The Merchant of Venice Or the Twenty-Four Nights of Lorenzo and Poletto

By Andrej Koymasky

Published on Feb 7, 2007


THE MERCHANT OF VENICE Or The Twenty-Four Nights of Lorenzo and Poletto by Andrej Koymasky (C) 2006 written the 17th of June, 1991 translated by the author English text kindly revised by John


"THE MERCHANT OF VENICE" is a gay story, with some parts containing graphic scenes of sex between males. So, if in your land, religion, family, opinion and so on this is not good for you, it will be better not to read this story. But if you really want, or because YOU don't care, or because you think you really want to read it, please be my welcomed guest.

CHAPTER 24 TWENTIETH NIGHT The Florentine Copyst

"You know, Poletto... today, while we were at the warehouse I noticed how Bortolo is looking at you. I think you are right, that boy would really like having sex with you. I feel that soon or later he will try with you."

"So much the worse for him."

"But you told me he has a nice handle between his legs and I think he has also a nice little ass..."

"He could have the the god of handles and a celestial ass, I'm not interested in him. But, aren't you by chance interested in him, master?"

"If I was interested in him... would you be jealous?"

" You are the master; I have no rights."

"I see, you would really be jealous. Don't worry, since I have you I have never desired making love with any other boy or man. I think I have to be careful, or I will end up falling for you... I like you too much."

Poletto didn't answer back but laid down so that he could rest his head on Lorenzo's thigh and started to titillate his soft member with the tip of his tongue and of his fingers. The man sighed and spread his legs a little to allow the boy to settle down more comfortably, then caressed his hair and the nape of his neck.

He told him, "Turn around, so that you can slip all of yours into my mouth. I'm feeling a strong desire to get drunk on you..."

"Later, my dear master, later. If I put it in your mouth now, you could not tell me what happened when you left Pisa."

"Ah, Poletto, you really want to make me suffer! You like being desired, don't you? You like making me do it your way..."

"No, master. I want to act your way. If you really, really want me to, I'll turn immediately. All as you desire, dear master."

"But you now would like to hear the sequel of my story better, wouldn't you?"

"Only if my master is really pleased to tell me..."

"All right, then, let's go on with my story. But then prepare yoursef, as I will be so full of desire that...

Well, I was saying... On my way back to Venice I had to stop in Florence to meet a certain merchant to whom I had given my letter of credit and ask him to finally release the last one to retrieve all my gold from one of his agents here in Venice.

Thus, reaching Florence, I looked for that merchant. I was trying to find his warehouse but all the doors of the alley where I was told to go, were shut and I didn't know who to ask more information. Looking around I noticed a little open window and thought that there could be somebody inside.

As it was quite high, I put a toe in a crack of the wall and hoisted myself up enough to be able to look inside. The scene that my eyes beheld made me hold my breath - a young man of about twenty-five, his shoulders leaning against the wall of what appeared to be a store-room, his breeches open, his considerable pole exposed erect and hard, was receiving a blow job from a boy. From the ecstatic espression of the young man's face I understood he had to be enjoying very much what the boy, who was kneeling before him, was lavishing on him.

In fact, I heard him murmur in a low voice, "Go on, suck it, Lapo, suck it well."

Almost to underline that pressing invitation, he put his hands on the boy's head to impress on it a more resolute rhythm. I would have liked staying there to enjoy that scene, but my position was uncomfortable, so I went down, without making any noise. Just in time, as nearby a door opened and a woman came out. So I asked her which was the door of the warehouse of the merchant I was looking for. She pointed me out a closed door, telling me it was that one, but the merchant was not in town.

Then she added, "But that's odd - the Giorgio, his copyst, should be there at that other little door. Just a short while ago it was open. Try to knock on it, he could possibly just be at the back to rearrange something."

I went to the small door that she had pointed out and knocked with energy, two, three times. I didn't get any answer, so I was about to leave when the little door opened and that young man I had spied on a little earlier appeared. Acting as if nothing had happened, I explained to him the reason why I was there, and he made me enter. He sat at a big table covered by a cloth hanging down to the floor, and carefully checked my letter of credit.

"Yes, everything is in order, but I can't pay you as long as my master isn't back. You'll have to come again the day after the morrow, as then he can possibly be here again."

He gave me back the letter, with a wide smile. He really was a handsome youth and the memory of the scene I had just stolen, together with his beautiful smile, made me feel the temptation to make him an explicit proposition, but then I thought it more prudent to put off that idea, so I politely thanked him and left.

