Metamorphosis of Jeremiah Long

By David Lee

Published on Dec 23, 2013


The Metamorphosis of Jeremiah Long, Chapter


This story contains scenes of love and sexual interaction between males of similar age. If the reading or possessing this material is illegal in your country, state, province, county, municipality, etc., please leave this site immediately and do not proceed further. If you are under the legal age to read this, please do not do so.

The author retains the copyright, and any other rights, to this original story. You may not publish it or any part of it without explicit authorization from me.

I have written several other stories. My longer ones on Nifty include: "Always and Forever" (March 25, 2004), "Jacob and Jacques" (May 30, 2004), "Zeke" (August 29, 2005), "Tales from Bentonville" (November 16, 2008), "Second Chance" (September 24, 2010), and "Tommy and Tanner (October 21, 2012)under "High School" and "Someone to Watch over Me" under "Beginnings" in the gay male section.

My short stories include: "Brad and Alan's Canoe Trip" (April 22, 2004 under "Camping", "Of Angels and Dragons" (November 8, 2008) under "Camping", "A Christmas Tale" (December 22, 2009), "Wyatt's Thanksgiving" (November 20, 2012)under "High School", "Brazil Affair" (October 1, 2010), "A Technological Christmas" (December 23, 2011), and "Patrick's Christmas (December 19, 2012) under "Beginnings," I have one story in the Sci Fi/Fantasy category called, "Seth's Gift" (October 10, 2010).

"Banana Splits" was added under "adult friendships" (September 17,1013).

You can easily access most of my tales by going to the "Author" button in Nifty's home page and scrolling down to David Lee. Some of these stories are also posted at: and

My only reward for contributing to Nifty is your emails. Please write if you like the story. Please include the name of the story in the subject line of your email because my email service sometimes puts them in the "spam" file.

Thanks and hugs to Tom and David (boxerdude) who edit for me so that there are fewer mistakes! They not only proof-read, but make other valuable suggestions.

Your donations to Nifty are appreciated to keep this a free site for us and for you.

David (

The Metamorphosis of Jeremiah Long, Chapter 36

When they awakened on Thanksgiving morning, Davy and Jon ate a light breakfast knowing that there would be lots of food later and that they would have a difficult time not eating too much. Of course they didn't have to worry about gaining weight because swimming practice would burn off the extra calories.

"I feel kinda guilty having so much to eat when some people have nothing." Davy said thoughtfully.

"Yeah, I know what you mean. It would be nice to share our good fortune with others. Maybe next year we should help with the meal at church like Wyatt and Jesse do. I know it has special meaning for them because it's like their anniversary, but they also do it because they care about others."

"That they do." Davy agreed. "I think Wyatt is the only one I know who ever said he was thankful to be forced to help others because of being charged with property damage. If the mall security guy hadn't seen him and the judge hadn't punished him with something more than a fine and a slap on the wrist, he'd never have met Jesse and they wouldn't be together now."

"Things sometimes work out for good even if they start out with a bad intent. It's sorta like when old Iverson made you hang out in the restroom to bait men with your dick," Jon said. "It all turned out for good in the long run, if you know what I mean. Of course it might not have if you hadn't got Dad involved. It's almost like someone was making it possible for us to meet. Whatever it was, I'm thankful for it."

"It's good to remember to be thankful, especially today," Davy agreed, as he kissed Jon on the neck.

It was a great time together with Melba and G-Matt added to the mix. Jim and Todd both realized how lucky they were to have them, and were delighted that there seemed to be a spark of romance between them.

The two families had just finished a bountiful feast at Jon's house and were ready to veg-out as soon as the kitchen was tidied up when Davy's phone beeped to alert him of an incoming text message from Micah.

"Mitchell has arrived! He's 6 lbs, 4 oz and has a set of lungs that an opera singer would envy. He sorta interrupted dinner."

"Did you eat? If not, come over," Davy typed back. "We have a ton of leftovers."

"Thanks, but I'm going to the in-laws in a few. Bradon promised to take care of me - hope he means that for more than food! Dad's invited too, to eat that is, so all's good."

"Cool. Send pix of the bambino!

"Will do."

Jon was reading right along with Davy, and they soon shared the info with their families.

