Metamorphosis of Jeremiah Long

By David Lee

Published on Feb 15, 2013


The Metamorphosis of Jeremiah Long


This story contains scenes of love and sexual interaction between males of similar age. If the reading or possessing this material is illegal in your country, state, province, county, municipality, etc., please leave this site immediately and do not proceed further. If you are under the legal age to read this, please do not do so.

The author retains the copyright, and any other rights, to this original story. You may not publish it or any part of it without explicit authorization from me.

Thanks and hugs to Tom and David (boxerdude) who edit for me so that there are fewer mistakes! They not only proof-read, but make other valuable suggestions.

A complete list of my stories may be found in the longer header before chapter 1, or on Nifty's homepage under the alphabetical listing of authors.

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David (

The Metamorphosis of Jeremiah Long, Chapter 2

Pastor Iverson called him shortly after breakfast to tell him they wouldn't be able to go on their mission again until Friday. Jeremiah was content to have a couple of days free. He had things he wanted to do at the library. There were books he needed to check out in order to get his literature lessons completed. However, he wouldn't read them until he got home because he'd rather use his time there to search on the web.

After a couple of false starts, he found what he was looking for. The first site was one posted by a respected conservative Christian leader who talked about teens and sex. The man said masturbation was a natural thing for boys to do and that most, if not all, did it. He was certain that a just God would not put a fire in a boy's loins and expect him to ignore it. In other words, masturbation wasn't sinful unless it became an all-consuming activity. Jeremiah believed he'd found the answer he'd been praying for.

Jeremiah continued to search until he found numerous articles about homosexuality. There was a wealth of material presented from a lot of different angles - some diametrically opposed to each other. However, the consensus of the scientific articles was that being gay wasn't a choice. The authors compared it with traits like hair and eye color. One writer used the example of being left-handed. A person who was born that way could be forced to write and eat with the other hand, but would always be left-handed inside. The same applied to people born gay. They could be made to conform on the outside, even father children, but would still be the same in their hearts.

Jeremiah also found a number of Christian writers who believed being gay was not a sin, but a natural disposition which should be accepted rather than forbidden. This all gave him a lot to think about. It also gave him hope. Perhaps what he was feeling was not evil in the sight of God. Maybe God had made him that way.

He'd already begun to question other things he'd been taught. If his mother or the members of the church knew how much he'd learned about science, evolution, and the like, they would be extremely displeased. Somehow it didn't make sense that an honest God would fool everyone about the beginning of the earth by planting false evidence like dinosaur bones, cave paintings, and other things which appeared to greatly predate 4,004 BC which his church taught was when God created the earth. It just didn't add up!

He decided to pick out a couple of extra literature books that he wouldn't tell his mother about. He wanted to find out first-hand why they were on the "forbidden" list. Perhaps his church was trying to control him by keeping him ignorant. Or was he, like Eve, reaching for forbidden fruit.

Friday afternoon didn't net them any perverts either, nor did the first part of the next week. Jeremiah was beginning to think it was all pointless. At least it kept him in good stead with the minister and would surely help set him up for the sanctification ceremony.

The following week, an older guy came into the restroom while Jeremiah was at the urinal next to the toilet stall. The man went into the stall and evidently sat down. Jeremiah could see a shoe protruding under the partition. The shoe tapped on the floor several times, getting Jeremiah's attention. As he turned toward it, a hand reached out and grabbed his penis. He yelped in response. The man literally ran from the facility, zipping up on the way out the door.

Pastor Iverson came in a minute later.

"What was that about?" he asked.

"The old guy reached through that hole and grabbed me!"

"Well, that's how these things start. You should have asked him what he wanted instead of scaring him away! I need to teach you a few things about sex with other men. I wish I could have seen what was going on."

With only a few weeks until sanctification Sunday, Jeremiah was despairing that he wouldn't have time to redeem himself if they didn't catch any perverts. However, the ritual was losing importance in his eyes anyway. He'd spent more and more time in the public library on the Internet learning about the world outside of his church.

On Wednesday morning, Pastor Iverson called him to come to his study at church to discuss how they would go about entrapping someone. He went despite not feeling particularly enthusiastic.

The minister spent little time on preliminaries. He opened a locked file cabinet and took out a small box which was also locked. From it he selected a DVD which he put into his laptop.

