The Merchant of Venice Or the Twenty-Four Nights of Lorenzo and Poletto

By Andrej Koymasky

Published on Jan 23, 2007


THE MERCHANT OF VENICE Or The Twenty-Four Nights of Lorenzo and Poletto by Andrej Koymasky (C) 2006 written the 17th of June, 1991 translated by the author English text kindly revised by John


"THE MERCHANT OF VENICE" is a gay story, with some parts containing graphic scenes of sex between males. So, if in your land, religion, family, opinion and so on this is not good for you, it will be better not to read this story. But if you really want, or because YOU don't care, or because you think you really want to read it, please be my welcomed guest.

CHAPTER 19 FIFTEENTH NIGHT The strange indisposition

Lorenzo went on the bed where his boy was sweetly awaiting him. They at once were in each other's arms and kissed with desire.

"My Poletto, this evening during the supper I would have eaten you. Do you know that I was just longing to be able to come here to my room?"

"I clearly read it on your eyes, dear master. That's why I hurried up, to come ahead of you, in order to make you find me ready when you could free yourself from the secretary..."

"Yes, and here I am, at last. It is so good having you in my arms, being able to hold you tight to me... and to know that in a short while we will again be united, we will be only one."

Poletto seized the quivering rod of the man and went under the sheets to kiss it.

Lorenzo tried to move him away and gently said, "If you do so, this night I would not tell you anything. Are you no more interested in my stories?"

"Oh yes, master. Start telling me." The boy answered from under the sheets.

"Well, then, come out, little rogue!"

Poletto gave a last kiss to the beautiful erect rod of the man, emerged from the sheets and, raising them a little and looking under them said, "You wait there for me. I now have to listen to the story of my master, but then I will take care of you again. Don't move, understood?"

Lorenzo laughed, ruffled his hair, put one arm round his shoulders pulling him against his chest and started to narrate.

"Finally, one day, I left Varanasi too. After saying good bye to Madan and to the Raja, and together with only two slaves, Prema and Bao, I went towards the East. We traveled to Fuè, Annam's capital. After asking the authorization of king Iepàn, I opened my shop. Business was going well. My exotic goods, the fact that I was myself a foreigner, soon attracted a really good clientele, and amongst them there was also Gilòn, the king's treasurer.

Each time Gilòn came to my shop, was accompanied by one of his sons, called Guiendai, a youth of twenty-one. As much as the father was usualy smiling and merry, so much his son was always serious and sad. The youth had at once attracted my attention, because he was remarkably handsome. Almost all the Moi folk, one of the peoples of Annam, are beautiful, but Guiendai was possibly the handsomest of all the Moi I ever saw.

His sadness made me curious, therefore each time he came to my shop with his father, I furtively studied him. So, I became aware of something that would possibly have passed unnoticed to a less careful observer - when he believed he wasn't watched, he looked at both Bao and Prema with barely hidden interest and desire. I thus guessed that the youth, just like me, was an appraiser of masculine graces.

One day when Gilòn came to my shop without being accompanied by his son, profiting of the fact that I was with the treasurer in the back-shop to show him some rare items, I asked, "By the way, your son is such a sound and strong youth, how come he always has that sad light in his eyes?"

"Oh, don't tell me - this is my great worry. Up to five years ago he was a pearl of a boy, joyous, merry, a joy for my eyes and my heart. But then, little by little he sank into a melancholy that seems to increase with each passing year. I paid doctors, magicians, priests, wise men and holy men, to no avail. None of them has ever succeded in healing him. I don't know what more to do. I also gave him the most pretty slave girls for his enjoyement, but there has been no improvement. I organized games and feasts for him but to no effect. He is a really good son, he is respectful, obedient, a keen son... If only he didn't have that sadness veiling his heart, he would be perfect, he would be the pride of any father!"

I then said him, "Who knows, I can possibly help you. I am not certain, but in my land we have a magic to heal some kind of melancholies. I am not sure if it will work also here in you land, but..."

