The Merchant of Venice Or the Twenty-Four Nights of Lorenzo and Poletto

By Andrej Koymasky

Published on Feb 14, 2007


THE MERCHANT OF VENICE Or The Twenty-Four Nights of Lorenzo and Poletto by Andrej Koymasky (C) 2006 written the 17th of June, 1991 translated by the author English text kindly revised by John


"THE MERCHANT OF VENICE" is a gay story, with some parts containing graphic scenes of sex between males. So, if in your land, religion, family, opinion and so on this is not good for you, it will be better not to read this story. But if you really want, or because YOU don't care, or because you think you really want to read it, please be my welcomed guest.


Sitting on the wide bed one in front of the other, they were caressing each other's bodies, enjoying the growing excitement of the companion. At one point the boy emitted a sigh.

"What's up, Poletto?"

"I feel so good with you, master."

"And I with you. I would never cease to caress you, to look at you, to make love with you. Also when we are at the warehouse, I feel the desire to withdraw somewhere with you more and more often. At times I think that I regret not having met you earlier. All the adventures I told you, now that I have you, seem to me much less interesting than before."

"But I have a great pleasure listening at you to tell me them. Do you know, I now feel as if I know you better. Go on to tell me more, please."

"At this point, I have just one story to tell you. Tonight's one will be the last, because after this, the most noteworthy and the most beautiful thing that happened to me... was you."

"Is it, then, something recent?"

"Yes, it happened just two years ago, and it was one of the greatest joys of my life. I'm telling the truth, I'm not exaggerating. Many times a joy, while you live it, seems to be the greatest of all. But this time it really was so. But let's start from the beginning.

Two years ago the new Doge was elected and, as you certainly know, all those very great and very magnificent ceremonies that always attract the potentates of half Europe were held. Venice was therefore full of foreigners and of people who were celebrating. One morning, I was crossing San Marco square coming from the Ducal Palace where I had been invited to an audience of the new Doge, when I felt a hand resting on my shoulder and a voice questioning me.

"Is this you, Lorenzo?"

I turned and saw two faces looking at me with a light, doubtful smile. I had a moment of hesitation...

But then I exclaimed, "Flavio? Alano? Is it possible? Is it really you?"

"Yes! Flavio was right, then, you really are Lorenzo!"

"How many years have passed? Twelve? Thirteen? What do you do now, and how come you are here in Venice? Ah, what a joy to see you again!"

They told me that for about ten years now they have been living in Provence, where Flavio, thank to his previous experience as a janissary, had become the Provence Duke's chief of guards, and Alano his sea captain. They were now in the retinue of the Duke for the investiture ceremony of our new Doge. They still lived together and were always in love. Everybody presumed they were brothers and to justify to the world's eyes the fact that they didn't marry, both became professed Knights of the Holy Spirit, a monastic-knighthood order whose members continued to live in their houses, gathering together only for special occasions. They were in fact wearing the picturesque white, gold and red uniform with a big gold dove embroidered on the right side of the mantle.

I was immensely glad to meet them again, and also they to see me. They told me that, as they didn't remember my family name, they had not been able to seek me out but, when they came to Venice with their Duke, remembering I was originally from here, they had hoped I was back in town and above all hoped to be able to trace me and to recognize me, after so many years.

I asked them were they were lodging. They said they were guests at Foscari mansion, together with their Duke, as he had married a relative of the Foscari. As I came to know they would stay in Venice for all the time of the ceremonies, I asked them if they could move to my mansion and be my guests. They willingly accepted, thus, that same afternoon, they moved to my place.

I told them about my journeys and my adventures after we had parted and they told me about their journey to Provence and how they met the Duke and entered in his service. We talked for a long time, that first evening, until it was time to go to bed. The day after I received an invitation from Foscari family for a party in the honor of their guest, the Duke of Provence. Of course I went, and Flavio introduced me to his Duke.

