The Merchant of Venice Or the Twenty-Four Nights of Lorenzo and Poletto

By Andrej Koymasky

Published on Jan 5, 2007


THE MERCHANT OF VENICE Or The Twenty-Four Nights of Lorenzo and Poletto by Andrej Koymasky (C) 2006 written the 17th of June, 1991 translated by the author English text kindly revised by John


"THE MERCHANT OF VENICE" is a gay story, with some parts containing graphic scenes of sex between males. So, if in your land, religion, family, opinion and so on this is not good for you, it will be better not to read this story. But if you really want, or because YOU don't care, or because you think you really want to read it, please be my welcomed guest.

CHAPTER 13 TWELFTH NIGHT The Final Success and the Remorse

"Master, how long were these five days you have been out of town! They seemed never to pass!"

"It is the same for me, my boy. But when I'm in another town, guest of somebody, even if I took you with me we could not sleep together, make love, you are well aware of that, aren't you? You know that here in Venetian territory the laws against those who make love with people of their own sex are really strict, don't you know? We cannot take the risk of being reported..."

"Sure, I know, you explained it to me. But at least I would be able seeing you every day, and that would be better than nothing."

"But to me it would be too difficult having you near me every day and not being able to do anything with you."

Poletto smiled, flattered, and pushed himself tightly against the man, who embraced and caressed him. Then after a long kiss, Lorenzo said, "Do you know, Polo, that I desire you very much?"

"I know, master, sir, I can feel it. And I too desire you."

"Well, tonight we will make up for the lost time, I promise you. But first, I guess, you are dying to know how it ended with the seven brothers, is it not so?"

"Sure, I did nothing but think of that all these days. Tell me..."

"As you remember, there were only two of the seven brothers left, to take on my bed. At this point, to me it was the challenge itself , even more than winning the gold, though it was certainly a lot.

I was discussing with Nàdir and Bahram about how I could succeed, when Nàdir said, "Sadìq can help you to get your way with Hussein!"

"I don't feel like informing other people besides you two. Moreover, I don't really believe that Sadìq would do something to help me..."

"No, no, he vould be an unwilling accomplice. Listen - Hussein is very jealous of his wives, almost obsessional. And Sadìq, I don't think he has already accepted the punisment you gave him. If he could take his revenge, I'm sure he would. Therefore, if Sadìq came to know that you are trying to sneak in the rooms of Hussein's wives, he would warn him for sure and would ask him to punish you in the same way you punished him."

"Yes... it could work... Provided that Hussein doesn't instead decide to thrash or geld or even kill me."

"No way; we would intervene to stop him!" Bahram said, seeming thrilled at the idea.

I was uncertain not only for the danger I could run, but also because there was the problem about how to make it happen in front of my fellows... In fact the two boys, my dear Polo, as I already told you, knew nothing about my bet. But then I thought that possibly Sadìq would brag about the fact he had framed me, and this could possibly be accepted by my fellows as a proof... Therefore, with the pretext I wanted to think carefully about their suggestion, I stalled for time. I gathered all eight of my fellows and asked them if they would accept as a proof the witness of another person. There were of two minds, some answered yes but others didn't want to accept it - at least one of them had to be present at the act.

In the end, the one who had tried having sex with me, proposed, "I know Hussein rather well. If I am present when he discovers and punishes you, I think that my witness could be enough."

The others agreed. Thus, as soon as I met the two brothers again, I told them we could try to carry out their plan. First of all, Nàdir confided to Sadìq that he came to know that I had took a fancy for one of Hussein's wives. Sadìq, as the two brothers had guessed, at once saw the possibility to take revenge on me, therefore he asked Nàdir to encourage me in my attempt, and with him went to see Hussein to warn him. Hussein, as he heard the news, at first reacted very violently - he wanted to confront me immediately.

But the two brothers told him, "You cannot confront him for something that has not aready happened. If the thing is brought in front of a judge, he would say you are dead wrong. You have instead to catch him red-handed when he is trying to enter you wives' rooms, and then you can punish him."

"Yes, sure, and I will make my servant thrash him even before he can catch sight of one of my wives!" Hussein sid, viciously.

"No way, dumbass, a judge could still have reason to favour him if you do harm to him just on a suspicion. Remember he is a foreigner, and you know very well that judges always have a high regard for foreign merchants." Nàdir said.

