Metamorphosis of Jeremiah Long

By David Lee

Published on Mar 1, 2014


The Metamorphosis of Jeremiah Long, Chapter 44


This story contains scenes of love and sexual interaction between males of similar age. If the reading or possessing this material is illegal in your country, state, province, county, municipality, etc., please leave this site immediately and do not proceed further. If you are under the legal age to read this, please do not do so.

The author retains the copyright, and any other rights, to this original story. You may not publish it or any part of it without explicit authorization from me.

I have written several other stories. My longer ones on Nifty include: "Always and Forever" (March 25, 2004), "Jacob and Jacques" (May 30, 2004), "Zeke" (August 29, 2005), "Tales from Bentonville" (November 16, 2008), "Second Chance" (September 24, 2010), and "Tommy and Tanner (October 21, 2012)under "High School" and "Someone to Watch over Me" (January 21, 2011)under "Beginnings" in the gay male section.

My short stories include: "Brad and Alan's Canoe Trip" (April 22, 2004 under "Camping", "Of Angels and Dragons" (November 8, 2008) under "Camping", "A Christmas Tale" (December 22, 2009), "Wyatt's Thanksgiving" (November 20, 2012)under "High School", "Brazil Affair" (October 1, 2010), "A Technological Christmas" (December 23, 2011), and "Patrick's Christmas (December 19, 2012) under "Beginnings," I have one story in the Sci Fi/Fantasy category called, "Seth's Gift" (October 10, 2010).

"Banana Splits" was added under "adult friendships" (September 17, 1013).

You can easily access most of my tales by going to the "Author" button in Nifty's home page and scrolling down to David Lee. Some of these stories are also posted at: and

My only reward for contributing to Nifty is your emails. Please write if you like the story. Please include the name of the story in the subject line of your email because my email service sometimes puts them in the "spam" file.

Thanks and hugs to Tom and David (boxerdude) who edit for me so that there are fewer mistakes! They not only proof-read, but make other valuable suggestions.

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David (

The Metamorphosis of Jeremiah Long, Chapter 44

Sean was going to have to buy a vehicle soon. He was too thrifty to rent one for any length of time and hated to keep borrowing from Brent and Brock. He still hadn't done all of the research he wanted to do before purchasing a new one, although he was leaning toward an SUV like theirs. Despite having sufficient money to get about anything he wanted, he was interested in receiving the most bang for his buck. He was mulling it over when Davy came up with a short-term solution.

"You can drive the car that Jon and I have; Todd can use the car that G-Matt stores here, and we can drive his dad's convertible!"

"That's either awfully generous of you, or you wanted to have an excuse to drive around with the top down." Sean laughed.

"Can't it be a little of both?" Davy asked.

"I suppose, but we'd better check with all parties before we make any big plans."

The adults all thought it was workable, but agreed that the boys might have a tiny ulterior motive. Anyway, it worked out and for the last few weeks of the term, and the boys enjoyed riding with only the sky above their heads.

School was winding down for another year. As always, there were a lot of things crammed into the final weeks – term projects, exams, sports events, and the like.

For many students it was just the same old busyness. For Davy it was a special time. He held his own in the 100 meter dash during the Drake Relays. He ended up toward the top of the heap, though in third place. He considered that to be excellent considering what he'd been through emotionally and physically – especially after the side effects of the medicine he'd been on.

Jon and the other guys on the team did well too. It wasn't a record-setting year for them, but they competed well and enjoyed the camaraderie even if they didn't place first in the state.

The highlight of the spring term for Davy came when he got to go down to the university to participate in a workshop led by the young author, Eric Larson-Brady. When his writing teacher first broached the idea, Davy had laughed it off. Now, it was a reality, and he was very pleased.

Davy hadn't expected any special attention, but he got it. Eric, as the young man insisted upon being addressed, invited him to lunch on the second day. Davy expected to be one of many students to eat with him, and was surprised to find that he was the only guest.

"Mr. Bousek didn't exaggerate about your writing ability when he asked me to include you in the workshop," Eric began as they tasted their salads. "I'm impressed, and it's my opinion that you have a future as an author if you want to pursue it. At the same time, I have a caveat; it's an iffy career choice. If my husband didn't have a good income, there are times when I would have gone hungry while waiting for a book to get published. This is one of the hard cold facts about the profession. Honestly, I'm not trying to scare you off so you won't be competition!"

