Metamorphosis of Jeremiah Long

By David Lee

Published on Feb 22, 2013


The Metamorphosis of Jeremiah Long, Chapter 3


This story contains scenes of love and sexual interaction between males of similar age. If the reading or possessing this material is illegal in your country, state, province, county, municipality, etc., please leave this site immediately and do not proceed further. If you are under the legal age to read this, please do not do so.

The author retains the copyright, and any other rights, to this original story. You may not publish it or any part of it without explicit authorization from me.

Thanks and hugs to Tom and David (boxerdude) who edit for me so that there are fewer mistakes! They not only proof-read, but make other valuable suggestions.

A complete list of my stories may be found in the longer header before chapter 1, or on Nifty's homepage under the alphabetical listing of authors.

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David (

The Metamorphosis of Jeremiah Long, Chapter 3

Mavis Long was perplexed by Pastor Iverson's call. He'd always insisted that Christian children shouldn't mix with heathens. Of course, he'd explained that Jeremiah was being a missionary, and that made it okay. Mavis could see the logic in it. How would the unsaved hear the message without someone witnessing to them? Sure, there were preachers on TV and radio, but not with the TRUE message their church preached.

Jeremiah's excitement at the prospect of going to Jon's house was palpable. Mavis figured he must really be on fire for God since working closely with their minister. How blessed the church was!

Mavis still had reservations about having Jeremiah stay with people she didn't know, so she called Todd Watson on Friday night in an attempt to discover what kind of environment Jeremiah would be in over the weekend. When she found out Mr. Watson was a policeman, she knew it would be okay. During their conversation, it dawned on her that he had received public recognition for saving a child's life in a hostage situation a few years back. This was a good man. Perhaps he could be converted too.

Jeremiah nearly ran his bike into Jon's as he peddled down the driveway in the gray dawn of Saturday morning. He was surprised and pleased to see him there.

"I came to help you with the route so we can have more time together!"

"That's a pretty unselfish thing for you to do."

"No it's not; I want more time to feel up your body." Jon giggled.

"Sh-h-h! We can't afford to have Mom find out!"

"Sorry, I'll keep it down. Actually, IT probably won't go down all weekend unless you jack me dry," he whispered as they rode away giggling together.

The boys finished early and parted for the time being so Jeremiah could get his things. He had already packed a small overnight bag which his mother had used as a carry-on when she had flown to her aunt's funeral three years ago. It contained his best clothes for church tomorrow as well as a swim suit for the pool. Skinny dipping would be fun, but maybe not in front of Jon's dad!

The luggage was awkward for carrying on a bicycle, but he had no backpack or gym bag like he would have had if he'd been going to public school. Using a couple of bungee cords, he managed to stabilize it enough to go the few blocks.

Jon was waiting excitedly at the kitchen door when Jeremiah rode up the drive. He pulled the boy inside and gave him a kiss on the cheek. Jeremiah was about to respond with a big smooch of his own when he became aware that they weren't alone.

"Hmm, should I start looking for a caterer and ordering wedding invitations?" Todd joked.

"Da-ad! Don't embarrass my friend."

"I'm sorry, Jeremiah. I'm so used to teasing Jon that I sometimes forget my manners."

"It's okay. I guess I should be glad you'd consider me good enough to be your son-in-law," Jeremiah teased back.

"I hate to be a bad host, Jeremiah, but I really need to go in to the office to finish up paper work I've neglected while staking out the park facilities. By the way, thanks to you, I didn't waste the whole afternoon.

Anyway, I'll be back to make you guys lunch. I'm sure Jon will find SOME way to entertain you until I return."

"Be gone with you, Father, before you dig yourself into a hole you can't get out of."

"Okay. See you later."

Swimming naked in the backyard pool was an exhilarating experience for Jeremiah. Until recently he hadn't been completely naked since he was a baby, and had never swum that way. It took awhile for the cool water to cause any shrinkage because he was so horny.