"Really? I pray you, try it on my son!"

"I willingly would, but I can't guarantee it will work. It demands much time and much patience. And at times it also has odd effects - some persons, instead of recovering, start to have strange visions that make them hate whoever is trying to heal them, accusing him of false and incredible things. I would not take such a risk, do you see..."

"I pray you! I will pay you well for all the time it will take. And even if my son has a negative reaction to your cure, I will reward you all the same for having tried it. But if you succeed, my reward will really be generous. I pray you, accept!"

"I will consider it and let you have my answer. But the rites are to be held in great secret, far from inquisitive eyes and ears; and only I with my two assistants can be with your son, nobody else. Do you have a secluded but convenient and comfortable place, where we can shut ourselves away, and where we could be certain not to be disturbed?"

"Yes, the Autumn Pavillion. It's a small building in the royal Palace garden. My servants will close the garden gates so that nobody will disturb you, and I will gave order that nobody would venture around it until everything is accomplished. Will you come?"

"If I decide I can made an attempt, I will send you my assistant Bao with a message."

On the following day, after carefully instructing Prema and Bao, I sent the latter to the palace to inform Gilòn I would try the magic care and to ask him to prepare the Autumn Pavillion. I asked him to furnish it with many lamps and incense burners, a wide and strong table with a cover and cushions, then an alcove with covers of tiger fur, and a wide bath with hot water and soft clothes to dry oneself.

Bao came back telling me that the treasurer was happy and that he already gave orders to prepare all that was required. Bao had also visited the pavillion and assured me that it was secluded and remoted enough. I then prepared some jugs of good cordial, the best perfumes and incenses of Orient, and some anoinements. Then I had Prema and Bao wear golden silk clothes, and I wore one of precious Indian brocade.

We went to the Palace. Gilòn was eagerly waiting for us. As soon as we arrived, he sent for Guiendai.

"My beloved son, this kind stranger will perform on you a magic care of his land, to try to heal you of your melancholy. You will comply to everything he will tell you to do, anything it would be, as it was me to order you. And let's hope that you can at last recover."

"As my most excellent father orders." The youth answered, bowing.

The servants escorted us to the autumn garden gates and closed them behind us; Guiendai guided us to the pavillion. When we were inside, while Prema and Bao were setting everything following the instructions I gave them, I had the youth sit in front of me.

"Do you trust my care, Guiendai?"

"Not very much, stranger, be said without offence. My father already tried all that was possible..."

"Will you anyway do everything I will order you to do?"

"As my father ordered me, I will obey you as I obey him."

"Even if the care will seem you... weird, or if you don't like it?"


"Very good. Then, before starting, you have to drink the content of this jug."

"All of it?"

"Yes, all of it."

Guien drank all the content to the last draught.

I then told him, "First of all, your body needs to be purified. My two assistants will undress you and carefully wash all the parts of your body. You have to keep absolutely still and let them do, while I will sprinkle you with the magic incense."

This of the magic incense, my dear Poletto, as well as many other things we performed was just acting for the benefit of the young man... in case I was wrong judging the reason of his strange indisposition.

Prema and Bao had totally undressed and I noticed with pleasure that now the young man, even though he was keeping still as I ordered him, with the corner of his eyes was looking at their nakedness with some apparent interest. My two slaves drew near him and started to undress him with affected slowness, brushing his body with their fingers in a wise and skilled way, while I started to go round the trio waving the perfume burner.

Guien let us do so, docile, following the instructions I gave him. When he was totally naked, I noticed he already had a half erection. The two boys gently took him by his arms and guided him in the wide tub filled with warm and scented water, and entered into it with him. Here, taking the water cupping their hands, they started to wet and wash him, gently brushing his body with their hands and lingering a little more on the spots more sensitive to erotic caresses. The combined effect of the hot water, of the hands and of the two naked bodies moving round him, had soon the effect to arouse him and even though the two boys never touched his genitals with their hands, his member was soon totally erect.

