Metamorphosis of Jeremiah Long

By David Lee

Published on Oct 18, 2013


The Metamorphosis of Jeremiah Long, Chapter 31


This story contains scenes of love and sexual interaction between males of similar age. If the reading or possessing this material is illegal in your country, state, province, county, municipality, etc., please leave this site immediately and do not proceed further. If you are under the legal age to read this, please do not do so.

The author retains the copyright, and any other rights, to this original story. You may not publish it or any part of it without explicit authorization from me.

I have written several other stories. My longer ones on Nifty include: "Always and Forever" (March 25, 2004), "Jacob and Jacques" (May 30, 2004), "Zeke" (August 29, 2005), "Tales from Bentonville" (November 16, 2008), "Second Chance" (September 24, 2010), and "Tommy and Tanner (October 21, 2012)under "High School" and "Someone to Watch over Me" under "Beginnings" in the gay male section.

My short stories include: "Brad and Alan's Canoe Trip" (April 22, 2004 under "Camping", "Of Angels and Dragons" (November 8, 2008) under "Camping", "A Christmas Tale" (December 22, 2009), "Wyatt's Thanksgiving" (November 20, 2012)under "High School", "Brazil Affair" (October 1, 2010), "A Technological Christmas" (December 23, 2011), and "Patrick's Christmas (December 19, 2012) under "Beginnings," I have one story in the Sci Fi/Fantasy category called, "Seth's Gift" (October 10, 2010).

You can easily access most of my tales by going to the "Author" button in Nifty's home page and scrolling down to David Lee. Some of these stories are also posted at: and

My only reward for contributing to Nifty is your emails. Please write if you like the story. Please include the name of the story in the title of your email because my email service sometimes puts them in the "spam" file.

Thanks and hugs to Tom and David (boxerdude) who edit for me so that there are fewer mistakes! They not only proof-read, but make other valuable suggestions.

Your donations to Nifty are appreciated to keep this a free site for us and for you.

David (

Hope I'm out of the doghouse for leaving a bit of a cliffhanger.

The Metamorphosis of Jeremiah Long, Chapter 31

Jon awakened with at start a little after 8:00 a.m. He heard someone in the shower, and figured it must be Davy. After emptying his bladder, he joined his lover.

"Hey Babe," Davy greeted him. "Once you got to sleep, you really zonked out!"

"Yeah, I feel a lot better, but I'm still scared about Dad."

"I know, but everything sounds positive. Jim sent a text this morning saying your dad did well all through the night. He even moved some, so that's a good sign. They don't know if he was in control of his actions, but at least the ability is there.

We'll get to the hospital soon after we eat something so you can see for yourself. Cade texted me that he's gonna take us."

"That's cool. I wondered how we'd get there. The bus ride has gotta be a bitch."

"The dads both offered and so did Mickey Witte and Pastor Ted. Bradon just got his car, so he said he could take you alone sometime. But I couldn't go at the same time because this stupid new law says young drivers can have only one passenger who's not related, and that really sucks."

"Yeah, when I get my license I can take you but not Joe because he's your brother and not mine. But you could take us both because you're related to him by adoption. It would be the same three guys in the car, but not legal without the right driver. It makes no sense!"

"Too bad you and I aren't related," Davy groused.

"If we got married, that would work." Jon grinned. "Maybe we should do that when we turn 16."

Davy was relieved to see him joke and smile, if briefly.

His smile faded, however, as TV news anchor reported on the shooting while the boys were eating.

"We reported last night that a local policeman was shot while attempting to break up a domestic dispute yesterday afternoon. We now know his name is Todd Watson. An unidentified source told Channel Nine that Verona Getz of 304 Washington street called 911 because her boyfriend, Gene Williams, was drunk and beaten her severely.

However, while Watson and his partner were attempting to handcuff him, she pulled out a 22 caliber revolver and fired at the policeman. His partner returned the fire, killing her. That officer, whose name wasn't immediately available to us, has been placed on paid leave, pending a formal investigation.

In other news..."

"Well I guess that answers some of the questions I haven't been able to ask," Jon sighed. "I'll bet Jim was the other officer."

"I think you're right."

As the boys began to clean up the kitchen, Jon's phone rang and he saw that it was his grandmother.

"How is he?" Melba got straight to the point.

"I haven't seen him yet today, but Jim sent a text this morning saying he had a pretty good night. I don't think Jim left him for a moment."