The boys eventually got out and lay on chaises in the sun. As they warmed up, their boy parts came back to normal size. They were lying there side by side, holding hands when they heard a noise. It was only Jon's dad coming out to see if they were ready for lunch. (They hadn't heard him return from the station.) Jeremiah panicked and pulled a towel over his groin. Jon stood up and stretched, casually showing off everything.

"If you make it, they will come." Jon joked, making a paraphrased reference to his favorite movie, "Field of Dreams."

"Do you wish to entertain your guest in the kitchen or will you eat out here on the deck, young sir," Todd said with a fake British accent and an exaggerated bow.

"I think we'll take our lunch here where we can stay naked, Jeeves." Jon continued the banter.

"Very good, sir."

"Wow, you and your dad act more like brothers than father and son."

"We really bonded after there were only the two of us. He's the coolest dad in the world. I wish you had one like him."

"I possibly could; I just don't know him very well yet. Mom always said he didn't want to see me, but when I talked to him on the phone yesterday, I got the exact opposite story. I wish I could see him face to face and find out the whole truth."

As Jeremiah ate his lunch with Jon and Todd by the pool, he became less and less self-conscious about his nakedness. He even moved a bit and let the towel fall off his groin. Todd didn't seem to take notice and Jon didn't do anything to stir up his passion, though he checked him out and grinned. The very fact of being naked did keep Jeremiah plumped up a bit, but he kind of enjoyed it. A few weeks ago he would have been terribly ashamed. Now he was feeling rather liberated and proud.

"I don't think meeting like this before the hearing is a good idea," Mavis said to her ex. "Nothing you can say or do will change my mind. Your lifestyle is sinful and I won't let you see Jeremiah, much less give you any visitation rights!"

"You aren't in the position to keep me from seeing my son. My current lawyer says I was cheated out of my rights by the incompetence of my last lawyer who was either a bumbling idiot or a bigot."

"Judge Murdoch will never allow it either! He's a man of God."

"You forget, Mavis, in this day and age society is kinder to people like me than in the past. Besides, at age 13, my Davy has the right to choose which parent he wants to visit – even whom he wants to live with. I'm betting he'll choose me when he gets to know me. But if not, it should still be his decision either way."

"I have no doubt he'll stay with me," Mavis snorted. "After you abandoned him, he doesn't know you. He's not going to give up the life he knows. And then there's the church. He's working with Pastor Iverson to evangelize other teens. I'm sure you wouldn't let him do that if he lived with you."

"You don't know my beliefs one way or the other, but you do know very well I didn't abandon Davy."

"HE doesn't know that, and I'm not going to tell him. And would you stop calling him 'Davy' before I slap you upside the head? His name is Jeremiah after my beloved father. And it's the name of a great prophet of Israel."

"David was the greatest king of Israel, but that has nothing to do with it. It's the boy's middle name as well as mine and my beloved father's first name. I think I'll have it legally changed when he comes to live with me."

"Get out of my house you fag! I don't ever want to see you again unless it's when you're crying in court after you lose!"

After lunch, the boys took a shower together to "save on water" and ended up using extra to wash away the evidence of their fooling around. That along with the effects of arising early made them sleepy and they lay on the bed, still naked, for a nap.

When Todd came to check on them later, he saw them cuddled together. Both were sporting hardons big enough to be the envy of some grown men. It looked like Jon was going to be as blessed in that department as his father. He was doubly blessed to have a friend who was as well endowed.

Later the boys put on basketball shorts, but decided to forgo underwear. Jon called it 'going commando' and Jeremiah loved the feeling as well as the sound of the term.

Jon introduced his friend to video games, something the latter had never tried. Jeremiah wasn't anywhere near as good at it as Jon, but he caught on rapidly. It was another new experience out in the world.

Todd grilled burgers and veggies for their dinner. Jeremiah thought they were the best he'd ever eaten. He was impressed with Jon's dad for more than his culinary skills. The man was big and strong, but could be playful and understanding. He was comfortable to be around.

