The Men and the Mountains

By John Parker

Published on Aug 13, 2021


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He's twenty two, American, blonde, hairless body and very fit (they all are.) He has a pair of red Calvin Klein Boxers around his thighs and he is making himself happy. His cock is about six inches give or take a centimeter. He has a large cock head and a nice set of balls. He's a two hander, even though one would do. He's a slow, smooth jacker; the look on his face makes it clear he's happy with what he's doing. He varies his technique, with both hands he uses two fingers and a thumb on each, then goes one hand and uses the other to grope his balls pretty aggressively. His nipples are standing up hard and prominent but he doesn't touch them (pity). This is going to take a while; we'll be back.

Next door are two Norwegian young men (the rooms are singles, but two or more in a room for a while is common), Ned and Jim, both in their mid twenties; slim, fit and handsome. Jim is on his elbows and knees and Ned is fucking him. It's obvious what they both like, and it varies. Some times Ned goes very slow, almost teasingly slow, I can see his cock when he does that. I haven't seen it all, but I've seen at least six inches out with some still in Jim's ass. Other times he slams that rod into Jim deep and hard. Jim's cock is drooling precum. It's just a fuck tonight, but they'll be back. Next room empty, that's Jim's room.

Back to David, the American. He's now sweating and trembling. He lets go of his cock and grabs his balls with both hands. Seven spurts of cum shoot across his chest and belly, he smiles and falls asleep.

What the fuck is going on you ask?

I'll leave the men for a while and tell you what's going on, but they will be back. I'm Albrecht Meuller, 40 year old owner/manager of the youth hostel you're in right now, Das Alpenhaus. We're located south of Fussen, Germany, about two kilometers from the Lech River Falls hikers bridge and about the same distance to the Austrian border and access to the Alps. I provide safe, comfortable, inexpensive but basic accommodations for hikers, bikers, and cross-country skiers; men only. This isn't a vacation property. There are sixteen rooms, pretty much all identical; nine feet by fourteen feet, each with a small (48") double bed, but I only rent them as singles. Each room has a small desk/dresser/mirror with a charging station and lamp. There is a toilet and wash basin, but shower facilities are communal. I serve two meals a day, buffet style, breakfast and dinner. It's basic German food, but good. The only amenity is a 12-man hot tub, nude bathing only. There have been up to sixteen men in there, including me. There's an ice plunge, 35 degrees, but it's rarely used. The shower room is located next to the spa, ten stations, and is required before using the spa. There is a social area with a hearty fireplace. All of the non public areas (entrance and registration) are clothing optional.

What's more to know? Every room has a ceiling fan (AC isn't needed here) and every fan has a high definition video camera, along with ones in the spa area and shower. I'm a highly invested voyeur. I run this place for the men, not the money. The sweet spot is I don't have to go looking for them, they come to me! Almost all my guests are between nineteen and thirty; crudely, prime meat. In addition to meals there are hydration drinks available at all times and strong (5-6%) German light or dark beers on tap from four PM until midnight. The beer could be called an amenity, but its purpose is a social lubricant; for the men, but also for me (more on this later!)

In my suite I have a large flat screen monitor on which I can see what each and all cameras are seeing. I can choose any one at will. Back to Ned and Jim, Ned has stopped being subtle, he's going in for the kill, panting and saying somethings in Norwegian. You just missed it, Jim shot an impressive load on Ned's sheet. Ned grabbed Jim around the waist made a deep thrust and his butt tightened as he filled Jim with what seemed like a never ending set of spasms. When he pulled out, there the beast was, a full seven and half inches of thick man meat. They collapsed on the bed, kissed deeply, and rested for a few minutes. Then Ned flipped Jim over, raised his legs and fucked him again while jacking Jim off. (Amazing, but I've seen more. Healthy athletic, horny young men are capable of a lot.) Ned pulled out and both men came together, Jim was drenched in cum. Ned laid on Jim's belly, coating them both with their combined man sauce. They got up and walked to the shower, bathed each other, each still with an impressive semi, kissing all the time. They came back to Jim's room (Ned's bed was a cum puddle.) They fell into a 69, but this was a soft affectionate one, I was pretty sure they'd fall asleep in each others arms, with a cock in their mouth.

Back to David, he's asleep now, still naked with his boxers still around his thighs. He is resting peacefully, with one hand under his cheek and the other wrapped around his balls. He is a truly beautiful young man, if he comes back, he's going to be mine, several are. Nine other men in here tonight, but I need sleep too.

The day begins early for my staff, all men. The guests usually want to hit the trails early, so breakfast has to be ready before daybreak. A dozen beautiful young men in a shower is a great wakeup call. I watch to see which men are scoping out others, many will be back. Athletic young men unaccompanied by a pussy frequently reach out to each other, gay or not. Though I'm in no way a slouch, my chances with these men are almost all the gay ones, we'll see about David.