I was just back to the inn where I was lodging, when I thought I could have asked that young man for some information about the town and the trades carried out there. I then went out again and took the way back to the warehouse. Now the little door was open so I entered, but the books room was empty.

Then one of my crazy plans came to my mind - I quickly slipped under the big table and hid there. The long cloth covering it hid me completely. After a short while I heard the soft sound of steps and somebody sat at the table. From the colors of the leotard I understood he was Giorgio the copyst, as I had hoped. The table cloth raised on his legs allowed me to see his breeches nicely swollen between his thighs and I felt tempted to slip my fingers to explore there. But the plan I had in mind was different.

I waited patiently. Once in a while the young man stretched a leg and I had to be careful he didn't hit me, so that he could not discover me. My eyes were fixed between his legs, therefore I noticed that from time to time he lowered his hand on the swollen breeches to caress there. Evidently what he had just done with the warehouse boy, not so long before, did not fully satisfy his yen.

After some time, exactly what I had hoped for happened - somebody entered the room and started to talk with the copyst. I then carried out my plan - I stretched out a hand and fingered him there. He made a small jolt in surprise but, as I had guessed, he continued to talk with the newcomer as nothing happened. Slipping between his legs, I started to untie his breeches. He lowered a hand trying to stop me, but to no avail."

"You were really daring, master! What if that Giorgio to the contrary had said something and so had put you to shame?"

"No, Poletto, I was feeling sure enough, because in fact the young man could not risk to make the man with whom he was speaking suspect what was happening under the table. Thus, I opened his breeches and pulled out his nice tool, already half erect and palpitating, and plunged my face between his sound thighs wrapped in silk taking it in my mouth, He jolted again, but let me do, and even parted his legs so that I could carry on what I was doing more easily.

I slowly licked and sucked it, enjoying the excitement of that so unusual situation. And I felt like laughing when I noticed how his voice was growing hoarse because of the pleasure he was feeling. At last the talk came to an end and his interlocutor went away.

Then Giorgio exclaimed, "Gosh, Lapo, earlier in the back room you were making such a fuss, and now you have decided to give me some more pleasure? And, really, this time you are doing it as I..."

So saying he had raised the long table cloth and looked under the table and saw that under there was not Lapo as he had presumed, but me. I saw his eyes pop, then he jumped up making his seat fall back, looking at me with eyes round like quail's eyes, while I leaned out from under there.

I told him, with a smile, "Come back and seat down, if somebody now entered, it would be very embarrassing for you to be seen in that state."

Giorgio blushed and tried to tie again and to tidy up his breeches, but he was so much troubled and his pole was so hard and erect, that he was not able to do it. I went out from under the table, stopped him with one hand and with the other caressed his tool, looking him straight in the eyes and smiling.

"No, don't yet put it back into seclusion. Let me conclude what I have just started. You can sit down again at your place or else we can go in the back room, were we can be safe and comfortable. And possibly, besides sucking it, we can do some other agreable things."

The young man seemed to hesitate for a short while, but then said, "Come in the back room."

I followed him and as soon as we were there, I embraced him pulling him against me and kissed him on the mouth with passion. The young man at first became stiff, but then returned my kiss.

"I like you, Giorgio, I want to make love with you." I told him.

He looked at me with a weird expression then asked, "Do you always behave so, sir, when you like a young man? Did you never get a punch in your face... or something worse? Don't you know that here in Florence the law punishes the sodomites, putting them in prison?"

"But I know you like it, so I did it safely. Come on, undress, now. And don't be so formal, call me Lorenzo. I saw you, this afternoon, I saw you from that small window while you were making Lapo suck your tool. Don't you think I am a lot more skilled than that boy?" I said, continuing to finger his throbbing rod.

"Yes... I thought strange that Lapo suddenly not only didn't raise a fuss, but that he had even become so skilled. But here it could be dangerous, the door on the street is open and..."

"Then tell me where we can go. I really have a strong desire to see you naked and to enjoy it with you. Don't you want it too?"

"Of course I want it, Lorenzo, especially if you continue to touch me in this way. Also because, before with Lapo, then with you, I have not yet completed the thing. But now let me tidy myself. I have to finish my work first, then I will send the boy home, then we can shut ourselves here and safely and quietly do everything you have in mind. And above all, far from dangerous little windows..."