Jeremiah's eyes widened in astonishment as the scene in the video unfolded. It had been shot from overhead with rather poor lighting, but showed two very young-looking teens in a restroom showing off their dicks to each other like he and Jon had recently done. After a few minutes of play, one got on his knees and licked and sucked the other's cock. The boy standing began to thrust his hips back and forth until he gasped and held the other boy's head while yelling, "Fuck, fuck, fuck! I'm cumming!" Jeremiah held his breath hoping that by doing so he could avoid spewing in his shorts.

"That's what you want to tempt a man to do." Iverson said.

"But isn't it wasting seed?" he asked.

"The end justifies the means. Besides, the seed isn't really wasted; it's being absorbed and recycled in the receiver's body."

Jeremiah filed that last bit of information away for future reference.

"Now, go home and think about this and tomorrow we'll go out again and this time you'll catch someone for sure. Remember this is all done in secret! No one else must ever know, not even the elders."

In the afternoon, at the time public school should be out, Jeremiah got on his bike and rode to the park hoping he might run into Jon again. He wanted to talk with him, but didn't have the nerve to phone. He needed to tell him he was okay with the sexual things they had done together.

He chained his bike in the rack and was walking toward Jon's "secret" place when he saw a familiar van pull up in front of the restroom. He jumped back behind some bushes to see what was going on.

Pastor Iverson got out and went into the toilet. A moment later he emerged from the facility, looked all around as if checking whether he was being watched, and then taped up a sign which Jeremiah couldn't read from his vantage point. Next the minister got a ladder out of the van and carried it into the restroom along with a toolbox. Jeremiah heard the noise of a drill at various times during the next few minutes. A bit later, the minister came out, put the equipment back in his van, and removed the sign. Then he moved the van a few yards away in the lot.

Jeremiah was eager to know what had been done, but didn't dare go in while Iverson was in the area. He crouched impatiently awaiting the man's departure, and nearly jumped out of his skin when Jon poked his sides.


"Shh! Get down and watch what's going on." Jeremiah ordered.

"Aye, aye, sir!"

"Seriously. Pastor Iverson has been doing something in the restroom and I want to know what it is."

"Maybe he's been in there waving his dick around looking for another old fart to play with," Jon snickered. "I think he's a dirty old man."

"This is serious! He was in there with tools and a ladder. We need to find out what he did."

While the boys kept watch, a man went into the toilet. They thought he stayed there for a little longer than necessary to do his business unless he was badly constipated. Soon after he came out, the van pulled away. Jon and Jeremiah remained in place until they felt it was safe to investigate.

Up on the ceiling they spied a tiny video camera hidden from casual view by a rather large wasp nest which hadn't been there before. Jeremiah was certain of it because he'd had time to notice almost everything while he'd waited for perverts.

"That's illegal!" Jon exclaimed. "He's invading people's privacy."

"I guess we need to tell someone," Jeremiah admitted. "What can we do?"

"I'll take care of it! My dad's a cop."



"I guess he'll believe you then."

"He'll believe US."

"Oh. I suppose I'll have to be a witness too. Word will probably get around and I'll be thrown out of my church. I would be already if they knew the real me."

"Uh, I'm sorry about leading you astray before. I didn't mean to push you into something you're uncomfortable with. I've heard your church feels LOTS of things are sinful."

"It's not your fault. We did it together. Anyway, I'm okay with it. I actually liked it a lot."


"Yeah. I came here today looking for you. Do you mind if we talk awhile?"

"No problem. I promise I won't touch you."

"Maybe I don't want you to keep your promise," Jeremiah grinned mischievously.

The boys went through the underbrush to their "special place" where they talked at length. Jeremiah told Jon how he was beginning to doubt many of the things he'd been taught.

"Pastor Iverson says all science is evil, yet he likes his laptop and cell phone and the other inventions scientists have come up with. He doesn't believe in 'evil-lution' as he calls it. I'm finding out that some animals, like horses, actually have changed over many millennia and there is proof of it from fossils. The earth and everything can't have been made in six days!"

"Hey, you don't have to convince me! I think God was behind it all, but who am I to question how he or she did it?"

"She?" Jeremiah gasped. "God isn't a 'she'!"

"Maybe not, but God isn't necessarily male either. God's a spirit and spirits don't have dicks and balls!"

Jeremiah brought their discussion to a sudden, but pleasant halt when he kissed Jon on the lips. Jon was surprised, but didn't back away. In fact, he put his arms around his new friend to pull them closer together, running his hands up Jeremiah's back under his shirt.

