Metamorphosis of Jeremiah Long

By David Lee

Published on Apr 4, 2014


The Metamorphosis of Jeremiah Long, Chapter 49


This story contains scenes of love and sexual interaction between males of similar age. If the reading or possessing this material is illegal in your country, state, province, county, municipality, etc., please leave this site immediately and do not proceed further. If you are under the legal age to read this, please do not do so.

The author retains the copyright, and any other rights, to this original story. You may not publish it or any part of it without explicit authorization from me.

I have written several other stories. My longer ones on Nifty include: "Always and Forever" (March 25, 2004), "Jacob and Jacques" (May 30, 2004), "Zeke" (August 29, 2005), "Tales from Bentonville" (November 16, 2008), "Second Chance" (September 24, 2010), and "Tommy and Tanner (October 21, 2012)under "High School" and "Someone to Watch over Me" (January 21, 2011 under "Beginnings" in the gay male section.

My short stories include: "Brad and Alan's Canoe Trip" (April 22, 2004 under "Camping", "Of Angels and Dragons" (November 8, 2008) under "Camping", "A Christmas Tale" (December 22, 2009), "Wyatt's Thanksgiving" (November 20, 2012)under "High School", "Brazil Affair" (October 1, 2010), "A Technological Christmas" (December 23, 2011), and "Patrick's Christmas (December 19, 2012) under "Beginnings," I have one story in the Sci Fi/Fantasy category called, "Seth's Gift" (October 10, 2010).

"Banana Splits" was added under "adult friendships" (September 17, 2013).

You can easily access most of my tales by going to the "Author" button in Nifty's home page and scrolling down to David Lee. Some of these stories are also posted at: and

My only reward for contributing to Nifty is your emails. Please write if you like the story. Please include the name of the story in the subject line of your email because my email service sometimes puts them in the "spam" file.

Thanks and hugs to Tom and David (boxerdude) who edit for me so that there are fewer mistakes! They not only proof-read, but make other valuable suggestions.

Your donations to Nifty are appreciated to keep this a free site for us and for you.

David (

The Metamorphosis of Jeremiah Long, Chapter 49

On Saturday morning, the first day of their spring break, David Brock Hart and Jonathan Todd Watson were united in matrimony in accordance with the laws of the State of Iowa.

It was a beautiful spring day, warm enough to dress in shirtsleeves. There wasn't a cloud in the sky. The previous day had been gloomy and rainy, but a high pressure system had moved in overnight.

The chapel was about three-quarters full. What had begun as a mostly family affair (the extended clan, including Cade and Harrison), had grown exponentially as they couldn't narrow down the list of people they wanted to share this happy occasion with. How could they leave out Wyatt and Jesse, or Billy and Spencer who were willing to buy airline tickets to be there? Then there were a few staff members from school whom they felt close to. The parents of their best buds were people that they loved too. Fortunately, their dads had no qualms about spending the money for their special day.

As Dennis Gallagher played a medley of love songs, Brock and Brent along with Todd and Jim came to the altar and lighted the two candles which represented their sons.

Then they sat down in the front pews.

Dennis ended the medley and began singing and playing "In this Very Room" while Joe and Tyler walked down the aisle dressed in white pants and pink shirts carrying pink hearts with the wedding rings on top.

They were followed by Jenna and Willa, as the grooms' "best girls" wearing white skirts and yellow-green blouses and carrying yellow and white tulips.

With the first notes of Jeremiah Clarke's "Trumpet Voluntary," Davy and Jon began their procession down the aisle arm in arm. They were dressed in white suits with pale yellow shirts. The flowers on their lapels were gardenias.

Father Jerry stood at the altar awaiting their arrival in his white surplice and rainbow stole. Everything reflected the colors of spring.

He began the ceremony with a welcome followed by a prayer. The scriptures he read were, appropriately, about the love between David the shepherd boy and King Saul's son Jonathan. He quoted a few biblical scholars who believe that the young men were true soul-mates and would very likely have married if they had lived in the present day in a state like this one where these two young men were about to make their vows.

The young men joined their right hands and looked into one another's eyes, smiling. For the moment, no one else existed in their world.

"David means beloved, and that is what you are to me," Jon began. "It was love at first sight, and that love has only increased over the four years I have known you, and it will continue until I die. I promise to be your faithful husband in the years ahead, no matter our health or financial situation. You have become a part of me, and your heart will always have a home in my chest."

