Metamorphosis of Jeremiah Long

By David Lee

Published on Jun 16, 2013


The Metamorphosis of Jeremiah Long, Chapter 19


This story contains scenes of love and sexual interaction between males of similar age. If the reading or possessing this material is illegal in your country, state, province, county, municipality, etc., please leave this site immediately and do not proceed further. If you are under the legal age to read this, please do not do so.

The author retains the copyright, and any other rights, to this original story. You may not publish it or any part of it without explicit authorization from me.

Thanks and hugs to Tom and David (boxerdude) who edit for me so that there are fewer mistakes! They not only proof-read, but make other valuable suggestions.

A complete list of my stories may be found in the longer header before chapter 1, or on Nifty's homepage under the alphabetical listing of authors.

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David (

The Metamorphosis of Jeremiah Long, Chapter 19

Looking into the curved mirror which allows a driver to monitor passengers in the back, Brock felt great satisfaction in the excitement he observed on the faces of five boys on their way to Wisconsin. He was happy that Brent and he had decided on the Highlander with extra seating and a big engine as well as a roof rack for luggage. Although the boys were traveling fairly light, there was still quite a bit to haul. There was no need for coats, boots, or lots of heavy clothing, but each boy was bringing a sleeping bag so as not to make extra work for Davy's grandmother.

It was a Friday night and they had left the minute Brock and Brent got home from Rockwell. Having gone in early, they were able to finish their work and be on the road by 4:00 so they stopped for something to eat at about the halfway point of their trip.

Watching the kids choose their entrees was interesting and said a lot about their values. Since each had brought allowance money to buy their own, they were careful to pick items which gave them the most for their money. The men had planned to treat them to dinner, but decided not to mention it because it was a good experience for the boys to budget their resources. On the way home, they would pick up the tab for sure.

Davy and Jon had already warned their friends not to stuff themselves because they knew Grandma Amanda would have plenty of snack foods for them before bedtime and that influenced how much the boys ate for supper and their choices as well.

Because of their early start, the guys arrived at the lake before 8:00 so there would be over an hour of daylight to show the new kids around the property. After Davy's grandparents exchanged hugs with everyone, Grandpa David led them all down to the boathouse. Like an excited boy, he opened the doors with a flourish to reveal his new toy. It was a beautiful blue and silver ski boat with an inboard motor and seating for 10 people.

He got the expected reaction from all of the boys and enlisted their aid in easing it down the rollers as he turned the handle on the winch to let out the cable. Soon it was tied up at the dock so everyone could board easily. When all the life vests were securely fastened, Grandpa started the motor.

The deep-throated rumble of the six-cylinder engine made the boys' hearts beat a little faster as Grandpa carefully pulled away from the shore toward deeper water. Then he gave it about half throttle and it practically jumped out of the water like a humpback whale. Cries of delight came from every quarter. Even Amanda found herself loving it, though she had thought it bigger than necessary for the size of the lake. She also thought it would look more at home in a larger space, but now that she saw the reactions from the males in her company, she was glad she hadn't protested. Grandpa needed his fun too.

Each boy was allowed to try his hand at piloting it. The guys voted to let Joe have the first go. He beamed as if he'd won the lottery. He was cautious not to give it full throttle and got the feel of the steering before opening it up to half.

Needless to say, there were a number of trips around the lake. At one point, they weren't far from the two other cabins which were located about a tenth of a mile from their cottage. Davy thought he saw a light in the closest one and asked Grandpa about it.

"It could be occupied. Seth told me someone might stay in it for a while. We let them use it for free because they rent the biggest part of the old farm. It's not in the contract, but since we aren't running the place like a private resort as the former owners did, it doesn't hurt us to be neighborly."

"Maybe there'll be kids who'd like to go boating or water skiing," Davy thought aloud.

"You might check it out tomorrow," Grandpa suggested.

The sun had long since set by the time the boys had all tried their hand, but a full moon was on the rise. Amanda said they should come up to the farmhouse for something to eat before heading for their beds.