"I'm flattered that you'd take the time to counsel me," Davy responded, smiling at Eric's last statement. "I'm really pleased to know that you're impressed by my attempts at writing, but if I'm being honest, I don't see me doing it as a vocation. I might dabble in it as a hobby."

"I was told that you and your friend won a competition for designing a video game. Perhaps you could use your writing skills there; if that's want you want to do professionally. The more advanced games need good characters and plots to make them realistic - plots that don't depend on rape and murder."

"Beginning a career seems so far in the future, but I will have to narrow my interest to one area soon. I believe it will have something to do with computer programming, and not writing novels."

"Please consider publishing your story about "Justinian." I would suggest that you drop the "Beaver" part of his name because it might get you into legal problems with Justin's lawyers. Having the reference a bit more veiled would be a good idea. You may feel that he is in the closet, and he might be, but he could make a stink if his lawyers want to earn a few extra bucks."

"Mr. Bousek made a similar suggestion, and I'm going to follow that advice.

While we're on the subject of gays, may I ask you a personal question?"

"Of course you may ask anything, but I reserve the right not to answer if it's too personal," Eric laughed.

"I want to know how it has worked out being married to your high school sweetheart and if you've had any problems keeping your relationship together. I guess that is rather personal, now that I think about it, and I don't expect an answer."

"Ah, you must have read our biographical sketch somewhere to know how young we were when we fell in love."

"Grandma owns several paintings by Joshua and I saw the blurb in a gallery in Wisconsin."

"Are you asking out of curiosity or is it something more?"

"It's more. Jon and I fell in love the summer before our first year in high school and we want to get married the minute we turn 18, if not before."

"So you want to know if you have a chance of staying together."


"I know you've heard that lots of high school romances don't last, and some guys go through several boyfriends in those four years, but I have found that a surprisingly large number have stood the test of time. It's like love between anyone, gay or straight, young or old. It has a chance if it's genuine and both of you want it enough to work at it. Sure, you'll have an occasional disagreement, but that's not the end of your relationship. One of you might flirt with another guy and hurt your partner's feelings, but the point is to keep the lines of communication open. Don't let any misunderstandings fester and become full-blown problems. Josh and I did that once and were really miserable until we straightened it out."

"That sounds a lot like what our dads tell us."

"If you have that kind of understanding and support from your family, you have a great chance of staying together for life."

"We do have that. Thanks! I appreciate your insight."

By the end of the workshop, Davy had a deeper knowledge of how to write well and a better perception of what he wanted to do in life. Eric had given him links to several sites where he might post as an amateur writer. For some, he would need to wait until he was 18 because of the adult content they carried.

Davy was pleased that he had learned many technical things, but even more so that he had had the chance to talk to Eric about relationships. He was more confident than ever that their love would last.

With school finally finished for the year, the boys all looked forward to summer fun. One of the big things on their agenda was a trip to the lake. Davy wondered how it would work out with Tyler along when the rest of the guys always went up as couples. Unless he had a friend along, he might feel out of place as the token straight boy.

It all got solved without any hard feelings when it became evident Tyler would be occupied with a city league soccer team tournament during the week Davy and Jon were planning to take their gay buds. Davy took the opportunity to suggest an alternative plan for Tyler.

Since Tyler wanted to work in a trip to the lake around his sports commitment, Davy asked their grandparents if his young cousin could go up as soon as school was out and take his three best buddies with him. The grand `rents thought it was a capital idea and began issuing invitations and making arrangements. By then, Sean's new Highlander, with enough room to haul Tyler, his friends, would be delivered. He had gone for the larger model with hauling capacity for lots of boys and equipment, joking that he was becoming a soccer mom!

Tyler was very excited at the prospect of frolicking at the lake with the rest of the musketeers on their own and running around like "heathens." When the other guys found out that skinny dipping was sometimes the order of the day, they were elated. The privacy of the bunkhouse for sleeping and goofing around was icing on the cake.

Sean drove the four boys up to Wisconsin the day after school was out. He was staying overnight, but would go back in the morning because he had to fly to Texas to meet with the executives of Pier One for what he hoped would be the last time. He would then be free to start working for Square D, though he had asked for couple of weeks off in the summer when he might need time for moving and the like.

Eddy, Paul, and Jack felt rewarded for having welcomed Tyler into their circle. They had done it freely, with no ulterior motives. At the time, they didn't know that he had anything that would benefit them. It turned out that his popularity at school had affected them by putting them in a higher social circle too. And now, he was taking them on a cool vacation that they had never dreamed of.