"Jonathan in Hebrew means God's gift. You were, and are, a gift from the Almighty. When I was in a rough spot in my life not knowing how to proceed, God sent you to me take me in a wonderful new direction. When I was kidnapped and facing a fate worse than death, you were the angel who rescued me. You have already been there for me in good times and bad and I know you'll not desert me. I will strive always to be the same loyal partner for you. I feel my heart beating in here (he put his left hand on Jon's chest), just as you can feel yours in me (placing Jon's left hand on his chest). I promise to love you until we die and, Lord willing, in the life to come."

When they finished, there were few dry eyes in the chapel, including those of the grooms. As if by magic, a shaft of sunlight shined through the glass and timber wall to illuminate the pair at that very moment. It couldn't have been more perfectly scripted in a romantic movie scene.

Father Jerry asked for the rings and blessed them. Then, together David and Jonathan placed them on their partner's finger, repeating in unison, "With this ring, I thee wed."

They knelt on the prie-dieu as Father Jerry blessed them. Then they arose and took their individual candles to light the unity candle, extinguishing their separate flames. Now they were symbolically one. Before the sun rose tomorrow, they would be physically one flesh as well.

"By the love you have expressed, and by the power vested in me in accordance with the laws of this state, I now pronounce you to be united as husbands. What God has joined, let not humans divide.

Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you David and Jonathan Watson-Hart.

You may kiss."

Their chaste kiss brought a round of enthusiastic applause, and everyone stood as they headed toward the back of the chapel.

The beaming couple came back shortly to the front, and together they dismissed their guests by rows. That way they didn't miss greeting anyone and there was no tiresome receiving line at the reception.

Photographer Chad Huber, and his boyfriend, Lance, took many shots from various angles of them greeting their guests. There would be plenty of pictures to recount all the details of this wonderful day.

The luncheon was perfect, of course. Greta and Jane would have it no other way. They aimed to give couples their money's worth and more.

There were many toasts made in sparkling grape juice, and many delicious things consumed during the next couple of hours.

They danced their first dance as a married couple to the hit, "I Was Born This Way." Following that, they danced with other members of the wedding party, their grandmothers, and various other guests.

After the cutting of the cake, Davy and Jon bade their guests adieu and climbed into the limo bound for a motel near the airport. Their flight would leave early in the morning headed for New Orleans where they would board a cruise ship. It was a wedding gift from their grandparents.

While it might have been more romantic to consummate their marriage sailing along the Mexican Rivera, neither guy wanted to wait until after a long day of travel when they'd likely be tired.

"I'll need to see identification please," the desk clerk requested. Hmm.., these names on your licenses don't match up. The reservations are for a Mr. David Watson-Hart and a Mr. Jonathan Watson-Hart. I had assumed they were brothers and you don't look like brothers."

"That's us," Davy smiled. Our grandparents made them in our married names and we haven't had time to change those on our driver's licenses, but you can see that he is Jon and I'm Dave."

"This is irregular; I'll have to check with the manager."

"How is it irregular? Don't you rent to married couples?" Jon asked, feeling a bit peeved.

The clerk didn't answer as he turned his back and hurried away. A few minutes later he returned and completed registering them. He said very little as he finished the task and gave them their key cards without so much as a smile.

"We need to catch the shuttle for our flight tomorrow which leaves at 8:00 a.m. Where will we board it and when should we be there." Jon asked.

"You should be here in the lobby at 6:45," the clerk told them.

"Thank you for your help," Jon forced a smile.

He didn't get any response from the clerk.

A man sitting in the lobby shook his head in disbelief. The guys didn't know if he was making the gesture toward them or the man behind the desk, but thought it was best not to inquire, lest they end up feeling more bummed out than they were.

On the way to the elevator, Davy rolled his eyes.

"I guess we know at least one person who's against same-sex marriage," he grinned, "Or possibly two."

"Yup. I know our grandparents were trying to please us, but perhaps they should have just used our original surnames. I kinda hate being on the defensive when we've been married only a few hours!"

"Well it is what it is," Davy sighed.

Inside the room, they put their bags on the floor and lay down on the closest bed.

"What would you like to do now?" Davy asked with a smirk. "There's a lunch counter if you want a snack or we could take a nap."

"I wanna get you naked and one of us is getting laid very soon!"

They began to undress each other, but were interrupted by a tapping on the door. Both went, shirtless, to see who it was.

"Hi, I'm Bill Davis and I'm in 204 across the hall. Is this really your wedding day?"

