The Maze - A Halloween Story

By Mark Wolf

Published on Oct 2, 2011



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Disclaimer: The following story contains graphic sexual language and actions between a adult males. If material of this nature offends you, PLEASE do not read any further. Please note that you must be of legal age, where you live, to read this story. This is a work of fiction and any similarity between real people or events is purely coincidental.

The Maze - A Halloween Story

I watched the silvery moon hanging in front of the window as the truck tore down the gravel road. It was eerie how it seemed to always stay directly in front of us as if pointing the way to the maze. My head bounced on Rick's thick uncut cock. His eight inch dick shoved deeper down my throat with every pothole. He swerved the truck to miss a rock scraping his cock across my teeth. "Watch it faggot!"he yelled shoving my head hard into his lap. "Just suck pussy boy. I want to nut before we get there." I hated Rick. He was an asshole among assholes. But I did enjoy his cock. A good thing since it was in my mouth several times a day. I returned to my job sucking and licking his meat stick with the expertise that made me his slave. I massaged his balls pulling on his heavy sac. "Ah yeah, that's how I like it. You want my cum don't you pussy boy. Suck faggot, suck!" Rick was getting close stretching my mouth before shooting his load. His hand forced my head down as he thrust his cock into my throat. "Swallow me, fucker!" he said blowing his wade in my mouth. I obeyed wanting nothing more than to taste his hot creamy jism. I sucked Rick dry before he pulled my head up. I sat up wiping my face on my sleeve. The fucking asshole never even said thank you.

Rick, Mike and I left our college campus early this morning heading out to the corn maze. It was traditional event in these parts. Old man Brown created one of the largest corn mazes in North America every Halloween. The local town's folk will be spending the next several weekends visiting the pumpkin fields, drinking hot chocolate, laughing with their children as they try to traverse the famous Brown farm corn maze. It was a great community event and one that old man Brown never charged for. His satisfaction came from all the fun families would have trying to solve the riddle of his maze. Of course all the local charities and church groups to advantage to the event to sell pumpkins, baked goods and crafts.

But we were not attending one of those festive weekend visits. We were heading out to the fields in the dead of night after some hard partying at our school's homecoming. My two roommates, a couple of college football jocks, thought it would be fun to see who could solve the maze in the dead of night. As usual, I was forced to come along to provide relief when necessary. The leader of our little college cell, Rick, was racing down the gravel road at 60mph. The oversized 4x4 was fish tailing back and forth. The giant tires trying desperately to stay on the road. Rick and Mike were whooping and hollering out the windows between swallows of Jake Daniels. I sat between the two hunks trying desperately to ignore their verbal expressions and hoping the truck wouldn't end up in a ditch. I liked it better with my head in Rick's lap.

The entrance to the maze suddenly appeared before us. Rick hit the brakes sliding the truck to a stop. Gravel was flying everywhere and we all began to cough as the trailing cloud of dust engulfed us. "Fucking aye bro, we're here!" Rick said slapping Mike across his chest. "Come on faggot" he said hitting my arm. I followed Mike sliding across the seat and jumping a good ways to the ground. "What is with guys and their trucks six feet off the ground?" I asked myself. With the noise of the engine silenced, there was a peaceful quiet. I could hear the rustling of the corn as the cool night air skipped across the fields. I thought how nice it was compared to the yelling party animals at our frat. The serenity was short lived however as Rick shouted "Fuck yeah boys. It's time to separate the men from the pussies." His gazed focused on me ensuring I knew who the pussy of the group was.

We all ran into the maze laughing and yelling nonsensical words. Normally, I deplore these testosterone frenzies of Rick and Mike, but this time I was actually enjoying myself. It would be great if all the excursions I was high jacked for could be like this. The row ended branching into the first of many crossroads. Mike took a swig of JD before pushing the bottle into my face. "Live a little squirt" he said shoving the open bottle into my face. I grabbed the bottle taking a drink of the brown liquid. I coughed and choked as my virgin palate rebelled against their corruption. Rick saved me from another drink pushing me to the ground saying "Hey dude, don't waste it on that pussy faggot." The football center took several drinks before running down the path taunting us to follow.

