Metamorphosis of Jeremiah Long

By David Lee

Published on May 10, 2013


The Metamorphosis of Jeremiah Long, Chapter 14


This story contains scenes of love and sexual interaction between males of similar age. If the reading or possessing this material is illegal in your country, state, province, county, municipality, etc., please leave this site immediately and do not proceed further. If you are under the legal age to read this, please do not do so.

The author retains the copyright, and any other rights, to this original story. You may not publish it or any part of it without explicit authorization from me.

Thanks and hugs to Tom and David (boxerdude) who edit for me so that there are fewer mistakes! They not only proof-read, but make other valuable suggestions.

A complete list of my stories may be found in the longer header before chapter 1, or on Nifty's homepage under the alphabetical listing of authors.

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David (

The Metamorphosis of Jeremiah Long, Chapter 14

Brent took Wednesday afternoon off to meet with the social worker, Lola Baldus. Lola was a pleasant lady, probably in her mid forties, with a face and figure which made her appear a decade younger.

"I've talked to several people who know you and your husband well, from your boss to your minister to the policemen you hang around with, and everyone feels you'd be great parents to Josiah. He's going to need the kind of love and security that you've given Brock's son."

"How did you accomplish all that so quickly? Joe only showed up on our doorstep Saturday morning."

"I have a lot of connections in this town. You'd be amazed at what a tight-knit community this is. It's not plain old nosiness; it's more caring for one's neighbor."

"That's kinda scary either way!" Brent joked.

"It can be. Some things are no one's business – like who paid cash for their house and how many people were at a 4th of July picnic..."

"Hmm, now I'm really frightened!"

"Don't be; I'm exaggerating. I found out some of this with detective work, and Todd Watson confided other details after swearing me to secrecy. But you men do have a great reputation. People know you're active in church and that you're helping out the two young men who live in your basement. Now, I'm not saying that's true of the average person in town, but the ones who know you are aware of your good deeds and financial security.

My point is that you are prime candidates to be adoptive parents if that is what you wish. You do know that you're taking on a boy who had been abused and is at a difficult age."

"We have Dave and Jon both living with us half of the time and we love them both!"

"Todd's son is with you that much?"

"Didn't he tell you?"

"Well, he did say that the boys were close and chose to be together as much as possible."

"How about one week they live with us and the next with Todd?"

"Wow! Are they...? Um, never mind."

"All I can say is don't ask and I won't tell. Will that throw up a roadblock for our getting Joe?"

"Certainly not! This IS the 21st Century!"

Brent also talked to their lawyer, and the psychiatrist who was working with Davy. He was pleased with all of the errands he'd gotten accomplished in a single afternoon.

The following day, Brock took off from work early to talk to an administrator and a counselor from Franklin Middle School. He wanted to get Joe settled into a routine in school as soon as possible. Hopefully, he could get Cade to work with Joe part of the time and reduce his hours with Davy who needed the extra help less and less as he got caught up to the level of his peers.

On Monday of the next week, Josiah Smith was registered as Joseph Mason. The court had allowed the use of a pseudonym for the boy's protection; not that it would fool a professional detective. Joe was thrilled with the change even though he knew it wasn't a permanent, legal one at present.

In the middle of that week, the doorbell at the Mason-Hart residence rang around 4:30 and Davy got up from the kitchen table to answer it.

"Hello, I'm Mrs. Baldus, Joe's social worker. May I come in please?"

"Sure, but the parental units aren't home from work yet, so you'll have to wait for them; or did you need to speak with Joe?"

"Actually I'm here to make an unannounced visit to check on how your household functions without its being staged."

"I'm not sure what that means." Davy frowned.

"I'm positive you're not like that, but some families dress things up and make the picture look rosier than it is in reality when they know a social worker is coming. We're supposed to see things as they normally are at least once."

"Well, please come into the kitchen. We're doing homework early since we don't have swimming practice on Wednesday nights."

Lola followed Davy and found Joe and Jon seated at the table with folders, books and laptops nearly covering the surface completely. They stopped their work and looked up expectantly.

"May I make you something to drink, Ms. Baldus?" Davy asked. "We have this fancy machine and I can offer several varieties of coffee, tea, or hot chocolate."

"I'd love a cup of green tea if you have it."

"Yup, we do. Decaf or regular?

"Decaf, please."

"It'll be coming right up."

"It's good to see that you're all doing homework, Joe." Lola said. "How are you finding your studies?"

"Some are more challenging than others, but I really love being in school! I've made a couple of friends who have been very helpful in getting me settled. Mark from church is becoming a good friend and he introduced me to a kid named Chandler who's also great. They're both kind."

"That's good! I'm pleased that you're adjusting well. Do you like your teachers?"