Because they wanted to mess around again before going to sleep, the boys retired earlier than necessary to be up for delivering papers. Having spewed good-sized loads in the afternoon, it was a wonder they had the desire to do it again so soon. But, they were teenagers who had only recently discovered the thrill of manipulating another boy's joy-stick.

They started by making out, using a lot of tongue in their kisses. Jon worked his tongue in and out of Jeremiah's lips as if it were a cock. Jeremiah didn't miss the significance and took his turn doing it to Jon.

Next, they nibbled around each other's earlobes and eventually sucked their nipples. By the time they got to the main event, their journey was 9/10ths over. It didn't take many strokes to bring the desired results.

"Do you think we're sluts?" Jeremiah asked as they lay cuddling face to face.

"I don't know and I don't care!" Jon responded. "I only know that I love what we're doing, and I think I love you."

"This is so cool. I don't know how anyone can say it's wrong."

Jeremiah's internal alarm clock got him up at the usual time. He went down the hall naked to the bathroom after a short debate with himself on whether or not he should. He came back to find that Jon was still asleep. Should he disturb Jon? He decided to try some gentle play to see if it awakened him. If not, he'd let him sleep.

Jon's eyes fluttered open and his grin grew wider as he felt Jeremiah kissing his balls. He tried to pretend he was still asleep, but he got caught.

"Get up lazy ass!" Jeremiah giggled.

"What's with 'lazy ass'?" That's not a pet name, and I'm surprised at you for saying 'ass' at all! I'm gonna have to wash out your mouth with a bar of soap."

"I'm saying 'ass' as in 'donkey', not like where your asshole is!" Jeremiah giggled. "Besides if I'm being bad, it's because of your influence, heathen boy."

Jon took mock offense at the term and they wrestled for a couple of minutes, both becoming rock-hard in the process.

"Come on, donkey, we have work to do! Get up and get dressed."

"Heehaw, master," Jon brayed.

Both boys were starving when they returned to the house. Todd cooked for them, enjoying their healthy appetites and lively banter as they ate. He was pleased that Jon had found a boy like himself. He hoped he'd not get hurt in the process. Well, a guy had to take chances with his heart sometime or other if he was going to find love. Todd was beginning to take that risk too.

"Don't forget that church starts at 9:00 in the summer. Don't fool around and delay getting dressed."

The boys did fool around in the shower, but not long enough to make them late.

Jon's church was so different from Jeremiah's that it seemed like it was from another planet. The music was more classical sounding and very beautiful. Most of the congregation sang on key. No one spoke in tongues, and the order of service was all printed out - including responses from the congregation. Jeremiah found it easy to follow.

Before the sermon, Dr. Erenberger called the names of four people who were joining the church and asked them to come forward and stand facing the congregation. Jeremiah drew a sharp breath when he recognized one of them as his father.

"You okay?" Jon asked.

"Yeah, that guy with the dark hair on the end is my dad!"

"Wow! He's a stud!" Jon whispered.


The name his father responded to was Brock Mason-Hart. Jeremiah had always known his own surname was really Hart', not Long' as his mother had insisted he be called after the divorce when she'd taken back her maiden name. However, what was with the "Mason" bit?

The guy next to his dad was introduced as Brent Mason-Hart. That was also puzzling to Jeremiah.

Jeremiah was distracted from his musings by the ritual of baptism. While the rest of the new members were coming by a letter of membership from another church, Brent was to be baptized.

The man made his confession of faith by answering several questions. Then he knelt by the font and Dr. Erenberger said the baptismal blessing and applied water to the top of his head. Jeremiah had been taught that everyone had to be immersed in order to be saved. This was indeed curious.

At the end of the ceremony, Dr. Erenberger reminded the congregation to greet their new brothers and sisters during coffee hour.