"I read in my Bible last night how David and Jonathan kissed. I assume your full name is Jonathan."


"My middle name is David. Maybe you could call me that sometimes like my dad used to."

"If it means we get to kiss like those two in the Bible, I'll call you anything you want!"

They kissed again and again. Each time their lips met it was with more passion than the time before. They pulled their shirts off and were about to do the same with their shorts when they heard a noise in the bushes. They caught sight of the man who'd been in the restroom earlier. Quickly they grabbed their shirts and scrambled out of the little clearing.

"I guess we'd better go home," Jeremiah said with sadness in his voice.

"I wonder what'll happen tomorrow when I come here, and if he'll tell me about the camera."

"I'll be here tomorrow in case you need me," Jon offered. "I'll tell my dad about all of this when he comes home."

"You won't tell about 'us' will you?"

"No, but my dad will probably ask me if you're my boyfriend."

"You're kidding, right?"

"No. He knows I'm gay. We're honest with each other."

"Does your mom know?" Jeremiah wondered aloud.

"I'm not sure what people in heaven know about what goes on below."

"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't know."

"Of course you didn't know. You didn't hurt my feelings. She's been gone six years next month. I only dimly remember her except from pictures and stuff."

"Kind of like me with my dad. He left us when I was eight, I guess. I'm not sure why he went away, but he must not like me because he never calls. I think he lives on the West Coast now anyway. We have no contact with my dad's parents either. I do have a picture of him that I hid away before my mother destroyed all the rest. I'm not sure why I did it. I suppose it's because I always loved him and I miss him even if he doesn't care about me - like mom says."

"Hmm, that IS illegal and also very strange," Todd Watson said to his son Jon. "I'm glad you told me about it right away. I'll call Chief Ryan to see if he'll let me investigate. Everybody in the department has plenty on his plate since the cutbacks, but when I explain the situation, I think he'll let me take it on."

After clearing it with his boss, Todd and Jon climbed into the family convertible, a 2008 jet black Solara with fancy chrome wheels, and drove to the park. They took along a baseball and gloves to use as cover for being there in case the minister happened to show up.

It was the dinner hour for most folks and there was no one around except for one young family having a picnic. The minister's van nowhere to be seen, so after a few minutes of tossing the ball back and forth, the father and son went to the restroom together and sidled up to the urinals to pee.

Jon had described where the camera was hidden so it took his father only a fraction of a second to spot it. He didn't stare at it long in case it was active and would alert Iverson that it had been discovered. While Todd was shaking off the last drops, he caught Jon watching him. Todd stood back to give him the full view.

"Sorry, Dad. I didn't mean to stare."

"It's only natural to check out other guys. All men do it even if they deny it."

"God, you're so cool!" Jon enthused.

"You've seen me naked often enough. You know I'm not modest. I'm not going to intentionally show it to you hard, but nudity is natural."

"Yeah, I'm the one who's been shy about skinny dipping ever since I figured out what my dick is really for. I'm trying to get over it, but I'm afraid I'll spring a boner when I'm naked around other guys – even you."

"You know that's natural too; and nothing to be ashamed of either."

"Yeah, I guess. Thanks for being straight with me Dad."

Before they left, Todd spied another tiny camera about 30 inches from the floor which was across from the urinal near the glory hole. If it was equipped with a powerful lens, as Todd suspected, it could take very intimate shots indeed. Jeremiah had missed it because he hadn't been looking in that direction while standing pretending to pee. Todd was trained to detect things others might miss.

The next morning Jon was sitting on the front steps waiting for Jeremiah to deliver the paper. When he got there, Jon asked him to come in.

"Dad, this is Davy, uh, Jeremiah. Jeremiah, this is my dad, Todd."

Todd notice Jon's faux pas and the way Jon looked at the boy beside him.

"I'm pleased to meet you," both Todd and Jeremiah said at once.

"I'll make this quick so you won't get behind on your route. Jon and I went to see the camera last night. I'm going to be in plain clothes watching today when you're there. I'll have a backup to call and we'll arrest Iverson when we get proof that he's the one behind the camera installation."

"Aren't my word and his finger prints enough?"

"Not to make any serious charge stick. We'll have someone watching for him to go in and remove the camera. Then we can catch him red-handed."

"There's something else I need to tell you that I didn't tell Jon. Pastor Iverson had a video he showed me of two boys having sex in a restroom like that one."

"Did it look like a commercially made one or was it amateurish? Do you think the boys were 18?"