"Yes Sir, do you have a problem with that?" Jon responded, raising his left eyebrow.

"Not in the least! I couldn't help overhearing how rude the desk clerk was to you. I'm assuming you're of age, but I'm not asking you for verification. I had this little bottle of champagne sent up to my room with two glasses. You may have had enough already at your reception, but I'd like to give this to you by way of saying I'm sorry for the treatment you received. Um, it might be a good idea if you left the empty bottle on the tray with the glasses outside my room when you're done, just in case they charge it to your room or you're not as old as I think you are."

"That's really kind of you, Mr. Davis," Davy exclaimed. "Thanks!"

"Yes, thank you. I apologize for greeting you the way I did," Jon said.

"You're both welcome, and your reaction is understandable. I hope you have a great evening and a wonderful honeymoon."

"Thanks," the young men responded together.

Davy and Jon drank a toast to one another as soon as they were naked. Since there had been no alcohol at their luncheon because of the fact that many of their guests were minors, as they were, this was a treat. They knew their families wouldn't object because they weren't going to be driving anywhere.

They showered together and got squeaky clean. Then Jon asked Davy to leave the bathroom while he used a douche to make sure he was clean inside too. When he came back into the bedroom carrying a couple of washcloths, he saw that Davy had spread a beach towel on the bottom sheet and was lying on it with his hardon pointing to the ceiling.

"Please lie down beside me so I can get you ready," Davy smiled.

Jon did that, and they immediately began to make out. After a few minutes of foreplay, Davy applied a copious amount of lube to his middle finger and started to loosen up Jon's chute. He added another finger, and then a third, all the while stimulating Jon's nipples until they were standing rigid like tiny soldiers.

"I think I'm ready," Jon panted. "I can hardly wait!"

Davy lay on his back again and helped Jon straddle him so he could impale his body slowly on Davy's steely phallus. Jon moaned as he bottomed out.

"I'm sorry! It is bad?"

"No, it's amazing! You're bigger than that biggest dildo, but it's so hot! I love it!"

"Good, I was afraid you were in pain."

"There is a bit of an ache, but it's a good one. Give me a minute to adjust and I'm gonna ride you like a cowboy breaking a wild stallion!"

After Jon gave the thumbs-up and started to move, Davy began to push up as Jon descended. They tried to take it slowly, but their passion became white hot as they rapidly neared climax. Davy knew he wouldn't last much longer, so he grabbed Jon's hips and stopped him.

"I'm so close, but I'd like to change positions if that's okay with you."

"I'm game," Jon said. "Arrange me anyway you like, but don't stop what you're doing for long!"

Davy tried to move Jon on his back without breaking their connection, but he slipped out in the process. Jon lay on his back pulling his knees up toward his chest and spreading his cheeks to assist Davy's reentry. Davy placed a pillow under Jon's butt to change the angle.

The new position allowed Davy's tongue to explore Jon's mouth while his cock was buried deeply in Jon's chute. Although he slowed down the action of his hips, they both moved steadily closer to orgasm. Each thrust elicited another lustful moan.

Whimpering loudly, Davy's first shot blasted into his lover. The feeling triggered Jon's climax so quickly that at one point they were both expelling their jizz at the same moment.

"Oh God, oh God!" Davy exclaimed as his whole body went limp on top of Jon's.

"Fuck, yeah!" Jon grinned.

"You want your turn on top?" Davy asked after a few minutes of catching their breath.

"I'll wait until after dinner. I'm not sure I'd have the stamina for it right this minute. I'm wiped!"

"Speaking of wiping, I'm glad you brought the washcloths. You squirted enough juice between us to replenish a sperm bank for a long time! We should probably try to recycle some of it anyway."

After licking up what they could, and sharing it, they ran to the shower to get cleaned up for dinner. There wasn't enough left to drip on the carpet.

"Would you gentlemen join me for Dinner?" Mr. Davis called out as he saw the guys enter the small dining room in the motel. "It's pretty full tonight and I'd hate to see you have to waste time waiting for a table.

Miss, could you bring a couple of menus for my friends?"

"Thanks!" they replied as one.

The menu had lots of selections and the guys were hungry from their afternoon romp, but they decided not to eat anything heavy lest their stomachs would be too full to enjoy what they had in mind for their dessert.

Bill made light conversation with them, telling them about his teenage sons. He had a feeling that his older one might be gay, and he wanted their advice on how to let Bill, Jr. know that he was okay with it.