The Duke, having known, of course not in all the details, how I had helped Flavio to flee from Istanbul to be reunited with his "brother", wanted to thank me because, thank to my intervention, he had now at his service two skilled and faithful men like Flavio and Alano, therefore he conferred upon me an honour of his court, the collar of the Order of Saint Mary of Magdala. After the party I went back home with Flavio and Alano.

"You didn't tell me that you told your Souvereign about me," I said.

"But, of course we did. All long these years we often spoke about you between us. Not only it is also thanks to you that we are now together, but you are the only person with whom we both made love, after we fell in love with each other. And we recall that detail with real pleasure. Rather, about that matter, just this the past night Alano and I were saying that, as we have the luck to be all three once again together, at least for a few days, and as we know that at present you don't have a companion, we would like to share not only the roof with you but also the bed... of course, if you desire it too."

"If I said I don't desire it, I would be an unpardonable liar. You both are more mature than when we parted, but also more beautiful, in a certain way. Moreover I feel a great affection for you both. Seeing you and desiring you again, therefore, has been and is to me spontaneous and natural."

"Flavio and I were asking ourselves how is it possible that such a beautiful and exceptional person as you are, still doesn't have a lover. We really are surprised about that, you know?"

"I have had several loves and many beautiful adventures, a lot of experiences with males of any age, color, social level, character, land and religion... But I don't still have a lover, it is true. I possibly haven't yet found the right person. The few times I felt infatuated with somebody, or I was aware I was falling in love, and that my emotions were reciprocated, there was always some obstacle to my love. Who knows, I can possibly be doomed to live... and also to die, alone..."

"I don't believe it's possible. You will see that sooner or later you too will find the right person, the one suitable for you. But now, enough with our chit-chat. Come here, Lorenzo, let Alano and I to show you all our affection."

I drew near them and all three we embraced tighly and kissed. Feeling so close to those two virile and beloved bodies at once gave me shudders of intense emotion. I let myself go to their caresses, to their kisses and suddenly felt weak of a so sweet weakness and, almost as in a dream, I let them undress me and take me on the wide bed. I saw them undress each other in a kind of ritual of erotic beauty, then I felt them enclose me again in their hot embrace.

It was very beautiful, as I had the clear sensation that they were not making love with me, but between themselves, and including me in their love. Yes, I could feel I was really part of their love, can you understand? Our three naked bodies were so tightly intertwined that it was arduous perceiving where one ended and another started, so that a caress given to one was addressed also to the other.

They were able to make me feel that I was not an intruder, I was not the 'third one'. And also for me, there was the beautiful sensation that they were not two, but only one being. Thus, I am not able to express myself more clearly, my dear Poletto, but it was not like making love by three, but just by two - I, Lorenzo, with him, Flavialano. But I think that also Flavio was making love with Alanrenzo, and Alano with Flavirenzo... I don't know if I am able to express myself clearly, Poletto, I am not just making a words play, you see, but trying to express a lot more...

I believe I never experienced in all my long life such a beautiful sensation, and a more complete feeling of fusion. Also the sweet impetuousness with which we were giving pleasure to each other, with which we were expressing the joy to be together once again, was flowing out from our bodies with such naturalness as to make that passionate union a real love poem. And for the first time in ages, I didn't think about how to give pleasure, I wasn't using my love arts, but I was instinctively and spontaneously living those moments, or rather those hours of such sweet fusion.

That same evening, moved by the charge of love that both of them gave me, I felt bound to tell Flavio how I had done everything possible to conquer him, there in Istambul, when he was still called Abdul. I confessed to him the false aggression I staged in order to take him to my room and to be touched by him, and also about my secret arrangement with Guy, the French sailor. And I asked him to forgive me.

Flavio smiled, "You have been really clever, I must admit it. But of course you are forgiven, not least because you readily surrendered the place to my Alano, because you helped us to escape. And because, if it was not Alano to ask you to make love that last night in Alexandria in Egypt, in spite of your desiring him, you would not even have touched him with a finger even though you were sleeping on the same bed. I always thought you are an exceptional person; we both always thought so. And the sincerity you are showing us tonight, only confirms it."