"I'm not surprised. When he said his wedding vows they weren't empty words."

"I know. He's a great guy. If Dad hadn't made it, a part of Jim would have died, and Dad's not out of danger yet."

"He's going to make it and you'll have to be strong for both of them, but not so strong that you don't let yourself cry."

"I've already done a lot of that. I think I nearly drowned Davy last night, but he didn't complain."

"That doesn't surprise me either. You hang onto that young man; he's a keeper!

My plane landed a few minutes ago and I'm at the baggage carousel. I'll take a taxi to the hospital as soon as I collect my things."

"Great! We'll see you when you get there."

"Bye. I love you, Jon."

"Bye. I love you, too, Grandma."

Cade arrived at the back door just as the boys were putting their bowls into the dishwasher.

"When we get to the hospital, I'll wait for you or drop you off and leave, whatever's your pleasure," he offered.

"I'm not sure if they'll let us stay with him while he's in the ICU, so maybe you should wait to see," Jon said. "I guess we could probably help you some on the house if I can't be with Dad."

"Hey, unless you need something to distract your mind, you're both on leave until further notice. You obviously have more pressing things to do and we're not in a rush.

Harrison and I got the sink and dishwasher hooked up last night. All we had to do with the range was plug it in and slide it back where it belongs, so the kitchen is fully functional and looks great. I never could have set those heavy pieces of quartz in place without you guys."

"It was fun to do, and we're learning a lot too." Jon smiled.

The boys would be allowed to come into the ICU for short periods of time. Therefore they decided they would stay for most of the day.

Jon thought that his dad looked better than when he'd last seen him last. He held his dad's hand and talked to him as he'd seen Jim do. Davy stood on the other side of the bed and took Todd's other hand. Like Jim, they thought they sensed a bit of movement as they kept up a one-sided conversation with him.

Jim had moved to the armchair to give the boys access to Todd, but also to rest for a minute. He looked haggard and about to fall asleep.

Jon persuaded him to go home for a couple of hours to shower and nap while they were there. It was difficult to convince him, but he eventually realized it would be a wise move so that he'd be able to keep up his strength. Jon told him that Cade was in the waiting room and had said he could take Jim home since he'd come in the ambulance and had no transportation.

"Please tell him we'll be staying when you see him, Papa" Jon said.

"Will do, Son."

Dr. Carson came in to check on his patient shortly after Jim left. He scanned the overnight log and then talked to the boys.

"Your dad is very strong. A lesser man might not have survived, certainly not as well. Of course with you guys and his partner, he has a lot to live for. I've given orders to discontinue the medication that's keeping him under, so he'll slowly regain consciousness as the day progresses. I can't promise anything, but I wouldn't be surprised if he'd come to before dinner time. The drug affects people differently and your father seems to be more resistant to it than many are. Of course he may not be able to converse for a while even when he is conscious, so don't be discouraged if he doesn't."

Two non-family members were allowed into the room and both arrived within a few minutes of each other. Mickey had access because she was part of the hospital staff.

The boys felt more confident about what they'd been told after she skimmed the chart and was as positive in her prognosis as the doctor had been. It wasn't that they didn't trust Dr. Carson; it was just that they knew Mickey well and were certain she wouldn't lie to them even in an effort to spare their feelings. She would be kind, but she wouldn't varnish the truth.

Pastor Ted came in while Mickey was still there. They exchanged greetings before she had to leave. One her way out, she told Jon to call her if there was anything she could do for him.

"Jon, I'd like to say a prayer and anoint your father with oil if it's okay with you," Pastor Ted requested.

"I would appreciate it. I'm all for anything that might help him heal. Do you think it works?"

"There is no scientific evidence that prayer or other religious rites affect healing, but I have seen a number of things in my lifetime that I cannot explain by rational means.

Since you're both holding Todd's hands already, I'll hold yours and we'll form a circle while I ask God to bless him.

"Gracious God. We know you are our loving parent who gives good gifts to your children. Please look favorably on your son, Todd, who has suffered grievously while being the peacemaker you have asked us all to be. We humbly ask you to grant him your healing mercies - restoring mind and body. Guide the hands of the doctors and nurses as they minister to his needs. We thank you in advance for the marvelous things you will do for him. In the name of your son, Jesus, we pray. Amen."

"Amen," the boys echoed.