As Davy and Jon had predicted, there was plenty of food. After they'd all satisfied their appetites, the boys went down to the bunkhouse where they would be sleeping. Grandma assumed they'd like to be left alone so they could stay up and BS or whatever without having to worry about keeping the adults awake.

Davy and Jon got the room with the queen sized bed, which the boys dubbed the honeymoon suite. Joe and Mark took the one furthest away from the others which left Bradon in his own room with two smaller beds. Davy and Jon told him he could share with them if he felt left out, but he declined their offer. He made some crack about not wanting to be the meat filling in a sandwich.

Mark and Joe yawned a couple of times and said they were off to bed. No one seriously believed that sleep was the main thing on their minds. As the older boys were talking in the main room, they could hear giggling which suggested their assumptions were correct.

"You don't know how much this time means to Mark," Bradon commented. "He felt he had to be with Joe and yet he didn't want to leave me out. They've both been through the mill this year. I just hope they haven't jumped into a relationship too quickly and find out it doesn't hold up when they're not in therapy any longer."

"I think they have a chance," Davy said. "Joe has depended on Mark a lot to help him through the dark times, but they also have fun together which doesn't necessarily involve getting off. The week up here together will probably cause them to bond even more."

"From the noises I hear coming out of their room, I think something is going to cement their relationship really soon!" Bradon snickered.

"Those ARE rather `inspiring' sounds," Jon agreed as he stood up displaying the tent in his underwear.

"Davy, you'd better take care of Jon's problem," Bradon suggested.

"I plan to."

Seconds later, Mark dashed out of the bedroom toward the bathroom naked and hard.

"Oh shit! I thought you'd all gone to bed."

"No problem," Davy assured him. "By the way, that's a big club you waved at us."

Mark quickly disappeared into the bathroom. He giggled so hard he could scarcely keep his stream aimed at the pot. Joe joined him before he was even finished.

"Don't mind me," he said to Mark.

"I don't mind at all!" Mark exclaimed as he patted Joe's bare butt.

"We're just trying to conserve resources by not flushing as often," Joe commented to the rest of the guys.

"That's a good idea," Davy answered. "Don't pull the handle until the rest of us pee and the last one can do the honors. Grandpa said we're welcome to water the ground whenever we want if Grandma's not around – especially down at the cottage. The bunkhouse and house are on a system that percolates into the soil, but the cottage has a tank that has to be pumped out to keep it from ending up in the lake."

"I don't get it; surely it will end up in the lake if we piss on the sand." Mark said.

"I'm not sure, but I think it has to do with shower water, detergent, and poop that go into the tank as well. I think our urine gets filtered by the sand. Anyway, I imagine lots of people piss in the lake when they're swimming and skiing like Olympic swimmers do." Davy added.

While Mark and Joe were talking to the older boys, they kept their hands over their dicks. It was obvious they were self-conscious about being nude in front of them despite having changed in gym lockers often. Perhaps the bulges in the other guys' underwear kept them erect. Whatever their reason, they soon scurried back to their bedroom and closed the door.

"I think I might take a walk down to the beach while you guys do what Mark and Joe did so you won't have to worry about making noise," Bradon said.

"It's too bad you're left out," Jon sympathized. "Would you ever consider being in a circle jerk with other guys?"

"Yeah, that might be cool as long as it didn't get too personal. I don't know how it would affect Mark if he were included. I mean, after the mess with the coach. He might be okay; he did learn how to do it from me," Bradon blushed.

"I kinda wondered if you guys ever messed around." Davy admitted.

"We never did each other, though he might have liked to when were sleeping together. On the one hand, I would have done it to comfort him, but on the other, I felt it would maybe scare him or make him feel guys were interested in him for only one thing like Fanning told him."

"If the moaning we heard recently counts for anything, I'd say he's found someone to comfort him," Jon giggled.

