The Merchant of Venice Or the Twenty-Four Nights of Lorenzo and Poletto

By Andrej Koymasky

Published on Feb 21, 2007


THE MERCHANT OF VENICE Or The Twenty-Four Nights of Lorenzo and Poletto by Andrej Koymasky (C) 2006 written the 17th of June, 1991 translated by the author English text kindly revised by John


"THE MERCHANT OF VENICE" is a gay story, with some parts containing graphic scenes of sex between males. So, if in your land, religion, family, opinion and so on this is not good for you, it will be better not to read this story. But if you really want, or because YOU don't care, or because you think you really want to read it, please be my welcomed guest.


Lorenzo and Poletto dried each other, lingering with this pretext on the other's body with long, soft caresses. Then they climbed on the bed, between the freshly laundered sheets.

"What a good sensation, after we only just washed, to feel such fresh sheets, don't you think, my Poletto?"

"Yes, it is almost like a caress."

"So now I don't need to caress you any more."

"Oh no, master, I prefer your caresses, of course! Why do you always pull my leg so?"

"I'm only joking... only out of affection."

Poletto caressed the man's strong and wide chest, then leaned over to kiss it, lingering on the nipples already hard for pleasure. With a hand he went down to caress his turgid member. Lorenzo closed his eyes, enjoying those attentions.

"Master, you're not falling asleep, now?"

"There is no such danger - you are awakening all my senses, all my body. Go on..."

"Yes, sure. But why don't you start telling me the continuation of your story?"

"Little is left, at this point. We are approaching to when I had the luck of discovering you. Just possibly a couple more interesting facts.

One happened when I was thirtythree. I was by then well known in Venice and all the doors of the most important mansions were open to me. It so happened that, when the Very Serene named the second count-captain of the town of Spalato, the patrician sent to call me. He asked me how much it would cost him to hire the most beautiful of my ships to carry him and his retinue to Spalato for the official installation in office.

I answered him, "It will cost you nothing, if you can just get from the Very Serene the authorization for me to open a warehouse in Spalato and to freely dock my ships there."

He said he was almost certain to get the concession for me, and so in fact it happened. I then decked out my brig, making the sails with the colors of the count-captain and hoisted his flags. When he embarked, there was a very beautiful ceremony, then we sailed. I was accompanying him to take possession of my new warehouse and leave my trustworty men there to manage it.

When we reached Spalato, there was another ceremony to welcome the new count-captain, who went in great pomp to the palace assigned to him. On the following days there would be all the official ceremonies, the handing over of the powers and a host of parties. Of course I was one of those regularly invited.

The first nights I slept on my brig, but I bought an elegant mansion and had it furnished. It had been the property of a Hungarian officer until Spalato was given back to the Very Serene, and was uninhabitated. Already on the fourth night I was able to sleep in my new mansion.

I was preparing my clothes for the party on the day after, when I saw that something had been poured on the little trunk containing them, penetrated inside and all my best clothes were irremediably stained. I immediately sent one of my men to look for a tailor, asking him to come with his most beautiful fabrics and to immediately make me new suits.

The tailor came with his assistant. I chose the fabrics I liked best and while the tailor was going to his shop to fetch everything he needed, he left his assistant to take my measurements. The boy, who seemed to be around twenty-two, twenty-three, was rather nice, but I just made a light thought about him, as I was already lost in my thoughts. But, being touched all over my body while he was taking my measurements, soon made me slightly aroused.

The boy was surely accustomed to that and seemed not to care. The tailor came back with another assistant and they at once started to cut and to sew, all three. We had decided they would work there, in my house, so that they could do all the needed fittings without losing time and I could meanwhile carry on the with my business. That was the best way to be sure I got the first suit ready in time for the ceremonies of the following morning. Once in a while the assistant came to the room I was working in, to make me try a piece or another so that, to spare time, I had undressed and was wearing only a kind of light silk dressing gown.

When he tried on me the breeches and the codpiece, the boy said, "We don't need to stuff the codpiece, most 'lustrious, you already have enough of your own. You are well equipped in this part, I see. Forgive me if I have to touch you there also, but I have to be certain that the little piece fits properly on your sundries."

