The Merchant of Venice Or the Twenty-Four Nights of Lorenzo and Poletto

By Andrej Koymasky

Published on Dec 18, 2006


THE MERCHANT OF VENICE Or The Twenty-Four Nights of Lorenzo and Poletto by Andrej Koymasky (C) 2006 written the 17th of June, 1991 translated by the author English text kindly revised by John


"THE MERCHANT OF VENICE" is a gay story, with some parts containing graphic scenes of sex between males. So, if in your land, religion, family, opinion and so on this is not good for you, it will be better not to read this story. But if you really want, or because YOU don't care, or because you think you really want to read it, please be my welcomed guest.

CHAPTER 7 SIXTH NIGHT Adding Insult to Injury

"My lord, may I ask you a question?"

"Of course, my boy, what is it?"

"Last night, you told me that I please you and that I'm becoming ever better at making love."

"Yes, it's true, why do you ask me?"

A mischievous grin came over Poletto face, "Because I like to hear you say it..."

"And you, boy, are you really happy to make love with me?"

"Oh, my lord, I'm so happy that...that...that I don't even know how to tell you, I can't find the right words."

"And did it please you last night when you slipped it inside me?"

"Oh yes, did it ever!"

"Do you like it more to put it into me or have it put into you?"

"Both, both ways, my word of honor. But the thing I like most of all is to see you get off and to know that I'm the cause of your pleasure. But now, will you tell me how it is that you made love with Alano as well?"

"Yes, of course. Well then, later I'll tell how a certain Egyptian was tricked and insulted, and how he made love with me, convinced that I was his wife."

"Really? Yes, that one will be wonderful. But wait a bit, while I get undressed and get into bed with you."

"Yes, quickly. In fact, I'll tell you what, beginning tomorrow, I want you to be already in my bed when I come up."

"As you command, my lord. It'll be my pleasure!"

"Well, then, we arrived in Alexandria in Egypt, where we waited for Abdul, and we all stayed there for a few weeks. Assisted by my two friends, we sold all of our merchandise and property at a great profit. When we came to divide the portions, they wanted me to take half of what had been earned by selling their property, as a way of thanking me for the help I'd given them. It was a great sum of money and I accepted it gladly because it would enable me to improve my business.

In the days that we stayed in Alexandria, we were discreet because the Sultan of Turkey still ruled there. Alano and Flavio as (he was now called) saw each other rarely and the French sailor, who officially passed as my business partner, lived with me while Abdul stayed at another inn. The night before their departure Alano and I were together at our inn and, as usual, we went to bed. Our room had only one bed, albeit a large one, and so every evening we slept together. Although it often gave me an erection to have him so near to me, I tried to hide so that he would not notice and thus not embarrass him."

"It must have been very difficult, my lord?"

"It was indeed, Poletto, but for me he was first of all my friend's lover and I wanted neither to embarrass Alano nor to wrong Abdul. So, that last night, Alano and I were falling asleep, next to each other, when the sailor passed his hand over my chest, caressing it. I experienced something like an intense heat and immediately I was completely awake.

Uneasy, but more than ever determined to behave myself, I told him, "I beg you, Alano, please stop. It's been such an effort for me to be here in the same bed without touching you... you make it even more difficult for me this way, don't you understand?"

But he did not stop and he told me, "Yes, I know, I noticed it. I know very well that you desire me. But tonight is our last night together, and I desire you just as much. Come on, let's make love."

"But, what about Abdul? I don't want to do him this wrong."

"Flavio? I've talked to him about it. He knows and he doesn't mind. Besides, he knows that I love only him."

"And he's not jealous of you?"

"Of course he is, but not in this case. Don't be so tense, Lorenzo, come on. Let's get off together on this our last night."

As he was telling me this, in the dark, he had pushed away the sheet, and he began to loosen my breeches. I was still troubled, confused and uncertain. He lowered them to my thighs and he caressed me between my legs until he made my cock erect. Then he rested his cheek against my belly and he placed his beautiful, sensual lips on the point of my shaft. For a moment I tried to resist, but then I embraced him tightly and I in turn began to caress him.

He then undressed, removed the rest of my clothes and then laid on top of me, embracing and kissing me. It delighted me immensely to feel his naked body trembling on mine.

