Metamorphosis of Jeremiah Long

By David Lee

Published on Aug 24, 2013


The Metamorphosis of Jeremiah Long 26


This story contains scenes of love and sexual interaction between males of similar age. If the reading or possessing this material is illegal in your country, state, province, county, municipality, etc., please leave this site immediately and do not proceed further. If you are under the legal age to read this, please do not do so.

The author retains the copyright, and any other rights, to this original story. You may not publish it or any part of it without explicit authorization from me.

I have written several other stories. My longer ones on Nifty include: "Always and Forever" (March 25, 2004), "Jacob and Jacques" (May 30, 2004), "Zeke" (August 29, 2005), "Tales from Bentonville" (November 16, 2008), "Second Chance" (September 24, 2010), and "Tommy and Tanner (October 21, 2012)under "High School" and "Someone to Watch over Me" under "Beginnings" in the gay male section.

My short stories include: "Brad and Alan's Canoe Trip" (April 22, 2004 under "Camping", "Of Angels and Dragons" (November 8, 2008) under "Camping", "A Christmas Tale" (December 22, 2009), "Wyatt's Thanksgiving" (November 20, 2012)under "High School", "Brazil Affair" (October 1, 2010), "A Technological Christmas" (December 23, 2011), and "Patrick's Christmas (December 19, 2012) under "Beginnings," I have one story in the Sci Fi/Fantasy category called, "Seth's Gift" (October 10, 2010).

You can easily access most of my tales by going to the "Author" button in Nifty's home page and scrolling down to David Lee. Some of these stories are also posted at: and

My only reward for contributing to Nifty is your emails. Please write if you like the story. Please include the name of the story in the title of your email because my email service sometimes puts them in the "spam" file.

Thanks and hugs to Tom and David (boxerdude) who edit for me so that there are fewer mistakes! They not only proof-read, but make other valuable suggestions.

Your donations to Nifty are appreciated to keep this a free site for us and for you.

David (

The Metamorphosis of Jeremiah Long, Chapter 26

The day Spence had both hoped for and dreaded had finally arrived. He was about to be released from rehab and wasn't sure how he was getting home. No one in his family had been up to see him since the night his father stormed out, calling him a faggot.

His younger brother, Eddy, had called him briefly when their parents weren't around and he could use the land line. He hadn't dared use his cell phone because his father checked it daily to make sure he wasn't disobeying orders not to call Spence.

With the few belongings he had in his institutional room stuffed in a plastic garbage bag the nurse had given him, he started to trudge the long distance to his house. The air was brisk and he felt chilly despite the partly sunny sky.

He had gone about two blocks when his mother's car pulled up to the curb.

"Get in the back seat quickly and hunker down. There's no telling if your father might be spying on me."

"Thanks for coming, Mom. I thought everyone had deserted me."

"Eddy and I haven't. He's been worried sick about you. I know how you kids used to fight a lot, but he really cares. He looks up to you."

"Yeah, I know. What's gonna happen to me? Is Dad gonna kick me out before I can finish the school year? I'll lose credits if I have to go to Montana right away. I can't survive on the street and I don't know who would take me in."

"No, he's not going to kick you out, but he's planning to exile you to the basement so he doesn't have to see you. He knows your grandpa would likely kill him if he put you on the street. I'm sure Grandpa and Billy would be here in a flash to whisk you away. I think your father will try to make you miserable enough that you'll decide to leave on your own."

"Like, what's he gonna do?"

"For starters, he's put your bed in the corner of the basement. There's a lock on the door at the top of the stairs so you can't come up. He says it's all legal because it's a walk-out and you could escape in case of a fire. According to him, no social worker could say you were being neglected since there's the toilet stool, sink, and makeshift shower."

"But how am I supposed to eat?"

"I'm allowed to bring you a plate of food at dinner time and you can keep milk for cereal in that old dorm fridge."

"Am I allowed to leave, or am I a prisoner?"

"You can come and go as you please as long as he doesn't have to acknowledge you in any way."

"Shit," Spence said under his breath.