"It doesn't seem to me that the little window has been so dangerous, as it is thanks to it if we are now here..."

"It is not said that one always has such luck. But... do you know that you are a really cheeky person? How did it come to your mind the idea to hide under the table and do what you did?"

"I told you, I saw you and that made me want to do it with you."

"But then, why didn't you do what you had in mind straight away, the first time you were here? You acted as if you knew nothing, spoke with me, went away... then came back to hide under the table..."

"A sudden inspiration. Moreover, if I tried to hook you at once, I don't know if you would have so easily accepted my proposal."

"You are right... Do you know that you have a delightful mouth? You are able to kiss... and do other things, really well!"

"And you still have not experienced all the rest! It's not only my mouth that is so wonderful."

"How very umpretentious, my friend!"

"No, I am simply sincere. So, then, do I have to wait for a long time before being allowed to show you I am not a liar?"

"Let's go back, now. As I told you, I'll just finish putting some papers in order, then I'll send Lapo home, then we can do it calmly."

"With that boy... was it the first time you tied doing it?"

"No, it is the fourth or the fifth. He says he doesn't like it, but then he sucks me with such greed that it belies him, even though he is not yet skilled. And if he really didn't want to do it, he has only to go home when the other boys stop working, but he always lingers here, remaining alone with me."

"How old is he? Did you already see him naked? Is he well endovded? Did you already take his ass?"

"Hey, so many questions! He is eighteen, I could not undress him yet but I want get to it gradually. I want to manage to have sex with him however it has to be done... I took a fancy to him."

"Well, then don't send him away when you close. We will involve him in a nice threesome and you will see that you and I will make him feel the tertian fever."

"No, I don't think it could work. But... when I send him away I want him to understand that something is about to happen between you and I..."

"Do you want him to see me opening your breeches and to start to..."

"No, not really... it would be enough if he sees you kissing me on my mouth. He loves it when I kiss him, he quivers and moans... But up to now, as soon as I lower my hand to touch him between his legs, he pulls back."

"But then, how do you manage to convince him to suck you?"

"It's enough I lean back in a shadowy place and pull it out and start to beat it for a while... He stops to look between my legs, as if fascinated, then draws near and without uttering a word, kneels and starts. After I come, his mouth still smelling of my seed, he stands up, kisses me on the mouth then goes away quickly... He is a weird boy..."

"He could possibly just be shy. That's why I was telling you it could be worth us two trying to unblock him..."

"Eventually; another time. This time I want to enjoy you alone. And then, I'm afraid that in front of two, Lapo would feel even more blocked. I don't want to risk losing him; I have been working on him for three months now."

So I stopped there, he carried out his work, then called Lapo and sent him home. While we were in a corner, hidden but not too much, and I was hotly kissing Giorgio, I saw Lapo looking at us with wide eyes; he seemed to hesitate a moment at the door and I already hoped he would stay with us, then he quickly went out, closing the door behind him as Giorgio had ordered him to.

I had not parted from the handsome copyst and besides continuing to kiss him, we were now caressing each other, rummaging under our clothes, untieing the waistcoat and breeches strings, both of us alight with desire. As I had guessed and hoped, Giorgio's body was beautiful and exciting. He too seemed pleased to see my body and so, both totally naked, we started to caress each other, mutually exploring and underlining all our forms.

Then, leaving our clothes on the floor in a disordered heap, Giorgio guided me to the carpets depot, where he lit some lanterns and we laid on a low pile of precious silk tapestries protected by a cloth. We then started making love in a very sweet and sensual way. We were brushing our bodies one on the other, we were caressing each other without hurry, savouring each other's body in a slow but unstoppable crescendo of exquisite sensations.

I had the impression I had found a worthy match, as much an expert in the love arts as I was. I asked him where he learned making love in such a beautiful and sensual way. He explained to me that when he was ten years old, during a sea journey with his parents, he had been kidnapped by some Algerian pirates who attacked their ship. Their bey saw him and wanted him in his boy-harem. Then, when he was a little more than sixteen, he had been sold to the owner of a brothel at the port. But he soon managed to escape; in fact there was not such a strict surveillance as in the bey's harem. He managed to take refuge on a Genoese ship that was about to sail, so he could at last flee and go back to Florence, where he found his family again.