At times they barely brushed his member with their bodies, or brushed his body with their members that were also now fully erect, as well as was mine under my clothes. At times Guien was closing his eyes and biting a lip, and his hands were tightly closed in fists, pushed against his hips, almost to force himself not to touch the beautiful bodies of the two little genies who were taking care of him.

After a while and at my discreet wave, my slaves stopped 'washing' him, guided him out of the tub and carefully dried all his body, always very careful to never touch his member with their hands, but just making at times slip on it the soft clothes with which they were drying him. Meanwhile I, unseen by Guien, undressed and wore just a wide tunic of soft, very light and almost trasparent white silk.

Prema and Bao, while remaining naked, made Guien wear a tunic identical to mine. Both our tunics were slightly raised in front because of our erections. The youth seemed to notice mine, but he immediately looked away.

The two boys guided him to the table, made him lean against its edge with his ass, moved his feet before and spread them, so that he was now leaning back and could keep his balance only thanks to the fact that his ass was against the table edge. Now his erection was clearly visible under his tunic. I put the perfume-burner on the floor, between his feet, under his tunic, then stood up so that I was in front of him and my feet were between his. I stared into his eyes and with a very low voice, almost in a whisper, I ordered him not to move his eyes from mine. Until then all had happened in an absolute, almost unreal silence. Guien looked at me almost as if hypnotized.

Prema made a tambourine sound and Bao started to play a flute, very softly. Each time Prema hit the tambourine, I made a very small move towars Guien, so approaching very very slowly to his body, my eyes always fixed in his. We continued so until my body was almost touching him - really only our feet and our erections, through our silk tunics, were touching. I could feel his erection throbbing at the side of mine.

I slowly raised my hands, untied the collar of his tunic and made it slip down from his shoulders to his waist, leaving him bare chested. I started then to gently brush his chest with the tip of my fingers, lingering on his nipples that soon became hard and turgid, so showing his pleasure.

Then, bending on him, I started to work them with my lips, to titllate them with the tip of my tongue, to very gently take them between my teeth until I felt him shudder and he was not able to hold back a faint and short pleasure moan. I continued to tease him so, until his moaning was continuous and his body trembling.

Prema and Bao stopped playing their instruments, took his tunic and made it slip down his sides to his ankles. I then crouched in front of him and while Prema and Bao caressed his chest, his sides, his belly and arms, I started to play with my tongue on the tip of his nicely erect and throbbing member. Guien emitted a moan, leaned more against the table putting his hands on it, behind, and thrust out his pelvis and his greedy pole, pushing it against my mouth. I opened it and let the tool slip between my tight lips, inside my warm and wet mouth.

Then my two slaves climbed on the table, seized the young man under his armpits and slowly hoisted him on to the top. Without letting that palpitating tool escape from my mouth, I followed him while I was letting the tunic slip off my body so that I too was naked.

Guien was lying on the cushions, only his legs still dangling out off the table. Prema and Bao, kneeling at his sides, were licking and kissing his body, while unceasingly caressing it. All Guien's body was now trembling as if seized by a strong fever, like in a rapture. I let go Guien's rod, and at once Prema took it in his mouth. I raised the young man's legs, making them fold on his chest. Now only his little, beautiful, soft and inviting ass was slightly jutting out off the table.

I put my hands on his buns and spread them, to plunge my mouth and rummage in search for his little hole. As I found it, I started to lick it at length, at times gently, at times with some energy, at times pushing against it the tip of my tongue with strong, vigorous strokes, digging my way in that hole that, I could understand by its consistency, was still inviolate.

Before my eyes I could see Prema's face pumping Guien's rod with enthusiasm. I felt his anus strongly palpitate, his pelvis shaking and understood that he was discharging, jet after jet, in the welcoming mouth of Prema. But, as we had agreed before, all three we continued to lick, suck, grope and kiss Guien's body - soon after an orgasm in fact, the sensations are way stronger and soon Guien started to toss in an upset way and to strongly moan.

