Metamorphosis of Jeremiah Long

By David Lee

Published on Apr 19, 2013


The Metamorphosis of Jeremiah Long, Chapter 11


This story contains scenes of love and sexual interaction between males of similar age. If the reading or possessing this material is illegal in your country, state, province, county, municipality, etc., please leave this site immediately and do not proceed further. If you are under the legal age to read this, please do not do so.

The author retains the copyright, and any other rights, to this original story. You may not publish it or any part of it without explicit authorization from me.

I have written several other stories. My longer ones on Nifty include: "Always and Forever" (March 25, 2004), "Jacob and Jacques" (May 30, 2004), "Zeke" (August 29, 2005), "Tales from Bentonville" (November 16, 2008), "Second Chance" (September 24, 2010), and "Tommy and Tanner (October 21, 2012)under "High School" and "Someone to Watch over Me" under "Beginnings" in the gay male section.

My short stories include: "Brad and Alan's Canoe Trip" (April 22, 2004 under "Camping", "Of Angels and Dragons" (November 8, 2008) under "Camping", "A Christmas Tale" (December 22, 2009), "Wyatt's Thanksgiving" (November 20, 2012)under "High School", "Brazil Affair" (October 1, 2010), "A Technological Christmas" (December 23, 2011), and "Patrick's Christmas (December 19, 2012) under "Beginnings," I have one story in the Sci Fi/Fantasy category called, "Seth's Gift" (October 10, 2010).

You can easily access most of my tales by going to the "Author" button in Nifty's home page and scrolling down to David Lee. Some of these stories are also posted at: and

My only reward for contributing to Nifty is your emails. Please write if you like the story. Please include the name of the story in the title of your email because my email service sometimes puts them in the "spam" file.

Thanks and hugs to Tom and David (boxerdude) who edit for me so that there are fewer mistakes! They not only proof-read, but make other valuable suggestions.

Your donations to Nifty are appreciated to keep this a free site for us and for you.

David (

The Metamorphosis of Jeremiah Long, Chapter 11

The first actual day of high school was an abbreviated but busy one for Davy. The counselor assigned to his homeroom spent most of the 15 minute period with Davy outside in the hall. His schedule had been greatly modified based on the results of the recent posttest Cade had administered.

Jon was waiting for him nearby when the buzzer rang signaling it was time to pass to their first-hour classes.

"My counselor knows Dad and she gave me a pass to escort you to your classes. I'm not sure what Dad did for her, but she's really friendly. No, I'm sure it wasn't what you're thinking!"

"I'm not thinking anything," Davy smirked. "I do know he's a stud, but I know where his interests lie!"

"Come on you dirty-minded heathen boy, let me see your schedule."

"You're the heathen! Here; it's changed a lot."

"Oh my God!" Jon exclaimed when he looked. "We have almost all our classes together now. We have different science and math classes, but the rest are the same including gym. The Good Lord has been looking out for us!"

Davy was thrilled with the changes in another way as well. He was in at least the mid-level in science and in the top level in math. Wow! Cade and Jon had really brought him up. He was pleased Cade would still be tutoring him some during the year. He hoped to have an excellent transcript someday so he could get into a decent college along with Jon. He couldn't bear the thought of being separated during those years.

The morning seemed to fly by. Having Willa and Jenna in the same lit class was fun, and being in social studies and gym with Bradon helped it pass quickly. Of course, beginning tomorrow, their classes would run the full 50 minutes.

The only fly in the ointment was that Spence ended up in Davy's science class because he had to repeat it in order to improve his grade. Davy wondered if the boy wasn't as sharp as he seemed or if he'd been too high to process the material last year. His eyes appeared a bit red today until he'd put Visine in them several times.

The boys rode their bikes to Culver's for lunch. At least they could get a quick meal there that was somewhat balanced. As they entered, Jenna waved to them and asked them to sit at their table. Willa's mother was with the girls and practically insisted, in a nice way. She wasn't pushing her daughter to go out with boys, but thought either of these two would certainly be suitable dates when the time came.

She noted that conversation flowed easily among the kids, and she learned more about the first day of high school than she would have from her daughter alone.