Micah's mother had delivered about two weeks before her due date because of complications in the last month of her pregnancy. The doctors decided to keep them both in the hospital for a few days instead of sending them home immediately. Mitchell would be kept in the intensive care nursery as a precautionary measure to be monitored and treated for jaundice, but the prognosis indicated he would be fine.

Davy and Jon drove to the hospital on Friday to get a look at Mitchell through the glass windows. Micah and Bradon were there when they arrived.

"Isn't my little bro the most adorable boy you've ever seen?" Micah boasted.

"I think his older brother holds that title," Bradon grinned. "But, for a baby, he's cute. He looks like one of those kids on the baby food jar labels."

"I can't wait to hold him." Micah continued. "Maybe I can be like another daddy to him."

"Maybe we can both practice on him so we'll know what to do when we have a family," Bradon suggested.

"Are you guys gonna have kids?" Micah asked of Davy and Jon.

"Sure," They answered together.

"We've already discussed it," Jon continued.


"Excuse me," a nurse interrupted them, "Which one of you is the baby's brother?"

"That would be me," Micah answered, raising his hand.

"Would you like to hold him?"

"Can I?"

"Yes, Dr. Fredrickson is one of the gynecologists who subscribes to the theory that babies thrive better when they are handled a lot so that they bond with family members. Come with me and I'll show you where to scrub and get gowned up.

Sorry, but it only applies to family," she added, seeing Bradon's look of expectation.

"That's okay; I'm getting both a brother AND a sister next month."

"I'm sure your mother will give you plenty of opportunity to hold them," the nurse smiled. "You'll no doubt be on diaper-duty as well."

"Eew!" Bradon exclaimed. "I suppose that goes with the territory."

The guys in the hall didn't have to wait long before seeing their buddy through the window holding Mitchell to his chest. The look of love on his face said it all.

"He's a natural," Jon observed. "He doesn't look uncomfortable like some guys do. You know, like they're afraid the baby will break or something."

"Yeah he is," Bradon beamed. "We're gonna have to make a couple of those for sure."

When Micah came out a few minutes later, after handing Mitchell over to his father who had just come down from his wife's room, he had tears of joy in his eyes. Bradon embraced him and gave him a chaste kiss on the cheek. The other two guys both hugged him as well.

"He's so tiny, but so perfect," Micah said, pensively. "He's like a little miracle."

The others nodded their agreement.

Spence, Billy, and Grandpa Bruce arrived by plane two days before the wedding. They wanted to have Friday for resting up and for a short rehearsal with Fr. Jerry whom they hadn't yet met in person. He had counseled with the prospective grooms by Skype because he never wanted to perform a marriage ceremony without making sure the participants were compatible. He was into the "till death do us part" aspect.

Spence's mother and brother, Eddy, were at the airport to meet them. Davy and Jon came too and got there just as the arrival was being announced. They wanted to help by hauling the luggage since Sonja's car was barely large enough to carry five passengers and there was little trunk space.

After several minutes of waiting, the travelers came into sight. Billy and Spence looked happy and healthy, but so did Grandpa for that matter. Davy and Jon hugged their friends and were soon introduced to Spence and Eddy's grandfather. He was as friendly and likeable as G-Matt.

"I'm officially Mr. Edward Spencer Bruce, Junior', but I'd like you to call me, Grandpa Ed' instead if you don't mind. Anything else sounds pretentious to me, even `Mr. Bruce'."

"Cool," the boys answered in chorus.

"Would `Mr. Ed' be okay too," Jon asked with feigned innocence.

"Spence, I love your friend's sense of humor. I'm sure other people have thought that, but didn't have the guts to say it!"

The new arrivals discussed their flight as they waited near the carousel for their bags. The air over Colorado had been turbulent, but they hadn't lost any time because of it. However, the seatbelt sign had been lit most of the flight until the last hour.

"I was afraid I was gonna lose my dinner," Billy admitted with a blush.

"What dinner?" Ed grumbled. "That was a poor excuse for a snack! Please let me take you all out to eat. It's after 5:00 here, so it's long past lunch time at home."

"Uh, you don't need to feed us too," Jon told him. "Just give us a call when you get home so we can bring your stuff."

