Metamorphosis of Jeremiah Long

By David Lee

Published on Mar 7, 2013


The Metamorphosis of Jeremiah Long, chapter 5


This story contains scenes of love and sexual interaction between males of similar age. If the reading or possessing this material is illegal in your country, state, province, county, municipality, etc., please leave this site immediately and do not proceed further. If you are under the legal age to read this, please do not do so.

The author retains the copyright, and any other rights, to this original story. You may not publish it or any part of it without explicit authorization from me.

Thanks and hugs to Tom and David (boxerdude) who edit for me so that there are fewer mistakes! They not only proof-read, but make other valuable suggestions.

A complete list of my stories may be found in the longer header before chapter 1, or on Nifty's homepage under the alphabetical listing of authors.

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David (

The Metamorphosis of Jeremiah Long, Chapter 5

The next day, Mavis wondered if she'd been too hasty in throwing out her only son in anger. When he had declared his desire to live with his father, it had really struck a nerve. Here she had provided for all his needs and kept him from the world for nearly 14 years and he'd turned against his faith and her. (She conveniently forgot about all the child support payments Brock had been obliged to send.) She turned for comfort to the passage that had been the basis of Pastor Iverson's message the previous Sunday, Mark 9:47. It read: "If thine eye offends thee, pluck it out. It is better for thee to enter into the kingdom of God with one eye, than having two eyes to be cast into hell fire."

Certainly that applied to offspring as well. Jeremiah had reached the age of accountability and had not been sanctified. He had chosen the "dark" path. God would expect her to cast him out, wouldn't he? Still, her house and her heart were empty at the moment. Could there yet be a way to redeem him?

On top of her personal turmoil, there was the revelation that her beloved pastor was in jail without bail on charges of child pornography! She really couldn't believe it was true. Had Jeremiah set the man up? Had he turned against Pastor Iverson because of being possessed by the Devil? If that was the case, should she have had the elders perform some kind of exorcism to cast Satan out?

Despite her belief in Iverson's innocence, she was aware that the news media mentioned other boys coming forward who claimed to have been used by the minister in producing pornography and in pleasing other men. Were they all lying? Of course, Fox was the only news one could really trust, and this story hadn't reached their news desk. There were conflicting stories going around town, most of them bad, and it was very unsettling. Mavis liked things to be black and white. She decided to call Elder Markel for advice.

A few days later, Davy awakened with a start. He'd been sleeping so soundly that he hadn't immediately responded to his alarm. His stuffy nose had kept him awake longer than usual the night before and he hadn't had as much sleep as he would have liked.

He slid out of the cozy bed he was sharing with Jon and headed to the bathroom. Remembering where he was, he didn't bother to hide his nakedness. If Todd happened to see him, neither one of them would be embarrassed. Again he thought about how freeing it was not having to wear clothes all the time.

After taking care of his biological needs and brushing his teeth, he hastily pulled on yesterday's shorts and T-shirt without rousing Jon who was so dead to the world that he didn't respond to Davy's hand on his favorite part. Davy smiled and let him go on slumbering.

The sun was barely up and there was a bit of chill in the air. Davy knew he wouldn't be cold once he started pedaling his bike on the route. In fact, he'd be sweating before he was finished. He looked forward to a warm shower (hopefully with Jon) and getting dressed in fresh clothes, or perhaps hanging around naked for a while.

Harry was waiting for him when he arrived at the drop point. They conversed while the man helped him fold his papers. Davy told him about going to live with his father in another month, and also asked him to call him "Dave" or "David."

"Okay, `Dave' it is. That was my brother's name and it's a good one. So, if you're living with your dad, does that mean you'll be moving away?"

"Nope, I'll be in the same general neighborhood."

"Great! I don't want to lose my best carrier."

"Well, um, Dad wants me to quit. He doesn't like me out alone in the dark – especially when winter comes."

"I can understand his concerns, but I do wish you'd stay on."

Davy was about halfway through his route when a white SUV came so close to him that he had to head for the parkway to avoid being hit. In the process, his bike went down and his bag of papers went flying.

"Oh, I'm sorry," the driver said as he hurried back to where Davy was lying.

"Let me help you."

Davy recognized him as an elder from his church, so he accepted the apology without a second thought. The next thing Davy knew, he was struggling and then everything went black.