After a while I said to him, "Let's light a lamp, Alano, I want to see your beautiful naked body, and admire it finally with nothing on, and to feast my eyes."

He got out of bed right away, and set about striking the tinderbox until the tenuous and warm light of the lantern filled the room. He brought the lamp next to the bed but remained standing there, his legs slightly apart, splendid in his golden nudity. Smiling, he looked at me. He had a truly beautiful and exciting body.

He spread his arms and said, "Here I am. Do you like what you see?"

"Yes..." I barely had the strength to say so.

I was fascinated by that body that he offered for my admiration and desire, from his lubricious glare and sweet lasciviousness, from his beautiful uncircumcized member, barely unsheathed that palpitated lightly and pointing toward me.

His gaze ran up and down my body in a silent caress of obvious desire. I slowly passed my hands over my own body, seized by a growing desire.

Then I murmured, my voice hoarse with emotion, "I want you, Alano, come to me..."

He drew near the headboard of the bed, placed a hand on the nape of my neck and gently forced me toward his tool that now stood out erect. He pointed it at my mouth, and pushed his pelvis forward in a mute offering. My lips parted and welcomed that beautiful, throbbing meaty rod. I began to suck, placing my hands on his beautiful, small, firm ass, drawing him closer to me. As I sucked him with great pleasure, with one finger I began to make my way between his sinewy buttocks, and identifying the opening I began to titillate it. He emitted a brief sigh of pleasure, giving me leave. From below I regarded his beautiful body towering above me, and from the expression on his face, his half closed eyes, his head tilted slightly back, I saw that he was thoroughly enjoying my preliminary erotic attentions.

Then he came closer to me, pushed me onto my back and stood over me on his hands and knees in a way so that we could suck each other at the same time. When he felt that I was quite ready, he pulled away from me and moved astride me, then he lowered himself onto my ready and hard tool, made slick by his saliva, and made it penetrate deep inside him. Then he arranged himself better and began to bounce up and down with a quick, strong rhythm, and in that way he had me take him. I saw his beautiful, hard tool bouncing rhythmically before my eyes. I grabbed it with both hands, supporting it the palm of one hand, and massaging it with the other and matching his rhythm.

Slowly, as he neared the pinnacle of his pleasure, Alano grew ever more beautiful. I was more and more excited by this unexpected and intense ride, and when Alano, by now close to his explosive orgasm, began to contract the muscles of his asshole around my rod, I too was unable to hold back any longer and nearly in unison we erupted in spurts of scalding lava.

But Alano had decided to leave me and indelible memory of this night, so he skillful managed to keep me from loosing either my desire or my erection. We continued to make love all night long in every position. It was truly a fantastic night of indescribable beauty. That boy really had fire running through his veins and I thought how fortunate Abdul was to have such a lover.

On the following day however, when I went to the port with them to say good bye to them at the pier, I felt a little embarrassed when I faced Flavio-Abdul.

He was aware of it and he said to me: "Lorenzo! You musn't feel badly, now. You made love with me for more than a year: it was only right that you should do it with Alano at least once. You both wanted it, didn't you? I'm happy, you must believe me. It was I who suggested it to Alano. Honestly, perhaps that's because now I no longer fear losing him and we're going away."

"It's been wonderful to know both of you." I said in a low, tender voice.

"As it has been for us to know you... and to make love with you. Goodbye Lorenzo, and thank you. For everything." Flavio said, and for the first time I saw him smile.

"How beautiful you are when you smile. Do it often." I told him then.

"Of course. Now I have a good reason to. Goodbye, dear friend, and thank you again."

We embraced. They boarded happily, and the ship weighed anchor for Sicily. I returned to my rooming house and I felt acutely that I would miss them both very much."

Lorenzo paused, lost in his beautiful memories.

Poletto caressed him with his hand and whispered: "Do you miss them still, sire?"

"No, but it has moved me to remember them, and to remember that special night of love with Alano."

"I wish I were capable of giving you as much pleasure..."

"Yes, Poletto, I know. You're already giving me much, anyway."

"I'm not yet really skilled at it, however, am I?"

"But you're learning very well, and quickly, and you're very sweet." Lorenzo said, caressing him tenderly. "But now let's go ahead with the second part of my story, alright?"

"Of course, my lord."

