The Merchant of Venice Or the Twenty-Four Nights of Lorenzo and Poletto

By Andrej Koymasky

Published on Jan 11, 2007


THE MERCHANT OF VENICE Or The Twenty-Four Nights of Lorenzo and Poletto by Andrej Koymasky (C) 2006 written the 17th of June, 1991 translated by the author English text kindly revised by John


"THE MERCHANT OF VENICE" is a gay story, with some parts containing graphic scenes of sex between males. So, if in your land, religion, family, opinion and so on this is not good for you, it will be better not to read this story. But if you really want, or because YOU don't care, or because you think you really want to read it, please be my welcomed guest.


The next day they went for a walk again. Arrived in front of the Carmelites church, there saw a tavern and it was open.

Zane said, "Come and sit inside. I'll offer you some light wine."

"I never drink wine, it goes straight to my head."

"Just a little bit to keep me company. Please..."

"All right."

They sat and Zane asked for a jug of white of Friuli and two glasses. He filled both of them.

"To your good health, Polo, and to your happiness."

"Thank you, and also to yours."

"And stop being so thoughtful! Life is beautiful, let's enjoy it. You are a handsome boy and when you smile you are even more handsome. Moreover, in these days as I have not to live in that dead city called Bergamo, I want to enjoy leading a life of pleasure. Will you help me to amuse myself?"

"I... I would not even know what to propose you... What would you like to do?"

"Anything that gives me pleasure."

"Pleasure? What kind?"

"Any kind. As my signor father is not here to watch over me and keep me on the leash, I would like having some adventures... some encounters."

"Would you like find a girl? I don't even know where to take you, I don't know... that kind of girl."

"Are you able to keep a secret?"

"Sure, but... what secret?"

"Also from signor Lorenzo?"

"If it is something not concerning him, yes, also from him."

"I am not at all interested in girls. I like boys, do you understand? Do you think I can find some?" Poletto looked at him astounded. Then Zane added, "Are you amazed? Didn't you guess it? The fortune-teller said it and she was right - I will not marry nor have children, but several loves. By the way... she said the same thing also about you. Are you also, by chance, like me? Are you too... a lover of men?"

Poletto, confused, instead of answering drained his glass of wine. Zane smiled and immediately filled it again.

"You are not bound to tell me... After all that's none of my business."

"But you told me..."

"Yes, because I trust you, and I like you, and you promised to keep the secret."

"For sure I will keep it. I too... as you are... I feel attracted by men."

"So, then, we are partners, you and I! We will go to look for boys together, are you game?"

"It is true, I feel attracted by... but... I am not interested in encounters... And also, I don't know where to take you to find somebody, I really do not know how to do so."

"You can find them everywhere, there is no special place for encounters. And when you see one who is the same as you, you understand it."

"But how? I understood absolutely nothing about you."

"Neither I about you. But often you can understand, especially if the other is also attracted to you. From how he looks at you, observes you, studies you... and possibly follows you."

"Why? How does one look at you?"

"For instance, he can look between your legs to check if your breeches flap is well filled or not... But, tell me, did you ever go with a man or a boy? To make love, I mean."

"Just with two..."

"And how did you find each other?"

"Both times it was the other to find me."

"So, then, it's time for you to find another, isn't it?"

"No... I am not interested, I told you."

"Such a handsome and desirable boy as you are? Come on! You would find dozens, if you just tried. Especially here in Venice. Here is not like Bergamo, here there are people from all the world. And yet, I found some even in my boring town. But here must be a lot easier. For instance, don't you know that sailors, almost all of them, make love amongst themselves and like a male better than a female? We can hang around the port and for sure we will find somebody. But tell me, about the two with whom you did it, are they younger than you?"

"No, they are two adult men, mature men."

"So, then, you have to try it with youths. It is really good, believe me; I did it with both men and boys."

"Did you do it with many?"

"Yes, I must confess."

"But... don't you have a steady lover, in Bergamo?"

"No way! When one is young as we are, one hasn't to bind himself, one has to amuse oneself. To tie up in a real relationship, we have time. Don't you remember what the fortune-teller told you? She said that you will have a real relationship when you are thirty, didn't she?"

"But you... your first time... when did it happen?"

"My first time? I almost don't remember it any more... It was about seven years ago..."

"You were fourteen? With a friend?"

"Not yet fourteen. And no, not with a friend. He was a Slavonian soldier. With a pretext he took me on top of the parish church tower bell. And there, amongst the bells, he lowered my breeches and pushed all his tool inside my hole, deflowering my little ass, without much ceremony."

"He must have hurt you..."

"No, no, not at all. You see, he had a long but slim tool... and he was really skilled. He made me enjoy it immediately. Even if the bells were silent, I heard them in full peal... but the clapper was his tool and the bell was my ass. I enjoyed it so much that I asked him if we could do it again the day after... And you? Your first time?"