Jon sat bolt upright in bed feeling like his name had been called. He'd just had a terrible dream – more like a nightmare. His imagination had been working overtime ever since Brock had talked about that "Johnny" kid from central Iowa. Where was Davy? Oh shit! Jon had overslept. He hastily grabbed yesterday's shorts, tank top, flip-flops, and his new cell phone as he ran to the garage to get his bike.

Having helped with deliveries several times, Jon knew about where Davy should be by that time. He raced toward Mr. Winters' house as fast as he could. What he saw was Davy's bike and papers on the ground and a white vehicle driving away. His mind quickly shifted into the problem-solving mode. Being the son of a policeman, he'd learned to be observant. He memorized the letters and numbers on the license plate and pushed his dad's number on speed dial. Instead of stopping to talk, he kept following the SUV that was quickly disappearing ahead.

"Dad! I think Davy's been kidnapped. I'm chasing a suspicious SUV, but

I'm losing it. I'm headed south on Rock Road near Seventh Street. It's white and the license number is 341 N, as in Now, O, as in Oak, B, as in Bastard. You got that?"

"Yup, I'll put a call through to the station and then contact Brock. Please be careful, Son!"

Jon was elated that his dad didn't question his gut feeling, but reacted quickly. Speed was important!

Despite feeling a bit out of breath, Jon kept going as fast as he could. He got to an intersection where the light was red, but saw no one coming, so he ran the light. No sense slowing down when there was a hill ahead.

A few minutes later, he got his second wind. He'd long since lost sight of the white SUV and prayed that it hadn't turned off somewhere.

Something told him it was logical to keep going straight ahead because this was a main street leading toward the Interstate.

He was sailing along so fast he nearly missed seeing a large white vehicle parked by the Kum & Go. He turned into the drive so quickly that he almost lost control on a bit of sand near the curb. He hoped he wasn't making a mistake. No, he wasn't. There was a white SUV, and the plate matched!

Jon came to a stop near the back on the passenger side of the vehicle. He peered though the darkened glass to see Davy lying in the fetal position behind the rear seat. What could he do to save him?

In a flash, it came to him that he needed to disable the vehicle somehow. But how could he do it? The glint off the metal valve stem cover on his front tire caught his eye as the rising sun hit it. Of course! With that cap he could unscrew valve stem cores and flatten the tires. That would surely disrupt the kidnapper's plans.

He had just removed the core from the wheel closest to him when a lady parked her car beside him. She yelled at him, but he still managed to get the valve stem core out of the front tire too and throw it before she reached him.

"What are you doing to Elmer's car?" she demanded.

"Look behind the back seat," he told her without answering her question.

"Oh my God, we have to call the police!"

"They're on their way. If you know this guy, can you help stall him?"

"I'll do my best."

"Hi, Elmer!" she said sweetly to the man who was coming out the door with a large coffee in his hand.

"Hello, Joan. Nice to see you, but I'm in a hurry – no time to chat – gotta get to work."

"Not in this car," she said.

"What do you mean?" He frowned.

"Come look at your back tire."

"Fuck! What the Hell? The front one's down too. I must've run over bunch of nails at a job site."

"If you need to get there quickly, you can borrow my car," Joan offered.

"Yeah, I need to get out of here fast! Give me your keys."

"Okay, give yours to my nephew here," she said pointing to Jon.

Elmer held on to his keys while Joan fumbled in her purse. She came up with a small canister of pepper spray which she unloaded directly in Elmer's astonished face. He dropped his coffee and his keys as he screamed in pain.

"Help!" Joan yelled to two burly construction workers who were coming out of the convenience store with their morning coffee. "This man is a kidnapper!"

The two men set their coffees down and roughly threw Elmer to the concrete just as a police car pulled into the drive. By then, Jon had grabbed the man's key ring and pressed the button to open the rear hatch of the SUV. Everyone there could see Davy's bound figure. As Jon began to remove the duct tape from his hands, several people had their cell phones out recording the scene.

The moment Davy's hands were free; he pulled the tape off his mouth and kissed Jon's cheek.

"Oh God, I'm so glad you found me!" he cried. "How did you know?"

"It's a long story. Are you okay?"

"Yeah, a few more minutes and I'd have passed out again. I could hardly breathe through my nose with my sinus congestion."

"Son, Son, what's going on?" Todd's voice came from Jon's cell phone.

"Oh, sorry, Dad! I dropped the phone in the excitement. We're fine thanks to a gutsy lady and a couple of big workmen."