Sadìq readily added, "But if you, for instance, humiliate him so that he would even be ashamed to have recourse to a judge, then you could really punish him, don't you see, my brother?"

"Humiliate him? What do you mean?" Hussein asked, non understanding.

"Well... for instance... abusing him like a woman and in front of withnesses." Sadìq said foretasting his revenge.

"You mean I should to fuck his ass?"

"Sure! Just think how humiliating! He would surely not have the courage to go and complain to a judge, don't you see?" Bahram at once added.

Hussein burst in laughter, "Yes, yes that's a good idea. And I will for sure do it in front of all the house people, servants and women included!"

"And... before... or after... you could also fuck him in his mouth, to make his humiliation even more complete..." Sadìq suggested, delighted at the thought.

I then informed my fellow telling him on which evening I would try to enter Hussein house. So, that same evening, he went to see Hussein on some pretext. I then went on my horse to Hussein's house and climbed over the boundary wall of the garden. I knew that Hussein, not knowing exactly when and at what time I would do my attempt, ordered his servants to be on watch without being seen by me and to warn him as soon as I entered, without trying to stop me until I was inside one of the harem rooms.

Therefore, as I entered the garden, I pretended to try to orientate myself, then started to climb a tree that was near one of the harem windows. From there I jumped inside an open window. I was just landed in a half dark room when the servants, who were stalking there, jumped on me and stopped me. There was a great bustle, more people came with lanterns and finally also Hussein, my fellow, Nàdir and Bahram came. Sadìq didn't show up, as he knew I would recognize him.

"What is happening in here?" Hussein asked, pretending to be surprised.

"Master, this man was trying to get into your women's rooms and we prevented him."

"But he is a foreigner! Is he not, by chance, a thief? In this case we will have his hands cut off!" Hussein said.

I felt lost - I didn't think of that possibility and was scared.

But my fellow drew near me, sniffed me and said, "No way! A thief doesn't wear perfume before going to steal, and doesn't wear such elegant clothes. Moreover, to affirm he is a thief, you must have found on him some of your belongings. And surely a thief doesn't slip into a house full of people..."

I felt grateful to him.

Hussein said, "Yes, I think you are right. Anyway this man entered my house secretely like a thief... and he deserves a punishment. What do you propose?"

Now the comedy was going on according to my script again and I felt better.

In fact Nàdir immediately said, "Seeing how he dressed and perfumed himself, I would say he hoped to have some fun with your women. Therefore I propose you give him exactly what he came here to give..."

Hussein burst in a loud laughter, "Yes, yes, sure! He wanted to let his bucket down a well not belonging to him, right? Well, then, it will be me to let my bucket down his well! What do you think of that?"

"Yes, dear brother, I think this is the right punishment!" Bahram said.

"Good, undress him completely, then!" Hussein ordered his servants.

I pretended to try opposing, beseeched him to desist, I promised him money, but everybody was excited at the idea, including servants and the people of the house, and everybody urged him to do what he had said.

Hussein had some carpets and cushions brought in the room, I was stripped and made lie on my belly while five men kept me still - two slaves were holding my arms, another my waist and two more my well spread legs. The others were standing all around illuminating the scene with lamps. Hussein called also all his women, then knelt between my legs, uncovered his tool and tried to penetrate me at once, vehemently. But his tool was only half erect and he could not succeed. I felt him fussing uselessly.

One of the servants proposed, "We can possibly prepare him with some unguent, master."

Hussein mumbled his assent and parted from me. After a while the servant came back and I felt him spread something abundantly between my buns, and also teasing my hole with his finger... I thought that possibly that servant would have liked to be the one to give me the "punishment". Hussein took his position again and was finally able to penetrate me. I heard a long "oooohhh" coming from all the others when they understood that Hussein was finally inside me.

The man started to fuck me with energy, while abusing me with the most terrible terms he knew. I have to say that his tool was not so big, therefore he was not hurting me at all. But I was yelling and wriggling and begging just to make a scene.

"No, stop it... I pray you... I beseech you... No.. Ooouchhh! You're hurting me... Stop it, please... enough... No, no..."

My shouts seemed to arouse him so he continued with even more vigour.

He was saying me, "Wasn't this what you came to do? Here, you are served! You wanted to pay your contribution to my house, right? And instead, it's now me who is the one paying you, don't you see how generous I am, dirty dog? I'm paying you back with your same money, aren't you happy? Don't you thank me?"

