Metamorphosis of Jeremiah Long

By David Lee

Published on Aug 15, 2013


The Metamorphosis of Jeremiah Long, chapter 25


This story contains scenes of love and sexual interaction between males of similar age. If the reading or possessing this material is illegal in your country, state, province, county, municipality, etc., please leave this site immediately and do not proceed further. If you are under the legal age to read this, please do not do so.

The author retains the copyright, and any other rights, to this original story. You may not publish it or any part of it without explicit authorization from me.

I have written several other stories. My longer ones on Nifty include: "Always and Forever" (March 25, 2004), "Jacob and Jacques" (May 30, 2004), "Zeke" (August 29, 2005), "Tales from Bentonville" (November 16, 2008), "Second Chance" (September 24, 2010), and "Tommy and Tanner (October 21, 2012)under "High School" and "Someone to Watch over Me" under "Beginnings" in the gay male section.

My short stories include: "Brad and Alan's Canoe Trip" (April 22, 2004 under "Camping", "Of Angels and Dragons" (November 8, 2008) under "Camping", "A Christmas Tale" (December 22, 2009), "Wyatt's Thanksgiving" (November 20, 2012)under "High School", "Brazil Affair" (October 1, 2010), "A Technological Christmas" (December 23, 2011), and "Patrick's Christmas (December 19, 2012) under "Beginnings," I have one story in the Sci Fi/Fantasy category called, "Seth's Gift" (October 10, 2010).

You can easily access most of my tales by going to the "Author" button in Nifty's home page and scrolling down to David Lee. Some of these stories are also posted at: and

My only reward for contributing to Nifty is your emails. Please write if you like the story. Please include the name of the story in the title of your email because my email service sometimes puts them in the "spam" file.

Thanks and hugs to Tom and David (boxerdude) who edit for me so that there are fewer mistakes! They not only proof-read, but make other valuable suggestions.

Your donations to Nifty are appreciated to keep this a free site for us and for you.

David (

The Metamorphosis of Jeremiah Long, Chapter 25

With the swimming season over and second term off to a good start, Davy and Jon had a little more time to pursue other activities at church and school.

When they served at the Sunday night meals program, they were pleasantly surprised to find that Wyatt and Jesse were there too. The college freshmen had come home for the weekend and wanted to help. It was lucky that they did because some of the volunteers didn't show up for one reason or other. Wyatt and Jesse knew exactly what needed to be done, so the cook was very pleased to have them.

When there were slow times in the serving line, they got caught up with each other's lives. Second semester was even better for Wyatt and Jesse than first despite taking heavier loads. They planned to graduate within four years and with extra credits.

They were pleased to hear about their younger friends' pursuits in school.

Both Jon and Davy had joined the computer club that met before school three days a week. Jon had grown up having had a computer for as long as he could remember. Todd used to say that he had cut his teeth on a mouse.

Davy was relatively new to the field, but was making up for lost time. Together, they were trying to create a game that could be entered into a national contest. The winning one would be purchased by major company and put into production. The next best 10 entries would receive scholarship money. It could be both fun and rewarding. Even if they didn't place, they would still have the experience of creating something new.

They were also considering going out for spring track. They had nearly abandoned the idea because of the man who would coach them was not an easy guy to work with, but when he suddenly dropped that part of his contract and Vin picked it up, they changed their minds. Vin had run track in high school as well as being on the swim team. He knew the various activities that fell under that umbrella, and he was a heck of a nice guy to work with. Practice was at least a month away, and the boys were looking for something else to get involved in.

A poster in the foyer on Monday morning nudged them toward another interest. It advertised a Valentine's Day party and dance sponsored by the Gay/Straight Alliance. The event was open to anyone in the school who was interested in attending. There would be a DJ and plenty of food. A student could come alone, with a date, or in a group with other friends. It was mostly a social event to help people get acquainted with others they might not know, and thereby promote understanding and camaraderie among all the students regardless of their orientation.

Davy mentioned it at lunch and about everyone at their table thought it sounded like a fun event. Willa said she'd like to go as a "herd," like they often had, because she would feel more comfortable being there with a group she knew already. It didn't mean she wouldn't circulate, but she liked the security. The rest agreed that would be fine.