"Thank you. Now that there are no more secrets with you, and that you accept me all the same, I feel much better, as if liberated."

Alano embraced me tightly and whispered, "With us you have to always and only feel fine. You are what we have most dear in the world, never forget it!"

After that night, during the day I took them to see the beauties of our city, or we took part to the ceremonies, rites and feasts, or were invited to the mansions of the several aristocrats and wealthy merchants for parties that were competing in elegance and opulence. But in the evening, back here in my mansion, after the servants retired to their quarters, we meet all three in the room I had assigned them and we were spending all the night together, a little making love, a little gently talking between us, a little sleeping, until the new day plunged us into the social life again.

What marvellous nights they were! After all, even though we slept very little, as you can guess, none of us was showing the least sign of tiredness.

I had noticed one thing - their way to make love had matured, was different from how I remembered it. It was now suffused with a virile gentleness, and was so similar that, if I closed my eyes, I would not have realized who was penetrating me or was offering himself to me, who I was kissing or was caressing me. When I was receiveing their strong members in me, one in my mouth and the other in my back, it was as if it was the same member penetrating me at the same time and mysteriously from both ends. And when I penetrated one of them and sucked the other, it was like if I was penetrating and sucking the same person at once. And also when one sucked me and the other penetrated me, to me it was always as if it was only one to suck and penetrate me at once. It was wonderful.

Besides the physical differences, the hair, the face, the straight and circumcised member of Flavio and the slightly arched up and uncut of Alano, the almost hairless chest of Flavio marked by the long, sensual scar and that with a down soft like silk of Alano... besides all that, now they made love in the same, identical, wonderful way. They were, and I felt them, like a single reality. When we say that two become only one, well, this was exactly what had happened with them.

I thought that if they stopped in Venice longer, I would certainly fall in love with them. I mean, not with each one of them, but both together. I was also feeling that for them too it was not a matter of having purely physical intercourse with me, but rather to show me in its entirety all the deep affection they were feeling towards me. It really was something sublime.

That, to me, besides being a wonderful experience, has also been an important experience because made me understand how all my famous love-arts are nothing if there is not also that marvellous feeling. This put on me a sharp nostalgia for true love. Yes, certainly I had had and could still have dozens of bodies of handsome males with whom to enjoy, but what I really needed, what any man really needs, is somebody to love.

Yes, of course, my dear Poletto, sucking a nice tool, having it put in one or another hole or putting it, is really beautiful and pleasurable. But sucking it for love, putting or receiving it for love, even though it is physically the same gesture, the same movement, becomes something totally different and really much more beautiful. In every pleasurable physical intercourse, besides the purely material aspect, there is always at least a little bit of love. Because if it was not so, it would be a purely physical act that, after the pleasure illusion of a moment, leaves you empty, still thirsty, and more so than before. But if there is true love, total love, then the same gesture is transfigured. After all I can affirm in all sincerity that I have loved all those with whom I united, but never had the grace of this great love, and now that I had become aware of that, I felt its lack.

I confided that to Alano and Flavio. They told me they could understand me, and that I was right, but not to worry, as a day I would surely find the true love, if I were just able to recognize it in time. Well... I anyway spent unforgettable days with them, of a beauty and fullness unusual for me.

One day, while they were making their visit my warehouse, I asked them if they would not like better, at least some times, to unite alone, just the two of them. They answered no - as long as they were in Venice they wanted me with them.

"All long these years, from the day after we left Alexandria up to now, neither of us has made love with any other person, although not through a lack of opportunities. There is no place between us for another. But you... you are not just another, you are our Lorenzo. Excluding you in these days would be for us like missing something. Making you be part of our love seems to us the most simple, natural, and right way to make you understand how important you are to us."

