The Merchant of Venice Or the Twenty-Four Nights of Lorenzo and Poletto

By Andrej Koymasky

Published on Feb 11, 2007


THE MERCHANT OF VENICE Or The Twenty-Four Nights of Lorenzo and Poletto by Andrej Koymasky (C) 2006 written the 17th of June, 1991 translated by the author English text kindly revised by John


"THE MERCHANT OF VENICE" is a gay story, with some parts containing graphic scenes of sex between males. So, if in your land, religion, family, opinion and so on this is not good for you, it will be better not to read this story. But if you really want, or because YOU don't care, or because you think you really want to read it, please be my welcomed guest.


Lorenzo dismissed signor Florindo and finally went upstairs to his room. As he entered, he closed the door and went near the bed. Poletto, who was waiting for him, smiled. The man pulled away the sheet covering the boy and admired his beautiful naked body.

"The more I look at you, the more I like you." The man murmured.

Poletto, with a sly expression said, "Then, never cease to look at me, my dear master."

"Today at the warehouse I had difficulty not to come and touch you, you know?"

"I read it in your eyes. That's why I went to help signor Felice. If you continued looking at me in that way, it would have been difficult for me too not to come near you and touch you."

"But now you can touch me... What are you waiting for?"

Poletto caressed Lorenzo swollen breeches, "How hard it already seems!"

"You only think so? Why don't you check it to make sure?"

The boy untied the breeches and with a few moves freed the member which at once jumped out free and hard.

"Poor thing, I finally freed you from your prison, eh? You wanted some cuddles, didn't you? But now here is your Poletto who will take care of you."

He started to caress it and to cover it with small kisses until he felt it quiver.

"Why you are trembling so? Do you feel cold? Come, come in the warm, then!" he exclaimed and took all of it into his mouth.

Lorenzo smiled at that game but also felt an intense pleasure. He caressed the boy's head, then lowered to caress his body and bent on him to finger his beautiful, hard and straight pole.

"Let me undress myself, my dear boy. I want to feel you with all my body."

"No no, I want to undress you. I like doing it so much." The boy exclaimed jumping off the bed and starting at once to take care of his master's clothes. As he was revealing his body, Poletto caressed, kissed, licked it. Soon Lorenzo was all ashudder. He seized the boy at his waist, had him turn, bent him on the bed, with both hands spread his small buttocks and bent down to vigorously lick his palpitating hole. Then, standing up again, he put on it the tip of his turgid stake and with controlled energy he pushed, gently waving it while he was sinking inside the boy. Poletto pushed back his pelvis, almost to give more impetus to that welcome intrusion.

When Lorenzo was all inside him, he seized the boy again at the waist and started to pump with enthusiasm. Then he lowered a hand to seize the turgid pole of the boy and beat it at the same rhythm of his coming and going inside his little ass. They were both so much loaded with desire that in a short time they came in a symphony of low and hot moans. They then climbed on the bed where they embraced and kissed with passion and tenderness.

"Forgive me, Poletto, but I was unable to resist..."

"This means that I am irresistible, am I right?" the boy asked with a giggle.

"You are right, yes. You bewitched me, my boy. Happily we cannot make love there at the warehouse too, or else I woul forget to carry on my business."

"If it was also possible to do it at the warehouse... you would possibly get tired of me, master."

"No, that's impossible! You made me find back the impetuosity of my twenty years. You are my elixir of youth."

"And you are my elixir of life."

"Let's now rest for a while and then... My desire for you has not yet subsided, you know."

"Then, while we take some rest, will you tell me your story?"

"Yes. So then... When I left Florence with my last letter of credit, I bought a horse and a donkey, on which I loaded all my luggage, and took the road that, passing through Bologna, would take me to Venice. I climbed up the Sieve valley, then the Mugello. Going beyond Pietramala, I finally entered the Pope's territory. I continued through the Raticosa pass, went down to Mongidoro and as the night was falling, I stopped at an inn.

The inn-keeper asked me, "Do you intend to cross the Apennines, tomorrow?"



"Yes, why?"

"I don't recommend it. I heard that the road is infested with brigands. You would be a tasty and easy prey for them."

"What would you advise me to do, then? I have to continue my journey anyway."

"Are you in hurry?"

"Not really... Why?"

"We are waiting for some squads of the Pope's soldiers from Rome who are going to Bologna. If you could wait for them and join their column, you would be safer. It would suffice if you give a couple of gold paoli to their commander."

"That's good advice. Will it be long before they pass here?"

"Less than one week, from what I know."

"Very good. I will wait for them here at your inn, then."

Only three days passed and the soldiers arrived. They were three squads of Swiss guards, each one with his chief and one officer in charge of them. I talked with the officer, paid him some gold and he told me I could follow them. But he specified that, when they stopped overnight, I could not sleep in their camp but on the edge of it. I accepted, it was better than nothing.