Nothing about this place seemed like what Jeremiah was used to, but the greatest contrast came with the sermon. Dr. Erenberger emphasized God's love for all people and never once yelled a warning about Hell. At least that was what Jeremiah got out of it. He was rather preoccupied, chomping at the bit to be able to talk to his dad.

In the parlor after the service, Jeremiah could barely stand back as church members shook his father's hand, welcoming him to the congregation. When the line of people broke up, Jeremiah practically launched himself into his father's arms.


"Davy Boy! I can't believe it. My how you've grown! This is awesome! How did you know I'd be here and how did you get your mother to let you come?"

"I didn't know you'd be here. I'm staying over with Jon this weekend and this is his church. Uh, this is Jon Watson and this is his dad, Todd."

"Nice to meet you both," Brock smiled. "And this is my partner, Brent."

"Wow, are you in business together?" Davy asked innocently, trying to ignore Jon's elbow in his ribs.

"Uh, not exactly. We're together, like married."

"Oh, so you're gay." Davy said in a small voice.

"I'm sorry. This was not how I'd planned to tell you. Look, I know you probably won't want to see me now, and I understand, but I hope you won't shut me out completely."

"It's okay, I'm sorry I'm so naive. I don't believe it's wrong to be gay. Does that make Brent my step-dad?"

"It does if you want it to," Brent spoke for the first time, extending his hand.

"That would be cool." Davy said, shaking the offered hand. "I think I'm gonna like you."

"Great," Brent smiled. "Brock, you didn't tell me your son was so enlightened and charming. He even uses politically correct terms!"

"I didn't know it myself. I'm excited about getting reacquainted with my Davy."

"Unless you men have other plans, why don't you join us for brunch at the Marriott? It's almost 11:00. Then we can adjourn to our house so you can have more time with Jeremiah, uh Davy."

"It's kind of you to offer, Todd. I'd be thrilled. What do you think, Babe?"

"I'm all for it!" Brent said, giving his husband a shoulder-squeeze.

Dr. Erenberger came over to meet Davy and invited him to come back.

"We'd be pleased to have you join our youth group. Maybe you could motivate Jon to attend more regularly," he joked.

Davy had never eaten in an atmosphere as upscale as the one at the Marriott. Not that it was terribly posh by most people's standards, but it was far above anything he'd experienced. He could hardly concentrate on all the food offerings because he couldn't keep his eyes off his dad and Brent. Jon had been right; his dad was a stud and Brent was equally good-looking. They'd lived in California recently and Davy wondered if they'd been in movies.

During their conversation at brunch, and at the Watson home afterward, Davy learned that both men were electrical engineers and had moved to town to take jobs at Rockwell. They specialized in designing communication systems for airplanes and were in high demand.

"We're looking at a couple of houses in the area, and one is a block from here. I think it might be sold already, but it would give you an idea of what we're interested in buying. Would you like to drive by it?" Brock asked Davy.

"Can Jon go with us?"

"Of course. Todd, could you come too? I'd like to have the opinion of someone who knows the neighborhood and possibly the house."

"Is it the Kilmer place?"

"I think so, but I'm not sure."

"If it is, it's a great buy. The Kilmer's always went first class and didn't do anything halfway."

Since the realtor was staging an open-house, the men and boys had no problems seeing every nook and cranny of the place. Todd pointed out the updated furnace with a 98% efficiency rating as well as the upgraded electrical panel.

The basement was completely finished like an apartment with its own entry door facing the terraced back yard. It had been built to house the owner's mother-in-law and had worked well for that purpose. However, it seemed to be a liability when it came to selling the property. Brock saw it as an asset in case Davy wanted to have separate quarters when he was college age. It might be a way of keeping him closer to home.

Davy and Jon were more impressed with the in-ground pool that was slightly larger than the Watson's and equally well screened from neighboring houses. There was also a hot-tub that conjured up a few naughty thoughts in the young teens' minds.