"At the beginning of this year."

"With a boy?"

"No, with a man, as I told you. Where he was working. We were alone. He told me - come here, I will show you something. He opened his breeches and pulled it out, hard. I looked at it... I had never before seen an adult man's tool... And he told me - touch it, and placed my hand there. I liked handling it, feeling it so firm and palpitating. He then did the same for two or three days until one day he asked me to kiss it... And he put it all inside my mouth and I enjoyed that even more than just touching it."

"And you did something more?"

"No, not with him."

"And with the other man?"

"Oh, with the other man we did... everything. He is so skilled! With him it is really making love, not just sex."

"And you said that it was also this second man who found you? And how?"

"I was already looking at him for a while, but would never have dared to... even though I liked him a lot and felt strongly attracted by him."

"And he, how did he understand about you?"

"He... caught us, the other man with me... So he asked me if I wanted to do it with him. Of course I said yes to him at once."

They went back home. When they were in Zane's room, he asked the boy to take out of his luggage all his clothes and put them tidily into the closet, while he started to undress. When he was bare chested and had only the under-breeches on him, he asked, "Come to untie the back of my breeches, as it is awkward doing that by myself, then you can pull them off."

He noticed that Poletto was caressing with his eyes his bare chest. The boy went to his back and untied the tight breeches, then went again in front of him and slipped them away. Zane already had an half-erection and the boy admired it for a moment, then looked away.

"Do you like what you see?" Zane asked him.

Poletto nodded in silence.

"You can touch it, if you like. Go on..."

"No, thank you."

"I would like it very much, because I already feel you are a friend. I would be pleased if you touch me between my legs. Do you see how he also says 'yes' to you?" Zane said making it palpitate a couple of times.

Poletto smiled, amused, but didn't stretch out his hand. He finished pulling the breeches off him and carefully folded them. "Which clothes do you want to wear, now?"

"You don't like seeing me naked? Does it embarrass you?"

"No no. You are really handome, well built. Also there, between your legs."

"So, then, why you don't want to touch it?"

"Because... because... I just don't feel the need."

"Polo, I for sure don't want to force you, but I am sorry. I hoped that you... Between boys, between friends, these things happen, and it is good doing them."

"I am sorry, Zane; don't feel offended. I like looking at you, you are handsome. But I would rather not touch you... and not be touched."

"But your man... the second one... you touch him and let him touch you, don't you?"

"Sure, but only with him."

"Come on! You are not married, are you? And then, as soon as he will get tired of you, he will jilt you, as always men do with us boys. But... tell me... your man, is he not by chance signor Lorenzo?"

He had not yet finished saying that name when Poletto almost shouted, "No, he is one of the warehouse workers. He is a married man, has two children and... and..."

Zane smiled in himself for what he knew to be a lie, but pretended to believe him and didn't insist. He chose his clothes and asked him to help to wear them. Then they went downstairs for supper. In the evening, when Zane said he wanted to go out, Poletto asked him to be allowed to stay at home. Zane went out alone and took profit of that to go to meet the other four boys to set all the details for the meetings on the following days. He also explained to them the issue of the four tarots and they decided how to make them become real. He also took advantage of the occasion to have sex with Toffolo, then went back to Zorzi Mansion and went to bed, without calling Poletto. But the boy heard him come back and went to knock at his door.

"Come in!"

"Why didn't you call me to help you?"

"I didn't want to disturb you, it is late... And then, I felt that it annoyed you seeing me naked, and I always sleep in the nude..."

"No, I am sorry. I am your page in these days. And it doesn't annoy me at all seeing your nakedness, believe me. I am sorry if I gave you this impression."

"It doesn't matter. Tomorrow morning don't wake me too early. Wait until the sun is already high on the sky. I like sleeping, when I am in vacation like in these days."

"Would you like having your breakfast here in your room?"

"Yes, thank you, but only if you eat here with me."

"All right. Do you need anything else?"

"No, thank you, you can go to sleep, Poletto."

The following morning, Poletto brought him breakfast and stopped to eat with him. Zane got out the bed naked, careless about his showy morning hard-on that, he noticed with pleasure, Poletto continued to look furtively. Then he asked him to help him to dress. When he was ready, they went out for a short walk. They were back for dinner time then Zane wanted to go out again and hang out for a while. They talked a lot, but never touching matters of sex. They went to the port and sat at a tavern. There were many sailors around and Zane profited from that to show to Poletto those who, according him, were looking for a mate to have sex with.

"So many?" at one point Poletto asked, amazed.