After the soldiers drank and refreshed themselves at the village fountain, they resumed their march and I joined the column after the last squad. It was a nice sight to look at those hefty boys who had a fair skin, blond hair, all clothed in a light blue, with their halberds and helmets shining in the autumnal sun. I had noticed some of them who to me seemed really beautiful, but I surely could not hope to do something with them, at least as long as they were so regimented. Therefore I contented myself to look at them and to daydream.

The column, as they were on foot and loaded with luggage, was proceeding quite slowly. By evening we were in sight of Loiano. They stopped to camp and raised the tent where the officcial and the three chiefs would sleep. They lit the fires, fixed the watch shifts and started to prepare their food. Staying at the edge of their camp, I unloaded my donkey, tied the two animals fixing to their muzzles the sacks of hay, lit a small fire, opened my pack-saddle and started to eat bread with some good cheese, washing down my meal with a light wine. Not far from me, standing straight with his halberd, there was a Swiss guard. He was rather stocky and not at all interesting, but out of kindness I offered him something.

"No, I need nothing. Later my mate does a change for the night shift, so I can go and eat my supper."

From the camp were coming laughter, songs. It was already dark. I set my blankets, thinking to go to sleep. I saw two lanterns coming from the dark - it was a chief with the guard change. A new soldier relieved the sentry and the first one went back with his chief. I was sitting on my blankets, as I still didn't feel sleepy, and was contemplating the starry sky, singling out the constellations. After a while a voice reached me - it was the sentinel.



"If you want to sleep, you can do so without worry. I will watch over you too. You will run no risks."

"Thank you, boy. But I don't feel sleepy yet. Did your chief tell you to watch over me too?"

"No, on the contrary, I am not supposed to, as you are an outsider. But as I have to stay here, it costs me nothing to watch over you too, and I'll willingly do so."

"Thank you very much, you are really kind. May I offer you some wine?"

"Just a little... I am not supposed to drink while on watch, you know, but just a sip..."

I went near him with my flask and gave it to him. And I saw his face - he had angel features, he was really beautiful, so much that it made me desire to kiss him. The boy drank really just a sip and gave me back the flask.

I asked him, "What's your name?"

"Gustav, sir. And yours?"


We chatted for a while. Then, feeling tired, I wished him a good night and went to lie down on my blanket, just two steps away from him. Gustav, every now and then, moved a few steps back and forth, possibly to stay awake. While I was slowly falling asleep, I looked at his slender and manly shadow. After a while I felt him draw near me. I kept my eyes shut. He crouched near me.

He asked in a whisper, "Are you sleeping?"

I don't know why, but I didn't answer. I half opened my eyes and was able to see he was attentively looking at me. Then his hand lightly brushed my face in a kind of caress. He emitted an imperceptible sigh and stood up. I asked myself why he gave me that sort of a caress and for a moment I hoped he desired to do something with me. But I was almost ready to drop with weariness therefore I decided to do nothing and fell asleep.

In the dead of the night I woke up, as I needed to urinate. I stood up.

Gustav whispered, "Some problem, sir?"

"No, I have just to pee."

"Don't go too far, in the dark you could stumble. Do it near here; anyway with me you have nothing to be shy about."

I did as he told me and had the impression he was looking at me. I tied my breeches again and moved near him.

"It must be boring to be on watch all the night long, alone..."

"Yes it is so. But luckily I have the night shift only once in five days."

"If there were two of you it would be less of a burden..."

"No, the regulations forbid it. Or else two could start to chat, possibly to play games, and so they would not do their duty properly."

"To play games? What kind of games, in such darkness?"

Gustav giggled softly, then whispered, "You know... amongst comrades, when nobody sees us, at times it happens that we play for a whie... we are young, and..."

I thought I understood what he intended and the idea was starting to arouse me. I thought it was worth going into the subject thoroughly.

"You play dice?" I asked pretending naivety.

"No, sir, and not even cards. You have to understand, we of the low troop can't marry, only officers can do that. Therefore, for at least four years, we cannot have women. When we are in town, those who like it can at times pay a whore. But not so often, as our pay is low. Thus, usually, we... play amongst ourselves us, you understand? Also at this moment there will surely be some of my comrades who are playing among the bushes. It is enough not to be seen by our chiefs... Oh, they know it happens well enough, but if they saw us, they would have to punish us..."

"And... you like playing with your comrades, or you would rather do it with a whore?"

"Oh no, I don't like going with whores. I like my comrades best, especially one of them..."

I was now totally aroused and I liked that boy very much. But I wanted to play it safe.

"But you... did you ever go with a woman? To make love, I mean."