"How did it go?" Cade asked before their shortened tutoring session in the basement apartment he and Harrison now called home.

"It was awesome!" Davy responded. "Thanks to you, I'm in higher level classes than I dreamed possible. I know I'll have to study hard to prove myself, but I'm gonna do well."

"You often study HARD," Jon giggled, brushing his hand across Davy's crotch.

"Only because you keep me UP." Davy giggled.

"Okay boys, pour cold water on your hormones and let's get down to business. Here is one of the science areas you need to improve on, Davy."

Almost immediately, the boys shifted gears and got busy.

Harrison came home around the time their lesson was finished, so he worked with them on karate for the next 45 minutes.

"We'd better get a quick shower," Davy suggested. "Brent's making dinner tonight and I don't want to hold things up. I love my dad, but my step- dad is the best cook!"

There was a soft tapping on the door which separated the apartment from the upstairs and Cade answered it.

"Hi Brent. What can I do for you?" Harrison asked.

"We were hoping you could join us for dinner. I made a double recipe of lasagna and have a big salad and French bread to go with it. I hope you don't have something started. I should have checked earlier, but I got involved in answering emails and forgot."

"No problem," Cade called from the kitchenette area. "It's my turn to cook and I was checking to see what frozen entrees we have stored away. What you have going sounds way better!"

Before dinner, Todd and Jim arrived. Brent had decided he might as well turn it into an impromptu dinner party. Brock contributed by opening the wine while the boys, fresh from their shower, set the table.

The next gathering of the extended family took place a week later for Jon's 14th birthday. Jim and Todd worked together to make a dinner of roast beef, baked potatoes, steamed broccoli, and a tossed salad. The homemade dessert was a chocolate layer cake with chocolate frosting. Todd added about a tablespoon each of vanilla and almond flavoring to the cake mix and to the frosting like his deceased wife had done. He'd kept the tradition going these many years, and Jon appreciated it. No one's chocolate cake could hold a candle to the family recipe.

After a rousing, if slightly off key, rendition of "Happy Birthday" Jon had to make a wish and blow out the candles. He pumped his fist in the air as a sign of victory, but one lone candle in the center lit up again. Figuring out that his dad had put a trick one in there, he wet the forefinger and thumb on his right hand and pinched it out instead of blowing a second time.

"Aw, you take all the fun out of it!" Todd joked.

"Nah, it was fun knowing I'd been had," Jon replied. "Besides, I didn't want to chance blowing more germs on the cake."

"Eeww!" Todd complained. "You've probably spoiled it for Cade and Harrison as well as the rest of us."

"Not for me," Davy insisted. "I'd swap spit with him anytime."

"David Brock..." Brock began before Davy cut him off.

"Sorry Dad, I'll be good. I know how easily you old guys are offended."

His teasing brought laughter to everyone around the table.

Jon received several Amazon gift certificates to spend as he wished. He got a school jacket from Todd and Jim. But the ceramic pot from Davy make his eyes light up more than the rest of his presents. It was the thoughtfulness more than the monetary value that touched his heart.

In another week, a similar party took place at Davy's house with the same guest list when he turned 14. He thought it was great that he and his boyfriend were almost like twins in age. Brock pulled the same corny trick, only with two candles that reignited this time.

Davy's cake was also chocolate, but with a creamy whipped vanilla frosting. Jon and he had similar tastes, but not identical.

His gifts were similar to Jon's as well. He too received an athletic jacket that would hold his letter for swimming when he got it, and he did plan on getting one.

Jon gave him a silver colored bracelet with the word, "Always" engraved on the front and their initials on the back. Davy thought it was the most intimate thing he'd ever received. It would be a constant reminder of their affection for one another.

The first month of school passed rapidly and soon it was the end of September. On the last Sunday, some of the youth group volunteered to be servers in the meals program. Several of the usual ones were there including Bradon, Willa, and Jenna. Wyatt was also in attendance.

"Man, you've really got a giving spirit. It seems like you're always here." Davy complimented him.

"I'm embarrassed to tell you, but I have to level with you guys," Wyatt said softly so only they could hear. "I'm doing community service for vandalizing someone's car. I paid for the repairs, but I didn't get off that easy. I'm stuck doing this until around Thanksgiving. So, I'm not the loving humanitarian you think I am."

