The Merchant of Venice Or the Twenty-Four Nights of Lorenzo and Poletto

By Andrej Koymasky

Published on Dec 30, 2006


THE MERCHANT OF VENICE Or The Twenty-Four Nights of Lorenzo and Poletto by Andrej Koymasky (C) 2006 written the 17th of June, 1991 translated by the author English text kindly revised by John


"THE MERCHANT OF VENICE" is a gay story, with some parts containing graphic scenes of sex between males. So, if in your land, religion, family, opinion and so on this is not good for you, it will be better not to read this story. But if you really want, or because YOU don't care, or because you think you really want to read it, please be my welcomed guest.

CHAPTER 11 TENTH NIGHT Two of the Brothers Fall into the Net

Poletto was still tidying his master's room when Lorenzo entered it.

"Oh, master, today I'm late... forgive me."

"And why are you late?"

"I'm ashamed to confess the reason to you..."

"Are you ashamed? What did you do that was so awful?"

"I wasted my time in the afternoon."

"Oh, really? And to do what?" Lorenzo asked with pretended severity.

Poletto lowered his head, blushed slightly and almost in a low voice, answered, "It is that... here on the campiello... a puppet theatre came and I... I went to look at them."

"Oh, so you like puppets."

"Well, all kinds of show, master. I know that I was supposed to finish all my duties first, but... I thought I'd stay just for a short part of the show but on the contrary... I was so absorbed that I didn't realize time was passing and... But I promise you this will never again happen. Forgive me!"

The boy's tone was so imploring that Lorenzo couldn't continue petending to be sullen. He approached his servant and tenderly embraced him.

"You just did well, my boy. You don't have to worry. Rather, do you know what I think? If you like shows so much, tomorrow night I'll take you with me at the Commedia dell'Arte to see real actors. What do you think of it?"

"I don't deserve it, master, sir."

"Well, if you don't deserve it, my dear boy, nobody in Venice deserves it. And also, I would be pleased not to go to the show alone. What do you think of it, Poletto? From now on, if you like, you will always come with me to see all the shows I go to."

"The master is too kind to me."

Lorenzo embraced him more tightly, kissed and caressed him tenderly.

"You, my dear Poletto, are already doing everything to make me happy and are succeeding in that. So I feel it only fair to do something for you too."

"Oh, master, but you are already making me more than happy, each time that you allow me to make love with you."

"Anyway, I've decided. But now stop tidying the room, let's undress and go on the bed. You can finish your work tomorrow. Or rather, from now on, a part of your duties will be given to to Alvise, so that you will have more free time and from time to time you can go to amuse yourself. And I will also order Florindo to give you one more zecchino each month, so that you can pay for what you like or you need."

"But I need nothing, sir, master. Here in your home I have everything I can need. Food, clothes, a shelter and... and you, my master!"

"But I don't want you to be enclosed here at home all day long. I want you to go out, to become friends with other boys, to amuse yourself. Listen, Alvise will do all the tasks you had in the house, so that you will have to care only of my bedroom, as I don't want anybody else here. Is that clear?"

"But so, what will I do, all day long?"

"You will be with me, and when I'm away for my business, you will go out, enjoy yourself, meet people... You will be free to do anything you like, after you have tidied this room and my clothes."

"The other servants will be envious of me..."

"Well, then from tomorrow you will no more be a servant, but my personal page. And by the way, don't care about the others' envy. Agreed, Poletto?"

"All that my master orders is good for me."

"So then, agreed! But now hurry up, let's go to bed. Tonight I have to tell you how I succeeded in making love with Sanjar and then also with Bahram, two of Nàdir's brothers."

They climbed on the wide bed, under the rich canopy, Lorenzo pulled Poletto to himself, embraced him and started to narrate.

"The first thing I did in order to be able to have Sanjar in my bed, was to look for a spellbinder. After some inquiries I choose one who was famous, a woman of fine appearance, advanced in age but with lively and astute eyes. I asked her to receive me.

As soon as she saw me, she said, "Come in, foreigner. I can see good luck around your head... You will make your way... What are you asking me to do for you? Do you have problems of love, money or health?"

"No, not really. Listen, I want a certain man to ask me to have sex with him."

"Are you in love with him? Do you want me to prepare you a love potion?" she asked me with simplicity.