Mike turned to me saying "Don't take it personally, dude. He's just being Rick. You know how he is." Mike unzipped his jeans saying "Man, I gotta take a leak." He fished out his cock letting a heavy stream of golden liquid fall to the ground. I sat there looking up at this 6'1" football jock. He was adorably cute with a great muscular body but not bulky like Rick. I was always entranced by his wavy brown hair and emerald green eyes. I enjoyed being with him. Mike shook his dick ready to zip back up. He turned to me with his cock still hanging out of his fly. It was growing straightening out from his body. Mike was not an endowed as Rick, but it was a nice cut six inches that seemed to fit him well. "Hey Jeremy, since you're down there?" he asked waving his hardening dick at me. I rolled my eyes but we both knew I wanted to suck as much as he wanted to be sucked.

I walked on my knees getting in front of Mike's hard six incher. Rick had walked back to us looking at me kneeling before Mike's alter. "Jesus Mike, hurry up man. I don't want to be out here all night!" Rick left walking down the path drinking as he went. I returned to my duty and Mike let out a soft moan as my mouth slid slowly down his erect member. My tongue licked the underside of his shaft while my lips applied gentle silky pleasure. "Ah fuck, dude. You sure know how to suck a dick." My head moved back and forth slowly bringing Mike to a boiling heat. His hands played with my hair following the deliberate sucking motion he loved so much. After a few minutes, the animal lust in his loins took over. He held my head firmly in place as his hips shoved his hard cock deep into my warm wet mouth. My hands rested on his hard round butt feeling them clench with every pelvic thrust. "Oh yeah, suck my dick boy. Fucking suck it!" My thick saliva was making an obscene wet spot on the front of Mike's jeans as he pulled my face into his crotch. "Ah fuck! I cumming Jeremy! Ah shit, take it dude! Oh yeah!" His cock exploded a bucket of thick hot cum into my mouth. Mike's load was always big making me swallow several times to get it all down. It was also a sweet creamy taste that I really enjoyed swirling with my tongue. I coated his dick with his hot load before sucking it down giving him extra pleasure. With his orgasm peaked, Mike let me clean his dick off before forcing the hard member back into his pant. He pulled me up saying "Thanks little buddy. Now let's go catch that jerk!" We ran like the wind catching the intoxicated jerk in no time. Mike tackled Rick beginning a good natured tussle between the two muscular jocks. I sat back enjoying the sight of their muscular bodies straining against each other. The guys were jerks, especially Rick, but they were definitely hot. During their wrestling, Mike lost his footing pull Rick and himself into the stalks of corn. I waited a couple minutes before picking up the dropped bottle of Jack Daniels and following the two into the stalks.

After forcing my way through several yards of corn field, I emerged in another corridor of the maze. Mike and Rick were wrestling each other on the ground. I watch the two rolling around like some bad S&M porno. "And you call me a faggot" I said out loud before my hand could cover my mouth. Rick broke away from Mike standing just inches from my face. He grabbed the bottle saying "Watch your mouth butt boy!" He took a long drink wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. "Or I'll shove my fist where my dick usually goes." Mike got to his feet, standing protectively between Rick and myself. "Alright, alright, come on Rick. You know he didn't mean anything. Now let's get to the end of this thing before morning."

We continued down the path shouting college jeers at the top of our lungs. The full moon made traversing the turns of the maze easy but none of us knew where we were going. We walked for a long while. Our enthusiasm for the journey dwindled with each step. Mike stopped saying "I need to rest a minute. The booze is really messing with my head." Rick nodded in agreement sitting down in the middle of the pathway. I shrugged my shoulders taking the opportunity to relieve my bladder. I stood at the edge of the row unbuttoning my 501s. They slid down my slender frame as I pissed exposing my little boy butt. I know my small 5'7" frame wasn't much to look at but damn I had a nice bubble butt. Rick came up behind me pulling my body to the ground. A stream of piss flew into the air circling above our heads.