"Have mercy... I beseech you..." I murmured trying to give an anguished tone to my voice.

"No, stranger, no mercy. You have to learn what happens here in our land to whoever tries to touch at another man's woman! You wanted to play the bull but now you have to play the cow! Do you like being fucked? Do you like my pole?"

I could see Bahram's amused expression while he watched my supposed pain grimaces. Being sure not to be seen, as everybody's eyes were fixed on me, Bahram winked at me.

Finally Hussein, with a kind of roar, discharged inside me. He was panting, so great had been the fury he applied in that fuck. He went away from me, tidied his clothes, sent away the women, then ordered the servants to throw me in the street, naked as I was.

I had, luckily, foreseen such a possibility, therefore, as soon as I was on the street and heard the gate close at my back, I whistled and my horse came. I pulled out from the pack-saddle a tunic that I wore, jumped on my horse and, satisfied, went back home.

After not even an hour, my fellow knocked at my door. As he was in, he said, "So, you succeeded once again. But it doesn't seem to have been so agreeable, this time. And people will talk and you will not cut a nice figure, in this way."

"But thirty-two pieces of gold are agreeable. And the notoriety of a man trying to obtain the favours of another man's woman, is not so bad, after all. Would you give me the witness?"

"Sure, and tomorrow you will get your gold. But be careful, only two weeks remain to have your way with the last of the seven brothers. And for what I know, Riza will not be an easy target - he has no wives, no vices, no superstitions..."

"Don't worry, I will get my way also with him." I answered.

In fact I knew that Riza also had a secret vice. He was an inveterate dice player. He was also very skilled, so that very few people agreed to play against him, but I had left him till last, because I needed time to be sure to get the better of him. And for two days I knew that I was now able to succeed, and that almost surely I had him within my grasp.

I have first to explain you two things, Poletto.

The first is that the kind of dice play in which Riza was outstanding was a game depending not only on luck, but in which one needed to be skilled in making his wagers and in realizing some combinations. It was a rather complex game, but I knew it rather well. In that game the only consistently winning combination was getting four ones. Besides that, to win you had to get some combination in a fixed order.

And I have to explain another thing to you - I came to know from some Indian merchants that the Chinese merchants were selling a strange metal. Its appearance was like common iron, but it has the property to attract other iron objects to it, making them move from a short distance. You can possibly have heard of it, it is also used by navigators to find the north. Well, thanks to a merchant friend, I had ordered some objects, a lump of that iron, big as a fist, and four loaded dice, apparently totally normal, but they had a thin iron leaf inserted under the face with the number six, that is the face opposite to the number one. I still have those dice and if you want, tomorrow I will show them to you. The problem was only to arrange so that the four dice fell as I wanted and when I wanted, so I had also ordered from a skilled artisan an inlaid table to play dice, having a hidden pedal - when pushing on it with my foot, the special iron lump came into contact with the underside of the table, but when releasing the pedal it went away and the dice were not influenced by it.

Almost nobody knew about that special kind of iron, and the artisan who built for me the dice and the table was in another city, so I was sure nobody could guess my trick.

When I had my special table, I tested it playing with Ibrahim. As I had not yet told him anything about that trick, he was amazed to see that, each time I announced four ones, that punctually happened.

After I verified the correct operation of my system, I told Bahram to organize a meeting for me with his brother Riza for a game of dice. For the first match we played, which Bahram also watched, I didn't use the secret mechanism, so I lost a sum, not huge but not trivial either. Riza was really skilled at that game, he knew how to throw the dice and how wager expertly. When we stopped playing, I asked Riza a return game and he of course accepted, fixing a date for the following evening.

When we could meet alone, Bahram asked me, "How do you think to win on Riza? You saw how skilled he is."

"Don't worry, I will succeed. But the evening when I will win, I want to be alone with Riza, because he would never accept to pay my win in the way I will ask him, if other people are present and know about it."

"But are you so certain to win?"


"And how?"

"I have a... talisman... coming from China."

"Do you believe in talismans?"

"No, I don't believe in all talismans... but just in this one." I enigmatically answered him.

On the following evening Riza won again, but just a few coins. I again challenged him and the boy, self-confident, accepted. We had to meet on the following Wednesday evening. So I warned my fellows who as usual came and hid in my home. Bahram, warned that it was the final evening, didn't come with Riza, as I had asked him not to. When the boy arrived, I offered him a drink.

