The Merchant of Venice Or the Twenty-Four Nights of Lorenzo and Poletto

By Andrej Koymasky

Published on Jan 29, 2007


THE MERCHANT OF VENICE Or The Twenty-Four Nights of Lorenzo and Poletto by Andrej Koymasky (C) 2006 written the 17th of June, 1991 translated by the author English text kindly revised by John


"THE MERCHANT OF VENICE" is a gay story, with some parts containing graphic scenes of sex between males. So, if in your land, religion, family, opinion and so on this is not good for you, it will be better not to read this story. But if you really want, or because YOU don't care, or because you think you really want to read it, please be my welcomed guest.

CHAPTER 21 SEVENTEENTH NIGHT Guest of the pirates

"Master, do you want me to undress you now?"

"Yes, Poletto, it's time to hit the bed. But I want to undress you myself."

"But you are not my page, master!" the boy said, looking at the man with an amused smile.

"So what? I like undressing you, it makes me anticipate the pleasure you will then give me. I like uncovering your beautiful body little by little. Starting to touch you and see how aroused you become..."

"Well, then do as you please, my dear master. I too like undressing you, therefore I can understand what you feel. Just, if while I serve you, you serve me, I don't feel as if I am your page."

"In fact I don't feel I'm making love with a page, but with my beautiful Polo, a male like me, even though younger, and a really beautiful boy."

Poletto smiled happily. When they both were naked, one in front of the other, they started to caress each other and went on for a while, arousing each other. But when it became difficult for both to master their passion, Lorenzo stopped and, taking the hand of the boy, climbed with him on the bed.

"It will be better I now resume my narration, my sweet rascal, or else... you know where we would be getting to... don't you?"

"I would not regret it, master... But your tales are so... so... They make me so horny that it would be a pity not to hear them. I don't know if it is the same for you, but making love after one of your stories, seems to me even more exciting... Well, then... you had to separate from the China Emperor's favourite when he had to go back to the capital, isn't it so?"

"Yes. When the moment came and I had to part from Wang, I was so deeply infatuated with him that I no longer felt interested in anything and anybody. Even my slaves, seeing I wasn't calling them to my bed any more, were worrying for me. My business was going well, mainly thanks to Prema and Tung'giao's work, but after everything, I was not very interested in my trade.

Thus, one day, I decided to give up any work and to finally start my journey back to Venice. As usual, not to carry with me too much gold, I gave it to a Chinese merchant who gave me a payment letter for his Indian agent. I had in fact decided to board a Chinese merchant ship sailing to India, as there were no Chinese merchants having agents in Europe. In India I would look for an European or Arab ship and would ask the Indian agent for a payment letter for an European or Arabic merchant with whom he was in correspondence.

I set Prema and Tung'giao free and gave them my shop with some merchandise so that they could start their business and earn a living, and I sold all the other slaves and merchandises.

When a good season came, I sailed taking with me only small luggage containing mainly personal belongings and souvenirs of which I was particularly fond.

The voyage was proceeding quietly, with a few stops to get supplies and for some trade exchanges. At our third stop, a young Syracusan sailor came on board. The Portuguese ship which he had previously worked was shipwrecked a few months before and he was one of the few survivors. He was now trying to go back to his native Sicily. As he had no money, he had signed on as a ships boy, in exchange for a passage to India.

The boy's name was Alfèo and he wasn't yet nineteen. If I were not still so much in thrall to my last lover, I would certainly have tried to conquer his graces. He was in fact a pleasing boy, as tall as me, slender but sturdy; a heap of dark brown and curly hair was framing a face that seemed at times mature and at times childish. I cannot say he was beautiful, but he had sensual lips and bright and lively eyes.

When I saw him working on deck, wearing only short breeches, I couldn't but admire his smooth skin made golden by the sun, and his muscles tense in the effort of the work, darting at each of his movements. Or else, in a few leisure moments, his body languidly relaxing on the deck, on one of the big hawser coils. I was not sure of it, but he almost certainly had become the berth-boy of one of the sailors, a powerful Chinese who was respected and feared by all the crew.

We were already sailing for several days when the vedette yelled the alarm - a pirate ship was rapidly sailing toward us. Frantic manoeuvring started and an escape attempt was made, but our merchant ship was slow while the pirates one was a racing ship, so that we were soon caught and boarded. The Chinese sailors fought furiously and valliantly but were soon overcome and got the worst of it. So we fell into the pirates hands.

The few survivors and all the merchandise and lugagge were moved on the pirates ship, the Chinese ship was set on fire and soon disappeared in the waves. We were closed in the hold, chained to a bar keel. Not far from me I also saw Alfèo, chained and I instinctively felt glad he still was alive and all of a piece.