"What the fuck man?" I yelled lying on the ground ass in the air and my dick in the dirt. Rick lay on top of me humping me through his cargos. Mike stood ten feet away shaking his head. "Fucking Christ, dude! Are you ever not horny?" he said looking at me. "You OK?" he asked. I struggled to get up on all fours my pants around my knees. "Yeah, yeah. Just make it face Rick. It's fucking cold out here!" I yelled behind me. I felt a cold hand spreading spit on my tight pink hole. I looked back seeing Rick's thick 8 inch cock hard in his hand. He pointed his sword pushing hard past my snug little ring. "Ah fuck Rick, take it easy!" I yelled. His strong muscular hands held onto my waist letting him thrust the rest of his 8 inch monster deep in my fuck hole. "Shut the fuck up, faggot" he said fucking my ass. "I know you love my dick." That part was true. His thick uncut cock stretched my hole perfectly gliding past my prostate with each muscle bound thrust.

Rick slowed his pace spitting several times in my ass crack letting the saliva drip around his massive shaft. I moaned shamefully as his cock pleasured my insides filling me with his manhood. My six inch cock dripping precum on the ground as it strained against the air wanting to be touched. I looked over at Mike watching us intently. His hard cock bulging the front of his jeans. "Need a nut too?" I asked motioning him to me with a nod of my head.

Mike walked over pulling the zipper to his jeans. His cock was so hard he had to pop the button on his pants to get his solid member free. He tucked the band of his briefs under his hairless balls before kneeling in front of me. Rick's hand pushed on my back forcing my head into Mike's lap. "Yeah faggot. Suck his dick, I want us to shoot our loads at the same time." My mouth opened engulfing Mike's cut member down to the root. After bathing his dick with my thick saliva, I let the motion of Rick's fucking push my mouth up and down Mike's shaft. "Oh yeah, Jeremy, suck me. Ah fuck man, you suck dick so good." Mike's always praised my cocksucking skills and even though it was the same script each time, I appreciated what he said.

Our little orgy last almost twenty minutes with Rick edging his dick so Mike could catch his peak. "Ah fuck dude, I'm getting close to blowing my wad!" Mike said alerting Rick to get ready. My mouth was getting tired. It seemed like there was a cock down my throat most of the night. Several party blowjobs, head in the truck over here, face fucked by Mike a little while ago and now deep throating him again. My cock hadn't received any attention tonight and it was aching under the sexual assault of these two muscle jocks. To my surprise, Rick spit into his right hand grabbing a hold of my six inch shaft and stroked me in unison with his own forceful thrusts. "Come on faggot, I want us all to cum together." This was one of the few times, Rick didn't treat me like some object. My cock welcomed his touch and my stream of precum made his efforts all the more sensual.

I couldn't hold out any more and screamed around Mike's deeply embedded shaft. Rick could feel the throbbing in his hand as my hot cum poured out onto the ground. I squeezed my fuck hole tightening around his thick tool. "Oh yeah, cum faggot! Ah fuck yeah, squeeze that tight fuck hole! Oh Jesus, I cumming. Ah fuck!" Rick shoved his cock deep into my guts exploding his hot load up my hole. His jism warmed my insides making me feel oddly content. With Rick emptying his manseed in my ass, I wanted to taste Mike's load in my mouth. I sucked hard and fast on his steely hard rod. His hand pulling me down by the back of my head. "Ah fuck, swallow it!" he said shooting his nut down my throat. My tongue circled his shaft eliciting tiny electric shocks across his six inch shaft. "Yeah, fucking cocksucker! Shit!"

After several minutes, we all came down from our erotic highs. Rick's cum was leaking from my hole as his semi-hard member squished in and out of my hole. Mike pulled his dick from my mouth patting me on the head like an obedient pet. He stood shoving his well satisfied cock into his jeans. "Come on Rick. We don't have all night" he said walking ahead. Rick pulled his dick from my hole walking in front of me. He stood before me pulling me to my knees. "Clean this off for me faggot." I opened my mouth sliding my lips over his soft five inches. I licked his cum from his balls and pulled the loose foreskin cleaning the head. With his cock and balls licked clean, he pushed my head back saying "That's good enough. I don't want to give you too much pleasure."