"Oh, possibly even more than that. I'm pointing you only those about whom I'm rather sure. With one or two of them I would even like to try it, I should confess. Of course I could not take them at Lorenzo's mansion. But for sure, the sailors would know where to go; several inns let their rooms for short encounters, for this kind of encounter, I mean. Even though laws are really strict with those like us... Look at that one - what a nice boy! And how he does look at us! Do you like him? Is he your type?"

"No, he seems me too uncouth... and too cheeky."

"But he has a beautiful body. And look him between his legs, what a nice swelling full of promises."

"Yes, but I don't think I would like doing it with him. Look at that one, rather... that dark-skinned boy with a shy expression, that one sitting all alone near the pillar..."

"Yes, I like him too. Do you want us to go and talk with him?"

"No. If you are interested in him, you go. I'll wait for you here."

"Come on, just to chat, you can also come, can't you? And then, if he is game... I will try to have sex with him and, if you want, you come with us or else we meet again at home. Come with me, come on!"

They drew near the sailor. Zane addressed him with a confident smile, "May we sit at your table, sailor?"

"Yes, sure."

"My name is Zane and he is Polo. And you?"


"How come that you are all alone?"

"My mates went to look for whores."

"And you? Are you pennyless?"

"No, I have all my salary. But I just don't feel like."

"You mean that you are not interested in women?"

"Just so. Absolutely not."

"You are not annoyed if we stay a while with you, are you?"

"No, on the contrary, I am pleased to exchange a few words. Are you brothers?"

"No, friends. May I offer you a drink?"

"No, my glass is stil full, thank you. Are you Venitians?"

"He is, I am just passing. And you, were are you from?"

"From Taranto, but working on the ship of a Greek."

"But... your mates... are they interested only in women?"

"At the ports, yes, but on the ship..."

"On the ship?"

"Eh, they all hang round me."

"Well, so at last you can have your choice..." Zane cunningly suggested.

"Oh no, that would be the last straw!"

"I see, you don't like doing it with men..."

"I just don't like doing it with my mates. If you say yes to one, and if you are young, you risk to be forced to do it with all of them."

"But... would you say yes to me?" Zane then asked.

A smile appeared behind the sailor's eyes, "I hoped you would ask me. I would say yes to both of you. What about a nice threesome?"

"No, I have to go back home. You two go. You will be able to come back home alone, won't you, Zane?"

"Well, yes..."

"So then... have a nice evening..." Poletto said and almost ran away.

But the day after he asked Zane to tell him how it went with the sailor. Zane described him everithing in great detail and soon was aware that Poletto was aroused, just as he hoped.

"I see that my speech has aroused you... Why not to undress and make love? I've got a hard-on too, you know?"

"No, I would rather not. But this evening we are going out again, don't we?"

"Sure, willingly. But I'm sorry that you then ran away..."

"I don't feel like doing it with other peolple. I have my man."

"But these days you didn't meet him. Is it my fault?"

"No no. He is not at the warehose, in these days. He had to go... to go back to his village, because... because his wife is ill."

"I see. But, poor Polo! How long will you have to do without him?"

"I don't know. I will wait for him."

"But do you think he will be faithful to you?"

"I think so."

"But he has a wife, and with her..."

"She doesn't matter."

Zane would have liked to contradict Poletto, but he didn't know how to as he had decided to pretend not to know that in reality the boy's man was Lorenzo.

He got a new idea. He told Poletto, "I feel like having a bath. Do you think the servants can bring a tub with warm water to my room?"

"Sure. Do you want me to go and order it?"

"Yes. And then you will help me, won't you?"

"Of course."

When Zane was soaking, Poletto started to carefully wash his body with a small cloth. Soon both were aroused.

Zane said, "You are skilled. Do you also help signor Lorenzo to bathe?"

"Yes, at times."

"And he too gets hard-ons like me now?"

"At times."

"Do you like signor Lorenzo?"

"He has a fine body."

"And he... does he touch you?"

"No, never."

"But don't you profit for touching him, possibly right there?"

"No, that would be the limit!"

"I would try, in your place. And I think he would be game, you know? After all he didn't marry... possibly he too doesn't like women."

Poletto didn't answer and continued to brush Zane's body.

Zane took his hand, "Undress, and come in the tub you too, so I can wash you."

"No, thank you."

"Come on! You see me naked, don't you? I would like looking at your body too... and to touch you... I feel you have a nice body."

"No, please. I understand that you would like making love with me, but I belong to my man, I told you."

"If you come in the tub with me, I swear we don't make love. I will content myself to wash you, I swear..."

"If we were there, both naked and so close by, and washing each other, I don't know if I would remain faithful to my man or you to keep your oath. I'm made of flesh too and you're really handsome. So I prefer not to risk it."

"But even if we made love, I wouldn't take you away from you man, would I? In any case, I have to leave Venice in a month. Your swollen breeches make me understand that you too desire it and... and I confess that the thought of it tempts me."