Bradon's mind was full of horny thoughts as he stripped off his boxers and put them on his head the minute he got out the door. Having heard his brother's vocal orgasm and seeing him hard, plus observing the logs in his friends' underwear caused his libido to shift into high gear. The cooling air felt delicious as it caressed his naked flesh. His nipples began to stiffen and he gently teased them with his fingernails to make them stand up harder. The bright moonlight made him feel vulnerable, as if he were exposing himself to the world.

When he got to the beach, Bradon suddenly thought it would be sexy to do a few cartwheels in his naked state. That turned out to be a turn-on! As he flipped the second time, his precum dripped onto his chest, making him feel extremely HOT despite the moderately cool temperature.

By that time he couldn't hold back any longer. He walked to the end of the dock and began to slowly jerk his aching dick. On the fourth stroke, it blew a huge load that hit the calm water with audible plops. He wondered how his offering would affect the fish. He grinned as he imagined creatures who were part human and part fish being created from roe fertilized with his jizz.

After his cock softened enough to allow it, he peed a big stream into the water. Then he got hard again and proceeded to jack off slowly, conjuring up images of what his friends and brother were likely doing in the bunkhouse. He was blissfully unaware of the show he was putting on for someone else.

Micah Graham's hands shook as he lowered his powerful new binoculars. The adrenalin his body had produced while watching another teenager jack off in the moonlight set his heart racing, pumping even more blood to his engorged phallus. Now he was looking forward to an orgasm similar to the one he'd observed.

He stepped from behind a tree, completely naked as the other boy had been. In a way, he wished he could be seen by someone else too. There was something about being caught masturbating that was thrilling. Perhaps the other guy would turn around and see him.

As he walked along the shore toward the cottage, he stroked his cock lightly. Like Bradon, he was so on fire that it took very little stimulation to make him spill his seed. His body stiffened and he let out a high pitched grunt as he spewed his load in the sand. He had intended to go out on the dock and make his deposit where the other kid had, but was beyond the point of no return before he stopped stroking. Either way, it was the intense experience he'd anticipated!

He felt a bit chilly as he jogged back to the cabin, but he was so relaxed that he'd probably get a good night's sleep for a change. Jacking off usually did help him forget his problems.

The cordless phone in the bunkhouse rang softly around 9:00 a.m. Davy picked it up quickly so it wouldn't disturb anyone else. Grandma was using it like an intercom and asked if the boys were ready for breakfast.

Davy told her he'd check and call back. He went out into the sitting room where he found Bradon dressed in a tank and shorts reading a sci-fi book he'd brought along. Joe and Mark answered his knock, saying they had showered and were getting dressed. So Davy let Amanda know they'd all be at the house in about 15 minutes. After hanging up, he pulled Jon into the shower with him to remove the dried cum from their bodies.

Breakfast was more like a brunch because Grandma knew they'd burn a lot of calories playing in the water and would likely be out on the lake for several hours. When their hunger was sated, the men and boys offered to clean up the kitchen, but she shooed them off to have their fun. She knew Grandpa was eager to give waterskiing lessons and she would walk down a little later with a video camera to record them.

Of the group, Brock and Brent were the accomplished skiers and were ready to demonstrate. Bradon, Jon, and Mark had also been up a few times. It was Davy and Joe who would need the most instruction.

Because the boat was powerful enough to tow several people at once, Brock and Brent were going together. They told the boys that they were going to get up on one ski and do some fancy stuff if they didn't mess up. Both popped out of the water quickly and were soon crisscrossing from side to side shooting gigantic rooster tails of water in the process. All of the boys were impressed.

After a short show, the men pointed toward the dock and Grandpa brought them to shore.

"There are three sets of skis and three ropes," Grandpa announced. "Do you guys who have been skiing before think you could all go at once, or do you want to go one at a time?"

"Mark and I went together once," Bradon said.

"I'll try to go with them," Jon offered. "If one or two don't make it, the remaining ones could continue unless you don't want to drag an empty rope."

As the three boys got ready, Brent and Brock had Joe and Davy study how they held the ropes and positioned their bodies.

"See their knees are almost up to their chest, unlike how Brock and I were. If you noticed, our legs were more like open scissors with our power leg behind so we could stick it into the back strap. That's good for getting up on one ski. What they're doing is best for two skis."