After three days at sea, we moored at an island and disembarked. It was a kind of natural port, but all around no houses or other buildings could be seen but just a luxuriant forest and a clear and rushing stream ending with a low waterfall into the sea. They loaded us up with the merchandise and all the booty and, tied in a row, we were guided into the forest along a barely visible path. After we passed through an endless labyrinth and climbed the slope of a hill, we reached a kind of small plateau bordered on three sides by tall and steep cliffs raising almost vertically.

These cliffs all had sets of holes, like the mouths of caves, closed by wooden walls with windows and doors, and connected by long and narrow wobbly balconies. Rope or rung ladders and lianes connected the different levels of that vertical village. On the taller cliff I counted about ten floors!

At our arrival, the scaffolds of that curious front became animated by dozens of figures that welcomed our arrival with loud yells of joy. Soon, several of the inhabitants swarmed down and, while we prisoners were put inside one of the caves at the level of the plateau and tied to some poles, outside they were starting to open the merchandise bales and separating the items by kind and value, to do the sharing of the booty later.

The only thing I regretted was that my precious souvenirs would also have been shared amongst those men, so I would irremediably lose them. About us, I knew that we would be kept as slaves of the pirates, or we would be sold at a slave market. I remember that I resignedly thought that, after having owned so many slaves, I would myself experience a slave's life. I only hoped to find a gentle and generous master, as I always had tried to be with my own slaves.

We were in that cave for less than half a day, when an Annamite pirate came who ordered us all to stand up.

"Ibura-khan is coming, he is our chief and he will decide which of you we have to sell and which we will keep to serve us. Hurry up, stand up and when he enters, bow to him!" he said in a language that was a mix of Chinese, Indian, Arabic and I don't know what else, but all in all, that was understandable enough for me.

We stood up and when that Ibura-khan entered, we all bowed. He was not an imposing figure, but slender and tall. As I saw him against the light, I could not clearly make out his features, but he was wearing wide breeches made of precious and soft cloth, tied at his ankles; he had at his sides two scimitars and a dagger, was wearing numerous gold armbands, a precious turban and under a kind of small opened waistcoat he was bare-chest.

I looked at the people following him and noticed that they were all a collection of men of different lands and peoples, each dressed in his own fashion, somewhat as I already had noticed amongst the pirates on the ship. But these were wearing clothes made of more precious materials - they had to be the chieftains of that mixed and numerous pirates community.

I was just observing them when the great chief stopped in front of me and all of sudden I heard his voice, strong and clear.

"But you... you are Lorenzo!"

I looked at him and great was my surprise when I recognized him as Ibrahim!

He noticed my astonishment and laughed, then said to the others, "This man is mine, I take him. Untie him and accompany him to my lodgings." Then, addressing to me, said, "In a while we can talk and I will explain to you... but you are now in safe hands, Lorenzo, you have to fear nothing."

So I was untied and escorted outside by two of the pirates. One preceeded me showing me the way and the other followed me. We started to clamber up that complex system of ladders and balconies, passing from one level to the one above, until we reached one of the highest points of the left cliff. Here I was introduced into one of the dens.

As soon as I was inside I was hit by the luxury with which the place was furnished; it seemed almost the room of a Raja. On a side, on a heap of cushions was sitting a man who soon stood up and turned to look at me. We immediately recognized each other - he was the wonderful Hammira. Dismissing the two pirates with a simple hand gesture, he came towards me.

Amazed, he asked, "Lorenzo, you here?"

"I was caught as a slave by the pirates. But you, rather, and Ibrahim... I didn't expect to find you here!"

Then Hammira told me their story.

After I freed Ibrahim and gave them something to start their business, they gradually moved from town to town, moving away from Haamira's father's territory. Business was doing well and soon they started to become wealthy, not overmuch but enough to be able to lead a comfortable life.

When they reached Bombay port, they decided to embark all their merchandise on a ship to try their luck in China. But during the voyage, their ship was also attacked by the Annamite pirates, the same as those who attacked us, who were at that time led by a certain Tenchar-khan.

They were taken prisoneer and when the booty was shared, Tenchar-khan decided to take Hammira as his personal slave, with the clear intent of using him for his sexual pleasure. Then Ibrahim rebelled with such a violence that four men had to immobilise him. Hammira already feared they would kill him, but Tenchar-khan was impressed by Ibrahim's strength and determination, therefore decided to kill him in a duel to the death, whose stake was Hammira.