I asked him if now, in Florence, he had a lover. He told me that he had had one with whom he stayed for five years, but that two years before, that man, eight years older than him, left him to take a younger boy. I told him that his former lover was really crazy to have renounced somebody like him, who was not only beautiful, but also very skilled in the arts of love. We stopped talking and resumed giving pleasure to each other. I was feeling very good with Giorgio as evidently he was also with me.

We continued making love for a long time and at last we let ourselves be seized by the peak of pleasure. Then, finally sated, we dressed and left the warehouse - and we were astonished to see that it was already full night.

We fixed a date for the day after, in the late afternoon. When I showed up again at the warehouse, Giorgio was giving instructions to Lapo about some of the goods. When the boy saw me enter, he threw me a hostile glance. Giorgio came towards me and kissed me on the mouth and Lapo left the room, frowning.

Then I said to my new friend, "I've got the impression I'm not liked by Lapo. I think he is jealous of me..."

"That's exactly what I hope."

"Did he say anything to you, today? Have you spoken about me?"

"No. But I have noticed that each time I went to the store rooms, he always found a pretext to hang around me. He probably hoped I would pull it out like the other days..."

"You didn't do it? Don't you think that doing so you are risking to lose the opportunity to conquer him?"

"On the contrary. And anyway, at this point, it must be him to take the first step and tell me he wants to make love with me. He cannot continue telling me he doesn't like it, and at the same time desiring it and hoping each time I will make the first step. I would really like to make him my lover, but first he has to be persuaded he wants it."

"I wish you success in your enterprise. But now here I am, and I want you, Giorgio."

"I want you too. In a while I will send Lapo home and we can do it in peace."

"Also because tomorrow your master could be back and we will no longer be able to make love here."

"Yes, I thought about that. I have possibly found a place. But will you stay for a long time here in Florence?"

"No, as soon as I will have the new letter of credit, I think I'll go back to my Venice."

"That's a pity. Can't you stop some more?"

"Yes, I'll stay a few more days, and willingly, for you."

When Lapo was about going away, I again kissed Giorgio and caressed his breeches. The boy went out, slamming the door. We burst in laughter, both aware of the meaning of that angry gesture. We again made love just as on the day before. When we at last went out, I thought I saw Lapo stealing away around the street corner. Also Giorgio had the same impression.

"Do you think he waited out here all the time?" Giorgio asked me, amused.

"I think so. Tomorrow, ask him if he is the one we saw. But when your master comes back, how will you two manage?"

"The master is not always in the warehouse. Moreover it is not so difficult to cut oneself off, in the store rooms, in a place where we will notice in time if somebody is coming."

"Then, I have an idea... If tomorrow the merchant is not yet back, why don't you and I make love while Lapo is around? Let's give him the opportunity to spy on us... What do you think?"

We did so. On the morrow I went to the warehouse in the morning. The merchant hadn't yet arrived so Giorgio led me to a storeroom.

He called Lapo and told him, "Stay on watch on the books room. If somebody comes, tell him to wait and come to call me."

The boy looked at me almost with hatred but nodded, serious, and left us alone. Giorgio made me notice that from the door of the books room it was not possible to see the place where we were, but if Lapo climbed on a pile of crates near the door, he could see us.

We started at once to make love, but without losing sight the top of the pile in question. Too much time didn't elapse before, against the light, we could see the boy's head leaning out from there. We pretended not to have seen him and continued to make love. Rather, for his benefit, we started to moan by time in time, even stronger. When, thanks to our moans, the boy thought we were near the orgasm, he called Giorgio.

He answered aloud, "I'm coming!" then whispered to me, "I bet that there is nobody. Wait a moment."

"But if there is really somebody? Possibly even the merchant?"

"I will send you Lapo or I will came myself to warn you."

He rapidly tidied his clothes and went away. Out of caution I also tidied my clothes. After a few moments Giorgio came back.

"I was right. He told me that somebody came asking for me, but then he went away without waiting. It is evident it was a lie and I told him so. He denied it, but blushed."

"Anyway it will be better if now I go. Where can we meet, tonight?"

"Wait for me in front of the Bargello. I found a place nearby there where we can be safe and comfortable."

I went out and noticed the satisfied expression of Lapo. That evening I went to the date with Giorgio. He came and was smiling.