"Yes, but if you continue to touch me so, boy, you will awake it."

"So much the better, sir, so we will be sure that the piece contains it properly, without dangerous surprises."

No tailors ever had made me such speeches, but I thought that after all the boy was not wrong. Thus I let him carry on.

From time to time the boy was coming to test on me one piece of clothing or another and each time, even though he touched me in a really professional way, he had the effect of causing me a light, agreable erection.

Finally the tailors finished my first suit, the one I wanted to wear on the following morning, therefore they went back to their shop to start to prepare the other suits I had ordered.

The day after, with my new clothes, I went to the ceremony of the powers handing-over and of the installation in office. Afterwards there was a sumptuous reception. All of a sudden I noticed that one of the servants who were passing with the wine jugs was the tailor's assistant.

Astounded, I stopped him and said, "But you are the tailor's assistant! What are you doing here, now?"

"Sorry, your excellency, but I don't know you. I am just a servant, I don't know what you are talking about."

"Come on! The voice is the same too, and the hair... yesterday afternoon you were at my house with the tailor."

"I was here to prepare for today, your excellency."

Feeling confused, I didn't insist. Then I thought they could have been twins, the likeness was so perfect.

That evening, when the tailor's assistant came to my place again for the fitting of another suit, I asked him if by chance he had a twin brother.

"No sir. Why are you asking me, most 'lustrious?"

I explained him about my encounter.

He smiled and said, "It must have been just a coincidence, most 'lustrious. I am the only son in my family."

The day after there was a reception in the mansion of one of the patricians of Spalato. There were several guests. When we sit down to eat, an elegantly dressed young man sat near me. I looked at him - he was the spitting image of the tailor's assistant! Totally bewildered, I asked him who he was.

"My name is Pino of Margiàn, at your service." Also the voice was the same!

I then asked him, "And, pray, what do you do for a living?"

"Nothing. My late father left me sufficient not to have to worry."

"Also the greatest riches, if not taken care of, sooner or later are reduced to nothing. Don't you care about your future? And that of your posterity?"

"No, I am enjoying my life. Anyway I don't want to beget children. Do you think my choice is so wrong?"

"Well... each one makes the choices he think best..."

"Do you have children?"

"No. Are you of Spalato, sir Pino?"

"Yes. Will you stay for a long time here in the city?"

"Possibly a couple of weeks."


"The time needed to set up my new warehouse."

We continued to talk of this and that but, the more I was looking at him, the more I felt confused and curious for that extraordinary likeness. However I could surely not ask him if he was the tailor's assistant - I would risk to make myself ridiculous. The young man's company was agreable and I started to desire to get to know him better and also, in case, to manage to make love with him. But every time I was casting bait, he seemed to carefully avoid it.

In the afternoon the tailor's assistant came to my house with another suit to try on me. Apart from his clothes, he was identical to the other two boys.

Thus, all of a sudden, profiting of the fact we were alone, I seized his wrists and told him, "You now tell me who you really are!"

"The tailor's assistant, most 'lustrious."

"Aren't you Pino of Margiàn?"

"Most 'lustrious, the Margiàn is Spalato mountain, and I am no pine, but a human being. Why are you making fun of me?"

"It is not possible that in three days I met three identical people! You, a servant and a rich young man! Who are you, and why all these disguises? And in any case, what is your name?"

"I am Martino of Giorgio. Leave me, most 'lustrious, you are hurting me. Please, leave me."

I was continuing to hold him vigorously by his wrists and had pushed him against a wall of the room, keeping him immobilized with all the weight of my body. Thus, at that point, I felt like a darting between his legs - the boy was becoming aroused and was having a conspicuous erection! The awareness of that made me too excited at once. I then pushed my body further against his so that he too could feel my erection pushing against him.

His eyes opened wide and looked at me with an astounded expression. Keeping him always still with the weight of my body and with one hand, I lowered the other between his thighs and fingered his firm turgidity. He shuddered but didn't move away his eyes from mine. I again fingered him.

Then I said him, "What is your real name, handsome little male?"


"But you were the servant at the ceremony the day before yesterday."


"And the Pino of Margiàn of yesterday?"


"Why all these disguises, this game?"