I got to my feet pulling my pants up. Rick's cum was still dripping down my ass wetting my underwear. "Shit, now I'm going to be cold" I said to myself pulling the fabric from the crack in my ass. I ran up to meet my companions bumping into Mike by accident. He grazed the side of a corn stalk with his hand and arm. "Holly shit!" he said, his hand bleeding from long cuts. I looked over at his varsity jacket. The material was cut multiple times along the sleeve. Rick looked over at Mike who was holding up his bleeding hand.

"What the hell happened?" "I don't know" Mike answered. "I got cut by the corn stalk." "What!" Rick said trying to focus his booze blurred eyes. Mike looked all around. The corn stalks seemed different than before. The stalks were much closer together almost making a solid wall. Rick walked over touching the edge of a leaf slicing his finger on the razor sharp edge. "Dude, what the fuck is going on?" Rick asked a twinge of fear evident in his voice. I examined the stalks for myself. "Jesus, this stuff is like razor wire. We couldn't get through this if our lives depended on it" I said. Rick turned to me fear showing on his face. "It's like we're trapped inside the maze" he said looking around nervously.

Rick dropped the empty bottle of Jake Daniels to the ground. He eyes were wide with fear and sweat poured from his pores bleeding the alcohol from his body. I gave Rick a smile saying "We'll be alright" trying my best to make him believe it. Mike grabbed a handful of straw wiping his bleeding palm. He winced from the pain before saying "Let's just get to the end of this thing and get the fuck out of here." Mike motioned us forward. Rick nodded yelling back at me "Stay close to us real men, faggot. I don't want you getting lost and have to go looking for your sorry ass."

The three of us walked in silence. Our plans for a good time gave way to fear and a simple desire to get home. As we rounded the next bend, a row of lighted Jack O' Lanterns lined our path. I knelt down examining one of the gruesomely carved gourds. "These were lit recently" I said noting the barely melted candles. "Looks like somebody is messing with us" Mike said looking all around. Rick's fear now quickly turned to rage. "Come on!" he yelled taking long strides down the row. The situation was now clear to him something his mind could understand; beat the crap out of some local farm punks. "Let's go kick some ass!" We followed the lighted pumpkins certain they would lead us to the tricksters. Our trek lead us to a large open circle. We looked around. There were no paths exiting the space only the one we had entered from. Pumpkins were strewn along the circle's edge. Their flickering light illuminated the space allowing us to see everything clearly. "Where the fuck are they?" Rick yelled not seeing the farm boys he was expecting. "Hey guys!" I said getting Rick's attention. He looked over to me allowing his gaze to follow my pointing hand. In the center of the circle stood a large scarecrow, his head carved and lighted like the Jack O' Lanterns spread along the path. "So what's this all about?" I said walking up to the ten foot high straw man.

I reached the iconic decoration more curious than frightened staring at the light flickering in its eyes. I looked around trying to find a clue to who might have put it in the field but saw nothing. After my examination, I turned to walk back to my frat mates when the long arms of the scarecrow wrapped around my chest pulling me off the ground. "Oh fucking Jesus!" I yelled struggling to break free. The scarecrow's grasp tightened around me to strong for my slight muscles. "Hold on Jeremy!" Mike yelled running up to me tearing at the unholy arms of my captor. "Mike! What the fucks going on man?" Rick yelled standing motionless frantically looking for an escape route. His gaze froze when he realized their path into the circle was gone covered by the dense corn stalks. The three of them were trapped inside the circle with a demonic scarecrow attacking his friend.

Mike was pulling feverishly at the arms of the scarecrow trying to loosen the death grip it had on me. The scarecrow's arms were like steel cables holding me with no change for escape. My struggling stopped cold as I saw a shrouded man appear at the edge of the circle. "Oh my god" I gasped causing Mike to stop and look over his shoulder. The figure was covered in a dark black robe that dragged across the ground. The strangers face hidden from our eyes by the oversized hood.