"No..." I answered and explained her the bet I had done. At once the spellbinder seemed to be interested and amused. I explained her that, as Sanjar was a very superstitious and also greedy man, she had to make him believe that, in order to become really wealthy, he had to ask me to penetrate him. The woman laughed a lot at the idea, and started to ask me some questions. Thus, little by little, we started to invent a plan. The woman was really shrewd, and she really knew her job well. First of all she sold me some objects known to cast the evil eye. I would have, thanks to Nàdir, to introduce them between Sanjar's belongings so that he would believe that some enemies were trying to do him harm. Then, when Sanjar would be scared enough, we would arrange it so that he went to consult her. So then she would push him into my arms... or between my legs, to be more correct.

When Nàdir came to see me, after making love with him with mutual satisfaction, I explained my plan to him and what he had to do for me.

I saw he was dubious, so I said, "Listen, if Sanjar begs me to fuck him, then later he can never reproach you again even if he discovers that you like being fucked by men. If he tried, you could easily shut him up, telling him that you know he allowed me to fuck him..."

Nàdir at this point smiled cunningly, "Well, yes, you are right. I will do as you say. And the more of my brothers you can manage to have sex with, the more I can live in peace. I really hope you can succeed in having all of them here in your bed, Lorenzo!"

Thanks to Nàdir, I was able to follow the development of all the events. For some days, Sanjar found the evil-eye fetishes that I had bought, amongst his belongings. Thus he became persuaded that one of his enemies was trying to injure him. At first he reacted with the traditional practices, but he was so scared that his business really started to worsen. At the right moment, Nàdir advised him to go to see a witch. The first one that Sanjar met, of course, gave him advice that didn't achieve any effect, in fact the evil omens were increasing. At that point Sanjar was really scared until, at Nàdir's suggestion, he went to consult the spellbinder with whom I had made my pact.

The woman, pretending to consult an oracle, told him, "Yours is an almost hopeless case. There could possibly be a way-out, even though it is something almost impossible to get..."

"Would it be a sure remedy?"

"Well, yes, it would be a sure remedy, but..."

"Tell me then what I have to do!"

"You... did you ever had sex with a man?"

"Well... when I an in a caravan, I often take my pleasure with a boy, as everybody does."

"No... I mean... with an adult man?"

"No, never! I'm a wholesome and sound man!"

"As I feared..."

"Why? What's the matter?"

"You see, the one who threw you the evil eye used an ancient and powerful system... the most effective. He sealed his spell using his semen."

"So, then?"

"So, then, only a more powerful semen can break the spell. But it would not be easy finding the right person..."

"I will look for him. Just tell me how I can detect a man whose semen is really powerful."

"Above all, he ought to be a foreigner having his skin as pale as milk. Then he should be not older than twenty-four, but not even just a boy. And more than that, he has to be a virgin, he has to have never had sex with a woman. So, you see, this is an almost hopeless enterprise, unhappily. Anyway, even if you can find such a man, you have also to persuade him to give you his semen, but if he is a virgin this would not be easy to obtain..."

"Give me his semen? To do what with it?"

"He would have to impregnate you with it, in your mouth or in your ass or, even better, in both places, to be really sure it works."

"You mean I have to... to have sex with him? Ask him to fuck me? But... is there not another way to... to be freed?"

"No, unhappily not. And the semen has to be flooded inside you directly, without allowing it to come out in the open, or else it would lose all its powers. Therefore you would have to persuade him to fuck you really like you were a woman, do you see? If I can give you my advice... Give it up; your situation is desperate anyway, believe me."

"But if I give up, I will lose everything. No, thanks. There are some strangers in the city, I will find the one deserving me."

"But he has to be a virgin, and absolutely not older than twenty-four, remember!"

I followed all this dialog hidden behind a courtain and when at last Sanjar left, I came out laughing aloud and offering ing her my congratulations. Now I had just to wait...

A couple of days passed and finally Sanjar showed up at my shop. He asked to talk with me in private. As soon as we were alone, he asked me my age, then asked me also if I ever had had sex with a woman. And at last, after lot of wavering, and overcoming his embarrassement, he explained me what he wanted from me.

I answered pertending to be astounded, offended and also disgusted. "Sir, I am a virgin, I never had sex with a woman, because of a vow to my God. But even less I had had sex with a man! I'm sorry for you, but I cannot do something like what you are asking me. And I cannot understand how you are not ashamed to make me such a proposal!"

The poor man, then started to beg me, to beseech me, but I pretended to be unyielding. I suggested him to look for some other man for his insane desires.

He violently blushed and said, "I willingly would do without that, believe me! But this is the only means I have and you are the only person here in Isfàn having all the right requisites, you are just the one I need. If you accept helping me to break the bad luck that is persecuting me, I will generously reward you, I will forever be grateful to you, I swear!"

"Your request upsets me. I would like to help you, but you can understand that..."

"My fortune, my life, everything is in your hands! I beseech you..."