When they arrived at the lake, the boys were immediately given a snack by Grandma Amanda before Grandpa David and Sean took them down to the boathouse to check out the equipment they would be allowed to use. They were impressed by the boat and the chance to ski behind it, but they were even more intrigued by the Jet Skis.

All four boys had worn their swimsuits under their shorts as Sean had suggested, so it was no time at all before Sean and Grandpa were taking them out on the water for lessons. The kids learned quickly and were soon riding alone or in pairs.

Before Grandpa and Sean walked up to the farmhouse, they made sure the boys had plenty of lotion for protection and had the walkie-talkie in case they needed help. It was doubled-bagged in Ziplocs and secured to one of the skis in a mesh sack. Grandpa said he wished he had had it in the past because it was a good way to communicate.

"We'll always call before coming down in case you guys are skinny dipping. It actually doesn't bother Grandma or me, but I can understand it might be embarrassing for you."

The boys blushed and grinned, happy to know that they could be naked as the day they were born if the wished."

"When it comes time for supper tonight, we'll ring that old school bell up by the back porch. Grandma found it at a flea market this winter and had to have it." Grandpa continued. "Sean and I will see you when it's time to eat. Then we'll let each of you learn to drive the boat so you can water ski safely."

Left to their own devices, the four musketeers quick shed their trunks and rode in pairs on the Jet Skis wearing only their life vests. It felt kind of hot being naked from the waist down and pressed against another bud. They explored various spots along the shoreline, including the cabin that Bradon and Micah often shared.

Eventually they discovered a kind of tiny bay at the other end of the lake where the beach was perfect and the shallow water was warmed by the sun. Here they took off their ski vests and lay nude in the sun for a while.

Jack got a big grin on his face as he fondled his dick, causing it to point toward the sky.

"Little Jack loves it here. Look how excited he is!"

"Little Jack ain't so little and he's always excited," Paul quipped. "You are one horny bugger!"

Jack grinned, and nodded. "Have you guys ever watched your cum squirt in the water?"

"I did in the bathtub once," Eddy admitted. "It was cool."

"Wanna do it now?" Jack persisted.

"Sounds like a plan!" Tyler agreed, standing to show off his cock at full attention.

Grinning broadly, the four boys sat in the shallow water in a loose square formation, their boners a few inches beneath the surface. The water was clear enough and warm enough so that nothing was obscured and there was no shrinkage. It seemed to them that their dicks looked more impressive than usual. Perhaps the water acted like a magnifying glass.

They began with slow fondling strokes, trying to hold on to the tingling sensations they were all experiencing.

"Anyone need help?" Jack asked. "I have a free hand."

"That sounds good to me," Paul said, his voice thick with lust.

"Maybe we could all trade off," Tyler ventured.

Everyone nodded and took turns stroking everyone else. Jack was the first to start moaning and panting.

"I'm gonna cum soon!" he gasped.

"Let go of him while the rest of us catch up!" Eddy requested.

Jack's cock began to twitch even after Tyler had released it. It seemed to take on a life of its own as it spewed a big glob that rose up, barely breaking the surface. The sight of it made the other guys pop almost immediately.

"That was AWESOME!" Tyler enthused.

"It's too bad all that cum is going to waste," Jack pouted.

"You love eating it, don't you?" Paul grinned.

"EEW!" Eddy exclaimed. "That's gross."

"Haven't you ever tasted your own?" Jack asked.


"You'd be surprised how good it is."

"Seriously, it isn't nasty?" Eddy asked.

"It's seriously yummy," Jack insisted.

"It hasn't entirely gone to waste anyway," Tyler smiled. "My cousin Joe says it gets recycled as fish food. And then we eat the fish. It's all a part of the food chain."

"Are there a lot of fish in this lake?" Paul asked.

"Quite a few."

"Then maybe we can have a real rod and gun club, well the rod part at least," Jack snickered.

As they were grinning in the afterglow of their sexual bliss, they heard the school bell ring, signaling supper. All at once, they felt hungry as they rinsed off their dicks and put their and vests back on in preparation for the short ride across the lake.

No matter when kids came to the lake, there seemed to be at least one day of rain. This week was no exception. This time of year the air often turned chilly when it rained; so after breakfast, Grandpa supervised the building of a wood fire in the old potbelly stove in the bunkhouse.