"To be able to see you. I noticed you when you disembarked and I at once desired to be near you, to know you... But I didn't know what to do to be noticed by you. Then, you called my father for your new suits... and I understood that luck was turning towards me, was giving me a hand... I used some clothes we were preparing at my father's shop, and..."

"Now you are near me... it was not what you wanted?"

"But you are hurting me so... and yet I like feeling how your body is shuddering, searching for mine." He said in a low voice.

"What do you want me to do with you now, boy?"

"Take me. Make me yours. This is my dream since I first saw you. If you liked how I was touching you all along during the fittings, you will like even more how I touch you, if you let me do..."

"Do you want to make love with me?"

"If the most 'lustrious wants to bestow me this grace..."

"But would it not have been simpler to let me understand it in another way?"

"When I was touching you during the fittings, even though it was clear that it didn't annoy you, you never encouraged me. I was afraid not to interest you... therefore I tried to arouse your curiosity in the way you know."

"And you succeeded. Undress, now, boy."

"My father is waiting me back at the shop for this suit. I would like having more time, to do everything at ease... Would you like to come with me, tomorrow?"

"Tomorrow? Where?"

"Tomorrow it is Sunday and we don't work. After the morning ceremonies at the church... On the mount Margiàn, amongst the olive trees and cypresses, there is the small house of my forefathers. It is small, but there nobody will disturb us. In the house enclosure, amongst trees and bushes, I can spread an old but soft bear fur... and there I can give myself to you."

"You always take your conquests there?"

"I was going there with my lover, up to three years ago..."

"And why don't you take him there any more?"

"He was the Hungarian captain. He had to go away when Spalato was given back to the Very Serene,"

"And why didn't you follow him?"

"He was married... he didn't want me to..."

"I will let you go now, Martino, but we will meet tomorrow. After the mass there is the lunch at the count-captain palace, but I willingly forgo it... But now, before you leave, I would like a little anticipation of what you are going to give me tomorrow."

The boy smiled, nodded, then kissed me straight in the mouth while with both hands he untied my breeches. When he had freed my pole, already very hard and erect, he knelt down and, while lightly massaging it, he started to tease it with skilled tongue strokes and sucks. Then he caressed it again and stood up.

With a sweet smile he told me, "Are you contented with this small sample?"

"Yes, Martino, but now I am longing for tomorrow."

"I will not miss the opportunity, be sure. And I will take something to eat together, when we are there..."

The day after he was waiting for me in front of the cathedral. He lead me out of the city walls and we climbed the Margiàn. We soon reached a small house hidden amongst the trees. He took from one room the bear fur and unrolled it in the little neglected garden, under the sun rays.

Then he said, with a kind of happy sigh, "Here we are. I am yours. Do anything you want with me."

"Undress then, Martino."

He complied, slowly, with languid moves, and the sight of his handsome body gradually unveiling before me, aroused me very much.

I asked him, "What did you do, with your Hungarian?"

"He liked sucking me until he made it erect and slippery, then he asked me to ride him with all my strength, until I emptied inside his soft ass. Then he made me suck it until he flooded my mouth with all his abundant and tasty cream."

"And you, nobody rode you?"

"When I was I boy, yes. But he was not interested in riding my ass."

"I, on the contrary, would really like putting all my rod inside you..."

"As I told you, you can do anything you want with me."

Meanwhile I had undressed. I started to tour around him touching and teasing him and the boy soon was all quivering with pleasure. I pulled him down with me on the soft fur.

"Prepare my shaft, Martino, while I will carefully prepare your little hole, so that I can then slip into you and duly ride you..."

We laid on our sides and while he was devoting himself to my member, I had him spread his legs and pushed my head between them so to reach his little hole with my tongue. I could feel his pole shivering against my chest. I licked and teased it for a long time until I felt him quiver all over his body. Then, slipping out my tool from his mouth, I turned around, made him fold his legs against his chest and sank between his spread little buttocks, inside his throbbing and slippery little hole, sinking down, down to the bottom.