Rick stood between us and the cloaked stranger. He tried to run but fear drained his body of any movement. The black figure moved slowly towards him almost floating across the ground. As it approached the football jock, a large hairy claw emerged from its sleeve. Rick let out a blood curdling scream as the monstrous hand slashed across his throat. The black talons ripped through his flesh like a butcher slaughtering a spring lamb. Rick frantically grasped at the wound. He could feel the warm slipperiness of his blood gushing through his fingers spurting with each terrified heartbeat. The football star fell to his knees staring up at the seven foot stranger seeing for the first time the fiery red of his demonic eyes. He tried to speak, to ask his assailant why he would do this, but only bubbles of blood rang from his mouth.

Rick fell back against the ground. His life essence now just trickling from the gash. He stared up at the full moon now red with his own blood. The moon disappeared as the stranger stepped over dying body. The dark robe covered his eyes turning his world black forever. Mike yelled over to Rick in sheer terror still trying desperately to free me from the unyielding hold of the scarecrow. The robed assailant approached us slowly, methodically, enjoying the terror emanating from our screams. Mike looked up at me saying "Don't worry Jeremy, I'll get you out of this" not truly believing his own words.

I looked down at Mike smiling. All fear was wiped from my face as I quietly said "Oh, I'm not worried my friend." Mike stopped his fight against the scarecrows grip. He looked up at me quizzically playing my words over and over in his head. He stepped back from the unholy crucifix as I no longer fought against it. Once he was clear, the animated symbol of Halloween gently lowered me to the ground. Its arms freeing me and returning to their out stretched threatening position.

"I'm sorry Mike" I said my voice insincere. "That asshole Rick had this coming." I looked at his lifeless body chuckling to myself before returning to Mike. "But you. I really didn't want..." Before I could finish my sentence blood splashed across my face. A massive hairy arm protruding from the plaid shirt that covered Mike's chest lifting the boy off the ground. A giant claw held his dripping bloody heart in its talons. Mike watched as his life's blood poured out along the black arm in front of him. I placed my hand on his forehead lifting his eyes to mine. "I am sorry Mike" I said seeing the pain in his contorted face. "I liked you. You were a good friend." Mike looked at me confused and disbelieving before his eyes faded. With his life ended, the demon pulled his arm from my frat mate's chest letting the corpse fall unceremoniously to the ground.

I looked over to the hooded monster watching his long white fangs sink into the flesh of Mike's still warm heart. "Well, do I get my wish now?" I asked. The creature stayed silent turning my excitement into fear. I stood completely still breathing heavy with anxiety. I could hear nothing around me except for the obscene squishing of blood as the monster chewed my friend's flesh. When the beast swallowed the last of his gruesome valentine, he turned to me. His eyes were burning red and his tongue black from the blood. The claw that had ripped out Mike's heart came but inches from my face. A deep gravelly voice broke the silence saying "Your wish is granted deceiver." The thing turned walking away as quiet as the unholy night. The path I had taken with Rick and Mike returned allowing the demon to continue out of the circle. The black shape grew smaller and smaller until he eventually disappeared into the maze.

My excitement returned as I realized my plan had come together and been executed flawlessly. I stared at Mike's mangled body becoming a bit nauseous. His guts had poured from the giant hole in his body and the demon had stepped unceremoniously over most of them. "I am sorry Mike. If there were any other way." I left my former friend's mangled body following the demon's path out. As I walked by Rick, I kicked the football player's lifeless head saying in a cold heartless voice, "Pussy!"

The next morning, I awoke in my bed drenched in sweat. The nightmare of blood and savagery slowly returned to my waking mind. A pang of guilt and remorse struck through my body as a tear ran down my cheek. I was on the verge of crying when a new feeling overcame me pushing the sadness away. My body felt stronger and more powerful than ever before. I was even breathing differently as each breath energized my being. I apprehensively ran my hand down my bare stomach feeling the hard ripples of my newly developed abs. Where only yesterday, there was a smooth flat tummy. I had a well defined six pack of abdominal muscle. My hand continued down finding the hardness of my usual morning wood. My six inch cock had been replaced with a monstrous hunk of meat. My hand strained to grip the beer can shaft and my fingers slid down and down as I realized just how long my cock had become.