"I dedicated myself to my trade. I had to buy new local goods and then go eastward to resell them. I had heard that in Baghdad, commerce was good, so I'd decided to join up with a caravan that would be departing in a few days later. We agreed on the price for the camels and for the armed guards, because in fact I knew that the way that we had to take was frequented by marauders.

The leader of the caravan was an Egyptian by the name of Najib. We had already encountered each other many times to arrange for the trip and to fix the details. Najib was a man of about forty, forthcoming and kind. He was married and had five children: two boys and three girls. The boys, a twenty-one year old, and another of eighteen (I was twenty then), were part of the caravan. As kind as Najib was to me, his sons were unfriendly and not at all handsome. Their father however was truly a handsome man, attractive, beyond being pleasant company. It was just that, at least so it seemed, with him there would be nothing between us. Bit by bit a I developed a certain kind of friendship and familiarity with Najib.

So one day he confided in me that he had become attracted to with the wife of one of his friends. He had wanted to be able to make love to her, and she made discreet signs that she seemed to respond to his attentions, but he didn't know how to manage it because his friend, especially when there were other men about the house, never let his own wife out of his sight. He was a very suspicious and jealous man.

Najib's friend was called Shabri and he was a handsome man of thirty-five. They had been friends since childhood and, he confided in me, when they were boys they'd amused themselves together. He never said it in an explicit way, but I guessed what he meant to say when me spoke about amusements among friends.

I was in the hamam with Najib when he told this: "Once, while I was a guest in Shabri's house, I caught a glimpse of his wife as she undressed to take a bath. I saw her only for an instant, and from behind. She has a slender body similar to yours."

"C'mon, you wouldn't think to do it with me in place of that woman, would you?" I then asked jokingly, but also perhaps hoping for it.

He laughed heartily and he gave me a slap on the back "Calm yourself, I didn't mean that. It's just that the resemblance was striking, especially from behind. Shabri would perhaps take you gladly, not me. I know that he likes nice asses, even though he says that he does it only with women... but I know that sometimes he does it with young boys.

And so a vague idea began to develop in my head that slowly took form.

So I said to Najib, "Perhaps there's a way, my friend..."

I presented my plan to him. If he were able to come to an agreement with the wife of his friend, perhaps we could trick Shabri. Najib would have to take me to his friend's house dressed as a woman, and would introduce me as his wife's cousin. I would ask to meet Shabri's wife and therefore I would be admitted to her chambers. Once left alone with the wife we would exchange our clothing. Meanwhile he would "confide" to his friend that he would like to make love with his wife's cousin, who was willing, but that at his own home or at that of the cousin it was impossible for them to be alone together. So he must ask the friend to permit him to be alone with the cousin there in his house. Once the friend accepted, as he was almost certain to do, Najib would withdraw with Shabri's wife who would now have put on my clothing, while I stayed in the wife's room dressed in hers. Shabri would think to not have lost sight of his wife, unaware that it was me instead...

Najib laughed at first, taking it as a joke, but then he began to think about it seriously. He raised several concerns: "But what if Shabri had the desire to make love with is wife while you were there?"

"We'd just have to tell the woman, just before our visit, to say that she feels indisposed and that she needs to rest."

"What if he would want to speak with her?"

"I would pretend to be sleeping..."

And so we continued to discuss it for a while, until in the end he was so excited about the idea, he was convinced. So then we began to make all the preparations. First of all we were able to speak with the lady's servant to warn her. Then we decided to go to Shabri's house a few times before he made the request, so that the friend would see me and so that I could speak directly with his friend's wife.

Nabjid procured for me some womens clothing and we went to pay our first visit to Shabri. Without any difficulty, as the men spoke among themselves, I was able to go off with Shabri's wife to her chambers. Then I unveiled the part of my plan that I had not told Najib: if she wanted to make love with my friend, she had to do it in a way that allowed me to do it with her husband. She confirmed that her husband sometimes enjoyed taking her from behind, especially if she was menstruating, so we agreed to pay our visit in the days during which her cycle had come. At the idea of tricking her husband, going to bed with his best friend in his own house and, to add insult to injury, to have him make love with a man, the woman agreed immediately to my proposal.