He emitted a long moan of pleasure and decidedly pushed himself against me to be penetrated even more deeply. Keeping his legs well spread and pointing upwards, I started to piston inside him, at first slowly, then with growing vigour. Martino was accompanying each of my strokes with moans of enjoyment and tossed his head left and right, his eyes shut, seized by pleasure, with a blissful expression on his youthful and handsome face. I was gently pinching his nipples that I had discovered to be particularly sensitive, and enjoyed that fast and strong ride, feeling the warm and agreeable caresses of the sun on my back.

Martino started to beat his meat rapidly, and his anus began to palpitate around my rod, like, but better than, his skillful lips. When I felt we were both at one step from orgasm, I stopped and slowly slipped away from him. Martino looked at me with wide eyes, glossy with lust.

In a sorrowful tone, he just asked, "Why?"

"Let's now calm down a little, boy. I will start again in a short time, but I don't want to make this most pleasurable encounter finish too soon. In a while it will be you to fuck me, but we have to not yet come. Then I will take you again and we will alternate so, until we will have no more force to hold back."

"I like your program very much, Lorenzo. You are a fantastic lover. Do you have a steady boy, in Venice?"

"No, I have nobody, in this moment."

"It is a pity you have to go away..."

"We can meet again, in these days."

"Any time you want. I madly like how you fuck..."

"Yes, I am aware of it. But now, prepare yourself to take me. I want to feel all your nice stake inside me. Ride me how you were doing with your Hungarian."

"Then go on all fours. Do you know that you really have a beautiful ass, Lorenzo?"

"You like it?"

"I like everything of you, you are a delightful male." He said with a sigh.

He thrusted it in my hole and pushed it slowly inside, then seized my shoulders and started to vigorously ride me. I closed my eyes to better enjoy his fiery assaults. His stake, not very big but long and strong, was slipping in and out of me in a delightful rhythm. He was withdrawing slowly and plunging back into me strongly. When we were again at one step from the supreme enjoyement, he stopped and parted from me.

"Do you like me, Lorenzo?"

"Yes, very much. When did you make love with a male for the first time?"

"I was fourteen. I was already working at the shop with my father. And I was already feeling attracted by men, but I didn't know that it was possible to make love, and even less how to do it. During the fittings I had simply become aware that by touching a client in a certain way, I could give him an erection and this gave me pleasure. Thus, once, while I was doing the fittings to a Hungarian nobleman passing through the city, I provoked an erection in him. He then simply pulled it out and told me to touch it.

"He asked me if I liked it. I nodded, thrilled. He then made me kneel in front of him, aimed straight at my lips and made me open the mouth then, seizing my head with both hands, he slipped all of it inside and started to fuck my mouth. I liked that very much. Then he ordered me to drink. I didn't understand what he meant, until from that pole his cream gushed copiously out. That first time I found the taste odd, but not unpleasant. Later I got used to it and even became fond of it.

"That noble man, after two or three times he contented himself with fucking my mouth, once asked me to go to his room, made me undress and there, on his bed, he took my virginity. I was more and more enthusiastic about those discoveries and wanted even more of them. But he had to leave so he introduced me to one of his friends, a Hungarian official of the governor. This man also had a friend, so that often we were doing threesomes. While his friend was penetrating my back, the official sucked me - it was really pleasurable. Then it was the official to take me, and I sucked his friend.

"Then, one day, when I was seventeen, always while doing the fitting of clothes, I met the Hungarian captain and so I became his lover. For the first time it was for me to penetrate a man's ass. I enjoyed that very much too. But then the Hungarians had to leave and the Venitians came here again.

"Once I managed to do it with a ship captain who took me on board. He called two of his sailors and shut all four of us in his cabin. That time I had to give satisfaction to all three of them. They alternated, one in my little ass, the other in my mouth, the third to suck me or to be penetrated by me... They kept me with them all afternoon long and when at evening I went back home, I almost wasn't able to stand up... but I was really satisfied.

"I then had some adventures with one of the copyists of the former count-captain, then with a young magistrate of the Very Serene, then also with the brother of monsignor archbishop, who was passing here in Spalato, and also with the son of the surgeon, each time he comes home from the university, as he now studies in Bologna. And now also with you, Lorenzo. As you can see, I don't lack esperience."

"No, you really don't. That is why you are so good at making love, then. But now I want to take you again. How do you want to have it, this time, Martino? Which is the position you like best?"