"Of course I do! You're the young men who helped by grandson when he needed friends the most. He's bragged about you so much that I expected to see winged heavenly beings instead of two Homo sapiens. You DO look rather angelic though," he joked. "Seriously, taking you to dinner is the least I can do. Please let me."

"In that case, we'll be honored to join you," Davy spoke up. "We do need to tell the `rents so they'll know our plans."

Jon quickly texted his dads so they wouldn't need to prepare dinner for Davy and him. He suspected the men would nuke a few leftovers instead and spend the extra time in bed.

(Jim's and Todd's schedules often didn't jibe very well now that Todd had been assigned as the security officer at the high school. Chief Ryan had decided it would be a less intense for Todd and would allow him to grow stronger before having to deal with "real" criminals. Todd didn't mind because he enjoyed being around teens and he got to see some of his favorite kids in the hall on a fairly regular basis.)

Grandpa Ed was the life of the party as the seven of them sat around two tables pushed together in the center of the main dining room at El Rancho. Friday was a busy night, but the cooks and wait-staff were all at the top of their game, bringing chips and salsa with the menus and quickly filling the drink orders. Little time passed before everyone was digging into tasty entrees.

"Good recommendations, Sonja," Ed exclaimed as he pushed his chair back and patted his belly after they'd finished. "I love Mexican food and this is really authentic. They didn't spare the tequila in those margs either."

"I'm so pleased you enjoyed it. Thanks so much for treating us. May I leave the tip at least?"

"You save your money, darlin'. I'm sure that cheap son of mine didn't let go of a single nickel he wasn't forced to."

"No, he honestly didn't, but the judge was rather generous once he found out how much Lloyd had stashed away in an attempt to get off easier. I should be okay as long as I'm able to save enough to retire when the time comes."

"Don't worry your pretty little head about that either. It never hurts to save for some unforeseen situation, but I will see to it that you're taken care of. My estate will be divided up in a way that you'll get what would have been Lloyd's share, and I won't forget my grandsons either."

It had snowed a little at Lake Delhi in the second week of December and temperatures had remained low enough to preserve some of it, especially on lawns and fields. There was just enough freezing fog during the night before the wedding to make the trees look like they'd been frosted by a holiday decorator. The sun hid its face until just before the ceremony when it broke through the clouds to light up the icy crystals like diamonds. There was an audible gasp from the small congregation who witnessed the beauty of nature through the glass-curtain walls of the chapel.

The whole service was flawless and emotionally moving, from the solo performed by Fr. Jerry's husband, Dennis, to the short homily the priest delivered. After the repeating of vows and exchanging of rings, Fr. Jerry blessed their union and expressed his hope that God would always smile on the young men like the sun had shined upon their special day.

After the wedding party had walked down the aisle, the grooms came back to dismiss their guests by rows so that they could hug each one of them. Since it was a small wedding, it seemed pretentious to have a formal receiving line at the banquet hall.

Many of the guests pulled out their cameras or various communication devices to take pictures of the grooms on the steps of the chapel before making their way to lunch.

The food was all delicious and beautifully presented, as per the tradition of this facility. Sonja was delighted, feeling that she was receiving far more than she expected for the amount she'd paid. There seemed to be a lot of extra perks, including a video of the ceremony from a good vantage point.

Still photos of the wedding party and various informal shots of the wedding guests were separate. The young man with the camera, Chad Huber, had been hired by Spence and Billy. He evidently had some connection with the chapel and had given them a really good rate for his services.

After the cutting of the cake and a few final toasts to the happy couple, they donned their coats and bade their guests farewell. Outside, they stepped into the back seat of a jet black late model Mercedes. Their chauffeur was none other than Chad, who was taking on more than one role.

He took them on a short drive around the surrounding countryside, staying away long enough for the guests to depart before he brought them back to the honeymoon suite in a cottage only a few hundred yards from the chapel.

"I have one more video service which I include in the price of the pictures if you want it." Chad said, a bit warily. "You can have a visual record of you honeymoon if you like."

"Um, do you run the camera," Billy asked nervously.

"I've never been asked to. Unfortunately that's not one of the perks of the job," Chad blushed.

"So, how does it work without a cameraman?" Spence asked.

"I'll set up two or three cameras at various angles and you can simply let them run, or you can use a remote for close-ups if you like."