Notwithstanding his lover's prayers, Ibrahim accepted. Tenchar-khan was big and large, an imposing heap of muscles. Moreover they gave just a dagger to Ibraahim, while Tenchar had his two sabres and a dagger. The duel was clearly unequal and was just a way to kill Ibrahim after some amusement.

But the struggle was not short. Ibrahim managed to clamber up the system of balconies and ladders, and Tenchar ran after him. Ibrahim already had several wounds and was losing blood and gradually weakening. What had saved him up until then was only his great nimbleness and the fact that Tenchar's movements were limited by the scaffolding. Something whose importance nobody had understood, neither Hammira nor the pirates and even less Tenchar, was that gradually Ibrahim was going up from one balcony to another, apparently in an attempt to escape his adversary.

When they were on the highest balcony, the one of the chief lodgings, Ibrahim made so that he was at the end of the swaying balcony, his back towards the precipice. Tenchar-khan landed on him a heavy lunge with his sabre and Ibrahim let himself fall down.

He had calculated everything perfectly - falling from the balcony he held tight to the edge, hanging down, but his adversary, propelled by the energy of his lunge but not meeting Ibrahim's body to absorb the powerful thrust, lost his balance and flew out of the balcony falling headlong, hurtling down and was smashed on the plateau.

Then Ibrahim hoisted himself back onto the balcony and yelled out his victory. The pirates, from the plateau, not only approved him but some of them started to acclaim him as their new chief and soon everybody accepted him as such. This was in fact the custom amongst the pirates - the man who beat their chief in a duel and killed him, became their new chief.

Hammira had just finished telling me these facts, when Ibrahim came and immediately embraced me.

"Lorenzo, how happy I am to see you again! And I am grateful to Allah who is allowing me to repay you for what you did for us! You gave me freedom and allowed me to live with Hammira, whose life you saved, and now it is for me to give you back your freedom. You must also describe all your belongings to me and I will immediately have them brought back to you. I also want you to choose what you want from the booty we caught, and you take it as my personal gift. And last, if you wanted to stop here with us, you would be welcome but if, as I guess, you would rather leave, just tell me where you want to go and I will take you there."

"Thanks a lot, Ibrahim. You really are a good friend; I am so lucky I was caught by your men."

I explained him how to recognize my belongings so that he could give them back to me, then said, "About the gift you want me to choose in the booty, I already know what to ask you for - it is a young sailor called Alfèo. Give him to me, please, I would like taking him away with me."

Ibrahim smiled cunnigly, "Is he your lover?"

"No, I never had any physical intercourse with him."

"Then, do you want to make of him your lover..."

"No, even though I don't at all dislike his type. But I don't want any lover..."

"I can't understand. Why do you say you don't want any lover, you who always enjoyed making love so much; and then... why do you want him?"

I told him about my short but wonderful realtionship with Wang, then what I knew about that sailor, and concluded, "I simply like Alfèo and I want him to have back his freedom... does this seem so weird to you?"

"Well, as I know you, of course it doesn't. This Alfèo will be yours, you can count on that."

I told the two friends all that happened to me after we separated, and told them that now I only wanted to go back to my land, open a warehouse and live in peace amongst my people.

Ibrahim promised me he would take me to an Indian port where I could change my letter of credit, and find a ship sailing to Europe. But he asked me, as a personal kindness, to stay at least one month on the island as his guest. I willingly accepted. Then Ibrahim went out and, being again alone with his Hammira, we chatted. After a short time Ibrahim came again, with Alfèo at his side.

"Here, this is the boy you asked for. I give him to you; he is now yours; you can do him anything you want with him. My men have been warned and none of them will dare to touch you, not even with just a finger. For as long as you stay here, you two will be my guests - I'll have a part of my cave prepared for you, and soon all your belongings will be returned to you too."

So, we spent a little more than one month with Ibrahim and his men.

When we were first alone, I promised Alfèo that I would take him back to his island, amongst his people, and that once there, he would be free again.

He then asked me, "Why are you doing this for me? We almost don't know each other, and yet... What are you expecting in exchange?"

"Nothing. I just noticed you on the ship and felt a liking for you. I didn't like the thought you would become the pastime of all the bachelors of this island who, for what I have seen, are the big majority..."

"You mean that you asked for me, in exchange, to become your private pastime?"

"No, I don't even think about it."

"I see. So then you are not a boy's or men's lover... I misjudged you."

"Why did you think I was a man lover?"

"Well... the way you look at males. I like only males and therefore, usually, I'm able to single out those like me."

"No, you didn't misjudge me, I do love men too, and very much, and exclusively."