"Is that Officer Watson?" a policeman asked.

"Yup, that's my dad! Hey, I remember you, you're Officer Rankin."

"That's me, but call me Jim. Anyway, may I talk to your dad?"


"Todd, this is Jim. All is well here, but the kidnapper is a bit worse for wear. The boy, Davy, says he's okay, but should probably be checked by a doctor. And I gotta tell you; you've got one ballsy kid! From what this lady was telling me, he's a hero."

"Joan's the hero, Dad," Jon insisted when he got his phone back. "If anyone has balls, it's her! Oops, I think she overheard me."

"I consider it a compliment, young man!" Joan laughed heartily. "I don't mind being in the same club with you."

"Did you hear her, Dad?"

"Yeah. Don't look now, but Brock, Brent, and I are here too." Todd said as he pulled his car to a stop a few yards away.

The three men jumped from the car to hug the boys. Davy, who had been holding it together up to that point, cried copious tears in his fathers' arms. Jon hung back after he and Todd broke their embrace. He didn't want to intrude. But, Brock motioned him over so that all three of them could wrap Davy in their love.

"I'm sorry to be such a baby," Davy said sheepishly. "My grandfather would have my hide for acting like that."

"Your grandfather is a misguided sexist old goat! Wait `til you get to know my dad. He's not afraid to show his emotions," Brock assured him.

"There's no shame in giving vent to your feelings as long as you don't kill someone in the process. It's not healthy to hold things in."

"Thanks, Dad. You're the best – you too, Brent!"

"What about me?" Jon asked with a grin.

"You're the bestest of the best!" Davy exclaimed. "I'd probably have been killed or worse if you hadn't found me. That pervert kept talking about what they were gonna do to me and how they were gonna film all of it. There's a lot of very sick people out there!"

"That's for sure," Todd agreed as he joined them again. "We're going to want to interview both of you at length like we did before and then I want Dave to be checked over in the emergency room. I'm going to call in a few markers and make sure he doesn't have to wait hours in line to be seen."

"Oh Jon, can I use your phone?" Davy asked. "I have to call Harry to tell him about the papers. Some of those people will be upset if they don't get them soon. It's way past time."

"Of course," Jon answered, handing over his new mobile.

"Harry, this is Dave. There's a problem and the papers aren't delivered."

"Dave, I'm so glad you're okay. Don't worry about the papers. Mr. Winters called me right after he called the police. He witnessed the whole thing. He even helped me deliver the rest of them."

"Oh Harry, that's so cool!"

"I've got to call him immediately. He's been a wreck worrying about you, Son."

"Thanks, Harry. Be sure to tell him I thank him too!"

"Will do."

Davy told his dad he could go back to work, but Brock wouldn't hear of it. He could barely imagine the trauma his son had been through and he was going to be there for him every minute he could. They did manage to convince Brent to go to work, although he wasn't eager to leave them. He finally relented when Brock suggested someone should tell their boss in person what had happened.

At the station, it took quite awhile for their statements to be taken and signed. Jon joked that being "debriefed" was the correct term because it seemed like everything, including their underwear, had been checked. Todd reminded him that more than one serious crime had gone unpunished because some seemingly minor detail hadn't been attended to. Both boys realized they had done something important and necessary.

In contrast, Davy's physical examination at the hospital was brief. The chloroform the kidnapper had used wasn't very strong and didn't seem to have done any damage to Davy's lungs, but the doctor did advise having him checked again in a month. By the end, Davy was exhausted anyway, and both boys were ravenously hungry.

Brock took them to a steak place where he told them to order anything they wanted. Both of them had a small steak and lots of grilled veggies. Brock was surprised and pleased that they ate a fairly balanced diet even though it was high in red meat content.

"What would you like to do after lunch?" Brock asked his son.

"I just want to sleep. Could you take us back to Jon's house so we can nap? We'll be okay, I promise. You can go to work and salvage part of your day."

"I'm not sure I'll be able to concentrate, but I'll let you two `rest' if that's what you want. Uh, do you and I need to have a talk about safe sex?"


"I'm not judging; I'm just asking. Can you at least tell me if I'm correct in assuming that you guys are more than buds?"

Davy looked at Jon who nodded enthusiastically.

"I know we're awfully young, but I have a real crush on your son." Jon admitted. "I hope you're not mad."