"What do you think, Billy?" Spence asked.

"I'd love to watch us do it, but I might feel like I was acting in a porn movie. Do you think it would be distracting for us?"

"You wouldn't be `performing' because there's no set or bright lights," Chad said. "These are very expensive cameras that can give you a quality picture in low light. I can set them to be color correct in soft candle light if you want."

"I'm still not sure," Billy sighed. "Besides, how can you trust us with this expensive equipment? You must have spent a bundle on it."

"I'll expect you to let me know when you leave so I can check them in. I live over the garages next door. Mrs. Masterson lets me have the apartment in return for being a kind of caretaker while I'm studying cinematography at the university. That's how I can afford them.

I'll tell you what. Why don't we turn one of them on and focus it on the love seat. There's still plenty of daylight and you can do a test run while you make out. Then you can stop and take a look to see if you like the effect. If you do, I'll show you how to set them for candlelight too. Um, please don't tell either of the ladies about our arrangement."

"I guess that would be okay," Billy agreed. "We won't mention it to anyone else."

Chad gave them a crash course in film making, suggested turning up the thermostat, and then left them to begin their honeymoon.

The idea of filming them being intimate was a real turn-on for Spence. He started one of the cameras and began to relieve Billy of his clothes. Billy soon forgot about making a video and concentrated on getting his husband naked in short order. Neither of them spotted the tiny cameras overhead, disguised as part of the light fixtures.

Spence got down on his knees to lick Billy's ample dick. He brought him nearly to climax before Billy was able to stop him.

"It's my turn," he panted.

Soon Spence was moaning as much as Billy had been.

"I'm gonna cum!" he cried out.

Billy pulled off quickly in an attempt to prevent his orgasm, but Spence was beyond the point of no return. He blasted thick ropes of jizz all over Billy's grinning face.

"Damn, I've popped my load already," Spence swore.

"Your FIRST load," Billy corrected. "I'm gonna empty your balls completely this weekend."

"Go for it, Stud!"

Spence licked up his offering from Billy's face and shared it in a kiss. There was little left to wipe up.

While they got ready to view their first film, Chad cleaned up his own cum which had splattered up to his face as he'd watched their live performance.

"God, that was hot when you blew all over my face," Billy enthused. "I'm glad we took our photographer up on his generous offer. I wonder what he gets out of it."

"I think he's gay and he probably gets super horny just thinking about what we're doing. I'll bet he would have been happy to be our camera man. He might have wanted to join in."

"Would you like that? He left his cell number."

"No, Billy! You know I don't want anyone but you. Jeez! How can you even mention it?"

"Sorry. I only want to please you; I love you so much."

"Let's get cleaned up and consummate our marriage," Spence suggested.

"Who should be first?"

"You, since you haven't cum yet. Besides, I've dreamed a long time about feeling you fill me up with your cream."

Billy's cock, which hadn't entirely deflated since they'd gotten naked, swelled even more. In a way, he wished he had cum so he wouldn't blow his load prematurely.

Spencer spent a few minutes in the bathroom prepping, and emerged with a towel tied at the waist which couldn't completely hide his excitement. He spread the towel in the middle of the bed, pulling his knees to his chest to expose his thoroughly cleaned chute.

Billy crawled up from the bottom of the bed and headed right for his target. The minute he swiped his tongue across Spence's rosebud, he knew this would be a truly memorable experience and he was glad they had waited.

Having stretched each other with a dildo frequently since Thanksgiving, the guys wouldn't feel much in the way of discomfort now that their moment had arrived. Spence's gasp, when Billy's cock found his prostate, was an expression of pure pleasure.

"Are you okay?"

"I've never felt better! Make love to me."

Billy began slowly, savoring every millimeter of the warm tunnel which engulfed his throbbing phallus. The mystic connection he felt in becoming one with his husband was even more satisfying than the awesome physical sensations. He was glad they hadn't turned the cameras on for this part of their honeymoon. This was like a sacred event.

Their gasping and moaning reached a fever pitch as they were swept along like a boat without oars toward a steep waterfall. Soon they went over the edge together.

They remained coupled for several minutes in the afterglow before Billy's dick slipped out with a soft plopping noise. They giggled at the sound.