"Shit indeed!" he mother responded. "I'd leave him in a minute if I thought Eddy and I could make it financially on our own. Lloyd is no longer the man I married. He's gone absolutely crazy since he found out you're gay."

"I'm sorry, Mom! I didn't mean to mess up everything, but I can't be someone I'm not."

"I'm not blaming you; just explaining how things are. You're my son no matter what."

"Thanks, that helps."

"We're only a block from home. I'll let you out here so he won't know I came to get you. It will avoid an argument. When you get home, ring the backdoor bell and I'll show you downstairs. That way he won't know we've communicated."

"Okay, and thanks!"

A few minutes later, Spencer walked up the drive just as his mother was carrying in the bag of groceries she had purchased to provide a reason to be out at that time. Sure enough, his father's car was in the garage, so he was around somewhere.

"I can carry those for you," Spence called.

"No, I have them. You need to wait on the porch while I put the groceries away."

Spence could hear his father's voice, but it wasn't clear enough to make out the words. Presently, his mother came and led him down to show him his new quarters.

The scene was depressing as Spence looked around at his chilly, Spartan accommodations, but he kept a stiff upper lip. His possessions, including his clothes, were piled in a heap on his bed. He would have work to do before he could even sleep that night. At least it would keep him busy. He decided not to remove his coat until he could locate a hoodie or sweater.

One of his first chores would be to locate his phone and laptop, if indeed they were there. After hanging his clothes on a portion of overhead conduit, he was closer to his other possessions. However, his bits of electronic equipment were nowhere to be seen.

As promised, his mother tapped and then unlocked the stairway door to give him his supper. It was a bit late, but she had zapped it in the microwave to make it warm.

"Thanks, Mom. I suppose there's no chance I'll have my phone or computer."

"Don't give up hope. Just be sure to hide them well if they should reappear."

"I will!"

Spence heard the garage door open around 8:00 p.m. The minute it closed, he heard the lock on the stairway door.

"Here's your stuff, Spence, including your MP3 player." Eddy said.

"Thanks! Oh it's so good to see you, Bro!"

"Same here," Eddy responded as they embraced.

"How are we gonna keep him from finding out that I have these?"

"He doesn't know they exist because he threw them in the trash and I grabbed them just before the garbage truck came. I took my wastebasket out and emptied it and stuffed your things in the can to bring back to my room. They've been in there with used Kleenex on top ever since."

"You're lucky he didn't search your room and take it out on you. I owe you!"

"Yeah, well, I couldn't let him throw away good stuff! It's not like I did anything special."

"YOU are special in my book!"

"I'd better get out of here before he comes back. I don't trust what he might do. I'll get you a couple of slide-bolts from the hardware store to put on your doors so he can't come in unannounced when you're home. He might discover them and take them off, but if he does, at least you'd know that he'd been poking around in your stuff. I think we can get the outside door re-keyed so you're the only one to have access to that door. Then you could keep him out completely, day or night."

"Do you think he's over the edge?"

"I honestly don't know. I'll IM with you later when I can."

The experience of watching the documentary about boys who had escaped life in a religious cult may have been cathartic for Joe, but it also had an unfortunate side effect. A couple of nights later, he had a very bad dream.

He could feel the metal of his father's belt buckle tearing into his flesh, even worse than it ever had before. He was in agony, wanting to scream, but held his tongue knowing if he did cry out, his father would beat him harder. He awakened in terror, shaking until he realized it wasn't real.

With his heart still pounding, he stumbled into Davy's room. Davy's response to the distraught boy was to raise the covers and invite him in. Sliding toward the middle of the bed with his back toward Jon, Davy wrapped his younger brother in his arms.

Joe settled down immediately. He felt nothing sexual in their bare flesh pressed together, only peace and love. It wasn't long before he fell back to sleep and experienced pleasant dreams. In many of them, he was lying outdoors naked with Mark. Just before the alarm went off, the boy in his dreams drank his offering of love.

He yawned and stretched contentedly, but wincing slightly as he rolled over on the wet spot. He knew the guys wouldn't be angry with him for creaming on their sheets, but his upbringing still caused him to feel a bit of embarrassment if not shame.

Beside him, Davy was just coming to.