"It's still cool that you're being responsible and making right what you did," Jon assured him. "Look at the movie stars and other people who skip out because they think it's beneath them."

It soon got busy so that there wasn't time for more conversation. Davy did notice that Wyatt's mood changed appreciably when a scruffy school aged kid came through the line. He nudged Jon who also thought both Wyatt and the young dude seemed pleased to see one another.

After the line of clients got down to a trickle, Wyatt talked to the cook and then took a plate, went through the line, and joined the guy. This was indeed strange because they were certainly from two entirely different worlds.

The cook also invited the boys to eat pizza when it appeared there'd be a lot left over, but they declined, knowing they'd get something they liked better at home.

By mid October, Jon and Davy were really into the swing of high school. They were busy, but felt happy because they were growing socially and physically as well as intellectually.

Their gym class concentrated on weight training and was coordinated with their sport in developing muscles for strength and endurance in the water. Coach Fanning made the rounds almost every day to make sure the guys were actively working the right muscles. Often he'd place his hands on the particular muscle to feel how much it was contracting. When he did it to Davy's glutes, it made Davy tense up.

"Hey, relax son. You're a cutie, but I'm not going to rape you. You need to try the abductor and adductor machines more to strengthen this area near your hips," he said, patting Davy's bottom.

Jon could easily see that Davy was uncomfortable with the contact. It bothered him too because the coach's fingers strayed rather close to Davy's crack. That territory was off limits to anyone but Jon!

In the shower with several others from the class a few minutes later, they discussed it.

"Man I hope he's not gonna be that hands-on when we're wearing the skimpy Speedos we compete in. I can't understand why he wants us to buy them a size or two smaller than we usually wear. It's gonna compress my balls right up into my body!" Davy complained.

"He says it's to make us have less drag in the water. Since you've got a rudder between your legs, having it compressed could shave a second or two off your time." Jon giggled.

"You're no smaller in that department than I am. Just look at yourself!"

"Are you guys comparing dicks?" Bradon grinned.

"Yup he says my dick is gonna slow me down," Davy said.

"It could," Bradon agreed. "That's a pretty big sausage."

"Hey, you're not exactly small either," Davy told him.

"Yeah, I guess I measure up."

A couple of other guys started to throw wood because of the talk about dicks, and quickly turned their backs in an attempt not to be discovered. Spence left the area quickly to get dressed.

At lunch the next day, the buzz was all about the homecoming dance and how much fun it could be. Jenna, Megan, and Willa were eager to go as were Davy and Jon. Bradon seemed interested too.

At least two of the boys weren't sure they wanted to start dating because they really weren't interested in girls and didn't want to use them as cover. Jon's mind was working on a solution as they talked.

"Hey, I have an idea. Why don't we do a group date; you know, like maybe we could all go together since we usually eat lunch as a group?"

"Who would be whose date?" Megan asked.

"We'd all be going with everyone else," Jon responded. "That's why it's called a group date. That way there's no pressure on anyone to worry about going steady or getting romantic until we're more mature. If any two decide they want to go to a movie by themselves or something later, the rest should be fine with it and not get all dramatic because there's no commitment."

"It sounds like a plan to me," Bradon spoke up. "I'd like to know I have someone to dance with, but I'm not ready to pick out furniture and won't be for a long, long time!"

"I think it would be fun," Willa declared. "We're all compatible and we never seem to be at a loss for things to talk about. It wouldn't be awkward like with someone we don't know very well. And if some creep asks us out, we could claim we're already committed even though it's in an informal way."

Jenna and Megan nodded. Megan had been sort of hoping Bradon might ask her to the dance, but if this was as close to having a date with him as she could get at the moment, she'd gladly settle for it.

They spent the next few minutes trying to figure out whose parents had the sharpest ride to be seen in. Jon mentioned that his dad had a convertible which was cool but obviously wouldn't be big enough. Jenna said her family had a couple of small sedans which wouldn't solve the problem either. Willa was certain her mom could be counted on to chauffeur them in their minivan, but Willa was holding out for something better and suggested Davy should ask his dad to drive them in the SUV. She'd noticed it at church and thought it was sporty as well as roomy. Davy promised to work on it.

