The Merchant of Venice Or the Twenty-Four Nights of Lorenzo and Poletto

By Andrej Koymasky

Published on Nov 30, 2006


THE MERCHANT OF VENICE Or The Twenty-Four Nights of Lorenzo and Poletto by Andrej Koymasky (C) 2006 written the 17th of June, 1991 translated by the author English text kindly revised by John


"THE MERCHANT OF VENICE" is a gay story, with some parts containing graphic scenes of sex between males. So, if in your land, religion, family, opinion and so on this is not good for you, it will be better not to read this story. But if you really want, or because YOU don't care, or because you think you really want to read it, please be my welcomed guest.


Poletto turned toward Lorenzo and looked at him in silence for a while, then asked, "Master, how old are you?"

"Oh, quite old, but not exceedingly."

"But you're still a young man, I think."

"Hah, go on! Do you flatter me because I'm your master, or because you hope that I will call on you to be with me?"

"Not at all, sir. That is... yes, certainly it would make me very happy if you continued to call on me, it would be a great honor for me to have your attention..."

"Ah, and I had hoped that it was more a pleasure than an honor for you. Hasn't it pleased you?"

"Of course, master, it has been really a pleasure. I didn't believe it would be so beautiful... when I did it with Florindo it wasn't at all like this... you, my lord, are... really great."

"Well, it has been worth something to be so old and to have done it with light men, dark men, yellow men..."

"Really? Is it so very different?"

"Yes and no. Every man is different and yet they're all the same. And if you know how to take them, you get the best in life."

"Hmm, but you master are a gentleman, hardly a poor boy like me. You have always had the best in life."

"Now, yes, I have to admit it, but you have to understand that I have been through the best and the worst in life. Besides being a poor boy like you, I was even in prison once. Many times I was a fugitive. I've been beaten, I've had to beg for alms, but I've also have had beautiful experiences, like when I was in the court of the Caliph or of the the Maharaja. Hmm... what great memories. I've always had to know how to adapt, bide my time... and then make the jump. Not at all like you young boys who want to have it all right away, and then of course you are disappointed. I'm not beautiful like you, yet I've known how to make so many lose their heads."

"But you're a beautiful man, my lord. I have to say that you amaze me. You have a great body, powerful and well proportioned. Your clothing doesn't do justice to your body. Who knows how many ladies you've made lose their heads."

"Perhaps, but I have never lost mine for a woman, but only for beautiful young men. And then..."

Lorenzo stopped absorbed in a distant memory.

Poletto finished dressing, and looked again at the man. After a while he asked, "But, Sire, you still haven't told me your age..."

"You're as curious as a lady's maid. I was born thirty-seven years ago."

"Honestly? I would have thought at least ten years less, Master"


"No, really. And would it be impolite to ask you when was your first time?"

Lorenzo laughed with great amusement, then replied, "To make love? I was fourteen years old...twenty-three years ago."

"Damn! You were very precocious, Master."

"And you?"

"Me? The first time was three months ago with Signor Florindo. I began three good years later with respect to when you started, Sir."

"Better late than never. But with women... have you ever kissed one? Have you ever been to bed with one"?

"Dear Sir, I get embarrassed with women. They don't arouse me at all."

"Ah, you're at a loss like me, then. And apart from Florindo have you done it with others?"

"Only with Signor Florindo and with you. Sometimes however a man has filled me with desire, but I couldn't go up to him and say, 'Do you want to do it with me, mister?' So, even if I wanted to, I've never had another chance."

Lorenzo laughed again he gave the boy a playful slap. "It's not necessary to go up to a man and say, 'Come with me, Sir'. There are a thousand ways to succeed. But as I told you before, it takes patience and perserverance and cunning and if you don't succeed, well you shrug your shoulders and look somewhere else."

"To hear you tell it, Sir, it's all too easy."

"To think about it makes it seem difficult, Poletto, but try it, many times it's easy, easier than you'd think, even if sometimes it's not"

"But don't you risk a lot by trying?"

"Yes, of course. But he who doesn't risk anything doesn't get anything. He who doesn't work, doesn't eat, and he who doesn't take a step, doesn't go forward."

"You know, Master, I'd like it if you would tell me your story. Who knows what great things I could learn."

"Right now I don't have time. In a while I have an audience with the Doge's Secretary on an important question. But if you come to my bed this evening, I'll tell you one of my adventures."

"I wouldn't miss it, Sir, you can be sure!"

Lorenzo finished preparing himself while Poletto readied the gondola for him and he departed for the Ducal palace.

The boy then returned to the Master's chamber to tidy up. He was just finishing when the door opened and Florindo poked his head in.

" the master angry?"