Pastor Ted then took a small bottle of olive oil and poured a few drops into a tiny stoneware bowl. Again he prayed. This time he asked God to consecrate the oil for a special and holy purpose.

Dipping the index finger of his right hand into the oil, he traced the sign of the cross on Todd's forehead, blessing him in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

"He understands what you've done," Jon announced. "I could feel him squeeze my hand as you blessed him."

"Me too," Davy exclaimed.

"Dad, give me one squeeze for yes' and two for no'." Do you understand?

He gave me one squeeze!" Jon said excitedly.

"Am I only imagining that you understand me?

Wow, he gave me two!"

As Pastor Ted was preparing to go, a team consisting of a neurologist and several students came into the room and asked that the boys to leave while they discussed the case and did some tests. Before Jon left, he told the neurologist how his father had responded to questions.

The head of the team nodded gravely. "I don't dispute what you've observed. It does happen and it's a sign he'll be completely conscious soon."

Melba looked impatient as she stood in the waiting room. She'd spent quite a bit of effort getting there and now she was being held up so a group of students could observe her son. While she appreciated the fact it was a teaching hospital, she was barely able to bridle her tongue.

Her demeanor changed the moment she saw her grandson and his boyfriend. She hurried across the room to hug them both soundly as they entered.

"How are you holding up, my precious boys?"

"Just holding," Jon replied. "I wouldn't even be doing that if I didn't have good friends.

"Let's sit down so you can bring me up to speed on your dad's condition."

About 10 minutes later, the team of interns left Todd's bedside and Melba hurried in to check on her son. A nurse followed just as quickly and asked who she was.

"I'm his mother," Melba said evenly. "I appreciate that you have to guard him, but I really need to be here."

"Of course, I'm sorry to have interrupted. You looked too young to have a son that age and I knew he didn't have a wife. I'll give you a few minutes and then we have to prep him to take him to a different room. He'll be less `guarded' as you put it and can have more visitors."

"Thank you. If you could relay that message to the boys, I'd appreciate it. They want to be with him."

"I will," the nurse smiled, as she went to the waiting room.

She was tired from a long shift and had been tempted to react defensively to the older woman's take-charge manner, but she knew the hospital frowned on confrontations with the family members of patients. She also suspected that Melba was someone you wouldn't want to cross.

While still showing signs of strain, Jim strolled into Todd's room with the most vigor he'd shown in the past 24 hours. The boys had texted him about Todd's move so that he wouldn't panic when he didn't find him in intensive care.

Melba embraced him immediately. "You're the finest son-in-law a lady could ask for!"

"I don't FEEL like a fine spouse though. It all happened so fast that I wasn't able to keep him safe."

"It was a volatile situation and you can't blame yourself," she insisted.

"But, I should have anticipated it. It's weird, but not unusual for a wife or girlfriend to turn on the police the minute they lay a hand on the one who's been beating the crap out of them. I don't understand it.

I never suspected she might have a gun. If she had the means, why didn't she protect herself against HIM?"

"We'll never know," Melba agreed. "Why do children defend parents who mistreat them? I guess they don't know any better. They prefer to be with the devil than to face the unknown."

Lunch time came and went with no visible change in Todd's condition. Jim didn't want to leave at all, so Melba brought him a sandwich when she and the boys returned from eating.

While Jon wanted to be there every minute for his father, the long period of waiting with nothing to do was about to drive him crazy. He was used to being active. TV and the games on his phone couldn't keep him entertained.

Melba could read her grandson like a book and she came up with a solution.

"David, here is a twenty. I want you to air out your boyfriend and buy both of you a snack. I know it's six or seven blocks from here to your new downtown library, but the walk will burn off a little tension. I hear they have a great snack bar and that you can take your food out on the roof garden. I will text or call the minute there's any change."

"Thanks Grandma Melba," Davy smiled. "I'll take good care of him."

The time away from the hospital was exactly the right prescription to burn up some of the boys' nervous energy. And while they were in the library, they found a couple of movies to check out to watch at home if they got the chance.

Because the new facility had opened only the week before, neither of them had been there before. Davy was especially impressed with all the new computers. He had spent many hours in the old library increasing his knowledge of the outside world and in some ways missed the place. However, this new one beat the old one on many levels.

After purchasing smoothies and a brownie each, they took the elevator to the third floor to walk out onto the roof. It was pleasant to sit and have a panoramic view of their small city from that vantage point. It was almost like being in a totally different place.