"Ah, then I'm simply not your type..."

"On the contrary, I think you are very attractive." I told him and explained him the reason why I didn't want a lover.

He listened, nodding, and finally said, "Well, I regret it a little. On the ship I too had noticed you and if Li-Cheng, peace be to his soul, was not so terribly jealous, I would have willingly tried to proposition you. But I understand, it means that we will just be good friends... if you accept to be friends with a simple ships boy."

Thus, even though we shared the same pallet, nothing happened between us. At times I also embraced him, as I felt a great tenderness for him. And although he already was eighteen he was, in several aspects, still a boy, though not physically, as he was rather well developed and had a very sensuous body.

We spent that month as Hammira and Ibrahim's guests, then, as he had promised us, he took us to Bombay port. Before parting from us, he gave us a farewell gift too. He gave me a splendid large black pearl of a size such as I never seen before, and to Alfèo he gave a very beautiful Malay dagger with a finely chiseled gold hilt and sheath. The boy was surprised at that unexpected gift, and Ibrahim explained to him that "Lorenzo's friends are also my friends!"

In Bombay, I found the agent of my Chinese merchant friend, and he changed my letter of credit with one of the same value for an Arabic merchant living in Alexandria in Egypt. The first ship going to Egypt would leave the port about ten days later, therefore while awaiting the embarkation I decided to stay with Alfèo in the inn of a Persian man.

Alfèo proved himself a really agreable companion during that time waiting, and I was becoming more and more fond of him. The boy, in spite of his promise on the pirates' island, had started to court me, although in a very discreet way. He wanted to make love with me and decided he had to succeed in conquering me. He was shrewed; in fact he clearly undestood that if he courted me in a cheeky, explicit way, I would decline to budge from my standpoint and refuse him.

Thus, I gradually came to feel his closeness, and being and talking with him, more and more agreable. He also put into action all the subtle wiles of fascination and of seduction, from his way of dressing, smiling at me, moving on to the fact of showing me, even though hastily and in an apparently casual way, his shapely nakedness.

He was heedful about any desires I could have and also anticipated them with solicitude - he was helpful without servility. He carefully weaved around me an invisible cobweb where I felt like the most inexperienced of men. When the embarkement day came, I already was done to a turn and a small final push would have been enough to make me capitulate.

On the ship, for a price, I managed to have a kind of private cabin. It was really only a part of the quarters divided by the rest by a tall pile of cases and by two heavy curtains skillfully hung. In fact it was a merchant ship, not a passenger one. But in that part of the quarters we could enjoy of a good isolation from the rest of the lodgings, and not only visual, but also because the nearest berth was far enough from there. Moreover the curtains were made so that from the inside, with a set of proper strings they could be easily blocked so that nobody could unexpectedly open them.

Already on the first night on board, Alfèo, while as usual we were talking waiting to fall asleep, told me, "That's weird, in the port there was an incredible sultriness, while here it is almost chilly."

"Come nearer, we'll warm each other. But what sort of sailor are you! You ought to know that at night, on the sea, it is cold at times! We are possibly just crossing a cold stream..."

He moved against me, "I really feel good near to you, do you know?"

"I feel nice too." I answered without the least suspicion.

He curled himself against me. Silence fell and I, without being aware, slipped into sleep. He, on the contrary, who was just waiting for this, moved nearer and started to push his erection against me, lightly caressing me between my legs, until he also caused an erection in me.

When from the rythm of my breath he understood I was near to awakening, he hurriedly took his hand away and pretended to be asleep. I awakened and was at once conscious of both his erection and mine. Slightly embarassed I tried to move away but Alfèo, with a kind of deep sigh, pushed more against me. Fearing to awake him, as in fact I thought he was sleeping, I remained still. But I could feel his member throbbing against me and mine showed no signs to calm down... Then he turned away and inside me I made a sigh of relief and quietly fell asleep again.

This game went on, and not just for several nights, but even many times each night, and each time it was more and more difficult for me resist to the temptation to touch him, to enjoy that fresh and sweet boy who was almost in my arms, and who, I knew, loved sex with men.

He later explained his trick to me, but in those days I fell because I was like a ripe fruit. Already on the fourth night, in fact, I stretched out my hand and caressed, softly, but for a long time, his strong and good erection, through his breeches. He continued pretending to be asleep.

The night after, my caresses became some more daring and my hand slipped under his breeches to directly feel the warmth of his erection. And the night after I was already caressing his body and genitals and was about to go further when he, to moaning and pretending to move in his sleep, turned away from me.

But at tht point I was fully aware I desired him and decided to surrender.