At Friday's gym class, Coach Fanning announced that he would have an expert college swimmer coming for the first official day of practice. He insisted that all the boys show up in their Speedos and to bring video cameras if they had access to any. He wanted to have them work in pairs or threes recording each other's strokes and performance in general so that they could critique themselves and each other during the following week. Everyone agreed it would be a good chance to see what they needed to do in order to improve. Even Davy felt the coach was on the right track toward making them into a powerhouse. Perhaps he'd jumped to the wrong conclusion about him.

Brock granted Davy's request to use his new camera. Shortly after Davy had decided to join the team, he had splurged on a high resolution one that was also water resistant in order to take footage at his son's meets. He trusted that Davy would take good care of it, and was pleased to have a tool which might help Davy become a record-setter someday.

The young college stud, Vin Rossi, who came to help coach on Monday was from the university and must have swum with Cade, though neither Jon nor Davy had a chance to ask him. They could discuss it all with Cade later. The guy had a great swimmer's body and certainly filled out his Speedo in the right places.

Davy took his job seriously as he recorded shots of Vin's flawless strokes. He soon forgot about the young man's attributes other than how well his muscles functioned to propel him smoothly through the water.

After each demonstration, groups of high school boys took turns filming their partners' attempts to duplicate what they'd seen. Since the older guys had first dibs, the younger ones got very little pool time. Vin promised to come back to work with them again another day.

Coach Fanning had brought Bradon's younger brother Mark to watch the demos. Davy felt sorry for the kid sitting around in his skimpy Speedo for the whole time without having any chance to be in the water at all.

Being at the bottom of the totem pole, Jon, Davy, and Bradon were the last to leave. Bradon planned to walk home with Mark after they'd showered, but Coach Fanning said he would bring the boy home later. He would work with Mark privately after the others left.

Davy thought he saw a look of apprehension on Mark's face and planned to ask Bradon about it in the locker room. Before he could bring it up, Bradon voiced a similar feeling.

"Something isn't right! I know Mr. Fanning has taken an interest in Mark and me while Dad's deployed in Afghanistan and he's helped Mom with her car problems, but this feels creepy."

"Dad says if something feels suspicious, it probably is." Jon agreed.

"I think we should hide out in here to make sure your bro is okay," Davy added.

"I was planning to do that and if you guys will help me, it'll go better." Bradon exclaimed. "Thanks!"

"Here's a thought," Jon suggested. "Since the locker room's locked from the outside, how `bout Davy and I stay here to let you back in after you go to the pool and tell Coach we're all leaving? We can hide in the handicapped toilet stall in the back corner. I doubt he'll come looking for anyone anyway, but we could hear what goes on and be nearby. Davy's got the camera and we can get the goods on Fanning if it turns out he's trying to do anything to Mark."

"Good plan!" Bradon agreed. "Let's do it."

A few minutes later, Bradon lied to the coach as smoothly as a politician and came back to tap lightly on the locker room door. Jon pushed the crash-bar letting him in. Then all three hid in the stall.

"Do you think we're crazy?" Jon asked.

"No!" Bradon replied. "Mark had a pleading look in his eyes that made me nearly cry to leave him, but we have to find out for sure what's going on. I don't want to make accusations I can't back up."

The boys didn't have long to wait before they heard footsteps. Evidently Coach Fanning and Mark were standing by a bench in the locker room only a few yards away.

Davy switched on the camera at that point. Even if he couldn't get a picture from where they were hiding, he could pick up the sound.

"Is anyone still here?" the coach called out.

Since no one answered, he turned to Mark.

"You could have done better out there, son. You seemed preoccupied. Were you excited about taking a shower with me? You're a pretty good swimmer, but in reality you're only good for one thing."

"Please don't make me do it!" Mark pleaded.

"You know you like to make my big cock shoot and you love having me suck your weenie. I'll make you feel great!"

"I don't like it; it's not right!"