On the walk back to the hospital, Jon got a text from Grandma saying that Todd appeared to be waking up.

"I want to talk with you before the boys come back, Jim. I'm Todd's mother, but you're his husband. I'm happy to stay with you as long as you want me to, but I don't want to overstay my welcome."

"You could never do that, Melba."

"Yes I could. I'm a pushy old lady and I can be a pain in the ass. I don't want to be that way with you boys, so you let me know when I'm more of a hindrance than a help, please."

"I know we'll need you for a while when he's first able to come home. I'm not sure how long I can take off to care for him. Jon will do what he can, but he's still a kid and he needs to be one, especially in the summer."

"Yes, you're right. I'll plan for a week and I'll only extend that if I'm really needed."

The boys came into Todd's room in time to hear him say his first word since being wounded.

"Jim?" he rasped.

"I'm here, love."

"Love you!"

"And I love you. Your mom and sons are here too."

"S-sons? Oh, s-son and s-son-in-law."

"Dad, don't tease Davy; you're making him blush."

"Is-s good for him

Can't s-speak well..."

"You're not expected to," Jim told him. "They told us the pain meds will make you slur a little."

"Oh. What happened? Was-s I in an accident?"

"You have no memory of the shooting?"

"No, was-s there a s-shooting?"

"Yes, but I don't think it's good to talk about it."

"Did I kill s-someone?"

"No, but I did."

"Oh. If you killed him, he mus-st have needed it.

Very tired..."

And with that, Todd nodded off.

Jon stood there with tears streaming down his face, flanked by Melba and Davy.

"Oh God! He can talk and he makes sense! He even has his sense of humor."

"I told you he'd be okay," Melba sniffled.

When Todd awakened again an hour later, he could hear Jim conversing with Chief Ryan.

"You did what you had to do, Jim. It was a clean shoot and you'll be cleared for duty soon. However, I'm not rushing the investigation for two reasons. First, I want everything to be thoroughly dealt with so there's no shadow of doubt. Second, the longer you're on paid leave, the more you protect your family illness days. You may need them in the future."

"Thanks, Chief. I appreciate it."

Todd drifted off again and didn't wake up for the rest of the day other than for tiny periods of time when medical personnel were poking at him for one reason or other. Despite not having the coma-inducing drugs, he couldn't keep his eyes open for any length of time.

Dr. Carson was satisfied with the situation, saying that sleep was the best medicine at the moment and sleep with fewer drugs was deeper and more restful than when a person was heavily medicated.

There was no reason for everyone to sit around watching Todd sleep, so Melba decided to take the boys to Jon's house. She asked a nurse about taxi service, but Davy said his dads would hold him personally responsible if he didn't let them know they were in need of transportation because they wanted to do something to help. He quickly texted both of them and they got back to him that Brent would be at the hospital within 15 or 20 minutes to pick them up.

The beautiful sunny day made the short wait at the hospital entrance pleasant. The three were soon heading for Jon's house so that Melba could have a nap and freshen up before dinner. Brent brought the boys home with him and said he would return to pick Melba up for dinner later.

The first thing Davy and Jon did was to change into their karate uniforms and practice. They hadn't devoted much time to it during the last part of the spring and early summer, though they had done some at the lake.

Jon played the "attacker" and Davy defended himself quite well. At one point, they ended up on the mat in a tangle with Jon on top. Instead of making a move to dislodge him, Davy lay there enjoying the physical contact. The bulge in his pants was ample evidence of how much he liked it.

Jon bent forward and kissed him on the lips.

"Let's make love," he whispered.

"Are you sure it's not too soon? Your dad still isn't in great shape."

"I wouldn't expect my dad to lose interest in Jim if I were the one in the hospital. Love is part of what keeps me going. I feel the emotional part from all my friends and family, but I still need a physical connection with you."

They stood up and helped one another out of their jackets. Jon dropped to his knees, pulling Davy's pants to the floor as he did so. Then he hooked his thumbs behind the elastic band of Davy's Under Armor jock and slipped it down. He nuzzled his crotch, inhaling the aroma of fresh perspiration.

"Don't you want me to shower first?" Davy asked.

"Definitely not; I want to lick the sweat off your balls."

"Cool! Let me get you stripped so I can do the same."