I sprang from bed looking at myself in a full length mirror. The scrawny boy who usually greeted me every morning was gone. The man staring back was tall and muscular with a rugged handsome face that only hinted at the `pussy' boy which had so long been reflected back. The semi-hard snake swinging between my legs was almost frightening. My new strong hand gripped the shaft firmly sending erotic tingles through my balls. It was like watching a porno as my stroking brought my new dick to full mast. "Holy fuck!" I said to myself marveling at the length and weight of my cock. I brought my other hand to join the effort amazed that my dick was longer than both. I jerked myself using the grip of both hands to bring my huge balls to a boil. My climax was quick as the cum exploded out like a fire hose. "Oh shit!" I yelled shooting long thick volleys of man juice across the reflection in the mirror. I pumped more jism out of my dick than I thought a guy could. The white translucent liquid ran down the glass in long sexual streaks. With the last of my orgasm dribbling from the end of my dick, I wiped the large purple head against the glass before saying "Fuck yeah, that's what I'm talking about."

I leapt for joy pulling the outfit I had chosen weeks ago for this day from my closet. Dressed in tight jeans and a muscle shirt, I fell in love with myself. My bulging biceps and broad deep chest made me look like a toy action figure. The obscene package caused by my foot long dick and large egg sized balls would draw the attention of every student on campus. The image in my mirror was the beginning of a new and exciting life for myself. One that had cost my eternal sole.

In less than a week, I had become eye candy for every college student and faculty member. I was invited to several parties dominating the scene with self confidence and a new masculine demeanor. I had made numerous friends during the last two weeks and even pledged the most prestigious fraternities on campus. I disappointed many a sexual partner being a complete bottom and in their view wasting my foot long monster. Even the pleasures of a blowjob were demined me most of the time as no one could get my new manhood into their mouth. But all in all, my betrayal of my friends had reaped everything I'd hoped for and more.

It was Saturday night before Halloween. I and the other pledges were to make our final bid for brotherhood into the most sought after fraternity at school. Our pledge group set out on a quest into the woods that spread behind college campus. In typical rush fashion, we were to strip down to our underwear making us keenly aware of the night's cold. I looked at the other boys in the group stripping away their pants and shirts. Several pledges stared as my muscular body emerged into view. My barrel chest, huge arms, massive thighs and narrow waist were irresistible to their eyes whether straight or gay. The huge package in my briefs was the envy of every fraternity member and pledge at the house.

The goal of this final test for entrance was simple. There were five golden keys in the middle of the woods secured to a tall pole. Pledges would need to get a key to be admitted into the fraternal brotherhood. As our quest began, I made my way with the group to the middle of the woods. During the trek, I reflected on how much my fortune had changed by a chance meeting of the demon.

It was during a night just like this. I was walking back to my frat through these very woods. The demon crossed my path offering me a deal of a lifetime. For the rest of my life, I would have health, good looks and preferential treatment in exchange for the lives of Rick and Mike and, of course, my own sole. A great bargain as I saw it. Till then, my meager existence wasn't providing me much pleasure and neither Rick or Mike were really my friends. We had been forced together as roommates in a third rate fraternity. They used me to write their papers, act as a gopher, suck their cocks and be available for their every little whim. Yes, this deal was the best decision of my young life and I have no regrets.

The pond where the pole was supposed to be finally came into view. I looked behind me at another determined pledge hot on my trail. There was no sign of the others. I assumed they had fallen behind or worse got lost in the freezing cold half naked. I could see the gold keys tied to a pole on a small island gleaming under the starlit sky. I ran around the edge of the shore looking for a path to the small protruding mound of earth. I found a row of stepping stones just above the water's surface leading to the treasure. I jumped the first to take a key placing the chain around my neck. The gold lay across my bare chest shining like a beacon to the life I was going to live.

The second boy followed me grabbing a key triumphant in his acquisition into the brotherhood. We stood there waiting for the others to join looking out at the shore. "I'm Caleb" the other boy said sticking out his hand. "Jeremy" I replied shaking. "You're really hot" he said staring intently at my muscular frame. "You're not bad yourself" I said looking at his athletic swimmers build and grabbing my crotch. "You're fucking huge dude" Caleb said walking over to me. I pulled the band of my underwear tucking it under my large balls. I grabbed Caleb's hand pulling it to my lengthen shaft. "You want this?" I asked gliding his hand along my hard 12 inches.