He smelled it and said, "No, thank you, dont feel offended, but I am a good Mohammedan and don't drink wine."

"I understand. Let's play then?"

"With pleasure. Let's see who has the first throw."

We threw a die each and he won. We started the game. I made him gradually wager higher and higher sums. At the beginning he was winning more often than me, because I didn't use the hidden mechanism. I pretended to become more and more nervous and increased the wagers, something classic when one wants to recover his losses. And he accepted. I then started to use the pedal more and more often so I started to win. By now the atmosphere was overheating. Riza wanted to win at all cost. When I won all the money he had brought with him, and it was a big sum, he asked me if I accepted him to put, on his word.

I then put in front of him all the money, mine and what I won him, and said, "All right, take it. It's enough if you sign me a debt paper and put on it your seal."

The sum was really huge but he accepted, without turning a hair. We continued to play until, after some small winnings, he again lost everything. At that point Riza said he had to stop.

He was shaken. "I will have big problems paying you this large sum... I don't know how to justify it with my father. He forbade me to bet money and so... Anyway, be assured I will pay you, in one way or another. But now it would be better I stop playing, unhappily, I cannot risk more money. Even though it is a pity..."

"Yes, it's really a pity. But I like you, Riza, and I want to help you out. I don't want to get you into trouble with your father. This evening you just had some bad luck... Listen, I'm ready to wager all your debt in exchange of for one thing. Look, I now split all the money in four parts and I give them a special value - I will wager the first part against your clothes, the second one for your underclothes, the third one in exchange of you letting me caress and kiss you, and the last one in excange of a night of love with me, where you would be my woman. If you lose everything, after a night of sex, I will tear your debt declaration and you won't owe me anything more. If on the contrary you win, you will tear the debt document and we will be even. Just four throws with the dice. Are you game?"

Riza looked at me frowning, "If I lose, I have to let you penetrate me?"

"Not only that, but you would have to please me doing everything I'll ask you... but only for one night."



"I don't think I have much choice - I either face my father's wrath... or I take the risk of being subjected to you."

"What do you fear more? Your father's wrath or some physical pain? The choice is up to you."

"Not even when I was a boy did I allowed a man to have sex with me, to penetrate me. This is also one of the reasons why I am the favourite of my father. But if he knew I've lost such a big sum at dice... he would certainly pay my debt... but he would also throw me out of his house, for sure."

"If you accept my proposal, your father will never come to know neither that you lose at dice, nor that you allowed a man to take you. And anyway... the latter is not so terrible... many men do it..."

"You don't give me any other choices so I accept. And then, is it not said that eventually luck would turn towards me. Playing four throws as you said, I will run the lesser risk. I agree, then, prepare the four parts of money and let's make the four throws."

It took a short time. Of course I won all the four times. Riza had terribly lost heart. I regretted it a little, but didn't give up. Moreover, when I finally saw him naked for the first time, I saw that Riza with his nineteen years of age, was the most beautiful of all the seven brothers. I pointed him to my bed.

He laid on it and asked, "Could you, at least, put the lamps out?"

"No, Riza, I like looking, while I make love."

I undressed and reached him on the bed. I started at once to caress his beautiful body, virile and yet sweet at the same time, and was at once aroused. He let me do so, motionless, still. But he too, gradually, became clearly aroused. His member, strong and erect, was palpitating, so I lowered to suck it with all my skill. I was spying on his expressions and saw he was torn between pleasure and shame.

"Suck me you too, as I'm doing to you." I said.

He complied without a murmur. He was somewhat awkward but anyway the warmth of his mouth was agreable. When I felt fully excited, I made him turn and go on all fours, and I started to lick his anus, for a long while, until I felt he was shuddering for the pleasure. I teased his hole, alternating the tip of my tongue with a finger. And finally, no more able to resist, I seized him, went on him and tried to penetrate him. Of course he was very tight and that also was very exciting. Gradually, a little at a time, I managed to open my way in him, while my hands were masturbating him and feeling all his firm, muscled and beautiful body, his smooth and hairless skin, fresh like precious silk. When I was totally inside him, I started to take him with long and slow strokes, enjoying the conquered virginity, and that so agreable union. He didn't move; he just let me do.