We returned to Shabri's house to pay him a second visit, I was again dressed as a woman. The wife told me that everything was going according to my plans and she had told her husband that she had a rash on her breasts, so that he would not try to touch me there while he made love to me. Furthermore, she also pretended to have laryngitis, so even the problem of the voice had been resolved. That woman was cunning and her maid, who was part of the plot, gave us more than a little useful advise. Among other things she gave me some perfumes that the woman used, and some of her makeup, so that I could scent myself as she did and makeup my eyes in the same way.

So the day finally came for our third visit; the decisive one. As usual I went to the woman's rooms, and right away I exchanged my clothes with her, including our intimate garments. She put on her veil and I laid down on the bed. When Shabri came to call Najib's cousin, the maid told him to lower his voice because his wife had gone to sleep and for this reason she had closed the shutters, so that now the room was in semi-darkness. The wife went out (dressed in my clothes) and Shabri was about to leave when I moved and moaned something indistinct.

Shabri then approached me, "What is it, my wife, are you ill?"

"She's dreaming." The maid replied, then added, "If you, Sire, would spend a bit of time with the poor thing... She didn't want me to tell you, but she desires you, and you instead have neglected her."

"You know it's her monthly flow, and that she's ill, don't you?" the man said justifying himself.

"I'm going out now, to leave you two alone..."

"You're well aware that lately, with her ailments, I could not even touch her." The man protested in a low voice.

The maid, at the door, told him in a soft voice, "Come on, Sir, it's only in front that she's in such pain and that you should not touch her, but you can still make her happy, the poor thing. I don't have to tell you how to please her and yourself, do I?"

In the meantime, I had uncovered my ass as we had agreed.

The maid added, "Just look at her, have you ever seen such a fair and delicate ass? Fresher than a rose..."

I felt like laughing, but I controlled myself. The man approached me and I felt him sit down on the bed. As soon as the maid went out, he began to caress my buttocks. It was very pleasing. I had my arms folded beneath me, one in front of my chest and the other covering my tool just in case, in spite of everything, he might try to caress me in either of those two critical places, and they would betray me.

I heard him fussing about, then felt him lie down behind me and soon I felt his hard and trembling rod pressing against the crease between my buttocks. I moaned and pushed against him. Then the man began to push with more determination, caressing lustily my back and buttocks. The situation was very exciting, especially thinking that the man was ignorant of the double deception he was undergoing.

Finally the point of his tool found my hole and he began to spread it apart, guiding his lance with his hand and slowly shaking it to make its way. I was very excited and my tool was very hard as well. Shabri was losing control and he began to push with growing impetuousness. I followed along and finally I felt him begin to penetrate me.

The man groaned with a voice hoarse from passion, and trembling, "You see that I don't ignore you, light of my eyes... feel how much you excite me, how much I desire you..."

I moaned with an nearly imperceptible voice the words that the wife had told me to say, "Ah Shabri... my husband... my bull..." and I pressed harder against him.

Finally he managed to get it completely inside of me. It was large, hard and very pleasant. He moved vigorously inside of me, moving it in every way. He really knew how to do it, I was getting ever more excited, and it was an effort not to give myself away. Suddenly his hand glided onto my belly and I was afraid that he would try to move it further up or down, so I clutched my arms closer to my body. Fortunately, he did not move his hand further. Holding me firmly in that way, he impaled me with even greater force. He was a truly passionate man and I regretted that I could not make love with him more freely, but at the same time I was terribly excited by the very situtation.

Finally he reached the summit of his pleasure and he began to unburden himself in me with hoarse gasps of pleasure, wave after wave of scalding seed.

"You have a delicious ass, wife of mine, better than that of a young boy. But now rest quietly, my little dove and try to regain your health quickly, because I desire to take you in the usual way as well. Now, unfortunately, I must go, perhaps my friend has also finished with his wife's cousin."

I heard him get out of the bed, put his clothes in order and he went out. The maid entered immediately as I was fixing my clothes.

"It worked, didn't it? Now wait for my lady. You both must exchange your clothes quickly. How was the master?"

"Wild. He didn't suspect anything, indeed, he told me that my ass was better than that of a boy!"

The woman laughed with delight. After a while Shabri's wife came in and we immediately exchanged clothing.

"How was it with Najib, my lady?"

"It was beautiful, I really must thank both of you. I've wanted to do it with Najib for a long time, as you know. Will you return now to make the change?"

"No, ma'am. I'm about to go. Besides, it went well once, we really shouldn't tempt fate."