"I'm not sure about the video, but it looked kinda homemade. It wasn't very high quality, and the boys looked about my age."

"Do you know where he keeps this video?"

"It was in a file cabinet in a locked box in his office. At least that's where he got it when I was there."

"Hmm, if we catch him with the camera, we'll have the `probable cause' we need to get a search warrant. He may have made the video himself. This could be much bigger than we thought."

"What should I do today?"

"Go along with what he says unless it involves having sex with someone- especially anyone older than you. I can't ask you to do anything illegal. And don't let on that you know anything about the camera."

"Okay, I'd better go if I'm gonna get the deliveries finished on time. Old man Winters will be most unhappy if he has to wait an extra minute for his paper!"

"I'll go with you. You can do one side of the street and I'll do the other so it'll go faster," Jon offered.


Working together, the boys covered the route in record time. Ed Winters hadn't even gotten to the door to check by the time the paper was on his step.

When they got back to Jon's house, Todd met them at the door.

"Come in and have breakfast. I have to leave for the station in a few minutes, but you're welcome to stay and have a swim or whatever, Jeremiah. I'm sure Jon would love it."

"Thanks," Jeremiah said, blushing.

Having his second cup of coffee, Todd sat with the boys and watched them dive into the pile of pancakes he'd cooked. They made short work of the bacon and eggs too. He envied their ability to eat heartily and still have trim waistlines.

When they were alone, Jon asked Jeremiah how long he could stay.

"Pastor Iverson is going to prep me this morning on what we'll do in the afternoon, but I could play in the pool with you until you have to get ready for school. Wait, I don't have a suit."

"Um, Dad doesn't wear one if we're alone. There's an eight-foot fence around the backyard and all the houses near us are only one-story tall so we're okay."

"Nude swimming?"

"Skinny dipping! Let's get nekkid!"

Jon quickly stripped right there in the kitchen and Jeremiah followed his example at a slower pace. He was down to his socks debating on whether to shed them too and be completely naked. He pulled off one and thought for a second. If he kept one sock on, he wouldn't technically be naked according to the teachings of his church. Then he thought about how stupid it was and shucked the other as well.

Jon looked over and exclaimed, "You don't have any clothes on at all!"

Well, that's what it means to be naked, isn't it"?

"Yeah, but I thought you didn't believe..."

Jon's sentence was cut off by the presence of Jeremiah's lips pressed firmly against his. Both teens got hard in a nanosecond.

"I don't believe a lot of things I've been taught, and I'm gonna do what I feel is right from now on regardless of what Iverson or anyone else in my weird church says!"


"Yeah, and what I want to do at this moment is make my boyfriend happy." Jeremiah said as he knelt in front of Jon and kissed his throbbing appendage.

"I'm happy just hearing you say 'boyfriend' about me, but don't stop what you're doing!"

Jeremiah thought about taking Jon's penis in his mouth, but wasn't sure he was ready to go that far yet. Instead, he gripped it lightly in his right hand and started jacking while fondling Jon's balls with his left.

"That feels AWESOME!" Jon squealed. "Let me do yours."

With that, they lay down on the throw rug, more or less in the 69 position, and proceeded to masturbate one another. It was SO much hotter than doing it alone!

It wasn't long before both of them shot, Jeremiah first, with Jon following closely after.

Jon was worried that the experience might adversely affect Jeremiah's emotional state, so he quickly took the boy in his arms to kiss him deeply. Unlike his reactions in the aftermath of their previous encounters, Jeremiah didn't have a sense of panic or guilt. He had shared a fantastic sexual experience with a boy he cared for and he had loved it!

They showered very quickly so Jon wouldn't be late for school. There wasn't time for playing in the pool today, but it was something to look forward to.

"I wish we didn't have to hide being boyfriends," Jon said softly after their last kiss before they both headed out. "Call me later if you can. We have an early dismissal today and I'll get out before lunch."

When Jeremiah came through his back door, the phone was ringing. Assuming it was Pastor Iverson, he ran to answer.

"Hello, may I speak to Mavis?"


"Davy Boy is that you? You sound like a man."

"It's me, Daddy. I haven't been called 'Davy Boy' since you left us. Where are you?"

"I'm in Kansas City - heading your way. Can you give your mother my cell number and tell her to call me?"

"It might not be a good idea. I'm not supposed to talk to you."

"Oh, sorry. I'll hang up."