"You don't want your family to find out what you've been doing, do you? I can tell them how you stared at my dick and got hard the first time we showered together. You wanted to touch it and I let you. Wait until they find out you're a gay boy."

"Please don't tell them."

"Then do as I say. You won't have to suck me off this time. What do you say to that?"

"Thank you."

"Thank you, what?"

"Thank you, sir!" the boy responded in a shaky voice.

"That's a good boy. Now bend over the bench so I can lubricate your hot little boy pussy."

"Stop, you're hurting me!"

"Shut up! It will hurt a lot more if I fuck you dry and that's what I'll do if you don't hold still."

The boys could wait not longer. Jon hit 911 on his speed dial and started to tell the operator the nature of their emergency. Bradon inclined his head toward the door and they all burst out at once.

"What the hell!" the coach yelled a split second before the force of Bradon's charge sent him to the concrete floor, putting a dent in a locker with his head on his way down.

He lay there stunned long enough for Jon to roll him on his stomach and force his arms into a controlling hold that Cade had taught them. Jon had to wave Bradon off before he stomped the man.

"Cool it Bradon! I'd like to kick the shit out of him too, but we want him in one piece when the police arrive. You'd better see to Mark."

Davy set the camera down on a bench pointed toward the coach and took Jon's place so he could continue taking to the operator. Jon had to go toward the toilets so he could be heard above the noise Fanning was making.

A minute or so later, there was a rattling at the locker room door. Jon clipped his phone on his pocket and went to open it.

"Mr. Collins, thank God you're here! We caught Coach Fanning trying to rape Bradon's brother."

"Surely you're mistaken. He's a good man. You let him up, boy! You're going to be in big trouble for attacking a teacher!"

"No sir. I'm holding him down until the police get here." Davy responded loudly.

"George what was it you did that made these boys think you were molesting the kid? There must be a reasonable explanation."

"I was teaching him about hygiene; um, how to keep his butt clean."

"See, it's all a big mistake; no need to involve the authorities. We can take care of this in-house instead of ruining the coach's reputation and losing the man who turned the swim team around."

"He was lubing Mark's butt-hole in order to screw him!" Davy exclaimed. "You'd better listen to us so you don't end up like the people who didn't intervene at Penn State!"

He was about to tell the vice principal that the police had already been called when Jon headed him off by saying that he'd not been able to get through because of poor reception. His wink in Dave's direction tipped him off to the lie.

"Good," Mr. Collins said. "Now let's work on damage control. If you boys keep your mouths shut, Coach Fanning won't press charges against you for attacking him. Bradon, take your brother to the shower and get him cleaned up thoroughly. I don't want any traces of lube on his ass. Now you, boy, whatever your name is, let him get up to get dressed."

"No sir!" Davy reiterated. "We know what we heard and saw. I won't rest until he's in prison like Jerry Sandusky!"

"Don't defy me! I'm in charge here. No one's going to believe a couple of punk kids over the testimony of a school official. I'll see that you're in juvenile detention!"

"Did you get all that?" Jon said into his phone as he brought it up to his mouth.

"We got it loud and clear!" Detective Rankin said as he and Officer Bullock burst through the door. "They patched you through to us so we heard nearly every word. We would have been in here sooner, but we wanted to give this high and mighty `school official' enough rope to hang himself. It looks to me like he's been covering up for the coach."

Then Detective Rankin read the coach and vice-principal their rights. He didn't want any slip-ups to prevent justice from being served.

Author's notes: Thanks to all who emailed this past week: Daniel L, Ott H, Bill K, Mendy D, Bill T, Jim W, Tom A, Paul R, Scott W (Tales), JJ, Trish R, Roger L, Wayne, Walt S, and Paul F.

Trish wanted me to thank all of you, so I'm including her message below.

Thanks to you all that have said a prayer for my Mom and family. Mom is doing much better today and continues to improve. You all are the best and this means the world to me. So thanks again!

I would like to as for prayers for Roger L and his mother who is declining. I know how hard that is on families.

Of course we need to remember the people in Boston and in West, Texas. There is a lot of sorrow in the world, but we can help if we are kind to each other and to strangers like the residents of Boston have been. We are all in this together.


Next: Chapter 12

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