Davy and Joe stood right behind their boyfriends studying their positions intently.

"I'm having a difficult time staying in place," Mark said.

"One of us can help," Brock offered. "Joe, if you grasp him lightly at the waist, he won't drift and he'll pop right out of your hands the minute the boat takes off."

Brent got into the boat with their video camera to be the spotter and record their experience at the same time. Brock yelled "go!" when everyone was ready. The three boys began to rise up quickly. Mark nearly lost his balance, but quickly recovered, looking pretty good for one with little experience.

The sound of the boat engine accompanied by whooping and hollering awakened Micah who had just begun to rouse. He stretched and yawned and walked out on the porch still in his birthday suit before remembering he was naked. The boat had just passed, so Brock was the only one who caught a glimpse of the lad, unless the camera picked him up. He suspected that the boy was all by himself and made a mental note to see if the guys wanted to include him in their fun.

At last, it was time for the Davy and Joe to try to water ski. Joe was really excited to learn, but insisted that Davy should go first after Brent said it would be best for them to go one at a time. Joe's reason was that he wanted to sit in the boat to watch what Davy did so he could emulate him. Davy said he'd probably have to watch to see what NOT to do.

Jon stood behind Davy, holding him at the waist and talking him through the position he should be in. Brock was planning to do the instructing, but seeing that Jon knew what he was talking about, he held back.

When Grandpa hit the throttle, he did so with less force than when towing the guys who had been up before. Davy nearly made it, but caught the point of his left ski in the water and sprawled spread-eagle in the water. Luckily, he dropped the rope the second he knew he was in trouble. Grandpa swung around again for a second try. This time, Davy popped up with a whoop. He was hunched over, but gradually straightened up as Brent coached him from the boat. Before he'd circled half of the lake, he looked pretty comfortable and he was loving it, if his grin was any indication.

Joe did benefit from deferring to Davy and having the chance to observe him. Being yet somewhat underweight for his height, he came up the first time and didn't catch the front of a ski. He was in seventh heaven, feeling like he was flying. No thoughts of his previous life spoiled his enjoyment as the bright Wisconsin sun, along with the air flowing over his body, dried out his swimsuit which was plastered against his groin showing off his assets well. He passed the cabin where Micah, now clad in swim trunks, was eating a bowl of cereal. Joe took one hand off the handle to wave at him and nearly lost his balance. Micah smiled as he waved back, wondering if this was the kid he'd seen the night before.

The boys feigned fatigue to allow Brock and Brent to have another turn. The two men gave quite a show again. By then, Amanda had come down to watch them and she used her video camera to film them while Davy did the same.

When it was time for Bradon, Mark, and Jon to have another turn, Bradon said he was going to drop the rope as they got near the cabin to see if the unknown kid would like to join them. He thought it would be fun to have an even number of guys so they could ski in pairs and he would feel less like a fifth wheel. It wasn't that anyone treated him like that, but he still felt a little awkward about being the odd man. It amused him to think that the token straight boy could be thought of as the "odd" man.

As Bradon dropped the rope and glided toward the beach, Micah jumped up to greet him.

"Hi, I'm Micah. Are you the grandson of the guy who owns this place?"

"Nope, I'm Bradon and my brother is the boy, uh, buddy of one of the grandsons. The other grandson is Dave and he and his buddy, Jon, are the other kids."

"Yeah, I counted five of you," Micah replied, not knowing what else to say.

"Are you here all by yourself?"

"Yup. It's kinda cool to be alone for a while. I have a microwave and a bunch of stuff in the fridge, so it's like my own private place."

"Oh, sorry, I didn't mean to intrude."

"You're not. It's cool being alone, but it's also boring. There's no TV or anything but my cell phone. There is a little johnboat, but that's not exactly exciting."

"Would you like to come and play with us?" Bradon asked, not thinking of how it sounded.

"That would be awesome!" Micah exclaimed. "Let me get my sandals."