"Take this, I want to give you this gold bracelet as a sign of my gratitude. Najib is really a passionate man."

"And your husband doesn't trifle either. He's so passionate, my lady. He pleased me very much as well."

"Yes, you're right, but now and then it's nice to have a change, don't you think so? And to overcome his morbid jealousy."

Soon they came to call me. Najib wanted to return home. As soon as we were out of the house he wanted to know how it had gone. Naturally I didn't tell him anything about what had gone on between me and his friend, but I felt very satisfied inside. He wanted to give me a gift to thank me for loaning my services for his escapade, and he told me all the details.

Finally the caravan was ready. I loaded all of my goods, and at dawn we left at once for Baghdad. The trip was forecast to be a long and slow one, but I was already ogling one of the young camel drivers and thought that if I were lucky, in this case I wouldn't be bored.

The boy was called Omar, he must have been a couple of years younger than I. He had a thick head of dark and curly hair, olive-colored skin, a small nose, soft and full sensual lips, and eyes that that looked at you from head to toe with a sly and rakish air. In my opinion the boy might be inclined to linger with me. The ample tunic which he wore completely hid the proportions of his body, but if it were as beautiful as his face, that boy would be a choice morsel.

As soon as we left, I spoke with Najib. "I was thinking that it will be hard to make this trip without even a woman. Doesn't that concern you?"

"Not too much. I always amuse myself with one of the camel drivers. I always have some young lad with me in the caravan, for me or for my sons."

"But are you sure they are game, and above all, they are skilled?"

"Of course. I personally try out all of my youngest camel drivers, before I hire them. For a good carvan it takes strong camels, capable and faithful men, secure weapons, and boys ready to satisfy the men, don't you know that?"

"It's not really like having a woman, however." I said, prompting him to go on.

"It could be even better, if you're lucky. You know the old proverb, don't you? 'A woman for siring, a goat for relief and a boy for pleasure'."

"But... and how do manage to get away with the boy that you choose?"

"Get away? It's no problem at all. At night he comes under my cover. Nobody sees us at night, besides everyone does it, therefore it's not a problem. Every adult spreads his blanked between two camels and his belongings, at night, making a kind of shelter. And around the fire, before going to sleep, the lads serve mint tea to the men. When one is served by the boy he wants for the night, the man offers the lad a sip from his cup: that's the sign."

"And if two men were to offer a drink to the same boy?"

"It doesn't happen. If I have given a boy a drink from my cup, no one will ask him for any tea the rest of the night. And even if they offer his some, the boy must refuse. Furthermore, one asks for a drink in an established order. First me, then the others in order of age. If you're interested, it will be your turn after my oldest son and before my younger one. If, on the other hand, you're not interested, ask for a drink from anyone, but don't offer him your cup."

"I see. Have you already tried Oman?"

"Certainly, when he was younger. It's just that by now he's too grown up for my tastes, and now it is he who will sometimes offer a drink to a boy. Still, when he was a young boy, he was one of the best. He had fire in his veins."

"You know, I'd like to offer him a drink..."

"No, you would offend him; he's an adult now. Even though I think he likes men more than women. Does Omar please you, then?"

"Yes, and I would like to try it with him..."

"If you want, I can talk to him in a discrete way, my friend. I'm indebted to you. If I ask him myself, I really don't think he'll say no."

The whole day passed but nothing happened and I thought that Najib had forgotten or that Omar had refused. Actually the boy had not given me any sign, he did not cast a glance in my direction, and said nothing to me. That night, after having eaten around the fire, I saw that silent ritual which Najib had described to me begin to play itself out. I didn't offer a drink to any of the boys, neither did Omar, because the young boys had already chosen by the older men. I went to my place, stretched among the two camels and my goods, and I laid down for a sound sleep. I had just fallen asleep when I felt someone touching me. I sat up and saw that it was Omar.

"Oh, is it you?" I asked, happy to see him.

"I knew that you were waiting for me.."

"Of course, come here."

He smiled and slipped out of his tunic, slid off his trousers, and in the moonlight I saw him naked. He truly had a body worthy of his face. His chest was completely hairless apart from a fine down that covered the lower part of his belly and that grew denser around his member which was in all respects long, obviously circumcised, slightly curved to the right and still soft. Two small dark nipples accented barely defined pectorals. His legs were two perfect pillars and his arms finely muscled. A vague scar marked the inside of his left thigh.