Without a word, Caleb fell to his knees licking the large purple head of my dick. He tasted the sweetness of the precum dripping from the end. "Oh fuck, this thing is a enormous" he said opening his mouth wide. I felt his tongue touch the underside of my shaft before his lips stretched over my glands. He was amazing sucking my thick hard shaft down his hot moist throat. "Oh fuck, Caleb" I said grasping his head. "Nobody's been able to suck my dick. Your amazing, dude!" Caleb's throat seemed to open up letting me slide all 12 inches of my cock into his face. I held his head steady as I face fucked my fellow pledge. His tongue was able to curl around my shaft as I thrust my hard member in and out of his throat. "Oh fuck yeah man, suck that monster!" I yelled.

Caleb continued sucking on my cock even after three more pledges made their way to the island. As the last pledge, placed the golden key around his neck, I screamed out "Ah fuck!" shooting a hot thick load of cum down Caleb's throat. The boy masterfully swallowed my offering massaging my cock with his throat as I exploded down his gullet. My fellow pledges watched intently as I slowly withdrew my long python from Caleb's overly stretched mouth. As the head popped from his lips, he stood up placing the long snake into my briefs. He kissed me quickly saying "We should be roommates." I smiled looking around at the rest of the group staring at my body. "Maybe we'll all become close friends" I said aloud. The rest of the boys smiled sheepishly giggling to each other.

With the five winners wearing their keys, the fraternal leaders gathered along the edge of the pond cheering us on our well deserved victory. I started across the stepping stones anxious to receive my congratulatory praise. As I took my first step, the rocks mysteriously sank beneath the water. The surface of the pond turned to flame surrounding the island on all sides with searing heat. All the pledges stared at each other scared and confused. I on the other hand knew what was happening. I looked across the water seeing the leaders bowing on the ground. A large cloaked man had emerged from the woods standing at the water's edge.

The demon's appearance was all too familiar as he walked towards me slashing his monstrous claws at the pledges around me. Caleb ran up to me grabbing the same throat that had pleasured me only moments before. He dropped at my feet blood pooling around his head. I looked about the small island seeing the rest of the boys lying on the ground. I could hear the gurgling sounds as their blood soaked into the putrid soil below the demon's feet. "I don't understand" said I to the hooded assassin. "We had a deal, a bargain." The demon reached up pulling the hood from his head. I turned away unable to look at the hideous, grotesque monster before me. A large clawed hand reached for my head turning my eyes to gaze upon the ending of my life. "You deceivers are all the same. You think you are so clever. You think you are the only ones who have desires." The demon chuckled in his low evil voice. He turned my gaze towards the shore. "You see those men over there. They sold their soles just as you did to receive a life of earthly pleasures. They offered you and the others as payment to seal their bargain. Soon, they will meet me as you do now, betrayed by still other deceivers continuing a cycle that has sustained me for thousands of years."

I was trembling with fear, consumed by the knowledge of my fate regretting everything I had done to get here. My blood trickled down my newly acquired face as the demon's claw pierced the delicate skin. The monster turned my gaze back to his forcing me to stare into his fiery eyes. For a brief moment, I could see myself reflected back viewing the evil that had consumed me. Large white fangs appeared as the demon said "Time to pay, deceiver." His teeth tore deep into my throat severing flesh and bone slicing off my head. The demon held my head in his hairy claws letting my eyes watch my lifeless body fall to the ground. The body I had sold my sole for was a pile of flesh, blood still pumping from the severed arteries. My mouth opened trying to scream as the demon carried my skull back to the burning water. The flames across the water died away as the monster stepped into the calm blackness of the pond. My gaze was forced towards the night sky as my head bobbed gruesomely upon the water. I watched the waning moon as the water flowed over my eyes. The shimmering orb in the sky grew dimmer as the demon walked deeper and deeper into the abyss. Soon things became dark and cold for all eternity.

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