The two of them began to get acquainted as they walked along the beach toward the cottage. Micah had politely offered to carry one of the skis as they began their short journey. On the way, Bradon noticed footprints just beyond the waterline in most cases. A few seemed to have been washed away by the wake of the boat. He suspected they had been made by Micah and were recent. He wondered when.

"Hello," Grandpa greeted Micah as the two boys neared the dock. "You must be related to Seth."

"Yeah, I'm Micah and he's my uncle."

"It's nice to meet you, Micah. This is my wife, Amanda, our son, Brock and his husband, Brent. I'll let the rest of these yahoos introduce themselves."

Micah was relieved to find that everyone was friendly and welcomed him like he was part of the group. He was really overjoyed when Amanda declared that she was heading back to the house to make lunch for all of them, including him.

There was enough time before eating to get in another spin or two around the lake and Micah was invited to be the first to go. He said he would if Bradon went with him, since he'd cut his turn short to meet him. Bradon agreed it would be fun. Soon they were gliding over the water, with Micah hot-dogging a little. Observing his actions, Bradon copied them and before long, the two of them were putting on an exhibition that rivaled what Brock and Brent had done. Davy recorded all of it.

Davy and Jon got in a short turn before Grandpa headed back to the dock because it was time to eat.

Micah remained quiet over lunch, responding to questions, but not initiating conversation. His politeness impressed the adults and his shyness made the boys want to know more about him.

The adults said they were going to rest a bit during the heat of the day, but the boys were welcome to do whatever. Grandpa had no problem with having the boys drive the boat. They said they might take Micah for a ride, but also might swim some. He cautioned them about keeping the boat away from those who were swimming so no one got hit by the prop. He wasn't worried about the boat. but about the boys.

"I'm not sure if our dads need a nap or something else," Davy said to Joe as they were all heading for the beach.

"Well, they did go to work awfully early yesterday," Joe reminded him.

"Um, did your grandpa say they were married or did I hear it wrong?" Micah blushed.

"Yup, is that a problem for you?" Davy asked a bit more harshly than he'd intended.

"Nope, I didn't mean anything by it. I'm sorry I asked."

"I'm sorry I snapped at you," Davy smiled, putting an arm around Micah's shoulder. "I'm defensive I guess. It's difficult coming out to the rest of the world when there seems to be a lot of hate.

I guess I should tell you that Jon and I are boyfriends so you understand where I'm coming from."

"Mark and I are going together too," Joe admitted.

"I'm the odd man here," Bradon grinned. I'm not attached to anyone presently, though I've dated a little."

"It's all cool with me," Micah relaxed. "I don't have anything against anyone because of who they love. Mostly I live and let live.

If you're gay, it must be good having parents who are too. It must be good having parents who aren't pissed at each other all the time."

"It is. Are you speaking from experience?" Davy asked.

"Yeah, my parents are going through a mess and probably divorcing and that's why Uncle Seth invited me up here to get away from it. They both try to get me to side with them by giving me things. I just wish they'd let me know they love me instead. My dad just bought me really expensive binoculars to win me over. They're cool and I can practically see a loon's eyelashes by moonlight with them, but I'd honestly rather have a hug sometimes. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to unload. I don't usually do that."

"You should let it out," Davy advised. "Several of us have had serious shit dropped on us and it's all more bearable when we share it with our buds. My mother had someone kidnap me when I went to live with Dad..."

"My biological father beat me when he caught me jacking off," Joe said calmly.

"My swimming coach tried to rape me," Mark revealed. "But that's all in the past.

Micah couldn't help but notice how protective Bradon was as he put an arm around his little brother.

"It IS all in the past and we're here to forget it! Bradon announced.

"Micah, you're welcome to become part of our informal therapy group too if you want. I guess the guys have told you their deepest secrets and greatest traumas already." Bradon continued. "I'm lucky and so is Jon. The two of us have gotten off easy."

"Thanks," Micah said, wanting to hug each one of them, but afraid that it would make him look needy to guys he'd just met.

"You are welcome," Bradon replied, as he embraced Micah in a bear hug.