I too got undressed and he slipped under my covers.

"You know, I've never done it with a foreigner. What fair skin you have. Yes, I find you very exciting. When Najib told me that you desired me, I was very happy. As soon as I saw you, I fantasized about getting under your covers, but I thought that it couldn't happen, given that I'm no longer a young boy." Omar said as he began to caress my body in a sensual way.

"I'm not interested in young boys, I prefer people like you or even more mature."

"Me too, but you shouldn't say so or they'll make fun of you. But Najib won't talk, he's a good man. I have put my blanket just behind here and I'll set it even nearer to yours. No one will notice us and this way we'll be able to amuse ourselves together anytime we want."

By now I was completely excited. Then Omar offered himself to me and we made love. That boy truly had fire in his veins. The only thing he didn't know how to do was kiss, but I taught him how and he learned quickly and he enjoyed it.

After that first night, he came to sleep with me every night. During the day, he treated me like all the others, but at night he made me feel like a prince. With that splendid body of his he did things in a manner to gratify me in many ways, and each time I took him he took part in my assaults with an intensity and a passion that increased my excitement incredibly. He knew how to use his mouth very well and his tongue probed knowingly those places on my body where my pleasure was most acutely felt.

It was a very pleasant voyage. In the end, arriving finally in Baghdad, it saddened me that we had to part."

Poletto had listened to the story attentively.

"My lord, how would you like me to gratify you tonight, as Alano did, or as the Egyptian husband, or as Omar did?"

"In any way you want, my boy."

"I liked the way Alano slid onto you beautiful hard cock. And it's already wonderfully erect and hard. God, how beautiful your are, my lord, especially when you're excited as you are at this moment."

The boy began to caress Lorenzo, grazing the length of his the man's body with his lips and tongue. Meanwhile, Lorenzo gave Poletto a similar treatment, guiding him to discover the parts of his body most acute at feeling pleasure. They remained entwined in these enjoyable preliminaries for a while, then Poletto set about carefully preparing Lorenzo's fiercely erect rod; sucking it, licking it, carefully bathing it with saliva. Finally, he straddled it and slowly lowered himself down. Lorenzo guided his member between the buttocks which the boy spread apart with his hands. Poletto impaled himself, slidding down the length of it, and pressing down with all his weight.

"Oh, how wonderful it is to feel you completely inside me, my lord!"

"It doesn't hurt you anymore?"

"Hardly at all, besides, the pleasure is stronger each time. Hold on to me now, master, as I'm going to start to ride it."

Lorenzo smiled, held onto Poletto by the waist and the boy began to bounce up and down with a happy vigor. Each time that the boy went up, the man arched up his pelvis to meet him, penetrating him even deeper as the boy came down. He noticed that this pleased him. He began to caress the boy's belly, buttocks and thighs. When he felt he was nearing his orgasm, he sat up in the bed, embraced the boy, clutching him close to his chest and he kissed him deeply on the mouth. He had Poletto tighten his legs around his waist and his arms around his neck. Then Lorenzo, with little movements, first got up on his knees, the he rose to his feet, with the boy still deeply impaled on his cock, embraced and nearly hanging onto him. He got down off the bed and began to walk rhymically around the room. With each step the man took, Poletto bounced up and down and he felt Lorenzo's hard rod moving inside him.

"Oh, how wonderful this is... how you delight me so... Oh, how beautiful, how beautiful. You've never told me about this way of making love, my lord... with whom did you do it in this way?"

"You are the first, my boy. Do you like it?"

"To die for, it's to die for! Does it please you?"

"It does indeed, but now I'm going to rest your back on the table, without slipping out of you, and I'll finish fucking you there."

"As you wish. But I wanted to give you pleasure and instead it is you giving it to me..."

"You'll have other opportunities and besides, you are giving me great pleasure. But try not to come just yet, because afterward I want you to fuck me with that beautiful meaty skewer of yours."

"Yes, anything you want... ohhh, how wonderful... how beautiful..."


In my home page I've put some more of my stories. If someone wants to read them, the URL is

If you want to send me feed-back, or desire to help revising my English translations, so that I can put on-line more of my stories in English please e-mail at

Next: Chapter 8

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