Davy and Jon arrived in pink shirts and black slacks. A number of other guys wore similar outfits, but some had red instead of pink or white instead of black. Most of the girls came in colors that were associated with the day as well. When it was time to dance, the floor was a colorful place indeed.

As the administrator on duty, Dr. Campbell took the microphone before the DJ started.

"Ladies and gentlemen welcome to the St. Valentine's party sponsored by the gay/straight alliance. I'm pleased to see so many of you here. As with all dances, you are expected to have fun and enjoy the evening. However, whether you're a straight couple or a gay couple, you need to act appropriately in public. Dancing is not an excuse to engage in activities that are better left for the bedroom, if you know what I mean, and I'm sure you do. Anything that is deemed overtly sexual will get you sent home. I'm sorry to have to bring this up, but we've had a few problems at other dances this year. Now, Tommy Jones from Q102 is going to start off with a Justin Bieber hit, Boyfriend' from Believe.' Take it away, Tommy!"

"May I have this dance?" Davy asked Jon.

"Of course, my love," Jon bowed. "Isn't it great to be in a situation where we can dance together without creating a scene?"

"That's for sure!"

A few boy/girl couples were on the floor already, but Davy and Jon were the first same-sex pair to dance. However, about two minutes later they were joined by a number of others, among those were Mark and Joe.

Willa and Jenna started out together on the next number, but cut in on the guys halfway through. That was great fun, because several students seemed mildly shocked that they would do that. At times, there were several mixed couples doing a line dance as a group. A lot of laughter accompanied their efforts.

When they stopped for a break, Bradon and Jenna brought a tray of drinks and goodies over to the table for everyone. Megan saw them together and scowled, thinking they were there as a couple. She didn't speak to either of them.

"If looks could kill, you'd be a dead man," Jenna giggled.

"She probably has a voodoo doll at home that looks like me." Bradon grinned back. "I'd better be careful she doesn't get a lock of my hair."

"Don't worry; I'll cast a good spell around you. Boy, you must have really ticked her off."

"Or maybe she ticked me off," Bradon said with an arched eyebrow.

"That's possible too," Jenna agreed. "Now you know why I don't want to get involved in high school. But I wouldn't say no if someone like you asked me out in college."

"Hmm, I'll keep that in mind."

Everyone seemed to have a good time, and no one got kicked out. One couple was intertwined a bit more than was acceptable in polite company, but they backed off when Dr. Campbell got their attention and shook her head. The boy was the type who tended to test authority figures, but he had been in the weight room to witness how she took Reed down. He suspected she'd do the same to him if he crossed him and decided not to tempt fate.

It was their week to sleep at Jon's house, so Brent dropped Davy and Jon there after the dance. The house was quiet, with only a couple of dim lights illuminating their way. When they stepped into Jon's room, Davy got a big surprise. It was lit by several scented candles and there was romantic music playing softly.

"Wow!" Davy exclaimed.

"Yeah, the effect is even better than I had imagined."

"You didn't do it?"

"Well, most of it, but Jim put on the final touches because I was running late. Would you like to take a shower before we climb between the red satin sheets?"


They showered military style, getting wet, soaping up, and rinsing off. Naturally, they spent quite a bit of time massaging the lather onto each other's skin. When it was time to rinse, Jon adjusted the shower wand to a setting which included both spray and vibration. He used it all over Davy's body and then concentrated on his crack and perineum. Davy gasped as the throbbing water hit the portal to his chute.

"Oh, oh, oh, if you keep that up, I'm gonna lose it!"

"Okay, I'll let you rinse me off. We don't want this to be over before it begins!"

Jon was soon lost in the same sensations. Although they'd done this before it was still a thrill, and one which they tended to save for special occasions lest it lose its effect. Having his lover do this to him was awesome because he didn't know for sure when his most sensitive areas were going to be stimulated. He also had to have Davy back off before it was all over, literally!

They patted each other dry with big fluffy towels and then embraced nude while kissing deeply.

"God, you can nearly make me cum without even touching my dick!" Davy panted. "I'll bet you could if we could hold out that long without yielding to temptation and taking matters into our own hands."

"You think if I used my tongue on your crack long enough it would put you over?" Jon asked with a smirk on his face.

"Probably. It was pretty hot when we did it last summer, but I really don't want to cum that way right now. I want it sooner, not later!"

"Let me start with it to get you warmed up," Jon pleaded.