"It's such an ugly thing, what you are asking me. I understand you are in despair, but I..."

"I will reward you plentifully... You too are a merchant... Well, if you will help me, I will ask you only half of their price for all my goods..."

"I have to think about it. You are asking me so much... Come again tomorrow and... I will give you my answer."

He took leave, begging again me and my good heart. I then sent Ibrahim to warn my witnesses fellows to be at my place the following day.

When Sanjar came, three fellows were already hidden at my place, waiting. Ibrahim saw Sanjar immediately to my bedroom.

As he entered, asked me, "So then, what is your answer?"

"I will do what you asked me to do, even though for sure it is not a good thing. As long as we do it fast..."

"May Allah bless you! But remember, you have to pour both into my mouth and into my ass all your semen, without wasting a single drop of it... or else we would have to start it all over again..."

"I will do my best to give you satisfaction. Where do you want me to start?"

"With my mouth, if that's good for you."

I lifted my tunic, unlaced my breeches and sat on a stool, my legs spread, offering myself to him. Sanjar readily knelt between my legs and, bending, at once started to suck it with zeal. He was not so skilled, but he managed to arouse me and continued until he made me reach the orgasm. So, seizing him by his ears, I pulled his head to my lap, pushed my pole to his throat and discharged, while he carefully swallowed my jets, being careful not to let even a single drop escape. I had ended, but he continued to suck with energy.

Thus I said him, "There is nothing more left! You drank all of it."

He stood up. His face vas flushed and with a very thin voice he said, "Thank you. Would you please put it also into my ass, now?"

"As you desire. Assume the position, put your hands on the stool and bend."

"Just a moment. I brought an ointment so that you can penetrate my ass without hurting me too much..."

Sanjar put out from a pocket a tiny agathe jar that he opened, then lowered his breeches and abundantly lubed his anus. Then he assumed the position. Meanwhile I was massaging my member in order not to lose my erection, so I went to his back and aimed with my straight pole at his hole. I must say he had a handsome ass, better than I could have expected - lean, firm, sinewy, and hairless. I was having difficulties to enter him, as he really was very tight. The real virgin in that room was him... Sanjar, between one moan of pain and another, was urging me. At the third or fourth attempt, he asked me to wait a moment and lubed himself some more. I managed at last to penetrate him for one or two fingers and he threw a choked cry.

"Do you want me to stop?" I asked him.

"No! No, no, please, go on. You have to put it all inside me, all of it. Push, go on, push stronger!" he panted.

I then seized his hips and and started to give him strong strokes, At each push I was sinking in him a little more and he moaned and wailed, until at least my balls were well compressed against his butt. I then started to move back and forth, slipping out slowly to then plunge into him suddenly, with vigor.

Now Sanjar was whining in a low voice, muttering by time in time incomprehensible words. As I had already come just before, this time it took me a while to come again so I enjoyed the ride in that virgin ass. At last, feeling a wild pleasure, I discharged inside him for the second time, pushing well, deep inside and flooding him with my seed.

For a while I remained still inside him. Both we were panting. Then, slowly, I slipped out of him and when I was out we both emitted a loud sigh. I cleaned myself and we tidied our clothes.

"Allah bless you, stranger. I will be eternally grateful to you for what you did for me. I pray you just of one thing - never say to anybody what happened now here, and mainly not to my brothers. At my age being taken like when I was a lad... I would die for the shame!"

"You too have to say not even a word about what we did - I am not proud having done what you requested me. I did it only because you were so insistent... Now come, I will see you downstairs to the door."

When I went again upstairs, my three fellows wanted to know I managed to convince Sanjar, but I revealed nothing to them. I asked them to sign and release me the second declaration and collected two gold pieces.

When I met again Nàdir, I told him how it had been, then asked him with whom he advised me to try as the third one. At this point the boy was taking a liking on the matter. He told me that I could possibly try with his younger brother, Bahram, a boy of eighteen. He was just maried, but Nàdir suspected that his brother really loved to have sex with both men and women. He wasn't really sure about that, but the fact that Bahram often asserted that "a nice ass is just a nice ass, be it a woman's or a man's" made him suspicious about his brother's tastes. Moreover he once saw his brother sneaking off with a twenty-two year old Nubian slave, who Nàdir had also had sex with a couple of times.

"But I don't know how to make sure. You could anyway possibly try with him..." he concluded, thoughtful.

"No, I have to play safe. But... I possibly got an idea..." I said and told him about it.

Nàdir looked at me amusedly, "You are really extraordinary! It could work. I will try to make that challenge to my brother and, if he rises to the bait, we will organize everything together. Do you think you can find a suitable place?"