When I felt I was near the explosion, I slowed down. I didn't want to come yet, I wanted to enjoy him as long as possible. When my excitement calmed down, I started to move inside him again, but careful to give him great pleasure too. His breath, more and more short and panting, told me that I was succeeding in giving him an intense enjoyement. That pleasurable ride lasted for a long time, until I was no longer able to control myself and finally came inside him. While I was giving him my last strokes descharging inside him my seed, his member still tight into my hand started to strongly palpitate and soon he too came.

Then, satisfied, I parted from him. He was still, still on all fours.

"Let's rest for a while... Sit here, I want to kiss you." I said.

He turned and sat and I noticed that his eyes were filled with tears.

"Did I hurt you, Riza?" I asked, somewhat sorry.

"No, not really."

"Then why those tears?"

"Because I feel humiliated... I don't feel I am a man any more, now. You killed my soul."

"Don't you think you are exaggerating?"

"NO! I'm no more a man."

"But nobody will ever came to know it." I lied, thinking of my fellows hid nearby.

"I know it happened, and that's enough."

"But you are the same as before, Riza. Where is the problem?"


"I can't understand. Why..."

"Why? Because I have discovered that... that after all, I was enjoying what you were doing to me. If I didn't enjoy it, I would never have reached an orgasm, don't you see? Therefore I'm not a man."

"Bullshit! The body is the body, and it answers to some solicitations, it's just natural. And I have masturbated you, haven't I? Of course you came too. No, you are the same Riza than before."

"No, no. Possibly nothing like this will ever happen to me again, but I know that I also felt pleasure being taken by a man, and I will forever feel ashamed for that. No, I'm no longer the same I was before."

"Listen, if you now fucked me, would you feel better? If so, I'm ready to let you take me."

"No, thank you. Nothing would change."

"Are you angry with me?"

"No. If I liked it, it is not your fault."

"It could possibly be my fault, as I did all I could to make it agreeable to you. And also because I have been me the one bringing you to accept intercourse with a man. Now I feel responsible..."

"The night is long. What do you want me to do, now? Do you want to take me again? Or would you like me giving you pleasure with my mouth?"

"No, Riza, lets stop here. If you would like making love with me again, you will come another time, as you wish. But you are now free. Look, I'm tearing the sheet with your debt. You paid it, and possibly even more that we presumed."

"But... do you like men?"

"Yes. And I like you a lot, very much. You are one of the handsomest men I ever had, one of the most desirable."

"Did you have many?"

"Yes, in ten years I had a lot of experiences."

"If you say I'm free to leave, I'll go. But I would like to come back to talk with you..."

"Any time you want, Riza. I would like being your friend... if you can."

"At this point there is a special bond between you and I. You revealed me what I really am. And you are the only one to know it."

"Don't say so. You are now just confused. Tomorrow you will see things under a different light. Go back home, now."

Riza dressed back and left my house. Then my fellows came out from behind the curtain.

We were writing down the last receipt, when I said, "I feel sorry for Riza. This victory is heavy on me..."

"But why? And anyway what is done is done. You have right to your last sixty-four gold pieces, you earned them."

"I don't absolutely want to be known that Riza had had sex with me. I would rather give up these sixty-four gold pieces."

"Even if you did, you would never be certain that one of us doesn't talk around..."

"But if you all swear, yes, I would trust you. I know you all to be men of honor."

"Hey, tell me, aren't you falling for Riza, by chance?"

"No... but I very much regret having wounded him."

"What's done is done, Lorenzo. Each of us already swore at the beginning to never reveal the secret of your conquests and if you ask us, we will repeat our oath also regarding Riza, if this makes you feel less worried. It was just something amongst us, wasn't it? Here, this is your last receipt, with which tomorrow you can get the sixty-four gold pieces you earned. We would never have believed you could be able to have sex, in a few weeks, with all the seven sons of Ismail Egbal. But you succeeded therefore you won the bet. I don't promise you that this story will not be told around, it is way too extraordinary. But I swear, also in the name of us all, that nobody will ever say the names of the seven brothers. We never will reveal details making understand who were your conquests and neither who you are. But for years, your incredible enterprise will be whispered amongst us merchants."

"Then you will say that I was an Arabian merchant named Khaleb, and that the seven brothers were princes, sons of an Arabian Emir. And that all happened many, many years ago, before us all and also our fathers were born. Do you promise it?"

"We swear, Lorenzo. Good bye and good luck."

Now I was rich, but not satisfied.

Two days later Riza came to see me. We talked for a long time and I did my best to make him see reason, to reassure him.

He said, "You told me that you liked very much taking me..."