Thus, the day after, when we hit the pallet, as soon as we laid down, I hesitantly said him, "Alfèo, why not to undress totally? I like feeling the warmth of your body against mine..."

"But doing so, it would become difficult for me resist the temptation to caress you, to do something with you..." he objected.

I hesitated some more, then said, almost in a sigh, "I think that... that I would be happy if you did it. I desire you, Alfèo. Do you want to make love with me?"

"You know that I'd like it very much, don't you?"

"Then let's undress, my boy. I really want to make love with you, I like you, I desire you."

Of course the young sailor didn't need to be told twice. We undressed and at once embraced very strongly. I kissed him and he enthousiastically reciprocated. We were at once aroused and he started to brush his fresh and strong body against mine, with such passion that soon I lost any remaining reluctance and caressed him, held him tight against me, kissed him with growing transport.

He then bent low on my body and seized my shuddering meat pole with his mouth, making me toss with pleasure and moan softly. While I was groping all over his body, he made me properly excited and when he saw that my rod was fully erect and hard, he straddled my waist, moistened his hole with saliva and impaled himself on it with determination.

When he felt it was all inside, he started springing up and down in a rythm and I was so much in ecstasy that I matched each of his descents with strong upward pushes of my pelvis to meet him. After having denied to myself for any sexual intercourse for so long, I really needed what was finally happening.

His hands, meanwhile, were delightfully tormenting my chest increasing my pleasure strongly. It was a curios feeling - even though it was me penetrating him, I was feeling like being in his possession and that was a wonderful sensation. It was like being in a green and boundless prairie, and riding towards the sun about to rise and which after a short while exploded in all its splendour in the moment when, at the top of the pleasure and of the tension, seizing him at the waist, I pulled him down on me and flooded his love channel with all my incandescent seed.

Alfèo was panting slightly and I was shaked by pleasure tremors. The boy had been able to fully awake in me the exceptional force of nature that I believed to be drowsy, and I felt grateful to him. Grateful and happy. He too had sprinkled my belly and chest with his seed, in abundant jets. Finally he let himself come down onto my chest and I embraced him tightly and again kissed him, deeply, in his mouth.

"Did you like it, Alfèo?"

"Are you asking me? But now, will you make love with me without problems, for the rest of our travel?"

"You can swear on it, my little one. I like you very much."

"I too like you a lot, my big one. You are fantastic." Thus, as I ceased my initial self-restraint, we united in joyous intercourse night after night for the rest of the time of our travel."

"I like this Alfèo, master. He succeeded in conquering you. I'll have to do the same, while you are asleep."

"But you, Poletto, already conquered me, you don't need such expedients. I would never be able to say no to you, you know this."

"But at times you leave me alone..."

"Only because of work problems, you know that. And the periods of our separation are also heavy for me."

"I would like it if I could work with you, master, at least I could go with you when you have to travel..."

"That could be a good idea. Starting from tomorrow, you will come with me at the warehouse and I will start to teach you the work of trading. Are you happy?"

"Do you really mean it? I am more than happy, dear master!"

"So I am, my boy. So then, now, to celebrate this decision, why don't we make love?"

Poletto pulled Lorenzo on top of him and started to caress his back and butt while the man brushed against him making him feel his powerful erection and caressing his sides. The boy spread his legs offering himself to Lorenzo who straightaway slipped his turgid rod between his thighs and aimed at his palpitating hole.

"If I take you now, Poletto, afterwards will you take me?"

"Yes, of course. But now push it all inside me. I like feeling invaded by your beautiful, hot and hard tool, I love being filled by your beautiful, strong and sweet rod. I like when you shove it inside me, because it makes me feel totally yours."



"It doesn't hurt you any more, does it?"

"No, not even a little bit, on the contrary... Why are you asking me?"

"Because you are still so tight..."

"And does this bother you?"

"No, on the contrary, I like it. Spread your legs well, I want to push it deeper, I want to make it enter you totally."

"Oh yes, dear master. And kiss me please while you fuck me. Push all your tongue inside my mouth, so that I would get the feeling you are fucking me both ends at once."

"You really are insatiable, my beautiful little male!"

"I will never be sated of you. Take me... so... oh... so, it's great..." Poletto moaned but couldn't add any more words, because Lorenzo started to kiss him in the mouth with burning passion, while he was hammering his ass with excited energy.


In my home page I've put some more of my stories. If someone wants to read them, the URL is

If you want to send me feed-back, or desire to help revising my English translations, so that I can put on-line more of my stories in English please e-mail at

Next: Chapter 22

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