"It must have been a pretty bad dream you had last night," Davy commented.

"Yeah, the first one was. My biological sire was beating the shit out of me. I had at least one more that was awesome enough to make up for it! Mark and I, um, did sex stuff on a beach with you guys watching. It was really hot! Sorry about making a mess on your sheets."

"Don't worry about that; we left a few dick tracks last night too, so they need washing anyway. The smell of sex in the room probably set you off."

Jon had been listening to their conversation as he awakened and grinned.

"Good morning, little brother-in-law. How are you feeling now?"

"A lot better, thanks. I'm so glad you guys are okay with me crawling in bed with you."

"As far as I'm concerned, you're welcome to sleep with us every night until the bad dreams go away. If you're gonna have wet dreams every night, it might be a good idea to wear something to absorb your jizz. We don't have time to change the bed every day!"

There wasn't a lot of time to waste, so they climbed out of bed, each sporting morning wood, and no one embarrassed about it.

"Hey Spence," Davy greeted him before school. "Thanks for the email last night bringing us up to speed. It sounds pretty harsh at your place. Jon's been talking to his dads about letting you move in with them. I'm not sure how that would go. They're really kind and generous, but I'm not sure they'll trust you alone in the house, if you know what I mean. I'm working on Dad and Papa too."

"I do know what you mean about Jon's dads. I didn't exactly go out of my way to impress them positively. I'm not sure I'd trust me either if I were them."

"How do you feel about the first day back?"

"Nervous as hell! I don't know how people will treat me."

"Come sit with us at lunch and we can work out some kind of escort routine if you want. I know Jenna and Willa would be happy to walk with you if some of us guys can't."

"Uh, do I look like I need girls to protect me?"

"Nah, but if they were with you, other people might be less likely to say anything bad because those girls are known to be straight-shooters who'd find a staff member quickly in case of trouble."

"You're right. I shouldn't be so touchy."

"Hey, it's to be expected. You've been through a lot lately; I'm certainly not gonna judge you."

"Oh there you are, Dave," Jon said as he hurried across the foyer.

"Hey, Spence, how's it hangin'?"

"Pretty limp at the moment. I've got a case of the jitters."

"I think you'll be fine. The only problem I see is that some of your old crowd will try to drag you back down to their level. You've gotta stay strong. We'll help if we can."

"Dave already invited me to eat with you guys and I appreciate it. I don't want to slip back. If I did, it would be over between Billy and me. I have to stay on the straight and narrow for him."

Spence's day went better than he'd anticipated. He could see some of his old buddies kind of circling around in the distance, but he noticed they never got too close as long as one or more of his lunchtime companions were around. Dave had been correct in his prediction.

Spence enjoyed their company, especially the girls. They gave him cover in more ways than one. Perhaps he could finish his days at school without having the added stress of being outed. That thought made him once again feel chagrinned about what he'd done to Davy and Jon.

When Spence got back to his basement quarters, he had a strange feeling that someone had gone through his stuff. It wasn't anything overt, but it was like things were not exactly as he'd left them in the morning. Maybe he was imagining things, but he still felt better for having his few electronic gadgets in his backpack at all times.

He heard the stair door being unlocked and stepped back into the shadows to see who it was.

"Spence, are you here?" Eddy called out.

"Yup, I just got home."

"Cool! There's a letter from Grandpa and I got you the slide-bolts at ACE for your doors. Here's a screwdriver to install them. You'd better not install them until we can get your outside door lock re-keyed. In the mean time, you can slide this putty knife behind the door casing so he can't get in from the stairs and put something heavy against the outside door."

"Thanks! Do you think he might try to hurt me in the night?"

"Probably not, but I'll sleep better if I know he can't. If he tries breaking in, it would wake me up and I could help you."

"Thanks for doing all this! I never knew you really cared about me."

"I know I've been a brat, but I really do care."

"You're the best!

Wow, look there's a couple of letters and a really big check from Grandpa. I'd better not leave that lying around. This will pay for my lunches and other stuff. My meal ticket at school is about to run out."

"That's good. I hope this will all settled down pretty soon. Dad's acting weird and it's scary!"