The guys ended up exchanging cell phone numbers with him and said it would be fine for his son to contact them when they got back. Bill thought maybe he could tell his son about the two married guys he'd met and perhaps they could be the ones to assure his son that their father wasn't a homophobe.

Bill also insisted on picking up the tab, and said he'd see them at 6:30 for the airport shuttle.

"Um, that check-in guy said it was 6:45," Jon frowned. "Do you suppose I heard it wrong?"

"No, I heard it too, and wrote it down," Davy assured him.

"Guys, I hate to say this, but I'll bet he was trying to mess up your trip. Remember, I was there to overhear most of what he said initially. He definitely disapproved of your `lifestyle'. You might want to double check at the desk since he's off duty now."

"Thanks! I hope I'll be able to sleep without worrying about waking up on time." Davy said. "We've had early swim practices, but..."

"I can rap on your door at 6:15 just to make sure," Bill suggested. "Honeymoon or not, you're going to need SOME sleep!"

"Thanks," Davy blushed. "Thanks for everything you've done. You've helped make this a great day."

"I hope someone will do that for my sons someday whether they're gay or straight."

Back in their room, the newlyweds began to make out before they got to the nearest bed. Jon suggested that they might want to hang up their clothes before going any further because they didn't want to look too wrinkled on the plane. Davy said he didn't care what he looked like as long as he got laid soon.

"Do you think we've already consummated our marriage or do both of us have to lose our anal virginity as a gay couple?" Davy grinned, heading for the bathroom to prep.

"I'm not sure," Jon replied. "You've lost your genital virginity, but technically I haven't. I suppose in a little while it will be a moot point anyway."

"Your point' looks anything but moot' as far as I can tell," Davy joked, bending down to lick Jon's hard shaft.

"Keep that up and it'll be all over before we start!" Jon cautioned.

Davy lay on his back while they made out again as Jon lovingly prepared him. Jon used their largest dildo for the final stretching process, the real thing still felt bigger to Davy as Jon slowly entered him. Davy had his shoulders on the bed and his butt in the air so Jon could make love to him doggie style.

After a few minutes, Davy elected to be on his back so that they could kiss while making love. Sucking on Jon's tongue while his ass was being "assaulted" was a real turn-on. As their passion increased, Davy flexed his anal muscles to further stimulate his husband. All of a sudden, Jon cried out and froze in place for a second before pumping out his load. He grabbed Davy's cock to jack it. It took about two strokes to bring Davy with him. They both whimpered and moaned as they came down from their sexual high.

When Bill came to knock on the guys' door, he found it propped open.

"Come in, we're up, dressed, and almost ready to go." Jon called.

They shared the elevator and arrived in the lobby with time to spare. The same clerk was on duty, and he was wearing a disgusted look on his face as he checked the guys out.

"I'll need the original credit card to run again," he insisted.

"No you don't," Davy spoke up. "My grandparents put it on their card which I don't have, but I do have the receipt from the transaction."

The clerk looked annoyed as he stapled it to the printout of the charges.

"I would like the original receipt back, please," Davy insisted. "You may keep a photocopy. Also, what is this additional charge?"

"It's a damage deposit and we do that with minors as a precaution in case they destroy the room."

"You need to send someone to check it quickly so you can remove the charge in time for us to catch the shuttle," he demanded. "And while you're at it, you might give us a partial rebate since we used only one bed!"

"No doubt!" the man snorted.

At that point, Bill stepped in to help.

"I would like one of your business cards, sir. Are these yours?"

"Yes, but what's it to you?"

"Here is my business card in return. I don't live here, but I will gladly represent them pro bono if they decide to sue you for extortion if you do not refund the surcharge immediately! In any case, I will be contacting the Marriot Corporation concerning your attitude toward a couple you know are gay. You might get away with this kind of thing in a place like Oklahoma or Arizona, but it's not happening in Iowa."

Without saying a word, the man made a new printout without the damage deposit on it and gave Davy back the original receipt. In the mean time, Jon was outside making sure the shuttle didn't leave without three of its passengers.

"That guy was almost as bad as Stacy Parks," Jon commented as they boarded the shuttle.

"Oh, now I know why your face looked familiar!" Mr. Davis exclaimed. "You are the guy who stood up to that nasty woman on TV. I know the station manager and he asked me to represent them in any law suit you might bring against them, but I said they didn't have enough money to even tempt me.