"Surely. It's just a problem of price."

A few days later, Nàdir told me, "He's risen to the bait! He fell for it totally! As you suggested, I waited until he repeated his sentence and then I asked him if he thought possible to know a man's ass from a woman's without seeing it or touching it with his hands, but just by fucking it. Well, he answered that with his experience he would surely be able. So then I challenged him to demonstrate it to me. I proposed to arrange a meeting in a brothel with a man and a woman and he, blindfolded and with his hands tied on his back, has to fuck both of them and to guess. If he hits the mark, I will give him my dagger with its golden sheath that he likes a lot and longs for; but if he is wrong, he will give me his horse, that I have desired for a while."

"He has to be sure about his skill, then." I remarked.

"I don't care, because I thought that, instead of trying with you and a prostitute as you planned, when he will be blindfolded, he will have to try with you and... with me! If he hits the mark and says we both are men, I willingly will give him my dagger."

"You are an errant knave! Good, good, just give me time to reach an agreement with a prostitute, then we will hold the meeting with your younger brother."

So I went to a brothel, talked with the madam explaining her everything. She willingly accepted and established a price. When the decisive day came, after I had my witnesses hidden behind a grating protected by a thick veil, unknown also to Nàdir, I and three women dressed with identical clothes, our faces hidden by impenetrable veils, so that it was impossible to know who was hidden behind it. After a while Nàdir and his brother Bahram came.

"Well, Baharam, here you have two men and two women. You will fuck the ass of the two of them that I choose. Let's see if you can guess. Start to undress."

"Sure, and you will see that I will get your dagger! It will be easy like drinking a glass of water." The cocky boy answered, starting to undress.

He had a nice body, even though a little too hairy for my taste. Between his legs he had a tool of average tonnage, already half erected, rather well built. Seeing him half naked and being aroused was for me the same thing and luckily the full dress I was wearing hid my state.

While Nàdir was tieing his hands on his back with a silken scarf and with another one was carefully blindfolding him, Bahram said in a self-confident tone, "Prepare your asses, males and females, as in a short wile you will taste all of my stake. And while I will bang it inside you, try not to moan, or else you will help me to understand which I'm fucking!" he concluded, laughing.

As soon as the boy was blindfolded, two of the women approached him while the third one exchanged her clothes with Nàdir. Then I, baring my ass, bent to the right position and the two women guided the boy towards me.

"Before the fuck, a mouth will suck your tool to make it well hard and erect. It doesn't matter you guess whose mouth it is, my dear brother, the mouth is not part of the game..." Nàdir, who had just changed his clothes, announced him and, kneeling in front of his brother, started gluttonously to suck it. I was looking on, feeling more and more aroused, by that unexpected scene. Bahram's tool was soon well erect and shining with saliva.

His voice slightly panting for the pleasure he was feeling, Bahram said, "Good girl... only women are able to suck it with such dedication!"

I assumed my position again and while the two prostitutes were again bringing Bahram to me, Nàdir seized his member and guided it to my hole, that was waiting, palpitating. I felt it brush between my buns, trying to find the right spot then, as soon as he started pushing, I felt it slip inside, very smooth, so hard, until it totally sank inside me. Then Bahram shook it a little and I made my anus palpitate in answer.

"Mmhhh! You like it, right? Do you feel what a good pole I thrust inside you? Who knows how many already entered your rear door! Yes... move in that way, so you will make me enjoy better this fuck... You for sure are a female! You have a sweet and welcoming ass. Good... good... so..." Bahram said, pumping inside me.

Everybody was barely restraining their laughter, but I was meanwhile enjoying one of the most agreeable fucks of my life - that boy was really skilled and, besides moving back and forth, he was also waving it from side to side and up and down, giving me shudders of incredibly intense pleasure. Then the boy started to speed up his rhythm, to deliver stronger and disordered strokes as his orgasm was approaching.

"I love your little ass, girl. Afterwards I want to know you, so I can come back to meet you, yes, little dove. Here... do you feel... here... take it..." the boy moaned and descharged inside me with energy.

When he slipped out, Nàdir asked him, "Do you want to have some rest, or do you like better to taste now your second ass? Of course, if you want to have some rest, you have to remain blindfolded..."

"No no, let's go with the next, now. I'm still full of energy and lust. I don't soften easily, not I!"

Then Nàdir uncovered his ass and bent beside me; one of the women guided Bahram tool, that was still nicely hard, to his brother's anus. I moved in front of Nàdir, bending over to receive his brother's visit, and offered him my hard member; Nàdir smiled to me and at once caught it in his mouth, while his brother was sinking into him and started to fuck him with unchanged energy.