Once they were both naked and lying face to cock on the mat, there wasn't any need for further conversation. Their need overpowered their desire to prolong the moment, and mere minutes into their love-making they blasted thick ropes of cum.

Kissing in the afterglow, they reveled in the taste their combined offerings.

"I love you so much," Jon whispered. "I don't think I'd ever be able to live without you. I can understand what Papa Jim's going through."

"I feel the same," Davy responded.

Both boys drifted off for a few minutes, waking with smiles. After getting off a second time in the shower, they dressed in shorts and T's and went up to see if they could assist with dinner.

"Melba, I told you I'd come pick you up when you were ready to come over," Brent jokingly admonished.

"It's no big distance and I needed the exercise after being cooped up in a plane and then sitting in a small hospital room most of the rest of the day."

"I can understand that. You could probably use a drink. Tell the boys what you'd like and they can mix it for you. We have a pretty good selection. I know they can make a fine margarita and a very good whiskey sour. If you want anything else, you might have to make it yourself."

"A whiskey sour sounds perfect!"

Brock and Brent gently shooed Melba out to the deck so she wouldn't be tempted to help. It wasn't that they didn't enjoy her company, but they wanted her to relax without feeling like she needed to pitch in.

Jon and Joe visited with her while Davy stayed in to play sous chef to his fathers, taking care of the little details like chopping up mushrooms and tomatoes, so he could perform his own culinary magic as well.

Shortly after 6:00, they all sat down to chicken Marsala, pasta, zucchini boats, salad, and garlic bread.

"This is like eating in a gourmet restaurant!" Melba exclaimed. "This chicken is as fine as any I've ever eaten, and where did you come up with the idea for these zucchini creations?"

"It was Davy who found them on line at the Mr. Food site. He's the one who got us to try them and who made them for tonight's supper."

"They are wonderful! I want the recipe because I have a friend who's a vegetarian and I'm always looking for tasty things to serve when she comes over. She's not hard-core, so the cheese would be fine."

"I have it on a memory stick and I'll email it to you tonight." Davy smiled, basking in her praise.

"Thank you!"

The dessert was one that Joe and Mark had made together.

After dinner, Joe asked if Mark could sleep over since Davy and Jon were going to Jon's house and he'd be alone.

"You boys don't need to entertain me," Melba demurred.

"We know that, but we WANT to be with you." Jon said. "I don't get to see you enough, so I'm going to monopolize your time when you're around."

"You're so sweet! I know you'd probably rather be swimming with the boys or something else."

"We can all swim if you like. Did you bring your suit?"

"Yes, I remembered it at the last minute. A few laps before bedtime would help me sleep.

Italian Stuffed Zucchini Boats

Serves: 2 to 4 (Words within parentheses are my changes)

Cooking Time: 30 min

What You'll Need:

  • 2 zucchinis

  • 2 garlic cloves, minced

  • 1 tomato, seeded and finely chopped

  • 1/2 cup finely chopped fresh mushrooms (once used black olives instead)

  • 1/2 teaspoon dried basil

  • 1/2 teaspoon dried oregano

  • 1/4 teaspoon crushed red pepper flakes (didn't use)

  • 2 tablespoons olive oil

  • 3/4 cup (3 ounces) shredded Parmesan cheese, divided

  • 2 teaspoons fresh basil, chopped (for garnish)

  • ( Salt to taste)

  • (Black pepper to taste)

What To Do:

  1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees F. Coat a 9- x 13-inch baking dish with cooking spray.

  2. Cut zucchinis in half lengthwise; scoop out pulp and seeds, leaving 1/4-inch shell (use a small spoon for this). Reserve pulp from both zucchinis and chop.

  3. In a medium bowl, combine pulp, garlic, tomato, mushrooms, basil, oregano, crushed red pepper flakes, olive oil and 1/2 cup cheese. Divide mixture evenly between zucchini shells. Place stuffed zucchinis in prepared baking dish; cover with foil.

Bake 25 minutes, or until zucchinis are tender. Sprinkle with remaining cheese. Bake uncovered 5 minutes more or until cheese is melted. Top with fresh basil and serve.

You could probably leave out cheese if making them for a vegan.

Author's notes: Thanks to Paul R, Walter Sz, Mendy D, Kris M, Ott H, Bill K, Trish R, Bill K, JM, Tom A, Jim W, Wayne, RC, Todd C, Walt S, Paul F, JJ, and Vern who emailed this week.

Next: Chapter 32

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