I didn't see the original confrontation live, but since it's gone viral, I have viewed it more than once. Have you considered going into law after you graduate?"

"No sir, not at all. I'm not into adversarial situations."

"It's not all like that. You would have a lot of chances to champion a good cause and help the underdog. You're personable and well spoken; and best of all, you can think quickly on your feet!"

"I appreciate your kind words, but that's just not me."

"My husband is thinking about going into computer programming with me, or possibly becoming a writer. He has talent in both areas," Jon beamed.

Their conversation continued after they had checked in and had passed through security. Mr. Davis was on the same flight to Chicago, but was in first class, so the guys didn't see him after they boarded the plane. However, they did manage to thank him again when they deplaned and headed for the gate to catch their flight to New Orleans.

Boarding the ship turned out to be less hassle than Davy and Jon had anticipated. The many gates were organized alphabetically which made for efficiency and cut down on confusion. It wasn't long before they were checking out their accommodations. Their reservation was in their married name, so they immediately got into the last line which was much shorter than most of the rest.

Since it would be awhile before their bags were brought to their cabin, they explored the ship to see what it offered.

They found the gym on the level below the top deck near the front. It had fairly good equipment with locker rooms, showers, and separate steam rooms and saunas for men and women. There was a coed whirlpool about half a deck down.

The upper deck had a large area for lying on loungers in the sun, plus a track for walking, jogging, or running. There was also a water slide that went down several levels to a pool.

"Man, this is awesome!" Davy exclaimed. "Too bad we're going to be spending all our time in our cabin getting laid!"

"I have a feeling we're not going to be there ALL the time," Jon grinned. "We have to work out, eat, and do some exploring in the ports of call. I want to see the Mayan ruins in Cozumel for sure!"

"Me too. I guess we can spend more time in our cabin on the day we don't have any ports to see. It IS listed as a `fun day at sea' so I guess we can make our own fun."

"That sounds like a plan to me!"

As they were talking, they kept walking, and soon found themselves on the lido deck where there was food available already. They loaded up their plates with fresh fruit and small bowls of soft-serve that they found out was available 24 hours a day. Then they headed for the open part of the deck to sit in the sun at a small table with four chairs.

Two young women, who looked to be about college age, asked their permission to join them at the table. Since the area was beginning to fill up, the guys politely agreed to share.

"My name is Sara," the blonde offered.

"I'm Jessica," the redhead said.

"I'm David, but you may call me Dave."

"And I'm Jonathan, but I usually go by Jon."

"Are you here on spring break too?" Jessica asked.

"In a way, we are," Jon smiled. "School is out for break."

"We're almost at the end of our first year at MU," one of the girls stated. "How about you guys?"

"We're at the end of our senior year," Jon grinned. "However that's in high school so we probably look like little kids to you."

"Not at all," Jessica assured him. "We thought you were in college; you look old enough to be. Do you do any modeling? I feel like I've seen you somewhere."

"We've done a little amateur modeling for our local Abercrombie and Fitch, but nothing you would likely have seen," Jon blushed.

"That's it!" Jessica exclaimed. "You're in the spring catalog in board shorts riding low on your hips, bulging in the right places – nice tight abs - great bods! I drooled on the page! I wish I had brought it to get your autographs."

"Oops, I forgot to tell you that Mr. Findley emailed me last week to say that our photo had been accepted. There'll be a few extra bucks in next week's check," Davy beamed.

"How could anyone forget something that important?" Sara exclaimed.

"We were really busy planning a wedding and a number of things slipped through the cracks, I guess," Davy responded.

"Wow, you're wedding planners too?"

"No, it was just our own, but it was pretty intense."

"Then, you're..." Sara seemed at a loss for words.

"We're newlyweds and on our honeymoon," Jon announced, clasping Davy's hand and holding it up with his to show off their shiny gold bands.

"Oh, that's so-o-o-o cool!" Jessica enthused. "I know a few gay guys at school, but none who are married. Wow!"

"I think it's great too," Sara agreed, "But it's like my mother always says, `the cute ones are either gay or married,' and now I can tell her that some of them are both."

"I hope you'll forgive us for flirting with you," Jessica said. "Now I can be honest and tell you that we were hoping to at least dance with you on board even if we didn't hook up. You are a pair of hunks!"

"We dance with girls as well as each other," Jon told her. "We both danced with our best girls at the reception."

"You had girls as your attendants?"