"A nice ass, this also, But you are a man. Your ass is more firm... but anyway not less agreable. You see, my dear brother, that I was not a liar when I told you that I'm a connoisseur! I penetrated more asses in my eighteen years of life than you brothers all together. You know, I have to confess you something - almost all our house servants, men and women, have had my rod in their asses at least once. If our father knew that, he would at least scourge me or possibly also throw me out of the house, as puritanical as he is... You too know that, don't you? I like also this male, anyway, you know, Nàdir? Afterwards I also want to meet him also..."

Nàdir could not answer, as he had his mouth filled with my tool. He had closed his eyes and was enjoying both his brother's bouts as well as mine, that were becoming more and more frantic. Finally Bahram came and both the brothers moaned their pleasure. I too at once came into Nàdir's willing mouth, and he readily drank everything.

Then, as soon as Bahram slipped his tool out from his brother's ass, one of the women took the scarf away from his eyes, so Bahram first saw his brother, his ass still uncovered, then me.

He opened his eyes wide, "The second one... was you, Nàdir?"

"Yes, and the first one was him. And as you can see, he is no woman, he has a nice handle between his legs. If anyway you want to meet him to do it again with him..."

"But you... You Nàdir, let me fuck your ass?"

"Sure! It was a long while that I desired to taste your nice tool, and at last I had it!"

"But... do you like men? Do you like taking it?"

"Do you think it so queer? You too like doing it with men, don't you?"

"Yes, it's true, but at least I put it, I don't take it."

"By the way... also the mouth that prepared you at the beginning was mine. What do you think of that, dear little brother?"

"Yours? You sucked it so skillfully?"

"Yes, and if you are game, you can do it again with me any time you want, as long as nobody at home knows about it." Nàdir said.

Bahram burst in laughter, "Well, I've lost my horse, but in exchange I've found a brother ready to make me enjoy him... I had my gain, after all. About that man, who knows that I wouldn't come again here to taste once more his delightful ass? He is really skilled to take it!"

I then said him, "For this time I allowed you to put it in my ass, but if you want to do it again with me, it has to be on equal terms. I'm not a prostitute and, differently from Nàdir, I like also putting it into a youth's ass... And I would really like tasting a nice ass like yours, Bahram..."

"No way - I stopped taking it there for three years now..."

"No problem, you can start again, can't you? I would know how to make you enjoy a lot also being taken, I can assure you."

"I like your ass very much..." Bahram said, caressing it.

"And I will give it to you each time you give yours to me. Promise!"

Bahram didn't answer me but shook his head, amused, and dressed back while also Nàdir and I were dressing again. The two brothers left together. I reached my fellows behind the grating and they gave me the third signed paper together with the four gold pieces I had earned. I also make them swear that they would report to nobody the talk they had heard between Nàdir, Bahram and me."

Poletto smiled, amused, "You are really shrewed, dear master. But did Bahram come again to have sex with you?"

"I will tell you about this tomorrow."

"Was Bahram really skilled fucking the ass?"

"I can say he was, and he loved doing it."

"But you, master, have had only pleasurable experiences, and always with handsome men or boys?"

"It's not so, Poletto. But when I went with a man, it was because I thought he was handsome. Moreover, one is inclined to forget the unpleasant experiences, while the agreable ones remain in the memory. Some of those men, that I judged to be handsome, could even seem ugly to another person. Happily not everyone has the same tastes. I too can seem handsome to somebody, but be seen as ugly by another person. That's normal."

"Oh no, you are very beautiful!"

"I understand I can be so at your eyes, and this pleases me. But for instance, a day in Kabul, I tried it with a young man that attracted me a lot, and who for sure liked having sex with men, but he didn't like me and didn't want to have sex with me."

"Oh, he must have been an idot, that man. How is it possible that he didn't like you? I really am not able to even guess such a thing."

Lorenzo smiled and held Poletto tight against himself, "So, then, you really like me."

"And how!"

"So, then, why are you waiting, my beautiful little male, to court me? If you are able to persuade me..."

Poletto answered with a cunning smile and started at once to make love with the man, with enthusiasm. They united with untiring vigor, sweeping on the wide bed, in an endless competition to give pleasure to each other. The boy's freshness moved Lorenzo, the man's sweetness enchanted Poletto. Each of them was conscious he was receiving very much from the other, therefore they vied giving the other the best of themselves. And they were fitting better and better together.


In my home page I've put some more of my stories. If someone wants to read them, the URL is

If you want to send me feed-back, or desire to help revising my English translations, so that I can put on-line more of my stories in English please e-mail at

Next: Chapter 12

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