"No, I'm not angry. I just want you guys to be safe. If you decide to include anyone else in your fun, be sure to play safe."

"I'm not gonna mess around," Jon assured him.

"Me neither," Davy seconded. "I'm not doing it just for the thrill. Jeez! I can't believe I'm having this conversation with an adult, much less my dad!"

"It's okay; I DO understand," Brock assured him. "Does your dad know, Jon?"

"He knows I'm gay and he teases us about planning our wedding, so I suspect he's not in the dark about what we might be doing."

"Good. I think if you're honest and open with us, you'll find that we're your allies. Todd appears to be a great father."

"Yeah, he is," Jon enthused. "I've always said he's the best dad in the world, but I think you're giving him competition."

"I can only hope to be a runner-up," Brock smiled.

After Brock dropped the boys off, he went to work to catch up on a few things that he felt couldn't be put off. His boss came in to ask about Dave, since Brent had apprised of the situation and he had followed developments as they unfolded on the news.

When he saw how haggard Brock looked, he told him to go home and rest. Then he went to the next cubicle and told Brent to go with him.

"I've sent husbands home to take care of their wives and wives to take care of their husbands; I don't know why I can't do the same for you so you can see to your husband. Perhaps you can cook him his favorite meal or something. He's been through a real shock as you well know. I saw part of it on the news."

"Thanks," Brent said. "I'm going to take your suggestion and make comfort food. In fact, I think I'll make it for Jon and his dad too as well as Brock and Dave, if they haven't got other plans."

"Is Jon the boy in the video taking the duct tape off of Brock's son?"

"Yes it is. I wonder how the footage got all over the media before the police officially released it. I'll bet someone's butt will be in a sling if they can find out who did it."

"I'm sure it was from some bystander's cell phone. Everyone's an amateur reporter these days. I doubt it will jeopardize anything in the case."

The boys were barely home before they were in bed. They left their briefs on so they wouldn't get distracted from their quest for sleep. It wasn't long before both were deep into dreamland. At the moment it was probably the optimum treatment for the stress they'd been through.

Actually, the best cure came after they woke up 45 minutes later. Jon sensed Dave was awake and cupped the bulge in his underwear. That was all it took to make the bulge grow bigger. Soon they were wrestling around on the bed. Not long after, they were rubbing together naked and heading for release.

When their orgasms subsided, they felt even more relaxed than they had after their nap.

"Do you think two punk kids can fall in love?" Jon asked in a serious tone.

"I do, but I don't think they can know how deep their love can become until they've been together for a while. I hope you're talking about us."

"I am. Do you think we're in love?"

"I don't know about you, but I know it's more than just being horny for me. I mean, what we just did is awesome and I love getting off together, but you're becoming part of me in here." Davy said, thumping his fist against his chest for emphasis. "I'm not sure how else to put it. I've never felt like this before with anyone else – not that I've had any real experience."

"Me neither. I've only jacked off with someone else and never felt anything for them other than we were doing something fun together. It wasn't like I wanted to be with them all the time like I do with you. I told your dad I had a crush on you, but I know it's a lot more."

Having said that, Jon took Davy by the hand and led him to the shower.

After Brent got Brock settled in their bed, he called Todd to make sure he and Jon would be available for dinner. When he mentioned what he was making, Todd said he was quite sure Jon and he would be on hand to join them. Brent was pleased

"I know chicken and homemade noodles aren't exactly summer fare, but it's something that always meant comfort at my home growing up." Brent said. "I can't remember how many times the Methodist church down the street had chicken and noodle dinners for fund raisers. Half the town usually showed up, but miraculously they never ran out. It was like breaking loaves and fishes."

Brent beat eggs, a little milk, and salt together in a large bowl and added flour until he had stiff dough. Then he divided it into two smaller sections and rolled each one extremely thin. After letting the layers dry about 20 minutes, he rolled them up with plenty of flour to keep the surfaces from sticking together and sliced them into narrow noodles. He stewed a large chicken with onion, celery, salt, and poultry seasoning while the noodles dried.

In the mean time, he peeled potatoes to boil and mash. As a nod to eating right, he also prepared a large salad. There would be plenty of starch for dinner so he had to make some attempt to balance their diets.

An hour or so later, Brock stumbled out of their bedroom, drawn by the aroma emanating from the kitchen. He came up behind Brent, hugging him and kissing the back of his neck.

"It smells like Grandma's house! What an awesome thing to do."