"No, sir, I am still a boy. When I have done my four years I'll go back to my village and I'll have to marry the woman my father chooses for me."

"How old are you?"

"Nineteen, sir."

"And with your comrades... is there somebody you like better thant the others, to play with?"

"One or two."

"What do they have special, these one or two?"

"They are more skilled than the others. And they have a beautiful body, as I like it."

"And how do you like it to be... a body?"

"Somewhat like mine... or like yours, sir."

At that point I was sure. I stretched out a hand and fingered him between his legs. For a while he let me do, smiling. Then with his hand he gently but firmly pushed my hand away.

"Now stop, sir. I have to be on watch."

"Somewhat like with the wine - a sip and no more?" I asked, with a smile.

He giggled and nodded. Then said, "Now go back to sleep, or else you'll distract me too much. Your company is really agreable, but..."

"Also of that... just a sip. I understand."

The next day they marched all the day long. At times it happened I could see Gustav and, from afar, he smiled at me. We passed Loiano and placed the camp further down the valley. In the evening the sentry came, then the relief. After chatting a little with the night sentinel, and he was a nice boy too, I set my blanket and laid on it. I fell asleep almost immediately. I was awakened by a low chattering. I looked and saw that there was somebody talking in a low voice with the sentinel. Then, the sentinel moved some paces towards the camp while the newcomer was coming towards me.

When he was a step away from me, he whispered, "Are you awake, Lorenzo? I am Gustav..."

"Ah, it's you, boy? Come, I am here, don't you see me?"

"Barely... I am here..."

The shadow crouched near me and at the faint moonlight I recognized the beautiful profile of the boy.

"I felt like coming to chat a while with you... Did I wake you?"

"Yes, but I am happy you are here. Do you want some wine, tonight that you are not on duty?"

"I already drank enough with my comrades... It is a little chilly tonight..."

"You could lie here under my blanket, with me..."

"If it doesn't bother you..." he murmured and swiftly slipped near me.

I was already excited but didn't want to do the first step. He turned on his side, towards me.

He said, in a whisper, "If my chief discovers I went out of the camp, I would be in trouble... I should not be here..."

"But... and your comrade? He saw you..."

"He will not betray me, he is a real friend."

"But if they were looking for you at the camp?"

"It's unlikely... And anyway they would think I am in the bushes to relieve myself, or with a comrade to..."

"To play?"

"Yes, to play." Gustav answered and finally his hand went down to search on my breeches. "Mmmhhh, how hard it is already! Did you understand that I would like playing that game with you?"

"I hoped for it."

"You too like this kind of game?"

"Did you not understand that yesterday night when I touched you?"

"Yes, sure, I guessed it. And I like you a lot, Lorenzo. Go on, touch me again as you did last night... My comrade is on watch and he will give me the signal if there is any danger."

"Your comrade knows you came here just to play with me?"

Gustav giggled and said yes. Meanwhile he had untied my breeches and had now my member in his hand. I monoeuvered between his legs until his breeches were also untied and in my turn I pulled his member out. I then bent onto him and kissed him on his mouth. At first he accepted it but remained motionless, but then started to reciprocate my intimate kiss. After a while we parted to breathe.

Gustav exclaimed, "I never did that with my comrades! I love it!"

"Let's undress and I will make you experience a lot of other things you will love, okay!"

Gustav readily complied and I followed suit. Then, keeping our erections locked between our bellies, I started to brush against him and kissed him again.

"How great, Lorenzo! You are able to do games we don't know... It is exciting, this way..."

"What kind of games do you do, amongst yourselves?"

"We touch each other for a while, and when it is hard enough, we fuck each other's ass, one first, then the other."

"And you do nothing else?"

"What else?"

I didn't answer him, but continuing to brush my body against his and caressing him, I slowly lowered myself licking him until I reached his hard rod that I started to suck. He gave a jolt and a moan. His fingers brushed my face, then my lips tight around his quivering rod.

With hoarse voice, he said, "That's great! It is exciting, this way. Oh, how good!"

"You never did it with your comrades?"

"No, I didn't even know it could be possible doing it with the mouth... How beautiful it is this way..."

"I will now turn around, so you too can do it to me. Is it all right?"

"Sure, all right!"

We sucked each other for some time, then I slipped further down to lick the hole between his buttocks and Gustav trembled as if he was prey to a fever. I went up again to suck his nice member while with my finger I teased his wet anus, and finally we came, each in the mouth of the other. He coughed, tried to withdraw, but when he saw I was not withdrawing but swallowing all his jets, he plunged again and followed suit. When we finished drinking the last drop, we parted; I turned again, embraced him and kissed him again in the mouth.

"What a weird taste..." he whispered.