"Yes, ma'am. Most of them are pretty nice. I have one that I don't like as well, but she doesn't single me out. I think she doesn't like boys in general. The girls get away with everything."

"Here's your tea, Ms. Baldus," Davy announced. "Would you like milk and sugar?"

"No thanks, I'll take it plain.

Now if I may, I'd like to take a look at Joe's accommodations and talk to him in private."

Joe got up and led Lola to the spare room which had already been turned into his digs with a Justin Bieber poster on the wall and a big teddy bear on the bed.

"Um, sorry about the mess," Joe blushed as he picked up his school clothes, including a pair of bikini briefs, off the floor and laid them on a chair – covering the briefs with the other items.

"I have two teenage sons of my own, and I have to tell you that your room isn't messy at all," Lola smiled.

That broke the ice and caused Joe to relax quite a bit. Soon he was opening up to her about his feelings and hopes. It was evident that he was very happy to be living in this house.

"Um, do you think I'll get to stay here, I mean permanently?"

"Would you like that?"

"It would be awesome!"

"Then I'll do my best to help make that happen.

I hate to bring it up, but how are you doing on the healing part?"

Joe turned his back to her and pulled up his T-shirt without the least hint of self-consciousness. She could see that his back was about 90% better than when she'd seen it the first time. His body was healing rapidly; she wondered about his mind and spirit.

"How are your sessions going with Dr. Troxel?"

"Good. I have a lot less anxiety about being gay."

"That's progress. How about your feelings toward your biological family?"

"They're dead to me," Joe said simply. "I hope I'll never have to see them again."

"And your grandparents?"

"Same! My mother's parents went to Texas right after the church broke up and my father's parents are there now too. It's a long way away, but still too close. They could fall off the earth for all of me."

"Your father's father has requested to be present at the custody hearing. He seems to feel you need to remain with family."

"Oh, please no!" Joe began to sob. "He- he- he's worse than my father! Where do you think my father learned how to hurt me?"

"I'm so sorry I brought it up." Lola said, gently taking Joe's hand. "If you can tell me anything about him that will help, I'll check it out as soon as I can."

For the next several minutes, Joe told about the cruel things his grandfather had done to him when he was displeased with his behavior. It wasn't a pretty picture to say the least. Lola had him say it all into a recorder she carried for such purposes so she wouldn't forget any details.

"I'm really sorry I upset you, Joe. I hope you will forgive me."

"It's okay; I have to know ahead of time so I can make plans if my grandparents should get custody of me. I pray it won't happen, but what do they say about being forearmed?"

"I believe it's, `to be forewarned is to be forearmed' or something like that. You're not planning to shoot them, I hope."

"Nope, but I need some kind of plan in order to survive. You know all my family was part of the church where Iverson preached, don't you?"

"I didn't, but that may be something to look into too. I want the best for you and I have a strong feeling that where you are right now would be just that."


"Well, I should be getting home to make dinner soon unless my husband or the boys have started it already."

As she was about to leave, Brock and Brent came in from the garage.

"Hello, Ms. Baldus, I hope you didn't have to wait long for us. We could have come earlier had we known you'd be here today."

"No problem, this was the `surprise' visit I explained might happen someday. I've found everything to be excellent and Joe loves it here. Oh, I do want to warn you that his grandparents are possibly going to want to take him to live with them. They don't have any of the legal rights parents do, but sometimes the court will deem it better to have a child remain with relatives. From what Joe has told me, it would be devastating for him. You might want to have your lawyer look into it. I plan to do some investigating on my own."

On Thursday afternoon, Brock took Joe to his appointment with the psychiatrist. As they sat in the waiting room, Mark came out from his session.

"Hey Mark!" Joe greeted him.

Mark was startled to see someone he knew and blushed to a deep shade of red from embarrassment. Then it dawned on him that if Joe was there, it must mean he was getting counseling too.

After saying a quick hello to Brock, Mark took Joe into the adjoining toy room for a private conversation, since there were no kids in it.

"We've already confessed that we both have problems, I think we might be able to help each other some. I've already had a kind of peer counseling from Dave and Jon."

"Me too," Joe smiled. "It's great living with them a lot of the time. They do spend some nights at Jon's house with Todd and Jim, but they've even taken me over there too."

"Um, do you think it would be okay with Brock if you came to my house for an overnight? Bradon will leave us to ourselves if I ask him to, but he's fun to play video games with too."

"I'm pretty sure Brent and Brock would be okay with it. They're awfully good to me, and pretty easy going. We could ask!"

Mickey was exiting the office when the boys came back into the main part of the waiting room. Mark introduced Joe to her immediately.

"It's good to officially meet the boy whom Mark can't stop talking about," she smiled. "I saw you in the fellowship hall on Sunday, but couldn't get away from Mrs. Meyers until after you were headed for the door.