As he moved off of his lover, Billy realized their bodies were nearly glued together.

"Um, what's this?" he asked as he licked Spence's abs.

"Didn't you know that you made me cum again?"

"That's so cool!" Billy grinned. "I thought you were just caught up in my orgasm."

"I was; that's what triggered mine. After we eat something, maybe I can do the same for you."

Chad lay back in his recliner wondering what was going on in the cottage. The newlyweds must have given up on filming because his hidden cameras were triggered by the same switch, and he hadn't seen anything else. Oh well, it was probably all for the best. He already felt guilty for spying on them as much as he had. He would need to destroy the recording of that blow job eventually, but he'd probably jack off to it a few more times before he did. It was totally HOT!

He answered his cell phone when he saw who was calling.

"Oh, hi. Yeah, I'm free. That's cool! Yeah, come over as soon as you can. I have leftovers they gave me from the luncheon today and I'll be happy to share them. Of course we'll eat naked. Can't wait! Bye."

Watching was great, but having a warm body in bed was better. He was beginning to develop strong feelings for Lance and he sensed they were mutual.

After snacking to keep up their strength, Spence and Billy cuddled in bed watching their homemade porn movie a second time. It had the desired effect on both of them and soon it was Billy who said he needed to prep. Before he performed that task, they showered together to rinse away the residue of their previous lovemaking.

Back in bed, Spence took his time, concentrating on foreplay. He had read enough on the `net to know that lots of cuddling and kissing helped in achieving second and third orgasms which took more time to build up. He didn't miss any of the stops along the way. The longer journey turned out to be an awesome one.

When he could wait no longer, Spence entered Billy as gently and smoothly as Billy had him. From the expression on Billy's rugged face, Spence could tell he was enjoying this position as much as he had being on top.

They kissed passionately as Spence buried every bit of his steely prong into Billy's hot orifice. Spence moved his hips in a gyrating motion as if he were stirring a gourmet sauce with his dick. The effect was good for both of them, eliciting gasps from Billy as his prostate was being thoroughly massaged.

As Spence felt himself getting close, he bent his body almost double so he could take the sensitive tip of Billy's cock into his mouth. Billy nearly screamed at the sensation of being stimulated at both ends. When they came, it was mind-blowing. Both of them spiraled nearly out of consciousness. Spence was thrilled to know he'd kept his promise to make their orgasms mutual.

They pulled the sheet over them and fell to sleep, still oozing traces of sticky fluid.

In the morning after making tender love again, Billy and Spence showered and ate their breakfast. Then, they straightened the bedroom up a bit and called Chad to check in the cameras.

He arrived along with another guy, both of them looking sleepy, but happy.

"This is my friend Lance. We're in the same major at school and he helps me with things.

Looks like you guys didn't use the cameras much."

"Nah, we decided we'd rather have the memories in our heads than on a disc. We did make one hot one together," Spence blushed. "Oops, I nearly left it in the CD player!"

"Well, all the equipment is fine," Chad commented. "We'll drive you to your house when you're ready."

"That would be great!" Spence said. "We were gonna call my Mom, but I'd rather not ask her to come to where her son got deflowered."

"Is she squeamish about knowing you're with another guy?" Lance asked.

"Not really. She, my brother, and Grandpa are okay with us. It's my dad who's been an asshole!"

"We've run into similar things since we came out," Chad empathized. "My father is really gonna shit when he finds out I've asked Lance to move in."

"Congratulations and best of luck to both of you!" Billy exclaimed. "I hope it's okay with the ladies who operate this place."

"They're fine with it; but again, please don't say anything about the video service. I've never offered it before and probably won't again unless it's requested. I took a big chance in suggesting it to you."

"We have some gay friends who might like it," Spence said. "Is it okay if we tell them?"

"Sure, as long as they don't publish it too widely. I need this setup since my father cut me off."

Author's notes: With everyone busy prepping for the holidays, I haven't heard from as many as usual. The list includes, Walt S, Bill T, Tony W, Wayne, Bill K, Jim W, Tom A, Rod, Paul D, Daniel L, Trish R, OZ, Paul R, and Scott W.

I wish all of you a happy holiday season, including a very Happy New Year.


Next: Chapter 37

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