Before long, Davy was on the bed with his cute butt in the air and Jon was taking a few swipes across his rosebud.

"Oh man, that's better than the shower wand for sure! Oh, oh, oh, oh.

Let me return the favor before I pop."

"You don't have to."

"Yes I do!"

Jon was as wild about it as Davy had been. He writhed and squirmed and finally suggested they turn around in a 69 position in order to stimulate on another at the same time. They licked everything within reach, perineum, balls, and phallus. Finally, they swallowed each other's cock as far as they could while still playing with the other's crack. From then to blastoff was a short countdown.

When their time of kissing and cuddling was nearly complete, they dragged their bodies out of bed to hit the bathroom and then to blow out the candles before retiring. It had been a wonderful Valentine's Day.

The sermon on Sunday morning was about loving families. Pastor Ted reminded the congregation to honor their fathers and mothers as was written in the commandments. It was the kind of message which made several people stop to think about sending a note or email to their parents, and made a few feel guilty about neglecting them.

On Sunday afternoon, several of the boys vowed to spend quality time with their dads instead of each other. It wasn't that their fathers had complained, but each boy in some way wanted a bit of bonding.

Davy had been pondering over his father and mother's relationship from time to time, so today seemed like a good chance to discuss it.

"Dad, I've been thinking about how things were before you came back into my life. In fact, about how things were before I ever came into yours as your charming offspring. You and Mom are so different; I don't understand how you ever got hooked up. You've never talked about it and she certainly didn't."

"I guess it's something she and I would both be happy to forget, but I'm willing to fill you in. Is there anything in particular you're curious about?"

"Yeah, you're so cool and open-minded and she's so far right religiously that I don't see how you ever ended up married to each other. Did you meet at church or did someone set you up?"

"Well, it's a little complicated, but here goes. She was a very pretty girl when we met in college. She was a little on the wild side after she had broken away from her family and her church. She rejected the entire scene and wasn't sure she believed in God at all."

"Seriously? I can't even imagine that!"

"Yes. She would barely consent to attending church with me, and I was going to a very inclusive place which welcomed everyone. She wasn't even sure she wanted a church wedding, but gave in because it was important to me."

"Wow! What happened to change that?"

"It was after you were a little boy and I had started to admit to myself that I wasn't cut out to live the straight life. When I began trying to come out to her, she contacted her mother again. Her family insisted that I was evil and convinced her that she had brought all the problems on herself by deserting her faith. They got that evil minister, Iverson, to do some kind of exorcism-type thing on her. It consisted of hours of having the elders lay their hands on her and pray for her soul. There was chanting and singing and weird stuff from what I've heard. After that, she not only swung back, but went toward an even more extreme position than before. She's continued to go that direction ever since."

"I remember when she started taking me to that church," Davy frowned. "I was into all of it so long that it must have erased my memories of how different things were before. I guess when a person's so young; it's pretty easy to brainwash him into the way they want."

"But it really didn't take on you, did it? You were already questioning before you knew what kind of person Iverson was and before I came back. So, I'm guessing those early years did make a difference in the long run."

"It was partly the memory of you that did it," Davy insisted. "I'd look at the picture of you that I hid and I knew all the negative things she said about you couldn't be true. Then when I entered puberty, my body simply couldn't help questioning what I was being taught about my sexuality. That fire burning in my loins had to be dealt with. I began to doubt what I'd been taught even more after I discovered how to use the Internet at the library. I could feel myself changing. If she had known, she would have stopped me and said I was going to the dark side, but to me it was walking into the light!"

"Are you happy now?"

"You know I am! I have you and Brent, Jon and Joey and a whole extended family. How could I ever feel bad about that? It's like I've come out of confinement, like breaking out of a shell. I love you, Dad!"

"I love you too, Davy Boy!"

"Dad, can we watch a documentary together?" Joe asked Brent. "There's a special report today about a group of teenage boys who broke away from a cult. I'd like to see it, but it would be good to have someone with me."

"Sure, Davy and Brock are occupied this afternoon and I'd love to keep you company. Would you like popcorn to munch on, or would that trivialize the subject matter?"

"Popcorn would be great!"

A few minutes later, the two of them sat down on the sofa in front of the big screen TV just before the program started.

The content turned out to be more difficult to deal with than Joe had imagined. The narrator warned that the graphic images coming up might be too upsetting for some viewers to watch. When photos were shown of one boy's back after his father had beaten him, Joe's eyes filled with tears. It was a painful reminder of his own ordeal.