Mark's been begging me to let him invite you over, and this weekend sounds like as good a time as any if it works for you.

Brock, would that be okay with you? I promise I won't let them get into too much trouble."

"I think it would be fine. Let me text Brent quickly to see if he had other plans that involved Joe."

Brent got back to Brock quickly and tentative arrangements were set. Both boys were smiling widely as Mark went home and Joe entered the office for his session.

During his time with Dr. Troxel, Joe opened up about his fears of being placed with his grandparents. The doctor probed gently and was able to see that being under the same roof with them would likely be a living hell for the boy. Joe told him some additional things that he'd not felt comfortable telling Ms. Baldus. Each incident was meticulously recorded in his notes. Joe wouldn't be forced to live with those people if the doctor had anything to say about it.

Joe was so excited about going over to Mark's house for most of the weekend that he acted like someone who had forgotten to take his ADHD meds. He seemed distracted at times and had to be called on twice in English class before he realized he was being asked a question. Luckily, he was able to respond quickly and flawlessly so that he didn't lose any participation points from the teacher, after Chandler nudged him in the ribs to get his attention.

"Did both of you guys smoke your lunch?" Chandler grinned at Mark and Joe.

"Nope, we're eager to have the day get over," Mark answered.

"You have big plans?" Chandler asked.

"Um, we're having a sleepover," Mark said.

"Who all is coming?" Chandler probed, feeling left out.

"Well, um, just the two of us."

"Uh oh."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Mark asked, wondering what Chandler was implying.

"You'll probably be up all night playing X-box and watching triple X movies."

"Nah, we'll probably be in bed before you are."

"Hmm, that could be interesting too!" Chandler responded, wiggling his eyebrows.

"Jeez Chandler, can't two guys get together without you making it into something?"

"I'm only teasing! I'd like to do something with you guys sometime. Maybe we could all go see the new James Bond movie."

"That would be cool," Joe said. "I've never gone to a movie."

"Never?" Chandler gasped.

"Nope. I have a lot of catching up to do."

"We could do a movie night at my house sometime," Chandler offered. "We have DVDs of lots of good stuff including some that Mom doesn't know about, if you know what I mean."

"Sounds good!" both boys responded.

The boys all headed out to the front to wait for their rides at the end of the day. Chandler's mom arrived first and Joe was surprised to see it was Ms. Baldus, his social worker. She saw him and smiled. He beamed back at her and waved.

"Hey Mom, how do you know Joe, or shouldn't I ask? Oh, I know, he's one of your cases isn't he? He didn't get in trouble, did he?"

"You know I can't discuss my clients, Honey, but I will tell you he's not in trouble. He seems like a very nice boy."

"He's a great kid! He's so, I don't know, innocent, I guess. He's never even seen a movie! Can you image that? It's like he was Old World Amish or something."

"I'm not surprised."

"Do you think I could have Mark and him over to watch movies sometime? I'd like to hang out with them. They're both very smart and good in school."

"I'm sure that would be fine. Now, tell me about your day."

Brent picked up Joe and Mark to transport them to Mark's house so they wouldn't have to take the bus. Mickey would get home about half an hour after they did, so they wouldn't be on their own long.

After Brent dropped them at the door, Mark took Joe on a tour of the house. It was about the size of the one Joe's foster fathers owned, and was also nicely decorated. Both Mark's and Bradon's bedrooms were furnished with a large bed, desk, and comfortable lounge chair besides bedside tables and a desk chair in each.

Joe marveled that all of his new acquaintances lived so much better than his family and friends from his old church. Once again he realized how different his world had been. It was one that he certainly didn't want to go back to. He thought of all the "what ifs" in his life. What if Dave hadn't contacted him to take over his paper route? What if his father hadn't whipped him so badly that is showed? What if Brent hadn't answered his knock?

"Are you okay?" Mark asked, jolting Joe out of his reverie.

"Yeah, I was dreaming about living like you do, in a nice house like this."

"You must have a nice room at Dave's house."

"I do. I have one a lot like yours, but what if they don't let me stay with them?"

"Brent seems really eager to have you. Is there a problem?"

"Oh, I didn't mean Brent and Brock when I said `them'. I meant the authorities. I've learned that my grandparents might try to get custody and take me to live in Texas."

"You can't go away! I'll pray every night for you like I do for my dad. I don't want you to go anywhere!"

"I don't want to go either! Chandler's mom is going to try to make sure I don't."

"I'll love her forever if she can let us keep you."

"Seriously? You want me to stay that bad?"

"Yeah, I do." Mark said softly looking into Joe's eyes. "I think we could be really good for each other."

"I wish it could be true. I have a lot of what Dr. Troxel calls `baggage' that I should tell you about."

"I'm really familiar with his terminology. You know he's my shrink too. I'm not going there to play checkers."