Breakfast is hearty, these guys are going to be burning a lot of calories, and I serve them; bacon, eggs, sausage (isn't Germany without wurst.) cooked oats, waffles, etc. and a lot of hot cocoa. If they weren't satisfied in their rooms at night, they will be before they hit the trails.

Before Ned and Jim leave they say they want to spend another night (they're going to keep my laundry busy!) but want to share a room. "Those beds are a little small for two men," I said.

"We know."

"I won't pursue that," I answered, though you know that I knew. I can put you in one, but there's an upcharge for meals of 50%. We agreed and they went off on mountain bikes with trail lunches. My kitchen staff puts them together, all high carbs, it's the only thing I make a profit on. I have two rooms with queen beds, but don't book them. Ned and Jim will have one tonight. I expect quite a show.

I know you want to know. Do I keep the videos? No, they self delete in six hours. Why? I can claim them as a security system for the Inn, and why settle for leftovers when you can have it served up fresh every day. If I kept them, I could have my own porn channel, but I won't.

Everyone's gone now except one, Lenny, it's Leonardo on his passport, he's Italian. He got a serious strain on his leg yesterday and is in the spa. Medical service takes a long time to get here, but I'm a trained and equipped EMT. I don't publish it in my brochure because I don't have insurance, but I know what I'm doing. I join him in the spa and massage his thigh, he's liking this more than I expected. "Feels really nice, Al, but move over a little." Like I didn't know what he meant?

"This won't help your thigh."

"But it feels good."

"Can't do this in the spa, Lenny."

"Will you take me to my room?"

"No, but I'll take you to mine." I said. I gave him a set of crutches, but he was already walking better. What a beautiful man he was, dark Italian complexion, black curly hair that covered his head and most of his firm body. I laid him in my bed and gave him a full body massage. There isn't a part of that body that didn't feel good to me. He made it clear in the spa that I could do anything I wanted, and I did. His nipples were almost black but hidden in the fur. I played and they responded. "Harder, Al." I thought I was being pretty attentive, but I stepped things up.

"Hurt me, Al!" I tried. "Dammit, hurt me!" I damned near ribbed those buttons off his chest. He put his hands on mine to stop me, there were tears rolling down his cheeks. He moved my hands down to his balls, "Hurt me some more."

You don't have to ask me twice. I know how to make a man love his balls without damaging them. "Hurt me, Al." I went as far as I was willing to go, but it was enough. He made a nice puddle of cum on his belly, he wasn't a squirter, but it was thick and creamy white. He scooped most of it in his hand and put it in his mouth.

"Kiss me, Al." I did.

"No, kiss me!" I gave him a deep kiss and shared his cum.

He had paid no attention to me until he said, "Fuck me, Al, hard."

"Are you sure?"

"Just stick that thing in me, he obviously want's it."

I gave him what he wanted, but no one ever did anything like that to me. I dumped a load in him and he came again. This time he put it in my mouth. I kissed him again.

"Lenny, this was great. I suspect you could keep on going, but I can't. Let's shower, we can use mine, and then get us some lunch." We showered together, he got handsy but I gently moved him off. "We've both got underwear by the spa, but we don't need them. The kitchen staff won't be here until 1:00 and they're men anyway and have seen it all. We went down to the great room with the fireplace. There are no TV's except mine, but I do have wi-fi and almost every guest has some way to access it. "Want your undies, Lenny?" "Not especially, do you?" "No, but I'll slip them on anyway, just in case I have to go public. Any lunch preferences, or can I just throw something together for us. It will be left overs. We have lots of leftovers." "Surprise me, not that you already haven't," he said winking with a thumbs up. I laughed.

I got us hot potato salad with bacon dressing, wurst on a roll with kraut and hot mustard, sliced tomatoes and cucumbers dressed with vinaigrette. I turned the beer tap on.

"If this is your idea of left-overs, you live a pretty yummy life."

"You don't know the half of it , Lenny."

As we ate I said, "So, tell me all about Leonardo." "I will if you'll tell me all about Albrecht." "Okay." I lied, I could tell him a lot about me, but not the hostel.

It was a comfortable meal we talked, had a couple of beers (in Germany, that's a lot of beer, the steins are big.)

"How's the thigh?"

"Feels pretty good now."

"You need to learn the difference between a strain and a sprain. Strains clear up pretty fast , like yours, sprains are more serious and take a longer time to heal."

Out of the blue, "Al, can we do that again tonight?"

How to tell him, I just don't do repeats, it creates complications. "No, its not that I didn't have fun with you, and you made me feel very good, but I just don't do that."


"House rules, my house."

"You turned the beer on; it's not four o'clock; house rules."

"Again, Lenny, my house, my rules."

"I don't understand," he said.

"It's hard to explain, Lenny. Hundreds of young men come through here every year, your not the first to share my bed, but no man has done it twice. I can't let myself get attached, Lenny, because you guys always come and go. Do you understand, are you angry?"