"That's so. But I regret that I hurt you."


"Because... if you too liked men... I believe I could fall in love with you. You are a splendid man, Riza."

"I don't feel being any more a man, now. And even less to be splendid."

"May I put it right, in some ways?"

"No, what's done, is done."

"But... you enjoyed it, didn't you?"

"Yes, and this is my problem. No, I'm not angry with you, believe me. You like men and you like me. You just took the opportunity that had turned up. I too, possibly, would have done the same, in your shoes. But now... I have a favor to ask you."

"Tell me. If I can, I will do anything you ask me."

"I... each time I shall see you or hear about you... this wound will open again, can you understand? I would like... I would like you to leave Isfàn and perhaps... possibly... one day this wound will heal."

"Yes, willingly. I will leave as soon as I can, if this can be useful to your peace of mind."

"Really? I didn't think you would accept... I thank you. Then, before you leave... I know you still desire me and... I would like to try making love with you again one more time." Riza said blushing nicely, then added, "Even now, if you want."

So, we made love again, and this time all night long.

On the following days, I settled my business and said good bye to all my friends, I joined a caravan carrying my merchandise, after entrusting almost all my gold to a Pisa merchant who would deposit it in an account opened in my name in Venice. With Ibrahim and two more slaves I had bought in Isfàn, I left the town."

"It's a pity that Riza didn't like men, right, master?"

"Each one is like he is. And then, who knows if we could have fitted well together?"

"Don't you have any object as a souvenir of Riza?"

"Just the dice I used to win him."

"That last night when Riza stopped at your place to make love, was a good night? Do you have a good memory of it?"

"Yes, because Riza, possibly to understand better himself, or possibly out of gratitude towards me because I accepted to leave the town, made love with me without restraint, very spontaneously, till the dawn of the following day."

"Who knows if he ever made love with a man again?"

"I've no idea. If he did it, he could possibly have found his true self. If he didn't he could possibly have found back his image that he built for himself. I only hope, whatever happened to him, that he is now well."


"Yes, Poletto? Tell me."

"How much do you like me?"

"I will now explain to you..." Lorenzo tnderly answered, taking the boy into his arms. His explanation took a very long time...

After they made love, even though it was the depth of the night, they talked some more.

At a certain point Lorenzo said to Poletto, "I would like you to amuse yourself, my dear boy."

"I am amusing myself, master... every night."

"Little silly boy, don't pretend not to understand. During the day, I mean. You have to spend some of your time with boys your age."

"Mainly now that you let me so much free time, I'm doing so, dear master."

"Ah, good. And tell me, how do you spend your free time?"

"I'm going to the churches to look at the beautiful paintings, I tour the city to see the rich mansions or the big ships at the port. I stop to look at the acrobats, thumblers and charlatans or at the pedlars. I look at the shops and at the craftsmen working, or the beautiful wares coming from abroad, from far lands..."

"All this is good. But don't you play with boys like you? Don't you chat with people of your age?"

"At times. But I would like being able to tell them how happy I am with you, every night, but you know that I cannot. Therefore, as I cannot tell what to me is most important, I have little to say to anybody. And then... boys of the same age as me always speak only of money or girls or challenges... all things that don't appeal to me and rather bore me."

"But sooner or later you can meet youths who, like me and you do, love making sex with men. So you can come to know a likeable and handsome one, with whom you can also make love, don't you see?"

"It could be. But not to make love, my dear master. Making it with others doesn't appeal to me, I already told you so."

"Bah, just wait to find the right one, and you will see how fast you change your mind... believe me."

"I... I thought I already had found the right man - you, my dear master. Are you perhaps getting tired of me?"

"No, little silly boy. How can someone get tired of a splendid boy like you; sweet and sincere, affectionate and available, ardent and yet tender at the same time?"

"Then, if you are happy with me, why are you always trying to push me to make love with somebody else?"

"For your good, my boy."

"I know what's my good, my dear master - it's you! And not because you are my master, or even because you are so wealthy and honored and respected. If you were a poor man and a beggar, I would beg with you on the strets, just to be near you!"

"All right, Poletto. Lets stop raising problems then and lets sleep on it. Good night and sweet dreams."

"Good night, dear master."


In my home page I've put some more of my stories. If someone wants to read them, the URL is

If you want to send me feed-back, or desire to help revising my English translations, so that I can put on-line more of my stories in English please e-mail at

Next: Chapter 14

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