Jack and Paul had been in scouts for a while and impressed the older man with their skills. After he was satisfied that the boys knew what they were doing and wouldn't burn the place down, he went back to the house, but not before showing them where there was a supply of dry firewood to add as needed.

There were no video games or TV sets in the bunkhouse on purpose. Amanda and David felt that the fewer the electronic gadgets, the more their grandsons and friends would be likely to commune with nature and converse with each other.

Tyler dug out the old Monopoly game, and everyone had fun playing it. They seemed to enjoy the old fashioned fun as much as the older boys always did.

Paul amassed the largest fortune, and the boys declared him the champion when the phone rang summoning them to lunch. The time had gone so quickly that they scarcely could believe it, had not their stomachs begun to growl.

After lunch, they took the grandparents up on the offer to go into a nearby tourist town to visit a couple of galleries and shops. It wasn't their first choice of things to do, but they went along politely and found that they actually enjoyed it.

Grandma found another moderate sized painting by Joshua that she couldn't resist. The subjects were four boys playing on the beach. Amanda wanted it as a memento of this week with Tyler and his buddies. It would be perfect in the condo. She found another that she thought she'd save for a gift.

Grandpa suggested that they have an early dinner while they were out which would save Amanda and him from cooking. If the boys got hungry before bed, which they likely would anyway, there was always popcorn and other snacks.

The little café he chose had very tasty home-style meals. The boys tucked into the comfort food because it felt particularly satisfying on a chilly, gloomy day.

When they got back to the bunkhouse, they added wood to the embers and soon the place was toasty warm.

Ever the instigator when it came to having boy-fun, Jack suggested a game of strip poker. The other boys weren't hard to convince. They checked to make sure everyone was wearing the same number of articles and then got down to serious playing.

It took a good many hands before someone was entirely naked, and that someone was Eddy. He seemed kind of embarrassed at having it all hang out, so Jack took off his underwear and joined him. Then the others did too.

They were beginning to bone up when the phone rang.

"Damn!" Tyler exclaimed. "That was bad timing."

"At least it's the phone and not someone at the door," Eddy said as Tyler answered.

"Yeah, Grandpa, that would be cool. No, you don't have to deliver it. I'll get someone to help and we'll come to the house."

"Nachos, hot popcorn, and lemonade!" Tyler announced. "I didn't want Grandpa to have to wait on us. Besides, we've got our clothes thrown all around. Paul and I can put something on and you other two can stay naked. Um, don't start without us!"

The four musketeers awakened to a beautiful, clear sky the following morning. The weather front which had triggered the rain had now become established as a high, bringing in a warm southerly air flow. It promised to be a perfect day.

"Let's go down to the beach and get nekkid right after breakfast," Jack insisted. "Your dad is coming tomorrow night and this will be our last day to be free."

"Dad won't care if we don't wear anything when he's here; we've been on a nude beach in Florida together," Tyler said.

"You may be comfortable, but what about the rest of us? We're not used to hanging around naked with adults," Jack frowned.

"It's no big deal."

"I'd get hard for sure," Paul grinned, "and I love it, but not in front of your dad."

"So is there anything special you want to do today, Jack?" Tyler asked.

"Not really today, but maybe tonight. It looks like it might be warm enough to have a campfire on the beach if your grandparents are okay with that. I've always wanted to go native sitting around the fire. We never quite got up the nerve when I was in scouts."

"You want to be bare-ass everywhere!" Paul giggled. "I think you're some kind of pervert."

"I probably am." Jack admitted. "I've never heard you complain about the stuff I want to try."

"True that," Paul smiled. "You do have a rich imagination."

Other than the meals they shared with Tyler's grandparents, the four boys spent the day down at the lake, either water skiing or riding the Jet Skis.

Eddy suggested going back to "feed the fishes" in the little cove, but Jack said they should save themselves for a ritual he had in mind for after dark. The boys all wanted to know what it was, but he refused to give any details. That, of course, made them excited about finding out and kept them at half mast most of the afternoon in anticipation.

"Grandpa, may we use the fire ring down by the beach tonight?" Tyler asked at dinner time.

"Certainly; you boys did such an excellent job of cleaning out the ashes from the stove that I know you'll do the same down there."

"Um, thanks. That was mostly Jack's doing."

"Jack, you are a responsible young man. I might just adopt you as another grandson."

"Thanks, I'd like that!"

"Hey, what about us?" Eddy grinned.

"Yes, I'd take the whole lot of you."