"Enough, oh, stop it please! It's too much... too good... I can't stand it... for pity sake..."

I then, immersed one finger in anointement, replaced my tongue with it and gradually pushed it inside him. Guien emitted a stronger moan, whined a long "yeeessss..." and after a while, with my finger I was skillfully massaging the interior of his palpitating virgin channel, he came for the second time into Prema's mouth.

All three, then, we gave him a relaxing massage until Guien calmed down and sweetly slipped in a deep sleep, also thanks to the sleep-inducing drink I had mixed with the cordial I made him drink before.

We then lifted and carried him in the alcove, being careful not to wake him. Then we three finally let ourselves go to satisfy our excitement that for a while were demanding satisfaction. While the two boys, lying on a side and upside down, were greedily sucking each other, I first enjoyed Bao's small ass, then moved to take also Prema's one.

We then washed together in the still warm water of the tub, lit all the lanterns, got dressed again and went to sit in the alcove, around the beautiful Guien's naked body, now languidly relaxed, waiting for him to wake up. It didn't take long, in fact after a short while Guiendai moved, voluptously stretched his limbs, passed his hands on his naked chest and opened his eyes.

With a just hint of a voice, he asked me, "Wasn't it all just a dream?"

"What?" I asked him with a cunning smile, lightly caressing his member that was now at rest, soft and warm.

"All what happened... there on the table..."

"What would you like better, it was just a dream or it all was real?"

"I don't know... I feel confused... Real, possibly."

"Did you like what you experienced?"


"Is it your first time?"


"But you desired it, didn't you? You feel aroused by men, don't you?"

"I... I think so..."

"When did you become aware being attracted by men and not by women?"

"About six years ago."

"And you never made love with a man or a boy?"

"No, never... I mean, never before now."

"And why? Didn't you desire it?"

"Yes, I desired it... But when I became aware I desired making love with men... I talked with my father. He told me that I had absolutely not to do such things, because a man has to unite only with women and beget children. He told me I have to give him numerous descendents, not to disappoint him. He made me swear I would never ever have sex with a man or a boy. And he gave me some young girl-slaves, pretty and skilled, and I had sex with them, even though I didn't really like it."

"You could meet your father's wishes but still enjoy some men in secret, couldn't you?"

"No, I could not. I don't want to disobey to my father. I never disobeyed him!"

"I see. But... did you enjoy what we did before?"

"So very much! In all my life I never experienced so strong emotions, so wonderful feelings... I didn't even know it could be possible."

"We can teach you how to experience even stronger and more beautiful feelings, if you want."

"Yes, I would like, but my father..."

"Your father asked me to heal you. This is the secret treatment that will make your melancholy vanish. Your father knows it is magic... he will never know that it is just allowing you to make love with men, so fulfilling your desire and your nature. In this pavillion nobody will ever disturb us. If you want, we will come again to give you this magic treatment, that is to make love with you."

"Oh, I would like it so very much, but... but you will not live forever in my country. After having experienced such wonderful things, if I have to renounce to them it will throw me in an even darker melancholy..."

"I thought also about this, Guiendai. Before everything, I told your father that the treatement is very long, that it has to be repeated often and for years... Then... I noticed that you seem particularly attracted to my slave Bao..."

"I like all three of you very much. But you are right, Bao attracted my eyes and aroused my desire and my fantasies since the first time I saw him..."

"Well then, when I will leave your land, I will leave you Bao who would officially carry on the treatement and actually would be available to make love with you. Moreover, if you will like to make love with amother man, if it he is a trustworthy person, with the pretext to be helped to carry out the magic rites, Bao will let him withdraw with you here in the Autumn Pavillion. Don't you think this would be a good solution?"

"Oh yes, a wonderful one!"

"And to complete the work, it would be enough for you to marry the woman that your father will choose for you and you will make her beget all the grand-sons your father could desire. Once in a while you can also do a sacrifice and satisfy a woman, can't you? And so make happy your father. Especially if you can make love with the man you desire, each time you desire it. What do you think, my sweet Guienday, of this treatement I invented for you?"