I caressed his cheek, "Don't you like it?"

"No, I don't know... it is not bad... it is like a rather sour honey. I didn't know that the male cream was also good to be drunk. Good lord, what bliss you are giving me!"

"Can you manage to go another round? I still feel like it, Gustav, I fancy fucking your ass, now, then having you fuck me..."

"Sure I can. But first let's caress some more and play with our mouths. Are you game?"

"Do you know, Gustav, that I'm glad I met you?"

"The same here! You taught me more things in a few minutes than my comrades in four months of games."

"But, tell me Gustav, how do you with your mates when you fuck each other?"

"How do we do it? On all fours like the dogs, of course, or standing. Why?"

"Because there are several other amusing ways to do it. If you feel like it, tonight I'll teach you a couple."

So, I first took him from in front, having him lie on his back and put his legs on my shoulders. Then, after I came in him while kissing him on the mouth, making him stay lying down as he was, I impaled myself on his beautiful straight tool, squatting down and slowly lowering myself onto it. Then I started to spring up and down in the right rythm, until I led him to his orgasm. Gustav was literally exhausted with the pleasure. After we both came, we caressed some more, then dressed again.

"You know, Lorenzo, I'm sorry I have to leave you now, we are too late already. May I come tomorrow night to play games with you again?"

"Certainly, I would be really pleased. I will wait for you. I like making love with you."

"I liked it a lot too. It is a pity that the day after tomorrow we will already reach Bologna..."

"Cannot we meet also in Bologna? I could stop there for a few days..."

"I don't really think so. We will be quartered in the barracks and I would be lucky if I can hide to do it with some of my comrades... But tomorrow night I will come with you for sure. It's way too good. And you will teach me more, won't you?"

"But tomorrow night, if there is not one of your friends on watch, how can we do it?"

"If the sentinel is somebody I don't know or I don't trust, I will ask one of my friends to replace him. It is simple. Each of us readily agrees, if a comrade offers to take his place. No problem, let me take care of that. You will see that tomorrow night I will also be with you to play games, don't worry, Lorenzo." He said smiling self-assuredly, and disappeared in the dark, swift and silent.

The day affter we went past Pianoro village. When at night we camped, to be safe I explored the ground until I found a sheltered place. A little after the sentry change, Gustav stole near me, smiling.

"All went right. One of my friends is on watch. It's just a pity that this will be our last night..."

"I thought that tonight we could do it three times, instead of just twice, if you can stay with me longer."

"Oh, yes, Lorenzo! Let's undress, come on, don't wast our time. All the day long I have been thinking about it and I had hard-ons, do you know?"

"Wait, I will undress you and you me, it's more fun. And while we undress we can touch each other..."

The almost full moon and the near lack of trees in that place allowed me to see Gustav's fair skin better - he was really beautiful and exciting. When we were naked and ready, I made him stand in front of me and taught him to nicely fuck my mouth. The tall bushes were hiding us. Then I made him sit down on my blanket, stood up before him and fucked his mouth at my turn. We alternated until we were near bursting; I then pulled him down with me on the blanket and we discharged on each other's mouth, greedily drinking each other's elixir.

Then we penetrated each other in turn, in different positions, and I gave him two more orgasms as I promised him, and he gave two to me. He was happy. After kissing for a long while, and saying goodbye several times, because we were sorry to separate, and he at last went back to the camp.

The day after we entered in Bologna where we parted. While he was disappearing through the barracks gate, he waved me good by from far, throwing me a wide smile.

I stopped in Bologna for a few days, but was able to see him but once, and from afar, while he was on guard in front of the Archbishop's palace. I finally decided to resume my journey to Venice."

"This time, master, it was rather the soldier to conquer you and not vice versa, wasn't it?"

"Yes, it is so, he took the first step."

"Was that Gustav beautiful?"

"Yes, rather beautiful. But above all he was fresh and genuine, a simple boy, but not a simpleton. I liked him, yes... I too would have liked to be able to spend more time with him."

"And it should have been beautiful doing it on the open, under the moon, right?"

"Yes, it was romantic. Also it was exciting because we had not to be overheard by the others, who were sleeping not so far away. It was a nice experience."

"But now, master, let's make love... I'm burning with desire, you know?"

"I too am full of desire for you, my sweet Poletto. Even if unhappily we are not on the open, we can play the games all the same, don't you think?"

"Certainly. But I would like to be able to do it on the open air, under the full moon or even better under the sun. Will you try to find the occasion to do it on the open air with me?"

"I promise. But now come here, my dear boy..."


In my home page I've put some more of my stories. If someone wants to read them, the URL is

If you want to send me feed-back, or desire to help revising my English translations, so that I can put on-line more of my stories in English please e-mail at

Next: Chapter 26

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