Brent put an arm around his shoulders and nudged him closer. Then he put one of the accent pillows on his lap and encouraged Joe to lay his head there. The room wasn't chilly, but he pulled the afghan from the back of the sofa to spread over him as a symbol of comfort and protection. Joe snuggled in.

"Shall I turn it off?"

"No, I need to see it; I'll be okay. Dr. Troxel said he thought it might be beneficial for me to see the program because it would be, um, I think the word he used was cathartic' and he thought I might want to join the support group that those boys have started on the net. He said it's good for kids like me to know I'm not alone and that there are others like me who have also recovered and are doing well."

"I guess he's the doctor, so he should know. I don't want anything to trigger nightmares."

"The other guys will be there for me if it does."

Toward the end of the documentary, there was a scene of the three good looking boys, shirtless, shooting hoops in the driveway of their foster parents' house. The main boy in the story introduced himself and the others.

"When we started working on this project, it was assumed we'd want to remain anonymous, but things have changed since then. I'm John. This is my brother, Bob. And this guy is Bart, my boyfriend. Part of the reason Bart and I were more severely beaten was because we didn't get `cured' by all the religious ritual crap they put us through. Bob would have been spared, but he stood up for us. He's a wonderful big brother!

So, the point of sharing our stories is that we want you to know if you're being abused for your beliefs or lack of them, or your orientation, it's not right! You don't have to put up with it. There are people who will help. Just call the number for the hotline that's scrolling across the bottom of your screen, or use the email address that's also there.

If you're a survivor of abuse, we'd also love to hear from you. You might be interested in becoming a peer counselor to reach out to others like us.

As you can see, we're living the good life now. There IS hope and we can help you find it."

"Well at least it ended on a positive note," Brent said.

"Yeah, I guess they have it almost as good as I do."

"Uh, from the look of that home, I'd say their foster parents are better off than we are by a lot."

"I'm not talking money, Dad. I'm talking love. No one could feel more love than I have!"

Like the other fathers, Phil expressed surprise that his sons chose to spend Sunday afternoon with him instead of their buddies. Mickey had gone in to work right after church, so her men folk had the rest of the day for bonding. They got into some interesting discussions while the boys both kicked his butt playing video games. Most of their serious talking took place during breaks because they were all competitive players.

"Both of you boys make me very proud," Phil told them during one of their down times. "I can't imagine having better sons."

"You say that even though I'm gay?" Mark said. "I know you've accepted it, but are you really proud?"

"Of course I am. You are a fine young man in all respects. You're bright and athletic, but beyond that, you're an honest, caring individual. I'd be as proud if you were average or below. You're my son!"

"But what about grandchildren; I'm not likely to give you any of them in the natural way."

"What matters is your happiness. If you have kids that's good, if you don't, that's okay too."

"What if I don't have any either?" Bradon asked.

"The same applies to you. Have you given up on girls after your experience with Megan?"

By way of answer, Bradon merely shrugged.

"Are you in love with Micah?.... Oops, I shouldn't have pried into your person life."

"Honestly, Dad, I'm not certain. I know I love him, but I'm not sure I'm in love with him. Does that make any sense?"

"Yes it does. I have friends of both sexes whom I love, but not in the same way as I love your mother."

"Yeah, but you probably don't dream about making love with them – especially the guys."

"You're right, but I wouldn't judge anyone who did."

"That's so cool! So, you'd accept me if I did decide to marry Micah someday?"

"Of course I would."

Jon's afternoon with his dads was the least dramatic of all, but a busy one. The three of them made a huge batch of chocolate chip cookies to take to the Sunday evening meals program.

Wyatt had texted shortly after church that the cooler the desserts were kept in had failed unbeknownst to anyone and the contents had begun to mold. Jesse and he were going to make as many cookies as they could by 4:30.

On hearing that, Jim hurried to the store to buy already prepared cookie dough that could be baked quickly. They used cookie sheets and pizza pans so they could bake the next batch the minute the first ones were done. At exactly 4:30 when the doors opened, all the guys brought in the results of their labor. The cook hugged them when she thanked them for their generosity.

"Spencer, you have visitors," the nurse said as she ushered Davy and Jon into the dayroom where he was seated at a computer.