"Oh, Lorenzo, you are a genius. You not only understood the root of my indisposition, but you also found the right treatment. I am lucky that destiny sent you my way. How can I repay your kindness?"

"Making love with me as long as I will stay here in Fuè. I don't ask you anything else. Your father, by the way, is paying me for your treatement... I really like you very much, and I would like to be the first man you give your virginity to."

"With very great pleasure, Lorenzo. I will be yours any time you want me."

And so it happened. Gilòn, already from that first evening, noticed some improvement in his son's mood and was grateful and thankful to me. But I warned him that the treatement had to be carried on, possibly for all the life time of his son, otherwise he could have a bad relapse. Of course his father agreed totally.

Two days later we went to the palace again for the second session of the magic treatement and we shut ourselves in the Autumn Pavillion, already prepared for the rites. We repeated more or less what we did the previous time but with some variations - I too participated in the bathing and Guien could take active part in it, washing and touching us, freely participating.

When he was on the table top I again penetrated him with a finger; the youth asked me to take him with my rod. I told him to be patient a while longer - as he still was a virgin at twenty-one years of age, it was better he got gradually used to the penetration. As a compensation, when he asked me if he could try to penetrate Bao, I told him yes and the boy offered himself to him more than willingly. As soon as Guien sank in the welcoming little ass of the boy, he immediately had a very strong orgasm.

After a few sessions he became really skilled sucking and doing all the rest. It was only lacking for him to lose his virginity. And at last the day came when I felt he was ready - is hole was now fully relaxed, filled of desire and palpitating.

So I didn't limit myself to let him feel my rod brushing and palpitating on his greedy hole, like the previous times, but started to push, to open my way into him. When I felt that he, filled with desire, was pushing himself against my pole, I started to apply more energy and Guien, understanding my intention to make him do the great jump, started to push against me with greater vigour.

He said, "Please, Lorenzo, I really want to finally feel it all inside me. Even if I will feel some pain, I'm determined to go on, this time. Sink all your sword into my sheath, plant your tree in my garden, make your valiant warrior enter into my castle that yearns to be stormed. Feel how I'm opening my door to you - enter inside me and dance and make me experience the ecstasy! Please, Lorenzo!"

"Yes, my beautiful boy, thirsty for pleasure. This time I'll hesitate no more - I feel you shuddering with desire, I feel you are ready to finally lose your virginity. Here I am! This is your complete initiation to love between men. And after me, if you desire it, you can also try Prema and Bao's rods. Here I am, for you!" I told him and sank all my tool inside his tight, blazing and well lubed channel, while Bao was sucking Guien's beatiful pole with art and passion and he was taking in his mouth the throbbing rod of Prema, making it slip down to his throat, also with greedy passion. For a while only pleasure moans and groans were heard. My two skilful slaves were regulating themselves to me, so that we managed to reach orgasm all four together. We continued to make love and stopped only when Guien had tried my two slaves and his love channel had been filled by them too.

When at last we relaxed, all four still half embraced, Guien was radiant. "It has been wonderful, my friends, being able to finally feel your strong and beautiful members, full of life, vibrate inside me. All this is wonderful. So, at last I'm again starting to live thanks to your miraculous treatement. I hope this can last for a long time. Thank you Lorenzo for having so skillfully diagnosed my illness and for having given me the right care. I would never have thought it could be so wonderful making love between men... or else I would never have obeyed to my father for all these years. He persuaded me, you know, he scared me and notwithstanding I was feeling desire, I never dared to disobey him..."

"Yes, at times, being too obedient could also be a mistake, my dear boy... But tell me, Guien, now that you tried all of what two men can do together, what do you like best?"

