looks and beautiful smile, Cade could charm birds out of the trees. On top of that, he was friendly and seemed to be genuinely interested in working with teenagers.

"I understand you might like to work somewhere else because this place is small and temporary. Would you like me to drive you to the library?" Cade asked when the men had left.

"Uh, would it be okay to go to Jon's house? I'm living with him until we get possession of our house and his place is big and there are snacks for breaks and a pool for relaxing after! My laptop is there too," Davy said all in one long string.

"That sounds good to me as long as it's cleared with Jon's parents," Cade agreed.

"There's just Dad and me and he's fine with it. I got him to leave a signed note for you. Here it is," Jon offered. "Dad's a cop and does everything pretty much by the book."

Cade studied the piece of paper for a moment and then shrugged his shoulders as he led the boys to his car. Davy made sure to lock the door as they left.

"Nice wheels!" Jon exclaimed as he climbed into the back seat of Cade's Sebring convertible.

"Thanks. I inherited it when Gramps died. I really love it, though it's probably not practical for the Midwest. It sure beats the 'hunk o' junk' I was driving before. A lot of college kids don't have the money to spend on something sporty unless their parents are loaded."

"I'll bet your girlfriend thinks it's hot!" Davy grinned from his spot in the shotgun seat.

"Nah, I don't have one of those."

"Then I'll bet your boyfriend loves it," Jon suggested.

"Uh, why would you say that?" Cade asked, almost spacing off the stop sign at the corner.

"I figured a good looking dude like you would have one or the other."

"So, am I supposed to come directly to this house next time?" Cade asked, firmly moving away from the subject of his personal life as he pulled into the driveway.

"Yeah, until otherwise notified," Davy answered. "I'll be sleeping with Jon at least until we get possession."

Cade bit his tongue and didn't make any suggestive remarks about the "sleeping with Jon" statement because he didn't want to tease in a way that might make him lose the job. He did wonder if Davy had made a Freudian slip or was just too innocent to realize how it had sounded.

"Will it be okay if I participate in the lessons along with Dave," Jon asked.

"That's fine with me. It might be stimulating for all of us if you do. You'll probably remember a lot of what you learned last year and possibly think of things I won't. Besides, it should keep Dave more interested in the material if he has company."

"Okay, I didn't want you to think I'm trying to get tutored for free along with him. That wouldn't be fair."

"That's very thoughtful of you. Your dad must be bringing you up right!"

"He's awesome!" Jon enthused. "I miss Mom, but he tries to make up for our loss by being everything to me."

"Sounds like a good man.

Okay, I'm going to begin by giving you a placement test. This instrument will assess which areas are your strengths and which need work. It will give me a better idea of where to start rather than just making assumptions and playing it by ear. I'd let Jon take it too, but I have only one copy."

"We can duplicate it on our copy machine if you don't care," Jon suggested. "It's not like we'd be cheating the company that made it because I'm just doing it for fun."

"Okay, we can do that so you can see how you're progressing too."

After the pages were copied, the boys sat down at the kitchen table to do their best. They took it all seriously because they wanted to show the handsome young man that they were good students. The test was rather lengthy and Cade called for a break in the middle.

Jon brought out fruit and granola bars for snacks and offered water, iced tea, or milk to drink. There was no pop or junk food in the mix. Cade was impressed because he had thought perhaps a father and son on their own might not eat a healthy diet. But, looking around at how well the house was kept, he got the feeling that they lived a fairly disciplined life without a female to keep them in line.

When Davy finished the last of the test, they all got up and stretched. Jon had completed his copy about 10 minutes earlier.

"It took me forever," Davy complained. "Jon beat me by quite a bit."

"You guys both finished before the time limit," Cade told them. "A lot of students don't even get to all the questions."

"It was pretty much like the tests we took at school in April," Jon said.

"It was about what I expected it to be."

"It was something like the state test I took in the spring too, but it seemed harder. I feel like someone drilled a small hole in my head and sucked all my brains out through it!" Davy exclaimed. "I've heard the expression `brain-drain,' but this is for real!"

"I'll get them scored and compared with the national norms before I come back on Wednesday. Do you guys have anything else you'd like me to do today? We have a few more minutes."

"Yeah, come out and swim a few laps with us. Dad said you were on the university team." Davy said.

"I'd love to, but I don't happen to take a suit everywhere I go. " Cade joked.

"No problem. Hardly anyone ever wears a suit in our pool," Jon grinned.

"Come on..."

"I'm not sure it would be ethical for me to be hanging around naked with my student and his buddy. People might not think it was proper."

"There's a high fence and no one's going to know unless you tell them," Davy insisted. "I'm not great at swimming. Maybe you could teach me some techniques so I can take it in gym class next year and not get a failing grade."

Eventually the boys wore him down, and Cade agreed to at least go out to watch them. As soon as they got to the deck, they stripped down and dived in. Cade saw only the flash of their firm little butts as they hit the water. He couldn't help noticing there were had no distinct tan lines.

On Wednesday morning, Cade came directly to Jon's house instead of going to the apartment. He made it a point to be early enough to meet Todd. Despite the piece of paper, he wanted reassurances that his being there without the owner's presence was okay.

Todd offered him coffee and a piece of pastry if he liked. Cade accepted the coffee, but said he'd already eaten enough for breakfast. The two men talked while Jon and Davy finished their cereal. Neither of the boys was wearing anything but underwear because they hadn't expected Cade so early. However, neither of the showed any self-consciousness over it and nonchalantly walked off to the bedroom to put on shorts and tanks after putting their bowls in the dishwasher.

They got started before Todd left, so he got to see how the boys had scored, and complimented them on doing well.