Seeing Micah's teary reaction, the other boys hugged him in turn. By the time they were done, there were tears streaming down his face.

"This is a-a-awesome!" he stammered.

The boys swam some and then rested in the shade sipping water, lemonade, or iced tea that Grandma had left in the fridge for them. When they were refreshed, they applied sun lotion to each other, donned life jackets, and took the boat out for a ride. They also introduced Micah, Bradon, Mark, and Joe to the Jet Ski which hadn't been used yet on this trip. Joe was especially crazy about it.

Later in the afternoon, the men came back down to ski a little more and to give Grandpa the chance to prove he could still do it. When it got closer to dinner time, Micah bade them goodbye and started walking slowly toward his own cabin. He'd had a wonderful day, but he didn't want to wear out his welcome. Before he'd gone 15 yards, the boys called out to him. Grandma had texted to say he was invited to eat with them again. She'd already cleared it with his Uncle Seth. Micah jogged back.

After their delicious supper, the boys began heading for the bunkhouse. Micah looked forlorn again as he said goodnight to the rest.

"It's been great, guys. Thanks! I've enjoyed your company a lot. I guess I didn't realize how lonely it is in the cabin by myself. I don't have any close buds at home either."

"You don't have to be alone," Bradon said. "There's another bed in my room that you're welcome to sleep in. Dave's grandma said we could invite you for as long as we're here. Do you have a sleeping bag?"

"Yeah, back at the cabin. I'll go get it if you're sure you want me."

"Of course I do. I'll come with you; I'd enjoy another moonlight walk on the beach and that will give these other dudes some privacy."

It was then that Micah knew for sure it was Bradon he'd watched getting off the previous night. He would love to masturbate with him, but he was afraid he might blow his chances of staying in the bunkhouse if he did. He'd better not let Bradon know about how he'd used his new binoculars.

"Isn't it cool walking around half naked in the moonlight?" Bradon asked, as if he knew what Micah was thinking.

"Yeah, I guess."

"Did you go out walking bare-ass last night?" Bradon continued.

"Um, yeah..."

"Were those your tracks along the shore?"

"Some of them."

"Did you watch me when I was out?"

"Um, sorta."

"How do you sorta watch another naked guy stroke his meat?" Bradon asked.

"I didn't mean to."

"It's okay; I'm not mad. Did you see me cum?"

"Yup, I did."

"That's kinda hot. Did you cum too?"

"Uh huh."

"I have to tell you that, unlike my brother, I'm straight and dating a girl. But, I wouldn't mind watching you get off while I do."

"Really? I'd love that."

The tents in their swim trunks bore witness to the fact that they were both anticipating it with pleasure. It didn't take long to shed them.

"You're big," Micah exclaimed.

"I don't think I'm any bigger than you are."

"I do."

"Let's compare," Bradon suggested as he held his erection next to Micah's.

He was correct in his estimation. Their hard dicks were nearly twins. The feeling of Bradon's hot appendage next to his caused Micah to shake with excitement. He was close to exploding before he even began to stroke. They stood facing each other at close range so they could see everything. The short distance between them meant that when they came a few minutes later, they blew their loads on each other.

"I'm sorry," Micah whispered.

"For what?"

"Squirting all over you."

"I did the same to you. I think we're even. We should probably rinse off in the lake or the other guys will know what we did."

"Okay, I have a couple of towels in the cabin."

"Thanks for doing it with me," Micah said, clasping Bradon's hand.

"Thank you too," Bradon responded, hugging Micah and spreading their cum further on their abs and legs.

Author's notes: Thanks to Paul R, Mendy D, Ott H, Tony W, Jim W, Bill K, Larry, Roger L, Walt S, Bill T, Paul F, Scott W, Sean H, and Tom A who emailed word of encouragement this week. Please remember to contact other authors whose work you enjoy. It is our only reward!

As always, I've added a few links you might enjoy looking at. If you have some to share, I'd be willing to take a look at them.

Hope you enjoy the chapter,


Next: Chapter 20

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