"Please, Zane, if you really want to be my friend, let me alone."

"All right, as you like. But I can't understand you. You have to be really madly in love with your man!"

"I really think so."

"But he... does he at least know it? Have you already told him?"

"No, he... he has a family. I don't want to give him problems."

Zane was amazed by Poletto's strength of will and by his firmness, and thought that Lorenzo was lucky having such a lover. But he was still confident to be able, sooner or later, to overcome his resistance. As the boy had acknowledged, flesh is flesh!

On the following evening Zane arranged for Poletto to have the first of his four encounters. They were walking through a dark 'calle' going back home, when Simone approached them.

"Sorry, 'lustrious, if I may be so bold, but I see you have a lantern. Could you help me to look for three coins that slipped away from my pocket? If I go back home without them, my father will whack me."

"Willingly, right Polo?" They started to search on the pavement but they found nothing. Zane meanwhile whispered to Poletto, "The three coins - couldn't he be the tarots three of coins?"

"I was no longer thinking about the fortune-teller... It could be..."

Zane then asked the boy, "What's your name?"

"Simone, 'lustrious."

"I am Zane and he is my friend Polo. What kind of coin were they? Had they much value?"

"Two of one baiocco and one of two baioccos, 'lustrious. Four baioccos in all."

"Well, not so much. And your father would whack you for such a small sum?"

"Oh yes. You don't know my father. What can I do, now? I daren't go home without them"

Poletto searched in his money-bag, "I have a coin of five and one of two. Do you by chance have two coins of one baiocco, Zane?"

"Let me see... Yes, here they are."

"Take them, Simone and go back home safely." Poletto said giving the three coins to the boy.

"I thank you very much, 'lustrious! How can I repay your kindness?"

"It doesn't matter, it is a little thing. Zane and I are happy we could help you."

"No no, I have to pay you back for your kindness, in one way or another. Tell me where you live and if I'm able to earn some coins, I'll bring them back to you."

"It doesn't matter..." Poletto said again.

But at the same time Zane answered, "We live at Zorzi mansion. Do you know where is it?"

"Oh yes, 'lustrious sirs. So then, thanks for now. I wish you a good night." Simone said and disappeared in the dark.

Then Zane said to Poletto, "What a handsome boy, that Simone, lean as a rush but well built. Did you notice what a nice ass he had?"

"Yes, I noticed."

"Do you like better taking it or putting it?"

Poletto, surprised by the question, blushed but answered in a quiet voice, "Both ways."

"The same for me, the same for me. Well, if he really is the three of coins, and I really believe he is, you have not to let him escape. The fortune-teller said so, do you remember? If he really shows at the mansion, you have to take him to your room and do something with him; follow my advice."

Poletto didn't answer. They continued along the street to the mansion. After he helped Zane go to bed, Poletto withdrew to his room and in his turn hit the bed.

During the night, something woke him up. Near his little bed was Zane, totally naked, a lighted two-banched candlestick in his hand, looking at him.

"I'm sorry I woke you. But I strongly desired being able to look at your naked body, therefore I came... I hoped not to wake you. You are so beautiful!"

Poletto became aware he didn't have a blanket on him any more, so that his nakedness was exposed to the other. Disconcerted, he tried to cover himself but Zane stopped his hand.

"No, wait. Let me look at you a little more. Lucky is your man who found such a beautiful boy... and so faithful. You have a body that... rises the desire to kiss it, to touch all over it. And also there, between your legs, one feels the desire to put on his lips, to lick it all, to suck it... It is raising... No, I will not touch you, don't worry. As you don't want to allow my body to enjoy yours, at least let my eyes enjoy you. How I would like biting your nice dark tits... to kiss your sensual lips. How I would like to keep you tight to me, to fondle all of your body, to caress you... No, don't worry, I will not touch you... Even though, not touching you, one has to be a hero or a saint. I feel that tonight I will earn my place in heaven. Oh, Polo, I feel so envious of your man! Why don't I have such luck? Look my rod how became hard from nothing but looking at you! And yours also, how beautiful is it, firm and erect like the mainmast of a ship. If only my lips could become its sail..."


"Tell me, wonderful!"

"Now... let me sleep, please."

"As you like. Even though I feel that tonight I will not be able to close an eye. You are the forbidden fruit in the Earthly Paradise. I would willingly accept to be chased away by the angel, if I only could taste you! Sleep, my angel. I'm going back to my room... and will get my satisfaction alone... dreaming about your beautiful body."


In my home page I've put some more of my stories. If someone wants to read them, the URL is

If you want to send me feed-back, or desire to help revising my English translations, so that I can put on-line more of my stories in English please e-mail at

Next: Chapter 16

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