Davy grinned when he learned that he'd outdone Jon on the math part. It helped make up for his science score which was lower than average. Science would be the major focus for the remainder of the summer. Cade had brought along several textbooks, one of which was about 6th grade level. It was far below Davy's reading ability, but would acquaint him with facts he'd need as a foundation for future learning. The years of being "protected" from the evils of the world had left major gaps in his knowledge base.

Cade had also brought a number of discs with scientific programs. Some of them had been filmed in laboratories showing experiments being conducted. And while not as good as hands-on experiences, they would go a long way toward educating the boy.

They began their science lesson by discussing what the reading would be about. Cade got them both to contribute what they knew, and then to ask questions about what they didn't. Rather than supplying the answers, he asked them to read the material and then discuss it again.

Time seemed to fly by and the boys didn't know how late it was until Cade called for a break.

Their next lesson was literature and they began reading "A Canticle for Leibowitz" after discussing how the Cold War and various nuclear holocaust scares affected the science fiction genre. Much of this was new to Davy and some of it to Jon as well. They didn't get too far into it when their time was up.

The boys were eager to continue, but they also had other things on their minds as well.

"Did you bring your suit so you can be `ethical' today?" Jon asked with a grin. "Are you really worried about baring your butt because someone might take it wrong, or are you afraid we'll show you up?"

"I don't want to get into trouble and lose this job," Cade replied as he blushed. "Besides, what`s with your fascination over my junk?"

"We're horny teens who need to be educated about guy stuff, like how big is the average dick and what's the advantage of keeping the skin over it like Dave has."

"Are you really uncut?" Cade asked, letting curiosity win over his perception of propriety.

"Yup," Davy grinned, pulling his shorts and underwear down together.

"Uh, I was just asking, not expecting you to prove your answer like in math."

"I don't mind showing now that I've come out of my cocoon." Davy joked. "I was brought up to think it was nasty to be naked, but I'm learning it's great!"

"I always knew," Jon added as he stripped. "But see, my dick doesn't have its original skin. Ha-ha, that sounds like a biblical pun. The ills of the world can all be blamed on `Original Skin'!"

"Oh Lord, what did I do to deserve these two?" Cade laughed, rolling his eyes heavenward.

"Come on, we showed; now you have to too." Jon insisted.

"Okay, you can watch me while I put on my Speedo if that will get you off my case," he agreed as he undressed.

The boys stood motionless as Cade stripped. Well, there was some motion as their cocks began to rise.

"Wow, that's awesome!" Jon exclaimed. "Can we touch it?"

"The correct way to phrase the question would be, `may we touch it' and the answer is no, you may not."

"I hope I'm that big when I'm your age," Davy said breathlessly.

"You're nearly there now," Cade grinned glancing at Davy's and Jon's erections.

"So you don't think I'll look like a wuss in the locker room?" Davy asked.

"Definitely not!" Cade assured him. "You boys might attract your share of attention, but not from being too small between your legs."

"Cool! Will you help us work on our strokes for a while?" Davy requested as he and Jon headed out through the slider to the deck.

Cade stood there for a moment with his skimpy Speedo in one hand and his rising cock in the other. How had these two little devils talked him into baring it all and getting a hardon in the process? He decided to visit the bathroom where he gave his throbbing appendage about five strokes before he unloaded several volleys into the toilet with audible plopping sounds. He wiped off with toilet paper and flushed. Looking at his suit again, he decided to go with the flow and not put it on.

The cool water of the pool helped all three of the guys deflate. The boys surprised Cade by taking his swimming tips seriously and working out without fooling around much at all.

When it was nearly noon, Jon went into the house to retrieve towels for all of them. He wore a big grin as he handed one to Cade.

"I checked my camcorder and it really picked up what you did in the bathroom!"

Cade went white as a sheet.

"You're kidding me, right? You're just yanking my chain, aren't you?"

"Yeah, but you just proved that my suspicion was correct, and I did find a white glob on the floor that you missed."

"Shit!" Cade exclaimed. "I really need this job; now Dave's dad will fire me for sure."

"I'm sorry, Cade." Jon said contritely. "I made it all up. I was hoping you jacked off like we do. I was completely out of line to tease you like one of my peers when you've been nothing but decent and proper with us. Please forgive me."

"It's okay, Cade." Davy added. "You have to know that my dad is married to Brent, right? So he's not gonna get upset about guys showing each other their junk. He knows Jon and I are, uh, together sexually."

"Thanks guys, but it's different between boys of the same age and boys with men. I'm an adult and should have used better judgment than to have gotten naked with you in the first place. And yes, I did masturbate in there to relieve myself after you guys let me see your hards. "

"Are you gay, Cade?" Davy asked.

Cade closed his eyes and nodded his head slowly.

"That's cool!" they said in chorus as they hugged him from two sides.

Cade left the house feeling like he'd learned an important lesson. Boys the age of his two charges could be very tempting, but he must remember never to cross the line and touch one of them like his coach had done to him. The man hadn't been held accountable for his actions, and Cade still had bad dreams about what had transpired. He vowed he'd never mess up other young guys like that. At the moment he couldn't wait until he could be with Harrison again.

Author's notes: Thanks to everyone who commented on chapter 5. I appreciate your emails. The list includes: Jim W, Paul R, Bill W, Paul F, Ott H, Jay G ("Someone"), Bill K, Randi, Walter Sz, Pearl W, Tann C, Bobby C, Walt S, Lisa T, Tony W, Dylan W, Danny A, Roger L, Mendy D, Spelchek, Vern, Trish R, and Daniel L.


Next: Chapter 7

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