Around 5:30, Todd showed up with Jon and Davy smiling and appearing none the worse for their traumatic morning. They were happily chattering about going to the park the next day to play disk golf. Brock could scarcely believe it was the same two boys he'd seen several hours before.

"You guys look great!" he said to them.

"We had a nap and then fun time after that. Uh, we swam in the pool and lay in the sun." Davy added, trying not to reveal what other kind of fun they'd had.

No one pried, although probably all three men suspected swimming hadn't been their only form of recreation.

Brent received lots of kudos for his culinary endeavors. Everyone appreciated a good home-cooked meal, especially on a day which had been so trying. Brock was particularly proud of his partner. He was always delighted with Brent's thoughtfulness, but going to the extra work of making an old fashioned meal from scratch went beyond anyone's expectations.

Todd was effusive in his praise too, saying that the meal transported him back to his childhood when the world had seemed a safer and happier place.

After the others had gone, Brock took Brent into his arms to show his personal appreciation. He nibbled on his lover's earlobe while running his hands down his back and slipping one under the waistband of his pants.

"Hmm, is someone horny tonight?" Brent teased.

His comment earned him a deep kiss and a long finger in the crack of his butt.

"You might say that," Brock responded. "Why don't we get in the shower and find out?"

"Sounds good to me! Should I tie myself to the bed when we're all nice and clean?"

"Nah, let me do that!"

"Okay, I'll get out the toys..."

"Wow that was a great dinner!" Todd exclaimed again on their way home.

"I'd love to eat like that more often."

"If you did, you'd probably turn into a blimp," Jon giggled. "At least so far you don't have a gut from hanging out at Donutland like some of the guys on the force do."

"Yeah, I'd probably look like a beached whale without clothes on. I need to keep trim to be at least a little bit attractive. How would you feel if I started dating some? Uh, I don't mean to put you on the spot in front of Dave, but I almost feel like he's family."

"He IS family. I'm gonna marry him when I'm old enough if he'll still have me by then," Jon said ardently. "And I think it would be great for you to date while you're still in shape. You just have to bring the guys home so I can check them out."

"Who said anything about guys?"

"Dad, the tree isn't located far from the apple that falls from it. I saw the looks you've given Brock and Brent. It's a mixture of happiness with a hint of envy. Am I wrong?"

"No Jon, you're right on. You read my body-language as easily as some people read children's books. What do you think of Jim?"



"He's awesome and he has a really cute tight butt."

"Jeez! You're perving on my prospective date?"

"Not pervin', just observin'." Jon joked. "He is nicely put together and he's a really decent guy as well. Do you know he's gay or are you fishing?"

"I know."


"I won't ask you about Dave if you don't ask about Jim; okay?" Todd blushed.

"Ooh! You have first-hand knowledge! Or is your knowledge from someplace other than your hand?!"

"Dave, would you smack him for me since you're nearer? If I turn around to swat him I could have an accident. I can ground him when we get home, but a smack in the right place immediately might make more of an impression," Todd laughed.

"Confine him to his room," Davy insisted. "Hide his clothes so he can't run away! I'll stay in there to make sure."

"I'll just bet you would. You two are a dangerous pair," Todd laughed.

"Seriously, Dad, are you going to ask him out on a real date?" Jon said, getting back to the subject.

"We've already talked about the possibility when we've stopped for coffee together. I've been hesitant because I wanted to get your reaction first."

"Dad, you shouldn't be afraid to bring up anything with me. You know I'm always here for you, whatever it is. I'll never be judgmental and I'll always love you. I want you to be happy." Jon said repeating almost verbatim what Todd had said to him when he first came out.

"Thanks, Son. I'll always love you, and you too Davy. Oops, I guess that nickname is for Brock and Jon to use."

"That's okay; you can call me that too if you want. You're like another dad to me. Wow, I haven't had a father-figure around for years and suddenly I have three dads!" Davy exclaimed. "I'm likin' my new life!"

Author's notes: Thanks to the following who emailed this week: RC, Walt S, Jim W, Charles C, Lisa T, Tann C, JJ, Bill T, Tony W, Walter Sz, Bill K, Lugnutz, Ott H, Laszlo, Tom A, Sage E, Trish R, John McD, Roger L, Paul F, and, Vanyel S. As always, I hope I didn't miss someone as I am prone to do.

It's great to have new responders as well as long-time readers.


Next: Chapter 6

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