"Everything! Each of you is special for something. I really like how Prema works my member with his lips and tongue, and how he makes me burst inside his warm and welcoming mouth. I love how Bao gives me his greedy little ass, warm and soft, and how he tosses against me each time I take him, making me feel all his pleasure in being taken by me. I enjoy each of your rods filling my mouth and quenching my thirst with their intoxicating cordial. I love your hot pole, Lorenzo, when it throbs inside my bowels, when it rummages and pushes and beats, when it dances and when it fills me. I really am not able to make a choice. And after you made me discover and experience all these delights, I discovered that I now look at well built and desirable men even with more lust then before. Life is beautiful, thanks to you three. I found again the joy of living, thanks to your magic, secret treatement. I really don't know how to thank you!"

I continued to make love with Gilòn's son for all the time I remained in Annam and was honoured and respected at the court for that miraculous healing. Moreover, this fame, got me also excellent business. Guien was now expert and self-assured in making love, totally uninhibited, even though he had always to do it hiding from his father and from the other courtiers, because, according the mentality of those people, as well as here in Venice, love amongst men was officially deemed as something contrary to costume and to law.

When I finally left Fuè, I let Bao stay with Guien, as I promised, explaining to his father that my assistant was fully qualified to carry on my treatments. I also added that he himself could at times need an assistant, and that in this case he would seek to find one. Gilòn was really grateful, and Bao went to live at Guiendai's home.

The last day I spent in Fuè, Gilòn decided to throw a big farewell party in my honour, and invited Prema and me at the royal palace. After the party, at the moment of my departure, came twenty servants, each carrying a parting gift. Amongst the twenty gifts, I still keep one as a souvenir of the beautiful and young Moi - the gold statuette of god Gina, who is represented as a wonderful, totally naked male, standing up, his member soft but of a nice size. Under its pedestal Guien made carve a sentence in his language, "To my glorious Gina who came from the West to heal me". Each time I look at the statuette I recall the beautiful Guiendai of the Moi people, son of Gilòn, the treasurer of king Iepàn of Annam."

Poletto nodded, then said, "Will you show me that statuette?"

"Of course. It is in my small strongbox, together with all the rare and precious things that remind me my adventures and that at times I already showed you."

"And now, master, will you make love to me as you did to the beautiful Moi?"

"But Prema and Bao are not here."

"I need just you. Rather, I think I would be embarrassed if there were other people looking at us while you give me pleasure..."

"Why, are you possibly ashamed of what we do?"

"Ashamed? No, on the contrary, I'm really proud! But I want to be only yours and not other people's and... I would like being enough for you... If I am not enough for you, it means that I am not skilled enough for what you deserve and desire. But I would understand, and... if you looked for another boy besides me... I would accept your decision."

"No, don't worry, I do not feel the need for other boys, as long as I have you."

"Am I really enough for you?"

"Certainly yes, my splendid boy filled of fire."

"But when you are far away, for a long time, like the month you had to spend in the March of Ancona... didn't you look for somebody to give you pleasure?"

"Such a thing didn't not even pass through my mind! Even though time was never ending, and I was missing you very much. No, I never searched for somebody in that month, my dear boy."

"Thank you, my dear master. I too waited for you with plenty of desire and great affection, and didn't want to do anything with any other person."

"But, tell me, wasn't that Zane a beautiful and likeable boy?"

"Yes, he was."

"And... didn't you get the impression that if you asked him, he would have willingly made love with you?"

"It could be, but I didn't ask him, I was not at all interested in making love with him. I was waiting for you."

"If you and Zane had made love, either with him or with another boy, I would not have been sorry, you know that."

"All right, but as I told you, I want to be only yours. I am not interested in anybody else, whether a boy or a man, I swear."

"And what about me? How much are you interested in me?"

"Do you want me to show you?"

"Why not!"

"Then prepare yourself - I will not stop until you ask me to..."


In my home page I've put some more of my stories. If someone wants to read them, the URL is

If you want to send me feed-back, or desire to help revising my English translations, so that I can put on-line more of my stories in English please e-mail at

Next: Chapter 20

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