"I have a basket I'll make up with graham crackers, marshmallows, and Hershey bars," Grandma offered. "We can't allow our grandsons to have a beach party without s'mores!"

"Yay!" the guys said in chorus.

The boys got in a few more rounds of skiing before it got too dark to see well enough. They kept on their suits because Grandma wanted to make a video of their performance.

"You kids should think about joining a ski club. You all look so professional. Maybe we could talk Grandpa into investing in a ramp or two for you to practice on."

"With soccer and work, I'd never be able to keep it up," Tyler said. "I'm gonna try to make a little money mowing lawns this summer. I don't want Dad to think I'm a freeloader."

"I'm sure he doesn't think that at all," she remonstrated. "The sun rises and sets with you, as far as he's concerned."

"I know. I just want him to know I'm not a taker. I want to contribute."

As the grandparents began their walk to the house, the boys stacked twigs and small logs according to Jack's directions. Tyler checked to see if it was safe to strip and started to remove his suit.

"Keep your clothes on. I have a little present for each of you. We're gonna be like braves resting after a hunt."

He reached into a plastic bag he had brought from home and pulled out four sets of "native" loin cloths. Each consisted of two pieces of chamois skin with a cord of braided rawhide running through hems at the top. He instructed his buddies to tie their new garments over one hip before pulling their suits off underneath.

They all stood grinning in the firelight as they began to raise tents in the front skins.

"These are sexy!" Eddy exclaimed. I love `em!"

With that, he began to do a bump and grind as he led them in a kind of conga line around the flames. Each guy was soon giggling, jiggling, and flopping in a sensuous dance.

"I wish we had a video of this!" Tyler snickered.

Jack pulled out his cell phone for the bag and the guys took turns recording their fun. Jack promised to email each of them a copy.

After a few minutes of that, they sat on their towels and toasted marshmallows for their snack. They went through several each.

"Okay, here's the ritual I have in mind to top off the evening, but no one will be forced to participate if they don't want to." Jack announced. "We are a select brotherhood. In a year or two, we'll probably be dating girls and we won't have as many good times together. I want to keep a part of each one of you in my being. So, if you're willing, we'll all jack off and catch our cum in our hand. Then, I'm gonna dip my finger in each load and put some in my mouth. When I have some of everyone's I'm gonna swallow it. But, like I said, no one has to participate if they don't want to. I know Eddy doesn't like the idea of tasting even his own cum."

"I'm in," Eddy said.

"Me, too," Tyler and Paul both agreed.

Jack untied his garb and the others followed suit. He arranged them facing each other around his towel with their knees touching. It felt very intimate.

They started to stroke their own cocks, but used their free hands to touch one another. Pretty soon, they progressed to giving each other a helping hand as they had the first afternoon.

"I'm getting close!" Tyler moaned as he moved his left hand in place to catch his impending load.

Watching him cum stimulated the others. Within seconds, everyone was whimpering and spewing. Then Jack dipped the index finger of his right hand into Eddy's jizz, sucking it off in his mouth. He continued until he had samples from everyone before he swallowed.

"Now each of you will become part of me," he pronounced.

The other guys all did the same. Jack started to lick the excess off of his hand, but Eddy stopped him and took another sample with his tongue. The others thought that was hot and did a lot of sharing among them.

"It's good!" Eddy exclaimed. "I wish I'd know earlier."

Everyone laughed at his enthusiasm.

"I told you so!" Jack grinned. "I really love it. Um, does anyone need me to clean up anything else?"

Paul stood up and offered his still-plumped dick and Jack licked it like a lollypop. The other boys got into it too and eventually all had tasted each other from the source. Caught up in the moment, they had ventured into territory that they wouldn't have entered with anyone else.

"We are more than blood brothers!" Paul announced solemnly. "We are all one."

Author's notes: I heard from the following people since last post: Paul F, Mendy, Wayne, Paul R, Scott W, Bill T, Ott H, Tony W, Tom A, Bill K, Jim W, Bill C, Roger L, Luke C, and RC. Sometimes I forget to add Walt S since he sends me lots of other stuff each week even if he doesn't always respond to the chapter. Same is true of Richard W and others, no doubt.

Here are a couple of links you might be interested in: Gary and Larry Lane, gay twins

This story about Jeremiah/Davy will be winding down in a few more chapters. I'm guessing about six, give or take. If you want to be notified when/if I post future tales and are NOT already on the notification list, please let me know.


Next: Chapter 45

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