The whole backyard was cool. From the deck, there was a panoramic view of most of downtown. Even Norwood Presbyterian was visible and looked like a church for a model railroad setup from that distance.

"Let's make an offer," Brent suggested. "It's obviously still on the market since there's an open-house."

So they went to find the realtor who was giving his card to another couple who were leaving.

"I thought you said this place had a sale pending when we wanted to see it on Friday," Brock said to the realtor.

"The deal fell through over financing, and the owners have reduced the price another $5,000 to move it. At this price, I don't think it'll be on the market long."

"We'll take it," Brock said, pulling out his checkbook. "How much earnest money do you need to hold it?"

"A thousand will be sufficient and we can start looking at mortgage companies tomorrow."

"Oh, we sold our place in California at a good price so we'll be paying cash."

"OKAY!" the realtor's eyes lit up like a kid's on Christmas morning.

"Let's go back to our house and celebrate over a glass or two of wine," Todd suggested. "We can all go for a swim and I'll grill steaks when we get hungry."

"We don't have swimsuits," Brent said. "Maybe we could go to a Wal-Mart. Is there one nearby?"

"Suits are always optional at our house," Todd smiled. "It's your choice."

"We could go skinny," Brock nodded.

Todd showed Brent and Brock to the spare room where they could leave their clothes, and gave them each a beach towel to use. Davy and Jon went to Jon's room to strip. They came out a minute later with towels tied tightly around their slender waists.

Everyone met by the pool. The men immediately dropped their towels on deck chairs and plunged in. After a moment's hesitation, the boys followed their example. Jon and Davy played around dunking each other and swimming underwater. Part of their reason for submerging was to check out the newcomers. They needn't have gone to all the trouble because Brock and Brent soon climbed out to lie naked in the sun on their towels. Davy began to pop a woody when he saw them both. He felt ashamed at being stimulated by the sight of his father's ample equipment. He whispered to Jon about it as they lay face-down on their towels a couple of yards away from the men.

"I must be a real pervert if I get hard seeing my own dad."

"No you're not! Seeing my dad naked used to make me hard too when I first hit puberty. He said it was okay, but I've been embarrassed about it until recently. He says all guys get hardons at our age at the mention of the word 'sex' or the sight of a dick - even one on an animal. We're normal."

"I hope so!"

"Here's the celebratory drink I promised," Todd said carrying a tray with five glasses and a bottle of Pinot Grigio from Trader Joe's. "Is it okay to give your son a sip?"

"If no one tells his mother! I don't want her to have additional ammunition to use against me in the hearing on Tuesday."

"What hearing?" Davy asked with a frown.

"The one about visitation rights; didn't your mother tell you? My new lawyer is hoping to get me joint custody; that is, if you want me to have you half the time."

"I'd love to be with you full time! In the last month, I've gradually figured out that I've been practically living like a prisoner of war. I've been cut off from the rest of the world by my mother and the church. She didn't mention the hearing and I'm sure she hasn't been telling me the truth about you either."

"Like what?"

"She said you ran off because you didn't want me and didn't love me." Davy said, unbidden tears beginning to form in his eyes. "After talking to you on the phone, I don't believe it anymore."

"Son, it wasn't that way at all! I confessed to her that I thought I might be bisexual. I was trying to ease into coming out completely. She went berserk and literally threw my clothes on the lawn and told me to get out and never come back. Then she told her mother and father who told the church people who let me know in no uncertain terms that I wasn't welcome. They even got me fired from my job teaching science in the high school by telling lies about me and they basically drove me out of town. I had no means of support and little money to fight back when she filed for divorce. I pleaded to have you for at least a couple of weeks a year, but it never happened. I'm sorry!"

"It's not your fault, Dad," Davy exclaimed as he ran over to hug his father.

They embraced for several minutes, spilling silent tears on each other's shoulders. When they stepped apart, Davy realized he'd been pressed tightly against his father – both of them completely naked - and he hadn't chubbed up at all. It hadn't felt sexy, just loving. Maybe Jon was right. Maybe he wasn't a pervert.