Yes, they too undoubtedly were feeling the same of me. So we continued to make love together with joy, day after day, in a crescendo of emotions. I always was between them. It was beautiful, believe me, Poletto, to penetrate the soft hole of Alano and meanwhile being penetrated by the strong pole of Flavio, or to toss inside the firm ass of Flavio while Alano was dancing into mine... It was great to suck each other at the same time in a sweet triangle of virile passion. It was good to fall asleep, sated, between those two manly bodies, and then to be awakened in the deep of the night again filled with desire, feeling two mouths on my already awakened tool or on my nipples made turgid by the pleasure. It was beautiful to open wide the mouths to receive those beautiful, turgid poles united together, until they both poured their tribute I drank in great draughts, like the thirsty traveler who finally finds a spring where to quench his thirst. And not being able to tell the taste of one from that of the other.

But at last unhappily the moment came of the new, unavoidable separation.

"I will miss you, my dear friends."

"We will not miss you, because we have you always in our heart."

These words have been their last lesson. We parted. Physically. But I now know that I always have with me, in a secret corner of my heart, my Flavialano.

We made love together for the last time, enjoying every moment of that so sweet night of mutual dedicaton. Dawn found us still united in our threefold embrace and only when the sun was high in the sky, after giving vent for the last time to our reciprocal desire, we reluctanctly parted and wore our clothes.

But... you are thinking I'm becoming too much mawkish, aren't you, Poletto?"

The boy was looking at Lorenzo with dreamy eyes and answered with a long sigh. The man ruffled his hair in an affectionate gesture and tenderly caressed his cheek. Poletto anwered with a sweet smile, then bent over him and kissed him with transport, pushing himself more against his body and brushing his hollow and firm belly against the growing erection of the man. He then made another deep sigh.

Then Lorenzo asked him, "Why all these sighs, my dear boy? What are you thinking about?"

"I am not... Flavialano, master. But I have for you a real, great affection."

"Oh, really? And why do you have this great affection? Because you do like how I make love? Because with me you can amuse and enjoy yourself?"

"Because you are the most exceptional, special man I met in my life. If even you stopped making love with me, I would adore you forever. I would be yours for my whole life, master, just as if you had bought me. Also when you will find your true lover and will forget about me, I will still serve you with the same devotion and love. And I swear that I will never again make love with anybody else, now that I have known you and have been yours. Since I am with you, I never made love with anybody else, do you know that?"

Lorenzo tenderly smiled, "It is almost like if you were making me a love declaration. But you are so young... Wait until you meet a nice boy making your head spin and you will forget me. It is just natural, it is part of life."

"Oh no, dear master. It could be that there is in the world somebody more handsome than you, more arousing than you, more generous than you... yes, it could be, even though I really doubt it. But I will not even see him, because I'm not interested in anyone, because I did now come to know you. Before, for me you were just the master, nothing more, then you became a beautiful man with whom it was so good making love.

"But since you also opened your heart to me, and you shared your memories and your more intimate sentiments with me, you totally conquered me. I am now your slave. And the day you would throw me away, the day when you would not keep any more at your service, I would let myself die... die of starvation."

"Words, just words, my dear Poletto. I am not saying that you are lying, no, but just that you are deceiving yourself. When you really feel the pangs of hunger, you would change your mind at once." Lorenzo said with a smile.

The boy didn't answer. Lorenzo kissed him again, making him feel all his desire and the young servant happily opened at that virile embrace, and they made love with passionate transport. Lorenzo felt the intensity of the passion of the boy and decided to give him the best of himself, bringing him to the ecstasy only he was able to bring forth. He made love with Poletto for a long time, with exhausting dedication. When finally the boy shouted all his pleasure aloud, in the climax of his orgasm, the man emptied himself in the boy, sharing the same intense enjoyement. Then, one abandoned in the arms of the other, worn-out but sated, they happily fell asleep.


In my home page I've put some more of my stories. If someone wants to read them, the URL is

If you want to send me feed-back, or desire to help revising my English translations, so that I can put on-line more of my stories in English please e-mail at

Next: Chapter 27

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