"After you left, Lapo asked me - how long does that stranger stay here? I asked him why he asked me such a question and told him I have important matters to treat with you. He made a kind of grimace and said - since he is here, you don't look at me any more, and I know very well what kind of matters you have to take care of, you two. I then said him - you always raised a fuss each time I showed you my attentions, so what do you want from me now? And he at once - if you let me stay when you shut the warehouse, I will explain you what I want. I then said him - today I cannot, is it not good tomorrow morning? And he answered - if you say to the other boys not to come tomorrow morning like this morning, it will be alright. At that point I talked with him clearly. I told him that I really like him very much, but that I didn't want just a few moments of pleasure from him, but for him to be my boy. He answered with a serious expression - if you swear me that you will go with nobody else, I will do anything you ask me and I'll be your boy."

I then said to Giorgio, "Thus, now it will be better if we don't go to make love, don't you think? Even if he didn't come to know about it, I don't feel honest if you cheat on that boy, at this point."

"Don't worry. When he said that to me, I gave him an appointement for right now. He is waiting for us not far from here."

"I don't understand... do you possibly want to do a threesome? I could certainly be game, it would not bother me, but he..."

"No, something even worse than that, if you agree. I would like you to be present the first time he agrees to make love with me seriously, but without you participating. Unless he asks you to."

"For me there would be no problem, but I think that the boy would be terribly embarrassed, don't you think?"

"This is the condition I put to him. I told him I knew he had spied on us while we were having sex, and so I told him it was only fair if this time you were with us to look at us. At first he said no but then, when I told him that this was the only way he had to show me at what point he cared for me and that he was indeed ready to do anything I asked him, in the end he accepted."

I followed Giorgio. Lapo was waiting in a nearby lane. We went up to the house of a woman to whom Giorgio paid some coins and she led us to a small room under the eaves of the roof, with only a wide bed on it. We shut ourselves inside... and I was present at Lapo's sex initiation.

At first the boy was evidently embarrassed because of my presence but then, as Giorgio was making his excitement grow with his skilled caresses, he became unihibited and united with the young man without any more restraint. I got the impression of seeing an embankment holding back a river in spate, until it breaks and lets the waters turbulently overflow. Lapo was now doing everything Giorgio asked him, without any hesitation. The scene was so exciting that I had difficulty not to pull my member out and beat it, or even not to unite with them.

When, finally satisfied, they relaxed and Lapo was dressing again, I went near them. The boy looked at me in embarrassment and blushed. I caressed his head.

"I give you my best greetings, boy. Giorgio is a splendid lover, don't let him escape. You are lucky having accepted his offer of love. Anyway, I want you to know that Giorgio did it with me only to make you jealous and to push you to decide yourself to accept his court. I am glad that everything went well. As soon as your master comes back, I'll leave; anyway you have nothing to worry about from me."

The boy murmured an almost inaudible "thank you" and got off the bed.

Then said, "I have to confess to you, signore, that at first I hated you. But it is true, I owe it to you if I found the courage to agree to become Giorgio's boy. Therefore, now, I should be grateful to you..."

"I'm not asking you that much, Lapo. It is enough if you don't hate me any more..."

"Certainly not. And if your presence here was upsetting me at first, I'm pleased now to think of you like a kind of... our best man."

"I didn't see it in that light, but after all, you are right."

Back in the street, we parted. The day after, when I went to the warehouse, I finally found the merchant. He soon exchanged my letter of credit, then excused himself and went away as he had an important appointment. So I asked Giorgio to call Lapo.

When they were both in front of me, I said, "My business here is now settled. As soon as I find a means to take me to or near to Venice, I will leave. But before leaving you, I want to make you a gift, as is the custom from a best man."

"What a beautiful story, master!" Poletto said. "But didn't you regret thatyou didn't also make love with Lapo?"

"No, I was attracted by Giorgio, and I did it with him. When I saw Lapo naked, I thought he was a nice boy, but nothing more, not for me."

"But now, master, will you make love with me like that last night Giorgio did it with Lapo?"

"It would be somewhat difficult, first of all because I like you a lot more than Lapo, and second, because you are not a greenhorn like that boy. Anyway I can try, my dear Poletto. So... Now lick my bird until you make him hard and straight like a ramroad, prepare him carefully, so that I will then put him all inside your nice little ass..." Lorenzo said parting his legs and so starting the game.

Poletto murmured, with an impish smile, "I'm ashamed..." and readily plunged between his legs, full of badly hidden lust.


In my home page I've put some more of my stories. If someone wants to read them, the URL is

If you want to send me feed-back, or desire to help revising my English translations, so that I can put on-line more of my stories in English please e-mail at

Next: Chapter 25

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