Joe giggled, "I'm glad we can joke about it. I know it's not exactly fun."

"You're right, but I have to keep a sense of humor or I'd be depressed as hell! I'm weaned off of the meds and it's like my head is so much clearer. I'd take them again in a minute if I had to. I'm not saying anyone should stop without their doctor's permission, but I don't like being drugged, do you?"

"I was only on pain killers," Joe said. "They made me kinda loopy, but it was better than hurting. I don't like to be out of control either. I guess I'd never make it as a druggy."

"Have you ever done any drugs? I'm guessing not, if you've never even seen a movie."

"No, I haven't; have you?"

"Nope. I did sneak a little wine or booze when it got bad, but Bradon caught me and threatened me if I didn't quit. I was pissed at him at the time, but now I'm glad he got on me. He's a good brother."

"Are you planning to tell me about what made you drink? I'm not pushing."

"I will later tonight. If I start now, Mom will come home and interrupt us. It's gonna be hard, so I'd rather do it all at once. Are you gonna tell me about the marks on your back tonight?"

"Yeah, I was going to do it earlier, but like you, it's kinda hard. And it's not the worst I have to tell you. I hope you won't hate me when I'm done."

"I could never hate you!" Mark declared as he put an arm gently around Joe and drew him close.

It was another of those times when they seemed to be communing with each other's soul through their eyes. Their faces seemed to be drawn together by some mysterious, irresistible force.

"Boys, could you come help me with the groceries? I have more than I can carry in two trips and Bradon's not home yet." Mickey called to them.

The magical force dissipated and the boys hurried to the garage.

"Sorry about being late Mom," Bradon said as he came in the back door. "Coach Carstenson worked with us freshmen a little extra. He wants Jon, Dave, and me to be part of a relay team along with Nate Groff. He thinks we can kick some butt if we keep progressing like we are now."

"It's good he's taking an interest in you boys. He sounds like a good man."

"He's the best!"

Their conversation at the table revolved mostly around school. Mickey was pleased to see Mark so animated. He'd been moody during the time he was being molested. The thought brought tears to her eyes and she got up to get extra napkins from the counter to keep from showing her emotions in front of the boys.

At the end of the meal, they all jumped up to help clear the table and load the dishwasher. Joe pitched in like her own sons. He seemed to be as pleasant and polite as Mark had said. It also seemed that Mark couldn't keep his eyes off the boy. She wondered...

When Mark and Joe went to the basement to play video games, Mickey made up an excuse to keep Bradon back a few minutes to talk with him.

"Do you know if they're planning to sleep together in Mark's bed?"

"I suppose, unless they spread out sleeping bags like we did when Dave and Jon were over. I sorta suspect that's what they'll do."

"Do you think they'll fool around?"

"Yeah, they'll probably get tired of games and watch some TV or maybe a movie."

"No, I mean, um, mess around."

"Mom, you're a nurse and I'm 14. I think if you're wondering if they will engage in sex play, you can simply say what you mean."

"Okay, you're right. Do you think they might?"

"Maybe yes; maybe no. Many boys do it sometime in growing up. I'm sure you've taken child psych classes which discussed the topic in passing at least."

"Have you?"

"Did you and Dad `mess around' before you got married?"

"That's personal and nobody's business!"

"Touché, Mom. If they're gonna play around, they'll do it whether they share a bed or sleep in separate rooms. It's kinda like `what will be, will be' or whatever they say."

"How did you get to be so grown up and wise?" she sighed.

"I've had excellent examples in you and Dad," Bradon smiled.

"Thanks, Son. Now go along and keep them company, but don't monopolize their time; it's Mark's little party."

"Trust me, Mom. I know when three's a crowd."

Author's notes: I have several things today. Of course I want to recognize those who've emailed this week: Bob Z, Douglas and Lawrence, Jim W, Paul R, Mendy D, Bill T, Larry, Tony W, Bill K, Walt S, Tom A, Ott H, Roger L, Harry T, Vern, John McD, Trish R, and Laura DeB.

Yes guys, several ladies also follow the adventures of my young gay characters.

One reader, Paul R, suggested that I post sources of Jack Rogers' book, "Jesus, the Bible, and Homosexuality" which was mentioned in the last chapter. He sent the following message: has it, has it, and have it, have it, and I am sure more places have it.

I ran into a site which discusses a new condom that is especially made for gay intercourse. It's not on the market yet, but may be in a couple of years:!receptive-anal-intercourse-condom/cow7

Finally, another reader, Paul F, alerted me that one of my stories, "Zeke," has been revised, bastardized actually, and is being posted on a site without my permission:

If you have any ideas on how to stop this, I'd love to hear them. It appears that the "comment" section has been closed, so I can't complain there...


Next: Chapter 15

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