"NO, don't! I WANT to talk to you. I just won't tell her. Can I have your email address so I can correspond with you from the computer at the library?"

"Sure, do you have a pencil?"

Father and son talked for several minutes before Brock's reception began to break up.

"Look Davy, I'll call back when the signal gets better. Let the machine pick it up and I'll leave a message."

The phone rang again and Jeremiah didn't answer. The message began:

"This is Pastor Iverson. Where are you Jeremiah? You're supposed to be waiting for my call!"

"Sorry, Pastor," Jeremiah said breathing rapidly as if he'd run to answer. "I was in the shower and barely heard the phone," he lied.

"Well, that's okay. I've decided to put off our mission until Monday since that's my day off we'll have more time. Don't forget to memorize your Bible verses for this week, especially II Timothy 2:15."

"Okay," Jeremiah said with a sigh of relief. "I'll see you then."

Robert Iverson knew what he was doing with his on-again off-again tactics. It was like a fisherman playing out his catch until it was too tired to resist being reeled in. Eventually, he'd have Jeremiah doing exactly what he wanted him to do. The video he'd shown the boy had certainly helped. The bulge in Jeremiah's shorts had been living proof!

A few minutes after the minister's call, Brock called again and left the message. Jeremiah listened, enjoying the sound of his father's voice. It had inflections similar to his own, but it was deeper. It stirred up feelings of love Jeremiah had suppressed for many years.

"Mavis, this is Brock. We need to talk about Davy, uh, Jeremiah. I think it's time he had a choice about who he wants to live with. Surely we can at least share custody. You've kept him from me so long that he may not want to see me at all, but I feel I have a right to see him and at least let him know I love him. Here's my cell number...."

Jeremiah's eyes were wet upon hearing the message. All these years his mother had told him that his father didn't want anything to do with him. She had broken the 9th commandment! Well, now it was his turn to be deceitful. He would tell her anything that was convenient from now on!

Jeremiah could hardly wait until noon to call Jon with his good news.

"Hey Cutie!" he giggled when Jon answered.

"Whoa, where did that come from?"

"Well, if we're gonna be boyfriends, I should be able to call you a pet

name or something sweet. Are you really okay with going steady, or am I rushing things?" Jeremiah asked.

"Rush all you want! I'm the one who brought up being boyfriends. Hey, I have an idea. Do you think you could stay over at my house this weekend?"

"I'd love to, but I don't know how I'd explain it to Mom so she'd let me."

"How about you tell her your minister wants you to become friends with me in order to convert me?"

"Hmm... That might work, but better yet, I could put the idea into his head and he could call her. When he saw you go in the toilet that day, he thought it would be good if I could become friends with you in order to entice you and blackmail you into joining our church. Let me try, and I'll get back to you.

Oh, please tell your dad that Iverson has put off our sex-sting operation until Monday. I don't want him to waste time watching the toilet in the park for no reason."

"Will do, Bye."


Jeremiah's next call was to Pastor Iverson. He couldn't believe how easy it was to manipulate the minister into thinking the plan to stay with Jon was HIS idea. Pastor Bob even suggested that Jeremiah might figure out a way to get Jon to 'fool around' in the park toilet on Monday. This was getting more interesting by the minute!

Pastor Iverson said he would call Jeremiah's mother to let her know he was excused from church for the purpose of witnessing to another boy.

Then Jeremiah called Jon again and Jon answered the phone on the first ring.


"He fell for it hook, line, and sinker! When he was done, I was nearly convinced that he'd planned it himself. We're set, uh, that is, if your dad's agreeable."

"He's always agreeable! He lets me do pretty much what I want as long as I don't go wild on him. Man, we can cuddle naked all night."

"Yeah, but I still have to get my papers delivered in the morning."

"Together, stud, together!"

Jeremiah felt warm all over being called a stud. He couldn't believe how far he'd come in less than a month.

"Can you come over now?"

"I wish! I need to catch up on my reading if we're gonna have all of Saturday free."

Author's notes:

Thanks to all of you who responded to the new story. The list includes: Ott H, Bill K, Harry T, Edward D, Walt S, Bill T, Paul R, Tom A, Danny A, Roger L, Tony W, Trish R, Roger P, Sam C, Daxx K, Paul F, John McD, Jim W, Bobby C, Kent D, and Dan L. If I missed your name, I'm sorry! I'll try to list your names each time I post. However, I'm having problems with my email and may miss a few!


Next: Chapter 3

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