"Yup. We had two guys as our ring bearers and ushers too, but we had to have our girl friends."

Dress for dinner in the formal dining room was quite casual for the first night. When Jon and Davy found their places for the 8:00 o'clock seating, they were in an area with a number of other young people. Seated at their table, were Sara and Jessica. At the next table were two other young men, Troy and Ben and two young women, Ella and Suzie. It looked like Carnival was playing matchmaker.

The eight of them joined in conversation, talking about the side trips they were planning to take and the clubs and shows available on-board. It was about 9:30 when they went their separate ways.

With the time difference, 9:30 felt more like 7:30 to people from the Midwest. Davy and Jon went to their cabin to pick up their swimming trunks in order to try out the whirlpool. There was no need to take anything else but a comb and their key-card, because towels were plentiful and soap and shampoo were available in the showers.

After exchanging their key-card for a locker key at the check-in desk, they changed in the locker room and secured their belongings. Then they proceeded to the spa to soak in the warm swirling water. Initially, it was just the two of them and they joked about the therapeutic properties of the facility for newlywed gay guys.

They hadn't been there long before Troy and Ben joined them.

"We overheard you planning to come here and thought it was a great idea. We needed a reason to get away from our dinner partners." Troy said.

"They might have taken you back to their cabin if you'd have played your cards right," Jon grinned.

"That's what we were afraid of!" Ben grimaced. "We don't want to get involved with college girls and aren't sure how to get rid of them."

"Maybe they'll hook up with some older guys in one of the clubs," Davy ventured. "They were bragging about fake ID's."

"You guys wanna check out the steam room?" Troy asked after a few minutes.

"We might go there for a while, but probably not too long," Jon responded.

The four of them went to the men's locker room where they all hung their suits on hooks and entered the steam room with towels loosely around their waists. They sat on the benches toward the end away from the door – Davy and Jon side by side and Troy and Ben across from them.

Troy took the corner of his towel to wipe his eyes, allowing it to open and show off his hardon. Davy smiled at the not too subtle move. He took Jon's hand in his to signal that they weren't offended by the display. Both Jon's and his towels began to tent out in response.

"We're both stuck in our parents' rooms," Ben said, exposing his cock too. "Do you guys have a place of your own?"

"We do, but we're not playing host, if that's what you're hinting at. We're on our honeymoon."

"No shit!" Troy exclaimed. "You are a couple of lucky studs. Does that mean you're actually married and out to your families?"

"Correct in both cases," Davy said. "We hate to see you suffer, but we really want the privacy right now. Have you checked out the showers here? They seem to have locking doors instead of curtains. I'll bet you could get some alone time in there."

"Awesome! Let's take a nice long shower, Ben.

Um, would you guys consider changing places at dinner so the four of us could eat together? I think we have a lot more in common with each other than with the girls."

Davy and Jon looked at each other and shrugged.

"Sounds good to us," Jon spoke of both of them.

Back at their cabin, Davy and Jon sat in chairs out on the balcony watching the moonlight dance on the gentle waves. It wasn't long before they were sprawled on the floor making out.

"I know we said we were going to take a night off, but I'm really horny after seeing those two hardons as well as holding your hand and getting an erection in front of those guys," Jon sighed.

"Maybe we should give our butts a rest, and give our mouths a workout here on the balcony," Davy suggested.

"Awesome!" Jon said as they helped one another strip.

Author's notes: Chapter 50 will be posted in about a week. It will be the last chapter of this series. If you've enjoyed this story, I hope to hear from you in the coming week.

If you are not receiving notifications of new chapters/stories, please let me know and I will add you to the list.

I heard from the following people since last posting: Trish R, Bill T, Tony W, Walter Sz, Bill K, Ott H, Wayne, Walt S, Tom A, Paul R, JJ, Luke C, Laszio, Paul F, Jim W, Cris B, Scott W, and Jean-Pierre.

There was a problem when my laptop shut down unexpectedly without saving. I did my best to recover the names I lost from the list, but if yours doesn't appear, I'm sorry! It was not intentional.

I thought you might be interested in this video about how college students got the vote out to prevent passage of anti-gay legislation in Minnesota. I found it to be inspirational.

I discovered this story recently and read all that's been posted in one session. I hope the author finished it. As you will see, there was about a year's hiatus.

If you do read it and like it, please email the author.

Oh, I just got a recommendation from a reader about another story. I just read a little of it, and so far, it sounds promising.

Next: Chapter 50

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