After the waterworks subsided, Todd proposed a toast to Brock and Brent on their new house. Then Jon made a toast, wishing that Davy could live with his dad all the time.

There was very little wine in either boy's glass, but they got silly from the realization they were drinking alcohol. It was Davy's first time, but Jon had been allowed similar amounts on New Year's Eve in the past couple of years.

Around 6:00, Todd said the steaks were sufficiently thawed and he lit the grill.

"Mom will probably be pissed if I don't come home soon," Jeremiah lamented. "I shouldn't stay too late."

"I'll call her and tell her I've included you in our dinner plans. She can't very well turn me down since you're on a mission," Todd grinned. "Anyway, you need more time with your dad."

"Now you're saying 'pissed' as well as playing with my dick?" Jon whispered discreetly in Jeremiah's ear.

"Yeah, it must be your heathen influence, or the wine, or both!" Davy giggled.

"I love seeing you loosen up! I'll bet with another glass of this stuff you'd jack me off right here in front of everyone."

"It'd take a whole bottle to get me that loose in front of my dad even if I am horny!" Davy guaranteed him.

However, his cock began to swell at the very mention of doing it.

"Now look what you've done," he scolded in a mocking tone.

The guys all got dressed again before eating dinner on the deck. Brent and Brock stayed long enough to help clean up after the meal. Davy was well impressed by the thoughtfulness both men exhibited. He was proud of his dad all the way around. The man was polite and intelligent as well as being handsome and sexy.

"Here's the number of the chamber in the courthouse where the hearing will take place on Tuesday and here's $40 for a cab ride if your mother doesn't bring you. You're supposed to have input and you can't do it if you're not there. Try to make it by 11:00 sharp and don't forget to tip the driver at least 20 percent. Keep whatever's left over to spend on whatever you like."

"Thanks Dad! Can I have a kiss like I used to?"

"Of course!" Brock said lifting his son off the ground bodily and planting a kiss on his cheek.

Davy kissed him back and then hugged Brent.

"Brock, before you go, there's a police matter I need to discuss with you." Todd stated.

"It's not about Davy is it?"

"It does involve him, but he's not in trouble. I need both of you men to swear silence."

Brock and Brent nodded their assent.

"The minister of your former wife's church seems to be involved in illegal activities. I suspect he may be a pornographer, if not a sexual predator. Jeremiah, uh, Davy and Jon saw him with a ladder and toolbox in a park restroom. After he'd gone, they spotted a tiny camera near the ceiling and I found another one about crotch high. He seems to be using your son as bait to lure other men and boys. Davy has volunteered to play along so we can catch him. I'd surely be reprimanded, if not fired, for violating department policy if I do this without the consent of a parent. But I was willing to take some risks to put this man out of circulation. Since I'd be tipping our hand if I talked to your ex wife..."

"Write up a permission form and I'll sign it." Brock said. "I trust you to keep him from harm."

"I'll take care of anyone who tries to harm him. I won't say he won't be exposed to attempted sexual activity and x-rated language."

"Would that bother you, Davy?" his dad asked.

"Nope, I've already been exposed thanks to Pastor Iverson. I don't even care if someone touches me if it will put him away."

"Okay. Do be careful!"

"I will. Bye Dad. Uh, could I have another kiss?"

Brock gave him another hug and kiss and Brent hugged him again before they departed.

"I'd better go soon too," Davy said after the men had left.

"Please stay a little longer," Jon begged. "You can let your mother think dinner took more time than it did."

"Okay. I owe her a LOT of lies anyway to even the score for the ones she's told me."

Author's notes: I hear from the following this week: Jim W, Bobby C, Paul R, Bill T, James H, Walter Sz, Bobby M, Paul F, Ott H, Tom A, Bill K, Walt S, Trish R, and John McD. I appreciate your emails and encouragement.


Next: Chapter 4

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