"Yes, I guess I understand. I'm not mad, but I'm not happy."

"It was good, Lenny, but let's just be friends."

"Kiss me, Al."

"Okay, just one and no tongues."

Ned and Jim came back around 4:30. "Welcome back, guys. Why don't you get comfortable, the beer tap is open and Lenny and I were just about to jump into the spa. They came back in briefs, but hung them on the rack, showered and joined us. I get to see a lot on the cameras' but the spa gets me up close. Ned and Jim are two beautiful men.

"That's a nice room, Al. Thank you," said Ned.

"My pleasure," and I intended it to be. Lenny and I had a pitcher of beer, I went to get another and two plastic mugs, no glass in the spa. Everyone got to know each other. It was pretty clear to Lenny and me that Jim and Ned were having a bit of fun under the water. Wish I had lights and a camera down there. Lenny tried, I held his hand and just looked at him. I filled beer glasses and sat down just out of Lenny's reach. It was flattering, but Lenny was told.

By the time the evening unfolded I had four new guests; two French men, another Italian, and a Greek. That made seven, not including me. Seven is typical for Sunday; Friday and Saturday I'm almost booked up. With so few of us we got dinner and ate by the fire and got acquainted. The Frenchmen didn't know each other, but I was pretty sure they would by morning. Lenny and Giuseppe (Joe) hit it off well, and impolitely spoke Italian with each other. I'm not sure that Joe is up to it, but I'll watch and see. Aeneas, no nickname, was friendly but a bit standoffish. He was the only one that was still fully clothed, and wasn't drinking beer.

I knew how to fix this. I can open up almost anyone; I'm well supplied. I went into the kitchen and came back with a plate of tinned smoked baby octopus, and crusty bread. Ned, Jim and the French men didn't try it, the Italians did, and Aeneas was on top of it. The premium Ouzo, I'm sure, helped.

"You seem a little over dressed for this party, Aeneas."

"It's Andy, and I am." He poured another shot of Ouzo, downed it, and stripped totally. I wasn't ready for that, none of us were.

There are no gods on Olympus to match that body. Words fail me; Adonis, Apollo, just a perfect body. The man hanging between his legs was at least six inches flaccid. He poured another ouzo and then began to dance, his guy flopping around seductively with him.

"Opa," I yelled, then everyone else did. Pretty soon everyone was dancing, it was quite a sight. Everyone got at least a quick feel of Andy's body, except me. I'd get mine later. I'm sure he isn't going to end up in bed alone, though he may not remember it.

The night developed as I expected. The French men ended up together for a while, they were very oral. Anything a man can do to another man with his mouth they did, a lot. Sucking cocks and nipples, rimming, deep kissing and pretty much giving each other a tongue bath. Lenny and Joe were kindred spirits both into pain, they did a number on each other, it was hard to watch, and so was I.

And Andy? He wasn't exactly sober and I asked Ned and Jim (everyone else had turned in and my cameras were running) to help him to his room. Jim picked up Andy's clothes and Ned led him to their room. Andy was very happy, but wouldn't remember tonight. Ever heard a Greek god giggle? Andy was as much into men as anyone who'd ever been here, he was just shy. He grabbed Jim's cock to suck on, then Ned's, he did both of them together. They skewered him, Ned up his ass and Jim down his throat. He took it all and apparently loved it, then either fell asleep or passed out.

"Are we going to devour this baby, or what," said Jim.

"Probably wont get another chance," answered Ned.

They systematically enjoyed his body. They tried to kiss him, but he couldn't. They each hit on a nipple, they had fun, but no reaction from Andy. They shared his balls, Jim sucking the left one, Ned the right. You couldn't eat them both at the same time. Andy didn't react, but his Olympic torch did.

"Damn, Ned, he's bigger than you are. Do you think we can get it off like he is."

"Never tried, not even with you; but we've got it, let's do it." They worked his bone as a team, one would jack him while the other sucked the knob, they'd alternate.

"He's ready, look how tight those apricots are," said Jim. Andy let off a stream of cum, not in spurts but a steady pulsing flow for a few seconds.

"Do you want to clean that up?"

"Do you have to ask," said Jim.

"What are we going to do with him here?"

"We've got the floor, not the first time." answered Ned.

Everyone was up early, as usual. Breakfast was ready. We all showered together and went in to eat, nude.

"How was your night, guys?"

Most were kind of quiet, saying "Fine." But Andy said, "I don't know, the last thing I remember was dancing in front of the fireplace, then I woke up between Ned and Jim."

"There are worse places to be," I answered.

That's my one week of my summer is Bavaria, always the same, but always different; and I'm not in any way complaining.

Winter is the same but different. It's cross country skiers, whose bodies are beyond beautiful. Hikers and bikers have nice legs and abs, skiers are just fucking buff. I just might write it.

*** If you like this story, please tell me. If you didn't, then I need you to tell me.

Next: Chapter 2

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