"Cool!" he responded, rising and hugging both of them warmly. "I'm really happy to see you and I do thank you for forgiving me. I was a real son-of-a-bitch to out you to the whole cafeteria. I would take it all back if I could."

"I'm glad you've changed your mind about trying to get even with us for something we honestly didn't do, but it's worked out okay," Davy assured him. "Maybe it was for the best for us to have been booted out of the closet. We haven't lost any real friends and we're a lot more relaxed if our hands should touch when we walk down the hall.

But let's talk about you. You look great! This place must be working for you."

"It is! I've been off the pills long enough that I don't crave them anymore. I'm not sure how strong I'd be if temptation came my way, but I don't plan to associate with the people who could lure me back into them. I think I can stay clean if I have a change of scenery."

"That's smart," Davy agreed. "What are you planning to do when you're released?"

"At the end of spring semester, I'm heading west. Grandpa has offered to have me live on the ranch. He's a very understanding person. I can get my high school diploma easily with on-line studies in Montana because they offer lots of things for kids in outlying areas who aren't able to attend regular schools. He's also gonna build a nice cabin for Billy and me to live in."

"Wow, does he know how you feel about each other?" Jon asked.

"Yup! He has guilt feelings about how he treated my uncle who is gay, and he's vowed to make up for it. I didn't even know my Uncle Ben was still alive until recently. My dad always said he'd died in Afghanistan, but it turns out he's living with his partner in San Francisco. I'm gonna get to meet them. Dad is furious that his own father would help us be together, but there's nothing much he can do about it. I mean, he could try to force me to stay here, but he can't stand the sight of me, so it would be harder on him than on me."

"I hope it all goes well for you," Jon declared. "Billy better appreciate you!"

"He does, and I appreciate him. He's a wonderful, gentle lover who can do things that make my body sing!"

"It needs to be more than a physical thing if it's going to last," Davy cautioned. "You need to have common interests when the fire doesn't burn as brightly as it did at first."

"Is our fire going out?" Jon asked.

"No, and besides, we're as close as brothers already and you know it."

"I feel the same with Billy," Spence assured them. "He's strong and kind, hard working and dependable. We both love animals and nature. I think we could be happy, just the two of us, living on the land even if we never came in contact with civilization for the rest of our lives."

"That's cool," Davy smiled. "You're convincing me that you've found what you want. I'm betting you can go without drugs in that case."

"I know I can!" Spence averred. "I'm not saying I'll never smoke another joint or drink a beer, but I know I won't have to numb my mind with addictive shit."

"So when are they going to spring you from here?"

"Next week, if I don't screw up. I'm working hard and keeping up with my assignments, with the help of a tutor, so I won't lose any credits this year. Um, when I come back to school, can I hang around with you guys? I'm scared about sliding back into old habits if I'm around guys like Reed."

"He was expelled. Didn't you know?"

"No, I haven't heard from any of them. I think they were afraid I had narked on them and wouldn't come up to see me. What happened?"

Jon filled Spence in on how Davy had defended himself against Reed's bullying and how Dr. Campbell had put him down when he tried to attack Vin.

"Once again, I'm so sorry I outed you guys. It's all my fault!"

"Nah," Davy said, "A prick is a prick. He would have figured out something else to use as an excuse to go after me or anyone he figured couldn't defend himself."

"He sure thought wrong in your case!" Jon grinned as he put an arm around Davy's waist and drew him near.

"Well, that's one asshole I won't have to worry about. There's still his brother and Pete and Jimmy."

"They've been pretty tame since Reed got the boot, especially Gunnar. It's like he's had a come-to-Jesus meeting with someone."

"Let's hope his dad kicked his sorry ass. I think he could be okay." Davy chimed in.

"You always pull for the bad boys; I think you have a crush on him," Jon teased.

"Does that mean you're pulling for me?" Spence asked.

"Yup!" Davy replied.

Author's notes: I'm back from my time off and trying to catch up with the story line again. Thanks for the emails from several of you while I was gone. The list includes: : Jim W, Ott H, Walter Sz, Tony W, Roger L, Walt S, Mendy D, Vern, Wayne, Scott W, Bill K, Paul R, Bill T, Tom A, Bill C (Zeke), Trish R, and Paul F. As always, I hope I didn't miss anyone!


Next: Chapter 26

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