The boy laughed gently, "Not with me. I'm only a boy...he pardoned me. But he's mad that you taught me this terrible vice. Did the Master say anything to you?"

"Not yet. I hope he doesn't fire me. We should have locked the door or done it somewhere else..."

"You were left dumbfounded, eh! You were as white as a sheet. You didn't even manage to button up your pants." the boy laughed.

"Laugh, laugh, you demon!"

"You didn't call me a demon when you wanted me to service you in that way you like so much. Then I was in your corner, there for your pleasure, sweet eyes and such beautiful, sweet words..."

"You know that I like you, Poletto. When I see you... you make me all unsettled inside, you agitate me and move my heart..."

"Ah, you call it a heart? To me it seems that I move you somewhere else, a little bit lower than the heart."

"Go ahead and joke about it, but even now my heart is upside down for you..."

"Oh yes? I don't see anything there between your legs..." the boy replied, still laughing and shrugging his shoulders.

"Come here. I want to finish what the boss interrupted. He's gone now and we're safe..."

"No sir! Not here in the Master's bedroom!"

"But he's not here. C'mon..."

"No, no, forget me. The boss pardoned me, but only when I swore that I wouldn't do it anymore." the boy lied.

"Ah, but I can't resist..."

"You must. If you can't help yourself, Mr. Secretary, at least look for another boy outside this honorable house" Poletto responded, running away from him and quickly leaving the bedroom.

Florindo followed him into the corridor, caught up to him and grabbed his arm.

"Come here, come to my room. We'll lock the door and we'll have some fun. Come on..."

"Leave me alone or I'll scream and people will come running. I told you, I don't want to do those awful things with you anymore."

"You didn't say that before. You liked it too!"

"Because I was a poor, naïve kid. But the master has explained, and he said that I must not do it anymore. Let me go, mister secretary. Don't you know that in Venice the punishment is death for two men who do those things? The master pardoned me only because I'm an inexperienced boy. But you, a grown man, do you want the Master to denounce you?"

"So, Poletto, you would denounce me to the master, then?"

"If you try it again with me, I swear I'll do it."

"You're so cruel!" exclaimed Florindo, but he let the boy go. Poletto got far away from him before he burst out laughing.

He thought back to how the boss had surprised them, Florindo with the his pants undone, leaning at the table in the studio and he, Poletto crouching down in front of him sucking him greedily as he rubbed his own.

When the master entered, Florindo turned as white as a new candle, he tried to close his pants, mumbling under his voice: "The master... the master."

Ploletto fell to the floor and looked at the master with wide eyes. He blushed and he could feel his face burning like an ember.

The master just said, "Mr. Florindo, compose yourself and take leave from here. And you, boy, come with me."

Depressed and with his mind in turmoil, Poletto followed the master.

They went to the bedroom and as soon as they entered the master told him, "So Poletto, are you Florindo's lover?"

"No, my lord and master, Forgive me, don't throw me out!"

"Throw you out? I don't think so. Listen: you musn't be afraid. I like men too so I understand you. Indeed, if you too have that desire... I would very much like to do it with you."

"With me, my lord? Honestly? You're joking!"

"You're a beautiful boy and I've been watching you for a while and thinking... I would really like to, if you would like it too, we could do it together."

"Oh... my lord! Would it please me? Yes, I've dreamed about it but I thought that it could never happen..."

Lorenzo smiled at him and told him, "Well then, close and lock the door, so that we can undress and we can do it together, you and I."

"Naked, my lord? Completely naked, as the day we were born?" asked Poletto with wide eyes.

"Of course, naked and on the bed. It's much better than the way that you and Florindo were doing it. Have you never done it naked and in bed, the two of you?"

"No, never, my lord. It must be really wonderful..."

"Well then, hurry up!"

And so, closing the door and undressing, Lorenzo took the boy with him to the great bed, and under the canopy he began to kiss him and caress him.

"Oh... yes, like this it is beautiful, my lord. And what a beautiful rod you have. Can I take it all in my mouth as I did with Mr. Florindo?"

"You can do anything you want, anything that pleases you, my boy. Turn around, so that while you take it in your mouth I can take yours in mine. Just like that, good boy. You too have a beautiful one here between your legs... you're a big, beautiful boy. Come on Poletto, let's both of us have some fun."

"Do you really like me?"

"Yes, of course, and not just a little. You're really beautiful..." Lorenzo responded, then became silent, their mouths engaged in more pleasant activities as they pleased each other.


In my home page I've put some more of my stories. If someone wants to read them, the URL is

If you want to send me feed-back, or desire to help revising my English translations, so that I can put on-line more of my stories in English please e-mail at

Next: Chapter 2

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