"Thanks again for looking out for me, Bro! I'm sorry you've been sucked into all of this. You'd better get out of here and put the key back before he gets home."

"No worries, Mom had a duplicate cut for me."

After Eddy left, Spence dug out the note that Billy had slipped into the envelope along with the letter from Grandpa. He got tears in his eyes reading the sweet things Billy had said to him.

In the note, Billy asked him to keep a couple of small Ziploc bags handy in hopes of using them when they got to Skype. He had something hot in mind.

Grandpa's letter contained several pieces of sound advice. Spencer was to open a bank account with the check and set up a debit card that he could use to purchase things he needed. Also, he was to contact an attorney Grandpa had consulted with about filing for emancipation. The sooner that was done, the quicker Spence would be free to live where he liked until such time as he could move to Montana. It would also be a safeguard in case his father tried to make a charge against Billy if the latter came to get him and Grandpa didn't accompany him.

Spence called the attorney's number immediately.

Long after Spence had eaten his dinner, and he was pretty sure his family members were all in bed, he signed on Skype to contact Billy. Billy had evidently been waiting, because he responded immediately.

After a few minutes of catching up and expressing their love for one another, Billy stood up and dropped his jeans and underwear in one swift motion. When he sat down, he focused the camera directly on his growing erection.

Spence started to stiffen up immediately. It was a bit more difficult for him to strip because he had a raging hardon before he started. He too aimed the camera at his crotch.

"Did you get the bags?"

"Yup. I had some that held small parts for a model car and I kept them in case I might need them later."

"I hope they're big enough to hold what's going in them tonight. I want to double-bag your load and send it in a mailer with overnight delivery. I'll do the same so we can exchange cum."

"That sounds hot, but you'd better send it to my friend, Dave, because my dad would open it if it came here. I'll send his address by email when we're done."

"Good, now wet your index finger in your mouth and run it under the head of your cock and pretend it's my tongue. Feel it explore that sensitive spot where the head meets the shaft. When it gets all sticky with precum, lick it off."

While Billy was talking Spence through the fantasy, he was doing the same thing to his own dick and imagining they were in the 69 position. Next, Billy had Spence spit into his hand and told him it was his hot, wet mouth engulfing Spence's whole cock.

Spence added to the conversation with fantasies of his own, suggesting another wet finger was a tongue flicking across his rosebud. They continued their evocative talk and light stroking until they could hold out no longer. When his orgasm hit, it felt so fine that Spence barely got the bag in place to catch his jizz. He was amazed at how much he'd produced when he saw it all concentrated in one place instead of spread over his abs as it usually was.

Billy squeezed the last drops out of his big dick onto his fingers and licked them, changing the camera angle so Spence could watch him eating it. Spence followed suit.

Both remained hard and still felt horny, so Spence suggested doing it again to harvest more of their nectar. Billy was all for it!

After a few more minutes of stroking and fantasizing, they produced a couple more gushers. They sealed the bags and placed them in the second ones to help prevent any leakage. Then they spent several more minutes hugging their pillow as if it were the other's body. It was a pleasant ending to a very hot session.

Amazingly, a package came to Davy's house less than 24 hours after it was posted. Brent sent him a text at school so he could let Spence know it had arrived. Davy sent a text back that he should put the envelope in the fridge until they got home.

"I'm gonna open it and show you so you'll know it's not drugs," Spence said as the boys put their bikes in the garage.

"I trust you," Davy said.

"Me too," Jon added. You've kept your word and stayed away from the dirts and druggies."

"Thanks, guys! I really appreciate it, but I'm gonna show you anyway."

The boys knew immediately what the creamy substance was. Spence opened both seals and inhaled deeply. To him it was ambrosia!

"Here, have a sniff," he offered.

"Are you sure? It's kinda personal, isn't it?"

"I'm not offering spoons!" Spence giggled.

Both guys inhaled the essence and proceeded to throw wood in the process. It was vintage cum, with a distinctive aroma that was potent and definitely fine.

"Could I use your bathroom for a few minutes? I want to put some of it to use for lube."

"That could fall under the heading of too much information," Jon snickered.