"Any postion, as long as you put all of it inside me. I like feeling it well inside, tossing like a laddle in a cauldron. I like opening wide to receive you."

I willingly contented him. We alternated thus, I don't know how many times, always without coming, until we both were so excited that we felt it would have been impossible to still control ourselves. Then, at his suggestion, we took it in each other mouths and finally discharged our rushing seed stream that we gulped down in long intoxicating droughts.

As long as I remained in Spalato, we met almost every day, in his little house or in my mansion. It was really good."

"And later, you never saw him again, master?"

"Just once. In fact, the third time I went to Spalto, I heard he was gone with the surgeon's son to work in Apulia... Surely they are lovers..."

"Was he very beautiful, the tailor's young son?"

"No, not very beautiful, but certainly pleasant."

"And was he very skillful at making love, master?"

"Skillful enough, but not as much as you are. I know that this is what you want to hear from me, am I right?"

Poletto blushed but nodded. Lorenzo embraced him and started to kiss him. The boy pushed himself against him and started to brush his erection against that of his master. Lorenzo then sat astride the boy's chest and presented him his hard rod, raising Poletto's head with a hand.

The boy opened his mouth and received all of it while with one hand he caressed the chest and the belly of the man and with the other his back and buns. Lorenzo reacheded back his hand, between the boy's buttocks and started to tease his little hole. He liked looking at Poletto's face expressing the intensity of pleasure, he liked feeling and seeing his rod slipping in and out of those willing lips, from that warm, welcoming, well opened mouth. He liked looking the adoring and grateful eyes of the boy who was smiling at him, filled with pleasure.

He gently pulled it out from that greedy mouth, slipped with his butt along the boy's body, knelt between his legs and folded them against his chest, making his feet lean on his shoulders. Poletto seized the man's rod with a hand and guided its turgid tip on his hole filled with yen. When he felt it was starting to dilate his hole, to penetrate it, he moved his hands on the man's chest, caressing it. Their faces were one span apart, and each was spying the pleasure glitter in the other's eyes. Their bodies were trembing, while Lorenzo was slowly sinking in that tender flesh, pushing with continuous and determined gentleness.

"Ah, my dear master, how much I like feeling you inside me!"

"And I like feeling being desired so much by you, my dear Poletto. I love sinking inside your sweet butter-like little ass. I like how you express your desire and pleasure with your big eyes like those of a pricket in heat."

"Master, while you fuck me, can you also kiss me, please?"

"Sure, my sweet boy, sure!"

When he was all inside him, he leaned on his body holding him tight at his sides and kissed him. Then, moving only his pelvis, he started to thrust in and out inside him in a mix of gentleness and passion. Poletto was caressing the nape of his neck and his back, enjoying the weight of the man on his body. Both were intent on giving and receiving pleasure. The boy could feel his hard member pressed and massaged between their bellies. Then felt Lorenzo leaning more against him, embracing him more strongly, penetrating him deeper, until the man discharged inside him with a long moan, trembling for the intensity of the delight. Lorenzo abandoned himself on top of the boy, panting.

Then Poletto slipped away from under him, licked for a long time his back then went lower to lick between his buttocks. Lorenzo spread his legs to give him an easier access. Poletto knelt between them, directed his straight and quivering pole between the man's buttocks and when he felt he was starting to enter him, let himself go bodily, sinking completely inside him. Lorenzo pushed up with his rump to make him enter more. The boy slipped his hands under the man's body, reached his nipples that started to titillate, while biting and teasing his earlobe with his tongue. Then, vigorously embracing that beloved body, he started to move his pelvis up and down. In that position Lorenzo buttocks were held tight and this increased the boy's pleasure.

"Oh, dear master, how good it is!"

"For me too, Poletto. Go stronger, come on!"

When finally Poletto also reached the pleasure climax, Lorenzo sweetly whispered him, "Now it's my turn again... I am still full of desire for you, do you know?" and soon they started to make love again with unchanged passion and desire.


In my home page I've put some more of my stories. If someone wants to read them, the URL is

If you want to send me feed-back, or desire to help revising my English translations, so that I can put on-line more of my stories in English please e-mail at

Next: Chapter 29

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