It was certainly inspiring, because the minute Spence locked himself in the bathroom, the boys pulled their pants down and got into the 69 position on the bedroom floor. They were still naked from the waist down when Spence walked in on them.

"Oops! I should have knocked."

"If we had been embarrassed about getting caught, we could have locked the door, I guess," Davy smiled.

"I wish I could have been doing what you were instead of fantasizing," Spence lamented.

"You'll have your chance. It's only about three months until you'll be with Billy."

"Yeah, I know. I think I'll dip the crotch of my old cotton bikini brief in this stuff so I can preserve it for sniffing," Spence said.

"That's a great idea!" Davy agreed. "If you don't freeze it or something it will probably go punk."

Spencer's emancipation request was heard and expedited at record breaking speed. He had recently turned 17, so that helped. It didn't hurt that Grandpa had laid the groundwork with Frank Miller and that Frank had mentioned to Judge Keegan how important it was for the boy's wellbeing that it happen quickly. Having Davy and Jon with him when he stood before the judge might also have helped tip the scales in his favor.

Lloyd and Sonja Bruce showed up, but didn't voice any objections. He was pleased to be rid of his homosexual son, and she felt Spencer would be safer if he were out of his father's reach. Lloyd did, however, play the wounded, long-suffering parent. He couldn't understand why his son would want to leave him after all he'd done for the boy.

Having dealt with similar people in previous cases, Frank Miller had anticipated the move and had taken digital photos of Spence's current living conditions from many angles to document why the boy should be away from his family home. The images projected in large scale on the screen showed Lloyd to be the two-faced snake that he was.

Frank also had Eddy's sworn testimony of the mental abuse Spence had been subjected to, but didn't need to involve the younger boy after Judge Keegan had seen the dingy unpainted concrete walls which made Spence's living space resemble a prison more than a home.

When he granted Spencer's request, Judge Keegan also chastised Lloyd for being a terrible parent and suggested he should get the award for being the worst father of the year. He didn't say anything that would get him in legal trouble, but he certainly let the man know how despicable he was.

"You'd better get YOUR shit out of MY house right now because I'm throwing it all in the trash in the morning!" Lloyd yelled the minute the judge had left the courtroom.

"We'll be there immediately, Mr. Bruce. I have the SUV with me and I'm sure we can pick up what is still there." Brent smiled mirthlessly. "I'm really happy to give Spence a safe and loving home for the remainder of his stay in this town."

Spence hugged Brent, and then did the same to his mother and brother. He was both sad and relieved. When it had appeared that his case would be heard quickly, he had panicked about where he would live. He could sense that Todd and Jim didn't trust him, and he didn't blame them. He didn't want to put anyone out. However, when Davy had told him that his dads would let him move into their computer room for the rest of the school year, he was delighted to take them up on the offer. He had asked what chores he could help with and had insisted he would contribute toward groceries because Grandpa was providing money for that. Brock and Brent had both been impressed with his attitude and manners.

Davy and Jon were pleased to see that Spence had carried though and joined them at track practice. April often didn't provide decent weather for running, but they made the most of the days which were good. On rainy ones, they usually ran around the edge of the big gym instead of getting soaked. Their coach didn't want a bunch of sick kids who couldn't participate because of catching colds and getting worn down.

The exercise seemed to be doing good things to Spence's body. He had a much healthier coloring than when he'd been in rehab. He had the wholesome "boy next door" look that girls love and most guys would kill for.

Spence not only looked good, but he was good. On top of being involved in a sport again, he had buckled down and done his school work. Not only would he keep all of his credits, but he would leave for Montana with a pretty good grade point average.

He was attending church with his new family and volunteering to help with Sunday night meals. If no one had known better, they would have thought he'd always been a clean-cut, responsible boy.

Author's notes: Thanks to Bill T, Ott H, Walt S, Wayne, Bill K, Roger L, Mendy D, Paul B, JJ, Paul R, Tom A, Jim W, JJ, Paul F, and Trish R who emailed this week, also Ant who just finished "Tales from Bentonville."

Hope all is well with all of you.


Next: Chapter 27

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